Problem 3.1 Three forces act on a joint of a structure. The joint’s weight is negligible and it is in equilibrium. The force FA D 4 kN. Determine the force FB and the vertical force FC . y FC FB 15⬚ x 40⬚ FA Solution: FC FA D 4 kN FB Fx : FA cos 40° FB cos 15° D 0 15° Fy : FA sin 40° FC FB sin 15° D 0 Solving we find 40° FB D 3.17 kN, FC D 1.75 kN FA c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.2 The mass of the ring is 2 kg. The y-axis points upward. The angle ˛ D 45° . (a) (b) y F2 What is the ring’s weight in newtons? Determine the forces F1 and F2 . a F1 30⬚ x Solution: F2 F1 (a) (b) W D mg D 2 kg9.81 m/s2 D 19.62 N Fx : F1 cos 30° F2 cos 45° D 0 30° 45° Fy : F1 sin 30° C F2 sin 45° 19.62 N D 0 Solving: F1 D 14.36 N, F2 D 17.59 N mg c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.3 In Problem 3.2, suppose that you want to choose the angle ˛ so that the force F2 is a minimum. What is the required angle ˛ and the resulting value of F2 ? Strategy: Draw a vector diagram of the sum of the forces acting on the ring. Solution: The three forces must add to zero. The weight and force F2 F1 have specified directions. For F2 to be minimum we must have ˛ C 30° D 90° ) ˛ D 60° If that is the case then mg F2 D 19.62 cos 30° D 16.99 N α 30° F1 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.4 The 200-kg engine block is suspended by the cables AB and AC. The angle ˛ D 40° . The freebody diagram obtained by isolating the part of the system within the dashed line is shown. Determine the forces TAB and TAC . y TAB B TAC C a A a A x (200 kg) (9.81 m/s2) Solution: TAB TAC ˛ D 40° Fx : TAC cos ˛ TAB cos ˛ D 0 α α Fy : TAC sin ˛ C TAB sin ˛ 1962 N D 0 Solving: TAB D TAC D 1.526 kN 1962 Ν c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.5 In Problem 3.4, suppose that you don’t want either of the forces TAB or TAC to exceed 2 kN. What is the smallest acceptable value of the angle ˛? Solution: TAB TAC Fx : TAC cos ˛ TAB cos ˛ D 0 Fy : TAC sin ˛ C TAB sin ˛ 1962 N D 0 α α Solving we find TAB D TAC D 981 N sin ˛ If we impose the limit: 2000 N D 981 N 981 N ) sin ˛ D D 0.4905 ) ˛ D 29.4° sin ˛ 2000 N 1962 Ν c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.6 A zoologist estimates that the jaw of a predator, Martes, is subjected to a force P as large as 800 N. What forces T and M must be exerted by the temporalis and masseter muscles to support this value of P? 22° T P M 36° Solution: Resolve the forces into scalar components, and solve the equilibrium equations. . .Express the forces in terms of horizontal and vertical unit vectors: T D jTji cos 22° C j sin 22° D jTj0.927i C 0.375j P D 800i cos 270° C j sin 270° D 0i 800j M D jMji cos 144° C j sin 144° D jMj0.809i C 0.588j Apply the equilibrium conditions, FD0DTCMCPD0 Collect like terms: Fx D 0.927jTj 0.809jMji D 0 Fy D 0.375jTj C 0.588jMj 800j D 0 (1) (2) 0.809 jMj D 0.873jMj 0.927 Substitute this value into the second equation, reduce algebraically, and solve: jMj D 874 N, jTj D 763.3 N Solve the first equation, jTj D c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.7 The two springs are identical, with unstretched lengths 250 mm and spring constants k D 1200 N/m. (a) (b) (c) Draw the free-body diagram of block A. Draw the free-body diagram of block B. What are the masses of the two blocks? 300 mm A 280 mm B Solution: The tension in the upper spring acts on block A in the positive Y direction, Solve the spring force-deflection equation for the tension in the upper spring. Apply the equilibrium conditions to block A. Repeat the steps for block B. 300 mm N 0.3 m 0.25 mj D 0i C 60j N TUA D 0i C 1200 m Similarly, the tension in the lower spring acts on block A in the negative Y direction A 280 mm N 0.28 m 0.25 mj D 0i 36j N TLA D 0i 1200 m B The weight is WA D 0i jWA jj The equilibrium conditions are FD Fx C Fy D 0, Tension, upper spring F D WA C TUA C TLA D 0 A Collect and combine like terms in i, j Solve Fy D jWA j C 60 36j D 0 Tension, lower spring Weight, mass A jWA j D 60 36 D 24 N The mass of A is mA D jWL j 24 N D 2.45 kg D jgj 9.81 m/s2 The free body diagram for block B is shown. The tension in the lower spring TLB D 0i C 36j The weight: WB D 0i jWB jj Apply the equilibrium conditions to block B. Tension, lower spring y B x Weight, mass B F D WB C TLB D 0 Collect and combine like terms in i, j: Solve: Fy D jWB j C 36j D 0 jWB j D 36 N The mass of B is given by mB D jWB j 36 N D 3.67 kg D jgj 9.81 m/s2 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.8 The two springs in Problem 3.7 are identical, with unstretched lengths of 250 mm. Suppose that their spring constant k is unknown and the sum of the masses of blocks A and B is 10 kg. Determine the value of k and the masses of the two blocks. Solution: All of the forces are in the vertical direction so we will use scalar equations. First, consider the upper spring supporting both masses (10 kg total mass). The equation of equilibrium for block the entire assembly supported by the upper spring is A is TUA mA C mB g D 0, where TUA D kU 0.25 N. The equation of equilibrium for block B is TUB mB g D 0, where TUB D kL 0.25 N. The equation of equilibrium for block A alone is TUA C TLA mA g D 0 where TLA D TUB . Using g D 9.81 m/s2 , and solving simultaneously, we get k D 1962 N/m, mA D 4 kg, and mB D 6 kg . c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.9 The inclined surface is smooth. The two springs are identical, with unstretched lengths of 250 mm and spring constants k D 1200 N/m. What are the masses of blocks A and B? 300 mm A 280 mm B 30⬚ Solution: F1 D 1200 N/m0.3 0.25m D 60 N mAg F1 F2 D 1200 N/m0.28 0.25m D 36 N F2 FB &: F2 C mB g sin 30° D 0 mBg F2 FA &: F1 C F2 C mA g sin 30° D 0 NA Solving: mA D 4.89 kg, mB D 7.34 kg NB c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.10 The mass of the crane is 20,000 kg. The crane’s cable is attached to a caisson whose mass is 400 kg. The tension in the cable is 1 kN. (a) (b) Determine the friction forces level ground. Determine the friction forces level ground. magnitudes of the normal and exerted on the crane by the 45° magnitudes of the normal and exerted on the caisson by the Strategy: To do part (a), draw the free-body diagram of the crane and the part of its cable within the dashed line. Solution: (a) 45° Fy : Ncrane 196.2 kN 1 kN sin 45° D 0 196.2 kN 1 kN Fx : Fcrane C 1 kN cos 45° D 0 y Ncrane D 196.9 kN, Fcrane D 0.707 kN (b) Fy : Ncaisson 3.924 kN C 1 kN sin 45° D 0 x Fcrane Fx : 1 kN cos 45° C Fcaisson D 0 Ncrane Ncaisson D 3.22 kN, Fcaisson D 0.707 kN 1 kN 3.924 kN 45° Fcaisson Ncaisson c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.11 The inclined surface is smooth. The 100-kg crate is held stationary by a force T applied to the cable. Solution: (a) The FBD T (a) (b) Draw the free-body diagram of the crate. Determine the force T. 981 Ν T Ν 60° 60⬚ (b) F -: T 981 N sin 60° D 0 T D 850 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.12 sloping road. (a) (b) The 1200-kg car is stationary on the If ˛ D 20° , what are the magnitudes of the total normal and friction forces exerted on the car’s tires by the road? The car can remain stationary only if the total friction force necessary for equilibrium is not greater than 0.6 times the total normal force. What is the largest angle ˛ for which the car can remain stationary? α Solution: 11.772 kN (a) ˛ D 20° F% : N 11.772 kN cos ˛ D 0 F- : F 11.772 kN sin ˛ D 0 N D 11.06 kN, F D 4.03 kN (b) α F D 0.6 N F F% : N 11.772 kN cos ˛ D 0 ) ˛ D 31.0° N F- : F 11.772 kN sin ˛ D 0 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.13 The crate is in equilibrium on the smooth surface. (Remember that “smooth” means that friction is negligible). The spring constant is k D 2500 N/m and the stretch of the spring is 0.055 m. What is the mass of the crate? 20° Solution: K D 2500 N/m y Kδ υ D 0.055 m &C %C Fx D Kυ C m9.81 sin 20° D 0 x Fy D N-m9.81 cos 20° D 0 N 20° mg = 9.81 m 25000.055 C 3.355 m D 0 N 9.218 m D 0 Solving, m D 41.0 kg, N D 378 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.14 A 600-lb box is held in place on the smooth bed of the dump truck by the rope AB. (a) (b) If ˛ D 25° , what is the tension in the rope? If the rope will safely support a tension of 400 lb, what is the maximum allowable value of ˛? B A α Solution: Isolate the box. Resolve the forces into scalar components, and solve the equilibrium equations. A B The external forces are the weight, the tension in the rope, and the normal force exerted by the surface. The angle between the x axis and the weight vector is 90 ˛ (or 270 C ˛). The weight vector is α W D jWji sin ˛ j cos ˛ D 600i sin ˛ j cos ˛ The projections of the rope tension and the normal force are y T D jTx ji C 0j N D 0i C jNy jj T The equilibrium conditions are x FDWCNCTD0 Substitute, and collect like terms N W α Fx D 600 sin ˛ jTx ji D 0 Fy D 600 cos ˛ C jNy jj D 0 Solve for the unknown tension when For ˛ D 25° jTx j D 600 sin ˛ D 253.6 lb. For a tension of 400 lb, (600 sin ˛ 400 D 0. Solve for the unknown angle sin ˛ D 400 D 0.667 or ˛ D 41.84° 600 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.15 The 40-kg box is held in place on the smooth inclined surface by the horizontal cable AB. Determine the tension in the cable and the normal force exerted on the box by the inclined surface. A B 50⬚ Solution: Fx : T C N sin 50° D 0 392.4 N T y Fy : N cos 50° 392.4 N D 0 Solving: N D 610 N, T D 468 N x 50° N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.16 The 1360-kg car and the 2100-kg tow truck are stationary. The muddy surface on which the car’s tires rest exerts negligible friction forces on them. What is the tension in the tow cable? 18⬚ 10⬚ 26⬚ Solution: FBD of the car being towed F- : T cos 8° 13.34 kN sin 26° D 0 13.34 kN T 18° T D 5.91 kN 26° N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.17 In Problem 3.16, determine the magnitude of the total friction force exerted on the tow truck’s tires. (This is the friction force the truck’s tires must exert to prevent the truck and car from sliding down the slope.) Solution: Use the value of the tension from the previous problem 20.6 kN F- : F 20.6 kN sin 10° T cos 8° D 0 Solving: F D 9.43 kN 18° F 10° T N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.18 A 10-kg painting is hung with a wire supported by a nail. The length of the wire is 1.3 m. (a) (b) What is the tension in the wire? What is the magnitude of the force exerted on the nail by the wire? 1.2 m Solution: (a) Fy : 98.1 N 2 98.1 N 5 TD0 13 T D 128 N T (b) T 5 Force D 98.1 N 12 12 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.19 A 10-kg painting is hung with a wire supported by two nails. The length of the wire is 1.3 m. (a) (b) What is the tension in the wire? What is the magnitude of the force exerted on each nail by the wire? (Assume that the tension is the same in each part of the wire.) 0.4 m 0.4 m 0.4 m Compare your answers to the answers to Problem 3.18. T Solution: (a) Examine the point on the left where the wire is attached to the picture. This point supports half of the weight R 27.3° Fy : T sin 27.3° 49.05 N D 0 T D 107 N (b) 49.05 N Examine one of the nails Fx : Rx T cos 27.3° C T D 0 RD Ry Fy : Ry T sin 27.3° D 0 Rx 27.3° Rx 2 C Ry 2 T T R D 50.5 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.20 Assume that the 150-lb climber is in equilibrium. What are the tensions in the rope on the left and right sides? 15° 14° y Solution: Fx D TR cos15° TL cos14° D 0 Fy D TR sin15° C TL sin14° 150 D 0 14° TR TL 15° Solving, we get TL D 299 lb, TR D 300 lb x 150 lb c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.21 If the mass of the climber shown in Problem 3.20 is 80 kg, what are the tensions in the rope on the left and right sides? y Solution: Fx D TR cos15° TL cos14° D 0 F D T sin15° C T sin14° mg D 0 y R L TL TR 14° 15° Solving, we get TL D 1.56 kN, x TR D 1.57 kN mg = (80) (9.81) N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.22 A construction worker holds a 180-kg crate in the position shown. What force must she exert on the cable? 5° 30° Solution: Eqns. of Equilibrium: Fx D T2 cos 30° T1 sin 5° D 0 Fy D T1 cos 5° T2 sin 30° mg D 0 mg D 1809.81 N Solving, we get T1 D 1867 N T2 D 188 N 5° y T1 x 30° T2 mg = (180) (9.81) N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.23 A construction worker on the moon (acceleration due to gravity 1.62 m/s2 ) holds the same crate described in Problem 3.22 in the position shown. What force must she exert on the cable? 5° 30° 5° Solution Eqns. of Equilibrium Fx D T2 cos 30° T1 sin 5° D 0 Fy D T1 cos 5° T2 sin 30° mg D 0 mg D 1801.62 N y T1 Solving, we get T1 D 308 N T2 D 31.0 N x 30° T2 mg = (180) (1.62) N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.24 The person wants to cause the 200-lb crate to start sliding toward the right. To achieve this, the horizontal component of the force exerted on the crate by the rope must equal 0.35 times the normal force exerted on the crate by the floor. In Fig. a, the person pulls on the rope in the direction shown. In Fig. b, the person attaches the rope to a support as shown and pulls upward on the rope. What is the magnitude of the force he must exert on the rope in each case? 20° (a) 10° (b) Solution: (a) T 200 lb Fy : N 200 lb C T sin 20° D 0 20° Also T cos 20° D 0.35 N Solving: T D 66.1 lb (b) Ffr N The person exerts the force F 200 lb Fy : N 200 lb D 0, T D 0.35 N D 70 lb T Fy : F T sin 10° D 0 ) F D 12.2 lb Ffr N F 10° T T c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.25 A traffic engineer wants to suspend a 200-lb traffic light above the center of the two right lanes of a four-lane thoroughfare as shown. Determine the tensions in the cables AB and BC. Solution: 80 ft 20 ft A C 6 2 Fx : p TAB C p TBC D 0 37 5 1 1 Fy : p TAB C p TBC 200 lb D 0 37 5 Solving: TAB D 304 lb, TBC D 335 lb 10 ft B TBC 30 ft 6 1 1 TAB 2 200 lb c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.26 Cable AB is 3 m long and cable BC is 4 m long. The mass of the suspended object is 350 kg. Determine the tensions in cables AB and BC. 5m A C B Solution: TAB TAC 3 4 Fx : TAB C TBC D 0 5 5 4 Fy : 4 3 TAB C TBC 3.43 kN D 0 5 5 4 3 3 TAB D 2.75 kN, TBC D 2.06 kN 3.43 kN c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.27 In Problem 3.26, the length of cable AB is adjustable. If you don’t want the tension in either cable AB or cable BC to exceed 3 kN, what is the minimum acceptable length of cable AB? Solution: Consider the geometry: x 5−x We have the constraints LAB 2 D x 2 C y 2 , 4 m2 D 5 m x2 C y 2 y LAB 4m These constraint imply yD LD 10 mx x 2 9 m2 TAB TBC 10 mx 9 m2 Now draw the FBD and write the equations in terms of x x 5x Fx : p TAB C TBC D 0 4 10x 9 p Fy : 10x x 2 9 p TAB C 10x 9 p y 4 y x 5−x 10x x 2 9 TBC 3.43 kN D 0 4 If we set TAB D 3 kN and solve for x we find x D 1.535, TBC D 2.11 kN < 3 kN 3.43 kN Using this value for x we find that LAB D 2.52 m c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.28 What are the tensions in the upper and lower cables? (Your answers will be in terms of W. Neglect the weight of the pulley.) 45° 30° W Solution: Isolate the weight. The frictionless pulley changes the direction but not the magnitude of the tension. The angle between the right hand upper cable and the x axis is ˛, hence TU TU β TUR D jTU ji cos ˛ C j sin ˛. α y The angle between the positive x and the left hand upper pulley is 180° ˇ, hence TUL D jTU ji cos180 ˇ C j sin180 ˇ TL W x D jTU ji cos ˇ C j sin ˇ. The lower cable exerts a force: The weight: TL D jTL ji C 0j W D 0i jWjj The equilibrium conditions are F D W C TUL C TUR C TL D 0 Substitute and collect like terms, Fx D jTU j cos ˇ C jTU j cos ˛ jTL ji D 0 Fy D jTU j sin ˛ C jTU j sin ˇ jWjj D 0. Solve: jTU j D jWj sin ˛ C sin ˇ , jTL j D jTU jcos ˛ cos ˇ. From which For jTL j D jWj cos ˛ cos ˇ sin ˛ C sin ˇ . ˛ D 30° and ˇ D 45° jTU j D 0.828jWj, jTL j D 0.132jWj c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.29 Two tow trucks lift a motorcycle out of a ravine following an accident. If the 100-kg motorcycle is in equilibrium in the position shown, what are the tensions in cables AB and AC? (10, 9) m y (3, 8) m C B (6, 4.5) m A x Solution: We need to find unit vectors eAB and eAC . Then write TAB D TAB eAB and TAC D TAC eAC . Finally, write and solve the equations of equilibrium. y TAB For the ring at A. TAC From the known locations of points A, B, and C, eAB D rAB jrAB j eAC D rAC jrAC j rAB D 3i C 3.5j m jrAB j D 4.61 m rAC D 4i C 4.5j m jrAC j D 6.02 m A (6, 4, 5) B (3, 8) C (10, 9) x A mg = (100) (9.81) N eAB D 0.651i C 0.759j eAC D 0.664i C 0.747j TAB D 0.651TAB i C 0.759TAB j TAC D 0.664TAC i C 0.747TAC j W D mgj D 1009.81j N For equilibrium, TAB C TAC C W D 0 In component form, we have Fx D 0.651TAB C 0.664TAC D 0 Fy D C0.759TAB C 0.747TAC 981 D 0 Solving, we get TAB D 658 N, TAC D 645 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.30 An astronaut candidate conducts experiments on an airbearing platform. While he carries out calibrations, the platform is held in place by the horizontal tethers AB, AC, and AD. The forces exerted by the tethers are the only horizontal forces acting on the platform. If the tension in tether AC is 2 N, what are the tensions in the other two tethers? TOP VIEW D 4.0 m A 3.5 m B C 3.0 m Solution: Isolate the platform. The angles ˛ and ˇ are tan ˛ D Also, tan ˇ D 1.5 3.5 3.0 3.5 D 0.429, ˛ D 23.2° . B 3.0 m A D 0.857, C 3.5 m ˇ D 40.6° . 4.0 m y B x TAB D jTAB ji cos180° ˇ C j sin180° ˇ β α TAB D jTAB ji cos ˇ C j sin ˇ. The angle between the tether AC and the positive x axis is 180° C ˛. The tension is D jTAC ji cos ˛ j sin ˛. C Solve: jTAB j D The tether AD is aligned with the positive x axis, TAD D jTAD ji C 0j. The equilibrium condition: F D TAD C TAB C TAC D 0. Substitute and collect like terms, D A TAC D jTAC ji cos180° C ˛ C j sin180° C ˛ D 1.5 m The angle between the tether AB and the positive x axis is 180° ˇ, hence 1.5 m jTAD j D sin ˛ sin ˇ jTAC j, jTAC j sin˛ C ˇ sin ˇ . For jTAC j D 2 N, ˛ D 23.2° and ˇ D 40.6° , jTAB j D 1.21 N, jTAD j D 2.76 N Fx D jTAB j cos ˇ jTAC j cos ˛ C jTAD ji D 0, Fy D jTAB j sin ˇ jTAC j sin ˛j D 0. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.31 The forces exerted on the shoes and back of the 72-kg climber by the walls of the “chimney” are perpendicular to the walls exerting them. The tension in the rope is 640 N. What is the magnitude of the force exerted on his back? 10° 3° 4° Solution: Draw a free body diagram of the climber-treating all forces as if they act at a point. Write the forces in components and then apply the conditions for particle equilibrium. Fx D FFEET cos 4° FBACK cos 3° TROPE sin 10° D 0 Fy D FFEET sin 4° CFBACK sin 3° CTROPE cos 10° mg D 0 mg D 729.81 N, TROPE D 640 N TROPE 10° y FFEET FBACK 3° x 4° Solving, we get FBACK D 559 N, FFEET D 671 N mg = (72) (9.81) N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.32 The slider A is in equilibrium and the bar is smooth. What is the mass of the slider? 20° 200 N A 45° Solution: The pulley does not change the tension in the rope that passes over it. There is no friction between the slider and the bar. y T = 200 N 20° Eqns. of Equilibrium: Fx D T sin 20° C N cos 45° D 0 T D 200 N Fy D N sin 45° C T cos 20° mg D 0 g D 9.81 m/s2 Substituting for T and g, we have two eqns in two unknowns (N and m). Solving, we get N D 96.7 N, m D 12.2 kg. x N 45° mg = (9.81) g c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.33 The 20-kg mass is suspended from three cables. Cable AC is equipped with a turnbuckle so that its tension can be adjusted and a strain gauge that allows its tension to be measured. If the tension in cable AC is 40 N, what are the tensions in cables AB and AD? 0.4 m 0.4 m B 0.48 m C D 0.64 m A Solution: TAC TAB 5 TAC D 40 N 5 5 11 TAD D 0 Fx : p TAB C p TAC C p 89 89 185 TAD 8 8 8 11 5 8 8 8 TAD 196.2 N D 0 Fy : p TAB C p TAC C p 89 89 185 Solving: TAB D 144.1 N, TAD D 68.2 N 196.2 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.34 In Problem 3.33, suppose that you want to adjust the tension in cable AC so that the tensions in cables AC and AD are equal. What is the necessary tension in cable AC? What is the resulting tension in cable AB? Solution: TAC TAB 5 TAC D TAD 5 5 11 Fx : p TAB C p TAC C p TAD D 0 89 89 185 8 8 8 TAD 196.2 N D 0 Fy : p TAB C p TAC C p 89 89 185 TAD 8 8 8 11 5 Solving: TAB D 138.5 N, TAC D TAD D 54.8 N 196.2 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.35 The collar A slides on the smooth vertical bar. The masses mA D 20 kg and mB D 10 kg. When h D 0.1 m, the spring is unstretched. When the system is in equilibrium, h D 0.3 m. Determine the spring constant k. 0.25 m h A B k Solution: The triangles formed by the rope segments and the horizontal line level with A can be used to determine the lengths Lu and Ls . The equations are Lu D 0.252 C 0.12 and Ls D 0.252 C 0.32 . The stretch in the spring when in equilibrium is given by υ D Ls Lu . Carrying out the calculations, we get Lu D 0.269 m, Ls D 0.391 m, and υ D 0.121 m. The angle, , between the rope at A and the horizontal when the system is in equilibrium is given by tan D 0.3/0.25, or D 50.2° . From the free body diagram for mass A, we get two equilibrium equations. They are and T NA A mA g Fx D NA C T cos D 0 T Fy D T sin mA g D 0. We have two equations in two unknowns and can solve. We get NA D 163.5 N and T D 255.4 N. Now we go to the free body diagram for B, where the equation of equilibrium is T mB g kυ D 0. This equation has only one unknown. Solving, we get k D 1297 N/m Lu 0.1 m B mBg Kδ 0.25 m Ls Lu 0.3 m 0.25 m c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.36* You are designing a cable system to support a suspended object of weight W. The two wires must be identical, and the dimension b is fixed. The ratio of the tension T in each wire to its cross-sectional area A must equal a specified value T/A D . The “cost” of your design is pthe total volume of material in the two wires, V D 2A b2 C h2 . Determine the value of h that minimizes the cost. b b h W Solution: From the equation T T θ θ Fy D 2T sin W D 0, we obtain T D p W W b2 C h2 D . 2 sin 2h Since T/A D , A D p W b2 C h2 T D 2h W p Wb2 C h2 and the “cost” is V D 2A b2 C h2 D . h To determine the value of h that minimizes V, we set W dV b2 C h2 D C2 D0 2 dh h and solve for h, obtaining h D b. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.37 The system of cables suspends a 1000lb bank of lights above a movie set. Determine the tensions in cables AB, CD, and CE. 20 ft 18 ft B D Solution: Isolate juncture A, and solve the equilibrium equations. C Repeat for the cable juncture C. E The angle between the cable AC and the positive x axis is ˛. The tension in AC is TAC D jTAC ji cos ˛ C j sin ˛ 45° 30° A The angle between the x axis and AB is 180° ˇ. The tension is TAB D jTAB ji cos180 ˇ C j sin180 ˇ TAB D i cos ˇ C j sin ˇ. The weight is W D 0i jWjj. The equilibrium conditions are Solve: jTCE j D jTCA j cos ˛, F D 0 D W C TAB C TAC D 0. jTCD j D jTCA j sin ˛; Substitute and collect like terms, for jTCA j D 732 lb and ˛ D 30° , Fx D jTAC j cos ˛ jTAB j cos ˇi D 0 jTAB j D 896.6 lb, Fy D jTAB j sin ˇ C jTAC j sin ˛ jWjj D 0. jTCE j D 634 lb, Solving, we get jTAB j D cos ˛ cos ˇ and jTAC j jTAC j D jWj cos ˇ sin˛ C ˇ jTCD j D 366 lb , jWj D 1000 lb, and ˛ D 30° , ˇ D 45° jTAC j D 1000 jTAB j D 732 0.7071 0.9659 0.866 0.7071 B C A β α D 732.05 lb y x W D 896.5 lb Isolate juncture C. The angle between the positive x axis and the cable CA is 180° ˛. The tension is D TCA D jTCA ji cos180° C ˛ C j sin180° C ˛, C 90° E or TCA D jTCA ji cos ˛ j sin ˛. The tension in the cable CE is α y A TCE D ijTCE j C 0j. x The tension in the cable CD is TCD D 0i C jjTCD j. The equilibrium conditions are F D 0 D TCA C TCE C TCD D 0 Substitute t and collect like terms, Fx D jTCE j jTCA j cos ˛i D 0, Fy D jTCD j jTCA j sin ˛j D 0. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.38 Consider the 1000-lb bank of lights in Problem 3.37. A technician changes the position of the lights by removing the cable CE. What is the tension in cable AB after the change? Solution: The original configuration in Problem 3.35 is used to solve for the dimensions and the angles. Isolate the juncture A, and solve the equilibrium conditions. 18 ft 20 ft D B C The lengths are calculated as follows: The vertical interior distance in the triangle is 20 ft, since the angle is 45 deg. and the base and altitude of a 45 deg triangle are equal. The length AB is given by α β A AB D 20 ft D 28.284 ft. cos 45° The length AC is given by AC D 18 ft D 20.785 ft. cos 30° 38 B The altitude of the triangle for which AC is the hypotenuse is 18 tan 30° D 10.392 ft. The distance CD is given by 20 10.392 D 9.608 ft. D β α β 20.784+9.608 = 30.392 α 28.284 The distance AD is given by A AD D AC C CD D 20.784 C 9.608 D 30.392 B The new angles are given by the cosine law D β AB2 D 382 C AD2 238AD cos ˛. A α Reduce and solve: cos ˛ D cos ˇ D 382 C 30.3922 28.2842 23830.392 y 28.2842 C 382 30.3922 228.28438 D 0.6787, ˛ D 47.23° . D 0.6142, ˇ D 52.1° . Isolate the juncture A. The angle between the cable AD and the positive x axis is ˛. The tension is: Solve: jTAB j D and jTAD j D TAD D jTAD ji cos ˛ C j sin ˛. The angle between x and the cable AB is 180° ˇ. The tension is TAB D jTAB ji cos ˇ C j sin ˇ. The weight is W D 0i jWjj F D 0 D W C TAB C TAD D 0. cos ˛ cos ˇ jTAD j, jWj cos ˇ sin˛ C ˇ . For jWj D 1000 lb, and ˛ D 51.2° , ˇ D 47.2° jTAD j D 1000 The equilibrium conditions are x W 0.6142 0.989 jTAB j D 622.3 0.6787 0.6142 D 621.03 lb, D 687.9 lb Substitute and collect like terms, Fx D jTAD j cos ˛ jTAB j cos ˇi D 0, Fy D jTAB j sin ˇ C jTAD j sin ˛ jWjj D 0. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.39 While working on another exhibit, a curator at the Smithsonian Institution pulls the suspended Voyager aircraft to one side by attaching three horizontal cables as shown. The mass of the aircraft is 1250 kg. Determine the tensions in the cable segments AB, BC, and CD. D C B 30° 50° Solution: Isolate each cable juncture, beginning with A and solve the equilibrium equations at each juncture. The angle between the cable AB and the positive x axis is ˛ D 70° ; the tension in cable AB is TAB D jTAB ji cos ˛ C j sin ˛. The weight is W D 0i jWjj. The tension in cable AT is T D jTji C 0j. The equilibrium conditions are A 70° F D W C T C TAB D 0. Substitute and collect like terms Fx jTAB j cos ˛ jTji D 0, Fy D jTAB j sin ˛ jWjj D 0. y Solve: the tension in cable AB is jTAB j D jWj . sin ˛ m For jWj D 1250 kg 9.81 2 D 12262.5 N and ˛ D 70° s 12262.5 jTAB j D D 13049.5 N 0.94 B x α A T W Isolate juncture B. The angles are ˛ D 50° , ˇ D 70° , and the tension cable BC is TBC D jTBC ji cos ˛ C j sin ˛. The angle between the cable BA and the positive x axis is 180 C ˇ; the tension is y C x TBA D jTBA ji cos180 C ˇ C j sin180 C ˇ The tension in the left horizontal cable is T D jTji C 0j. The equilibrium conditions are β A F D TBA C TBC C T D 0. Substitute and collect like terms α B T D jTBA ji cos ˇ j sin ˇ y T Fy D jTBC j sin ˛ jTBA j sin ˇj D 0. Solve: jTBC j D sin ˇ sin ˛ D x Fx D jTBC j cos ˛ jTBA j cos ˇ jTji D 0 α C β jTBA j. B For jTBA j D 13049.5 N, and ˛ D 50° , ˇ D 70° , jTBC j D 13049.5 0.9397 0.7660 D 16007.6 N Isolate the cable juncture C. The angles are ˛ D 30° , ˇ D 50° . By symmetry with the cable juncture B above, the tension in cable CD is jTCD j D sin ˇ sin ˛ jTCB j. Substitute: jTCD j D 16007.6 0.7660 0.5 D 24525.0 N. This completes the problem solution. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.40 A truck dealer wants to suspend a 4-Mg (megagram) truck as shown for advertising. The distance b D 15 m, and the sum of the lengths of the cables AB and BC is 42 m. What are the tensions in the cables? 40 m b A C B Solution: Determine the dimensions and angles of the cables. Isolate the cable juncture B, and solve the equilibrium conditions. The dimensions of the triangles formed by the cables: 15 m b A b D 15 m, L D 25 m, 25 m L β AB C BC D S D 42 m. C α Subdivide into two right triangles with a common side of unknown length. Let the unknown length of this common side be d, then by the Pythagorean Theorem b2 C d2 D AB2 , L 2 C d2 D BC2 . B y Subtract the first equation from the second to eliminate the unknown d, L 2 b2 D BC2 AB2 . A α B β C Note that BC2 AB2 D BC ABBC C AB. W Substitute and reduce to the pair of simultaneous equations in the unknowns x BC AB D L 2 b2 S Solve: 2 1 L b2 CS 2 S BC D D , BC C AB D S Substitute and collect like terms 2 1 25 152 C 42 D 25.762 m 2 42 Fx D jTBC j cos ˛ jTBA j cos ˇi D 0, Fy D jTBC j sin ˛ C jTBA j sin ˇ jWjj D 0 and AB D S BC D 42 25.762 D 16.238 m. Solve: jTBC j D The interior angles are found from the cosine law: cos ˛ D C BC2 AB2 2L C bBC cos ˇ D L C b2 L C b2 C AB2 BC2 2L C bAB and jTBA j D D 0.9704 ˛ D 13.97° cos ˇ cos ˛ jTBA j, jWj cos ˛ sin˛ C ˇ . For jWj D 40009.81 D 39240 N, D 0.9238 ˇ D 22.52° Isolate cable juncture B. The angle between BC and the positive x axis is ˛; the tension is and ˛ D 13.97° , ˇ D 22.52° , jTBA j D 64033 D 64 kN, jTBC j D 60953 D 61 kN TBC D jTBC ji cos ˛ C j sin ˛ The angle between BA and the positive x axis is 180° ˇ; the tension is TBA D jTBA ji cos180 ˇ C j sin180 ˇ D jTBA ji cos ˇ C j sin ˇ. The weight is W D 0i jWjj. The equilibrium conditions are F D W C TBA C TBC D 0. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.41 The distance h D 12 in, and the tension in cable AD is 200 lb. What are the tensions in cables AB and AC? B 12 in. A D C 12 in. h 8 in. 12 in. Solution: Isolated the cable juncture. From the sketch, the angles are found from tan ˛ D tan ˇ D 8 12 4 12 D 0.667 y B 12 in α ˛ D 33.7° 8 in A D 0.333 8 in. ˇ D 18.4° β D 4 in C The angle between the cable AB and the positive x axis is 180° ˛, the tension in AB is: x TAB D jTAB ji cos180 ˛ C j sin180 ˛ TAB D jTAB ji cos ˛ C j sin ˛. The angle between AC and the positive x axis is 180 C ˇ. The tension is TAC D jTAC ji cos180 C ˇ C j sin180 C ˇ TAC D jTAC ji cos ˇ j sin ˇ. The tension in the cable AD is TAD D jTAD ji C 0j. The equilibrium conditions are F D TAC C TAB C TAD D 0. Substitute and collect like terms, Fx D jTAB j cos ˛ jTAC j cos ˇ C jTAD ji D 0 Fy D jTAB j sin ˛ jTAC j sin ˇj D 0. Solve: jTAB j D and jTAC j D sin ˇ sin ˛ jTAC j, sin ˛ sin˛ C ˇ jTAD j. For jTAD j D 200 lb, ˛ D 33.7° , ˇ D 18.4° jTAC j D 140.6 lb, jTAB j D 80.1 lb c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.42 You are designing a cable system to support a suspended object of weight W. Because your design requires points A and B to be placed as shown, you have no control over the angle ˛, but you can choose the angle ˇ by placing point C wherever you wish. Show that to minimize the tensions in cables AB and BC, you must choose ˇ D ˛ if the angle ˛ ½ 45° . B β α A Strategy: Draw a diagram of the sum of the forces exerted by the three cables at A. W Solution: Draw the free body diagram of the knot at point A. Then y draw the force triangle involving the three forces. Remember that ˛ is fixed and the force W has both fixed magnitude and direction. From the force triangle, we see that the force TAC can be smaller than TAB for a large range of values for ˇ. By inspection, we see that the minimum simultaneous values for TAC and TAB occur when the two forces are equal. This occurs when ˛ D ˇ. Note: this does not happen when ˛ < 45° . TAC TAB and A x W B Possible locations for C lie on line C? C? α TAB Fx D TAB cos ˛ C TAC cos ˇ D 0 Fy D TAB sin ˛ C TAC sin ˇ W D 0. B α In this case, we solved the problem without writing the equations of equilibrium. For reference, these equations are: C Candidate β W Candidate values for TAC Fixed direction for line AB c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.43* The length of the cable ABC is 1.4 m. The 2-kN force is applied to a small pulley. The system is stationary. What is the tension in the cable? 1m A C B 0.75 m 15⬚ Solution: Examine the geometry h2 C 0.75 m2 C tan ˛ D ) 0.75 m 2 kN 0.25 m β α h2 C 0.25 m2 D 1.4 m h h h , tan ˇ D 0.75 m 0.25 m h D 0.458 m, ˛ D 31.39° , ˇ D 61.35° Now draw a FBD and solve for the tension. We can use either of the equilibrium equations Fx : T cos ˛ C T cos ˇ C 2 kN sin 15° D 0 T T β α T D 1.38 kN 2 kN 15° c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.44 The masses m1 D 12 kg and m2 D 6 kg are suspended by the cable system shown. The cable BC is horizontal. Determine the angle ˛ and the tensions in the cables AB, BC, and CD. TAB A D α TBC α B B C 70⬚ m1 m2 117.7 N Solution: We have 4 unknowns and 4 equations TCD FBx : TAB cos ˛ C TBC D 0 FBy : TAB sin ˛ 117.7 N D 0 FCx : TBC C TCD cos 70° D 0 70° TBC C FCy : TCD sin 70° 58.86 N D 0 Solving we find ˛ D 79.7° , TAB D 119.7 N, TBC D 21.4 N, TCD D 62.6 N 58.86 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.45 The weights W1 D 50 lb and W2 are suspended by the cable system shown. Determine the weight W2 and the tensions in the cables AB, BC, and CD. 30 in 30 in 30 in A D 16 in 20 in C B W2 W1 Solution: We have 4 unknowns and 4 equilibrium equations to use 3 15 FBx : p TAB C p TBC D 0 229 13 TAB 2 15 2 3 2 2 FBy : p TAB C p TBC 50 lb D 0 229 13 TBC B 15 15 TBC C TCD D 0 FCx : p 17 229 50 lb 2 8 TBC C TCD W2 D 0 FCy : p 17 229 TCD W2 D 25 lb, TAB D 75.1 lb 8 ) C TBC D 63.1 lb, TCD D 70.8 lb TBC 15 15 2 W2 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.46 In the system shown in Problem 3.45, assume that W2 D W1 /2. If you don’t want the tension anywhere in the supporting cable to exceed 200 lb, what is the largest acceptable value of W1 ? TAB Solution: 3 15 FBx : p TAB C p TBC D 0 229 13 2 2 2 FBy : p TAB C p TBC W1 D 0 229 13 15 2 3 TBC B 15 15 TBC C TCD D 0 FCx : p 17 229 W1 2 8 W1 TBC C TCD D0 FCy : p 17 2 229 TCD TAB D 1.502W1 , TBC D 1.262W1 , TCD D 1.417W1 8 C AB is the critical cable 200 lb D 1.502W1 ) W1 D 133.2 lb TBC 15 2 15 W2 = W1/2 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.47 The hydraulic cylinder is subjected to three forces. An 8-kN force is exerted on the cylinder at B that is parallel to the cylinder and points from B toward C. The link AC exerts a force at C that is parallel to the line from A to C. The link CD exerts a force at C that is parallel to the line from C to D. (a) (b) Draw the free-body diagram of the cylinder. (The cylinder’s weight is negligible). Determine the magnitudes of the forces exerted by the links AC and CD. Solution: From the figure, if C is at the origin, then points A, B, and D are located at 1m D C Hydraulic cylinder 1m 0.6 m B A 0.6 m 0.15 m Scoop y A0.15, 0.6 B0.75, 0.6 D FCD D1.00, 0.4 and forces FCA , FBC , and FCD are parallel to CA, BC, and CD, respectively. C x FBC We need to write unit vectors in the three force directions and express the forces in terms of magnitudes and unit vectors. The unit vectors are given by eCA D rCA D 0.243i 0.970j jrCA j eCB D rCB D 0.781i 0.625j jrCB j eCD D rCD D 0.928i C 0.371j jrCD j FCA A B Now we write the forces in terms of magnitudes and unit vectors. We can write FBC as FCB D 8eCB kN or as FCB D 8eCB kN (because we were told it was directed from B toward C and had a magnitude of 8 kN. Either way, we must end up with FCB D 6.25i C 5.00j kN Similarly, FCA D 0.243FCA i 0.970FCA j FCD D 0.928FCD i C 0.371FCD j For equilibrium, FCA C FCB C FCD D 0 In component form, this gives Fx D 0.243FCA C 0.928FCD 6.25 (kN) D 0 Fy D 0.970FCA C 0.371FCD C 5.00 (kN) D 0 Solving, we get FCA D 7.02 kN, FCD D 4.89 kN c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.48 surfaces. (a) (b) The 50-lb cylinder rests on two smooth Draw the free-body diagram of the cylinder. If ˛ D 30° , what are the magnitudes of the forces exerted on the cylinder by the left and right surfaces? Solution: Isolate the cylinder. (a) The free body diagram of the isolated cylinder is shown. (b) The forces acting are the weight and the normal forces exerted by the surfaces. The angle between the normal force on the right and the x axis is 90 C ˇ. The normal force is α 45° y β α NL NR D jNR ji cos90 C ˇ C j sin90 C ˇ NR W x NR D jNR ji sin ˇ C j cos ˇ. The angle between the positive x axis and the left hand force is normal 90 ˛; the normal force is NL D jNL ji sin ˛ C j cos ˛. The weight is W D 0i jWjj. The equilibrium conditions are F D W C NR C NL D 0. Substitute and collect like terms, Fx D jNR j sin ˇ C jNL j sin ˛i D 0, Solve: jNR j D and jNL j D sin ˛ sin ˇ jNL j, jWj sin ˇ sin˛ C ˇ . For jWj D 50 lb, and ˛ D 30° , ˇ D 45° , the normal forces are jNL j D 36.6 lb, jNR j D 25.9 lb Fy D jNR j cos ˇ C jNL j cos ˛ jWjj D 0. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.49 For the 50-lb cylinder in Problem 3.48, obtain an equation for the force exerted on the cylinder by the left surface in terms of the angle ˛ in two ways: (a) using a coordinate system with the y axis vertical, (b) using a coordinate system with the y axis parallel to the right surface. y Solution: The solution for Part (a) is given in Problem 3.48 (see free body diagram). jNR j D sin ˛ sin ˇ jNL j jNL j D jWj sin ˇ sin˛ C ˇ . Part (b): The isolated cylinder with the coordinate system is shown. The angle between the right hand normal force and the positive x axis is 180° . The normal force: NR D jNR ji C 0j. The angle between the left hand normal force and the positive x is 180 ˛ C ˇ. The normal force is NL D jNL ji cos˛ C ˇ C j sin˛ C ˇ. The angle between the weight vector and the positive x axis is ˇ. The weight vector is W D jWji cos ˇ j sin ˇ. The equilibrium conditions are β α NR NL W x Substitute and collect like terms, Fx D jNR j jNL j cos˛ C ˇ C jWj cos ˇi D 0, Fy D jNL j sin˛ C ˇ jWj sin ˇj D 0. F D W C NR C NL D 0. Solve: jNL j D jWj sin ˇ sin˛ C ˇ c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.50 The two springs are identical, with unstretched length 0.4 m. When the 50-kg mass is suspended at B, the length of each spring increases to 0.6 m. What is the spring constant k? 0.6 m A C k k B Solution: F F F D k0.6 m 0.4 m Fy : 2F sin 60° 490.5 N D 0 60° 60° k D 1416 N/m 490.5 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.51 The cable AB is 0.5 m in length. The unstretched length of the spring is 0.4 m. When the 50-kg mass is suspended at B, the length of the spring increases to 0.45 m. What is the spring constant k? 0.7 m A C k B Solution: The Geometry 0.7 m Law of Cosines and Law of Sines 2 2 φ θ 2 0.7 D 0.5 C 0.45 20.50.45 cos ˇ sin sin sin ˇ D D 0.45 m 0.5 m 0.7 m 0.5 m 0.45 m β ˇ D 94.8° , D 39.8° D 45.4° Now do the statics TAB F F D k0.45 m 0.4 m Fx : TAB cos C F cos D 0 θ φ Fy : TAB sin C F sin 490.5 N D 0 Solving: k D 7560 N/m 490.5 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.52 The 1440-kg car is moving at constant speed on a road with the slope shown. The aerodynamic forces on the car are the drag D D 530 N, which is parallel to the road, and the lift L D 360 N, which is perpendicular to the road. Determine the magnitudes of the total normal and friction forces exerted on the car by the road. L D 15° Solution: From the free body diagram, the equations of equilib- y L rium are Fx D f D W sin 15° D 0 x f Fy D L C N W cos 15° D 0 D W D mg D 14409.81 N 15° L D 360 N, D D 530 N W N m D 1440 kg, g D 9.81 m/s2 Solving, we get 15° f D 4.19 kN, N D 13.29 kN c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.53 The inclined surface is smooth. Determine the force T that must be exerted on the cable to hold the 100-kg crate in equilibrium and compare your answer to the answer of Problem 3.11. T 60⬚ 3T Solution: 981 N F- : 3 T 981 N sin 60° D 0 T D 283 N N 60° c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.54 The mass of each pulley of the system is m and the mass of the suspended object A is mA . Determine the force T necessary for the system to be in equilibrium. A T Solution: Draw free body diagrams of each pulley and the object A. Each pulley and the object A must be in equilibrium. The weights of the pulleys and object A are W D mg and WA D mA g. The equilibrium equations for the lower pulley, middle pulley, and upper pulley are, respectively, A 2T W D 0, B 2A W D 0, and C 2B W D 0. The equilibrium equation for the weight is T C A C B WA D 0. Solving the first equation for A in terms of T and W, substituting for A in the second equation and solving for B in terms of T and W, we get A D 2T C W and B D 4T C 3W. Substituting for A and B in the equilibrium equation for the weight, we get 7T D WA 4W D mA g 4mg. Thus, the tension, T, in terms of masses and g is T D g mA 4m 7 C B B B W A A T A T W W T A B WA c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.55 The mass of each pulley of the system is m and the mass of the suspended object A is mA . Determine the force T necessary for the system to be in equilibrium. Solution: Draw free body diagrams of each pulley and the object A. Each pulley and the object A must be in equilibrium. The weights of the pulleys and object A are W D mg and WA D mA g. The equilibrium equations for the weight A, the lower pulley, second pulley, third pulley, and the top pulley are, respectively, B WA D 0, 2C B W D 0, 2D C W D 0, 2T D W D 0, and FS 2T W D 0. Begin with the first equation and solve for B, substitute for B in the second equation and solve for C, substitute for C in the third equation and solve for D, and substitute for D in the fourth equation and solve for T, to get T in terms of W and WA . The result is T A Fs W T W B D WA , DD CD WA W C , 2 2 3W WA 7W WA C , and T D C , 4 4 8 8 or in terms of the masses, TD g mA C 7m. 8 T T T W D D D C W C C B B WA c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.56 The suspended mass m1 D 50 kg. Neglecting the masses of the pulleys, determine the value of the mass m2 necessary for the system to be in equilibrium. A B C m2 m1 Solution: FC : T1 C 2m2 g m1 g D 0 T1 T T FB : T1 2m2 g D 0 m2 D m1 D 12.5 kg 4 C T1 m1 g B T = m2 g T c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.57 Consider the pulley system shown in Problem 3.56. The suspended mass m1 D 50 kg. If the pulleys A, B, and C each have a mass of 2 kg, what mass m2 is necessary for the system to be in equilibrium? Solution: T1 T T FC : T1 C 2m2 g m1 g 2 kgg D 0 FB : T1 2 kgg 2m2 g D 0 C m1 D 12.5 kg m2 D 4 T1 (m1 + 2 kg) g B T = m2 g (2 kg) g T c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.58 Pulley systems containing one, two, and three pulleys are shown. Neglecting the weights of the pulleys, determine the force T required to support the weight W in each case. T T T W (a) One pulley W (b) Two pulleys W (c) Three pulleys Solution: (a) (b) (b) For two pulleys T Fy : 2T W D 0 ) T D T W 2 Fupper : 2T T1 D 0 Flower : 2T1 W D 0 T1 TD (c) T1 W 4 Fupper : 2T T1 D 0 Fmiddle : 2T1 T2 D 0 W Flower : 2T2 W D 0 (c) For three pulleys TD T W 8 T (a) For one pulleys T T T1 T1 W T2 T2 T2 W c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.59 Problem 3.58 shows pulley systems containing one, two, and three pulleys. The number of pulleys in the type of system shown could obviously be extended to an arbitrary number N. (a) (b) Neglecting the weights of the pulleys, determine the force T required to support the weight W as a function of the number of pulleys N in the system. Using the result of part (a), determine the force T required to support the weight W for a system with 10 pulleys. Solution: By extrapolation of the previous problem (a) TD W 2N (b) TD W 1024 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.60 A 14,000-kg airplane is in steady flight in the vertical plane. The flight path angle is D 10° , the angle of attack is ˛ D 4° , and the thrust force exerted by the engine is T D 60 kN. What are the magnitudes of the lift and drag forces acting on the airplane? Solution: Let us draw a more detailed free body diagram to see the angles involved more clearly. Then we will write the equations of equilibrium and solve them. y L W D mg D 14,0009.81 N The equilibrium equations are x Fx D T cos ˛ D W sin D 0 Fy D T sin ˛ C L W cos D 0 α α = 4° γ = 10° T γ D W T D 60 kN D 60000 N Solving, we get γ D D 36.0 kN, L D 131.1 kN y Path x T γ L α D Horizon W c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.61 An airplane is in steady flight, the angle of attack ˛ D 0, the thrust-to-drag ratio T/D D 2, and the lift-to-drag ratio L/D D 4. What is the flight path angle ? Solution: Use the same strategy as in Problem 3.52. The angle between the thrust vector and the positive x axis is ˛, T D jTji cos ˛ C j sin ˛ The lift vector: L D 0i C jLjj The drag: D D jDji C 0j. The angle between the weight vector and the positive x axis is 270 ; W D jWji sin j cos . The equilibrium conditions are F D T C L C D C W D 0. Substitute and collect like terms and Fx D jTj cos ˛ jDj jWj sin i D 0, Fy D jTj sin ˛ C jLj jWj cos j D 0 Solve the equations for the terms in : jWj sin D jTj cos ˛ jDj, and jWj cos D jTj sin ˛ C jLj. Take the ratio of the two equations tan D jTj cos ˛ jDj jTj sin ˛ C jLj . Divide top and bottom on the right by jDj. For ˛ D 0, jLj jTj D 2, D 4, jDj jDj tan D 21 4 D 1 or D 14° 4 y Path T L α D x γ Horizontal W c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.62 An airplane glides in steady flight (T D 0), and its lift-to-drag ratio is L/D D 4. (a) (b) What is the flight path angle ? If the airplane glides from an altitude of 1000 m to zero altitude, what horizontal distance does it travel? Solution: Use the same strategy as in Problem 3.52. The angle y between the thrust vector and the positive x axis is ˛: Path x T T D jTji cos ˛ C j sin ˛. L α The lift vector: L D 0i C jLjj. The drag: D D jDji C 0j. The angle between the weight vector and the positive x axis is 270 : γ Horizontal D W W D jWji sin j cos . The equilibrium conditions are F D T C L C D C W D 0. γ Substitute and collect like terms: 1 km Fx D jTj cos ˛ jDj jWj sin i D 0 γ Fy D jTj sin ˛ C jLj jWj cos j D 0 h Solve the equations for the terms in , jWj sin D jTj cos ˛ jDj, and jWj cos D jTj sin ˛ C jLj Part (a): Take the ratio of the two equilibrium equations: tan D jTj cos ˛ jDj jTj sin ˛ C jLj . Divide top and bottom on the right by jDj. For ˛ D 0, jTj D 0, jLj D 4, jDj tan D 1 4 D 14° Part (b): The flight path angle is a negative angle measured from the horizontal, hence from the equality of opposite interior angles the angle is also the positive elevation angle of the airplane measured at the point of landing. tan D 1 , h hD 1 1 D D 4 km 1 tan 4 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.63 Four forces F1 , F2 , F3 , and F4 act on an object in equilibrium. The force F1 D 50i (N). The forces F2 , F3 , and F4 point in the directions of the unit vectors e2 D 0.485i C 0.485j 0.728k, e3 D 0.557i C 0.743j C 0.371k, e4 D 0.371i 0.743j C 0.557k. Determine the magnitudes of F2 , F3 , and F4 . y F3 z F4 F2 F1 x Solution: The Forces: F1 D 50 Ni F2 D F2 0.485i C 0.485j 0.728k F3 D F3 0.557i C 0.743j C 0.371k F4 D F4 0.371i 0.743j C 0.557k The equilibrium equations: Fx : 50 N 0.485F2 0.557F3 0.371F3 D 0 Fy : 0.485F2 C 0.743F3 0.743 F D 0 Fz : 0.728F2 C 0.371F3 C 0.557 F D 0 Solving: F2 D 45.8 N, F3 D 17.99 N, F4 D 47.9 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 y Problem 3.64 The force F D 5i (kN) acts on point A where the cables AB, AC, and AD are joined. What are the tensions in the three cables? D (0, 6, 0) m A Strategy: Isolate part of the cable system near point A. See Example 3.5. F (12, 4, 2) m C B (6, 0, 0) m x (0, 4, 6) m z Solution: Isolate the cable juncture A. Get the unit vectors parallel y to the cables using the coordinates of the end points. Express the tensions in terms of these unit vectors, and solve the equilibrium conditions. The coordinates of points A, B, C, D are: A12, 4, 2, B6, 0, 0, C0, 4, 6, D (0, 6, 0) m A C (0, 4, 6) m rB r A 6 12i C 0 4j C 0 2k D jrB rA j 6 122 C 42 C 22 F (12, 4, 2) m D0, 6, 0. The unit vector eAB is, by definition, eAB D D B x (6, 0, 0) m z 4 2 6 i j k 7.483 7.483 7.483 eAB D 0.8018i 0.5345j 0.267k. Similarly, the other unit vectors are eAC D 0.9487i C 0j C 0.3163k, eAD D 0.9733i C 0.1622j 0.1622k. The tensions in the cables are expressed in terms of the unit vectors, TAB D jTAB jeAB , TAC D jTAC jeAC , TAD D jTAD jeAD . The external force acting on the juncture is, F D 5i C 0j C 0k. The equilibrium conditions are F D 0 D TAB C TAC C TAD C F D 0. Substitute and collect like terms, Fx D 0.8018jTAB j 0.9487jTAC j 0.9733jTAD j C 5i D 0 Fy D 0.5345jTAB j C 0jTAC j 0.1622jTAD jj D 0 Fz D 0.2673jTAB j 0.3163jTAC j 0.1622jTAD jk D 0. A hand held calculator was used to solve these simultaneous equations. The results are: jTAB j D 0.7795 kN, jTAC j D 1.9765 kN, jTAD j D 2.5688 kN. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.65 An 80-lb chandelier is suspended from three wires AB, AC, and AD of equal length. The wires are attached at points B, C, and D on the ceiling. Points B, C, and D lie on a circle of 3-ft radius and are equally spaced. (That is, they are placed at 120° intervals around the circle.) Point A is 4 ft below the ceiling. Determine the tensions in the wires. C 120⬚ D 120⬚ 120⬚ B A Solution: By symmetry T TAB D TAC D TAD D T. Geometry: 3:4:5 right triangle 4 T 80 lb D 0 Equilibrium: Fy : 3 5 4 3 TAB D TAC D TAD D 33.3 lb 80 lb c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.66 To support the tent, the tension in the rope AB must be 40 lb. What are the tensions in the ropes AC, AD, and AE? y (0, 5, 0) ft C Solution: Get the unit vectors parallel to the cables using the coor- (0, 6, 6) ft dinates of the end points. Express the tensions in terms of these unit vectors, and solve the equilibrium conditions. The coordinates of points A, B, C, D, E are: A5, 4, 3, B8, 4, 3, C0, 5, 0, D0, 6, 6, rB D 8i C 4j C 3k, rC D 0i C 5j C 0k, rD D 0i C 6j C 6k, (5, 4, 3) ft (8, 4, 3) ft A B x E (3, 0, 3) ft E3, 0, 3. The vector locations of these points are, rA D 5i C 4j C 3k, D z C A B rE D 3i C 0j C 3k. D The unit vector parallel to the tension acting between the points A, B in the direction of B is by definition eAB D E rB r A . jrB rA j Perform this operation for each unit vector. We get eAB D 1i C 0j C 0k eAC D 0.8452i C 0.1690j 0.5071k eAD D 0.8111i C 0.3244j C 0.4867k eAE D 0.4472i 0.8944j C 0k The tensions in the cables are, TAB D jTAB jeAB D 40eAB , TAD D jTAD jeAD , TAC D jTAC jeAC , TAE D jTAE jeAE . The equilibrium conditions are F D 0 D TAB C TAC C TAD C TAE D 0. Substitute the tensions, Fx D 40 0.8452jTAC j 0.8111jTAD j 0.4472jTAE ji D 0 Fy D C0.1690jTAC j 0.3244jTAD j 0.8944jTAE jj D 0 Fz D 0.5071jTAC j 0.4867jTAD jk D 0. This set of simultaneous equations in the unknown forces may be solved using any of several standard algorithms.: The results are: jTAE j D 11.7 lb, jTAC j D 20.6 lb, jTAD j D 21.4 lb. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.67 The bulldozer exerts a force F D 2i (kip) at A. What are the tensions in cables AB, AC, and AD? y 6 ft C 8 ft 2 ft B A 3 ft D z 4 ft 8 ft x Solution: Isolate the cable juncture. Express the tensions in terms of unit vectors. Solve the equilibrium equations. The coordinates of points A, B, C, D are: A8, 0, 0, B0, 3, 8, C0, 2, 6, D0, 4, 0. The radius vectors for these points are rA D 8i C 0j C 0k, rB D 0i C 3j C 8k, rC D 0i C 2j 6k, rD D 0i C 4j C 0k. By definition, the unit vector parallel to the tension in cable AB is eAB D rB r A . jrB rA j Carrying out the operations for each of the cables, the results are: eAB D 0.6835i C 0.2563j C 0.6835k, eAC D 0.7845i C 0.1961j 0.5883k, eAD D 0.8944i 0.4472j C 0k. The tensions in the cables are expressed in terms of the unit vectors, TAB D jTAB jeAB , TAC D jTAC jeAC , TAD D jTAD jeAD . The external force acting on the juncture is F D 2000i C 0j C 0k. The equilibrium conditions are F D 0 D TAB C TAC C TAD C F D 0. Substitute the vectors into the equilibrium conditions: Fx D 0.6835jTAB j 0.7845jTAC j 0.8944jTAD jC2000i D 0 Fy D 0.2563jTAB j C 0.1961jTAC j 0.4472jTAD jj D 0 Fz D 0.6835jTAB j 0.5883jTAC j C 0jTAD jk D 0 The commercial program TK Solver Plus was used to solve these equations. The results are jTAB j D 780.31 lb , jTAC j D 906.9 lb , jTAD j D 844.74 lb . c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 y Problem 3.68 Prior to its launch, a balloon carrying a set of experiments to high altitude is held in place by groups of student volunteers holding the tethers at B, C, and D. The mass of the balloon, experiments package, and the gas it contains is 90 kg, and the buoyancy force on the balloon is 1000 N. The supervising professor conservatively estimates that each student can exert at least a 40-N tension on the tether for the necessary length of time. Based on this estimate, what minimum numbers of students are needed at B, C, and D? A (0, 8, 0) m C (10,0, –12) m D (–16, 0, 4) m x B (16, 0, 16) m z Solution: 1000 N Fy D 1000 909.81 T D 0 T D 117.1 N (90) g A0, 8, 0 B16, 0, 16 T C10, 0, 12 D16, 0, 4 We need to write unit vectors eAB , eAC , and eAD . y T eAB D 0.667i 0.333j C 0.667k (0, 8, 0) eAC D 0.570i 0.456j 0.684k A FAC eAD D 0.873i 0.436j C 0.218k FAD We now write the forces in terms of magnitudes and unit vectors FAB D 0.667FAB i 0.333FAB j C 0.667FAB k FAC D 0.570FAC i 0.456FAC j 0.684FAC k FAD D 0.873FAD i 0.436FAC j C 0.218FAC k T D 117.1j (N) C (10, 0, −12) m D x (−16, 0, 4) z B (16, 0, 16) m The equations of equilibrium are Fx D 0.667FAB C 0.570FAC 0.873FAD D 0 Fy D 0.333FAB 0.456FAC 0.436FAC C 117.1 D 0 Fz D 0.667FAB 0.684FAC C 0.218FAC D 0 Solving, we get FAB D 64.8 N ¾ 2 students FAC D 99.8 N ¾ 3 students FAD D 114.6 N ¾ 3 students c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.69 The 20-kg mass is suspended by cables attached to three vertical 2-m posts. Point A is at (0, 1.2, 0) m. Determine the tensions in cables AB, AC, and AD. y C B D A 1m 1m 2m 0.3 m x z Solution: Points A, B, C, and D are located at A0, 1.2, 0, B0.3, 2, 1, C0, 2, 1, D2, 2, 0 y C FAC B FAB FAD Write the unit vectors eAB , eAC , eAD D A eAB D 0.228i C 0.608j C 0.760k W eAC D 0i C 0.625j 0.781k eAD D 0.928i C 0.371j C 0k z (20) (9.81) N x The forces are FAB D 0.228FAB i C 0.608FAB j C 0.760FAB k FAC D 0FAC i C 0.625FAC j 0.781FAC k FAD D 0.928FAD i C 0.371FAD j C 0k W D 209.81j The equations of equilibrium are Fx D 0.228FAB C 0 C 0.928FAD D 0 Fy D 0.608FAB C 0.625FAC C 0.371FAD 209.81 D 0 Fz D 0.760FAB 0.781FAC C 0 D 0 We have 3 eqns in 3 unknowns solving, we get FAB D 150.0 N FAC D 146.1 N FAD D 36.9 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.70 The weight of the horizontal wall section is W D 20,000 lb. Determine the tensions in the cables AB, AC, and AD. Solution: Set the coordinate origin at A with axes as shown. The upward force, T, at point A will be equal to the weight, W, since the cable at A supports the entire wall. The upward force at A is T D W k. From the figure, the coordinates of the points in feet are A D 10 ft A4, 6, 10, B0, 0, 0, C12, 0, 0, and 7 ft D4, 14, 0. The three unit vectors are of the form 6 ft C B 4 ft xI xA i C yI yA j C zI zA k , eAI D xI xA 2 C yI yA 2 C zI zA 2 14 ft 8 ft W where I takes on the values B, C, and D. The denominators of the unit vectors are the distances AB, AC, and AD, respectively. Substitution of the coordinates of the points yields the following unit vectors: T z eAB D 0.324i 0.487j 0.811k, A y TD eAC D 0.566i 0.424j 0.707k, 10 ft TB D 7 ft TC and eAD D 0i C 0.625j 0.781k. 6 ft The forces are TAB D TAB eAB , 14 ft 4 ft TAC D TAC eAC , and TAD D TAD eAD . C B X 8 ft W The equilibrium equation for the knot at point A is T C TAB C TAC C TAD D 0. From the vector equilibrium equation, write the scalar equilibrium equations in the x, y, and z directions. We get three linear equations in three unknowns. Solving these equations simultaneously, we get TAB D 9393 lb, TAC D 5387 lb, and TAD D 10,977 lb A D 10 ft 6 ft C B 4 ft 8 ft 7 ft 14 ft W c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.71 The car and the pallet supporting it in Fig. a weigh 3000 lb. They are suspended by four cables AB, AC, AD, and AE. The locations of the cable attachment points on the pallet are shown in Fig. b. The tensions in cables AB and AC are equal. Determine the tensions in the four cables. y A (0, 18, 0) ft E C z B x (a) 8 ft C D 5 ft 4 ft x 5 ft E B 7 ft 5 ft z Solution: The Forces in the cables: TAB D TAB TAB D TAD 5i 18j C 5k p 374 8i 18j 4k p 404 , TAC D TAC 5i 18j 5k p 374 , TAE D TAE (b) 7i 18j C 5k p 398 The equilibrium equations: 5 5 8 7 Fx : p TAB C p TAC p TAD p TAE D 0 398 374 374 404 18 18 18 18 Fy : p TAB p TAC p TAD p TAE 398 374 374 404 C 3000 lb D 0 Fz : p 5 374 5 4 5 TAB p TAC p TAD C p TAE D 0 398 374 404 The extra equation: TAB D TAC Solution: TAB D TAC D 970 lb, TAD D 741 lb, TAE D 588 lb c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.72 The 680-kg load suspended from the helicopter is in equilibrium. The aerodynamic drag force on the load is horizontal. The y axis is vertical, and cable OA lies in the x-y plane. Determine the magnitude of the drag force and the tension in cable OA. y A 10° O x B C D y Solution: TOA Fx D TOA sin 10° D D 0, Fy D TOA cos 10° 6809.81 D 0. Solving, we obtain D D 1176 N, TOA D 6774 N. 10° D x (680) (9.81) N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.73 In Problem 3.72, the coordinates of the three cable attachment points B, C, and D are (3.3, 4.5, 0) m, (1.1, 5.3, 1) m, and (1.6, 5.4, 1) m, respectively. What are the tensions in cables OB, OC, and OD? Solution: The position vectors from O to pts B, C, and D are rOB D 3.3i 4.5j (m), rOC D 1.1i 5.3j C k (m), rOD D 1.6i 5.4j k (m). Dividing by the magnitudes, we obtain the unit vectors eOB D 0.591i 0.806j, eOC D 0.200i 0.963j C 0.182k, eOD D 0.280i 0.944j 0.175k. Using these unit vectors, we obtain the equilibrium equations Fx D TOA sin 10° 0.591TOB C 0.200TOC C 0.280TOD D 0, Fy D TOA cos 10° 0.806TOB 0.963TOC 0.944TOD D 0, Fz D 0.182TOC 0.175TOD D 0. From the solution of Problem 3.72, TOA D 6774 N. Solving these equations, we obtain TOB D 3.60 kN, TOC D 1.94 kN, TOD D 2.02 kN. y TOA 10° x TOB TOC TOD c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.74 If the mass of the bar AB is negligible compared to the mass of the suspended object E, the bar exerts a force on the “ball” at B that points from A toward B. The mass of the object E is 200 kg. The yaxis points upward. Determine the tensions in the cables BC and CD. y (0, 4, ⫺3) m C B (4, 3, 1) m D (0, 5, 5) m Strategy: Draw a free-body diagram of the ball at B. (The weight of the ball is negligible.) x A E z Solution: FAB D FAB 4i 3j k p 26 , TBC D TBC 4i C j 4k p 33 , The forces TBD D TBD 4i C 2j C 4k 6 , W D 200 kg9.81 m/s2 j The equilibrium equations 4 4 4 Fx : p FAB p TBC TBD D 0 6 26 33 3 1 2 Fy : p FAB C p TBC C TBD 1962 N D 0 6 26 33 1 4 4 Fz : p FAB p TBC C TBD D 0 6 26 33 TBC D 1610 N ) TBD D 1009 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.75 The 1350-kg car is at rest on a plane surface. The unit vector en D 0.231i C 0.923j C 0.308k is perpendicular to the surface. The y axis points upward. Determine the magnitudes of the normal and friction forces the car’s wheels exert on the surface. Solution: The weight force is W D mgj D 13509.81j D 13240j N. The component of W normal to the surface is FN D W Ð e D Wx ex C Wy ey C Wz ez D Wy ey y en D 132400.923 D 12220 N. The component of W tangent to the surface (the friction force) can be calculated from FT D W2 F2N D 132402 122202 D 5096 N. Thus, FN D 12220 N and FT D 5096 N. x z c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 y Problem 3.76 The system shown anchors a stanchion of a cable-suspended roof. If the tension in cable AB is 900 kN, what are the tensions in cables EF and EG? G (0, 1.4, –1.2) m Solution: From the figure, the coordinates of the points (in E F meters) are B (0, 1.4, 1.2) m A3.4, 1, 0, B1.8, 1, 0, C2, 0, 1, (3.4, 1, 0) m (2, 1, 0) m (1, 1.2, 0) m A D2, 0, 1, (2.2, 0, –1) m E0.9, 1.2, 0, F0, 1.4, 1.2, and G0, 1.4, 1.2. D The unit vectors are of the form eIK xI xK i C yI yK j C zI zK k D , xI xK 2 C yI yK 2 C zI zK 2 z (2.2, 0, 1) m C y x (0, 1.4, –1.2) m G where IK takes on the values BA, BC, BD, BE, EF, and EG. We need to find unit vectors eBA , eBC , eBD , eBE , eEF , and eEG . E F (3.4, 1, 0) m A (2, 1, 0) m Substitution of the coordinates of the points yields the following six unit vectors: (1, 1.2, 0) m B (0, 1.4, 1.2) m (2, 0, –1) m D eBA D 1i C 0j C 0k, x C eBC D 0.140i 0.707j C 0.707k, (2, 0, 1) m z eBD D 0.140i 0.707j 0.707k, y eBE D 0.981i C 0.196j C 0k, (0, 1.4, −1.2) m G eEF D 0.635i C 0.127j C 0.762k, E F and eEG D 0.635i C 0.127j 0.762k. (3.4, 1, 0) m TBE (2, 1, 0) m (1, 1.2, 0) m The forces are of the form TIK D TIK eIK where IK takes on the same values as above. The known force magnitude jTBA j D 900 kN. Thus, A TBD TBC D C TBA D TBA eBA D 9001i C 0j C 0k kN D 900i kN. The vector equation of equilibrium at point B (see the first free body diagram) is B (0, 1.4, 1.2) m (2, 0, 1) m y (0, 1.4, −1.2) m G TEG Use the unit vectors as TBA above to write this equation in component form, and then solve the resulting linear equations for the three scalar unknowns TBC , TBD , and TBE . F E −T (2, 1, 0) m (3.4, 1, 0) m BE TEF (1, 1.2, 0) m B A (0, 1.4, 1.2) m The result is D TBD D 127.3 kN, (2, 0, −1) m x z TBA C TBC C TBD C TBE D 0. TBC D 127.3 kN, TBA and TBE D 917.8 kN. Once we know TBE , we can use the second free body diagram and the equilibrium equation at point E to solve for the tensions TEF and TEG . The vector equilibrium equation at point E (see the second free body diagram) is TBE C TEF C TEG D 0. Using the unit vectors as above and solving for TEF and TEG , we get TEF D TEG D 708.7 kN. C z (2, 0, −1) m x (2, 0, 1) m c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.77* The cables of the system in Problem 3.76 will each safely support a tension of 1500 kN. Based on this criterion, what is the largest safe value of the tension in cable AB? Solution: The largest load found in the solution of Problem 3.76 is TBE D 917.8 kN. The scale factor, scaling this force up to 1500 kN is f D 1500/917.8 D 1.634. The largest safe value for the load in cable AB is TAB max D TBA f D 9001.634 D 1471 kN. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 y Problem 3.78 The 200-kg slider at A is held in place on the smooth vertical bar by the cable AB. 2m (a) (b) Determine the tension in the cable. Determine the force exerted on the slider by the bar. B A 5m 2m x 2m z Solution: The coordinates of the points A, B are A2, 2, 0, B0, 5, 2. The vector positions rA D 2i C 2j C 0k, T rB D 0i C 5j C 2k N The equilibrium conditions are: F D T C N C W D 0. W Eliminate the slider bar normal force as follows: The bar is parallel to the y axis, hence the unit vector parallel to the bar is eB D 0i C 1j C 0k. The dot product of the unit vector and the normal force vanishes: eB Ð N D 0. Take the dot product of eB with the equilibrium conditions: eB Ð N D 0. eB Ð F D eB Ð T C eB Ð W D 0. The weight is eB Ð W D 1j Ð jjWj D jWj D 2009.81 D 1962 N. Note: For this specific configuration, the problem can be solved without eliminating the slider bar normal force, since it does not appear in the y-component of the equilibrium equation (the slider bar is parallel to the y-axis). However, in the general case, the slider bar will not be parallel to an axis, and the unknown normal force will be projected onto all components of the equilibrium equations (see Problem 3.79 below). In this general situation, it will be necessary to eliminate the slider bar normal force by some procedure equivalent to that used above. End Note. The unit vector parallel to the cable is by definition, eAB D rB r A . jrB rA j Substitute the vectors and carry out the operation: eAB D 0.4851i C 0.7278j C 0.4851k. (a) The tension in the cable is T D jTjeAB . Substitute into the modified equilibrium condition eB F D 0.7276jTj 1962 D 0. Solve: jTj D 2696.5 N from which the tension vector is T D jTjeAB D 1308i C 1962j C 1308k. (b) The equilibrium conditions are F D 0 D T C N C W D 1308i C 1308k C N D 0. Solve for the normal force: N D 1308i 1308k. The magnitude is jNj D 1850 N. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.79 The 100-lb slider at A is held in place on the smooth circular bar by the cable AB. The circular bar is contained in the x-y plane. (a) (b) y 3 ft Determine the tension in the cable. Determine the normal force exerted on the slider by the bar. B Solution: Strategy: Develop the unit vectors (i) parallel to the cable and (ii) parallel to the slider bar. Apply the equilibrium conditions. Eliminate the slider bar normal force by taking the dot product of the slider bar unit vector with the equilibrium conditions. Solve for the force parallel to the cable. Substitute this force into the equilibrium condition to find the slider bar normal force. Assume that the circular bar is a quarter circle, so that the slider is located on a radius vector (4 ft). With this assumption the coordinates of the points A, B are A 4 ft 20° 4 ft x z A4 cos ˛, 4 sin ˛, 0 D A3.76, 1.37, 0, B0, 4, 3. T N The vector positions are rA D 3.76i C 1.37j C 0k, rB D 0i C 4j C 3k The equilibrium conditions are: F D T C N C W D 0. The normal force is to be eliminated from the equilibrium equations. The bar is normal to the radius vector at point A. Hence the unit vector parallel to the bar is jTj D 137.1 lb. W The dot product with the normal force is zero, eB N D 0. Take the dot product of the unit vector and the equilibrium condition: eB F D eB T C eB W D 0. The weight is eB W D eB jjWj D 0.9397jWj D 0.9397100 D 94 lb. The unit vector parallel to the cable is by definition, eAB D rB r A . jrB rA j Substitute the vectors and carry out the operation eAB D 0.6856i C 0.4801j C 0.5472k. (a) The tension in the cable is T D jTjeAB . Substitute into the modified equilibrium condition eB F D 0.6854jTj 94 D 0. Solve: jTj D 137.1 lb, from which the tension vector is T D jTjeAB D 94i C 65.8j C 75k (b) Substitute T into the original equilibrium conditions, F D 0 D T C N C W D 94i C 65.8j C 75k C N 100j D 0. Solve for the normal force exerted by the bar on the slider N D 94i C 34.2j 75k (lb) c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 y Problem 3.80 The cable AB keeps the 8-kg collar A in place on the smooth bar CD. The y axis points upward. What is the tension in the cable? 0.15 m 0.4 m B Solution: The coordinates of points C and D are C (0.4, 0.3, 0), and D (0.2, 0, 0.25). The unit vector from C toward D is given by C 0.2 m A 0.3 m 0.5 m O eCD D eCDx i C eCDy j C eCDz k D 0.456i 0.684j C 0.570k. x 0.25 m The location of point A is given by xA D xC C dCA eCDx , with similar equations for yA and zA . From the figure, dCA D 0.2 m. From this, we find the coordinates of A are A (0.309, 0.162, 0.114). From the figure, the coordinates of B are B (0, 0.5, 0.15). The unit vector from A toward B is then given by D 0.2 m z y 0.15 m eAB D eABx i C eABy j C eABz k D 0.674i C 0.735j C 0.079k. 0.4 m W C B The tension force in the cable can now be written as TAB TAB D 0.674TAB i C 0.735TAB j C 0.079TAB k. 0.5 m FN From the free body diagram, the equilibrium equations are: FNx C TAB eABx D 0, FNy C TAB eABy mg D 0, z 0.2 m D A 0.2 m 0.3 m 0.25 m x and FNz C TAB eABz D 0. We have three equation in four unknowns. We get another equation from the condition that the bar CD is smooth. This means that the normal force has no component parallel to CD. Mathematically, this can be stated as FN Ð eCD D 0. Expanding this, we get FNx eCDx C FNy eCDy C FNz eCDz D 0. We now have four equations in our four unknowns. Substituting in the numbers and solving, we get TAB D 57.7 N, FNx D 38.9 N, FNy D 36.1 N, and FNz D 4.53 N. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.81* In Problem 3.80, determine the magnitude of the normal force exerted on the collar A by the smooth bar. Solution: The solution to Problem 3.80 above provides the magnitudes of the components of the normal force exerted on the collar at A. jFN j D FNx 2 C FNy 2 C FNz 2 . Substituting in the values found in Problem 3.81, we get jFN j D 53.2 N. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 y Problem 3.82* The 10-kg collar A and 20-kg collar B are held in place on the smooth bars by the 3-m cable from A to B and the force F acting on A. The force F is parallel to the bar. Determine F. (0, 5, 0) m (0, 3, 0) m Solution: The geometry is the first part of the Problem. To ease our work, let us name the points C, D, E, and G as shown in the figure. The unit vectors from C to D and from E to G are essential to the location of points A and B. The diagram shown contains two free bodies plus the pertinent geometry. The unit vectors from C to D and from E to G are given by F A 3m B (4, 0, 0) m eCD D erCDx i C eCDy j C eCDz k, (0, 0, 4) m z and eEG D erEGx i C eEGy j C eEGz k. y Using the coordinates of points C, D, E, and G from the picture, the unit vectors are D (0, 5, 0) m eCD D 0.625i C 0.781j C 0k, yA D yC C CAeCDy , B mB g z yB D yA C ABeABy , A TAB NB and zA D zC C CAeCDz , xB D xA C ABeABx , NA TAB The location of point A is given by where CA D 3 m. From these equations, we find that the location of point A is given by A (2.13, 2.34, 0) m. Once we know the location of point A, we can proceed to find the location of point B. We have two ways to determine the location of B. First, B is 3 m from point A along the line AB (which we do not know). Also, B lies on the line EG. The equations for the location of point B based on line AB are: F G (0, 3, 0) m and eEG D 0i C 0.6j C 0.8k. xA D xC C CAeCDx , mA g 3m C (4, 0, 0) m We now have two fewer equation than unknowns. Fortunately, there are two conditions we have not yet invoked. The bars at A and B are smooth. This means that the normal force on each bar can have no component along that bar. This can be expressed by using the dot product of the normal force and the unit vector along the bar. The two conditions are NA Ð eCD D NAx eCDx C NAy eCDy C NAz eCDz D 0 The equations based on line EG are: for slider A and yB D yE C EBeEGy , and zB D zE C EBeEGz . We have six new equations in the three coordinates of B and the distance EB. Some of the information in the equations is redundant. However, we can solve for EB (and the coordinates of B). We get that the length EB is 2.56 m and that point B is located at (0, 1.53, 1.96) m. We next write equilibrium equations for bodies A and B. From the free body diagram for A, we get NAx C TAB eABx C FeCDx D 0, x E (0, 0, 4) m and zB D zA C ABeABz . xB D xE C EBeEGx , x NB Ð eEG D NBx eEGx C NBy eEGy C NBz eEGz D 0. Solving the eight equations in the eight unknowns, we obtain F D 36.6 N . Other values obtained in the solution are EB D 2.56 m, NAx D 145 N, NBx D 122 N, NAy D 116 N, NBy D 150 N, NAz D 112 N, and NBz D 112 N. NAy C TAB eABy C FeCDy mA g D 0, and NAz C TAB eABz C FeCDz D 0. From the free body diagram for B, we get NBx TAB eABx D 0, Nby TAB eABy mB g D 0, and NBz TAB eABz D 0. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.83 (a) Plot the tensions in cables AB and AC for values of d from d D 0 to d D 1.8 m. (b) Each cable will safely support a tension of 1 kN. Use your graph to estimate the acceptable range of values of d. 1m 1m B d 1m C A 50 kg Solution: Isolate the cable juncture A. Find the interior angles ˛ and ˇ. Solve the equilibrium conditions in terms of distance d. Plot the result. y x B C β The angle between the positive x axis and the tension TAC is ˛. α A The tension: TAC D jTAC ji cos ˛ C j sin ˛ W The angle between the positive x axis and AB is 180° ˇ. The tension is TAB D jTAB ji cos ˇ C j sin ˇ. B 1m 1m d The weight is W D 0i jWjj. The equilibrium conditions are 1m C β F D W C TAB C TAC D 0. α A Substitute the vectors and collect like terms, Fx D jTAC j cos ˛ jTAB j cos ˇi D 0 Tensions vs d 1200 1100 Fy D jTAC j sin ˛ C jTAB j sin ˇ jWj. Solve: jTAC j D jTAB j D and jTAC j D cos ˇ cos ˛ jTAB j, jWj cos ˛ sinˇ C ˛ jWj cos ˇ sinˇ C ˛ , . m The weight is jWj D 50 kg 9.81 2 D 490 N. s T 1000 e 900 n s 800 i 700 o n 600 s 500 , 400 N 300 200 TAB TAC 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 d, meters 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 The angles ˛ and ˇ are to be determined. Subdivide the cable interior into two right triangles as shown. From geometry, tan ˇ D 1m D 1, 1m tan ˛ D 1d 1 ˇ D 45° , D 1 d, ˛ D tan1 1 d. (Note that the argument 1 d is dimensionless, since it has been divided by 1 m.) The commercial package TK Solver Plus was used to produce a graph of the tensions vs. the distance d. From the intersection of the tension line with the 1000 N line, the range of d for safe tension is 0 d 1.31 m. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.84 The suspended traffic light weighs 100 lb. The cables AB, BC, AD, and DE are each 11 ft long. Determine the smallest permissible length of the cable BD if the tensions in the cables must not exceed 1000 lb. 40 ft C B Strategy: Plot the tensions in the cables for a range of lengths of the cable BD. A Solution: Isolate the cable juncture A. Find the interior angles ˛ The equilibrium conditions are and ˇ. Solve the equilibrium conditions in terms of distance d. Repeat for the cable junctures B and D. Substitute and collect like terms. From symmetry, the angles ˛ formed by the suspension cables are equal. The two right triangles formed by the cables ABD have a base length of one half BD. Denote this distance by d/2. Note AD D AB D 11 ft. The angle ˛ is given by cos ˛ D d , 22 ˛ D cos1 d 22 sin ˛ sin jTBD j D jTDA j The angle formed by cable AB and the positive x axis is 180 ˛. The equilibrium conditions are sin˛ sin x B F D W C TAD C TAB D 0. jTDA j, y The tension is TAB D jTAB ji cos ˛ C j sin ˛. The weight is W D 0i jjWj D 100j. and F D TDE C TBD C TDA D 0. Fy D jTDA j sin ˛ C jTDE j sin j D 0. Solve: jTDE j D The angle formed by cable AD and the positive x axis is ˛. The tension is TAD D jTAD ji cos ˛ C j sin ˛. Fx D jTDA j cos ˛ jTBD j C jTDE j cos i D 0 . E D α α y x D θ B A α E D Substitute and collect like terms W A Fx D jTAD j cos ˛ jTAB j cos ˛i D 0 40 Fy D jTAD j sin ˛ C jTAB j sin ˛ jWjj D 0. Solve: jTAD j D jTAB j D 1 jWj . 2 sin ˛ C E 11 B d D Isolate the cable juncture D. Subdivide the upper cable system into two right triangles and a rectangle. The base of each right triangle is 20 The distance DE is 11 ft, hence cos D d . 2 40 d . 22 The tension in DE is TDE D jTDE ji cos C j sin . The tension in BD is TBD D jTBD ji C 0j. The cable AD makes an angle 180 C ˛ with the positive x axis: TDA D jTDA ji cos ˛ j sin ˛. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 3.84 (Continued ) Tensions vs BD T 1200 e 1000 n s 800 i o 600 n s 400 , 200 l b 0 18 TDE TBD TAD 18.1 Combine terms, jTBD j D jTDE j D jTAD j D 18.2 18.3 BD, ft 1 jWj . 2 sin 1 jWj 2 sin ˛ D cos1 18.5 1 jWj sin˛ . 2 sin sin ˛ For jWj D 100 lb, ˛ D cos1 and 18.4 40 d 22 d 22 , the commercial package TK Solver Plus was used to produce a graph of the tensions vs. the distance d over the interval 18 < d 18.5. The shortest length of BD for the maximum tension not to exceed 1000 lb is d D 18.028 ft. From the graph, it is clear that for lengths near 18 ft, a few hundredths of a foot change in length can have tremendous effect on the maximum cable tension. 2 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. Problem 3.85 The 2000-lb scoreboard A is suspended above a sports arena by the cables AB and AC. Each cable is 160 ft long. Suppose you want to move the scoreboard out of the way for a tennis match by shortening cable AB while keeping the length of cable AC constant. (a) 300 ft C B Plot the tension in cable AB as a function of its length for values of the length from 142 ft to 160 ft. Use your graph to estimate how much you can raise the scoreboard relative to its original position if you don’t want to subject the cable AB to a tension greater than 6000 lb. (b) A HOME Solution: Isolate the scoreboard. Use the cosine law to find the angles as a function of AB. Solve the equilibrium conditions, and plot the result. The cosine law is: d2 C 64400 d2 C 3002 1602 D cos ˇ D 2300d 600d cos ˛ D y x β B 300 α d C 160 A 3002 C 1602 d2 115600 d2 D . 2300160 96000 W The angle formed by cable AB and the positive x axis is 180° ˇ. The tension is TAB D jTAB ji cos ˇ C j sin ˇ. The angle formed by cable C and the positive x axis is ˛. The tension is TAC D jTAC ji cos ˛ C j sin ˛. The weight is W D 0i jjWj D 0i 2000j. The equilibrium conditions are VISITOR TIME PERIOD F D W C TAB C TAC D 0. T 10000 e 9000 n 8000 s 7000 i 6000 o 5000 n s 4000 , 3000 l 2000 b 1000 140 Tensions vs AB 145 150 AB Length, ft 155 160 Substitute: Fx D jTAB j cos ˛ C jTAC j cos ˇi D 0 Fy D jTAB j sin ˛ C jTAC j sin ˇ jWjj D 0. Solve: jTAB j D jTAC j and jTAC j D cos ˇ cos ˛ jWj cos ˛ sin˛ C ˇ , where ˛ D cos1 115600 d2 96000 , ˇ D cos1 64400 C d2 600d The commercial package TK Solver Plus was used to produce a graph of the tensions vs. the length AB. Both cables have approximately the same tension; the values are so close to one another that the difference cannot be distinguished on the scale in the graph. (The tension in cable AB is slightly higher than the tension in cable AC.)The cable AB is 144.29 ft long at the 6000 lb limit on the tension. At this point the drop of the scoreboard from the ceiling is 144.26 sin ˇ D 25.32 ft, where ˇ D 10.1° . The original drop was 160 sin ˇ D 55.68 ft, where ˇ D 20.4° . Thus the scoreboard can be raised 55.68 25.32 D 30.36 ft before the tension limit is exceeded. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.86 The mass of the truck is 4000 kg. The sum of the lengths of the cables AB and BC is 42 m. (a) Draw graphs of the tensions in cables AB and BC for values of b from zero to 20 m. Each cable will safely support a tension of 60 kN. Use the results of part (a) to estimate the allowable range of the distance b. (b) 40 m b A C B Solution: We have the geometry: LAB D b2 C h2 , LBC D 40 − b b 40 b2 C h2 h LAB LAB C LBC D 42 LBC Solving we find hD p 41 41 C 20b 841 20b 41 C 40b b2 , LAB D , LBC D 21 21 21 Fx : Fy : TBC TAB Equilibrium: h h b 40 b TAB C TBC D 0 LAB LBC 40 − b b h h TAB C TBC 39.24 kN D 0 LAB LBC 3.924 kN Solving we find TAB D 60 The plots From the plot we see that AB reaches the critical value first. Solving for the value of b that makes TAB D 60 kN we find b < 10.01 m Problem 3.86 70 50 Tensions (a) (b) 3.06440 b2.05 C b 128.8b 3.064b2 p , TBC D p 41 b1 C b 41 b1 C b 40 TAB TBC 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 b 12 14 16 18 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 20 1 Problem 3.87 The two springs are identical, with unstretched length 0.4 m and spring constant k D 900 N/m. A 50-kg mass is suspended at B. What is the resulting tension in each spring? Solution: Let h be the vertical distance from point B to the line AC. Then we have 2 unknowns (F and h). F D 900 N/m 0.3 m2 C h2 0.4 m Fy : 2 h 0.3 m2 C h2 F 490.5 N D 0 0.6 m Solving h D 0.634 m, F D 271 N A F F C k h k h 0.3 0.3 B 490.5 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.88 The cable AB is 0.5 m in length and the unstretched length of the spring BC is 0.4 m. The spring constant k is 5200 N/m. When the 50-kg mass is suspended at B, what is the resulting length of the stretched spring? 0.7 m A C k B Solution: Introduce the distances b and h. Then we have 4 unknowns (F, TAB , b, h, LBC ). 0.7 m − b b We have the constraint and equilibrium equations 0.5 m D LBC D C b2 C h2 0.7 m b2 h A C h2 B F D 5200 N/mLBC 0.4 m Fx : Fy : b 0.7 m b FD0 TAB C 0.5 m LBC h h F 490.5 N D 0 TAB C 0.5 m LBC TAB F 0.5 m h b h 0.7 m − b Solving we find h D 0.335 m, b D 0.371 m, LBC D 0.470 m, F D 364 N, TAB D 343 N LBC D 0.470 m 490.5 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.89 The length of the cable ABC is 1.4 m. The 2-kN force is applied to a small pulley. The system is stationary. Determine the horizontal distance from A to B and the tension in the cable. 1m A C B 20⬚ Solution: From the geometry 1.4 m D tan ˛ D 1−b b b2 C h2 C 1 m b2 C h2 2 kN α β h h h , tan ˇ D b 1.0 m b From equilibrium Fx : T cos ˛ C T cos ˇ C 2 kN sin 20° D 0 Fy : T sin ˛ C T sin ˇ 2 kN cos 20° D 0 T T α β Solving we find b D 0.823 m, h D 0.435 m, T D 1.349 kN 20° 2 kN c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.90 Consider the tethered balloon in Problem 3.68. The mass of the balloon, experiments package, and the gas it contains is 90 kg, and the buoyancy force on the balloon is 1000 N. If the tethers AB, AC, and AD will each safely support a tension of 500 N and the coordinates of point A are (0, h, 0), What is the minimum allowable height h? y Solution: See the solution to Problem 3.68. Solve the problem by computer with values of h ranging from 1 to 4 meters. FAD is always the largest force. At h D 1 m, FAD D 827 N and at h D 2 m, FAD D 416 N. Now solve for values between 1 and 2 meters. h (m) FAD (N) 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 752 689 637 591 552 518 488 1.62 1.64 1.66 1.68 511 505 499 493 h¾ D 1.66 m A (0, h, 0) m C (10, 0, ⫺12) m D (⫺16, 0, 4) m z x B (16, 0, 16) m c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.91 The collar A slides on a smooth vertical bar. The masses mA D 20 kg and mB D 10 kg, and the spring constant k D 360 N/m. When h D 0.2 m, the spring is unstretched. Determine the value of h when the system is in equilibrium. 0.25 m h A B k Solution: The diagram of the triangle shows that the amount of stretch in the spring is given by υ D c c0 . y c0 C From the free body diagrams of masses A and B, the equations of equilibrium are: For A: and and for B: α h x N 0.25 m WA WB k (c−c0) Fx D T cos ˛ N D 0 Fy D T sin ˛ mA g D 0, Fy D T kc c0 mB g D 0. From the geometry, we know that c0 D T T h0 h02 C 0.252 , and that sin ˛ D cD h2 C 0.252 , h . c Substituting in the known values, we get a set of equations which must be solved either by iteration or by graphical methods. Using an iterative solution, we get h D 0.218 m . U 206 p 204 202 F 200 o 198 r 196 c 194 e 192 190 & 188 186 W 184 A 182 .2 .205 .21 .215 .22 h, vertical coord of slider − m .225 .23 A graphical solution strategy can be easily employed. Once we know a value for h, we can calculate the values of all of the forces in the Problem. The only equation which will not be satisfied is the ydirection equilibrium equation for mass A. We see from the free body diagram for A that the weight of A must be balanced by the vertical component of T for equilibrium. We need only calculate the vertical component of the force T acting on A and compare this to the weight of A. The results of such a comparison are shown here. Note that the sloping line (the vertical component of T) crosses the horizontal line (the weight of A) at h ³ 0.217 m. This is very close to our previous result. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.92* The cable AB keeps the 8-kg collar A in place on the smooth bar CD. The y axis points upward. Determine the distance s from C to the collar A for which the tension in the cable is 150 N. y 0.15 m 0.4 m B C s A 0.3 m 0.5 m O x 0.25 m D 0.2 m z Solution: From the figure, the coordinates of the points (in meters) are B0, 0.5, 0.15, C0.4, 0.3, 0, and D0.2, 0, 0.25. 0.15 m The first unit vector is of the form, B y 0.4 m W xI xK i C yI yK j zI zK k , eIK D xI xK 2 C yI yK 2 C zI zK 2 TAB FN 0.5 m where IK takes on the value CD. The coordinates of point A are given by A s 0.3 m x 0.25 m D Ax D Cx C seCDx , C Ay D Cy C seCDy , 0.2 m z and Az D Cz C seCDz , 220 where we do not know the value of s. The equations of equilibrium for this problem are: and 200 T 180 Fx D TAB eABx C FNx D 0, i n 160 Fy D TAB eABy C FNy W D 0, A 140 B − 120 N Fz D TAB eABz C FNz D 0, where TAB D 150 N. 100 80 .25 The weight of the collar is given by .275 .3 .325 .35 .375 .4 .425 .45 .475 .5 Distance, s (m) W D mg, or W D 89.81 D 78.48 N. The condition that the force FN is perpendicular to CD is FN Ð eCD D 0, or FN Ð eCD D FNx eCDx C FNy eCDy C FNz eCDz D 0. We have three equilibrium equations plus the dot product equation in the four unknowns, s and the three components of FN . Several methods of solution are open to us. Any iterative algebraic solution method should give the result s D 0.3046 m and that Alternative Solution: The complication in the algebra in the solution is because we do not know the location of point A. We can assume the location of A is known (assume that we know the distance s) and solve for the value of the tension in cable AB which corresponds to that location for A. We can plot the value of the tension versus the distance s and find the value of s at which the tension is 150 N. If we do this, we get the plot shown. From the plot, s ¾ D 0.305 N. FN D 80.7i 47.7j C 7.29k N. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.93* In Problem 3.92, determine the distance s from C to the collar A for which the magnitude of the normal force exerted on the collar A by the smooth bar is 50 N. Solution: Use the solution for Problem 3.92. The magnitude of the tension in AB is no longer to be equal to 150 N. Instead, the magnitude of the normal force jFN j D F2Nx C F2Ny C F2Nz must be 50 N. From the plot, the correct value of s is s ¾ D 0.395 m . An iterative solution of the equations four equations derived in Problem 3.92, with the values from this problem, gives s D 0.396 m . 160 140 120 F100 N − 80 N 60 40 20 .25 .275 .3 .325 .35 .375 .4 Distance, s (m) .425 .45 .475 .5 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 y Problem 3.94* The 10-kg collar A and 20-kg collar B slide on the smooth bars. The cable from A to B is 3 m in length. Determine the value of the distance s in the range 1 s 5 m for which the system is in equilibrium. (0, 5, 0) m (0, 3, 0) m s A B (4, 0, 0) m (0, 0, 4) m z Solution: The geometry is the first part of the Problem. To ease our work, let us name the points C, D, E, and G as shown in the figure. The unit vectors from C to D and from E to G are essential to the location of points A and B. The diagram shown contains two free bodies plus the pertinent geometry. The unit vectors from C to D and from E to G are given by eCD D erCDx i C eCDy j C eCDz k, and eEG D erEGx i C eEGy j C eEGz k. Using the coordinates of points C, D, E, and G from the picture, the unit vectors are x F 200 f o r 100 e q u i l i b r i u m −100 0 −200 −300 −400 −500 −600 − −700 N −800 eCD D 0.625i C 0.781j C 0k, 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 Distance from C to A, s (k) and eEG D 0i C 0.6j C 0.8k. The location of point A is given by xA D xC C CAeCDx , F yA D yC C CAeCDy , e q u i l i b r i u m and zA D zC C CAeCDz , y D (0,5,0) m TAB B mBg z A mAg 17.5 15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 0 −2.5 −5 −7.5 −10 −12.5 N 2.56 2.58 NA TAB NB − F G (0,3,0) m f o r 2.6 2.62 2.64 2.66 2.68 3m C (4,0,0) m 2.7 2.72 2.74 2.76 2.78 Distance from C to A, s (m) x where CA D s, the parameter we vary to find Fs. E (0,0,4) m From these equations, we can find that the location of point A for any value of s. Once we know the location of point A, we can proceed to find the location of point B. We have two ways to determine the location of B. First, B is 3 m from point A along the line AB (which we do not know). Also, B lies on the line EG. The equations for the location of point B based on line AB are: xB D xA C ABeABx , yB D yA C ABeABy , and zB D zA C ABeABz . c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 3.94 (Continued ) The equations for the location of point B based on line EG are: xB D xE C EBeEGx , yB D yE C EBeEGy , and zB D zE C EBeEGz . We have six new equations in the three coordinates of B and the distance EB. Some of the information in the equations is redundant. However, we can solve for EB (and the coordinates of B). We next write equilibrium equations for bodies A and B. From the free body diagram for A, we get NAx C TAB eABx C FeCDx D 0, NAy C TAB eABy C FeCDy mA g D 0, and NAz C TAB eABz C FeCDz D 0. From the free body diagram for B, we get NBx TAB eABx D 0, Nby TAB eABy mB g D 0, and NBz TAB eABz D 0. We now have two fewer equation than unknowns. Fortunately, there are two conditions we have not yet invoked. The bars at A and B are smooth. This means that the normal force on each bar can have no component along that bar. This can be expressed by using the dot product of the normal force and the unit vector along the bar. The two conditions are NA Ð eCD D NAx eCDx C NAy eCDy C NAz eCDz D 0 for slider A and NB Ð eEG D NBx eEGx C NBy eEGy C NBz eEGz D 0. Solving the eight equations in the eight unknowns, we obtain Fs for any given s. The plot of Fs vs s, found using TK Solver Plus is shown below. We see from the plot that the force F goes to zero somewhere between s D 2.5 m and s D 2.75 m. We can expand the plot around the zero crossing to obtain a more exact result. The plot right hand plot is such an expansion. From the second plot, the value s D 2.65 m is necessary for the configuration to be in equilibrium. 2 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. Problem 3.95 The 100-lb crate is held in place on the smooth surface by the rope AB. Determine the tension in the rope and the magnitude of the normal force exerted on the crate by the surface. A 45° B 100 lb 30° Solution: Isolate the crate, and solve the equilibrium conditions. The weight is W D 0i 100j. The angle between the normal force and the positive x axis is 90 30 D 60° . The normal force is N D jNji cos 60 C j sin 60 D jNj0.5i C 0.866j. The angle between the string tension and the positive x axis is 180° 45° D 135° , hence the tension is T D jTji cos 135° C j sin 135° D jTj0.7071i C 0.7071j. The equilibrium conditions are F D W C N C T D 0. Substituting, and collecting like terms Fx D 0.5jNj 0.7071jTji D 0 Fy D 0.866jNj C 0.7071jTj 100j D 0 Solve: jTj D 51.8 lb, jNj D 73.2 lb Check: Use a coordinate system with the x axis parallel to the inclined surface. The equilibrium equation for the x-coordinate is Fx jWj sin 30° jTj cos 15° D 0 from which jTj D sin 30° cos 15° 100 D 51.76 D 51.8 lb. The equilibrium equation for the y-coordinate is Fy D jNj W cos 30° C jTj sin 15° 0, from which jNj D 73.2 lb. check. y T α N W β x c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.96 The system shown is called Russell’s traction. If the sum of the downward forces exerted at A and B by the patient’s leg is 32.2 lb, what is the weight W? y Solution: Isolate the leg. Express the tensions at A and B in scalar components. Solve the equilibrium conditions. The pulleys change the direction but not the magnitude of the force jWj. The force at B is 60° 20° FB D jWji cos 60° C j sin 60° . 25° FB D jWj0.5i C 0.866j. B A The angles at A relative to the positive x axis are: 180° and 180° 25° D 155° . The force at A is the sum of the two forces: W FA D jWji cos 180° C j sin 180° C jWji cos 155° C j sin 155° FA D jWj1.906i C 0.4226j. x The total force exerted by the patient’s leg is FP D FH i 32.2j, where FH is an unknown component. The equilibrium conditions are F D FA C FtB C FP D 0, from which: and FX D 0.5jWj 1.906jWj C FH i D 0 FY D 0.866jWj C 0.4226jWj 32.2j D 0. Solve for the weight: jWj D 32.2 D 25 lb . 1.2886 c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.97 A heavy rope used as a hawser for a cruise ship sags as shown. If it weighs 200 lb, what are the tensions in the rope at A and B? 55° A B 40° Solution: Resolve the tensions at A and B into scalar components. Solve the equilibrium equations. The tension at B is TB D jTB ji cos 40° C j sin 40° TB D jTB j0.7660i C 0.6428j. The angle at A relative to the positive x axis is 180° 55° D 125° . The tension at A: TA D jTA ji cos 125° C j sin 125° D jTA j0.5736i C 0.8192j. The weight is: W D 0i 200j. The equilibrium conditions are F D TA C TB C W D 0, from which Solve: Fx D 0.766jTB j 0.5736jTA ji D 0 Fy D 0.6428jTB j 0.8192jTA j 200i D 0. jTB j D 115.1 lb, jTA j D 153.8 lb. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.98 The cable AB is horizontal, and the box on the right weighs 100 lb. The surfaces are smooth. (a) (b) A What is the tension in the cable? What is the weight of the box on the left? B 20° 40° Solution: Isolate the right hand box, resolve the forces into components, and solve the equilibrium conditions. Repeat for the box on the left. (a) T For right hand box. The weight is W D 0i 100j. The angle between the normal force and the positive x axis is 90° 40° D 50° . The force: N 40° W N D jNji cos 50° C j sin 50° D jNj0.6428i C 0.7660j. The cable tension is T D jTji C 0j. The equilibrium conditions are from which and y T F D T C N C W D 0, Fx D 0.6428jNj jTji D 0 20° W N x Fy D 0.7660jNj 100j D 0 Solve: jTj D 83.9 lb (b) For left hand box: The weight W D 0i jWjj. The angle between the normal force and the positive x axis is 90° C 20° D 110° . The normal force: N D jNj0.3420i C 0.9397j. The cable tension is: T D jTji C 0j. The equilibrium conditions are: F D W C N C T D 0, from which: and Fx D 0.342jNj C 83.9i D 0 Fy D 0.940jNj jWjj D 0. Solving for the weight of the box, we get jWj D 230.6 lb. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.99 A concrete bucket used at a construction site is supported by two cranes. The 100-kg bucket contains 500 kg of concrete. Determine the tensions in the cables AB and AC. (1.5, 14) m y B C (3, 8) m (5, 14) m A x Solution: We need unit vectors eAB and eAC . The coordinates of A, B, and C are eAB D 0.243i C 0.970j eAC D 0.316i C 0.949j The forces are T D 0.243TAB i C 0.970TAB j AB TAC D 0.316TAC i C 0.949TAC j W D 5886j N Fx D 0.243TAB C 0.316TAC D 0 Fy D 0.970TAB C 0.949TAC 5886 D 0 Solving, TAB D 3.47 kN, TAC D 2.66 kN TAC TAB A (3,8) W = –mg j = (600)(9.81)N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.100 The mass of the suspended object A is mA and the masses of the pulleys are negligible. Determine the force T necessary for the system to be in equilibrium. T A Solution: Break the system into four free body diagrams as shown. Carefully label the forces to ensure that the tension in any single cord is uniform. The equations of equilibrium for the four objects, starting with the leftmost pulley and moving clockwise, are: S 3T D 0, R 3S D 0, F F 3R D 0, R and 2T C 2S C 2R mA g D 0. We want to eliminate S, R, and F from our result and find T in terms of mA and g. From the first two equations, we get S D 3T, and R D 3S D 9T. Substituting these into the last equilibrium equation results in 2T C 23T C 29T D mA g. R R R S S S Solving, we get T D mA g/26 . S T T S S R R T T T A mAg Note: We did not have to solve for F to find the appropriate value of T. The final equation would give us the value of F in terms of mA and g. We would get F D 27mA g/26. If we then drew a free body diagram of the entire assembly, the equation of equilibrium would be F T mA g D 0. Substituting in the known values for T and F, we see that this equation is also satisfied. Checking the equilibrium solution by using the “extra” free body diagram is often a good procedure. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.101 The assembly A, including the pulley, weighs 60 lb. What force F is necessary for the system to be in equilibrium? F A Solution: From the free body diagram of the assembly A, we have 3F 60 D 0, or F D 20 lb F F F F F F F 60 lb. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.102 The mass of block A is 42 kg, and the mass of block B is 50 kg. The surfaces are smooth. If the blocks are in equilibrium, what is the force F? B F 45° A 20° Solution: Isolate the top block. Solve the equilibrium equations. The weight is. The angle between the normal force N1 and the positive x axis is. The normal force is. The force N2 is. The equilibrium conditions are from which Solve: y B N2 F D N1 C N2 C W D 0 N1 Fx D 0.7071jN1 j jN2 ji D 0 Fy D 0.7071jN1 j 490.5j D 0. N1 D 693.7 N, W α x y N1 jN2 j D 490.5 N Isolate the bottom block. The weight is F β α A W D 0i jWjj D 0i 429.81j D 0i 412.02j (N). The angle between the normal force N1 and the positive x axis is 270° 45° D 225° . x N3 W The normal force: N1 D jN1 ji cos 225° C j sin 225° D jN1 j0.7071i 0.7071j. The angle between the normal force N3 and the positive x-axis is 90° 20° D 70° . The normal force is N1 D jN3 ji cos 70° C j sin 70° D jN3 j0.3420i C 0.9397j. The force is . . . F D jFji C 0j. The equilibrium conditions are F D W C N1 C N3 C F D 0, from which: Fx D 0.7071jN1 j C 0.3420jN3 j C jFji D 0 Fy D 0.7071jN1 j C 0.9397jN3 j 412j D 0 For jN1 j D 693.7 N from above: jFj D 162 N c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.103 The climber A is being helped up an icy slope by two friends. His mass is 80 kg, and the direction cosines of the force exerted on him by the slope are cos x D 0.286, cos y D 0.429, cos z D 0.857. The y axis is vertical. If the climber is in equilibrium in the position shown, what are the tensions in the ropes AB and AC and the magnitude of the force exerted on him by the slope? y A (3, 0, 4) m z Solution: Get the unit vectors parallel to the ropes using the coordinates of the end points. Express the tensions in terms of these unit vectors, and solve the equilibrium conditions. The rope tensions, the normal force, and the weight act on the climber. The coordinates of points A, B, C are given by the problem, A3, 0, 4, B2, 2, 0, C5, 2, 1. B rB D 2i C 2j C 0k, x C A The vector locations of the points A, B, C are: rA D 3i C 0j C 4k, C (5, 2, –1) m B (2, 2, 0) m W N rC D 5i C 2j 1k. Substitute and collect like terms, The unit vector parallel to the tension acting between the points A, B in the direction of B is eAB D rB r A jrB rA j The unit vectors are eAB D 0.2182i C 0.4364j 0.8729k, Fx D 0.2182jTAB j C 0.3482jTAC j 0.286jNji D 0 Fy D 0.4364jTAB j C 0.3482jTAC j C 0.429jNj 784.8j D 0 Fz D 0.8729jTAB j C 0.8704jTAC j 0.857jNjk D 0 We have three linear equations in three unknowns. The solution is: eAC D 0.3482i C 0.3482j 0.8704k, jTAB j D 100.7 N , jTAC j D 889.0 N , jNj D 1005.5 N . and eN D 0.286i C 0.429j C 0.857k. where the last was given by the problem statement. The forces are expressed in terms of the unit vectors, TAB D jTAB jeAB , TAC D jTAC jeAC , N D jNjeN . The weight is W D 0i jWjj C 0k D 0i 809.81j C 0k 0i 784.8j C 0k. The equilibrium conditions are F D 0 D TAB C TAC C N C W D 0. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.104 Consider the climber A being helped by his friends in Problem 3.103. To try to make the tensions in the ropes more equal, the friend at B moves to the position (4, 2, 0) m. What are the new tensions in the ropes AB and AC and the magnitude of the force exerted on the climber by the slope? Solution: Get the unit vectors parallel to the ropes using the coordinates of the end points. Express the tensions in terms of these unit vectors, and solve the equilibrium conditions. The coordinates of points A, B, C are A3, 0, 4, B4, 2, 0, C5, 2, 1. The vector locations of the points A, B, C are: rA D 3i C 0j C 4k, rB D 4i C 2j C 0k, rC D 5i C 2j 1k. The unit vectors are eAB D C0.2182i C 0.4364j 0.8729k, eAC D C0.3482i C 0.3482j 0.8704k, eN D 0.286i C 0.429j C 0.857k. where the last was given by the problem statement. The forces are expressed in terms of the unit vectors, TAB D jTAB jeAB , TAC D jTAC jeAC , N D jNjeN . The weight is W D 0i jWjj C 0k D 0i 809.81j C 0k 0i 784.8j C 0k. The equilibrium conditions are F D 0 D TAB C TAC C N C W D 0. Substitute and collect like terms, Fx D C0.281jTAB j C 0.3482jTAC j 0.286jNji D 0 Fy D 0.4364jTAB j C 0.3482jTAC j C 0.429jNj 784.8j D 0 Fz D 0.8729jTAB j C 0.8704jTAC j 0.857jNjk D 0 The HP-28S hand held calculator was used to solve these simultaneous equations. The solution is: jTAB j D 420.5 N , jTAC j D 532.5 N , jNj D 969.3 N . c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.105 A climber helps his friend up an icy slope. His friend is hauling a box of supplies. If the mass of the friend is 90 kg and the mass of the supplies is 22 kg, what are the tensions in the ropes AB and CD? Assume that the slope is smooth. A 20° B Solution: Isolate the box. The weight vector is C W2 D 229.81j D 215.8j (N). The angle between the normal force and the positive x axis is 60° D 30° . 40° 90° 75° D The normal force is NB D jNB j0.866i 0.5j. 60° The angle between the rope CD and the positive x axis is 180° 75° D 105° ; the tension is: T2 D jT2 ji cos 105° C j sin 105° D jT2 j0.2588i C 0.9659j T The equilibrium conditions are y β Fx D 0.866jNB j C 0.2588jT2 ji D 0, Fy D 0.5jNB j C 0.9659jT2 j 215.8j D 0. N Solve: NB D 57.8 N, jT2 j D 193.5 N. α x Isolate the friend. The weight is W W D 909.81j D 882.9j (N). The angle between the normal force and the positive x axis is 90° 40° D 50° . The normal force is: y T1 20° NF D jNF j0.6428i C 0.7660j. 40° The angle between the lower rope and the x axis is 75° ; the tension is 75° T2 N W x T2 D jT2 j0.2588i C 0.9659j. The angle between the tension in the upper rope and the positive x axis is 180° 20° D 160° , the tension is T1 D jT1 j0.9397i C 0.3420j. The equilibrium conditions are F D W C T1 C T2 C NF D 0. From which: Fx D 0.6428jNF j C 0.2588jT2 j 0.9397jT1 ji D 0 Fy D 0.7660jNF j 0.9659jT2 j C 0.3420jT1 j 882.9j D 0 Solve, for jT2 j D 193.5 N. The result: jNF j D 1051.6 N , jT1 j D 772.6 N . c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.106 The small sphere of mass m is attached to a string of length L and rests on the smooth surface of a sphere of radius R. Determine the tension in the string in terms of m, L, h, and R. L h m R Solution: Isolate the small sphere. Use the law of sines to determine the interior angles that appear in the solution. The angle between the normal force and the positive x axis is 90° ˇ; the normal force is N D jNji sin ˇ C j cos ˇ. (90° The angle between the string tension and the positive x axis is C ˛) (use the rule of equality of opposite interior angles from geometry), hence the string tension is T D jTji sin ˛ C j cos ˛. The equilibrium conditions are from which: Solve: jTj D L h α The weight is W D 0i mgj. y T R N β R W x F D T C N C W D 0, Fx D jNj sin ˇ jTj sin ˛i D 0 Fy D jNj cos ˇ jTj cos ˛ mgj D 0 mg sin ˇ sin˛ C ˇ . From the law of sines for the triangle with sides R, R C h, and L, R C h L D . sin˛ C ˇ sin ˇ Substitute into the tension: jTj D mgL R C h c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.107 An engineer doing preliminary design studies for a new radio telescope envisions a triangular receiving platform suspended by cables from three equally spaced 40-m towers. The receiving platform has a mass of 20 Mg (megagrams) and is 10 m below the tops of the towers. What tension would the cables be subjected to? TOP VIEW Solution: Isolate the platform. Choose a coordinate system with the origin at the center of the platform, with the z axis vertical, and the x,y axes as shown. Express the tensions in terms of unit vectors, and solve the equilibrium conditions. The cable connections at the platform are labeled a, b, c, and the cable connections at the towers are labeled A, B, C. The horizontal distance from the origin (center of the platform) to any tower is given by LD 20 m 65 m C 65 D 37.5 m. 2 sin60 z c The coordinates of points A, B, C are b a A37.5, 0, 10, B A y x B37.5 cos120° , 37.5 sin120° .10, C37.5 cos240° , 37.5 sin240° , 10, The vector locations are: The tensions in the cables are expressed in terms of the unit vectors, rA D 37.5i C 0j C 10k, rB D 18.764i C 32.5j C 10k, rC D 18.764i C 32.5j C 10k. The distance from the origin to any cable connection on the platform is dD 20 D 11.547 m. 2 sin60° The coordinates of the cable connections are a11.547, 0, 0, b11.547 cos120° , 11547 sin120° , 0, TcC D jTcC jecC . The weight is W D 0i 0j 200009.81k D 0i C 0j 196200k. The equilibrium conditions are F D 0 D TaA C TbB C TcC C W D 0, from which: c11.547 cos240° , 11.547 sin240° , 0. The vector locations of these points are, ra D 11.547i C 0j C 0k, TbB D jTbB jebB , TaA D jTaA jeaA , Fx D 0.9333jTaA j 0.4666jTbB j 0.4666jTcC ji D 0 Fy D 0jTaA j C 0.8082jTbB j 0.8082jTcC jj D 0 Fz D 0.3592jTaA j 0.3592jTbB j rb D 5.774i C 10j C 0k, C 0.3592jTcC 196200jk D 0 rc D 5.774i C 10j C 0k. The unit vector parallel to the tension acting between the points A, a in the direction of A is by definition eaA D rA r a . jrA ra Perform this operation for each of the unit vectors to obtain eaA D C0.9333i C 0j 0.3592k The commercial package TK Solver Plus was used to solve these equations. The results: jTaA j D 182.1 kN , jTcC j D 182.1 kN . Check: For this geometry, where from symmetry all cable tensions may be assumed to be the same, only the z-component of the equilibrium equations is required: Fz D 3jTj sin 196200 D 0, ebB D 0.4667i C 0.8082j 0.3592k where D tan1 ecC D 0.4667i C 0.8082j C 0.3592k jTbB j D 182.1 kN , 10 37.5 11.547 D 21.07° , from which each tension is jTj D 182.1 kN. check. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.108 The metal disk A weighs 10 lb. It is held in place at the center of the smooth inclined surface by the strings AB and AC. What are the tensions in the strings? y B (0, 6, 0) ft C (8, 4, 0) ft 2 ft A z Solution: Isolate the disk, express the tensions in terms of the unit vectors, and solve the equilibrium equations. The coordinates of points A, B, C are: A5, 1, 4, B0, 6, 0, C8, 4, 0, where the coordinates of A are determined from the geometry of the inclined plane. The radius vectors corresponding to these coordinates are rA D 5i C 1j C 4k, rB D 0i C 6j C 0k, 8 ft 10 ft B C A rC D 8i C 4j C 0k. The unit vector eAB is, by definition, eAB x N W rB r A D . jrB rA j Apply this to find the unit vectors parallel to the cables, eAB D 0.6155i C 0.6155j 0.4924k, eAC D 0.5145i C 0.5145j 0.6860k. The weight is W D 0i 10j C 0k. The normal force acts normally to the inclined surface, N D jNj0i C j cos ˛ C k sin ˛ where tan ˛ D 2 0.25, ˛ D 14° . 8 The tensions in the cables are expressed in terms of the unit vectors, TAB D jTAB jeAB , TAC D jTAC jeAC . The equilibrium conditions are F D 0 D TAB C TAC C W C N D 0. From which Fx D 0.6155jTAB j C 0.5145jTAC ji D 0 Fy D 0.6155jTAB j C 0.5145jTAC j C 0.9703jNj 10j D 0 The solution to this set of simultaneous equations was obtained using the commercial program TK Solver 2. The result: jNj D 8.35 lb , jTAB j D 1.54 lb , jTAC j D 1.85 lb . c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 y Problem 3.109 Cable AB is attached to the top of the vertical 3-m post, and its tension is 50 kN. What are the tensions in cables AO, AC, and AD? 5m 5m C D Solution: Get the unit vectors parallel to the cables using the coordinates of the end points. Express the tensions in terms of these unit vectors, and solve the equilibrium conditions. The coordinates of points A, B, C, D, O are found from the problem sketch: The coordinates of the points are A6, 2, 0, B12, 3, 0, C0, 8, 5, D0, 4, 5, O0, 0, 0. 4m 8m (6, 2, 0) m The vector locations of these points are: rA D 6i C 2j C 0k, rB D 12i C 3j C 0k, O rC D 0i C 8j C 5k, B A z 3m 12 m rD D 0i C 4j 5k, rO D 0i C 0j C 0k. x The unit vector parallel to the tension acting between the points A, B in the direction of B is by definition eAB y rB r A D . jrB rA j 5m 5m Perform this for each of the unit vectors D 4m C eAB D C0.9864i C 0.1644j C 0k eAC D 0.6092i C 0.6092j C 0.5077k 8m O (6, 2, 0) m eAD D 0.7442i C 0.2481j 0.6202k A eAO D 0.9487i 0.3162j C 0k The tensions in the cables are expressed in terms of the unit vectors, TAB D jTAB jeAB D 50eAB , TAD D jTAD jeAD , TAC D jTAC jeAC , TAO D jTAO jeAO . The equilibrium conditions are F D 0 D TAB C TAC C TAD C TAO D 0. Substitute and collect like terms, Fx D 0.986450 0.6092jTAC j 0.7422jTAD j 0.9487jTAO ji D 0 Fy D 0.164450 C 0.6092jTAC j C 0.2481jTAD j 0.3162jTAO jj D 0 Fz D C0.5077jTAC j 0.6202jTAD jk D 0. This set of simultaneous equations in the unknown forces may be solved using any of several standard algorithms. The results are: jTAO j D 43.3 kN, jTAC j D 6.8 kN, jTAD j D 5.5 kN. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.110* The 1350-kg car is at rest on a plane surface with its brakes locked. The unit vector en D 0.231i C 0.923j C 0.308k is perpendicular to the surface. The y axis points upward. The direction cosines of the cable from A to B are cos x D 0.816, cos y D 0.408, cos z D 0.408, and the tension in the cable is 1.2 kN. Determine the magnitudes of the normal and friction forces the car’s wheels exert on the surface. y en B ep x z Solution: Assume that all forces act at the center of mass of the car. The vector equation of equilibrium for the car is y en "car" FN TAB FS C TAB C W D 0. Writing these forces in terms of components, we have x W D mgj D 13509.81 D 13240j N, FS D FSx i C FSy j C FSz k, FS F W z and TAB D TAB eAB , where eAB D cos x i C cos y j C cos z k D 0.816i C 0.408j 0.408k. Substituting these values into the equations of equilibrium and solving for the unknown components of FS , we get three scalar equations of equilibrium. These are: FSx TABx D 0, FSy TABy W D 0, and FSz TABz D 0. Substituting in the numbers and solving, we get FSx D 979.2 N, FSy D 12, 754 N, and FSz D 489.6 N. The next step is to find the component of FS normal to the surface. This component is given by FN D FN Ð en D FSx eny C FSx eny C FSz enz . Substitution yields FN D 12149 N . From its components, the magnitude of FS is FS D 12800 N. Using the Pythagorean theorem, the friction force is fD F2S F2N D 4033 N. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1 Problem 3.111* The brakes of the car in Problem 3.110 are released, and the car is held in place on the plane surface by the cable AB. The car’s front wheels are aligned so that the tires exert no friction forces parallel to the car’s longitudinal axis. The unit vector ep D 0.941i C 0.131j C 0.314k is parallel to the plane surface and aligned with the car’s longitudinal axis. What is the tension in the cable? Solution: Only the cable and the car’s weight exert forces in the direction parallel to ep . Therefore ep Ð T mgj D 0: 0.941i C 0.131j C 0.314k Ð [T0.816i C 0.408j 0.408k mgj] D 0, 0.9410.816T C 0.1310.408T mg C 0.3140.408T D 0. Solving, we obtain T D 2.50 kN. c 2005 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1