Ex No: Date: 1.SUM OF INDIVIDUAL DIGITS Aim: To test c program finding the sum of individual digits of a 10-digits number a single digit is produced. Test cases: Test 2d Tc-1 Tc-2 Tc-3 Tc-4 Tc-5 Tc-6 Test Test steps Expected description output Acceptance of 10 digit input date Nonacceptance of character date Nonacceptance of floating point number Actual output Status Input 10 digit Accepting to number 10 digit number Input a Character x character should not date x be accepted Accepted to success 10 digit number Character x success not accepted Input floating point number 214568923 Floating point number not accepted success Not accepting data more than 10 digit number Result is a single digit number success Nonacceoting SUCCESS Floating point number should not accepted NonInput Not acceptance of number accepting input data more than 10 data more greater than digit number than 10 digit 10 digits number Sum of the Result of the Result is a digits sum is single single digit produces as a digit – number single digit number NonInput of a Nonacceptance of negative accepting success Tc-7 Tc-8 Tc-9 Tc-10 negativ3e integer number Nonacceptance of number as zero Not acceptance of special character Testing the condition for sum of greater than a Testing the condition for sum greater than are equal to a integer number 2015483652 Input the number b input data input data Not accepting data Not accepting data Success Input a special character@ Not accepting data Not accepting data Success Input a 10 digit number such that sum of the digit. Input 10 digit number such less than 0 The sum character is a greater than a The sum character is greater than a Success The sum of calculated is less than a The sum of calculated is less than a Success Ex no: Date: 2.STUDENT MARK LIST Aim: To test the c program accept the inputs student name makes in subject and declare the result as pass it the student gets maximum to in each subject: otherwise declare the result as fail. Test cases: Test 1d Tc-1 Tc-2 Tc-3 Tc-4 Tc-5 Test Test steps Expected description output Checking for the acceptance of first subject more Checking for the acceptance of second subject mark Checking for the acceptance of 3rd subject mark Checking for the acceptance of 4th subject mark Checking for the Actual output Status First subject mark is entered First subject mark accepted First subject mark accepted Success Second subject mark is entered Second subject mark is accepted Second subject mark is accepted Success 3rd subject mark is entered 3rd subject mark is accepted 3rd subject mark is accepted Success 4th subject mark is entered 4th subject mark is accepted 4th subject mark is accepted success 5th subject mark is 5th subject mark is 5th subject mark is Success Tc-6 Tc-7 Tc-8 Tc-9 Tc-10 acceptance of 5th subject Checking for the non acceptance of negative marks Checking for the result it all subject mark is >40 Checking for the result it all subject mark <40 Checking for the result it all subject mark=40 Checking for the result it few of the marks is less than 40 entered accepted accepted Negative mark <0 is entered Input is not accepted Input is not accepted Success Enter all +4 first subject mark <40 The result is pass The result is pass Success Enter all of the first subject mark <40 Enter all subject mark=40 The result is fail The result is fail Success The result is pass The result is pass Success Enter few of first subject mark=<40 The result is fail The result is fail success Ex no: Date: 3.PRIME NUMBERS Aim: To test to c program: program for generating n prime numbers. Test cases: Test 2d Tc-1 Tc-2 Tc-3 Tc-4 Tc-5 Tc-6 Test Test steps Expected description output Checking it the n prime numbers are generated Checking it the numbers generated are prime Checking for the non acceptance of negative numbers Checking for the non acceptance of floating point number Checking for non acceptance for character data Checking for the non acceptance of special symbols Actual output Status Input the number of prime number to be 10 Input the number of prime number to be 10 Input a floating point number 10 prime number and generated 10 prime number and generated Success 10 numbers are generated and all are prime Input a negative number and it not accepted 10 numbers Success are generated and all one prime Input a Success negative number and it not accepted Input a floating point number Input a floating point number and is not accepted Input a Success floating point number and is not accepted Input a Input a character data character data and is not accepted Input special Input a special symbols character and is not accepted Input a Success character data and is not accepted Input a special Success character and is not accepted Tc-7 Checking for acceptance of input with sign Input number with sign in front Tc-8 Checking for prime numbers storing from the numbers Tc-9 Checking for the loop for created then n.ie(n+1) Tc-10 Checking for the loop for created then n.ie(n-1) Input the number of required prime numbers input the number required prime numbers Input the number of required prime numbers Input a number with sign in front and it is accepted The prime number starts from skill the not term Input a Success number with sign in front and it is accepted The prime Success number starts from to fill the nth term The prime number displayed up to (n+1) The prime number displayed up to (n+1) Success The prime number displayed up to (n-1) The prime number displayed up to (n-1) success Ex no: Date: 4.SORTING AND STORING ARRAY ELEMENTS Aim: To test c program sort and store the elements of to arrays integers in to third list. Test cases: Test 2d Tc-1 Tc-2 Tc-3 Tc-4 Tc-5 Test Test steps Expected description output Acceptance of the number of element list one Acceptance of the number of elements list two Nonacceptance of the number of elements is list one is negative Nonacceptance of the number of elements in list two is negative Input acceptance Input a integer number Actual output Status Number accepted Number accepted Success Input integer Number number accepted Number accepted Success Input a negative integer number Number not accepted Number not accepted Success Input a negative integer number Number not accepted Number not accepted Success Input the elements of Number accepted Number accepted Success Tc-6 Tc-7 Tc-8 Tc-9 Tc-10 for the list one elements Input acceptance for the two elements Checking for the arrays sorted and stored in third list Checking for the negative values and positive values input sort in arrays one Checking for the negative values and positive inputs sorting in array Checking for all the inputs with negative values list one Input the elements of list two Number accepted Number accepted Success Input the element of the two array Two array and sorted and stored in the third list The arrays Success are stored and sorted in the third list Input the element with both negative and positive values Input accepted and elements are sorted in third list Input Success accepted and the element are stored in third list Input the element of array two list both negative and positive values Input all the elements in both the arrays to be negative Input accepted and the element are sorted in third list Input Success accepted and the elements are sorted in this list Input accepted and elements are sorted and stored in the third list Input success accepted and the elements are sorted and storing the third list Ex no: Date: 5.STACK OPERATIONS Aim: To test c program experiment the operations of a stack using array implementation. Test cases: Test 2d Test Test steps description Tc-1 Acceptance of maximum element is stack Tc-2 Displaying options for stack operations Checking for pushing an element Tc-3 Tc-4 Tc-5 Tc-6 Checking for popping an element Checking for display element of stack Checking for the acceptance of negative Enter the maximum number of element for stack The program display the stack preparation Enter an element to be inserted in to Select the pen position Expected output Actual output Status Input accepted Input accepted Success Stack operation in displayed Stack operation inside the stack Element is pushed inside the stack Elements is popped Success Element is pushed inside the stack Element is popped Success Success Select display The elements The element Success option of the stack of the stack displayed are displayed Push a negative integer number Input accepted Input accepted Success Tc-7 Tc-8 Tc-9 Tc-10 Tc-11 Tc-12 integer numbers Checking for the acceptance of negative float numbers Checking for the acceptance of character data Checking for the acceptance of positive integer numbers Checking for the acceptance of positive float number Checking for the over flow Checking for stack overflow Push a float number Input not accepted Input not accepted Success Push a positive data Input not accepted Input not accepted Success Push a positive integer number Input not accepted input not accepted Success Push a positive float number Input not accepted Input not accepted Success Push the element up to maximum stack size +1 Input not accept and display error m array as overflow Pop the element no element in stack and pop again Input not accept and display error message as “stack” underflow Input option Input not not accept accept and displays error display error message as message stack under stack flow underflow Success success Ex no: Date: 6.QUEUE OPERATIONS Aim: To test c program: menu, draw, option for queue operation like and remove and displays. Test cases: Test 2d Tc-1 Tc-2 Test Test steps description Checking for queue operations being displayed correct Checking for displaying the element at front Tc-3 Checking for inserting an element Tc-4 Checking for selecting an element Expected output Actual output Status List of options being displayed for queue operations Output display for selecting a queue operations Output display for selecting a queue operations Success List of options being displayed for queue operations select the option for displaying front element Enter an element to be inserted int queue Select delete option Front element is displayed Front element is displayed Success Element is inserted inside the queue First element is deleted Element is Success inserted inside the queue First element Success is deleted Tc-5 Tc-6 Tc-7 Tc-8 Tc-9 Tc-10 Checking for displaying elements of the queue Checking for the acceptance of negative int number Checking for the acceptance of negative float number Checking for the acceptance of character data Checking for the acceptance of positive integer number Checking for the acceptance of positive float number Select display The elements The elements Success option of the queue of the queue are displayed display Insert a negative integer number Input accepted Input accepted Success Insert a Input not negative accepted float number Input not accepted Success Insert a character data Input not accepted Input not accepted Success Push a positive integer number Input accepted Input accepted Success Push a positive float number Input not accepted Input not accepted success Ex no: Date: 7.PALINDROME USING POINTERS Aim: To test the c++ program: palindrome string checking program (using pointers). Test cases: Test 2d Test Test steps description Tc-1 Acceptance of Input a string of palindrome character only string only with character Testing for Input a palindrome palindrome string string Testing for Input non palindrome palindrome string string Testing for Input a changing in palindrome the code as string length of the string +1 Testing for Input a changing the palindrome code an length string of string +1 Testing for Input a changing in palindrome the code as string length of the string -1 Tc-2 Tc-3 Tc-4 Tc-5 Tc-6 Expected output Actual output Status The given string a palindrome The given string is a palindrome Success The given string is a palindrome The given string is not a palindrome The given string is not a palindrome The given string is a palindrome The given string is not a palindrome The given string is not a palindrome success The given string is not a palindrome The given string is not a palindrome Success The given string is not a palindrome The given string is not a palindrome Success Success Success Tc-7 Tc-8 Tc-9 Tc-10 Testing for changing in the code as length of the string -1 Testing for string input Testing for changing in the code as length of the string -1 for single character Testing for changing in the code as length of the straight for single character Input a palindrome string The given string is not a palindrome The given string is not a palindrome Success Input a not character string Input a single character string The given string is a palindrome The given character string The given string is a palindrome The given string is not palindrome Success Input a single character string The given string is not a palindrome The given string is not a palindrome success success