Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT Regional Office No. XI LGS-B, Province of Davao del Norte Office of the Audit Team Leader Team R11-06-Municipality of Carmen February 23, 2024 AUDIT MEMORANDUM (AM) NO. 23-002 For CY 2023 THRUST AREAS: 1. Initial recognition and measurement as at reporting date of Foreign Currency transactions. 2. Recognition of exchange differences for the period in accumulated surplus or deficit account. AUDIT OBJECTIVES: 1. To determine the correctness of rates used in the recognition and measurement at reporting date for foreign currency transactions. 2. To determine if all the exchange differences for the period were recognized in accumulated surplus or deficit account. 3. To determine if dormant foreign currency account were closed. BACKGROUND: 1. COA Circular No. 94-003 dated January 27, 1994 provides the Accounting guidelines and procedures for foreign currency transactions. 2. COA Circular No. 97-001 dated February 5, 1997 provides the guidelines on the Proper Disposition/Closure of Dormant Funds and/or Accounts of National Government Agencies. RESULT OF AUDIT: 1. Review of the year-end financial statements showed that agency has neither Cash in Bank-Foreign Currency, Savings Account nor any foreign currency transactions. 2. The agency does not have any dormant Cash in bank-foreign currency, saving accounts. AM No. 23-001 LGU CARMEN_Cash in Bank - Foreign Currency, Saving Account Page 1 of 2 3. Considering the foregoing, we noted no reportable audit issue/s on the above thrust area. Prepared by: Reviewed by: JOSEPHINE A. YAP State Auditor IV Audit Team Leader THELMA V. PULMA State Auditor V Supervising Auditor AM No. 23-001 LGU CARMEN_Cash in Bank - Foreign Currency, Saving Account Page 2 of 2