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Contemporary Abstract Algebra Textbook

Abstract Algebra
Textbooks in Mathematics
Series editors:
Al Boggess, Kenneth H. Rosen
Mathematical Modeling in the Age of the Pandemic
William P. Fox
Linear Algebra
James R. Kirkwood, Bessie H. Kirkwood
Real Analysis
With Proof Strategies
Daniel W. Cunningham
Train Your Brain
Challenging Yet Elementary Mathematics
Bogumil Kaminski, Pawel Pralat
Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Tenth Edition
Joseph A. Gallian
Geometry and Its Applications
Walter J. Meyer
Linear Algebra
What You Need to Know
Hugo J. Woerdeman
Introduction to Real Analysis, 3rd Edition
Manfred Stoll
Discovering Dynamical Systems Through Experiment and Inquiry
Thomas LoFaro, Jeff Ford
Functional Linear Algebra
Hannah Robbins
Introduction to Financial Mathematics
With Computer Applications
Donald R. Chambers, Qin Lu
Linear Algebra
An Inquiry-based Approach
Jeff Suzuki
Abstract Algebra
Joseph A. Gallian
University of Minnesota Duluth
Cover image by John Stembridge
2-dimensional representation of E8 Lie group
First edition published 1986 D. C. Heath and Company
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
and by CRC Press
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN
10th edition © 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
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To Char, Krissy, and Joey
0 Preliminaries
Properties of Integers 1 | Modular Arithmetic 5 | Complex
Numbers 10 | Mathematical Induction 12 | Equivalence
Relations 15 | Functions (Mappings) 18
Exercises 21
1 Introduction to Groups
Symmetries of a Square 27 | The Dihedral Groups 30
Biography of Niels Abel 38
2 Groups
Definition and Examples of Groups 39 | Elementary Properties
of Groups 47 | Historical Note 50
Exercises 52
3 Finite Groups; Subgroups
Terminology and Notation 59 | Subgroup Tests 61 | Examples
of Subgroups 64
Exercises 69
4 Cyclic Groups
Properties of Cyclic Groups 77 | Classification of Subgroups of
Cyclic Groups 83
Biography of James Joseph Sylvester 96
5 Permutation Groups
Definitions and Notation 97 | Cycle Notation 100 | Properties
of Permutations 103 | A Check-Digit Scheme Based on D5 115
Biography of Augustin Cauchy 125
Biography of Alan Turing 126
6 Isomorphisms
Motivation 127 | Definition and Examples 127 | Properties of
Isomorphisms 131 | Automorphisms 134 | Cayley’s Theorem 138
Exercises 141
Biography of Arthur Cayley 147
7 Cosets and Lagrange’s Theorem
Properties of Cosets 149 | Lagrange’s Theorem and
Consequences 153 | An Application of Cosets to Permutation
Groups 158 | The Rotation Group of a Cube and a Soccer
Ball 160 | An Application of Cosets to the Rubik’s Cube 163
Exercises 163
Biography of Joseph Lagrange 170
8 External Direct Products
Definition and Examples 171 | Properties of External Direct
Products 173 | The Group of Units Modulo n as an External
Direct Product 176 | Applications 178
Exercises 184
Biography of Leonard Adleman 191
9 Normal Subgroups and Factor Groups
Normal Subgroups 193 | Factor Groups 196 | Applications of
Factor Groups 200 | Internal Direct Products 203
Exercises 209
Biography of Évariste Galois 204
10 Group Homomorphisms
Definition and Examples 219 | Properties of Homomorphisms 221
| The First Isomorphism Theorem 225
Exercises 232
Biography of Camille Jordan 239
11 Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups
The Fundamental Theorem 241 | The Isomorphism Classes of
Abelian Groups 242 | Proof of the Fundamental Theorem 246
Exercises 249
12 Introduction to Rings
Motivation and Definition 255 | Examples of Rings 256 |
Properties of Rings 257 | Subrings 259
Exercises 261
Biography of I. N. Herstein 266
13 Integral Domains
Definition and Examples 267 | Fields 268 | Characteristic of a
Ring 271
Exercises 273
14 Ideals and Factor Rings
Ideals 279 | Factor Rings 280 | Prime Ideals and Maximal
Ideals 284
Exercises 286
Biography of Richard Dedekind 293
Biography of Emmy Noether 294
15 Ring Homomorphisms
Definition and Examples 295 | Properties of Ring
Homomorphisms 298 | The Field of Quotients 301
Exercises 303
16 Polynomial Rings
Notation and Terminology 311 | The Division Algorithm and
Consequences 314
Exercises 319
17 Factorization of Polynomials
Reducibility Tests 325 | Irreducibility Tests 328 | Unique Factorization in Z[x] 334 | Weird Dice: An Application of Unique
Factorization 335
Exercises 338
Biography of Serge Lang 342
18 Divisibility in Integral Domains
Irreducibles, Primes 343 | Historical Discussion of Fermat’s
Last Theorem 346 | Unique Factorization Domains 350 |
Euclidean Domains 353
Exercises 356
Biography of Sophie Germain 361
Biography of Andrew Wiles 362
Biography of Pierre de Fermat 363
19 Extension Fields
The Fundamental Theorem of Field Theory 365 | Splitting
Fields 367 | Zeros of an Irreducible Polynomial 374
Exercises 379
Biography of Leopold Kronecker 383
20 Algebraic Extensions
Characterization of Extensions 385 | Finite Extensions 387 |
Properties of Algebraic Extensions 392
Exercises 394
Biography of Ernst Steinitz 400
21 Finite Fields
Classification of Finite Fields 401 | Structure of Finite
Fields 402 | Subfields of a Finite Field 408
Exercises 410
Biography of L. E. Dickson 416
Biography of E. H. Moore 417
22 Geometric Constructions
Historical Discussion of Geometric Constructions 419 |
Constructible Numbers 420 | Angle-Trisectors and CircleSquarers 422
Exercises 423
23 Sylow Theorems
Conjugacy Classes 427 | The Class Equation 428 | The Sylow
Theorems 430 | Applications of Sylow Theorems 436
Exercises 440
Biography of Ludwig Sylow 445
24 Finite Simple Groups
Historical Background 447 | Nonsimplicity Tests 453 | The Simplicity of A5 458 | The Fields Medal 460 | The Cole Prize 461
Exercises 461
Biography of Michael Aschbacher 464
Biography of Daniel Gorenstein 465
Biography of John Thompson 466
25 Generators and Relations
Motivation 467 | Definitions and Notation 468 | Free Group 469
| Generators and Relations 471 | Classification of Groups of
Order Up to 15 475 | Characterization of Dihedral Groups 476
Exercises 479
Biography of Marshall Hall, Jr. 482
26 Symmetry Groups
Isometries 483 | Classification of Finite Plane Symmetry
Groups 485 | Classification of Finite Groups of Rotations in
R3 487
Exercises 488
27 Symmetry and Counting
Motivation 491 | Burnside’s Theorem 492 | Applications 494 |
Group Action 498
Exercises 499
Biography of William Burnside 501
28 Cayley Digraphs of Groups
Motivation 503 | The Cayley Digraph of a Group 503 |
Hamiltonian Circuits and Paths 507 | Some Applications 514
Exercises 518
Biography of William Rowan Hamilton 522
Biography of Paul Erdős 523
29 Introduction to Algebraic Coding Theory
Motivation 525 | Linear Codes 530 | Parity-Check Matrix
Decoding 536 | Coset Decoding 539 | Historical Note 543
Exercises 546
Biography of Richard W. Hamming 551
Biography of Jessie MacWilliams 552
Biography of Vera Pless 553
30 An Introduction to Galois Theory
Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory 555 | Solvability of
Polynomials by Radicals 562 | Insolvability of a Quintic 568
Exercises 569
31 Cyclotomic Extensions
Motivation 573 | Cyclotomic Polynomials 574 | The Constructible Regular n-gons 579
Exercises 581
Biography of Carl Friedrich Gauss 583
Biography of Manjul Bhargava 584
Selected Answers
∩i∈I Si
∪i∈I Si
intersection of sets Si , i ∈ I
union of sets Si , i ∈ I
{x ∈ S|x ∼ a}, equivalence class of S containing a,
number of elements in the set of S
integers, additive groups of integers, ring of integers
rational numbers, field of rational numbers
multiplicative group of positive rational numbers
set of nonzero elements of F
real numbers, field of real numbers
multiplicative group of positive real numbers
complex numbers
f −1
gcd(a, b)
lcm(a, b)
|a + b|
gf, αβ
inverse of the function f
t divides s, 1
t does not divide s, 1
greatest common divisor of the integers a and b, 3
common multiple of the integers a and b, 5
a2 + b2 , 10
image of a under φ, 19
mapping of A to B, 19
composite function, 19
det A
U (n)
dihedral group of order, 29
dihedral group of order 2n, 30
identity element, 40
group {0, 1, . . . , n−1} under addition modulo n, 41
the determinant of A, 42
group of units modulo n (that is, the set of integers less than n and relatively prime to n under
multiplication modulo n), 43
SL(2, F )
GL(2, F )
g −1
|G : H|
stabG (i)
orbG (i)
G1 ⊕ G2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Gn
Uk (n)
H /G
H ×K
H1 × H2 × · · · × Hn
Ker φ
φ−1 (g 0 )
φ−1 (K)
M2 (Z)
R1 ⊕ R2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Rn
U (R)
{(a1 , a2 , . . . , an )|a1 , a2 , . . . , an ∈ R}, 45
group of 2 × 2 matrices over F with determinant 1, 45
2 × 2 matrices of nonzero determinants with coefficients
from the field F (the general linear group), 46
multiplicative inverse of g, 49
additive inverse of g, 49
order of the group G, 59
order of the element g, 59
subgroup inclusion, 60
subgroup H 6= G, 61
{an |n ∈ Z}, cyclic group generated by a, 64
subgroup generated by the set S, 66
{a ∈ G|ax = xa for all x in G}, the center of G, 67
{g ∈ G|ga = ag}, the centralizer of a in G, 68
{x ∈ G|xh = hx for all h ∈ H}, the centralizer of H, 72
Euler phi function of n, 86
group of one-to-one functions from {1, 2, . . . , n} to itself,
alternating group of degree n, 110
G and G are isomorphic, 128
mapping given by φa (x) = axa−1 for all x, 135
group of automorphisms of the group G, 135
group of inner automorphisms of G, 135
{ah|h ∈ H}, 149
{aha−1 |h ∈ H}, 149
the index of H in G, 154
{hk|h ∈ H, k ∈ K}, 156
{φ ∈ G|φ(i) = i}, the stabilizer of i under the permutation group G, 158
{φ(i)|φ ∈ G}, the orbit of i under the permutation group
G, 158
external direct product of groups G1 , G2 , . . . , Gn , 171
{x ∈ U (n)|x mod k = 1}, 176
H is a normal subgroup of G, 193
factor group, 196
internal direct product of H and K, 203
internal direct product of H1 , . . . , Hn , 205
kernel of the homomorphism φ, 220
inverse image of g 0 under φ, 221
inverse image of K under φ, 222
ring of polynomials with integer coefficients, 256
ring of all 2 × 2 matrices with integer entries, 256
direct sum of rings, 257
ring of multiples of n, 259
ring of Gaussian integers, 260
group of units of the ring R, 262
char R
ha1 , a2 , . . . , an i
N (A)
F (x)
deg f (x)
Φp (x)
F (a1 , a2 , . . . , an )
f 0 (x)
[E:F ]
GF(pn )
GF(pn )∗
W (S)
ha1 , a2 , . . . , an |w1 =
w2 = · · · = wt i
Cay(S : G)
k ∗ (a, b, . . . , c)
(n, k)
d(u, v)
Gal(E/F )
Φn (x)
characteristic of R, 271
principal ideal generated by a, 280
ideal generated by a1 , a2 , . . . , an , 280
factor ring, 280
sum of ideals A and B, 287
product of ideals A and B, 287
annihilator of A, 291
nil radical of A, 291
field of quotients of F [x], 302
ring of polynomials over R, 311
degree of the polynomial, 313
pth cyclotomic polynomial, 330
extension of F by a1 , a2 , . . . , an , 367
the derivative of f (x), 374
degree of E over F, 387
Galois field of order pn , 402
nonzero elements of GF(pn ), 403
{xax−1 |x ∈ G}, the conjugacy class of a, 427
the number of Sylow p-subgroups of a group, 434
set of all words from S, 468
group with generators a1 , a2 , . . . , an and
relations w1 = w2 = . . . = wt , 471
quarternions, 476
dicyclic group of order 12, 476
infinite dihedral group, 476
{i ∈ S|φ(i) = i}, elements fixed by φ, 493
Cayley digraph of the group G with generating set S, 503
concatenation of k copies of (a, b, . . . , c), 511
linear code, k -dimensional subspace of F n , 530
F ⊕ F ⊕ · · · ⊕ F , direct product of n copies of the field
F, 530
Hamming distance between vectors u and v, 531
the number of nonzero components of the vector u (the
Hamming weight of u), 531
the automorphism group of E fixing F, 556
fixed field of H, 556
nth cyclotomic polynomial, 574
Set your pace to a stroll. Stop whenever you want.
Interrupt, jump back and forth, I won’t mind. This
book should be as easy as laughter. It is stuffed with
small things to take away. Please help yourself.
Willis Goth Regier, In Praise of Flattery, 2007
Although I wrote the first edition of this book more than thirty
years ago, my goals for it remain the same. I want students to receive a solid introduction to the traditional topics. I want readers
to come away with the view that abstract algebra is a contemporary subject–that its concepts and methodologies are being used
by working mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists, and
chemists. I want students to see the connections between abstract
algebra and number theory and geometry. I want students to be
able to do computations and to write proofs. I want students to
enjoy reading the book. And I want to convey to the reader my
enthusiasm for this beautiful subject.
Educational research has shown that an effective way of learning mathematics is to interweave worked-out examples and practice problems. Thus, I have made examples and exercises the heart
of the book. The examples elucidate the definitions, theorems, and
proof techniques. The exercises facilitate understanding, provide
insight, and develop the ability of the students to do proofs. There
is a large number of exercises ranging from straightforward to difficult and enough at each level so that instructors have plenty
to choose from that are most appropriate for their students. The
exercises often foreshadow definitions, concepts, and theorems to
come. Many exercises focus on special cases and ask the reader to
generalize. Generalizing is a skill that students should develop but
rarely do. Even if an instructor chooses not to spend class time
on the applications in the book, I feel that having them there
demonstrates to students the utility of the theory.
Changes for the tenth edition include new exercises, new examples, new quotes, and a freshening of the discussion portions.
These changes accentuate and enhance the hallmark features that
have made previous editions of the book a comprehensive, lively,
and engaging introduction to the subject:
• Extensive coverage of groups, rings, and fields, plus a variety of
non-traditional special topics
• A good mixture of approximately 1900 computational and theoretical exercises appearing in each chapter that synthesize concepts from multiple chapters
• Back-of-the-book skeleton solutions and hints to the oddnumbered exercises
• Approximately 300 worked-out examples ranging from routine
computations to quite challenging
• Computer exercises that utilize interactive software available on
my website that stress guessing and making conjectures
• Many of applications from scientific and computing fields, as
well as some from everyday life
• Numerous historical notes and biographies that spotlight the
people and events behind the mathematics
• Motivational and humorous quotations
• Hundreds of figures, photographs, and tables
The Student Solutions Manual (ISBN: 9780367766801) is
available from CRC Press. It has detailed solutions for all oddnumbered exercises and a large number of even-numbered exercises. Instructor resources are available from CRC Press for
qualified adopters. Please go to https://www.routledge.com/
The website www.d.umn.edu/∼jgallian also offers a wealth of additional online resources supporting the book, including:
• True/false questions with comments
• Flash cards
• Essays on learning abstract algebra, doing proofs, and reasons
why abstract algebra is a valuable subject to learn
• Links to abstract algebra-related websites and software packages
and much, much more.
I wish to express my gratitude to Robert Ross for the opportunity to publish this edition with CRC Press. I am greatly indebted
to Shahriyar Roshan Zamir, Shashi Kumar, and Scott Martin for
creating the LaTex files for this edition. John Stembridge kindly
granted permission to use his spectacular image of the simple Lie
group E8 on the cover.
When we see it [modular arithmetic] for the first time, it looks so
abstract that it seems impossible something like this could have
any real-world applications.
Edward Frenkel, Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality
The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.
Albert Einstein, Physics and Reality
Properties of Integers
It should not come as a surprise that much of abstract algebra
involves properties of integers and sets. In this chapter we collect
the properties we need for future reference. An important property of the integers, which we will often use, is the so-called Well
Ordering Principle. Since this property cannot be proved from the
usual properties of arithmetic, we will take it as an axiom.
Well Ordering Principle
Every nonempty set of positive integers contains a smallest
The concept of divisibility plays a fundamental role in the theory
of numbers. We say a nonzero integer t is a divisor of an integer s
if there is an integer u such that s = tu. In this case, we write t | s
(read “t divides s”). When t is not a divisor of s, we write t - s.
A prime is a positive integer greater than 1 whose only positive
divisors are 1 and itself. We say an integer s is a multiple of an
integer t if there is an integer u such that s = tu or, equivalently,
if t is a divisor of s.
Integers and Equivalence Relations
As our first application of the Well Ordering Principle, we
establish a fundamental property of integers that we will use often.
Theorem 0.1
Division Algorithm
Let a and b be integers with b > 0. Then there exist unique
integers q and r with the property that a = bq + r, where
0 ≤ r < b.
We begin with the existence portion of the theorem.
Consider the set S = {a − bk | k is an integer and a − bk ≥ 0}. If
0 ∈ S, then b divides a and we may obtain the desired result with
q = a/b and r = 0. Now assume 0 ∈
/ S. Since S is nonempty [if
a > 0, a − b · 0 ∈ S; if a < 0, a − b(2a) = a(1 − 2b) ∈ S; a 6= 0 since
0 ∈
/ S], we may apply the Well Ordering Principle to conclude
that S has a smallest member, say r = a − bq. Then a = bq + r
and r ≥ 0, so all that remains to be proved is that r < b.
If r ≥ b, then a − b(q + 1) = a − bq − b = r − b ≥ 0, so that
a − b(q + 1) ∈ S. But a − b(q + 1) < a − bq, and a − bq is the
smallest member of S. So, r < b.
To establish the uniqueness of q and r, let us suppose that
there are integers q, q 0 , r, and r0 such that
a = bq + r, 0 ≤ r < b, and a = bq 0 + r0 ,
0 ≤ r0 < b.
For convenience, we may also suppose that r0 ≥ r. Then bq +
r = bq 0 + r0 and b(q − q 0 ) = r0 − r. So, b divides r0 − r and
0 ≤ r0 − r ≤ r0 < b. It follows that r0 − r = 0, and therefore r0 = r
and q = q 0 .
The integer q in the division algorithm is called the quotient
upon dividing a by b; the integer r is called the remainder upon
dividing a by b.
EXAMPLE 1 For a = 17 and b = 5, the division algorithm gives
17 = 5 · 3 + 2; for a = −23 and b = 6, the division algorithm
gives −23 = 6(−4) + 1.
There are many instances in this book where there are integers
a and b and we will want to show that a is divisible by b. In such
cases it is usually best to proceed by writing a = bq + r, where
0 ≤ r < b and use properties of a and b to show that r = 0. The
proof of Theorem 0.2 is one such instance.
0 | Preliminaries
Definitions Greatest Common Divisor, Relatively Prime Integers
The greatest common divisor of two nonzero integers a and
b is the largest of all common divisors of a and b. We denote
this integer by gcd(a, b). When gcd(a, b) = 1, we say a and
b are relatively prime.
The following property of the greatest common divisor of two
integers plays a critical role in abstract algebra. The proof provides
an application of the division algorithm and our second application
of the Well Ordering Principle.
Theorem 0.2
GCD is a Linear Combination
For any nonzero integers a and b, there exist integers s and
t such that gcd(a, b) = as + bt. Moreover, gcd(a, b) is the
smallest positive integer of the form as + bt.
PROOF Consider the set S = {am + bn | m, n are integers and
am + bn > 0}. Since S is obviously nonempty (if some choice of
m and n makes am + bn < 0, then replace m and n by −m and
−n), the Well Ordering Principle asserts that S has a smallest
member, say, d = as + bt. We claim that d = gcd(a, b). To verify
this claim, use the division algorithm to write a = dq + r, where
0 ≤ r < d. If r > 0, then r = a − dq = a − (as + bt)q = a −
asq − btq = a(1 − sq) + b(−tq) ∈ S, contradicting the fact that d is
the smallest member of S. So, r = 0 and d divides a. Analogously
(or, better yet, by symmetry), d divides b as well. This proves
that d is a common divisor of a and b. Now suppose d0 is another
common divisor of a and b and write a = d0 h and b = d0 k. Then
d = as + bt = (d0 h)s + (d0 k)t = d0 (hs + kt), so that d0 is a divisor of
d. Thus, among all common divisors of a and b, d is the greatest.
The special case of Theorem 0.2 when a and b are relatively
prime is so important in abstract algebra that we single it out as
a corollary.
Integers a and b are relatively prime if and only if there
exist integers s and t such that as + bt = 1.
Integers and Equivalence Relations
EXAMPLE 2 gcd(4, 15) = 1; gcd(4, 10) = 2; gcd(22 · 32 · 5, 2 · 33 ·
72 ) = 2 · 32 . Note that 4 and 15 are relatively prime, whereas 4
and 10 are not. Also, 4 · 4 + 15(−1) = 1 and 4(−2) + 10 · 1 = 2.
The corollary of Theorem 0.2 provides a convenient method to
show that two integers represented by polynomial expressions are
relatively prime.
EXAMPLE 3 For any integer n the integers n + 1 and n2 + n + 1
are relatively prime. To verify this we observe that n2 + n + 1 −
n(n + 1) = 1.
The next lemma is frequently used. It appeared in Euclid’s
Euclid’s Lemma p | ab Implies p | a or p | b
Lemma 0.1
If p is a prime that divides ab, then p divides a or p divides
PROOF Suppose p is a prime that divides ab but does not divide a.
We must show that p divides b. Since p does not divide a, there are
integers s and t such that 1 = as+pt. Then b = abs+ptb, and since
p divides the right-hand side of this equation, p also divides b.
Note that Euclid’s Lemma may fail when p is not a prime,
since 6 | (4 · 3) but 6 - 4 and 6 - 3.
Why are primes important? Our next property shows that the
primes are the building blocks for all integers. We will often use
this property without explicitly saying so.
Theorem 0.3
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Every integer greater than 1 is a prime or a product of
primes. This product is unique, except for the order in
which the factors appear. That is, if n = p1 p2 · · · pr and
n = q1 q2 · · · qs , where the p’s and q’s are primes, then r = s
and, after renumbering the q’s, we have pi = qi for all i.
We will prove the existence portion of Theorem 0.3 later in
this chapter (Example 14). The uniqueness portion is a consequence of Euclid’s Lemma (Exercise 31). Here is a fun application
of Theorem 0.3.
0 | Preliminaries
EXAMPLE 4√ Let n be any integer greater than 1,
2 is irrational. For if 2 = a/b where a and b are integers, and a/b is in
lowest terms, then an = 2bn . By Theorem 0.3 we know 2 divides
a, say a = 2c. Then 2n cn = 2bn and therefore 2n−1 cn = bn . But
this implies that 2 divides b. This contradicts our assumption that
a/b was in lowest terms.
Another concept that frequently arises is that of the least common multiple of two integers.
Definition Least Common Multiple
The least common multiple of two nonzero integers a and b
is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of both a
and b. We will denote this integer by lcm(a, b).
We leave it as an exercise (Exercise 10) to prove that every
common multiple of a and b is a multiple of lcm(a, b).
EXAMPLE 5 lcm(4, 6) = 12; lcm(4, 8) = 8; lcm(10, 12) = 60;
lcm(6, 5) = 30; lcm(22 · 32 · 5, 2 · 33 · 72 ) = 22 · 33 · 5 · 72 .
Modular Arithmetic
Another application of the division algorithm that will be important to us is modular arithmetic. Modular arithmetic is an abstraction of a method of counting that you often use. For example, if
it is now September, what month will it be 25 months from now?
Of course, the answer is October, but the interesting fact is that
you didn’t arrive at the answer by starting with September and
counting off 25 months. Instead, without even thinking about it,
you simply observed that 25 = 2 · 12 + 1, and you added 1 month
to September. Similarly, if it is now Wednesday, you know that in
23 days it will be Friday. This time, you arrived at your answer by
noting that 23 = 7 · 3 + 2, so you added 2 days to Wednesday instead of counting off 23 days. If your electricity is off for 26 hours,
you must advance your clock 2 hours, since 26 = 2 · 12 + 2. Surprisingly, this simple idea has numerous important applications in
mathematics and computer science. You will see a few of them in
this section. We shall see many more in later chapters.
The following notation is convenient. When a = qn + r, where
q is the quotient and r is the remainder upon dividing a by n, we
Integers and Equivalence Relations
write a mod n = r. Thus,
3 mod 2 = 1 since 3 = 1 · 2 + 1,
6 mod 2 = 0 since 6 = 3 · 2 + 0,
11 mod 3 = 2 since 11 = 3 · 3 + 2,
62 mod 85 = 62 since 62 = 0 · 85 + 62,
−2 mod 15 = 13 since − 2 = (−1)15 + 13.
In general, if a and b are integers and n is a positive integer,
then a mod n = b mod n if and only if n divides a − b (Exercise
In our applications, we will use addition and multiplication
mod n. When you wish to compute ab mod n or (a + b) mod n,
and a or b is greater than n, it is easier to “mod first.” For example,
to compute (27 · 36) mod 11, we note that 27 mod 11 = 5 and
36 mod 11 = 3, so (27 · 36) mod 11 = (5 · 3) mod 11 = 4. (See
Exercise 11.)
Modular arithmetic is often used in assigning an extra digit
to identification numbers for the purpose of detecting forgery or
errors. We present two such applications.
EXAMPLE 6 The United States Postal Service money order
shown in Figure 0.1 has an identification number consisting of 10
digits together with an extra digit called a check. The check digit
is the 10-digit number modulo 9. Thus, the number 3953988164
has the check digit 2, since 3953988164 mod 9 = 2.1 If the number 39539881642 were incorrectly entered into a computer (programmed to calculate the check digit) as, say, 39559881642 (an error in the fourth position), the machine would calculate the check
digit as 4, whereas the entered check digit would be 2. Thus, the
error would be detected.
The method used by the Postal Service does not detect all
single-digit errors (see Exercise 41). However, detection of all
The value of N mod 9 is easy to compute with a calculator. If N = 9q + r,
where r is the remainder upon dividing N by 9, then on a calculator screen
N ÷ 9 appears as q.rrrrr . . ., so the first decimal digit is the check digit. For
example, 3953988164 ÷ 9 = 439332018.222, so 2 is the check digit. If N has too
many digits for your calculator, replace N by the sum of its digits and divide
that number by 9. Thus, 3953988164 mod 9 = 56 mod 9 = 2. The value of
3953988164 mod 9 can also be computed by searching Google for “3953988164
mod 9.”
0 | Preliminaries
Figure 0.1 Postal money order.
single-digit errors, as well as nearly all errors involving the transposition of two adjacent digits, is easily achieved. One method that
does this is the one used to assign the so-called Universal Product
Code (UPC) to most retail items (see Figure 0.2). A UPC identification number has 12 digits. The first six digits identify the
manufacturer, the next five identify the product, and the last is
a check. (For many items, the 12th digit is not printed, but it is
always bar-coded.) In Figure 0.2, the check digit is 8.
Figure 0.2 UPC bar code.
To explain how the check digit is calculated, it is convenient
to introduce the dot product notation for two k -tuples:
(a1 , a2 , . . . , ak ) · (w1 , w2 , . . . , wk ) = a1 w1 + a2 w2 + · · · + ak wk .
An item with the UPC identification number a1 a2 · · · a12 satisfies
the condition
(a1 , a2 , . . . , a12 ) · (3, 1, 3, 1, . . . , 3, 1) mod 10 = 0.
Integers and Equivalence Relations
To verify that the number in Figure 0.2 satisfies this condition,
we calculate
(0 · 3 + 2 · 1 + 1 · 3 + 0 · 1 + 0 · 3 + 0 · 1 + 6 · 3 + 5 · 1
+ 8 · 3 + 9 · 1 + 7 · 3 + 8 · 1) mod 10 = 90 mod 10 = 0.
The fixed k -tuple used in the calculation of check digits is called
the weighting vector.
Now suppose a single error is made in entering the number in
Figure 0.2 into a computer. Say, for instance, that 021000958978
is entered (notice that the seventh digit is incorrect). Then the
computer calculates
+ 5 · 1 + 8 · 3 + 9 · 1 + 7 · 3 + 8 · 1 = 99.
Since 99 mod 10 6= 0, the entered number cannot be correct.
In general, any single error will result in a sum that is not 0
modulo 10.
The advantage of the UPC scheme is that it will detect nearly
all errors involving the transposition of two adjacent digits as
well as all errors involving one digit. For doubters, let us say
that the identification number given in Figure 0.2 is entered as
021000658798. Notice that the last two digits preceding the check
digit have been transposed. But by calculating the dot product,
we obtain 94 mod 10 6= 0, so we have detected an error. In fact,
the only undetected transposition errors of adjacent digits a and
b are those where |a − b| = 5. To verify this, we observe that a
transposition error of the form
a1 a2 · · · ai ai+1 · · · a12 → a1 a2 · · · ai+1 ai · · · a12
is undetected if and only if
(a1 , a2 , . . . , ai+1 , ai , . . . , a12 ) · (3, 1, 3, 1, . . . , 3, 1) mod 10 = 0.
That is, the error is undetected if and only if
(a1 , a2 , . . . , ai+1 , ai , . . . , a12 ) · (3, 1, 3, 1, . . . , 3, 1) mod 10
= (a1 , a2 , . . . , ai , ai+1 , . . . , a12 ) · (3, 1, 3, 1, . . . , 3, 1) mod 10.
This equality simplifies to either
(3ai+1 + ai ) mod 10 = (3ai + ai+1 ) mod 10
0 | Preliminaries
(ai+1 + 3ai ) mod 10 = (ai + 3ai+1 ) mod 10,
depending on whether i is even or odd. Both cases reduce to
2(ai+1 − ai ) mod 10 = 0. It follows that |ai+1 − ai | = 5, if
ai+1 6= ai .
In 2005, United States companies began to phase in the use
of a 13th digit to be in conformance with the 13-digit product
identification numbers used in Europe. The weighting vector for
13-digit numbers is (1, 3, 1, 3, . . . , 3, 1).
Identification numbers printed on bank checks (on the bottom left between the two colons) consist of an eight-digit number
a1 a2 · · · a8 and a check digit a9 , so that
(a1 , a2 , . . . , a9 ) · (7, 3, 9, 7, 3, 9, 7, 3, 9) mod 10 = 0.
As is the case for the UPC scheme, this method detects all
single-digit errors and all errors involving the transposition of adjacent digits a and b except when |a − b| = 5. But it also detects
most errors of the form · · · abc · · · → · · · cba · · · , whereas the UPC
method detects no errors of this form.
In Chapter 5, we will examine more sophisticated means of
assigning check digits to numbers.
Modular arithmetic is often used to verify the validity of statements about divisibility regarding all positive integers by checking
only finitely many cases.
EXAMPLE 7 Consider the statement, “The sum of the cubes of
any three consecutive integers is divisible by 9.” This statement is
equivalent to checking that the equation (n3 + (n + 1)3 + (n + 2)3 )
mod 9 = 0 is true for all integers n. Because of properties of
modular arithmetic, to prove this, all we need to do is check the
validity of the equation for n = 0, 1, . . . , 8. You do the math.
Modular arithmetic is occasionally used to show that certain
equations have no rational number solutions.
EXAMPLE 8 We use mod 4 arithmetic to show that there are
no integers x and y such that x2 − y 2 = 1002. To see this, suppose
that there are such integers. Then, taking both sides modulo 4,
there is an integer solution to x2 − y 2 mod 4 = 2. Note that for
any integer n, if n mod 4 = 0 or 2, then n2 mod 4 = 0 and if n
mod 4 = 1 or 3 mod 4, then n2 mod 4 = 1. But then the only
Integers and Equivalence Relations
differences of squares of integers modulo 4 are 0, 1, and −1 = 3,
which gives a contradiction.
At the dawn of the 20th century no one would have thought
that strings of 0s and 1s added modulo 2 would provide the underpinning for a revolution in business, industry, technology, and
science. The next example is an application of mod 2 arithmetic
to circuit design. More applications of mod 2 arithmetic are given
in later chapters.
EXAMPLE 9 Logic Gates In electronics a logic gate is a device
that accepts as inputs two possible states (on or off) and produces
one output (on or off). This can be conveniently modeled using 0
and 1 and modulo 2 arithmetic. The AND gate outputs 1 if and
only if both inputs are 1; the OR (inclusive or) gate outputs 1 if
at least one input is 1; the XOR (exclusive or) outputs 1 if and
only if exactly one input is 1; MAJ (majority) takes three inputs
and outputs 1 if and only if at least two inputs are 1. These and
others can be conveniently modeled as functions using 0 and 1 and
modulo 2 arithmetic as follows:
x AND y
x OR y
x + y + xy
x XOR y
MAJ(x, y, z) xz + xy + yz.
Complex Numbers
Recall√ that complex numbers C are expressions of the √
a + b −1, where a and b are real
is defined to have
√ the property −1 = −1. It is customary to
use i to denote −1. Then, i2 = −1. Complex numbers written in
the form a + bi are said to be in standard form. In some instances
it is convenient to write a complex number a + bi in another form.
To do this we represent a + bi as the point (a, b) in a plane coordinatized by a horizontal axis called the real axis and a vertical i
axis called the imaginary
axis . The distance from the point a + bi
to the origin is r = a2 + b2 and is often denoted by |a + bi| and
called the norm of a+bi. If we draw the line segment from the origin to a + bi and denote the angle formed by the line segment and
the positive real axis by θ, we can write a + bi as r(cos θ + i sin θ).
0 | Preliminaries
This form of a + bi is called the polar form. An advantage of
the polar form is demonstrated in parts 5 and 6 of Theorem 0.4.
Theorem 0.4
Properties of Complex Numbers
1. Closure under addition: (a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) +
(b + d)i
2. Closure under multiplication: (a + bi)(c + di) = (ac) +
(ad)i + (bc)i + (bd)i2 = (ac − bd) + (ad + bc)i
(a + bi)
3. Closure under division: (c + di 6= 0) :
(c + di)
(a + bi) (c − di)
(ac + bd) + (bc − ad)i
(c + di) (c − di)
c2 + d2
(ac + bd)
(bc − ad)
+ 2
c +d
c + d2
4. Complex conjugation: (a + bi)(a − bi) = a2 + b2
5. Inverses: For every nonzero complex number a + bi
there is a complex number c + di such that (a + bi)(c +
di) = 1 (i.e., (a + bi)−1 exists in C).
6. Powers: For every complex number a + bi = r(cos θ +
i sin θ) and every positive integer n, we have (a+bi)n =
(r(cos θ + i sin θ))n = r n (cos n θ + i sin n θ).
7. nth -roots of a + bi: For any positive integer n the n
nth roots of a + bi = r(cos θ + i sin θ) are
r(cos n + i sin θ+2πk
) for k = 0, 1, . . . n − 1.
PROOF Parts 1 and 2 are definitions. Part 4 follows from part 2.
Part 6 is proved in Example 15 in the next section of this chapter.
Part 7 follows from part 6.
The next two examples illustrate properties of complex numbers.
EXAMPLE 10 (3 + 5i) + (−5 + 2i) = −2 + 7i;
(3 + 5i)(−5 + 2i) = −25 + (−19)i = −25 − 19i;
3 + 5i
3 + 5i −2 − 7i
29 − 31i
29 −31
−2 + 7i
−2 + 7i −2 − 7i
(3 + 5i)(3 − 5i) = 9 + 25 = 34;
(3 + 5i)−1 =
− i.
34 34
Integers and Equivalence Relations
EXAMPLE 11 (−1 +
2 cos
+ i sin
4 · 3π
4 · 3π
= 4(cos 3π + i sin 3π) = −4.
+ i sin
The three cube roots of i = cos + i sin are
3 1
cos + i sin =
+ i
2 2
π 2π
π 2π
3 1
+ i sin
+ i
π 4π
π 4π
+ i sin
= −i.
24 cos
Mathematical Induction
There are two forms of proof by mathematical induction that
we will use. Both are equivalent to the Well Ordering Principle.
The explicit formulation of the method of mathematical induction came in the 16th century. Francisco Maurolico (1494–1575),
a teacher of Galileo, used it in 1575 to prove that 1 + 3 + 5 + · · · +
(2n − 1) = n2 , and Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) used it when he
presented what we now call Pascal’s triangle for the coefficients
of the binomial expansion. The term mathematical induction was
coined by Augustus De Morgan.
Theorem 0.5
First Principle of Mathematical Induction
Let S be a set of integers containing a. Suppose S has the
property that whenever some integer n ≥ a belongs to S,
then the integer n + 1 also belongs to S. Then, S contains
every integer greater than or equal to a.
PROOF The proof is left as an exercise (Exercise 33).
So, to use induction to prove that a statement involving positive integers is true for every positive integer, we must first verify
that the statement is true for the integer 1. We then assume the
statement is true for the integer n and use this assumption to
prove that the statement is true for the integer n + 1.
Our next example uses some facts about plane geometry. Recall that given a straightedge and compass, we can construct a
right angle.
0 | Preliminaries
EXAMPLE 12 We use induction to prove that given a straight-
edge, a compass, and a unit length, we can construct a line segment
of length n for every positive integer n. The case when n = 1
is given. Now we assume that we can construct a line segment of
length n. Then use the straightedge and compass to construct a
right triangle with height
1 and base n. The hypotenuse of the
triangle has length n + 1. So, by induction, we can construct a
line segment of length n for every positive integer n.
EXAMPLE 13 DeMoivre’s Theorem We use induction to
prove that for every positive integer n and every real number
θ, (cos θ +
√ i sin θ) = cos nθ + i sin nθ, where i is the complex
number −1. Obviously, the statement is true for n = 1. Now
assume it is true for n. We must prove that (cos θ + i sin θ)n+1 =
cos(n + 1)θ + i sin(n + 1)θ. Observe that
(cos θ + i sin θ)n+1 = (cos θ + i sin θ)n (cos θ + i sin θ)
= (cos nθ + i sin nθ)(cos θ + i sin θ)
= cos nθ cos θ + i(sin nθ cos θ
+ sin θ cos nθ) − sin nθ sin θ.
Now, using trigonometric identities for cos(α + β) and sin(α + β),
we see that this last term is cos(n + 1)θ + i sin(n + 1)θ. So, by
induction, the statement is true for all positive integers.
In many instances, the assumption that a statement is true
for an integer n does not readily lend itself to a proof that the
statement is true for the integer n + 1. In such cases, the following equivalent form of induction may be more convenient. Some
authors call this formulation the strong form of induction.
Theorem 0.6
Second Principle of Mathematical Induction
Let S be a set of integers containing a. Suppose S has the
property that n belongs to S whenever every integer less
than n and greater than or equal to a belongs to S. Then,
S contains every integer greater than or equal to a.
PROOF The proof is left to the reader.
To use this form of induction, we first show that the statement
is true for the integer a. We then assume that the statement is
Integers and Equivalence Relations
true for all integers that are greater than or equal to a and less
than n, and use this assumption to prove that the statement is
true for n.
EXAMPLE 14 We will use the Second Principle of Mathematical
Induction with a = 2 to prove the existence portion of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. Let S be the set of integers greater
than 1 that are primes or products of primes. Clearly, 2 ∈ S. Now
we assume that for some integer n, S contains all integers k with
2 ≤ k < n. We must show that n ∈ S. If n is a prime, then n ∈ S
by definition. If n is not a prime, then n can be written in the
form ab, where 1 < a < n and 1 < b < n.
Since we are assuming that both a and b belong to S, we know
that each of them is a prime or a product of primes. Thus, n is
also a product of primes. This completes the proof.
Notice that it is more natural to prove the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic with the Second Principle of Mathematical
Induction than with the First Principle. Knowing that a particular integer factors as a product of primes does not tell you anything
about factoring the next larger integer. (Does knowing that 5280
is a product of primes help you to factor 5281 as a product of
The following problem appeared in the “Brain Boggler” section of the January 1988 issue of the science magazine Discovery.2
Problems like this one are often called chicken McNugget problems, postage stamp problems, or Frobenius coin problems. Originally, McDonald’s sold its chicken nuggets in packs of 9 and 20.
The largest number of nuggets that could not have been bought
with these packs is 151.
EXAMPLE 15 The Quakertown Poker Club plays with blue chips
worth $5.00 and red chips worth $8.00. What is the largest bet
that cannot be made?
To gain insight into this problem, we try various combinations
of blue and red chips and obtain 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21,
23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. It
appears that the answer is 27. But how can we be sure? Well, we
need only prove that every integer greater than 27 can be written
“Brain Boggler” by Maxwell Carver. Copyright c 1988 by Discover Magazine.
Used by permission.
0 | Preliminaries
in the form a·5+b·8, where a and b are nonnegative integers. This
will solve the problem, since a represents the number of blue chips
and b the number of red chips needed to make a bet of a · 5 + b · 8.
For the purpose of contrast, we will give two proofs—one using
the First Principle of Mathematical Induction and one using the
Second Principle.
Let S be the set of all integers greater than or equal to 28 of the
form a · 5 + b· 8, where a and b are nonnegative. Obviously, 28 ∈ S.
Now assume that some integer n ∈ S, say, n = a · 5 + b · 8. We must
show that n + 1 ∈ S. First, note that since n ≥ 28, we cannot have
both a and b less than 3. If a ≥ 3, then
n + 1 = (a · 5 + b · 8) + (−3 · 5 + 2 · 8)
= (a − 3) · 5 + (b + 2) · 8.
(Regarding chips, this last equation says that we may increase a
bet from n to n + 1 by removing three blue chips from the pot
and adding two red chips.) If b ≥ 3, then
n + 1 = (a · 5 + b · 8) + (5 · 5 − 3 · 8)
= (a + 5) · 5 + (b − 3) · 8.
(The bet can be increased by 1 by removing three red chips and
adding five blue chips.) This completes the proof.
To prove the same statement by the Second Principle, we note that
each of the integers 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 is in S. Now assume that
for some integer n > 32, S contains all integers k with 28 ≤ k < n.
We must show that n ∈ S. Since n − 5 ∈ S, there are nonnegative
integers a and b such that n − 5 = a · 5 + b · 8. But then n =
(a + 1) · 5 + b · 8. Thus n is in S.
Equivalence Relations
In mathematics, things that are considered different in one context may be viewed as equivalent in another context. We have
already seen one such example. Indeed, the sums 2 + 1 and 4 + 4
are certainly different in ordinary arithmetic, but are the same
under modulo 5 arithmetic. Congruent triangles that are situated
differently in the plane are not the same, but they are often considered to be the same in plane geometry. In physics, vectors of
the same magnitude and direction can produce different effects—a
Integers and Equivalence Relations
10-pound weight placed 2 feet from a fulcrum produces a different effect than a 10-pound weight placed 1 foot from a fulcrum.
But in linear algebra, vectors of the same magnitude and direction are considered to be the same. What is needed to make these
distinctions precise is an appropriate generalization of the notion
of equality; that is, we need a formal mechanism for specifying
whether or not two quantities are the same in a given setting.
This mechanism is an equivalence relation.
Definition Equivalence Relation
An equivalence relation on a set S is a set R of ordered pairs
of elements of S such that
1. (a, a) ∈ R for all a ∈ S (reflexive property).
2. (a, b) ∈ R implies (b, a) ∈ R (symmetric property).
3. (a, b) ∈ R and (b, c) ∈ R imply (a, c) ∈ R (transitive
When R is an equivalence relation on a set S, it is customary
to write aRb instead of (a, b) ∈ R. Also, since an equivalence
relation is just a generalization of equality, a suggestive symbol
such as ≈, ≡, or ∼ is usually used to denote the relation. Using this
notation, the three conditions for an equivalence relation become
a ∼ a; a ∼ b implies b ∼ a; and a ∼ b and b ∼ c imply a ∼ c.
If ∼ is an equivalence relation on a set S and a ∈ S, then the
set [a] = {x ∈ S | x ∼ a} is called the equivalence class of S
containing a.
EXAMPLE 16 Let S be the set of all triangles in a plane. If
a, b ∈ S, define a ∼ b if a and b are similar—that is, if a and
b have corresponding angles that are the same. Then ∼ is an
equivalence relation on S.
EXAMPLE 17 Let S be the set of all polynomials with real
coefficients. If f, g ∈ S, define f ∼ g if f 0 = g 0 , where f 0 is the
derivative of f. Then ∼ is an equivalence relation on S. Since two
polynomials with equal derivatives differ by a constant, we see
that for any f in S, [f ] = {f + c | c is real}.
EXAMPLE 18 Let S be the set of integers and let n be a positive
integer. If a, b ∈ S, define a ≡ b if a mod n = b mod n (i.e., if
a−b is divisible by n). Then ≡ is an equivalence relation on S and
0 | Preliminaries
[a] = {a+kn | k ∈ S}. Since this particular relation is important in
abstract algebra, we will take the trouble to verify that it is indeed
an equivalence relation. Certainly, a − a is divisible by n, so that
a ≡ a for all a in S. Next, assume that a ≡ b, say, a − b = rn.
Then, b − a = (−r)n, and therefore b ≡ a. Finally, assume that
a ≡ b and b ≡ c, say, a − b = rn and b − c = sn. Then, we have
a − c = (a − b) + (b − c) = rn + sn = (r + s)n, so that a ≡ c.
EXAMPLE 19 Let ≡ be as in Example 18 and let n = 7. Then
we have 16 ≡ 2; 9 ≡ −5; and 24 ≡ 3. Also, [1] = {. . . , −20, −13,
−6, 1, 8, 15, . . .} and [4] = {. . . , −17, −10, −3, 4, 11, 18, . . .}.
EXAMPLE 20 Let S = {(a, b) | a, b are integers, b 6= 0}. If
(a, b), (c, d) ∈ S, define (a, b) ≈ (c, d) if ad = bc. Then ≈ is an
equivalence relation on S. [The motivation for this example comes
from fractions. In fact, the pairs (a, b) and (c, d) are equivalent if
the fractions a/b and c/d are equal.]
To verify that ≈ is an equivalence relation on S, note that (a, b) ≈
(a, b) requires that ab = ba, which is true. Next, we assume that
(a, b) ≈ (c, d), so that ad = bc. We have (c, d) ≈ (a, b) provided
that cb = da, which is true from commutativity of multiplication.
Finally, we assume that (a, b) ≈ (c, d) and (c, d) ≈ (e, f ) and prove
that (a, b) ≈ (e, f ). This amounts to using ad = bc and cf = de
to show that af = be. Multiplying both sides of ad = bc by f and
replacing cf by de, we obtain adf = bcf = bde. Since d 6= 0, we
can cancel d from the first and last terms.
Definition Partition
A partition of a set S is a collection of nonempty disjoint
subsets of S whose union is S.
Figure 0.3 illustrates a partition of a set into four subsets.
EXAMPLE 21 The sets {0}, {1, 2, 3, . . .}, and {. . . , −3, −2, −1}
constitute a partition of the set of integers.
EXAMPLE 22 The set of nonnegative integers and the set of nonpositive integers do not partition the integers, since both contain
The next theorem reveals that equivalence relations and partitions are intimately intertwined.
Integers and Equivalence Relations
Figure 0.3 Partition of S into four subsets.
Theorem 0.7
Equivalence Classes Partition
The equivalence classes of an equivalence relation on a set
S constitute a partition of S. Conversely, for any partition P of S, there is an equivalence relation on S whose
equivalence classes are the elements of P .
PROOF Let ∼ be an equivalence relation on a set S. For any a ∈ S,
the reflexive property shows that a ∈ [a]. So, [a] is nonempty and
the union of all equivalence classes is S. Now, suppose that [a] and
[b] are distinct equivalence classes. We must show that [a]∩[b] = ∅.
On the contrary, assume c ∈ [a] ∩ [b]. We will show that [a] ⊆ [b].
To this end, let x ∈ [a]. We then have c ∼ a, c ∼ b, and x ∼ a. By
the symmetric property, we also have a ∼ c. Thus, by transitivity,
x ∼ c, and by transitivity again, x ∼ b. This proves [a] ⊆ [b].
Analogously, [b] ⊆ [a]. Thus, [a] = [b], in contradiction to our
assumption that [a] and [b] are distinct equivalence classes.
To prove the converse, let P be a collection of nonempty disjoint subsets of S whose union is S. Define a ∼ b if a and b belong
to the same subset in the collection. We leave it to the reader to
show that ∼ is an equivalence relation on S (Exercise 53).
Functions (Mappings)
Although the concept of a function plays a central role in nearly
every branch of mathematics, the terminology and notation associated with functions vary quite a bit. In this section, we establish
0 | Preliminaries
Definitions Function (Mapping)
A function (or mapping ) φ from a set A to a set B is a rule
that assigns to each element a of A exactly one element b of
B. The set A is called the domain of φ, and B is called the
range of φ. If φ assigns b to a, then b is called the image
of a under φ. The subset of B comprising all the images of
elements of A is called the image of A under φ.
We use the shorthand φ : A → B to mean that φ is a mapping
from A to B. We will write φ(a) = b or φ : a → b to indicate that
φ carries a to b.
There are often different ways to denote the same element of
a set. In defining a function in such cases one must verify that the
function values assigned to the elements depend not on the way
the elements are expressed but on only the elements themselves.
For example, the correspondence φ from the rational numbers to
the integers given by φ(a/b) = a+b does not define a function since
1/2 = 2/4, but φ(1/2) 6= φ(2/4). To verify that a correspondence is
a function, you assume that x1 = x2 and prove that φ(x1 ) = φ(x2 ).
Definition Composition of Functions
Let φ : A → B and ψ : B → C. The composition ψφ is the
mapping from A to C defined by (ψφ)(a) = ψ(φ(a)) for all
a in A.
In calculus courses, the composition of f with g is written
(f ◦g)(x) and is defined by (f ◦g)(x) = f (g(x)). When we compose
functions, we omit the “circle.”
Let f (x) = 2x + 3 and g(x) = x2 + 1. Then
(f g)(5) = f (g(5)) = f (26) = 55; (gf )(5) = g(f (5)) = g(13) =
170. More generally, (f g)(x) = f (g(x)) = f (x2 + 1) = 2(x2 + 1) +
3 = 2x2 + 5 and (gf )(x) = g(f (x)) = g(2x + 3) = (2x + 3)2 + 1 =
4x2 + 12x + 9 + 1 = 4x2 + 12x + 10. Note that the function fg is
not the same as the function gf.
There are several kinds of functions that occur often enough
to be given names.
Definition One-to-One Function
A function φ from a set A is called one-to-one if for every
a1 , a2 ∈ A, φ(a1 ) = φ(a2 ) implies a1 = a2 .
The term one-to-one is suggestive, since the definition ensures
that one element of B can be the image of only one element of
Integers and Equivalence Relations
A. Alternatively, φ is one-to-one if a1 6= a2 implies φ(a1 ) 6= φ(a2 ).
That is, different elements of A map to different elements of B.
See Figure 0.4.
φ (a1)
φ (a2)
ψ (a1) = ψ (a2)
ψ is not one-to-one
φ is one-to-one
Figure 0.4 Mappings.
Definition Function from A onto B
A function φ from a set A to a set B is said to be onto B if
each element of B is the image of at least one element of A.
In symbols, φ : A → B is onto if for each b in B there is at
least one a in A such that φ(a) = b. See Figure 0.5.
φ is onto
ψ is not onto
Figure 0.5 Functions.
The next theorem summarizes the facts about functions we
will need.
Theorem 0.8
Properties of Functions
Given functions α : A → B, β : B → C, and γ : C → D,
1. γ(βα) = (γβ)α (associativity).
0 | Preliminaries
2. If α and β are one-to-one, then βα is one-to-one.
3. If α and β are onto, then βα is onto.
4. If α is one-to-one and onto, then there is a function
α−1 from B onto A such that (α−1 α)(a) = a for all a
in A and (αα−1 )(b) = b for all b in B.
PROOF We prove only part 1. The remaining parts are left as ex-
ercises (Exercise 55). Let a ∈ A. Then (γ(βα))(a) = γ((βα)(a)) =
γ(β(α(a))). On the other hand, ((γβ)α)(a) = (γβ)(α(a)) =
γ(β(α(a))). So, γ(βα) = (γβ)α.
It is useful to note that if α is one-to-one and onto, the function
α−1 described in part 4 of Theorem 0.8 has the property that if
α(s) = t, then α−1 (t) = s. That is, the image of t under α−1 is the
unique element s that maps to t under α. In effect, α−1 “undoes”
what α does.
EXAMPLE 24 Let Z denote the set of integers, R the set of real
numbers, and N the set of nonnegative integers. The following
table illustrates the properties of one-to-one and onto.
x → x3
x → x3
x → |x|
x → x2
To verify that x → x3 is one-to-one in the first two cases, notice
that if x3 = y 3 , we may take the cube roots of both sides of the
equation to obtain x = y. Clearly, the mapping from Z to Z given
by x → x3 is not onto, since 2 is the cube of no integer. However,
x → x3 defines an onto function from R√to R, since every real
number is the cube of its cube root (i.e., 3 b → b). The remaining
verifications are left to the reader.
I was interviewed in the Israeli Radio for five minutes and I said that more
than 2000 years ago, Euclid proved that there are infinitely many primes.
Immediately the host interrupted me and asked: “Are there still infinitely
many primes?”
Noga Alon
1. For n = 5, 8, 12, 20, and 25, find all positive integers less
than n and relatively prime to n.
Integers and Equivalence Relations
2. Determine
a. gcd(2,10)
b. gcd(20,8)
c. gcd(12,40)
d. gcd(21,50)
e. gcd(p2 q 2 , pq 3 )
lcm(p2 q 2 , pq 3 ) where p and q are distinct
3. Determine 51 mod 13, 342 mod 85, 62 mod 15, 10 mod 15,
(82·73) mod 7, (51+68) mod 7, (35·24) mod 11, and (47+68)
mod 11.
4. Find integers s and t such that 1 = 7 · s + 11 · t. Show that
s and t are not unique.
5. Prove that every integer that is a common multiple of every
member of a finite set of integers is a multiple of the least
common multiple of those integers.
6. Prove that for any three consecutive integers n, n + 1, n + 2
one must be divisible by 3.
7. Show that if a and b are positive integers, then ab =
lcm(a, b) · gcd(a, b).
8. Suppose a and b are integers that divide the integer c. If a
and b are relatively prime, show that ab divides c. Show, by
example, that if a and b are not relatively prime, then ab
need not divide c.
9. If a and b are integers and n is a positive integer, prove that
a mod n = b mod n if and only if n divides a − b.
10. Let d = gcd(a, b). If a = da0 and b = db0 , show that
gcd(a0 , b0 ) = 1.
11. Let n be a fixed positive integer greater than 1. If a mod
n = a0 and b mod n = b0 , prove that (a+b) mod n = (a0 +b0 )
mod n and (ab) mod n = (a0 b0 ) mod n. (This exercise is
referred to in Chapters 6, 8, 10, and 15.)
12. Let a and b be positive integers and let d = gcd(a, b) and
m = lcm(a, b). If t divides both a and b, prove that t divides
d. If s is a multiple of both a and b, prove that s is a multiple
of m.
13. Let n and a be positive integers and let d = gcd(a, n). Show
that the equation ax mod n = 1 has a solution if and only
0 | Preliminaries
if d = 1. (This exercise is referred to in Chapter 2.)
14. Show that 5n + 3 and 7n + 4 are relatively prime for all n.
15. Suppose that m and n are relatively prime and r is any
integer. Show that there are integers x and y such that mx+
ny = r.
16. Let p, q, and r be primes other than 3. Show that 3 divides
p2 + q 2 + r2 .
17. Prove that every prime greater than 3 can be written in the
form 6n + 1 or 6n + 5.
18. Determine 71000 mod 6 and 61001 mod 7.
19. Let a, b, s, and t be integers. If a mod st = b mod st, show
that a mod s = b mod s and a mod t = b mod t. What
condition on s and t is needed to make the converse true?
(This exercise is referred to in Chapter 8.)
20. If n is an integer greater than 1 and (n − 1)! = 1 mod n,
prove that n is prime.
21. Show that gcd(a, bc) = 1 if and only if gcd(a, b) = 1 and
gcd(a, c) = 1. (This exercise is referred to in Chapter 8.)
22. Let p1 , p2 , . . . , pn be primes. Show that p1 p2 · · · pn + 1 is divisible by none of these primes.
23. Prove that there are infinitely many primes. (Hint: Use Exercise 22.)
24. For any complex numbers z1 and z2 , prove that |z1 z2 | =
|z1 ||z2 |.
25. Give an “if and only if” statement that describes when the
logic gate x NAND y modeled by 1 + xy is 1. Give an “if
and only if” statement that describes when the logic gate x
XNOR y modeled by 1 + x + y is 1.
26. For inputs of 0 and 1 and mod 2 arithmetic describe the
output of the formula z + xy + xz in the form “If x . . . , else
. . ..”
27. For every positive integer n, prove that a set with exactly
n elements has exactly 2n subsets (counting the empty set
and the entire set).
28. Prove that 2n 32n − 1 is always divisible by 17.
Integers and Equivalence Relations
29. Prove that there is some positive integer n such that n,
n + 1, n + 2, . . . , n + 200 are all composite.
30. (Generalized Euclid’s Lemma) If p is a prime and p divides
a1 a2 . . . an , prove that p divides ai for some i.
31. Use the Generalized Euclid’s Lemma (see Exercise 30) to establish the uniqueness portion of the Fundamental Theorem
of Arithmetic.
32. What is the largest bet that cannot be made with chips
worth $7.00 and $9.00? Verify that your answer is correct
with both forms of induction.
33. Prove that the First Principle of Mathematical Induction is
a consequence of the Well Ordering Principle.
34. The Fibonacci numbers are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, . . . . In
general, the Fibonacci numbers are defined by f1 = 1, f2 =
1, and for n ≥ 3, fn = fn−1 + fn−2 . Prove that the nth
Fibonacci number fn satisfies fn < 2n .
35. Prove by induction on n that for all positive integers n, n3 +
(n + 1)3 + (n + 2)3 is a multiple of 9.
36. Suppose that there is a statement involving a positive integer parameter n and you have an argument that shows that
whenever the statement is true for a particular n it is also
true for n + 2. What remains to be done to prove the statement is true for every positive integer? Describe a situation
in which this strategy would be applicable.
37. In the cut “As” from Songs in the Key of Life, Stevie Wonder
mentions the equation 8 × 8 × 8 = 4. Find all integers n for
which this statement is true, modulo n.
38. Prove that for every integer n, n3 mod 6 = n mod 6.
39. If it is 2:00 a.m. now, what time will it be 3736 hours from
40. Determine the check digit for a money order with identification number 7234541780.
41. Suppose that in one of the noncheck positions of a money
order number, the digit 0 is substituted for the digit 9 or vice
versa. Prove that this error will not be detected by the check
digit. Prove that all other errors involving a single position
are detected.
0 | Preliminaries
42. Suppose that a money order identification number and check
digit of 21720421168 is erroneously copied as 27750421168.
Will the check digit detect the error?
43. A transposition error involving distinct adjacent digits is one
of the form . . . ab . . . → . . . ba . . . with a 6= b. Prove that the
money order check-digit scheme will not detect such errors
unless the check digit itself is transposed.
44. Explain why the check digit for a money order for the number N is the repeated decimal digit in the real number N ÷9.
45. The 10-digit International Standard Book Number (ISBN10) a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 has the property (a1 , a2 , . . . , a10 )·
(10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) mod 11 = 0. The digit a10 is the
check digit. When a10 is required to be 10 to make the dot
product 0, the character X is used as the check digit. Verify
the check digit for the ISBN-10 assigned to this book.
46. Suppose that an ISBN-10 has a smudged entry where the
question mark appears in the number 0-716?-2841-9. Determine the missing digit.
47. Suppose three consecutive digits abc of an ISBN-10 are
scrambled as bca. Which such errors will go undetected?
48. Let S be the set of real numbers. If a, b ∈ S, define a ∼ b if
a − b is an integer. Show that ∼ is an equivalence relation
on S. Describe the equivalence classes of S.
49. Let S be the set of integers. If a, b ∈ S, define aRb if ab ≥ 0.
Is R an equivalence relation on S ?
50. Let S be the set of integers. If a, b ∈ S, define aRb if a + b is
even. Prove that R is an equivalence relation and determine
the equivalence classes of S.
51. Complete the proof of Theorem 0.7 by showing that ∼ is an
equivalence relation on S.
52. Prove that 3, 5, and 7 are the only three consecutive odd
integers that are prime.
Computer Exercises
Computer exercises for this chapter are available at the website:
Max Born, My Life: Recollections of a Nobel Laureate, New York:
Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1978.
J. Mehra and H. Rechenberg, The Historical Development of Quantum Theory, Vol. 3, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1982.
J.-F. Mestre, R. Schoof, L. Washington, D. Zagier, “Quotient homophones des groupes libres [Homophonic Quotients of Free Groups],”
Experimental Mathematics 2 (1993): 153–155.
H. C. Whitford, A Dictionary of American Homophones and Homographs, New York: Teachers College Press, 1966.