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Are Leaders Born or Made? Leadership Essay

BUS 5411 - Written Assignment 2
Written Assignment 2
BUS 5411: Leading in today’s Dynamic Context
University of the People
Dr. Chris Lorenz Marcelo (Instructor)
Ghieath Aldaher
BUS 5411 - Written Assignment 2
To be an effective leader, one must excel in motivating and guiding subordinates toward
achieving business objectives. Leadership demands a distinctive set of traits that distinguish an
individual from their peers, including a steadfast belief in their work, adept planning, wisdom,
initiative, and resoluteness. The perennial debate of whether leaders are born or made has
spurred countless books and theories, all vying to settle this age-old argument. In this essay,
drawing from extensive research and personal insights, I aim to offer a definitive perspective on
this question.
Addressing the inquiry of whether leadership is an innate quality or a nurtured skill, we turn to a
range of peer-reviewed articles and studies characterized by objectivity and a solid foundation of
information. According to Di Giulio (2014), a leader is defined as someone capable of
persuading others towards a shared objective through a coherent and cohesive approach. While
the theory of the 'Great Man' posits that leaders possess inherent attributes distinct from the
general populace, the behaviorist perspective contends that these qualities can be acquired,
implying that anyone with the aspiration can develop leadership prowess (Hyacinth, 2014).
Citing Spencer (1896), Di Giulio (2014) emphasizes that great individuals are products of their
society, and their achievements would have been inconceivable without the societal conditions
preceding their existence.
Leaders are molded by the society they are born into and the individuals they grow up alongside.
This raises the question: if society played a definitive role in their development, why did figures
like Gandhi, Lincoln, and Martin Luther King not emerge as universally recognized leaders? The
answer lies in the unique constellation of traits inherent to each leader (Hyacinth, 2014). A study
conducted by the University of Houston, Illinois, and Tübingen University in Germany
scrutinized 1,795 individuals who underwent a personality assessment at the age of 16 in 1960.
In 2010, at the age of 66, researchers conducted a comprehensive study examining ten different
personality traits, one of which was leadership. According to conventional wisdom, one would
expect participants' scores on the personality test at ages 16 and 66 to remain relatively stable if
leadership is an inherent trait. Surprisingly, the study found that 80% of those identified as
leaders at the age of 16 still maintained that status at 66, highlighting a significant degree of
constancy (Travers, 2019).
BUS 5411 - Written Assignment 2
As posited by Riggio (2009), the debate between nature and nurture in leadership attributes a
third to innate qualities and two-thirds to nurtured skills. This implies that the majority of leaders
are forged through development rather than being inherently predisposed. This insight
underscores the feasibility of creating structured leadership programs for employees, as growth
into a more effective leader is indeed achievable. While some individuals may possess innate
qualities that propel them toward leadership roles, I contend that true leadership necessitates a
unique amalgamation of traits, skills, and experiences.
The essence of leadership lies in that inner spark, the impetus to take risks, to stand at the
forefront, to willingly dedicate oneself for the betterment of others, and the proficiency to
adeptly resolve challenges while lucidly articulating goals and strategies for attainment. It is this
combination that distinguishes a person as a genuine leader. Every individual who has ever held
a position of authority harbors a natural capacity to inspire and guide others.
Arak, J. (B. (2020, June 19). Are Leaders Born or Made? The Muse.
Di Giulio, J (2014), Are Leaders Born or Made? Leadership and Business Acumen.
Hyacinth, B. (2014, October 26). Are Leaders Born or Made? A True Story. LinkedIn.
Travers, M. (2019, August 18). Are Leaders Born Or Made? Forbes.
BUS 5411 - Written Assignment 2