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Critical Thinking Guide for Students

Student Guide to Thinking Critically
It is crucial that you use your critical thinking skills when reading an article or watching an advertisement
so that you can make a well-informed and unbiased opinion about the information given. This is a guide
for you to use that will help you ask the right questions when reviewing information. Hint: This
information will be helpful to you when you write your critical thinking paper at the end of the quarter!
1. Identify the problem or issue & Analyze the Information
a. What is the problem that is trying to be resolved?
b. What are the key points about the issue?
c. Are there any hidden implications (i.e. – if you don’t use Tide you will smell bad)?
d. What facts are provided?
e. What is the idea being conveyed?
f. Are the facts from a reliable source?
g. What other information would be helpful for this issue?
h. Is the information biased or are all views expressed?
i. Are there any contradictions?
2. Present multiple solutions or perspectives
a. What is my opinion/view and how did I develop it (is it well thought out)?
b. What is the justification of my opinion?
c. What are the opinions/views of others?
d. What are the opposing views?
e. Can I explain a rationale for all opposing viewpoints without bias?
f. Can I identify more than one solution?
g. How can this issue be viewed in more than one or two ways?
h. Can I balance the two opposing views?
3. Draw a conclusion
a. What is a logical conclusion to this issue?
b. What is my reasoning for coming to this conclusion?
c. What are the important points to consider?
4. Organize my ideas and communicate effectively
a. Did I use examples to support my ideas?
b. Did I arrange my information logically so it makes sense to others?
c. Are my errors minimal and is my style appropriate?
d. Did I follow an appropriate format (complete sentences/paragraphs)?
If you can address each of these areas in your Critical Thinking paper, then you should perform well!