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Ethical Issue of Refugees: A Catholic Perspective

1.State the ethical iusse
The ethical issue is refugees
Refugees are often people fleeing from any kind of punctuation whether it be religious, race or
political views these people fleeing because back home they face death or other punishments
Why is it important?
Because is in both an ethical and practical sense refugees number (30-50+) million people seeking
refuge from violence and are often times taken avangate of by states or third party actors (e.g
people smugglers) and states themselves often fail to provide ethical solution that do not act in good
faith rather serve their own interests
What is the background to this issue
This type of iusse can have many causes and sources from war, civil unrest, persecution and many
other cause these types of issues don’t have one singular cause that can be pointed out instead they
are often complex situations arising from unstable nations or major conflicts but they do tend to
have the same result (lots of displaced people
What groups or individuals/groups are affected by this
Theses types of iusses do not tend to have one groups unlike homosexual marriage (witch would
only affect homosexuals) instead these types of iusses have a wide range of people and groups for
example the war in Ukraine and Afghanistan created thousands of refugees but there are also
different kinds of refugees like the famous case of edword snowden who is refugee of the political
kind rather then being forced from his home by war
In short there are many different groups and types of refugees and there is no one group instead it is
you get an almost infinite varity of people being forced from their homes for different reasons like
e.g ethnic minorities, political dissidents, civilians fleeing war etc
Describe which viewpoint supports your chosen issue
What values are important to this group?
the main value would be natural law is it is the idea that underpins the cosmopolitan views on
human rights and refugees as geopolitically the school of thought about acting most ethically is the
one most similar to natural law (the view that inane human rights should be respected) therefore we
can conclude that natural law and Christian love are the most important as they spur states to act in
the interest of people rather then for their own game
4.Explain the view of the catholic church have on this iusse
The church holds the view of natural love and respecting their basic human rights as fleeing civlians
as the church holds that they should be treated with love and compassion as well as respecting their
human right to flee from danger and provide the most ethical solution possible
Who is the main authority to this agurment?
In Christian canon the pope is the ultimate authority from god therefore when speaking about what
the catholic church thinks it is ultamely the pope who will decide on the iusse therefore the pope
can be considered the ultimate authority as he is directly ordained by god and therefore he can be
consider the final say on the matter as there is no higher power then god and the popes acts as his
5. final analysis
Which viewpoint do you agree with?
I agree with the catholic church’s view that states should be acting with compassion and love rather
then out of their own self interests as compassion is one of the most important ethical virtues a
person can hold is being able to help your fellow man and this extends to the refugee crisis as the
most important roles that a person can fill
This extends to refugees because they are fleeing out of no fault of their own rather out of safety
and I fully endorse the catholic view that human rights should no matter the cost be respected as it
is the duty of Christians to help anyone especially anyone who is fleeing conflict or war of any kind
and Christian love should be the basis of most action rather then self interest as it brings no moral