Name________________________________Date_________________ Before Reading Strategy: Anticipation Guide “The Bet”—Anton Chekhov Agree Disagree Statement Capital punishment (the death penalty) is an appropriate punishment for very severe crimes. Capital punishment permanently removes the worst criminals from society. Capital punishment deters (discourages/prevents) crime. Criminals who commit serious crimes should be put in jail for life instead of being put to death. Capital punishment is cruel and unusual punishment. “It is better to live in some way than not to live at all.” “Capital punishment and life in prison are equally immoral.” Comments: Name________________________________Date_________________ Reading Strategy: Front load critical vocabulary The Bet Anton Chekhov Vocabulary + o r - Webster Definition immoral not moral affluent Wealthy, well off revelation discovery audacious Bold, fearless humane Kind, caring, civilized hubris Overbearing pride, arrogance My definition Symbolic Representation