Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. I. INTRODUCTION Proposed name of the Business The name of the business will be Polvoron Delight for the proponents of the business wants to offer a Polvoron that can make a long-lasting loyalty and passion to their customers. They will make a Polvoron that can satisfy their cravings and give a unique taste as they innovate a simple Polvoron to a more enhancing one. Address of the Business The proposed location of the business Polvoron Delight will be at 101 Bunlo, Bocaue, Bulacan in Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc. Senior High School Building. This is the place where the products will be distributed and also this will be the meeting place for the online buyers. They choose this place since most of their target markets are located at this place. Also, they created online websites to advertise their products and be easily noticed by the people. Polvoron Delight Name of the Owners Name Mikaella Reyes CheroDela Cruz Andrea Orozco Heide Omanito Ma. Christina Poserio Louise Dominique Simbahan JulliaLibrada Desserie Hernandez Address Bocaue, Bulacan Malolos, Bulacan Bulakan, Bulacan Bocaue, Bulacan Meycauayan, Bulacan Pandi, Bulacan Meycauayan, Bulacan Guiguinto, Bulacan Description of the Business Polvoron Delight Polvoron Delight 1|Page Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. The business is focused on making Polvoron, a healthy Polvoron that is new in the eyes of the customers. Basically, the usual Polvoron has been innovated and make it more unique and healthier kind of product. The mission of the business is to innovate a regular Polvoron into extraordinary ones and be introduced to the Filipino people promoting a healthy lifestyle and delightful experience. The owners want to bring back the essence and be recognized again the Polvoron which is our traditional Filipino dessert. They are going to offer it to the market with a new style and flavors which are not so common in pastries like this. The Polvoron is purely made by vegetables and fruits creating it as a healthier kind of products. On the other hand, the vision is to transform Filipino delicacies into a world-class dessert that will promote the country's original delicacies. The people who are part of establishing this business has a goal to bring back this kind of Filipino dessert to the Filipino people and be introduced to the youths. They want this product to be part of every home satisfying their cravings. Also, be recognized to the world by the application of online selling which is in a huge range of marketing a product as they appreciated of the owner's dedication in forming and offering Polvoron to the customer as we want all the best for them. Location of the Business The location of the business will be at Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation particularly at Senior High School Building. Since the products that they are going to offer are for all ages, it really fits especially with the students, teachers and even parents. The manufacturing of the products will be done at the owner’s house and be delivered to the location to sell it to their customers. Lastly, the business will create an online page to advertise and promote their products inside and outside JILCF. And for orders, the product will only be given to their online customers through meet-ups and shipping. Funding Requirement and Source of Funds The initial capital of the business will be provided by its eight proponents to fully establish it. For the whole month, the business requires P4, 000 to support its expenses for the time being. II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mission “Innovate a regular polvoron into extraordinary ones and be introduced to the Filipino people promoting a healthy lifestyle and delightful experience.” 2|Page Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Vision “Transform Filipino delicacies into a world-class dessert that will promote the country’s original delicacies.” Goals To introduce Polvoron Delight to the market and be known by the people for its delightful experience. To have an own stall wherein the production of the product take place and all the products of Polvoron Delight will be displayed. To produce and innovate more different Polvoron and be introduce to the market. Objectives To keep the customer happy and satisfied. To maintain a productive and positive environment to improve the quality of the products. Require careful use of company resources such as finances. To prepare our organization for growth and creating a process that effectively deals with a developing marketplace. Hiring and expanding the employees and overall management of the business. Core Values Transparency The organization must be honest and transparent regarding the recording system, production of the product and confidential information of the business. Customer Oriented The organization is focusing on the relationship with their customer helping them to meet their long-term needs and wants. Another, the management and employees align their individual and team objectives around satisfying and retaining customers. Responsible The organization will take care of all their responsibilities and hold their accountability for every task they do for the business and their customers. Collaboration The organization believes that if they work together they can do what they are going to achieve. They are supporting, motivating and encouraging each other for them to learn and grow. Trust 3|Page Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. The customer can believe them since they act with integrity and make the wisest decision. Have the certainty that they are on the whole paying special mind to each other's best advantage. Respect The organization endeavor to respect and value the people who are forming and molding the business. Business and Product Position Polvoron Delight is a healthy pastry or desserts made from vegetable and chocolate that is good for all. Since the business will be first established at Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation whose population is over 2,000 available markets. The estimated target market share of Polvoron Delight is approximately 20% of the population of JIL at the start. Wealth Improvement Approach The owners and manufacturers of Polvoron Delight will ensure that the product is well maintained and monitored. For the product distribution, our staff will take good care and be responsible for the safety of the delivery and will continue to remain on its product position to be sure that the consumers will know what exactly the product is. Aside from this, in order for them to always reach the satisfaction rate of their customer and improve the market share of Polvoron Delight. They will regularly gather reviews and experiences of those who buy their products. Another way, they will be remained active online to promote and advertise their products and create discounts and promos to get the trust and loyalty of their customers and maintain its good relationship with them. Parties Supporting the Business The first supplier of Polvoron Delight is the Balagtas Public Market where they buy their ingredients in making the Polvoron. For the utensils needed and other materials, the second supplier of Polvoron Delight is the New Star Balagtas which the price is not that expensive yet the quality is good as well. When the business grows, they will find a wholesaler to become the next supplier of Polvoron Delight that can offer a better price and quality compared to the Balagtas Public Market and New Star Balagtas. The customers of Polvoron Delight are the JILians since the business is located at their school. Aside from this are the online customers of the business as they opened and advertise their products to their online pages offering for orders. For the employees, the owner will be seeking suitable people that have a good character and passion for every task they do III. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Trend in the Industry 4|Page Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. According to the feasibility study of Gabarda, Polvoron is one of the most popular sweet delicacies here in the Philippines. Polvoron is very known and popular in Nueva Ecija, Bulacan, Manila, and Pampanga. Polvoron is a type of heavy, soft, and very crumbly Spanish shortbread made of flour, sugar, milk, and nuts wherein, in Andalusia can produce mostly many Polvorons for about 70 factories. Polvoron is originated and popular in the country of Spain which they bought in the Philippines. Consumer Analysis 1. Market Segmentation and Targeting The Polvoron delight will be targeting students with the age ranges 15-20, students within this range they want to discover something new and according to the survey, most of the students would like to innovate the old Polvoron into a new Polvoron. Polvoron delight might become popular with the students because it is new to their eyes and taste. If the market is looking for the innovation of a Polvoron then Polvoron Delight is the right product for them. Psychological and behavioral segmentation will be used for the segment of the market. Psychological because not all students would like to eat a Polvoron with the flavor of vegetable/fruits but only for the students would like to eat. Behavioral because some students will taste /adopt the new innovation of Polvoron. Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3 Demand Analysis Willing to try the product 4% Fond of eating Polvoron Innovation of the product 6% 6% 16% YES NO NO ANSWER 90% YES YES NO NO 84% 94% Figure 1.1 Figure 1.3 Figure 1.2 According to the result of the survey, it shows that 84% of the respondents state that they are fond of eating Polvoron and only 16% are not. The data only means that there is a demand in the market due to that 84% of it are fond of eating Polvoron. Aside from this, 94% of them are willing to innovate a common Polvoron into more enhancing and healthy one adding different styles, flavors, and delightful experiences and the 90% of them are also willing to buy and try this product if this is now available to the market. Competitors Analysis 5|Page Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. According to the, the most popular business for selling Polvoron in the Philippines is Goldilocks. The Polvoron Delight will be having a hard time in competing with these popular and well-known businesses in the market: Goldilocks is the most recognizable stores that offer these products. The outlook for this product in general – and in particular -- is positive for several reasons. First, the unique way of packaging the product is wherein you can see the inspiring message at the back of it. Second, consumers are buying the product to the nearest distributed stores. Third, we made a tasty homemade product that is cheaper compared to the above stores mentioned and we have a particular flavor. The only advantage of the Polvoron Delight it has a uniqueness and affordability that will be the trend for the student and small business like a canteen and sari-sari stores. Based on this study, some people want to taste the innovation of the old Polvoron that they know. Maufacturers that the Consumer Prefer Local International 16% 84% Figure 2 The competitors given above have a huge demand over the market as they are already known by a lot of consumers. First, it will be hard for us to compete with them because we are just starting in this kind of business and our business is not yet known in the market. Some consumer thinks that when it comes to Polvoron, Goldilocks is the best for that. But it will be an advantage for us because we can use Goldilocks as our standards and to have goals to meet them of what they are now. The business aims to be the well-known manufacturers of Polvoron, not with the name but in terms of quality and taste of our Polvoron. Survey Results 6|Page Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Fond of Eating Polvoron 16% YES NO 84% Figure 3 The graph shows the results of the respondents fond of eating polvoron. Based on the result of the survey, out of 50 respondents, 84% is fond of eating polvoron and 16% dislike to eat polvorons. Based on the question 1, it proves that polvoron is still well-known to the students. Innovation of the Product 6% YES NO 94% Figure 4 The graph shows the results of the respondents on the innovation of the product. Based on the result of the survey, out of 50 respondents, 94% are willing to innovate a regular polvoron into a new one while 6% of them are disagreed to innovate a regular polvoron. 7|Page Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Flavors of Polvoron 18% 26% CHOCOLAE PINIPIG C&C 10% OTHERS 46% Figure 5 The graph shows the results of the respondents preferred flavor of polvoron. Based on the survey, out of 50 respondents, 46% preferred cookies & cream as the flavor of the polvoron, 26% wants chocolate flavor, 18% wants pinipig while the remaining 10% prefer other flavors that are not listed on our survey questionnaire. Vegetable as a flavor Polvoron 36% YES NO 64% Figure 6 The pie graph shows the result of the survey. Based on the survey, out of 50 respondents, 36% agreed that they want to put some vegetables on a regular polvoron while 64% disagreed to put vegetables on a regular polvoron. 8|Page Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Prices they Prefered 4% Php 5.00 24% Php 8.00 54% Php 10.00 Others 18% Figure 7 The graph shows the result of the respondents preferred prices. Based on the survey, out of 50 respondents 54% prefer Php 5.00 per piece of the polvoron, 24% agreed for Php 10.00, 18% agreed for Php 8.00 and 4% prefer other prices of the polvoron. Preferred Quatity 30% Per Piece Per Box 70% Figure 8 The graph shows the result of the respondents preferred packaging. Based on the survey, out of 50 respondents, 70% agreed that they want the polvoron to be sold per piece while the remaining 30% agreed that they want the polvoron to be sold per box. 9|Page Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Figure 9 The graph shows the result of the respondent perception towards packaging. Based on the survey, out of 50 respondents 86% is concerned that packaging matters in terms of buying the product while 14% are not concerned. Figure 10 The graph shows the result of the respondents preferred packaging. Based on the survey, out of 50 respondents 38% prefer to put polvoron in a plastic, 32% wants to put polvoron on a cellophane, 28% wants to put it in a box and the remaining 2% wants to put polvoron on other types of packaging. 10 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Features of Polvoron 2% PLAIN 42% CHOCOLATE COATED 56% OTHERS The graph Figure 11 shows the result of the respondents preferred features of polvoron. Based on the survey, out of 50 respondents 56% prefer polvoron to be ordinary/plain, 42% prefer polvoron to be chocolate coated and the 2% prefer other kind of polvoron. Figure 12 The graph shows the respondents willingness to buy the product. Based on the survey, out of 50 respondents, 90% would like to buy the product if it is available today, 4% does not like to buy the product if it is available today and 6% has no response. 11 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. IV. BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Product Description As a beginner in the business world, Polvoron Delight is about to introduce a new concept of polvoron made in the Philippines. Polvoron Delight is far more different from the other traditional polvoron that we have tasted. We transform the usual polvoron into a catchy and healthier one that has a big impact on the millennials as well as the kids. For that, the owners had chosen to produce a product that will help improve their health condition. Like what the study has said, eating sweets may decrease the production of the stress-related hormone glucocorticoid which has been linked to obesity and decreased immune response. Polvoron Delight products contain vegetables as the main ingredients and coated in a chocolate dip to make it more attractive to the eyes of the consumers. Lastly, the vegetable content is nutritious because it gives an important source of many nutrients including potassium, dietary fiber, folate, and vitamin A and vitamin C. Eating foods with vegetable content reduced risk of some chronic diseases. And as for packaging, the proponents choose to make it per piece which the form of packaging is also differs to the ordinary packaging of polvoron we choose to put it to a small size of box wherein the food is safe and properly sealed Benefits are overflowing from this product. Like what have stated in the first paragraph both vegetables and chocolates have good content to improve the health of a consumer. In addition, chocolates and vegetables have both antioxidants which it can reduce the illness and chronic diseases. Lastly, they have both contents of vitamin A benefits that are wide-reaching and have the influential role in brain function, skin, heart, lungs, vision, and immune system health that is why chocolates and vegetable can boost our brain power. Equipment and Materials Measuring Cups and Spoon Pan Whisk Molder Bowl Tray Blender Used to measure the amount of ingredients either liquid or solid. Used to cook and mixed the all-purpose flour together with other ingredients. Used to mixed and stir liquid ingredients. Used to mold the Polvoron. Used as a container where the Polvoron dip into the melted chocolate. Used as a flat container of Polvoron when it undergoes the cooling process. Used to blend specific vegetables which use as the fillings. Personnel Requirement To be able to consider as a Polvoron Delight maker, you must first pass the qualifications 12 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. that the company requires. A Polvoron Delight maker must be passionate and hardworking. The business doesn’t accept an employee does not have an interest in his /her given task to the company and also to have an ability to listen to the suggestions of his/her co-employees. Creativity is the best way to improve our product; he/ she must be punctual and responsible for his / her time. They have must come to their workplace on time; also they must accomplish all the task given to them. The business is expecting to have a proper organization inside the company that’s why they look forward to their employees being neat and presentable when it comes to the production since Polvoron is a pastry that needs neat and presentable workers and materials needed to clean and organize for the ease of their work. V. ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN 13 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Forms of Business Organization Polvoron Delight is a partnership type of business organization. This is composed of 8 members who are binding themselves to contribute money and industry into the common fund. This kind of business is easier to establish and requires a lot of manpower in order to run this business effectively and efficiently. This business does not require a lot of funds for the ingredients are affordable. And those people who work for this business, the profits and losses are equally distributed to one another. Liability of the Owner It is an unlimited liability, in terms of business liquidation the creditors of Polvoron Delight can go after the personal assets of the owners like house and place settle the obligation, but if it is not enough for the assets of the owners they can help Polvoron Delight to avoid losses and them can serve as a back-up plan, while in limited liability has a big advantage because creditors are not allowed to go after their personal assets so they can get the whole profit in their business. Unlimited Liability Andrea P. Orozco Limited Liability Mikaella Reyes Heide Omanito Chero Delacruz Louise Dominique Simbahan JulliaLibrada Ma Christina Poserio Desserie Hernandez Organization Structure 14 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Ms. Mikaella Reyes Manager Ms. Ms. CheroDela CheroDela Cruz Cruz Ms. Ms. Andrea Andrea Orozco Orozco Finance Finance Production Production Head Head Ms. Louise Simbahan Purchasing Agent Ms. Ms. Heide Heide Omanito Omanito Sales Sales Head Head Ms. Ms. Desserie Desserie Hernandez Hernandez Ms. Ms. Jullia Jullia Librada Librada Production Production Staff Staff Ms. Ms. Christina Christina Poserio Poserio ProductionStafff ProductionStafff Sales Sales Officer Officer These eight (8) persons are the owner of Polvoron Delight. The position of each owner is based on their specialization with a related skilled performance by a common goal. The aim of the organization is to achieve its mission and vision. Everyone has their own task and they must perform it precisely. Their responsibility is to maintain a good relationship with each other, especially on their supplier and customer. Roles of the Owners Manager Managers are the people in charge of employees and the facilities they work for. As a manager, her job is to plan and promote the daily schedule, business transaction and coordinate employees, create and maintain budgets of Polvoron Delight. The manager is also entitled to denote an employee who has certain duties and responsibilities to lead functions or departments and employees. Finance Head The finance officer is responsible for the financial health of an organization. They produce financial reports, direct investment activities, and develop strategies and plans for the 15 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. long-term financial goals of their organization. Also, control the overall budget, cost and fund of the business. Production Head Production managers ensure that manufacturing processes run reliably and efficiently. Responsibilities of the job includeplanning and organizing production schedules, assessing project and resource requirements.Estimating, negotiating and agreeing on budgets and timescales with clients and managers. Production Staffs Production staffs are professionals who work on a production line in a manufacturing environment and perform a variety of duties to ensure production goals are met for an organization. And responsible for the negotiation of their suppliers, the one who will buy raw materials needed in producing the products. Purchasing Agent Obtains purchased items by forwarding orders to suppliers; monitoring and expediting orders. Verifies receipt of items by comparing items received to items ordered; resolves shipments in error with suppliers, authorizes payment for purchases by forwarding receiving documentation. Sales Clerk/ Sales Head Internet marketing, online advertising sales agents, sell online advertising space and opportunities to businesses, organizations and individual clients. Proposed Salary The proposed salary of the business will be based on the day they are working. The management will utilize the income in every aspect of the business in order for it to operate. The management proposed salary for the eight proponents will be 150 per day which they are equally designated to work in two hours for 5 days. For its first month, the management decide that the dividends will be distributed equally to its eight proponents. VI. PRODUCTION PLAN Production Schedule 16 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. The Polvoron Delight will require a total of (8) eight employees during its first year. These are the employees they will need: (1) Manager, (1) Finance Head, (1) Production Head, (2) Production Staff, (1) Sales Head, (1) Sales Officer, (1) Purchasing Agent. Manager 1 Finance Head 1 Production Head 1 Production Staff 2 Sales Head 1 Sales Officer 1 Purchasing Agent 1 Total 8 Position Manager Sunday Vacant Monday Times Tuesday Times Wednesday Times Varies Thursday Times Friday Times Saturday 10:00 am- Finance Vacant Varies 3:30 pm- Varies 3:30 pm- 3:30 pm- 5:30 Varies 3:30 pm- Varies 3:30 pm- 12:00 pm 10:00 am- Head Production 1:00 pm- 5:30 pm 3:30 pm- 5:30 pm 3:30 pm- pm 3:30 pm- 5:30 5:30 pm 3:30 pm- 5:30 pm Vacant 12:00 pm 10:00 am- Head Production 3:00 pm 1:00 pm- 5:30 pm 3:30 pm- 5:30 pm 3:30 pm- pm 4:00 pm- 6:00 5:30 pm 3:30 pm- Vacant 12:00 pm 10:00 am- Staff Sales Officer 3:00 pm Vacant 5:30 pm 3:10 pm- 5:30 pm 10:00 am- pm 3:10 pm- 4:30 5:30 pm 10:00 am- 3:10 pm- 12:00 pm 10:00 am- 4:30 pm 10:30 am pm 10:30 am 4:30 pm 12:00 pm 12:30 pmSales Vacant Head 12:30 pm- 10:00 am- 1:10 pm 3:10 pm- 10:00 am- 1:10 pm 3:10 pm- 10:00 am- 10:00 am- 10:30 am 4:30 pm 10:30 am 4:30 pm 10:30 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm- 12:30 pm- 12:30 pm- 1:10 pm 1:10 pm 1:10 pm Purchasing 6:00 am- 3:10 pm- 4:00 10:00 am- Agent 7:00 am pm 12:00 pm Production Process Polvoron Delight Ingredients: 2 cups of flour 1 cup powdered milk ¾ cup of sugar ½ cup butter (melted) 2 pcs of ripe mango 1 pc mango 17 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Procedure: 1. In a frying pan over pan medium heat add flour and toast it until become lightly brown. 2. Remove the pan from heat allows cooling. 3. In a bowl, mix together the toasted flour, powdered milk, and sugar until well-combined. 4. Add butter and continue mixing again until it became firmly powdered. 5. Transfer the mixture to a flat tray and using the polvoron molder, shape it. Make sure that the mold is compact as possible 6. Arrange it in a plate and freeze it until firm for about 15-30 minutes 7. Wrap it individually in cellophane or your chosen packaging. 18 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. For the mango flavor 1. In a blender, add the ripe mango and blend it until it became mince. 2. Remove it from the blender 3. Add it to the polvoron mixture and mix it again until. For the carrot flavor 1. In a blender, add the chopped carrot and blend it until it became a coarsely ground. 2. Remove it to the blender. 3. Add it to the polvoron mixture and mix it again until it became well-combined. Equipment Required Equipment/ Materials Functions Measuring Cups and Spoon Used to measure the amount of ingredients either liquid or solid. Pan Used to cook and mixed the all-purpose flour together with other ingredients. Whisk Used to mixed and stir liquid ingredients. Molder Used to mold the Polvoron. Bowl Used as a container where the polvorondip into the melted chocolate. 19 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Tray Used as a flat container of polvoron when it undergoes the cooling process. Blender Used to blend specific vegetables which use as the fillings. Source of Materials The source of materials will be the Balagtas Public Market since it is convenient for us because it is near to our houses. The source of materials has the affordability and at the same time the quality that will enable the firm to create a product that will reach the satisfaction of the customers. We buy a material which is affordable yet have a high quality so that we can sell it at an affordable price too. Estimated Production Cost Production Cost (4 Flavors) Items Flour Sugar Unit/Cost P22/Half kilo P13/ 1/4kilo Quantity Daily Week Monthly Yearly (2) 1kilo Cost 44 Cost 220 Cost 880 Cost 10560 (2) kilo 26 130 520 6240 (1) 1/4kilo 22 110 440 5280 Pinipig P22/ 1/4kilo Butter 48 /1pack 1pack 48 240 960 11520 Milk P50/150g 4 200 1000 4000 48000 P200(4Flavors) 1 200 1000 4000 48000 P7 4 28 140 560 6720 48 (8pcs.) 1 48 240 960 11520 616 3080 12320 147840 Flavors Cellophane Sticker Total Purchase Cost Mark-up = 80% 20 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Php 616 /224pcs= 2.75 (Price per Quantity) Php 2.75x80% (mark-up rate) = 2.2 (Mark-up amount) 2.75 +2.2= 4.95; Php 5.00 Production Sales Revenue Per day Per Month (x 20 Per Year (x 40 days) 224 pieces Php 1,120 days) 4480 pieces Php 22,400 53760 pieces Php 268,800 VII. OPERATION PLAN Evaluation of Suppliers The suppliers must attain the following: Competency Capability Cost Consistency Commitment Polvoron Delight will assess their suppliers to measure the following orders on how will 21 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. they sell and rendered products and services to people. The company will thoroughly scan and evaluate its performance especially in the price of the raw material. On what manner they come up on their pricing inclined in the quality and standard of products. Also, the reason for this is to avoid mismatches between the needs and the supplier's offerings which can add production cost, delays that can gap its relationship towards their customers. The supplier of the raw materials and packaging is, particularly the Balagtas Public Market, this will be temporary as we seek for a supplier where we can buy all of the materials needed for the production of the product and which we can avail discounts. Purchase Procedure Purchase Requisition is a formal request initiated by the production department for the purchase of specific items. The requisitions specify what kind of materials is desired, how much, when and where the materials have to be delivered. After receiving the purchasing requisition, the purchasing agent has to find the best source to purchase the material from. Selection of a particular supplier is made after inviting quotations from possible sources of supply. Placement of an order depends on suitable quotations. After proper selection, orders are placed on printed forms. The purchasing agent should perform the function of unloading and receive of materials dispatched by the suppliers. At this stage, the invoice has to be checked with the order. Any discrepancy is reported immediately. A similar comparison is made when the goods actually arrive. It has to verify the quantity and condition of materials. When the invoices are received from the supplier, they are sent for verification. After the verification, the purchasing agent requests the finance head to make the payment to the supplier. Payment will be made according to the terms specified in the contract. 22 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Storage and Inventory Control This is about how the company is going to monitor and control the inventory. Since the business doesn't have any physical store and large inventory and warehouse, the business will store their inventory in the house of the owner where the production takes place. Upon receiving the raw materials from the supplier our production department will check the purchases to ensure the correct items have been sent. This is to ensure that the food and supplies delivered match on the established quality and quantity specifications. After that, they will immediately transfer goods to the appropriate storage. As the study said pla cing products in storage will maintain product quality and safety. Spoilage of products was caused of improper product rotation, time abuse, temperature abuse. To avoid all of this the management will guarantee that the materials required are exact to the quantity needed in producing the product. The not refrigerated materials it is being placed on a close and secure container and must be labeled. Lastly, the business will reassure that the people who will take in charge on this control will be knowledgeable enough and well-trained by the seminars provided by the organization. 23 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Sales Procedure 24 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. VIII. MARKETING PLAN Product Our product is Polvoron with a new taste and appearance that will be catchy for our customers because of the innovation of the old Polvoron that they have known. This Polvoron is a healthy one because the favor of it is fruits and vegetables like mango, carrot, and malunggay as they blend to its chocolate coated. This product helps to boost the energy and fed up. Overall our product is a very unique, healthy, and affordable for our customers. Price The price per piece of Polvoron will be five (5) pesos in various flavors. Based on the computation that the business made, the amount that they get on their costing is two (2) pesos. For the markup, the firm decided to put 80% (Php3.00) increment to the cost price. The total selling price per Polvoron will be Php5.00. Place The Polvoron Delight is a manufacturing type of business they choose the Jesus is Lord Colleges Foundation to supply their product as their large targeted customers particularly the students are located at this place. The product will be distributed to the high school and senior high school canteen and they are the ones who will sell to the consumer. Also, the business will allow meetups within the premises of the school, Bocaue, and Balagtas only for our online customer. For bulk order which is outside Bulacan they offer shipping services to deliver the products. Promotion In promoting the Polvoron the owners will use social media to promote and advertise the products. They use this marketing strategy since it's a big help for the business to easily notice the product and gain customers concerning that the usage of the internet is astonishingly increasing. On their social media page, they will put all the important and relevant information regarding the product and business, including in their fillers that they're going to give to the student of JILCF. Another, the business will use word of mouth referral because it is one of the easiest and effective advertisements in the industry. These happen when the students who tasted our product they can use their voice to tell or recommend to others our product which is delicious, affordable and healthier one. People Employees and workers required to have a long patience in their work to accommodate the customers properly. Employees must be wearing a hairnet and face mask to avoid dirt on the product and for the product to be clean and neat. Obedience and Respect is also a key for the business as every employee must know how to obey the rules given and respect each other. Responsibility, being responsible is not easy but if you are passionate at your work, you can do your task properly. Employees should have a vision and passion for the company in order for 25 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. them to do their work happy and deeply. In an organization, mistakes are cannot be avoidable that's why every employee must be accountable for every mistake they're doing. Packaging The packaging of the product will be at a different kind of cellophane according to what flavor it is. The proponents choose it to be simpler so that it will not require a huge budget when it comes to packaging, also cellophane are easy to open and it is made up of light materials. For bulk orders, it will be placed in a customized box to maintain its safeties and quality. Positioning Polvoron is an original Filipino pastry which can give a healthier kind of products with affordable prices preferring delightful experiences 26 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. IX. FINANCIAL PLAN Major Assumptions The business can produce 53 760 pcs of Polvoron in a year in which the company will able to sell 53000 pcs of Polvoron for the whole year. The company estimated total revenues for the one-year is (153 060 × Php5.00) Php265 000. The company has no rent expense. The equipment used for the production will be provided temporary of the owners for the one year implementation of the business. The advertising expense is not yet obligation of the company terms, the owners agree that the materials needed are provided of them. The utensils that are going to use by the company will be (Php 30.00 × 6 months) Php 180.00. The only utensils of the company use for the production are the molder every 2 months they will change the molder to make the product is safe from any contamination. The management will consider it as other expense of the company. The cost of 1pc of molder is Php30.00 Projected Income 300000 250000 200000 Projected Income 150000 100000 50000 2019 2020 2021 2022 The projected income for the business in the first 4 years of its business cycle, we project that the income will increase 10% per year because our product can be known and tested by many people as the year past. Therefore, the proponents predict that the income by the year 2022 can reach approximately Php 234, 791. 27 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. Polvoron Delight Statement of Comprehensive Income For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Revenue Sales Revenue Less: Cost of Goods Sold Purchase Cost of Goods Sales Ending Inventory Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Expense Other Expense P265,000.00 147,840.00 147,840.00 (2,090.00) (145,750.00) P119,250.00 180.00 Total Expense Net Income (180.00) P119,070.00 Polvoron Delight Statement of Owner’s Equity For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Beginning Capital Profit Ending Capital Owners, Capital 4,000 119,070 Php 123,070 Total Capital 4,000 119,070 Php 123, 070 We decide that the capital of the Polvoron Delight was equally divided to the owners. APPENDIX Figure 11 28 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018 Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc. 29 | P a g e Entrepreneurship 2018