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Chem important stuff from course outline

Chem important stuff from course outline:
Write notes directly into Chirp during lectures
Bring sharp EL-520 calculator to exams and lectures
Check 2 canvas sites daily
Check settings if receiving all notifications posted on “All lectures”
Create Grade scope account
Bring laptop to lectures if need to use iClicker (TBA) - instructor will let us know (to open
Can use molecular model set during exams to help you. (have to purchase) – recommended not
required – can get from UBC bookstore as well – MOM has ONE
CHEM Resource CENTRE – ask TA’s for help
Room CHEM B357 (7-5pm)
Virtual Resource centre on Zoom
TA schedule and location posted on ALL Lectures Canvas site by 18th of September
Busy around exam periods, use during semester rather than just during the week before the
Section specific – 10 %
Midterm 1 – 15 %
Midterm 2 – 15 %
Final Exam (Cumulative) – 40 %
Laboratory – 20 %
Total – 100 %
To pass CHEM:
Achieve minimum 40/80 (on lecture portion) (STUDY HARD FOR MIDTERMS)! & 10/20 on lab portion –
Passing grade on final not requirement for passing CHEM 121
Notified of any changes on the “All lectures Canvas” site.
Section specific grades
Section specific portion of CHEM 121 grade decided on discretion of each section’s instructor. – More
info on section specific Canvas site and syllabus.
MIDTERM 1 – Wed OCT 12 (6-7) location TBA
MIDTERM 2 – WED NOV. 16 (6-7) location TBA
FINAL EXAM – (40 %) – (DEC 11-22) – 2.5 hrs long (ALL material covered in CHEM 121)
CANT bring PRE-BUILT models or parts of kit that have writing on it
MISSED midterms –
Will get info on process to declare conflict
If cannot complete midterm, must miss, must complete the “In term Student declaration of academic
Must complete within one week of missed midterm. If granted, weight will be transferred to final
Contact info on course outline:
General admin type questions: contact course coordinator: Dr. Laura Stirchak
Final exams conflicts – inc faculty advisor
Self-declaration of academic concession (online form for midterms only)
Resources to support student success:
UBC health and wellbeing website: https://students.ubc.ca/health
UBC counselling services:
QUESTIONS about CHEM 121 Lecture content : Answered via Piazza not by email.
(other students, course instructors, TA’s will be able to answer your questions)
DO NOT share materials on these places e.g. CourseHero, GoogleDocs, Dropbox).
It is unacceptable to share questions/solutions to websites like Quizlet, Anki, or Chegg.
It is unacceptable to create or distribute recordings of any lecture sessions because doing so is a
copyright violation as well as violation of your classmates’ and instructor’s privacy. Respect the Teaching
Team and textbook authors’ intellectual property and follow copyright law.
Canvas, Zoom, Gradescope, Qualtrics surveys/polls, and examinations.
Used to view class progress, track my progress with feedback, review stats on course content being
accessed to support improvements, access my participation in the course.
Questions about chem labs:
END of course goals:
Develop understanding of fundamental chemical concepts and their applications
Identify, draw, and convert between different representations of molecules
Predict geometrics about central atoms using VSEPR theory
Model electrons, atoms, and molecules, using appropriate quantum mechanical system
All materials of this course (course handouts, lecture slides, videos, assessments, course readings, etc.)
are the intellectual property of the CHEM 121 Teaching Team. Redistribution of these materials by any
means without permission of the copyright holder(s) constitutes a breach of copyright and may lead to
disciplinary action. You are NOT permitted to post, distribute, or share any of the course material
outside of the course without expressed written consent of the instructors. You are not permitted to
create or distribute recordings of any lecture sessions because doing so is a copyright violation as well as
violation of your classmates’ and instructor’s privacy