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Libraries & Hospitality: Promoting Tourism Through Information

Hodijah's grandson,*
Management Science Doctoral Program, Graduate School
Widyatama University
This journal focuses on the role of libraries in promoting hospitality and tourism activities
by providing a range of relevant services. In the hospitality and tourism industry,
information is a valuable asset, and libraries can be the main provider of access to
information needed by companies and the public. The method used in making this journal is
using literature study. The results obtained are the role of the library as the main source of
information for tourism industry players, including hotels, restaurants, travel agents, and
tourists. Libraries can offer referral services to help customers find the information they
need. This can include information search guidance, assistance with data searches, and
recommendations for relevant resources. Libraries provide resources such as maps, tourist
directories, and information on local attractions. This helps travelers and tourism
businesses in planning trips and provides useful information. Libraries can also be a place
to access creative resources such as cultural guidebooks, art, or books on local cuisine.
This helps in promoting the cultural and creative aspects of the tourism destination.
Collaboration between libraries and hospitality and tourism industry players, such as
providing specialized information to local hotels or travel agents. Libraries use technology
to improve services, such as online databases, websites, and mobile applications that help
users access information more efficiently.
Keywords: Promotion, Hospitality, Tourism, Library, Information Services
This journal focuses on the role of libraries in promoting hospitality and tourism activities
by providing various relevant services. In the hospitality and tourism industry, information
is a valuable asset, and libraries can be key providers of access to the information needed by
companies and the public. The method used in making this journal is literature study. The
results obtained are the role of libraries as the main source of information for tourism
industry players, including hotels, restaurants, travel agents and tourists. Libraries can offer
reference services to help patrons find the information they need. This may include
information search guides, help with data searches, and recommendations of relevant
resources. Libraries provide resources such as maps, tourist directories, and information
about local attractions. It helps tourists and tourism businesses in planning trips and
provides useful information. Libraries can also be a place to access creative resources such
as cultural guidebooks, art, or books about local culinary delights. This helps in promoting
Cucu Hodijah - Doctoral Program in Management Science, Postgraduate School
Widyatama University
the cultural and creative aspects of the tourism destination. Collaboration between libraries
and hotel and tourism industry players, such as providing special information to local hotels
or travel agents. Libraries use technology to improve services, such as online databases,
websites, and mobile applications that help users access information more efficiently.
Keywords: Promotion, Hospitality, Tourism, Library, Information Services
Promotion in hotel libraries is very
important because it can provide
significant benefits both for the library
itself and for the hotel business. Wellpromoted library services can increase
guest satisfaction. Guests who enjoy easy
access to reading materials, local
information, or recreational facilities at the
library will have a more positive
experience during their stay (Issa, 2019).
"Hospitality" is a term that refers to
the industry or sector related to the
reception, care and service of guests or
customers, especially in the context of
businesses such as hotels, restaurants,
resorts, catering and other related sectors.
The hotel and tourism industries are two
main examples of the hospitality sector
(Zeglen, 2018). Hospitality also includes
concepts such as “guest experience” which
aims to provide customers with an
extraordinary and memorable experience.
In some cases, the concept of "hospitality"
is also related to the culture and ethics of
care and service towards others. In the
business world, maintaining a high level of
service and meeting guest or customer
expectations is the key to success in the
hospitality industry.” (Richard, Stephen,
Anastasia, Anita, & Gary, 2015). Bunja
(2015) hospitality is a business sector
concerned with arranging, providing and
meeting the needs of guests which includes
accommodation, food, drinks and other
services during their stay (Slattery, 2014)
The hotel business often includes
restaurants, bars, catering services, room
service, and other food facilities. Hotels
and similar accommodations often offer a
variety of culinary options to meet guests'
dietary needs. Friendly, efficient and highquality service to guests is one of the keys
to success in the hotel business. This
reception, concierge, and various other
comfortable (Anyanwu et al., 2010).
The hospitality and tourism
industry accounts for about 34% of a
country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
and creates about 20% of jobs. This shows
the importance of this sector in supporting
economic growth and creating jobs. The
industry is growing rapidly and becoming
increasingly competitive, partly due to
people's increasing interest in vacations
and leisure. The development of
transportation and accommodation systems
as well as increased accessibility to various
destinations have also contributed to the
growth of this industry. The tourism
industry is becoming more inclusive, with
more people able to access and enjoy
travel. It is no longer just limited to certain
segments of society, and more and more
people are interested in exploring different
destinations. In the modern era, the
hospitality and tourism industry continues
to evolve and adapt to changes in
consumer behavior and technology. This
creates attractive business opportunities
and promotes economic growth. However,
this sector also has to face challenges, such
regulations related to sustainable tourism
(Kale, 2018).
Hospitality is a service-based sector
that offers
facilities for
accommodation and recreational purposes
to a large number of clients or guests.
establishments responsible for food
Cucu Hodijah - Doctoral Program in Management Science, Postgraduate School
Widyatama University
services, accommodations, recreation, and
entertainment (Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Libraries are institutions that
provide various information resources and
services to users with the aim of meeting
their needs and goals at the appropriate
time (Issa, 2019). According to
Achitabwino (2014), the role of libraries in
providing relevant information and a
appropriate. Libraries have a very
important role in education, research and
community development. A library is not
just a place to store books, but is also a
center for the development of science,
education and community development.
They must continually adapt to changing
technology and growing information
demands to remain relevant and effective
in meeting user needs.
The important role of libraries in
society is very accurate. Libraries have a
long history as custodians of knowledge
and historical records, and play a role in
preserving knowledge and making it
available for future generations.Libraries
collect, organize and manage the various
materials they have. This involves
cataloguing, classifying, and describing
to ensure that users can find materials
easily. (Reding, 2013). Achitabwino
(2014) libraries have an important role
in promoting the hotel and tourism
sector by providing relevant information
to tourists. The library provides access
to a variety of information resources,
including travel guides, books about
destinations, maps and information
about tourist attractions. Travelers can
rely on libraries to find out about their
destination. Ekwelem et al. (2011) by
information, libraries help tourists plan
better, more informative and more
enjoyable trips. In addition, they play a
role in promoting tourism destinations
and contributing to the growth of the
hotel and tourism industry.
The role of libraries in meeting
users' information needs, especially in
providing hotel and tourism information, is
very appropriate. Libraries are institutions
established with the aim of providing fast
and smooth access to various types of
relevant information resources(Reding,
2013). There are several roles of
components in the library, namely
(Reding, 2013):
1. This principle underlines that the
books and information resources in the
library are there for use by users. They
exist to provide benefits and
knowledge to those who utilize them.
2. SEvery library user must care for and
be responsible for the resources they
borrow. This creates a caring attitude
towards library materials.
3. Each book or library resource is used
efficiently and fulfills the purpose for
which it was provided.
4. Reminding users to value their time in
the library and make the most of it.
Respecting time means being focused
and productive in finding and using
5. The library continues to develop and
strives to meet user needs. They strive
to remain relevant in an era of
technological and information change.
Laws that require libraries and
librarians to ensure that users' information
needs are met are a very important step in
ensuring that libraries function as they
should in serving the public. Libraries
maintain human and material resources to
provide effective and efficient services to
users. This includes maintaining library
material collections and training library
staff. Legal measures that encourage
libraries to prioritize users and ensure
relevant services are important in ensuring
the role of libraries as providers of
effective and relevant access to
Cucu Hodijah - Doctoral Program in Management Science, Postgraduate School
Widyatama University
information in society. In an ever-changing
world, libraries must remain focused on
the evolution of user needs and technology
in order to meet these demands (Adeyoyin,
2011). These principles demonstrate the
inclusive nature of libraries and the
importance of providing access to library
resources and services to the entire
community. Libraries also have a
responsibility to provide access to minority
groups or those who may face barriers to
physically accessing the library. This may
include online access or services
specifically designed for the needs of
certain groups. Libraries design ways to
enable users to access library materials and
library services easily. This includes a
lending system, access to digital
collections, and educational programs.
Libraries are the main source of
access to information that the public can
rely on. They provide access to various
types of resources, including books,
publications, digital resources, and current
information. Libraries have an important
role in supporting tourism services by
providing information about destinations,
accommodation, attractions and activities.
They help tourists in planning their trips
(Seifi & Kazemi, 2019). Libraries provide
access to a variety of resources such as
maps, posters, musical instruments, and
other historical materials that can reveal
the cultural and historical heritage of an
area. Cultural and historical information is
an important element in the tourism
industry. Libraries play a role in providing
this information to tourists, helping them
to appreciate and understand the
destinations they visit. By presenting these
resources, libraries can contribute to the
promotion of a nation's cultural and
historical identity. They help in
introducing and enriching understanding of
local culture.
The role of libraries in the
hospitality and tourism industry has
become increasingly important with
changes in consumer behavior and easier
technology.Modern tourists tend to do
in-depth research about the destination
they want to visit before traveling. They
accommodation, attractions, food and
activities in that destination. Libraries
can provide access to resources that help
tourists in planning their trips (Violeta
& Sanja, 2010)
There are many links between the
hospitality and tourism sectors and
libraries in terms of leisure services and
customer satisfaction. Libraries provide
access to a variety of resources that tourists
and local residents can use to enhance their
free time. It includes a collection of books,
magazines, DVDs and digital resources
that can be used for entertainment and
learning. Libraries provide information
about tourism destinations, attractions,
activities, and events that can help
travelers plan and maximize their
Below is an overview of services or
in the form of library promotions for hotels
and tourism.
Figure 1
Computers and Wifi Services
Figure 2
Comfortable Reading Place
Cucu Hodijah - Doctoral Program in Management Science, Postgraduate School
Widyatama University
Figure 3
Streaming Music and Videos
In today's highly competitive
business era, hospitality and tourism
companies rely heavily on accurate and upto-date information to maintain and
improve their competitiveness. Company
promotion, especially in the hospitality and
tourism sector, requires access to relevant
data and information (Law, Leung, and
Buhalis, 2019), Libraries and information
services provide access to resources that
help hospitality and tourism companies to
access the latest information on trends ,
markets, and the latest regulations.
Specific library information services to
meet hospitality and tourism needs
1. The library provides a variety of
resources, including guidebooks,
atlases, maps and other reading
materials useful for travelers and
hospitality professionals.
2. The library provides access to
materials on hotel management and
food service, which can support
education and training in the industry.
3. Internet services in libraries help
tourists to access digital resources,
such as e-books, e-journals and course
4. The library accommodates the needs
of groups with physical limitations,
such as the deaf and blind, by
providing special facility materials.
5. Libraries help travelers and new
citizens understand local culture by
providing authentic cultural services
and media.
6. Libraries offer a variety of information
that can be accessed by everyone
through various media, both print and
7. The library is committed to providing
access to information to everyone,
regardless of background or social
8. The library collaborates with other
organizations to collect and provide
information about local communities.
9. Librarians assist users in finding
information sources that suit their
10. The library provides services for
borrowing books and other materials
for use in the library or outside the
11. Libraries
services in various formats, both print
and electronic, to meet user needs.
12. The library provides consultation and
reservation services to assist users in
utilizing library resources.
13. Libraries play an important role in
providing information services that
benefit society in general.
In a rapidly changing business world,
access to accurate and up-to-date
information is a valuable asset. Libraries
and information services have an important
role in supporting hospitality and tourism
companies by providing access to relevant
information and supporting informationbased decision making.
Cucu Hodijah - Doctoral Program in Management Science, Postgraduate School
Widyatama University
The method used in creating
journals using literature reviews is a
common approach in scientific research
and academic publications. The literature
review method is very useful for
synthesizing existing knowledge about a
particular topic, identifying knowledge
gaps, and presenting accurate and relevant
information to readers. This is an approach
commonly used in scientific research and
allows authors to build arguments based on
existing evidence in the scientific
Research result
Promotion through libraries for the
hospitality and tourism industry can be an
effective strategy to increase awareness
attractions and services offered. Here are
some strategies that can be used:
1. Libraries can develop collections of
information that focus on local
tourism, including brochures, maps,
guides and books about local
destinations. This collection must be
easily accessible to tourists visiting the
2. Libraries can organize educational
destinations, culture and history. This
may include lectures, presentations, or
guided tours.
3. Libraries can collaborate with
hospitality companies, tour operators
and local tourist attractions to promote
their services. This could involve
exhibitions in the library, information
about tour packages, or special
discount offers for library users.
4. Libraries
websites containing information about
destinations and links to local tourism
Libraries can utilize social media to
promote information about local
destinations and attractions. They can
share images, videos and informative
content that attracts the attention of
potential travelers.
6. Libraries
collections that include e-books,
digital travel guides, and other
resources that can be accessed online
by library users.
7. Libraries can act as local tourist
information centers, where tourists can
get information, maps and advice
about what to see and do in the
8. Libraries can host traveler coaching
programs to help tourists plan their
trips, including understanding local
transportation, accommodations, and
9. Libraries can promote information
literacy among tourists, assisting them
in finding accurate and relevant
information for their travels.
10. Libraries can collaborate with local
hospitality and tourism businesses to
offer special offers to library users,
such as discounts on accommodation
or attraction passes.
Promotional strategies through
libraries can help increase tourists visiting
development of the hospitality and tourism
sector, and strengthen the role of libraries
as valuable information centers in local
Libraries have a broader role than
simply providing access to information.
They can also contribute significantly in
promoting and supporting the hospitality
and tourism sector. Libraries can collect
and provide information about local and
regional tourist destinations. This includes
maps, guides, brochures, and literature
about attractions, historic sites, and other
places of interest in the area. Libraries can
provide information about various
Cucu Hodijah - Doctoral Program in Management Science, Postgraduate School
Widyatama University
tourist attractions, and tourism service
transportation companies, and so on.
Libraries can organize educational
programs or seminars about tourism and
specific tourist destinations. This helps in
increasing tourists' understanding of the
area. Libraries can be a source of
information about local culture, history and
heritage. This helps tourists to appreciate
the cultural and historical context of the
destinations they visit.
Libraries play a very important role
in supporting the hospitality and tourism
sector. They are not only a source of
valuable access to information, but also
effective partners in promoting and
enriching the tourist experience.
The library provides extensive
access to information about tourist
destinations, accommodation, attractions
and activities in the area. This helps
tourists in planning their trips better. By
collecting and providing information about
local destinations, libraries help promote
the tourist and cultural attractions of the
area. This can help increase the number of
tourist visits.
The role of the Library can be to
organize educational programs, seminars
or workshops on tourism, culture and local
history. This helps tourists to better
understand the places they visit. Libraries
can collaborate with hospitality companies,
tour operators, restaurants and tourismrelated businesses to provide relevant
information and participate in joint
promotions. With this comprehensive role,
libraries can strengthen the hospitality and
tourism sectors in their local communities,
support economic growth, and provide
richer tourist experiences.
important role played by library and
information services in supporting the
development of the hospitality and tourism
industry. Based on the discussion in the
journal, there are several key points that
need to be considered:
1. Library services not only provide
access to relevant information but also
help in promoting and supporting the
hospitality and tourism sector. By
providing information about tourist
destinations, accommodation and
activities, libraries can be a valuable
resource for tourists and industry
2. The hospitality and tourism industry is
experiencing rapid growth throughout
the world. Libraries can help meet
information needs related to this
growth, such as travel guides,
accommodation information, maps
and information about destinations.
3. Libraries can help tourists and
industry stakeholders make better
decisions. Accurate and relevant
information provided by libraries can
help in travel planning, business
4. The importance of prioritizing library
development at various levels of
investment in libraries, they can
provide more information services and
play a role in supporting the
hospitality and tourism industry.
5. It is important to understand that
modern libraries have adopted
technologies and methods that allow
them to accommodate evolving user
needs. In addition, collaboration
between libraries, the hotel industry
and tourism can create useful
synergies for the development of a
more sustainable and informative
tourism sector. The role of libraries in
supporting this industry continues to
Cucu Hodijah - Doctoral Program in Management Science, Postgraduate School
Widyatama University
evolve according to changes in user
needs and expectations.
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