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Social Class Effects: A Personal Essay

Madelyn Kidder
Soc 1305
Professor Johnson
February 20, 2024
The Effects of Social Class on my life
In today’s society, while class is not as prevalent as it used to be it is still very common.
Many individuals use their class to make decisions that will best benefit themselves and their
family members. After reading the 2003 article, “M8 Class in the United States Not only alive
but reproducing” by Diana Kendall, I was able to see several ways in which class affected the
lives of others. While I can relate to some of the topics used in this article, others are more
foreign to me. From my experience, social class is still a large factor in the United States that
played a role in my life through growing up in a so-called “bubble”, not receiving secondary
education from a private school, and lastly through attending a private university.
Class played a large role in my life growing up in the so called “Boerne Bubble.”
According to the article, a bubble is an area in which people want to raise a family in (Kendall,
page 6). Many people come to Boerne, Texas looking to start a family. Boerne is known for
higher-priced homes, good-quality schools, and a lack of housing inventory, which has
essentially created the so-called bubble. Boerne draws in people that have very similar values
and customs, and because of this, I grew up in an area that didn’t have a lot of diversity. Boerne
“provides the family with comfort, safety, and isolation from those of other social classes
(Kendall, page 6).” It’s an area where people feel like they can raise their families in a sheltered
environment. Social class has allowed me to become the person that I am today. It was safe, it
was secure, and it was a loving environment with like-minded individuals. It was a luxury that I
know is not affordable to everyone.
Madelyn Kidder
Soc 1305
Professor Johnson
February 20, 2024
Another way class has affected my life was through receiving a secondary education
through a public school. Growing up in Boerne, there were several private schools in the area,
but my parents had specifically chosen for me to attend public schools. Through attending a
public school, I got to experience all different types and classes of individuals who weren’t in the
same socioeconomic class as me. My high school contained socioeconomic classes of the very
top and very bottom tiers of class and everything in between. I was exposed to different
socioeconomic tiers and could relate to people of all socioeconomic classes. This was something
my parents wanted me to be exposed to that private schools don’t necessarily offer. While I did
not attend a private school, my public school did offer numerous “opportunities that might be
available to children in college preparatory schools (Kendall, page 9).” Though families feel as if
private schools better prepare their children for the future, my experience with a public school
was great. Public school has allowed me to interact with individuals of all socioeconomic
classes, which better equipped me for the real world outside of high school, as well as helped
prepare me for the private university that I am currently attending.
The last major way class has affected my life is through attending a private university.
Through my family’s class, I’ve been blessed to be able to attend Baylor University.
Unfortunately, many individuals that have a lower socioeconomic class have a harder time going
to private universities as they demand higher price tags. While these universities require a great
amount of money to be paid in order to attend, people are also paying for the values and
community that you can’t find at a state school. By attending a private university, young adults
can “further their formal education but also establish in-group ties with other members of their
Madelyn Kidder
Soc 1305
Professor Johnson
February 20, 2024
own class (Kendall, page 9)”. Social class has allowed me to attend such a prestigious university
where I am able to attain a higher quality of education. I am very fortunate as many dream of the
opportunity to go to a private university but are unable to. Class can provide many benefits that
unfortunately isn’t available to all.
Socioeconomic class is still very prominent in the United States today. Whether we want
it to or not, a person’s socioeconomic class ultimately makes many decisions for them. Class
decides how much and how far a person can go with their education, where they may live, and
many other important decisions in life. Some major ways I’ve seen class throughout my life
would be living with the “Boerne Bubble”, going to a public high school, and attending a private
university. Money is one of those things that provides privileges and better opportunities to
people. While it is not fair to those of a lower socioeconomic class, money provides a better
chance for success in life.
Madelyn Kidder
Soc 1305
Professor Johnson
February 20, 2024
Kendall, Diana. “Class in the United States: Not Only Alive but Reproducing.” Research in
Social Stratification and Mobility, Elsevier. Science Direct. 1 November 2004.