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Applied Thermodynamics Course Syllabus

Applied Thermodynamics
3(1 – 1)
Heating and Expansion of Gases: Units of heat, gases and vapors, constant volume and constant pressure,
P-V diagram, specific heat of gases, the internal energy of gas. Laws of Perfect Gases: Law of conservation
of energy, methods of heating and expanding gases and vapors, Heating of gases work done by gas in
expanding Equations for different types of heating methods. Laws of Thermodynamics: Derivation of
laws, practical applications of thermodynamics laws. Air Cycles: Cycles of operation, air standard
efficiency of a cycle, Reversible process, reversible cycles, reversibility and efficiency, Carnot cycle, Otto
cycle, diesel cycle. Entropy of Gases: Entropy and heat, T-S diagrams, Carnot, Otto, diesel and dual
combustion cycles on T-S diagrams. Air Compressors: Compressor functions and types, reciprocating and
rotary compressors, single and multistage compressors, cylinder clearance, work done, compressor
efficiency. Compound Expansion: Advantages of compound expansion, tandem type of two-cylinder
compound engine, receiver type compound engine; combined indicator diagram for compound engine,
calculations for cylinder uniflow engine. Refrigeration: Definition and principal coefficient of
performance, units of refrigeration, air compression refrigeration, Vapor compression refrigeration,
refrigeration cycles, quality of refrigerant and general considerations, heat pumps and components.
Teaching Methodology (Proposed as applicable):
Lectures (audio/video aids), Written Assignments/ Quizzes, Case Studies relevant to engg. disciplines,
Semester Project, Guest Speaker, Industrial/ Field Visits, Group discussion, Report Writing
Mid Term, Report writing/ Presentation, Assignments, Project Report, Quizzes, Final Term
Suggested Books:
• Li, K., 2018. Applied thermodynamics: availability method and energy conversion. Routledge.
• Rajpoot, R.K. 2015. Applied Thermodynamics. 2 edition, Jain Book Agency, New Delhi, India
• Nag. 2013. Engineering Thermodynamics. 5 Edition, Jain Book Agency, New Delhi, India.
• Khurmi, R.S. and J.K. Gupta. 2000. Thermal Engineering. S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
• Sontagg, R.E. and G.J. Van Wylen. 2003. Fundamentals of thermodynamics. 6 Ed, John Willey and
Sons, Inc. New York, USA.