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Student Admission Management System Project Report

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1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Problem Statement
4. Project Description
5. Technologies Used
6. Portal Interface Layout
7. Data Flow Diagram
- 12
8. Conclusion
- 13
9. References
- 13
1. Introduction:
Student Admission Management System is a crucial aspect of educational institutions, allowing
for accurate tracking of student admissions and its record management. Traditional paper-based
systems can be cumbersome and prone to errors, leading to the development of digital solutions.
This literature review focuses on the development of a Student Admission Management System
using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL. Due to this, there will be a quick Admission recording so
that the faculties can easily maintain the admission records for each admitting batch in each
branch. So, no more tedious paperwork and easy generation of reports regarding the admission
trends of the college can be obtained. In addition, our SAMS will also facilitate the students of
the newly coming batch a lot by bringing everything on the same page where they can see their
admission progress status and can complete their admission process remotely.
2. Literature Review:
Several studies have explored the use of web technologies in developing Student Admission
Management System.
a. N. K. Singh and S. M. Sharma
Developed a SAMS using PHP, MySQL, and
AJAX, demonstrating the benefits of real-time
data updates and user interaction.
b. S. A. Rahman, M. S. A. Siddiqui, and Proposed a SAMS using Laravel framework,
A. Khan
emphasizing user authentication and data
c. S. Singh, N. Singh, and D. P. Singh
Implemented a SAMS using Java, JSP, and
MySQL, highlighting the ease of integration
with existing database systems.
d. Mrs. Revathi Chikkala and M. Vijetha Developed a SAMS using PHP and MySQL,
focusing on features like Admission reports
and notification systems.
3. Problem Statement:
To develop a web-based Student Admission Management System that can help in the accurate
management of student details that are enrolled in a particular session of 4 years in a particular
course in the college. The system should be able to create a secure database to store student
information, Admission records, and related data.
The system aims to generate reports on individual student Admission, and class
Admission. It helps to improve the efficiency and accuracy of student Admission tracking,
provides valuable insights for educational institutions, and enhances overall administrative and
academic processes. It reduces the errors associated with manual Admission tracking. The
assigned faculties can easily mark the admission of their respective classes.
4. Project Description:
The Student Admission Management System is project which uses XAMPP as the development
and testing environment, which provides the support of Apache, MySQL and PHP to our project.
The product will automate various tasks associated with handling student details and organizing
the stored information and optimum performance. Thus, helping the Colleges to ensure the
smooth working of these processes.
4.1. System Functions:
Our system has two types of accessing modes:
4.2. Administrator Login:
Administrators have the right to manage and manipulate student details, verify the authenticity of
the student details, provide register numbers for all students, etc.
4.3. Student Login:
A student who is interested in taking admission in the institute can register themselves on the
portal, and then they may login to this page and enter his/her enrollment details on the page for the
process of verification. The details and proofs that are uploaded by the student will be later on
verified by the administration side and then it will be marked on the same webpage that their
admission has been approved by the institute.
4.4. Constraints:
Interface is only in English language and no other language option is available. The user can log
in with his assigned username and password, no guest facilities are available.
4.5. Technical Requirements:
4.5.1. Planning and Design
● Define requirements: Gather detailed information about the system's functionalities and
user needs.
● Create ER Diagram: Visually represent the relationships between database entities.
● Design user interface (UI): Sketch the layout and navigation for different user roles.
4.5.2. Front-End Development
● Develop HTML structure: Build the basic framework of the web pages.
● Implement CSS styles: Design the look and feel of the application.
● Integrate front-end components with the back-end.
4.5.3. Back-End Development
● Set up MySQL database: Create tables for storing student, Admission, and other relevant
● Develop PHP scripts: Implement functionalities like login, user management, Admission
recording, and report generation.
● Connect front-end to back-end: Ensure smooth data exchange between user interface and
4.5.4. Testing and Deployment
● Thorough testing: Conduct comprehensive testing for functionality, usability, and
security by using the XAMPP server.
● Bug fixes: Address any issues identified during testing.
4.5.5. Maintenance and Support
● Regular monitoring and maintenance.
● Adding new features and enhancements based on user feedback and evolving needs.
5. Technologies Used:
XAMPP: XAMPP acts as an integrated development environment that facilitates the users by
providing the support of Apache server, MySQL database and PHP backend on the same
platform. It aids the user in easy testing and detection of errors.
VS Code: Microsoft Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) from
HTML: Provides the basic structure and content of the web application.
CSS: Styles the appearance of the web application for a user-friendly interface.
MySQL: Stores student data, Admission records, and other relevant information.
PHP: Facilitates all the back-end work regarding the portal and handles all the API-calls from
the front-end.
6. Portal Interface Layout:
6.1 Home Page:
Welcoming gateway introducing the Admission Management System's purpose, features,
and benefits to guide users effectively.
6.2. About Page:
Illuminates the institution's mission, emphasizing transparency in admissions and
commitment to efficiency and credibility.
6.3. Academic Page:
Highlights academic programs, faculty, and research initiatives to attract prospective
students by showcasing the institution's academic strengths.
6.4. Fee Structure Page:
Transparent breakdown of tuition and fees for various courses, aiding prospective
students and families in informed decision-making.
6.6. Admission Page:
Step-by-step guide outlining the admission journey, clarifying requirements, deadlines,
and procedures for a smooth and well-informed process.
6.7. Register Page:
User-friendly registration form for prospective students, streamlining the initiation of the
admission process seamlessly.
6.8. Student Login Page:
Secure portal enabling registered applicants to access personalized profiles, track
application status, and submit required documents.
6.9. Admin Login Page:
Administrative control center for managing applications, facilitating communication, and
ensuring the system's efficiency.
7. Data Flow Diagram:
8. Conclusion:
In conclusion, the Student Admission Management System stands as a transformative solution that
not only modernizes Admission tracking but also contributes to the overall improvement of the
educational experience.
The Student Admission Management System (SAMS) plays an important
role in education. It automates Admission, making tracking efficient and accurate. Real-time
monitoring enables quick interventions for a better learning environment. With user-friendly
features and seamless integration, it's easy for teachers and administrators. SAMS provides
insightful reports and analytic, aiding data-driven decisions. It promotes accountability among
students and transparency with parents. Overall, SAMS is a trans-formative tool, streamlining
Admission and enhancing the educational experience for everyone involved.
9. References:
[1] Patil, Y. B., & Patil, S. M. (2022). Design and development of student Admission management
system. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research.
[2] Ansari, M. A., Siddiqui, M. S. A., & Khan, A. (2021). Development of web-based student
Admission management system using Laravel framework. International Journal of Scientific &
Technology Research.
[3] Singh, S., Singh, N. Singh, D. P. (2020). Development of online student Admission
management system using Java, JSP, and MySQL. International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Science.
[4] Sonavane, S. G., & Khandare, S. R. (2019). Web-based student Admission management system
using PHP and MySQL. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and
Software Engineering.