Nombre: _____________________________________ Fecha: _______________ Dialogue Rubric Requirements Fluency Grammar 1 Student meets all requirements Students is able to keep up with the conversation and respond to questions Student follows grammatical structure (complete sentences and thoughts) 2 Student meets some requirements Student keeps up with conversation but hesitates 3 Student meets no requirements Student does not keep up with conversation Student follows some grammatical structure (some complete sentences and thoughts) Student does not follow grammatical structure (no complete sentences or thoughts) Total Score: ____________/9 = ______________% Nombre: _____________________________________ Fecha: _______________ Dialogue Rubric Requirements Fluency Grammar 1 Student meets all requirements Students is able to keep up with the conversation and respond to questions Student follows grammatical structure (complete sentences and thoughts) 2 Student meets some requirements Student keeps up with conversation but hesitates 3 Student meets no requirements Student does not keep up with conversation Student follows some grammatical structure (some complete sentences and thoughts) Student does not follow grammatical structure (no complete sentences or thoughts) Total Score: ____________/9 = ______________%