1859 DARWINIAN REVOLUTION WHRT IS THE REVOLUTIONRRY RBOUT THESE INTELLECTURLS ? OR WHRT I STHIS INTELLECTURL REVOLUTION RLL RBOUT The Darwinian revolution, occurring around 1859, has a special place in evolutionary thought, as it destroyed the old view of humans as miraculously special. The mechanism of natural selection, used by 90% of evolutionists, breaks with the pre-Origin past. Darwinian thinking is central to the modernism debate, with the question of whether to continue old ways or embrace a post-Enlightenment world with secular reason and evidence. WHO RRE THE KEY fIgURES IN THE REVOLUTION? Key People: Patrick Matthew; Edward Blyth; William Wells; Herbert Spencer; Key Ideas: The logic of natural selection; Evolution as fact, pathway & mechanism; Analysis of selection events in Galapagoes finches; Analysis of selection in peppered moths; Types of selection; Sexual selection; Darwinism. HOW DID THE REVOLUTION RDVRNCE MODERN SCIENCE RND SCIENTIfIC THINKINg RT THE TIME? The Darwinian revolution, ignited by Charles Darw in's theory of evolution by natural selection, significantly adva nced modern science by unifying biology, emphasizing empirical evidence and naturalistic explanations, making testable predictions, and impacting various scientific disciplines. It challenged religious views, fostered ethical and philosophical discussions, and promoted a more secular, evidencebased approach to understanding life on Earth, reshaping the scientific landscape and influencing fields beyond biology. WHRT CO NTROVERSIES MET THE REVOLUTION As of the time span of the Darwinian intellectual revolution, it is considered to be one of the most controversial there is. The reason for this began with the publication of his book entitled “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,” as the name suggests, it had introduced Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to the be known throughout the globe and its people. Although there are those who came into agreement with the proposed theory, others have rejected Darwin’s theory entirely as it contradicts with the bible’s story of creation under the book of genesis and therefore goes against the church’s teachings. KEY REFERE NCE: REVOLUTION https://l.facebook.com/l.php? u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.public.asu.edu%2F%7Ejmlynch%2Fdarwi n%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2AcjgHUePHUr3cG2mPyMlNrZGPEpO0Cz ogVZavc1fMVosolnXWVUWpZk%23%3A%7E%3Atext%3DKey%2520People%253A%2520Patr ick%2520Matthew%253B%2520Edward%2Cselection%253B%2520 Sexual%2520selection%253B%2520Darwinism&h=AT01q09sFb33lAj KzQVbi5oviQd8s9BLftDG7PDLzlp_kBQJNqFTRGftU1wEo3vqEj84K_ dsIXDKqHa8frin3nWKhE9YOppuptFyPyYtvEoheV5CB4Hq1tv5I5lc260w8y7Ew