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Human Resource Management Definition & Functions

Definition of Human Resource Management
Human Resource management (or simply HR) is a
function that involves the management of people. The
objective of the HR function is to ensure that people’s
performance is optimized. It is the responsibility of
every manager to ensure that people are competent,
committed, and engaged. if they are, they are able to
contribute more affectively and efficiently to the
achievement of the organization’s business
Chapter vii. Managing people
The Origin of HR
HR has metamorphosed from its humble
beginnings dating back 1920 which is believed to be
the year the HR function was born with the
publication of the first discipline’s textbook titled ,
“Personnel Administration.”Then starting in the 70s,
the name Personnel Department began to disappear
from corporate organization charts, replaced by
Human Resources Department, While in some cases
the name change was motivated more by fashion
than values, it did mark the beginning of a
philosophical shift. Personnel was a loose collection
of functions relating to people.”Human Resource
"management looks at people as an organizational
resource and focuses on maximizing that resource’s
contribution to the organization’s success. Beginning
year 2000 ,there was even a shift in the terminology
used from human resources to human capital to
emphasize that people are not just assets which
organizations can use or misuse at will but rather a
vital investment. Truly, the role of HR from being a
personnel records keeper and picnic planner has
gone a long, long way from its humble beginnings.
The HR framework 2
HRD is people-focused while HR
is systems-focused. This simply
means that when you take a look at
the functional areas of HR on the left
side, the recipients of all human
resource development (HRD)
interventions are people. On the
other hand, human resource
management (HRM) on the right side
ensures that there are strong
systems and internal processes on
the functional areas cited so that
people can function more effectively.
 Human
 Human
 Career
 Organization
 Performance
 Employee
 Learning and
 Workforce
 Recruitment/Sele
 Rewards and
Human resource
1.Career Development
- an HR function that tracks an
employee’s career (a sequence of separate
but related jobs) that provides direction,
continuity, order and meaning in an
employee’s life .
2.Performance Management
- a function where the performance
of an employee is regularly appraised as
basis for giving him/her a merit increase
and\or promotion, and guide him/her in
further developing his/her competencies.
3.Employee Relations
- a function that promotes employee
engagement and commitment to the
organization through efforts at relating
well, motivating, disciplining, and
communicating with employees.
4.Learning and Development
- a function where employees
provided training and development
through various interventions such as
on-the-job training ,coaching and
mentoring, and classroom training
which are all designed to enhance
his/her knowledge, skills, and
Human Resource management( hrm )
1.Organization Design - a process of putting up the
appropriate type and form of the organization that
will suit its overall business purpose. It is meant to
establish the type of structure that will make the
organization effective, efficient, attuned to the times,
and responsive to its business requirement as well as
employees 'needs.
2.Workplace planning - a process of determining and
identifying the right quantity and quality of people to
be hired. It precedes any recruitment any recruitment
effort. The organization has to know first the right
number of people to be hired in order to avoid a
situation where it can be over-manned or
undermanned. On the other hand, the organization
has to figure out what sort of
competencies(knowledge, skills, and behavior)the
employees should have for them to become
successful in order to ensure that organization hires
only those people who possess such competencies.
3.Recruitment,Selection, and Placement
– a process of sourcing, identifying,
selecting and hiring candidates for
certain jobs based on the proper
matching of candidates’ qualifications
and jobs specifications, including their
competency requirements.
4.Rewards and Recognition – a process
of identifying monetary compensation
such as salary, benefits and other
perks, and non-monetary
compensation such as awards,
commendations, and other similar
types of remuneration, incentives, and
other considerations to motivate and
inspire employees.
Employee life
cycle 5
An individual is recruit and what follows is his/her
orientation. The new employee sets in, learns about
organization, its operations and its people, among
others, and acclimatizes himself/herself with the
practices of the organization. The employee is expected
to turn in satisfactory, if not competent performance, in
return for remuneration commensurate to his/her
qualifications and functions. A fair day’s pay for a fair
day’s work. As he/she grows in the organization, there
comes a time when the employee will find the job
monotonous and he/she starts to become complacent.
There are even instances when, other just becoming
complacent, the employee becomes disengaged.
The value of human resource management
becomes more pronounced as the reader gets a glimpse
of the employee life cycle above, necessitating HR
interventions every step of the way through human
resource development initiatives, and through strong
systems and internal processes through human resource
management actions.
Why Is Modern People Management More Critical
at the Present Time
People management has become more
challenging and critical at the present time, given
the change that are taking place in the
1. Changing mix of the workplace (more female
employees: more working mothers, greater
demand for gender equality, with emphasis on
women’s rights)
2. Changing values of the workplace (flextime,
work-life balance, virtual HR, cafeteria benefits)
3. Changing demands of employers (automation,
technological advancement, outsourcing)
4. Changing demands of government (Department
of labor promulgations, new government
HR professionals are expected to
bring to top management’s attention the
needs and expectations of employees. it
is HR’s primary responsibility to optimize
employee’s performance, it is also
expected that HR professionals find ways
to increase productivity by enhancing
employee’s competencies as well, finding
ways to motivate, engage, and inspire
employees to perform well and achieve
the organization’s goals.
HR professionals should lead in the
organization’s change efforts.
Organizations should not become
obsolete. Since there are changes
happening outside the organization,
HR professionals have to ensure that
the organization itself changes and
keeps pace with requirements of the
external environment.
Dave Ulrich identified the challenges
of HR in becoming a strategic
o By facilitating diagnosis, HR turns
strategies into action.
o HR should focus on a performance
balanced scorecard by paying
attention not only to meeting
employees’ expectation but also to
coping with the financial,
costumers, and process issues visà-vis the organizations goals.
o HR’s plans should be aligned with
the business plans.
In the process of benchmarking
with other companies, HR should
not use the information as a
standard but only as baseline.HR
should not make the mistake of
benchmarking only for the purpose
of following the lead of other
companies which have done well.
o HR should be able to build core
competencies or capabilities within
the company in order to provide for
effective leadership succession,
attain business success, and even
in turbulent times, survive crisis.
Before we leave this segment of the
book, this writer will tackled about in
the HR community-strategic HR. In
order to set the right perspective, a
strategic partner is a human
resource manager’s role to gives
him/her the opportunity to have a
meaningful voice in establishing and
implementing organization strategy
which is necessary for business
According to David Ulrich the challenges of
HR in becoming a strategic partner and
this writer has ventured into summarizing
1. By facilitating organization diagnosis, HR
turns strategies into actions.
2. HR should focus on a balanced scorecard
by paying attention not only to meeting
employees’ expectations but also to coping
with the financial and customer issues visà-vis the organization’s goals as well as
establishing strong systems and internal
3. HR’s plans should be aligned with the
business plans.
Talent Management
Recruiting and retaining talent
worldwide. This has always been
number one in the list.
 Leadership Development
Developing leaders who are
capable of thinking, inspiring, and
acting in the global arena. These
leaders are vital to the success of
organizations especially in a
knowledge-based economy.
Strategic HR
Increasing HR’s role as a
strategic business partner. Being
able to know the business,
developing a line of sight that will
align HR’s goals with the
organization’s goal’s and, and all the
time, finding one’s seat at the
corporate table and helping grow the
Different Training Programs
The main reason for this is that
“learning by doing” provides the
opportunity for the trainee to
immediately absorb what he/she learns
because of the hands-on experience
that OJT allows.
On the other hand, classroom
training is mostly dependent on the
Training through interaction with
others allows the trainee to learn from
someone like a coach or a mentor.
Effective Reward System
Rewards system is an important
and critical part organization design.
One way of designing a reward
system is to consider the basic
organization design, driven by its
existing resources and environment, as
well as the personal values and
management style of the owners.
Are you manager or a leader ?
Which is better ?
Command others
Provides direction
High control
Low control
Trust self
And finally, managing employs
“command and control” techniques
while leading generates “people