PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT TOOL (ADULT) LEVELS I, II, III & IV Name of Student: ___________________________ Year/Sec/Grp. No: ___________________________ A. GENERAL APPEARANCE a. body built small frame [ ] medium frame [ ] large frame [ ] b. posture upright [ ] stooped [ ] others___________ c. gait smooth rhythmic [ ] staggering [ ] shuffling [ ] d. dress, grooming, hygiene appropriately dressed [ ] well-groomed [ ] inappropriately dressed [ ] unkempt [ ] others [ ] e. odor (body/breath) none [ ] alcohol [ ] acetone [ ] cigarette smoke [ ] others [ ] f. obvious physical deformity ________________ g. clinical measurements height: __________ weight: __________ h. vital signs Temperature: _________ BP: ___________ PR: ___________ RR: ____________ remarks ___________ B. MENTAL STATUS a. Level of Consciousness conscious [ ] lethargic [ ] stuporous [ ] semi-comatose [ ] deep coma [ ] b. orientation time [ ] place [ ] person [ ] remarks ________________ c. emotional status peasant [ ] cooperative [ ] anxious [ ] angry irritable [ ] withdrawn [ ] fearful [ ] resistive [ ] euphoric [ ] others _____________ d. language and communication use of simple words [ ] use of technical words [ ] others ______________ remarks _______________ C. SKIN a. color normal skin color [ ] pallor [ ] others________________ b. temperature warm [ ] cold [ ] c. moisture dry [ ] clammy [ ] cyanotic [ ] jaundice [ ] sweaty [ ] oily [ ] erythema [ ] d. texture e. turgor smooth [ ] rough [ ] elastic and mobile [ ] remarks_____________ scaly [ ] others_____________ wrinkle loss of elasticity [ ] f. lesions type________________ location __________________ size_________________ distribution_______________ remarks______________ g. hair distribution __________________________________________ D. NAILS a. nail plate shape b. nail condition c. nail bed color d. capillary refill convex 160 [ ] clubbing [ ] others ________________ smooth [ ] rough [ ] ridged [ ] brittle [ ] thick [ ] thin [ ] others ______________ pink [ ] pale [ ] blue [ ] others_____________ within 3 seconds [ ] exceeds 3 seconds [ ] remarks ________________ E. HEAD AND FACE a. skull proportionate to body size [ ] smooth contour [ ] disproportionate to body size [ ] irregular contour [ ] others______________ b. scalp tenderness [ ] lesions [ ] white [ ] irregular contour [ ] others______________ c. hair condition evenly distribute [ ] unevenly distributed [ ] thick [ ] fine [ ] brittle [ ] dull [ ] shiny [ ] infestation [ ] others ______________ d. face symmetry: symmetrical [ ] asymmetrical [ ] facial movement: symmetrical [ ] easy movement [ ] difficult movement [ ] asymmetrical [ ] no movement [ ] remarks ___________ F. EYES a. eye condition straight normal [ ] strabismus [ ] b. eyebrows hair distribution: thick [ ] thin [ ] others_______________ c. eyelid and lashes palpebral fissure size: effective closure [ ] others____________ others______________ none/artificial [ ] lesions [ ] fallen eyelashes [ ] d. blink response e. eyeballs bilateral [ ] frequent [ ] others_____________ symmetric [ ] form [ ] sunken [ ] protruding [ ] others____________ infrequent [ ] asymmetric [ ] unilateral [ ] hard [ ] soft [ ] f. conjunctiva bulbar: clear [ ] palpebral [ ] pink [ ] others_______________ g. sclera white [ ] leteric [ ] reddish [ ] others_____________ h. pupils size: equal [ ] unequal [ ] _____R _____L Reaction to light and accommodation: R brisk [ ] sluggish [ ] no reaction [ ] L brisk [ ] sluggish [ ] no reaction [ ] Visual acuity near vision 12-14 inches away Able to recognize object [ ] unable to recognize object [ ] score____________ i. lacrimal apparatus: moist [ ] excess tearing [ ] absent tears [ ] remarks_______________ G. EARS a. auricle: 1. color: normal racial tone [ ] cyanosis [ ] redness [ ] Others_____________ 2. symmetry and size proportion: symmetric [ ] asymmetric [ ] Deformity [ ] 3. texture and elasticity: elastic [ ] non tender [ ] tender [ ] firm [ ] Others______________ b. pinna recoils when folded [ ] tenderness [ ] flaky [ ] scaly [ ] lesions [ ] inflammations [ ] others____________ c. external canal some cerumen [ ] foreign body [ ] discharges [ ] masses [ ] impacted serum [ ] swelling [ ] redness [ ] others____________ d. hearing acuity responds to normal voice [ ] responds to whispered voice (2ft away) [ ] AD dissiculty [ ] AS difficulty [ ] AU difficulty [ ] remarks______________ H. NOSE a. external b. septum normal racial tone [ ] flaring [ ] others_____________ midline [ ] deviated [ ] remarks______________ discharge [ ] perforated [ ] c. mucosa d. patency e. nasal cavity f. sinuses I. MOUTH a. lips b. mucosa c. tongue d. teeth e. gums J. PHARYNX a. uvula: pink [ ] pale [ ] discharges [ ] both patent [ ] mass lesion [ ] obstruction [ ] others____________ remarks______________ moist [ ] dry [ ] discharges [ ] tender [ ] non-tender [ ] remarks____________ pink [ ] pallor [ ] cyanosis [ ] symmetrical [ ] asymmetrical [ ] remarks______________ pink [ ] pallor [ ] lesions [ ] remarks______________ midline [ ] deviation [ ] R[] L[] texture [ ] rough [ ] smooth [ ] color [ ] pink [ ] red [ ] others________________ complete [ ] incomplete [ ] carries [ ] remarks ____________ pink [ ] pallor [ ] reddish [ ] remarks ____________ midline [ ] deviation [ ] remarks________________ R[] K. NECK a. neck muscles dryness [ ] moist [ ] cyanosis [ ] movable [ ] atrophy [ ] dentures [ ] tender [ ] mouth sores [ ] L[] b. mucosa: pink [ ] pallor [ ] reddish [ ] c. tonsils: inflamed [ ] not inflamed [ ] R[] d. posterior pharynx: inflamed [ ] congested [ ] remarks___________ e. gag reflex: lesions [ ] others_________________ L[] present [ ] absent [ ] remarks____________ equal in size [ ] swelling [ ] remarks___________ b. muscle strength (refer to neuro assessment) c. lymph nodes palpable [ ] not palpable [ ] remarks_____________ ROM [ ] tender [ ] not tender [ ] d. trachea midline [ ] deviation [ ] R[] L[ ] remarks____________ e. thyroid gland palpable [ ] not palpable [ ] L. BREAST AND AXILLA a. symmetry b. contour c. skin characteristics d. lymph nodes remarks___________________ symmetrical p [ ] asymmetrical [ ] flat [ ] round [ ] sagging [ ] smooth [ ] orange peel appearance [ ] palpable [ ] not palpable [ ] remarks_____________ others______________ masses [ ] M. CHEST AND LUNGS a. shape AP to lateral ratio 1:2 [ ] barrel [ ] funnel [ ] pigeon [ ] remarks_____________ b. lung expansion anterior: symmetrical [ ] asymmetrical [ ] posterior: symmetrical [ ] asymmetrical [ ] chest excursion 3-5 cm remarks_____________________________________ c. fremitus symmetrical [ ] increase [ ] R[] L[] decrease [ ] R[] L[] d. breathing pattern regular [ ] irregular [ ] use of accessory muscle [ ] dyspnea [ ] remarks_____________________________________ e. breath sounds vesicular [ ] bronchial [ ] Broncho vesicular [ ] rales [ ] wheeze [ ] bronchi [ ] others________________ remarks_____________________________________ f. percussion resonant [ ] tympany [ ] dullness [ ] hyperresonance [ ] flatness [ ] others ______________ g. costal angle 45 degrees [ ] >45 degrees [ ] remarks: _______________________________________ h. heart sounds rate___________________________ rhythm________________________________ pulmonic [ ] aortic [ ] tricuspid [ ] remarks: ______________________________________ N. ABDOMEN a skin integrity normal racial tone [ ] blemished [ ] unblemished [ ] lesion [ ] scar [ ] rashes [ ] tense and glistening [ ] purple striae [ ] others_______________ b. contour and symmetry flat [ ] rounded [ ] scaphoid [ ] obtunded [ ] c. movement d. bowel sounds e. palpation f. bladder g. liver others_____________ symmetrical [ ] asymmetrical [ ] visible peristalsis [ ] limited movement [ ] others______________ remarks_______________________________________ normal [ ] hyperactive [ ] hypoactive [ ] bruits [ ] friction rub [ ] others______________ remarks__________________________________ muscle guarding [ ] tender [ ] masses [ ] mobile [ ] fixed [ ] remarks_____________________________ distended [ ] not distended [ ] remarks_____________ palpable [ ] not palpable [ ] others_______________ remarks______________________________________________ O. UPPER EXTREMITIES a. motor strength _______________________________________________________________ b. muscle tone _________________________________________________________________ c. lesions ______________________________________________________________________ d. deformity ___________________________________________________________________ e. peripheral pulses normal [ ] bounding [ ] weak [ ] absent [ ] f. lymph nodes palpable [ ] not palpable [ ] remarks_________________________________________ g. presence of: Homan's sign [ ] varicosities [ ] phlebitis [ ] others____________ remarks_______________________ Q. GENITALIA Male a. pubic hair normal distribution [ ] others__________________ b. penis circumcised [ ] not circumcised [ ] retractable foreskin [ ] not retractable foreskin [ ] others__________________ c. urinary meatus lateral opening [ ] ventral [ ] dorsal [ ] swelling [ ] others_________________ d. scrotum symmetrical [ ] asymmetrical [ ] swelling [ ] hydocele [ ] spermatocele [ ] others_________________ e. testes descended [ ] undescended [ ] unilateral [ ] bilateral [ ] f. inguinal hernia presence [ ] absence [ ] remarks ____________________________________ Female (refer to OB/GYNE tool)