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Patho Assignment: Allergy & Heart Issues

Patho Assignment 1 – part 2
I will still treat Andrew the same - allergy reaction because of wheezing lung sound with cyanosis
lip and accessory muscle used. But patient still have other symptoms like headache, dizziness, nausea
that I am not sure they are related to allergy reactions. Pt’s ECG is abnormal. Fast heartbeat and irregular
rhythm. P wave present, upright and looks same. QRS is narrow. Sometimes the whole PQRS wave is
missing, and it is irregular. I think that is second degree heart beat with ectopic, so allergy reactions with
heart problem? I will ask patient more family history, medical history and what is the event leading to
this. Also I noticed patient’s BGL is high than normal and wondering if it is related to heart problems or
allergies reactions.