ARJUN G - 211151002 8056496188 SUBJECT GRADE 19AS14501 - AERODYNAMICS - II B+ 19SH60002 - INTERVIEW SKILLS AND SOFT SKILLS A 19AS14502 - AEROSPACE STRUCTURES - II A 19AS14503 - PROPULSION ? II A 19AS15502 - AIRFRAME MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR A+ 19CS15503 - ADVANCED JAVA PROGRAMMING B+ 19MA12501 - INTERPRETATION ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS A 19AS11501 - MANAGERIAL SKILLS AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT A 19AS24501 - MODELING AND SIMULATION LABORATORY O 19AS24502 - PROPULSION LABORATORY O GPA : 8.04 CGPA : 7.93 WD : Withdrawal, AB : Absent, SA : Shortage of Attendance, RA : Re-appearance, BRK : Break, UA : Absent, NR : Not Registered, WH : Withheld Disclaimer: The result published at is provisional only. We are not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the data / results being published on the Net. This is being published on the Net just for immediate information to the examinees. The Final Mark Sheets issued by the Authorities should only be treated authentic and final in this regard. Back