".*T% ''"Fr' Squtut d tle $rarypind Department of @lucetion DepEd MEMORANDUM No. ,s. 2O23 2023 IYATIOIIAL FESTTVAL OF TALENTS To Undersecretanies Assistant Secretaries Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Minister, Basic, Higher and Technical Education, BARMM Schools Division Superintendents Pubiic and Private School Heads 1. The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of l,earning Delivery (BLD), will conduct the 2Ul3 l[atlonal Festtual of Taleat! IIYFOTI with the theme, Rchforciag 21st Certuty Learalug aad Focterlng Creatlve ladustries through Taleats aad SLlIlr Erhlbltloa in Region X (Northem Mindanao) from July 17 to21,2023 (inclusive of travel time). 2. As provided in the Republic Act (RA) 10533, titled An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by Strengthening Its Curriculum and lncreasing t}Ie Number of Years for Basic Education, Appropriatjng Funds Therefore and for Other Purposes, and DepEd Order (DO) No. 02l, s. 2019, titled Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program, consistent with the DepEd goal of producing functionally literate and holistically developed Filipinos, all NFOT events are aligned with the essential leaming competencies and standards of the K to i2 curriculum. 3. The NFOT, as a co-curricular activity, is a clear and proactive reinforcement of the teaching and leaming process and reflects the significant association between what the leamers learned in school and what they performed and produced during this activity. The conduct of NFOT is consistent with the MATATAG education agenda: TAke care of learners by promoting leamer well-being, inclusive education programs, and ensuring that a[[ leamers, regardless of background, have access to quality tearning opportunities and services. 4. Participation in the 2023 NFOT is voluatar5r and shall not, in any way, affect and and assessment process. the time-on-task of teachers as this activity's target leaming standards competencies are already embedded in teachers'actual clas-sroom teaching 5. For the past years, NFOT has provided basic education learners with relevant and meaningful learning opportunities and reflected on how well they perform in schools as tie target learning competencies of this activity are also captured in the National Achievement Test (NAT). Specifica-lly, NFOT enables learners to demonstrate their best products, services, and performances as authentic pieces of evidence of their learning across academic areas, key stages, inclusion, and special curricula-r programs. DepEd Comple(, Melalco Avenue, Pesig City 1600 P 4633-7204 / e63l*17224 / 4632- 136 t A 4636-487614637 -62@ q Bvw.deped.gov.ph 6. With the passage of RA 11904, titled Philippine Creative Industries Development Act, DepEd is expected to contdbute to achieving the much-needed protection and preference of local creatives and products. As such, NFOT, as one of the major activities of DepEd, will contribute towa-rd the attainment of developing learners' talents and skills in creative industries. . For this year, the 2U23IYFffi aims to provide opportunities for learners from public and private elementary and secondary schools, as well as those from the Alternative Learning System (ALS), Indigenous People Education (IPED), Speciat Needs Education Program (SNEd), and Madrasah Education Program (MEP) to showcase their talents and skills and explore the culture of the host region. It also 7 provides a platform for strengthening teachers' and leamers'knowledge and skillsets as t]ley listen to the invaluable insights shared by the invited panel of experts. 8. The events of the 2023 NFOT shall be conducted in different modalities: in-person, online, video recorded, and hybrid. Specific details and all the procedures on the conduct of NFOT can be found in Enclosure No. 3: Specific Guidelines for Skills Exhibition for Each Event Category. 9. The regional and division oflices and schools shall ensure strict observance of to DO OO3, s. 2U23, titled An Order Allowing the Conduct of In-Person Activities in Schools and DO 66, t. 2OL7, tit-led Implement-ing Guidelines on the Conduct of OffCampus Activities, and observe protection for leamers against any form of abuse, the conduct of in-person activities relevant to the 2023 NFOT pursuant violence, exploitation, discrimination, and bullying pursuant to IX) 40, s. 2OL2, titled Child Protection Policy, and DO O31, r.2o.23, tifled Child Rights Policy. 10. To ensure the safety, health, and well-being of all participants and delegates of r]],,e 2023 NFOT, strict observance of minimum health protocols shall be implemented such as, but not limited to, social distancing, body temperature monitoring, wearing of face mask, and sanitation of event premises in compliance with the existing rules and regulations set forth by the Inter-Agency Task Force (rArF). 11. The official logo, delegation per region, general guidelines, and specific guidelines for each skills exhibitjon are contained in the following enclosures: Enclosure No. l: Omcial logo of the NFOT Enclosure No. 2: General Guidelines and Number of Official Delegates which provide the overall procedures and details on the conduct of the 2023 NFoT Enclosure No. 3: Specilic Guidelines for Skills Exhibition for each Event Category which provide the detailed procedures for selecting participants for the national level 12. There shall be !o regtrtratloa fec for the 2023 NFOT. Support funds for the conduct of the Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) and Division Festjval of Talents (DFOT) shall be downloaded to the regons. A separate Memorandum shall be issued for the utilization of support funds. Likewise, traveling expenses of leamerparticipants and teacher-coaches to be charged against the 2CD3 Baslc Educatlon Currlculum (BEcl fuad: shall be downloaded to the regions while traveling expenses of other official delegates and those from Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) shall be charged to their local fun& or other ellglble fuad rourcer, subject to the usual govemment accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 13. The host Region and Division shall provide meals to official participants in their billeting schools including kits, identification tags, exhibition materials, and other eligible supplies necessary for the conduct of the different events of the 2023 NFOT in accordance with the budget allocation. The first meal to be served shall be dlaaer o! July 16, 202!3, while the last meal shall be alternoorl snacLr on July 20,2V23. 14. All designated heads of the regional delegations are advised to coordinate closely with the host Regon and Division rega-rding details of their arrival and departure from the venue to ensure proper administrative arrangements with the concerned committees. 15. For inquiries or concerns, please contact the Bureau of Learnhg DellveryStudeat laclu:loa DMrion through Dr. Joce D. Tugufrayo Jr., Chief Education Program Specialist, or fe. fadter Palto! RomeD, Supewising Education Program Specialist, at telephone number (02) 8637 -4346, or through email at nfot. bldsi.l@deped. gov. ph. 16. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired By Authority of the Secr€tary: I r i6t G . GONOT{G Undersecretary for Curriculum and Teaching Encls. As stated References: DepEd Order: (Nos. 021, s. 2019; 003, s. 2023; 66, s.2Ol7;40, s.2Ol2; and 031, s. 2O23) DepEd Memorandum: (Nos. 42, s.2Ol2;48, s.2012;2O5, s.2012; 227, s. 2Ol3:' 12, s. 2015; 158, s. 2O16; 2O9, s. 2016; 16O, s. 2017; 168, s. 2018; 138, s. 2O19; and 084, s.202ll To be indicated in the Pemetual Index under the following subjects: CELEBRATIONS AND FESTIVALS CONTESTS LANGUAGE LEARNERS DM Cooducr of 202:l Nl\)T Ol56 - M6lrh 16, 2023 PRIZES OR AWARDS PROGRAMS SCHOOLS SECONDARY EDUCATION (Enclosure No. I to DepEd Memorandum No. OFFICIAL I.OGO OF fiIE , s. 2023) TATTOITAL FFSTIVAL OF TALEITA (f,NOT) 1O ,i'!6uws* (Enclosure No. 2 to Dep&l Memorandum No. , s. 2O23) GEITERAL GI'IDELIilES ON TIIT COIYDUCT OF TIIE 2023 NATIOT{AL FESTIVAL OF TALENTS (!TE1OT} For the information and guidance of all participants, the general guidelines of the 2023 NFOT are listed as follows: A. General Guldellnee 1. The 2023 NFOT with the theme: 'Relnforclag 21't Centur5r Learulng aad Foeterlag Creatlve Ildultrle! through Taleats erd SHlk Drhlbltloa" shall be held in Region X (Northern Mindanao) on July 17- 21,2023 (inclusive of travel time). 2. Ttre event categories of tJ:e 2O23 NFOT are as follows: A. Technolympics for Technolory and Livelihood Education B. C. D. E. F. G. H. (TLE), TechnicalVocational Education (TVE), and Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TW); Sining Tanghalan for Music and Arts; Population Development for Social Studies (Arafing Panlipunan); Read-A-Thon for English and Filipino; Lingo Stars for Special Program in Foreign language; Musabaqah for Ma&asah Education Program (MEP); SNEd Expo for Special Needs Education (SNEd); and STEMazing for Science, Technologr, Engineering, and Mathematics 3. Participants of the 2O23 NFOT are Filipino learners in basic education who are expected to showcase their best products, services and performances in different event categories as authentic evidence of their learning across academic areas, key stages, and inclusion and special curricular programs. They shall be accompanied by their respective teacher-coaches. 4, Participation is open to basic education learners with Learner Reference Number (LRN) for SY 2022-2023 who are: r currently enrolled in public or private elementar5l and secondar5z schools for SY 2O23-2O23; and . curently enrolled in other inclusion progrzrms such as Altcnrtlve Learalag SFten lALSl, Iadtgeneou! Peopler Educatlon lIPEdf' Spcclal Ifeedr Educqtlon IAIIEd), and fadrarah Educatlon Progran ffEPl for SY 2023-2023. 5. Upon completion of participation in the 2023 NFOT, learner-participants and teacher-coaches shall receive a Certificate of Recognition and Participation from the Bureau of Learning Delivery - Student Inclusion Division (BLD-SID). They shall also receive a Certilicate of Appearance from the Host Region/Division. 6. The specifrc guidelines for each event are provided in Enclorure I{o. guidance and reference in selecting participants for the 2023 NFOT. 3 for (Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2023) 7. The allotted number of delegates per region and event is broken down as follows: tnent Ilo. of lfo. of Lcatrror- TGechcr- PrftlclDo[t l1 TechnolJrmpics Sining Tanghalan rRe*ion t7 Ifo. of Dlldeloa Rcglonrt nocd EPg PonoD 3 1 Coech 6 9 3 Total CLMD Chtef R.D 21 30 1 (s0) l0 ,sawI, n9 (20] Kabdaong PinoV Population Development Read-A- Thon (Enelish & Filipinol Lingo Stars SNED Expo Musabaqah STEMazine (20) I 1 6 6 2 2 3 2 2 ., 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 13 9 1 45 TCTTAL (6s) 4 1 1 i 1 I 16 8 6 6 6 97 (11V 8. Below is the detailed summar5r of the allotted number of delegations per region for in-person parlicipation in the different events: Eveat Regiotr Techtro- lluprcs Sining Pop Read-A- TanCh Dev Thoo Regionsl Lingo Stars SNFd Musabaqah 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Expo ng (EngLsh alan STEMazi Total Dirlclor aid CLllD Chicf & FiliDinol 1 27 2 3 21 21 4A 4B 2r 2r 5 2l 2l 2l 6 7 2t 8 9 l0 2l 2l l1 21 12 2l 2l 2l CAR CARAGA BARMIvI 21 NCR 2I 357 T( TAL 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 30 30 530 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 16 16 16 16 16 8 8 6 68 272 136 t02 4 4 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 LO2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 LO2 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 2 2 2 2 2 2 c 2 2 2 2 119 2 2 2 99 99 99 99 99 99 34 1,703 2 2 2 9. Each learner-participant is allowed to parLicipate in only one (1)eventcategory during tJle 2023 NFOT. 10. AJI regional focal persons of the 2023 NFOT are advised to submit the printed list of official participants of the different event categories to be endorsed by their Regional Director to the Olllce of the Dlrector fV, Bureau of Learnlng Dellvery (Attentloa: Studeat Iaclutloa lXvlrtont, 4th Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City not leter tha'r Jr'rt e 26,2023. T}rre digital copy of the said list should be sent through email at afot.bl&ld@eped.gov.ph. (Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Memorarrdum No. , s. 20231 I l. Should the School Heads, Chiefs of tJ:e Curriculum Implementation Division (CID), and Schools Division Superintendents, with ofrcial participants wish to attend t}re 2023 NFOT, their attendance shall be regarded as Official Business. However, they shall be responsible to make arrangements for their travel, meals, and board and lodging for the whole duration of tJleir stay in Region X. B. Selectloa of Learner-Pattlclpatrts for the IIFC/I l. Only one (1) entry per event category per region shall be accepted at the national level. 2. To ensure the objective selection of prospective learner-participants who will compete at the national level, all Regional Oftices (ROs) are advised to conduct their local Festival of Talents (school-based to division to region). The schedules are as follows: . School-Level and Division Festival of Talents (DFOT) - on or bfotz frag . 2023 Regional Festival of Talents (RFOT) - on o" blore &ne 2023 3. The ROs may refer to the specilic guidelines for each event category in selecting thet learner-participants who will join the 2023 NFOT. C. Coaduct of Orlentatlonr 1. A general orientation to be attended by the Regional Focal Persons of the 2023 NFOT as well as their CLMD Chiefs shall be conducted on Dry O at a venue to be announced during the registration. All clarifications, issues ald concerns relative to the 2023 NFOT shall be addressed during the orientation. Any concerns raised during the actual conduct of the events shall not be entertained unless valid and necessary. 2. All teacher-coaches of each event shall have a separate orientation with their Regional Focal Person regarding the specific gu.idelines and mechanics of the events a day before their actual conduct. The distribution of supplies and materials needed for ttre specific events shall be done at the designated venues. Hence, learnerparticipants are required to be at the venue one ( I ) hour before the start of the event. 3. To be familiar with the specific event venues, leamer-participants are encouraged to conduct an occular visit a day before the event. They may be accompanied by their respective teacher-coaches or parents/guardians. (Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. 2023 Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. , s. 2023) -s, -:Hr 20/23 NATIONAL FESTTVAL OF TALENTS ffi Implementing Guidelines on Technolympics The categories, mode of delivery, number of learner-participants and teacher-coaches, and time allotment for Technolympics per region are the following: Category Dressmaking (Corporate Attire) Fruit and Vegetable Carvine Food Processing (Meat, Fish & Mode of lYo. of I.earner- l[o. of Tlne Allotmeat Parttctpant TeacherCoach rn-person c 1 4 hours in-person c 1 4 hours 3 I 4 hours , I 4 hours 1 1 3 hours 1 1 4 hours 11 6 Dellvery rn-person (excludlng lnterviewf Vegetable) Electrical lnstallation and Maintenance (EIM) Invitation Card Making Using Microsoft Productivity Tools Technical Drafting Total 1n-person rn-person 1n-person Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. _l2023 F. Only one ( l ) person shall serve as a model for all participants. G. The Event Adrninisfr4lql shall let participants to draw lots to determine their respective area in the event venue. Each participant shall wear PPE according to the standard requirements. H. All participants should report to the venue one (l) hour prior to the event proper to perform the following prelitninaries: o . check the functionality of t}te sewing machines; ensure the completeness of the materials/ supplies and tools needed; and take body measurements of the model. r I. Final briefing of participants shall be done lifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled event. J. No questions shall be entertained during the activity except clarifications and points of order. These shall be addressed by tJ:e Event Arlmiaistrator in consultation witJ: the panel of experts to be recorded by the Event Secretary. K. The Event Administrator shall signal to start the activity proper. Once t]le event has started, the teacher-coaches and otJrer delegates are strictly prohibited at the exhibition venue. L. Only the Event Administrator, Panel of Experts, technical committee members, official photographer, and participants are allowed at the venue to maintain a distraction-free environment. M. Each group of participants shall go tJ:rough an interview process after the four (4) hour time allotment. N. The working area should be clearred by participants after the event. RBSOI'RCE REQI'IREMEXT Evetrt Suppuca, Partlclpants Toolr, and Equlpment A. Matertale /Suppller Sewing kit Ilost School/Velue Sleeve board Button holler attachmen ts I*ft zipper foot Square ruler Flat iron B. Tools / Equipment Host Regloa - Threads Fabric (Linen & cotton) Color (asparagus green and black) Size (2 meters'x 60 inches per color) Pins lvtagic zipper Calculator Pattern paper Pencils Buttons Padding Utifity expenses (2) Electric Single needle lockstitch sewing machines Chair Cutting/working table Hanger rack Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ,l# -g, 2023 ffi TECHNOLYMPICS (A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances) COUPIOITEITT ARTA KIY STAGE HOME ECOI{OMICS Key Stage Three (3): Grades 9 and lO; artd Key Stage Four (4): Grades 11 and 12 TVENT TITLE Dressmaklng (Corporatc Attlre Ito. oF Two (2) participants from either of the key stages or grade level Aom one kev stage or grade level alone per region PARTICIP.AITT/S TIUE ITLLOTUEIYT PERFORUAI{CE STAI{DARI) 218r CEIrTURY srILL/s I 4 hours excluding interuiew and preliminary activities The learners recognize their personal entrepreneurial competencies (PECs), prepare an activity plan, and design, measure, and sew corporate attire. It is essential for learners to manifest learning innovation skills and abilities where they think critically, reflectively, and creatively, analyzr. and solve problems, create and implement innovations using a variety of techniques or methods, and generate functional knowledge that supports varying degrees of thinkine skills and metacognition CREATTVE IITDUSTRIIS DOIIAIN DESCRIPTION Design Drersmaldng (Corporete Attlrel is an NFOT event category of Technolympics that allows learner-participants to apply the principles of dressmaking/construction of Corporate Attire with short sleeves and blazer. CRITERIA NOR PRESENTATION Criteria Perccntage Creativity 2Oo/o Process 25o/o 25o/o Accuracy Use of tools, materials, and equipment Neatness Speed Ability to Present the Process Total 10% 7Oo/o 5o/o 5o/o 100% BYENT RI'LF,S AND MECHANICS A. All officially enrolled learners in t.I:e Junior High School (JHS) Technolory and Vocational Education (TVE), Technolory and Livelihood Education (TLE), Senior High School (SHS) Technical Vocational Livelihood (TW) are eligible to join. B. The Event Arlrninistrator, members of the Technical Committee and Panel of Experts should be at the venue two (2) hours ahead of t1:e event schedule. C. Event materials, supplies, tools, and equipment needed for the contest shall be made ready at the venue by the Event Administrator two (2) hours before the event schedule. D. Setting up of all materials, tools, equipment, and other supplies shall be made ready before the start of the event. E. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools, and equipment during the event is not allowed. Enclosure No. j n DepEd Memorandum No. -52023 Extension cord Electric outlet C. Others PPE - Model Utility expenses Machine Technician Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. 2023 TECHNOLYMPICS 'ilf,, (A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances) COUPOI|ENT ARTA KEY STAGE EVENT TITLE rfo. oF PARTICIPAITT/8 TIUE IILLOTUENT PERFORMANCE STANDARI) 21BT -s, CENTI'RY sKrLL/S ffi HOME ECONOMICS Kev Stage Two (2): Grades 4 to 6 Frult and Vegetable Carvlng 2 learner-participants Aom either of the grade levels or from one gade level alone per region 4 hours excluding interview learners use and maintain appropriate carving tools and follows the Occupational Health and Standard (OHS) in carving decorative fruits and vegetable. Communication in the workplace, use of appropriate technologr, learning arrd innovative skills and abilities where learners think critically, reflectively, and creatively, and atalyzr- and solve problems T?re CREATwE IITDUSTRIES DOMAIN DF^SCRIPTION CRITERIA FOR PR.ESENTATION Desigr Fnrlt and Vegcteble Canztng is an NFOT event category of Technolympics that allows leamer-participants to apply the principles of fruit and vegetables carving. It includes preparation, carving, designing, and presenting fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, apple, pineapple, carrots, and cucumber. Crlterla Percentage Creativity Process Proper Use of Tools 25o/" 25o/" l5o/" Speed tov" Safety lOo/" Ability to Present Idea Total t5"/" 100% EVENT RT'LES AND MECHANICS A. All officially enrolled Grades 4 to 6 learners with LRN are eligible to join. B. The Event Adrninistrators, members of tJ:e Technical Committee and Panel of Experts should be at the exhibition venue two (2) hours ahead of t}le event schedule. C. Event materials, tools, equipment, and other supplies needed at the venue shall be made ready by t1:e Event Administrator two (2) hours before the event schedule. D. All participarts should be at the event venue one hour (1) before the event starts. E. The Event Adtninistrator shall let participants to draw lots to determine their respective places and set up their food and materials at their designated areas. Setting up of their extension cords, tools, and equipment should be done during this time. F. Each participant shall wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) according to the standard requirements. G. Final briefing of participants shall be done fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled event. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -s, 2023 H. The Event Administrator shall signal to start the exhibition proper. Once tJre event has started, the teacher-coaches and other delegates are strictly prohibited within tJ:e event area. O. No questions shall be entertained during the activity except clarifications and points of order. Ttrese shall be addressed by the Event Adrninistrator, in consultation with the panel of experts to be recorded by the Event Secretary. I. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools, and equipment during the event is not J. K. L. allowed. Each group of participants shall undergo interview process with the expert after the four (4) hour time allotment or once the team has finished the display of their output. During the event proper, the panel of experts shall observe the processes but not ask questions to participants to avoid disruption, The working area should be cleaned by participants immediately a-fter the event. RF,SOI'RCE REQI'IREMENT heat Supplles, Toolc o-d Equlpment Partlcipant Iloat School Veaue / Eoct Reglon Dlvlsloa A. llaterlals/ / Apple Watermelon Pineapple Carrots Cucumber SuppHes B. Toolr / Equlpmert Carving tools C. Others PPE - Chopping board Display tray - Working Table Water Utility expenses outlet/supply Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ',"ii,l -9, 2023 ffi TECHNOLYMPICS (A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances) COUBOIYEITT ANEA KEY STAGE Ef,IENT TITLE rro. oF PARTICIPAITT/S TIME ALLOTMENT PERFORUAI{CE STANDARD AGRI-FISHERY ARTS Key Stage Three (3): Grades 9 and 10; Key Stage Four (4): Grades 11and 12 Food ProceselnE (!f,eat, Flah, atrd Vegetablel 3 leamer-participants from either of the key stages or grade level or from one key stage or grade level alone per region 4 hours excluding interview Ttre learners independently develop the skills in food processing and demonstrate tlle core competencies in food processing prescribed in the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum as of May 2016. 21gT CEITTURY SKJLL/S CREATIVE IITDUSTRIES IX)MAII{ DESCRIPTION in the workplace, use of appropriate technologr, learning and innovative skills and abilities where learners think critically, reflectively, and creatively, and atalyza and solve problems Communication Traditional Cultural Expressions Food Processlng (Meat, Flrh, aad Vegetablef is an NFOT event category of Technolympics that allows learnerparticipants to apply the principles of food preservation. Ttris includes preparation and processing of various types of meats, fruits, and vegetables: (Chicken Longanisal, Fish (BangusSpanish Sardine:sl, Vegetables (Pickling-Sagote, Sitau, Ampalalla, & Carrotsl CRITERIA F'OR PRESENTATIOI{ Crlterta Palatabilitv Process used in preservation Product Presentation and Packaging Use of tools and equipment Sanitation Procedures, Methods & Safery work habits Speed Abiliw to Present the Process Total Percentage 25o/o 20v" l5o/" lOo/o lOo/" lO"/o lO"/o LOO o/" EVENT RI'LES AND MECHANICS A. All oflicially enrolled learners in t.l.e Junior High School (JHS) Technolory and Vocational Education (TVE), Technologr and Livelihood Education (TLE), Senior High School (SHS) Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) eligible to join. B. The Event Administrator, members of tJ:e Technical Cotntnittee and Panel of Experts should be at the venue two (2) hours ahead of the event schedule. C. Event materials, tools, equipment and other supplies needed for the contest shall be made ready at the venue by the Event Administrator two (2) hours before the event schedule. D. Setting up of all the materials, tools, equipment, and other supplies should be made ready before the start of the event. E. Borrowing of materials, supptes, tools, and equipment during the event is not allowed. Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum F. No. _s,2023 The Event Administrator shall let participants to draw lots to determine their respective places and set up tJreir tools and materials at their assigned places. Setting up of their extension cords, equipment, and tools should be done during tltis ''ne. G. Briefing of participants shall be done thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled event, H. The Event Administrator shall signal for the event to begin. Once the event has started, the teacher-coaches, parents, and delegates are no longer allowed to talk to the participants to concentrate in the event. I. Only the Event Ar{rnirristralor, technical committee members, panel of experts, official photographer, and participants are allowed at the venue. J. No questions shall be entertained during the event proper, except clarifications and points oforder. All clarifications and points of order shall be directed to the Event Administrator. K. Panel of experts shall periodically observe participants while the event is ongoing. L. The products shall be displayed on the table prepared by the host region for appreciation and tasting of the panel of experts. Other table set up/accessories are strictly not allowed. M. Each participant shall go through a panel interview witl: the Panel of Experts with a maximum of five (5) minutes per entry. N. Interview shall be done one at a time using uniform questions. O. With tJre presentation of output o For Meat (Chicken): Present I pack at 25Og and remaining cooked sample for evaluation. o For Sardines and Pickles: Prepare 1 bottle for tasting and I bottle for display. (A plate for tasting shall be prouided at the displag area intended for each entry). P. The working area should be cleaned by participants immediately after the event. RESOT'RCE REQI'IREIIENT Evcat Suppllcr, Toolr aad EqulpEetrt A. faterlelr /Suppller PartlclpaEt Cooking utensils Ilort Echool / Vcaue 12 oz. Jar, with wide opening (4 botfles) rubberized capllid polyethylene B. Toolc / Working Tables Cooking Area Stove Water outlets Equlpn€nt C. Other3 PPE Ilort Rcglotr / Dlvbtou 2 pcs bangus (approx. 2 pcs per half kg.) per participant (l for presentation, I for tasting) I kg whole dressed chicken Ingredients (vegetable, fruits & others) binder ingredients (ex. egg and cornstarchl Knife Chopping Board Pressure Cooker Gas stove LPG Utility expenses Note: a. b. All ou@uts sl,dll be endorsed lo tle *cretariat bA the Euent Admini.slro,tor. Al1 endotsed. ou@uts shall be displaged urtil the dtrdtion oJth.e euett. Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ,.:ffi -g202i ffi TECHNOLYMPICS (A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances) COMPiONINT /TR.EA KET STAGE E\IENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPANT/S TIUE ALIOIUEITT PERFORDIANCE STAI{DARI) 218T CENTTIRY SKLL/S CREATTVE INDUSTRIES DOMAIIT DESCRIPTION INDUSTRIAL ARTS Key Stage Three (3): Grades 9 and 10; Key Stage Four (4): Grades l1and 12 Electrlcal Irstalletloa aad Mainteaance (EIt) 2 learner-participants from either of tJ:e key stages or grade levels or from one key stage or Ftrade level alone per region 4 hours excluding interview Ttre learners perform electrical installation and maintenance which involve reading and installing schematic wiring diagrams based on Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) and National Electrical Code (NEC). It is essential for learners to manifest learning and innovation skills and abilities where they think critically, reflectively, and creatively, analyze and solve problems, create and implement innovations using a variety of techniques or methods, and generate functional knowledge that supports varying degrees of thinking skills and metacogrrition. Design Electrlcal laltallatlon and alatenaace IEIU) is an NFOT event category of Technolympics that allows learnerparticipants to read and install wiring diagrams based on a given schematic diag'a.n. Knowledge of schematic diagram5 and installation skills may be handy in establishing a business or landing a job. CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMEI{T Criteria Accurary of interpretation of schematic diagam Accuracy of in stallation Use of tools Safety Perceatage 2sYo 300h l5o/o 75o/o Speed lOo/o Ability to Explain Process 50h Total: lOOo/o E\IENT RI]LES AND MECHAIYICS A. A11 olEcially enrolled learners in the Junior High School (JHS) Technolory and Vocational Education (TVE), Technolory and Livelihood Education (TLE), Senior High School (SHS) Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) are eligible to join. B. The Event Arlministrator, members of the Technical Committee and Panel of E.perts should be at the venue two (2) hours ahead of the event schedule. C. Event materials, tools, equipment and other supplies needed for the contest shall be made ready at the venue by the Event Administrator two (2) hours before t}le event schedule. D. Setting up of all tJ:e tools, materials equipment and other supplies should be made ready before the start of the event. Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -s,2023 E. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools, and equipment during the event is not allowed. F. The Event Arlrninistrator shall let participants to draw lots to determine their respective places and set up their tools and materials at their assigned places. Setting up of their extension cords, tools, and equipment should be done during this time. G. Briefrng of participants shall be done thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled event. H. The Event Administrator shall signal for the event to begin. Once the event has started, the teacher-coaches, parents, and delegates shall no longer be allowed to talk to participants to concentrate in the event. I. Only the Event Administrator, technical committee members, panel of experts, official photographer, and participants are allowed at the venue. J. No questions shall be entertained during the event proper, except clarifications and points of order. All clarifications and points of order shall be dtected to the Event Administrator. K. Panel of experts shall periodically observe the participants while the events is going on. L. The products shall be displayed on the table prepared by the host region for appreciation and tasting by the panel of exPerts. Other table set up /accessories are strictly not allowed. participant shall go through a panel interview witJ: tle Panel of Experts Each M. with a maximum of five minutes per entry. N. Interview shall be done one at a time. O. All provided event materials shall be used by participants for their outputs. Alteration of the event materials by the participants is not allowed. ded on the day of the event. P. The schematic diagram will be RESOURCE REQI'IREMENT Eveat Supplle:, Eoat Regloa / Eort School / Patttctpaat Toolr and IXvlslon Venue Equlpmeat Schematic No. 14 Electrical tape A. Meterlal/ diagram stranded wire and t]:e likes Supplles No. 12 stranded wire Lighting fixture SPST switch Junction box And other materials Working board AII B. Toola/ 4',X 8', tools/equipmen Equlpment t needed for t]le wiring installation PPE C. Others Utitify expenses Note: The scLematic diagram shall be prouided bg tle Technial Committee. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ,".$t -9, 2023 ffi TECHNOLYMPICS (A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances) COMP|ONENT /IREA KEY STAGE T1IENT TITLE no. oF PARTICIPANT/S TIUE ALLOTUENT PEPJ'ORUANCE STAITDARD 21er CElltT( RY sxDL/s CREATIVE IITDUSTRIES DOI'AIIT DBSCRIPTION CRITERIA F'OR ASSESSMENT INF\CRUATION AND COMMT'TYICATIOI{ TDCHNOLOGY (ICTI Key Stage Two (2): Grades 4 to 6 Iavltatlon Card Maldag uelng Mlcrosoft Producllwtt1lqqls I leamer-participant from either of the grade levels or from one grade level alone per region 3 hours excluding interview Create an invitation card Microsoft productivity tools. as a lorowledge product using Creativity, Communication, Critical Thinking, ICT for Learning, Self-Regulation Publishing and Printed Media Invltauol Card MaHag urlng Mlcroroft Producttvlty Toolr is an NFOT event category of Technolympics that allows leamer-participants to utilize several Microsoft productiviqy tools to make unique invitation card based on the given topic or theme. Perceatage Crlterla 25o/o CreativiW of Desigt 25o/o Technical Use of the Productivity Tools 75o/o Relevance to the Theme r5% Layout alrd Measurement lOo/o speed Wise use of time / to'vo Ability to Present the Process Total loo% ETIENT RTJLES AND MECHANICS A. AII olEcially enrolled Grades 4 to 6 learners urith LRN are eligible to join the exhibition. of tJ e Technical Committee and Board of judges shall be at the venue sixBr (6O) minutes ahead of the event schedule. B. The Event Administrator, members C. The Technical Comrnittee shall inspect the resource requirements for the exhibition. D. Event materials, supplies, tools, equipment, data, and photos needed at the venue shall be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event schedule. E. Any of the Microsoft productivity tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) may be used by learner-participants in editing or enhancing photos, creating graphs and diagrems (if necessary). However, Microsoft Publisher shall be used to layout the invitation card. F. The layout size of the invitation card and tJ:e theme shall be announced by the Event A.lrniaistrator. G. A11 participants are expected to be at the desigrr.ated venue thirty (30) minutes before the event starts. Late participants may or may not be allowed to join after careful evaluation and scrutiny of their reasons presented to the Technical Committee. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -s,2023 H. The Event Administrator shall let participants to draw lots to determine their respective places. Setting up of their extension cords, tools, and equipment which shall be done during this time. I. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools, and equipment is strictly prohibited. J. Briefing of participants shall be done fifteen ( 15) minutes before the scheduled event. K. The Event Administrator shall signal for the event to start. Once tlee event has started, the teacher-coaches and other delegates shall no longer be allowed to talk to the participants to concentrate in the event' L. Only tJ:e Event Adrninistrator, Technical Committee members, Judges, Official Photographer, and participants are allowed to be at the venue' Questions/qulrils from participants shall not be entertained during the exhibition proper. M. Participants shall go through a panel interview and deliberation by the Board of Judges after the three (3) hour time allotment. N. Participants are advised to bring their own food as tl.ey are not allowed to go out of tJ:e venue during break time. O. File shall be saved using this format: InvitationCard# (participant number) Ex. InuitationCard# 01 p. The working area should be cleaned by participants immediately after the event. RESOI'RCE Event Suppller, Toolr aad Equlpment A. Uetertalr / Suppller Partlclpant B. Tools / Equlpmelt Eort School Veaue / Eo:t Reglon / IXwiclor Laptop Printer (ratio l:1) Printing cost C. Othere Notz: All outryts (sofi and lard copies) sLall be collected bg the Euent Secretary and slwll be endorsed to the Organizcrs. Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ,"it ffi TECHNOLYMPICS (A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances) COMPONENT AREA KEY STAGE E1IENT PACI(AGE Ifo. oF PARTICIPAITT/S TIME /TLLOTUTITT PERJ'ORMANCE ST/TNDARD 218T CEITTI]RY sxEL/s CRTATIVE IIIDUSTRIES DOMAIN DESCRIPTION CRITERIA FOR ASSiESSIMENT -5,2023 INIORIIATION AND COMMT'ilICATIOil TECHNOIPGY (ICT) Key Stage Three (3): Grades 9 and lO; Key Stage Four (4): Grades ll and 12 Techalcd Drafttng: Prelnre Computer-Alded Dcrlgn of a IIoure - Floor Plaa (scale l:loom) - EleveUoa! (frorrt, lefi, rrght, and rear eleuation) - Penpecttve Floor area - 60 sq. m. l,and area - IOO sq. m. Iilote: Use scale 1:1OO meters I learner-participant from either of the key stages or grade levels or from one key stage or grade level alone per region 4 hours excluding interview The leamers create a house plan following architectural standards. Core skills supported using ICT, technical, inforrnation management, communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinkine, and problem-solving Design Techalcal Drafttng is an NFOT event category of Technolympics that allows leamer-participants to perform mensuration and calculations, interpret technical drawings and plans, and prepare computer-aided drawings with structural layout and details. Percentage Crlterle Ae sthetic / Architectural / Originality 4Oo/o and creativity of design/ideas (mea.surements against Accuracy 4Oo/o drawins) Speed (on time -1O, 5 min late -5, 6 min 1Oo/o aboue 1) AbiIiW to Present the Process Total 7Oo/o LOOo/o EVENT RTILES AND MBCIIAITICS A. AII ofrcially effolled learners in the Junior High School (JHS) Technolory and Vocational Education (TVE), Technologr and Livelihood Education (TLE), Senior High School (SHS) Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) eligible to join. B. The Event Administrator, members of the Technical Comrnittee, and Panel of Experts, should be at the venue two (2) hours ahead of the event schedule. C. The Technical Committee shall inspect tJ e resource requirements for the event. D. Event materials, tools, equipment, and other supplies needed at the venue shall be made ready by the Event Administrator sixty (60) minutes before the event schedule. Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -52023 E. All participants shall be at the designated venue tldrq/ (30) minutes before the event starts. F. The Event Artministrator shall let participants to draw lots to determine their respective places. Setting up of extension cords, tools, and equipment shall be done during this time. G. Borrowing of materials, supplies, tools, and equipment is strictly prohibited. H . Briefing of participants shall be done fifteen ( 1 5) tninutes before the scheduled event. I. The Event Administrator shall signal for the event to sta.rt. Once the event has started, teacher-coaches, parents, and other delegates shall no longer be allowed to talk to participants to concentrate in the event. J. Only the Event Administrator, Technical Comrnittee members, Panel of Experts, Official Photographer, and participants are allowed to be at the venue. K. Questions/queries from the participants shall not be entertained during t}te exhibition proper. L. ParLicipants shall go througlr a panel interview after the four (4) hour time allotment. M. The working area should be cleaned by the participstt5 irnrngdi4lsly after the event. RESOURCE REOUIREMENT Areat Suppllee, Tools aad Equlpmeat D. faterlalr SuppHer E. toob / Partlelpaat Ilort School / Verue Eolt Regloa / Dlvlslon / EqulpDetrt Desktop computer Printer (ratio 1: 1) F. Othera AutoCAD 2019 Version Printing cost l,Iote: Ang uersion of CAD is alloued but in unifonrt Itbtc: All outryts (sofi and lard cr;,pies) slall be allected bg tte Event Sec:retary and stall be endorsed to tle Organizers. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorondum No. ,ffi} -9 2023 20/23 NATIONAL FESTTVAL OF TALENTS ffi Implementing Gutdelines on Sining Tanghalan The categories, modes of delivery, number of learner-participants and teacher-coaches, and time allotment for Sining Tanghalan per region are the following: Category Direk ko, Ganap mo Sulatanghal Likhawitar Himig Bulitit Sineliksik Sayaw ng Kabataang Pinoy Philippine Folk Dance Guhit Bulilit Pintahusay TOTAL Mode of lYo. of Itlo. of Dellvery IearaerPattlclpaat TeacherCoach m-person 2 I ln-person rn-person rn-person ln-person I 1 1 1 4 1 .) 1 Tlme Allotrne!t l day 4 hours 4 hours 3-5 minutes 8 hours hybrld (la-person aad onllae) 20 2 rn-person 6 I onllne t 1 ln-person I 1 38 10 5 minutes Draw - 2 hours Tell - 5 minutes 8 hours Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. t.p: -q, 2023 SINING TANGHALAN (A Showcase of Talents and Skills COMPOI{ED|T AREA KTY STAGE in Arts Areas and Performances) MAPTI{ and SPA Ito. oF Key Stage Three (3): Grades 7 to lO; Key Stage Four (4): Grades 11to 12 Dlrek Ko, Gaaap Mo (Ia-Pereonl 2 learner-parlicipalts either from Key Stage Three (3) or Four PARTICIPAITT/8 (41 EVENT TITLE TIUE ALLOTUEITT PERI'ORMAITCE STANDARI) I day a The learner performs creative pieces using body movements and vocal improvisations in the integrated arts process that exhibit understanding of the different elements of artistic expressions and principles of organization. Ttre leamer performs tasks and activities in the preproduction phase based on the criteria set. Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Flexibility, Adaptability, Initiative, Self-direction, Social and Cross-cultural skills, Productivity and Accountability, a 218T CE]IrTT'RY SKLL/S l.eadership and Responsibility CREATTVE IIIDUSTRIES DOUAIN DF,SCRIPTION CRITERIA rlOR PRESTNTATION Perfonrring Arts, Creative Services is an NFOT event relevant to acting showcase that of Sining Tanghalan category allows learner-participants to follow the direction and instructions given by a theater director in relation to the script and scene provided. The Dlrek Ko, Glanap Uo (Ir-Perroa) Crlterls Interpretation of the whole script Acting technique Delivery (voice, clarity, projection etc.) Total Perceatage 2sVo 4Oo/o 35o/o LOOo/" EVENT RT'LESI AND MECHANICS A. 'Direk Ko, Ganap mo"'is an in-person acting showcase. B. Each region shall register two (2) learner-participants and one (l) teacher- coach. C. Participants must not be previously declared winners in any intemational acting competition. in performing with any professional theater company or part of any talent managing firm. (e.g. PETA, Repertory Philippines, Tanghalang Pilipino, ABS-CBN Talent Center, and the likes.) D. Participants must not have any experience E. Participants shall be given a copy event. of the original script two weeks before the Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -9 2023 F. During tJre event, a theater director/ resource person shall give instructions to participants as to how the script should be performed. G. Performance shall be done in a closed room with only resource person and event coordinators. A video camera shall record all proceedings inside the room and a TV monitor for live viewing shall be placed outside the room. H. Other participants waiting for their turn to perform shall be contained in a holding room togetier with other coaches. I. Participants must come on time; ttrus, late participants shall no longer be entertained. RESOI'RCE REQTIIREUEI{TS Partlclpants A. Sugpllos aad Materlalg B. Toolg aad Equlpaeat C. Roou/ llall Spcclflcatlon Host Dlvlslon / Regloa 'Ilpe Writing paper Twenty (2O) pcs pencils Twenty (2O) long sized folders One (l) unit Video camera of good quality One (1) unit TV Monitor Memory card Four (4) units Lapel mic with batteries Sound system One (l) tully airconditioned room tllat can accommodate 2O pax preferably computer laboratorv) Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ,.:*ii -5,2023 SINING TANGHALAN (A Showcase of Talents and Skills COMPOITEI|T IIREA KEY STAGE EVENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPANT/S TIUE ALLOTUENT PERFOR.IIANCE STAI{DARI) SPA CRTATWE UIRITING Key Stage Three (3): Grades 7 Sulatanghal lOa-stte) I learner-participants and CRIATtvE IIIDUSTRITS DOUAIIT DESiCRIPTIOIT CRITERIA F'OR PRESEIYTATION 1O coach o The learner creates literary works that apply the myths, and features/elements of rituals, festivals, folklore, o sxEL/s I to 4 hours o 218tr CEITTTURY in Arts Areas and Performances) legends. The learner develops literary works using the combination of local/traditional and digital-based literary styles. Ttre learner creates literary works that spur social transformation. Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Flexibility, Adaptability, Initiative, Self-direction, Social and Cross-cultural skills, Productivity and Accountability, Leadership and Responsibility Performing Arts, Creative Services, Publishing and Printed Media Sufatalghaf lln-Pereoa) is an NFOT event category of Sining Tanghalan that showcases on-tJre-spot playwriting. The learner is given 4 hours to develop and create a one-act stage play depending on the given theme. Percenta.gc Crlterla (Use 2Oo/o Plot of form and stage) 2OYo Character (Orignafity and character dwelopment) 2Oo/o Dialozue (appropriate use of language) 2Oo/o Ttremes and ldeas (relationship between form and content) 2O/o Theatricality (Ambition of tJ:e work and genre) intended Total LOOo/o E\TENT RT'LFS AND MECIIANICS A. Sulatanghal is a Playwriting event. B. One (1) participant per region accompanied by one (1) coach. C. Participants should have not won in any international playwriting/ screenwriting competition. D. Have not had any play produced by a professional theater company. E. Have not had any play published in a literary journal. F. An orientation with tJ:e participants by the resource person will be done before t]:e start of tlle event. G. During the writing phase, each participant will be asked to write a one-act stage play based on the given theme. Ttrey will be given a total of 4 hours to write via online hybrid modality. H. Scripts should be submitted with tJIe following requirements: Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. 2023 -s, i. ii. in. Dialogue should be tailored for 2 actors/actresses Written in Filipino and /or English Saved in .doc/.docx format (Font size 12, double -spaced, letter size PaPer) I. J. The best play/script for Sulatanghal will be used for the Direk Ko, Ganap Mo in the NFOT of the following year. Participants must be on time thus late participants will no longer be entertained. RESOI'RCE REQI'IREUENTS iL Supplles and Msterlals B. Tools aid Equlpmeat - C. Room/ IIdl Spcclf,catlon - Partlclpantg TYpe Writing paper Two (2) pcs pencils Two (2) long sizcd folders One (1) desktop/ laptop each per participant and for liveStrearn; Online audio-visual equipment Three (3) pcs Webcam Fast and reliable internet connection Tables and chairs for the participants and TWG Timer HoBt ReElon One (1) desktop/laptop each per participant and for livestreqrn; Online audio-visu al equipment Three (3) pcs Webcam Fast and reliable internet connection Tables and chairs for the participants and TWG Timer One (r) tuly airconditioned room that can accommodate 20 pax preferably computer laboratory) Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -l, 2023 SINING TANGHALAN ',:frit (A Showcase of Talents and Skills COMFOIIENT AREA KEY STAGE in Arts Areas and Performances) MUSIC Key Stage Three (3): Grades 7 to l0; Key Stage Four (4): Grades 11to 12 EVENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPAITT/S Likhawltan lln-Pereoul TIUE /ILII}TUTIIT 4 hours for songwriting 3 to 5 minutes performance T?re learner creates a musical work using media and technolory, performs music in solo and with accompaniment, and demonstrates musical skills in voice and/or instrumentplayrng. PERI'ORUANCE STA.ITDARD 2181 CEITTIIRY sxEL/s CRTATTVE IITDUSTRIES DOMAIN DESCRIPTION CRITERIA F'OR PRESEITTATION 1 leamer-participant either from Key Stage Three (3) (4) per region or Four Creativit5r, Communication, Critical Thinking, Social and Cross-cultural Skills, Flexibility, Productivity o Audiovisual Media o Perforrning Arts Lllhasltaa (I[-Pcr.orl is an NFOT event category of SiningTanghalan that allows learner-participants to showcase their talents in songwriting, singrng, ald playing musical instrument. Crtterla SorlE Perceatage Wrlthg Lyrics (Relevance to the theme) Music (Arrangement and melody) Originality (Authenticity of the piece) Performaace Vocal quality (harmony) Accompaniment Showmanship (Stage presence interpretation) Total 25"/o 15"/o r5% l5o/o lOo/o 100% EVEITT RI'LES AND MECHANICS A. There shall be one (1) entry per region composed of one (l) learner-participant from either Key Stage Three (3) or Four (4) and accompanied by 1 coach. B. Participants shall showcase their musical skills including composition writing, singlng, and playing musical accompaniment. C. Participants should have not previously joined any professional group or performed/won in any international vocal solo and songwriting competition. D. Participants should have not previously published works in any paid format like channels/websites, including a recording company. E. Songs can be in Filipino or local language. F. The lyrics should be relevait to the theme and/or depict local culture ard heritage. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -l, 2023 G. Participants may choose any type of music genre (ballad, rock, etc.) for the composition. H. Each participant shall be given 4 hours to compose tJ:e song based on the tlreme which shall be provided during the event orientation (7:45 a'n - 8:OO 2ttt). I. J. A live accompaniment must be played during the performance. Participants shall bring thet preferred musical accompaniment like guitar, ukulele, piano / keyboard, rhythm instruments etc. Ttre handwritten composition with the l5rrics and chords shall be submitted to the event adrninistrator. RESOT'RCE RF4I'IREMENTS . . Supplies and Materials (Music Writing Notebook, Pencil) Tools and Equipment (Microphone, Mic Stand, sound system of good qualiw) Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorondum No. ,ffii -5,2023 SINING TANGHALAN (A Showcase of Talents and Skills COUFOITENT /IREA KTY STAGE ETIENT TITLE NO. OF P/TRTICIPAI{T/S TIUE ALL(yIUEIfT PERFOR.UANCE STANDARI) 218. CEIYTURY sxDL/s CREATTVE II{DUSTRIES DOMAIN DESCRIPTION CRITERIA FIOR PRESIENTATION in Arts areas and Performances) MUSIC Key Stage One (1): Kindergarten to Grade 2; Key Stage TWo (2): Grades 3 to 4 HIMIG BULILIT IOilSITE) 4 learner-participants either from Key Stage One (l) or Two (2) per region 3 to 5 minutes performance participates actively in a group performance to demonstrate different vocal and instmmental sounds accurate performance of songs following the musical s5,.rnbols pertaining to melody indicated in the piece a participates in a group performance to demonstrate different vocal and instrumental sounds a applies learned concepts of melody and other elements of composition and performance Creativity, Communication, Critical Thinking, Social and Cross-cultural Skills, Flexibility, Productivity . o Audiovisual Media Performing Arts Iltmtg Burut (Oacttef is an NFOT event category of Sining Tanghalan that allows leamer-parLicipants to showcase ttreir talents in singing (Quartet). Percentage Crlterla 3SVo Musicality (rhythm, balance, tonality, and harmony) 3Oo/o Interpretation (expression, dyna'nics, phrasing) 25Vo Vocal quality (harmony) to,vo Showmanship (stage presence) Total l OOo/o EI'IENT RIJLF^S AND MECHAI{ICS A. Himig Bulilit is a children's quartet exhibition. B. There will be one (1) entry per region. C. The group should be composed of 4 elementary learners (K to 6) per region. They shall sing and actively participate during the exhibition with one (1) teacher/ coach. D. The group shall sing two (2) songs in acapella: One (1) warm-up song of choice ald one (1) common piece which will be video recorded in an MP4 format. E. Ttre common piece shall be provided by the NTWG. F. The groups are encouraged to wear any appropriate attire. G. A student Filipino Sign Language (FSL) interpreter will be provided by each participating region and included in tlle video recording at the lower righthand corner of the screen. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -l, 2023 H. Video recording of the performance shall be sent to the NTWG on the assigned date. RF,AOURCERTQI'IRE EITTS Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. t:# SINING TANGHALAN (A Showcase of Talents and Skills COUPONTIIT AN.EA KEY STAGE E|TTENT -5,2023 TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPANT/S TIUE IILLOTUEIYT PERFORUAI{CE STAITDARI) 218T CENTI'RY SKILL/S CREATTVE IITDUSTRIES DOMAIN DESCRIPTION CRITERIA TTOR PRISET{TATION 7 ^t, in Arts Areas and Performances) MAPEH AND SPA MEDIA ARTS Key Stage Three (3): Grades 7 to lO; Key Stage Four (4): Grades 11to 12 Sineltksik lIn-Personl 2 learner-participants either from Key Stage Three (3) or Four (4) per region . o o Four (4) hours for shooting Four (4) hours for editing Showcase (the next day) Ttre learner produces a play using application of theater and drama for different developmental goals in society with emphasis on the role of the director and different artistic tasks in a production. Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking and ProblemSolving, Communication and Collaboration, Information Literacy, Media literacy, Technologr skills, Flexibility and Adaptability, Initiative and Self-Direction, Social and CrossCultural Skills, Productivity and Accountabitty, Leadership and Responsibility Audiovisual Media, Creative Services Stneltlrlk (Ia-Persorf is an NFOT event category of Sining Tanghalan that allows learner-participants to prepare and showcase a short film. Crttertq Storylbe, aarratlve flow: overall cohesive storltelling, unilied look and feel, clear PerceEtage 4Oo/o narrative focus and direction of storyline. Clnematlc Techalque and Creatlvlty: controlled c€rmera work, clear quality of sound, attention to composition and framing. or 2SYo uniqueness of take, slant, or topic; freshness oftechnique Creativity: originafity or treatment. Iaerght/Relerrance to the theme: ability for the whole Iilrn to look into and discuss the theme/ subject matter. Suitability of the narrative or storytelling to the audience appeal. Qualtty: flawlessness of editing, clarity of sound, readability of text, focus of shots Totel 25"/o lOo/o lOOo/o Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -s,2023 ETIENT RI'LES AND MECIIAI{ICS A. Stneltketk (ln-peraonl is a short film competition B. Each region will showcase one (1) entry C. Ttvo learner-participants per region are allowed. They may be accompanied by one (1) teacher-coach provided that they should not assist the participants in the development, conceptualization, production, and/or editing of the video. D. Participants are required to bring tleir own laptop/s or computers witJl video editing softwares, digital cameras or video cameras with computer cable for uploading, tripod, extension cords and other paraphernalia related to video shooting and editing. Use of drones is not allowed. E. Films must: o o o o be cut and edited according to the creative direction of the team; contain text and graphic elements; use music, live sound, and/or narration; music must be origtnd or rolralry-frce; and only use primary footages taken / captured during the actual conduct of NFOT and music used must be acknowledged accordingly in the end credits. F. The filns may: r r incorporate color correction and visual e{fects; and use b-roll or establish footage taken outside the competition period but these must be taken/produced during the NFOT days and from the designated location/s (e.g. traffic shots, time lapses, sunrise/ sunset scenes.) G. The finished output o 4-5 minutes o a maximum o a maximum o total output must be: in duration not including opening/closing credits of 30 seconds (O.5 minutes) for opening credits of 60 seconds (1 minute) for closing credits duration must not exceed 6:30 minutes (39O seconds) H. Submitted entries must not include any indication or reference to the creators, the creators' school, region, or other identiffing marks. Only t.I:e frlm's title may be used to identiff the project. Teams are allowed to produce a version with complete titles and credits for their personal consumption, but this copy should not be submitted to the showcase. I. Entries should be saved in a flash &ive encoded in MP4, M4A, WMV, AVI or MOV format submitted on the event date before the specified cut-olf or deadline. J. Medium of communication should be in Filipino and/or English. However, subtitles may be used ONLY f61 filrns in local langu.ages. Videos should be an original work of the learner-participants and shall not infringe arty copyrights or any rights of any third party. Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. K. Images shown -l,2023 and presented in the fitm must be taken during the 2023 NFOT. If the output requires pre-existing stock or news footage, these may be used to a maximum of 2Oo/o ol the frlm and must: . be royalty-free, in ttre public domain, or under a Creative Commons license for attribution (BY) and non-commercial use (NC); o be obtained from a recognized news or information agency (e.g. CNN, GMA, News, etc.); and o properly cite artists and works in the closing credits (Artist Title, website/ source). L, Films are encouraged to use music or sound elements taken or produced during the 2023 NFOT. Films are also allowed to use non-original music and sounds provided that: o The works are available for use royalty-free, in the public domain, or under a Creative Commons license for attribution (BY) and non commercial use (NC) and these are obtained from recogrr.ized royaltyfree or Creative Comrnons sources (e.g. SoundCloud, Jamendo, WikiMedia); and o The artists and works are properly cited in the closing credits (Artist, Title, website/ source). M. Participants may use to choose any style (e.g. observational, participative, joumalistic, or reflexive) and utilize various tools to deliver content (e.g. narration, on-camera, interviews, music, dramatization / s, etc.) but it must be noted that the emphasis of the showcase is on visual storytelling rather than narrative or textual stories. N. Participants shall be briefed on the rules and parameters of the showcase. They shall be given access to the same general film location and a space for post-production. O. Resource Persons/ RTWG / NTWG shaJl prepare a theme for the draw lots to be used in the actual competition during the orientation. P. The official showcase time shall begin and end at a time allotted by the NTWG. All participants shall start from a location designated by the NTWG. Films must be submitted to the marshals at the assigned date and time. Q. An additional three (3) actors (learners/ spectators in t1:e location) may be requested to take part in the film. R. Roles of Teacher-Coaches: o They are responsible for managing the participants, keeping them focused and on-track, maintaining team dynamics, and ensuring o o completion and adherence to the rules; They may secure and manage production equipment but are not allowed to set up or configure equipment such as cameras, tripods, or editing systems; and T?rey should not interfere, influence, or be involved in the creative and technical development of t]le frlm during the shooting and editing. S. Teacher-coaches are not allowed to edit, do camera or sound work, or similar involvement in tJ:e production process. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -5, 2023 R.ESOI'RCE REQI'IREUEIYTS Pattlclpauts D. Supplle3 aad Uatcrhls E. Tools aad Equlpmeat F. RooD/ Hall Specllcatlon laptop/ s or computers with video editing software, digital cameras or video cameras with computer cable for uploading, tripod, extension cord, and other paraphemalia - Eost Dlvlslon / Reglou Tlpewriting Paper Twenty (2O) Pencils Twenty (20) pcs. Long-sized folders Timer Two (2) LCD Units with two (2) big screens for the public viewing of the finished short frlms; Tables and chairs for the audience One (1) tully airconditioned hall that can accommodate 74 participants during the filrn editing; One (1) fully airconditioned hall That can accommodate 3,OOO pax during the public viewing. Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ':# -5,2023 SINING TANGHALAN (A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts Areas and Performances) COUPONINT /IREA DANCE KIY Kev Stage'IVo (2): Grades 4 to 6 STAGE E\IENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPAI{T/S TI}IE Phlltpplne Folk Dance lla-Personl 6 leamer-parLicipants either from Key Stage Two (2) per region Maximum of five (5) minutes ALI,OTMENT In dances where the literature does not speci! the entrance/ exit, the trainer may arrange one, however both must not PERF'ORMAI{CE STANDARD CINTI'RY sKrLL/S 2IST CREATTVE INDUSTRIES I)lOMAIII DESCRIPTION CRITERIA FOR PRESENTATION exceed sixteen measures. PE 4-6 (Quarters 3 & 4) The learner executes the skills involved in the dance Creativity, Collaboration, Critical thinking, leadership Perforrning Arts, Ttaditional Cultural Expressions Ph tpptne FolL Dance lla-perronf is an NFOT event category of Sining Tanghalan that allows leamer-participants to showcase dances from the lowland rural communities/from the countryside and mimetics in nature. Crlterta Performance (Spacing, Formations, Execution Showmanship) PerceDtag€ 4Oo/o Interpretation of Written Instructions 2Oo/o Stageing Overall Impact 2Oo/o Total TOVo lO0o/o EVENT RI'LES AND MECIIN{ICS A. The objective of this showcase is to promote appreciation and understanding for folk dances of the region. It aitns to raise the awareness of the people on culture and the arts through folk dance performances. B. Only one (1) entry per region is allowed. C. A minimum of six (6) performers and one (l) teacher-coach shall be allowed per region. D. The dance literature is a rural folk dance highlighting mimetic activity. E. The dance must be from any of tJle following published Philippine folk dance books: o Philippine Folk Dances, Volumes l-6 by Francisca Reyes Aquino r Philippine National Dances by Francis Reyes Aquino o Visayan Folk Dances, Volumes l-3 by Libertad Fajardo o Pangasinan Folk Dances by Jovita Sison Friese . Samar Folk Dances by Juan C. Miel o Handumanan by Jose Balcena o Philippine Folk Dances and Songs by the Bureau of Public Schools, 1965 o Sayaw: Dances of the Philippine Islands, Volume 1-9 by the Philippine Folk Dance Society Enclosure No. 3 n DepEd Memorandum No. -5, 2023 o Classic Collection of tJ:e Philippine Folk Dances by the Philippine Folk Dalce Society Volumes 1- I I F. The dance must be accompanied by canned music prescribed by the book. Live accompaniment is not allowed. G. Medley (combination) of dilferent dances is not allowed. H. In dances where the literature does not speci$ or describe the entrance/ exit, the trainer must arange one, however, both must not exceed 16 measures. R.ESOI'RCE REQI'IREMENTS Partlclpaats A. Supplles aad Uaterlals HoBt DlYlrlon Equlpment C. Room/ Ilall Speclflcatloa - Props Music for Dance Regloa - Clipboard - [pewriting Paper - Twenty (2O) pcs. - B. Toole aad / pencils TWenty (20) pcs. longsized folders 3pcs. Calculators 5 pcs. Long-sized Mail Envelopes Sound System Three (3) Big Screens during exhibition Tables and chairs for judges arld TWG Stopwatch Signboards One (l) tully airconditioned hall that can accommodate at least 3OO pax One (l) big room adjacent to the contest hall that can accommodate 12O pax to be used as holding area for the performers. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum t::# No. _g 2023 SINING TANGHALAN (A Showcase of Talents and Skills COMPIONEITT ARTA KIY STAGE in Arts Areas and Performances) MAPEII/ SPA DANCE /TLLOTI[EITT Key Stage Three (3): Grades 7 to 1O; Key Stage Four (4): Grades 11 to 12 Beyle sa Kalye at Ekslbieyon (Hybrld Modalttyl 20 learner-participants either from Key Stage Three (3) or Four (4) per region A. BAYLE SA KALYE = whole parade route B. BAYLE EKSIBISYON = Five (5) minutes including entrance PERFORUAI|CE and exit SPA 7. FOLI( DAITCI & BALLEtr STRAITD E\IENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPANT/S TIUE STAITDARD Pe rfo rmance St an dard-s o exhibits skills on the different dance forms/genres. o performs basic dance movement combinations r . (oamotor and. non-locomotor) in relation to space. creates basic movement combinations using the elements of dance in accordance with the movement framework of Rudolph Labarr creates movement combinations inspired by the local cultural experiences and/or a regional dance. 8PA8 - F'OLK DIIITCT STRAITD o performs skillfully o selected local/ regional/national dances from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, based on dance literature. showcases and skill-firlly performs selected local and national dances. SPAS - BALLET STRAND o r performs correctly some ballet steps and movements using the principles of classical ballet. performs contemporary dance movements using the Cunningham technique. o showcases and skillfrrlly performs selected classical / contemporary dances. SPA9 . o DAIICI- performs FIOLI( DAITCE STRAITD at least three (3) dances from different countries. o executes the different ballroom/ dance o o interprets at least one (l) Philippine or foreign dance literature. conducts documentation of selected local dances t}rough videos and other multimedia facilities. SPAg- DANCE r sport movements with precision. - BALLET $[RA!TD performs choreographed ballet movement phrases. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -s, 2023 . creates dance pieces utilizing the modem dance technique. . creates a collaborative ballet dance composition according to a "thematic concept." SPAIO. DAITCE - FIOLK DIINCE & BALLET STRAITD . prepares a design in mounting a dance production. . creates a plan for t.Ile ballet and folk-dance production. o organizes appropriate production rehearsal for tJre dance production. r develops understanding of quality dance production. PE 4-fO lQuartcrr 3 . e 4l Executes the skills involved in the dance. ARTS & DESIGN 218T CEI{TITRY SKLL/S CREATIVE IITDUSTRIES DOMAII{ DESCRIPTION CRITERIA FTOR PR.ESENTATIOI{ Creativity, Collaboration, Critical thinking, kadership Performing Arts, Traditional Cultural Expressions rg Kabataaag Plaoy lEybrtd Uodalttyl is an NFOT event category of Sining Tanghalan tJlat allows learnerparticipants to showcase dances from the lowland rural communities/from the countryside and mimetics in nature Sa5raw for l)aacc Percetrtagc for Daace Parade Enhlbltlon 3Oo/" 2OYo 40v" 5O%o 20v" lOYo PGrcctrtase Crtterta Chorcogrephy (Creativity/ Composition Orisinalitv / Stvle) / Perforoalco (Skills and Technique, Timing and Coordination, Showmanship and Mastery) Productlo! Dc.lgn (costume/ props).nd u.lc Theme/Conce Totel lOo/" 2OYo roo% loo% Ef,TENT RT'LES AND MEICHANICS A. The "Bayle" is a modern/contemporary dance parade and exhibition B. anchored on the specific theme. Concept or tJreme for performance, costume and props must be reflective and relevant to their locality but not litnited to the festivals. The "Bayle" shall have two (2) separate categories: a. Modern Street Dance Parade - It is tlle choreographed parade routine performed by each group as they travel during the Festival Parade. b. Dance Extribition - It is the full presentation of the group's choreographed dance performance Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -s, 2023 C. Only one (l)entry per region is allowed. The region shall combine the results of the dance parade and dance exhibition to determine the regional entry to the national level- D. Only the host region shall perform on site. All other regions shall perform via livestream simultaneously during tJ:e event date and time. E. Twenty (20) dancers and 2 teacher-coaches per region shall be allowed. F. The steps in Street dance should be progressive in nature. G. Ttre group may use any music of their choice during the dance exhibition, but the dance routines should be purely transformational in nature which is characterized by the use of dance steps arrd movements which could be a fusion of two or more dance forms such as classical ballet, contemporary/modern datce, jazz, hip-hop, folkdance, neo-ethnic, and other genre. H. The following are rtrlctlv orohlblted: a. tossing b. lifting c. use of flammable materials (Iireworks/pyrotechnics) d. live animals as part of tJre performance e. props more than 12x12 inches in dimension including textile length f. extender g. provision for pre-set stage I. Participants are encouraged to use costumes and props that may represent their regions. J. OnIy hand-held props shall be allowed to be used in t.I:e parade and exhibition. K. Ttre mobile sound system shall be provided by the host region. L. During the parade, participants are expected to demonstrate their skills. No exhibition routines that require pausing or stopping shall be done within the parade route. Marshalls shall be assigned to guide participants and ensure the smooth flow of the parade. RESOI'RCE REQI'IRTUEIITS Ho.t Dlvlsloll / Reglon Clipboard Partlclpants A. Suppller aad Metcrlals B. Toolr and EqulpEent hops Music for Dance Online livestream audio-video equipment Fast and reliable internet connection - lpewriting Paper Twenty (2O) pcs. pencils Twenty (20) pcs. longsized folders 3pcs. Calculators 5 pcs. Long-sized Mail Envelopes 6 pcs TWo-way radio Online livestream audio-video equipment Megaphone Fast and reliable internet connection Sound System for Street Dance and Exhibition Speakers to be installed in strategic Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -5, 2023 C. Room/ Ilall Speclicatlon One (l) tuIly airconditioned hall that can accommodate dancers and coaches for online hybrid participants areas during the parade Three (3) Big Screens during exhibition Tables and chairs for judges and TWG Stopwatch Simboards One (1) tully airconditioned hall that can accommodate audience of 30O0 pax (for NFOT Opening Program and Bayle Exhibition event) One (l) big room adjacent to the contest hall to be used as a holding area for the performers. Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. r'*l,t -s,2023 SINING TANGHALAN (A Showcase of Talents and Skills COMPOI{ENT ARTA NEY STAGE EVENT TITLE r{o. oF PARTICIPANT/S in Arts Areas and Performances) SINING BISWAL Kindergarten Guhtt Bultlit (Onllne Modalttyl I Kindergarten learner-participant per region I TIUE Part ALLOTUEITT Part 2 Tell: Maximum of 5 minutes per learner Ualllhafng Pagpapahayag lCreatlve Erpressloal PERI.ORilANCE STAI{DARI) 218T CEI{TI'RY sxILL/s CRTATTVE INDUSTRIES DOMAIN DESCRIPTION Draw: TWo (2) hours Pagpapahayag ng kaisipan at imahinasyon sa malikhaing at malayang pzrmamaraan. o o o o Critical Thinking Skills Creativity and Innovation Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Visual Arts, Audiovisual Media Dras and Tell is an NFOT event category of Sining Tanghalan for Kindergarten learners that follow tJ:e principles of "Show and Tell." In this event, Kindergarten learner-participants shall be asked to draw an image on a piece of paper and describe it using their own words. T?ris event showcases learners' aesthetic expression and frne motor skills through drawing and coloring, as well as oral communication skills through oral pre sentation of their work. CRITERIA F'OR PRESEITTATION Crtterta PGrcentage Draw Relevance to the theme Visual organization Color harmony Workmanship TelI Delivery (Fluency, expression, confidence) Totel lSYo lSVo 2Oo/o 20%" 3Oo/o 100% E\IENT RI'LES /IND MPCIIANICS A. Guhit Bulilit is open to all leamers who are officially enrolled in Kindergarten. B. Only one (1) Kindergarten learner-participant per region is allowed. C. D. E. F. Participants may be accompanied by one (l) teacher-coach. However, they are only allowed to assist the participants during the setting up of materials during the went. Participants should be at tJle venue on time. Materials shall be provided by the RTWG/ NTWG. Participants are not allowed to bring photos for reference of their entries. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. G. -5, 2023 The subject of the drawing shall be based on the theme which shall be given during tJ:e went. H. Participants shall use pencil & crayons of ten (lO) inches by eight (8) inches (lOx8) illu stration board. I. Participants shall be given two (2) hours to finish their artworks/outputs. J. The delivery is in the Mother Tongue / Ll for a ma:dmum of five (5) minutes (Tell). However, to non-Tagalog leamer-participants, teacher-coaches are requested to interpret tJre message for better understanding oftJre spectators. K. Ttre RIWG/ NTWG shall facilitate the &awing of lots and provide the necessa.ry instmctions for the smooth conduct of the contest. RESOI'RCE REQT'IREUENTA A. Suppller aad atorld g B. Took and Equlpraent EACH PARTICIPATING R.EGION I pc 10x8 inches illustration board I box of crayons (16pcs per box) 2 pcs. No. 2 Pencils I pc sharpeners 2 marking pens (black) 1 pcs. rulers (12 inches) I pc erasers (box type) I long folder Online audio-visual system of good quality C. RooE/HaU Speclflcetloa TV monitor connected online Fast and stable internet connection Tables and chairs for the participants and TWG One (1) fully air-conditioned room for the showcasing of talents that can accommodate 50 pax One (1) holding areafor participants. Enclosure No. 3 n DepEd Memorandum No. 2023 SINING TANGHALAN 'frt: (A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arts areas and Performances) COUP(ONENT AREA KEY TAGE EVENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPAITT/S TIUE ALLOTUENT PERFIORIIANCE STAI{DARD 21BT -; CEIITI'RY sxILL/s CREATIVE INDUSTRIES DOMAIIT DESCRIPTION SINING BISWAL Key Stage Three (3): Grades 7 to 1O; Key Stage Four (4): Grades l l to 12 Plntehusey lln-Persoal I learner-participant either from Key Stage Three (3) or Four (4) per region 8 hours Create varied artworks using elements and principles of designs in tJre composition of structures and landscapes in various positions and different angles. o o o o Critical Thinking Skills Creativity and Innovation Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Visual Arts On-the-Spot Pafstfng is an NFOT event category of Sining Tanghalan for Junior and Senior High School students where they can showcase their creative interpretation of a given theme through visual representation using acrylic paint on canvas as medium. CRITERIA FOR PRESIENTATION Crlterla Attlstlc Merlt (Elements and Principles of Art) Ilterprctatlon of the theme (Relevance) Dlfncdty (Technique) Overall lmpressloa of thc art (Artwork on its own as a complete and Perccltagc 30o/o 3O"/o 2O"/o 2oo/o outstanding work of art) Total LOOo/" EVENT RI,LES AI{D MDCHANICS A. Pintahusay is an on-the-spot Painting Showcase. B. One (l) learner-participant either from Key Stage (3) or Four (4) per region is allowed. C. Le arner-participants are given 8 hours to finish their output. D. Participants may be accompanied by one (1) teacher-coach. However, teacher-coaches are only allowed to assist the them during the setting up of materials during the event. E. the participants should execute one solid composition or concept (poster concept is not allowed) F. Participarrts must bring their own paintbrushes, sponges, paint containers, arrd paint cteaning materials (newspaper, washcloth, etc.) while acrylic paint in primary colors (red, blue, yellow) and neutral colors (black and white), easels and canvas (36x48 inches) will be provided by the RTWG/NTWG. Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -5,2023 G. Participants are not allowed to bring pictures or images as references of their entries. H. The subject of the painting shall be focused on PLEIN AIR or outdoor painting. I. Participants must come on time. However, late participants shall still be accommodated but time shall not be extended. RESOI'RCE REQTIIREMENTS PartlclpartB A. Suppller and aterlals - Hoat Dlvlslon 'Ilpewriting Twenty (2O) pcs pencils Twenty (20) long sized folders Seventeen (17) pcs canvass (36x48 inches) with primer B. Toolr and Equtpment and frame Seventeen (17) pcs Props Music for Dance Online livestream audio-video equipment Past and reliable intemet connection C. Room/ Ilall Speclf,catlon painting easels. 17 sets of Acrylic Paints o Blue (5L) o Red (5L) o Yellow (5L) o Black (5L) o white (5L) Tables and chairs for the judges and contestants Newspapers and rags Stopwatch Any open space conducive and safe for the showcase. One (1) airconditioned room for the arts exhibit cn c\ S N I vt E ! B L q) tlrA q) a o (f) L zo)ct t$ )' o D t 2 & 2 cn E A F p o f* o F, z EI E o o frl o o tr o Cr. o c E il N (o t tO h o !a {) ()c, 9o aY a EgEgE iIr 3: El5*5 3i &ii'E i: F- E EEEEH* t.E > AEi 3i 9 3! P -. iEeFE .rcr=i56. ?.E u 9 E Ei d #gEnBe tr ri o.Y c o q) E *tra B# o6E 6g H2 8. ?! z EEeEXaAo a=d *!.= ii! 9 9E E:t E ;'d rE ,i ! B E!ggEa 33 !D 6 d H H= d#t o, ho dJ *-.9 o: d q98.! i, : TESEE .g gE =-h 6q)qJ:= EE!qE 9 oE o a E oE oF E.:I(! r-.r o o .1 9 <q) -ba E E- AE -d'qo-;E ;EE.EE:8 FE B.g.E H EirsEiE E E tr E -8: E,E.E a d n d& I..l () =o o El i= ! Es 9? a B O,o r! ;oH; o 91 .. $ .bEPE AE€ i-b €E cio ;86 bO EE! o E= c.: trd b0O+i O.E.F o;6 g ., J6 E $s trg o'd(H (Ddoo 9EF?, EaEA' oalo. c S P'o E.9; bai tEse*= Q o.= d! E EEr x E.E hifE ;otd I p*s i€f'E e- cgr- did ; tr 6g.eEg gt f,E: 5o d .C^oo 5 6 >.9.iJ =.=: d-.' I o -l' I'E '<d 6sa-, EE H 5 .:,,dO F2ao 6r :i o ;.= EE€ 0 ci a.|.= L9 9,s H o.F -9 02 c,) 9A o1J Et * EE.; 6srH H6a, 6 C.! ", E& $EE o! 6 .-3 r1) !E o uoll I ot!= E 9 'toood 9 !EE* 9'l h o AE F.E # 8t 6 o o e 68.o !rtr'6 E€ g O u.!f &6:E 'cJ o -:l O Q- (u ar =ri , G=! +i .:{ .!.E u gi hE 9 E!! AsEH >G8 5S:' Eil-gE a (, >' &! I-EHEt :E*tEtj ? EIr:.: c - p E tr 3.9 Etse* f ff€$*ts #E;E.EE d H.ES5E Es dc EE Fo EE SE a Ee o -'= o) E EE5 'E? at d=6i 6T tr .N f,gE€" 5b;EE c ISHEE F o {.'.= (d to iEes r< F3tsEd .xr-c 6 B€]( 6 ;'i .ir .N $nEiE : P d€ a f#8E8 dtr bgF . EEEg EEHs eo)l,.l PET 3I 6q')5QO .359€E ts oUdd ! Es qlcc,I ,-iia tr F; .9!d.: S E HE F.s q E x. H c Hg r.9 ru o.= F d ;.: { dFo hoEt HcQc tr.g etdq" E.N a!co5o ,rrdElO> -EP.E9f El 0G)(id o E I :: g{ B*, E r$; Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ,:Hj -5, 2023 20/23 NATIONAL TESTTVAL OF TALENTS ffi Implementing Guidelines on Read-A-Thon The categories, mode of delivery, number of participants and teachercoaches, and time allotment for Read-a-Thon per region are the following: Mode Category of Delivery Story Retelling (English) rn-person Oral Reading Interpretation (English) rn-person Oratorical Composition and Presentation (English) ln-person Muling Pagkukuwento rn-person o. of Learner' l[o. of Time Partlcipant TeacherCoach 1 1 3O minutes I I 2O minutes 1 1 60 minutes I 1 30 minutes I 1 20 minutes 1 1 60 minutes Allotment (Filipino) Interpretatibong rn-person Pagbasa (Filipino) Sulat-Bigkas ng Talumpati 1n-person (Filipino) Totel 6 6 Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ,:$r _s, 2023 READ-A-THON (ENGLTSH) (A Showcase of English L€nguage Skills Exhibition) COUFOIIENT AREA KEY STAGE EYENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPAIIT/S TIME ffi R.EAD.A.THON Key Stage One (l): Grade Threg (3) (Engttsh) 1 Grade three (3) leamer-participant per region Story Rete ALIIYIUEIfT 30 minutes including preparation PERFORMANCE STANDARD Ttre learner fluently expresses ideas in various speaking tasks 218T CENTI'RY and uses speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate ideas in varied theme-based tasks. sxEL/s Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking CREATIVE INDUSTRIIS Performing Arts Domain IX)UAIN DESCRIPTION Story Retelllng lEngfshf is an NFOT event category of ReadA-Thon that determines how well learner-participants have comprehended a specific story read by retelling it using their own words and ssions. CRITERIA FOR PRESEI'ITATION EVEXT RI'LES AND MECIIANICS A. Story Reterllng (Enslbhl event is open to all Grade three (3) learners who are officially enrolled in public schools. This shall be done under qrhlbltloa catcgory. Each region shall register one (1) learner-participant and one (l) teacher-coach. B A pnn ted copy of a story 1n Engli sh pen, an d paper sh all be p rovided to t] e participan ts by the N ational Technical Working Grou p ( NTW G ) du nng the even t Th e SC shaII be retrieved from them before th ef actual ce. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -5, 2023 C. Teacher-coaches and parents shall be allowed to assist their participants and provide their snacks (30) minutes prior to the start of the event. Afterwards, participa:rts shall enter the holding area. D. Drawing of lots by the participants for their number identifier shall be done thirty (30) Ininutes before the event proper. E. At the event venue, participants shall be given twenty-five (25) minutes to given pen paper may and to organize their silently read the story. They use thoughts. Ihen, they shall retell the story read using their own words which shall not exceed (5) minutes. F. Participants shall not be allowed to read the story again during their performance. G. Colored flags shall be raised by the NTWG to cue the participants during the event proper. Gteen flag shall be raised to inform the participants on the 'start of their allotted time,'yellor llag to signal the remaining 3O seconds,' and red Oag to signal tlat their 'time is up.'When the red flag is raised, the participants are expected to stop their performance. H. Using cellphone or any gadget and/or bringng reference of aly story, costumes, props, musical materials/handouts, copy instrument/accompaniment are not allowed inside the exhibition venue. I. Ptain white t-shirt and maong pants shall be worn by participants during the event. RESOI'RCE REQI'IREMENTS Supplies and materials Timer and flags Strips of paper for drawing of lots Number identifrer Wireless microphone with stand Sound system CertiEcates Pencils Ballpens Folders Calculators Bond paper Holding Area Signages (Preparation Area, Holding Area, Viewing Area, Coaches and Parents'Area) Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. t.F; -5,2023 READ-A-THON (ENGLISH) COlf,P'OITEITT AREA I(TY STAGE EVENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPANT s TIME ALLOTUEITT PERFORIilANCE STANDARD 218T CEIITT'RY axrlL/s CREATTVE IITDUSTRIESI DOMAIIT DF,SCRIPTION CRITERIA FOR PRISEilTATION (A Showcase of English Language Skills Exhibition) ffi READ.A-THOT{ S In Oral I : Grade Six 6 TWo tatlon Grade six (6) learner-participant per region 2O minutes including preParation Itre learner accurately, fluently, and lite creatively reads aloud texts Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking Performing Arts Domain Oral Readlng Irl terpreta tlon Eagltchf IS an NFOT even t cate gory o f Rea d A Th on th at all ows le arner- p arti cl pan t S to de mo n S trate their 1n terpre tlve skill S an d ability to communicate using effective verbal and non-verbal cues in aloud to an audience. AS Crlterla Otal Iaterpretatlor o Read aloud accurately the message/theme, emotions, mood, character, and all other elements of t-l.e story o Establish creative and dramatic impact tation out the Volce ProJcctloa . Speak clearly, distinctly, and with appropriate and varied pauses, pitch, and tone modulation o Recite loudly enough for the audience to hear Stage Prereace . Show conlidence and approPriate posture/projection, facial expressions, and gestures o Perform within the allotted 'rrne Total Percentege SOYI 3Oo/o 2OYo 100% EVET{T RI'LES AI{D MF'HANICS A Oral Readlng Itr terpre tatlon ( Englieh ) even t IS open to all Grade slx ( 6 ) leame rS who are officially enrolled 1n pu blic scho ols Thi S shall be done under enhlblttoo category. Each region shall re gister one ( I ) learnerparticipant and one (l) teacher-coach. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -l, 2023 be provided to the participants by the National Technical Working Group (NTWG) during the event. T?ris shall be retrieved from them before their actual performance. B. A printed copy of a story in English shall C. Teacher-coaches and parents shall be allowed to assist their participants and provide their snacks (3O) minutes prior to the start of the event. Afterwards, participants shall enter the holding area. D. Drawing of lots by the participants for their number identifier shall be done thirty (30) minutes before the event proper. E. At the event venue, participants shall be given lifteen (15) minutes to study the story. Then, they shall read aloud tJ:e story creatively and dra'natically which shall not exceed (5) minutes. F. Colored flags shall be raised by the NTWG to cue the participants during the event proper. Cteea f,eg shall be raised to inform the participants on the 'start of their allotted time,'yellow llag to signal the remaining '30 seconds,' and red llag to signal that their 'time is up.'When the red flag is raised, the participants are expected to stop their performance. G. Using cellphone or arry gadget and/or bringng materials/handouts, copy reference of any story, costumes, props, musical instrument/accomparriment are not allowed inside the event venue. H. Plain white t-shjrt and maong pants shall be wom by participants during t}le event. RBSOT'RCE REQT'IREMENTS . Supplies and materials o Timer and flags r Strips of paper for &awing of lots o o o o o e r . o o o Number identifier Wireless microphone with stand Sound system Certificates Pencils Ballpens Folders Calculators Bond paper Holding Area Signages (Preparation Area, Holding Area, Viewing Area, Coaches and Parents'Area) Enclosure No. i to DepEd Memorandum No. 'si -9,2023 ffi READ-A-THON (ENGLISH) COUP'O![ENT AREA KEY STAGE EVENT TITLE Ito. oF PARTICIPANT/S TIuE AI,LOTMEtrT PERFORMAITCE STANDARD 218T CEI{TI'RY $rrLLl8 (A Showcase of English language Skills Exhibition) READ.A.THON Key Stage Three (3): Grade Ten (lO) Oratorlcal Compoeltlon and Presentatton (Eagllshl 1 Grade ten (1O) learner-participant per region 6O minutes including preparation The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive speech using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices and delivers it using efrective verbal and non-verbal strategies. Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking CREATTVE INDUSTRIES DOUAIN DESCRIPTION Performing Arts Domain Oatorlcal Conposltlon ard ke.ertattoa (Engltrhf is an NFOT event category of Read-A-Thon that allows learnerparticipants to write a short speech based on a given topic or theme and deliver it in a formal and digrrified manner before an audience. CRITERIA FOR PRESEITTATIOI{ Crlterla Percentage Onl Iatcrpretatlon o Compose a short, logical, and coherent speech relevant to tlre given topic or theme Deliver the speech in a formal, dignified, engaging, and persuasive manner o Use words that represent own thougfrts, feelings, and expressions Volce ProJectloa . Speak clearly, distinctly, and with appropriate and varied pauses, pitch, and tone modulation e Recite loudly enough for the audience to hear Stage Prese[cG o Show confidence and appropriate posture/projection, facial expressions, arrd gestures o Perform within the allotted time . Total 50% 3Oo/o 2Oo/o LOO"/" Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -5, 2023 ETIENT RI'LES AND MDCIIANICS A. Oratortcal Compodtlon ard Presentatlon lEagltrhl event is open to all Grade ten (lO) learners who are officially enrolled in public schools. This shall be done under e:rhibltloa category. Each region shall register one learner-participart and one ( 1) teacher-coach. (1) B. Pen and paper shall be provided to tJle parLicipalts by the National Technical Working Group (NTWG) during the event. This shall be retrieved from them after their actual perforrrance. C. Participants are not allowed to bring copy of any speech, costumes, props, musical instnrment/accompaniment in the event. D. Teacher-coaches and parents shall be allowed to assist their participants and provide their snacks (30) minutes prior to the start of the event. Afterwards, participants shall enter t}le holding area. E. Drawing of lots by the participarrts for their number idenrifier shall be done thirty (30) minutes before the event proper. F. At the event venue, participants shall be simultaneously provided with the topic or theme for their speech. They shall be given fifty (5O) minutes to write on a piece of paper their short speech based on the given topic or theme. Afterwards, the NTWG shall collect t.le written speeches from the participants. Participants shall not be allowed to re\trrite or revise their speech a.fter it has been collected. G. To provide participants with sulfcient time to prepare, they shall receive their speech from tJ:e NTWG five (5) minutes before their tum for speech delivery. H. Participants shall be called to deliver their speech which shall not exceed (5) minutes, I. Colored flags shall be raised by the NTWG to cue tJ:e participants during the event proper. Gteen llag shall be raised to inform the participants on the 'start of their allotted time,'yellow fiog to sigrral the remaining 30 seconds,' and red flag to signal that their 'time is up.'When the red flag is raised, the participants are expected to stop their performance. J. Using cellphone or any gadget and/or b.ingng reference materials/handouts, copy of any story, costumes, props, musical instrument/accompaniment are not allowed inside the event venue. K. Plain white t-shirt and maong pants shall be worn by participants during the event. RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS Supplies and materials Timer and flags Strips of paper for drawing of lots Number identifier Wireless microphone with stand Sound system Certificates Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. o o o . o o . -s, 2023 Pencils Ballpens Folders Calculators Bond paper Holding Area Signages (Preparation Area, Holding Area, Viewing Area, Coaches and Parents' Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. '".*t -s,2023 READ-A-THON (FrLrPrNO) (A Showcase of Filipino Language Skills Exhibition) SAKLI|W r{A KOMFONEITT READ-A-THON SA FILIPINO YUGTOlTG Unang Yugto - Ikatlong Baitang ffi KII{ABIBILIINGAN KATEEI()RYA Mullng Pagkukuweato BIL/ING I{G KALAIIOK Isa (1) Mag-aaral at Isa (1) Tagapagsanay LAANG ORAS 30 minuto para sa paghahanda at pagtatanghal PA.UANTAYAN SA PA(X}ANAP Naipahahayag ng mag-aaral nang matatas ang sariling mga ideya at nagagarrrit ang mga kasalayan at estratehiya sa pagbasa at pagsasalita nang naaangkop upang maipahayag ang sariling pagunawa sa binasa sa parnamaoltan ng muling pagkukuwento. Komunikasyon, Pagkamalikhain, at Kritikal/Mapaluring Pag-iisip II(A.21 SIGIONG I{ASANAYAN CREATTVE INDUSTRIES DOMAIIf Performing Arts Domain DESKRIPSTYOil Ang [ullng Pagkutuwento ay isang kategorya ng Read-A-Tlwn ta tinataya ang pag-unawa ng kalahok na mag-aaral sa isang tiyak na kuwentong binasa sa pamarnagitan ng muling pagkukuwento o pagsasalaysay nito gamit ang kanilang sariling salita at ekspresyon. MGA PAMANTAYAN SA PAGTATANGHAL Enclosure No. i to DepEd Memorandum No. a a -s,2023 Naipakikita ang kumpiyansa at angkop na postura/pagganap, ekspresyon ng mukha, at kilos/galaw Nakapagtatanghal sa itinakdang oras KABTIUAN 100% I. MGA GABAY NA TUI{TUNUN AT MEI(ANISMO A. Ang futtag Pagtukrrwento ay bukas sa lahat ng mag aaral sa ikatlong baitang na opisyal na nakatala sa publikong paaralan. Dapat magparehistro ang bawat rehiyon ng isang (1) mag-aaral at isang (1) tagapagsanay. B. Ipagkakaloob ang isang limbag na kopya ng kuwento, panulat, at papel sa mga kalahok ng National Technical Working Group (NTWG) sa mismong panahon ng pagganap. Ang mga ito ay dapat makuha mula sa kanila bago ang kanilang aktuwal na Pagganap. C. Pahihintulutan arlg mga gurong tagapagsanay at mga magulang na umalalay sa mga kalahok at maghatid ng kanilang meryenda tatlumpung (3O) minuto bago magsimula ang pagganap. Pagkatapos, ang mga kalahok ay papasok sa holding area' sa kanilEurg numero ng pagkakakilanlan sa paggurnap ay dapat isagawa tatlumPung (3O) minuto bago magsimula ang pagganap. D. Ang pagbunot ng mga kalahok para E. Sa exhibition venue, pagkakalooban ng dalawampu't limang (25) minuto ang mga kalahok para sa tahimik na pagbasa at pag-unawa ng kuwento. Maaaring guma:nit ng panulat at papel upang maiayos ang mga naiisip na gagawing pagganap. Pagkatapos nito, muling isasalaysay ang nabasang kuwento gamit ang sariling mga salita na hindi lalamPas ng lim61g (5) minuto. F. Hindi na maqering muling basahin ng kalalok ang kuwento sa oras ng pagganap o pagtatanghal. G. Magtataas ang NTWG ng may tiyak na kulay ng watawat bilang pahiwatig sa mga kalahok. Kulay berde ang itataas bilang pabatid ng 'simula' ng itinakdang oras ng pagganap. Dilaw naman ang hudyat sa laatittang tatlumpung (3O) segundo' at pula n€rman na hudyat na 'tapos na' ang inilaang oras ng pagtatanghal. Inaasahang hihinto na o tapos na ang pagganap ng kalahok kapag itinaas na ang pulang watawat. sa loob ng extribition venue ang pagga:nit ng cellphone o anumang gadget at pagdadala ng mga sanggunian o handout, ang kopya ng anumang kuwento, costume, props, musical instrument o iba pang katulad. H. Hindi pahihintulutan I. Plain white t-shirt pagganap / pagtatanghal. at maong pants ang isusuot ng mga kalahok sa Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -s,2023 II. Ihgamttan mula ca Tagapamahala ng Pagtataaghal . Kaugnay na mga suplay at material para sa pagtatanghal . Kopya ng Kuwento . Orasan at mga flaglets o Mga opisyal na papel para sa palabunutan r Wireless na mikropono na may stand o Sound system o Mga Sertipiko . Mga lapis o Mga ballpen e Mga folder o Bond paper o Holding Area o Mga karatula (Preparation Area, Holding Area, Viewing Area, Coach at Parents' Area) Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. _s,2023 ipj READ-A-THON (FrLrPrNO) (A Showcase of Filipino Language Skills Exhibition) COMPONENT AREA READ.A.THON SA FILIPINO YT'GTOlTG Ikalawang Yugto - Ikaanim na Baitang ffi KII{ABIBIL/I.IIGAN KATEGORYA Interpretatlbong Pagbaaa BILIING NG XALAHOK Isa (1) Mag-aaral at Isa (1) Tagapagsanay LAAIIG ORAS 20 minuto para sa paghahanda at pagtatanghal PA.}IANTAYAN SA PA(X}ANAP Nakababasa ang mag-aaral lrg mga tekstong pampanitikan nang wasto, matatas, at malikhaing naipararating mensahe nito nalg may tamang lakas, damdamin, at ekspresyon pEra sa pag-unawa ng mga malonood. Komunikasyon, Pagkamalikhain, at Ikitikal/Mapanuring Pag-iisip II(A-21 SIGLONG ITASAIfAYAIT CREATIVE INDUSTRIES DOMAII{ Performing Arts Domain DESKRIPSIYON Ang Irtcrpretatlbong Pagbara ay isang kategorya tg Read-A-Thon na nagbibigay ng pagkakataon sa mga mag-aaral na maipamalas ang kanilang kasanayan at kal<ayahan sa pagpapahayag gamit ang epektibong pasalita at hindi pasalitang pahiwatig sa parnarnagitarl ng interpretatibong pagbasa nang malakas ng isang kuwento sa mga manonood. MGA PAMANTAYAN SA PAGTATAITGHAL Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum o o No. _s, 2023 Naipakikita ang kumpiyansa at angkop na postura/pagganap, ekspresyon ng mukha, at kilos/galaw Naka sa itinakdan oras KABUOAI{ LOOo/" I. PATNUBAY SA MGA KALITHOK A. Ang htcrpretattboag Pagbara ay bukas sa lahat ng mag-aaral sa ikaanim na baitang na opisyal na nakatala sa publikong paaralan. Dapat magparehistro ang bawat rehiyon ng isang (1) mag-aaral at isang (1) tagapagsanay. B. Ipagkakaloob ang isang limbag na kopya isang kuwento sa Filipino ng National Technical Working Group (NTWG) sa mismong panahon ng pagganap. Ang mga ito ay dapat makuha mula sa kanila bago ang kanilang aktuwat na pagganap C. Pahihintulutan ang mga gurong tagapagsanay at mga magulang na umalalay sa mga kalahok at maghatid ng kanilang meryenda tatlumpung (30) minuto bago magsimula ang pagganap. Pagkatapos, ang mga kalahok ay papasok sa holding area. D. Ang pagbunot ng mga kalahok para sa kanilang numero ng pagkakailanlan sa pagganap ay dapat isagawa tatlumpung (3O) minuto bago magsimula ang pagganap. E. Sa exhibition venue, pagkakalooban ng labinlimang (15) minuto ang mga kalahok para sa pagbasa at pag-unawa sa kuwento. Pagkatapos nito ang pagganap, babasahin ang kuwento nang may tamang lakas, malikhain, makatotohanan at may damdamin na hindi lalampas ng limang (5) minuto. F. Magtataas ang NTWG ng may tiyak na kulay ng watawat bilang pahiwatig sa mga kalahok. Kulay berde ang itataas bilang pabatid ng 'simula' ng itina-kdang oras ng pagganap. Dilaw naman ang hudyat sa tratitirang tatlumpung (3O) segundo' at pula namzrn na hudyat na 'tapos na' ang inilaang oras ng pagtatanghal. Inaasahang hihinto na o tapos na ang pagganap ng kalahok kapag itinaas na ang pulang watawat. G. Hindi pahihintulutan sa loob ng exhibition venue ang paggamit ng cellphone o anumang gadget at pagdadala ng mga sanggunian o handout, ang kopya ng anumang kuwento, costume, props, musical instrument o iba pang katulad. H. Plain white t-shirt at maong pants ang isusuot ng mga kalahok sa pagganap / pagtatanghal. II. Kagamltan 6l'lc a a a as Tagapamaharo ag Pagtataaghal Kaugnay na mga suplay at material para sa pagtatanglral Kopya ng Kuwento Orasan at mga llaglets a Mga opisyal na papel para sa palabunutan a Wireless na mikropono na may stand a Sound system a Mga Sertipiko a Mga lapis a Mga ballpen a Mga folder a Bond paper a Holding Area a Mga karatula (Preparation Area, Holding Area, Viewing Area, Coach at Parents'Area) Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorondum No. ,.:# -s, 2023 READ-A-THON (FILIPINOI (A Showcase of Filipino Language Skills Exhibition) SAI(I,IIW NA KOMPONENT READ.A.TIION SA FILIPINO YUGTIONG Ikatlong Yugto -Ikasampung Baitang ffi XII{ABIBILIINGAN KATEG<)RYA ST'L/TT-BIGKAS NG TALIIMPATI BILANG NG KAL/\HOK Isa (1) Mag-aaral at Isa (1) Tagapagsanay LAANG ORAS Isang (l) oras para sa pagsulat, paghahanda at pagbigkas ng talumpati PA.MAITTAYAN SA PAGCIANAP IXA.21 SIGI.OITG Nakabubuo at nakapaglalahad ang mag-aaral ng isang maikli at mapanghikayat na talumpati gamit ang mga teknik na nakahihikayat, mga epektibong berbal at di-berbal na estratehiya sa pagpapahayag, at iba partg mga parnaraan sa mabisang pananalita. Komunikasyon, Pagkamalikhain, at lkitikal/Mapanuring Pag-iisip XASANAYAN CREATIVE INDUSTRIES DOMAI!T Performing Arts Domain DESKRIPSTYON Ang 9IILAT-BIGKAS IIG TALITUPATI ay isang kategorya ng ReadA-Tlwn na magbibigay pagkakataon sa mga mag-aaral na kalahok na sumulat ng maikli at makabuluhang talumpati hinggil sa tiyak na paksa o tema na bibigkasin sa isang pormal at marangal na pzrraan sa harap ng madla. MGA PA"f,IANTAYAN SA PAGTATAT{GHAL Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -5, 2023 o Nabibigkas nang may tamang lakas para manonood marini Prgpnap ra Eatabledo . Naipakikita ang kumpiyansa at angkop na postura/pagganap, ekspresyon ng mukha, at kilos/galaw a N sa oras tan XABUOAIT 2OYo LOO"/o PATITIIBAY SA MGA KAL.AHOK A. Ang Sulrt-Bfgh3 rrg Taluapsd ay bukas sa lahat ng mag-aaral sa Ikasarnpung Baitang at opisyal na nakatala sa publikong paaralan. Dapat mag?atehistro ang bawat rehiyon ng isang (1) mag-aaral at isang (1) tagapagsalay. B. Ipagkakaloob ang panulat at papel ay ibibigay sa mga kalahok ng National Technical Working Group (NTWG) sa mismong panahon ng pagganap. Ito ay kukunin mula sa kanila pagkatapos ng kanilang aktuwal na pagganap. ay hindi pinahihintulutang magdala ng kopya ng anumang talumpati, kasuotan, props, o instrumentong pangmusika/ saliw para sa pagtatanghal. C. Ang mga kalahok D. Pahihintulutan ang mga gurong tagapagsanay at mga magulang na umalalay sa mga kalahok at maghatid ng kanilang meryenda tatlumpung (3O) minuto bago magsimula ang pagganap. Pagkatapos, ang mga kalahok ay papasok sa holding area. E. Ang pagbunot ng mga kalahok para sa kanilang numero ng pagkakakilanlan sa pagganap ay dapat isagawa tatlumpung (3O) minuto bago magsimula ang pagganap. F. Sa exhibition venue, pagkakalooban ang mga kalahok ng paksa o tema para sa kalila.ng talumpati. Bibiryan sila ng lirn6spung (50) Ininuto para isulat sa isarrg papel ang kanilang maikling talumpati batay sa ibinigay na paksa o tema. Pagkatapos, kukunin ng NTWG ang mga naisulat na talumpati mula sa mga kalahok. Hindi papayagang muling isulat o baguhin ang kanilang talumpati. G. Para bigian ng panahon sa paghahanda ang mga kalahok bago ang pagbigkas, ibabalik sa kanila ng NTWG ang kopya ng kanilang naisulat na talumpati mula limang (5) minuto bago ang kanilang pagtatalumpati. H. Tatawagin ang mga kalahok para sa pagbigkas ng kanilang talumpati nang hindi lalampas s4 lirnarg (5) minuto. I. Magtataas ang NTWG ng may tiyak na kulay ng watawat bilang pahiwatig sa mga kalahok. Kulay berde ang itataas bilang pabatid ng 'simula' ng itinakdang oras ng pagganap. Dilaw naman ang hudyat sa tratitirang tatlumpung (3O) segundo' at pula naman na hudyat na 'tapos na' ang inilaang oras ng pagtatanChal. Inaasahang hihinto na o tapos na ang pagganap ng kalahok kapag itinaas na ang pulang watawat. J. Hindi pahihintulutan sa loob ng exhibition venue ang peggamit ng cellphone o anumzrng gadget at pagdadala ng mga sanggunian o handout, ang kopya ng anumang kuwento, costume, props, musical instrument o iba pang katulad. K. Plain white t-shirt at maong pants ang isusuot ng mga kalahok sa pagganap / pagtatanghal. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -s,2023 II. Kaganitan mula sa Tagapamahala ng Pagtatanghd Kaugnay na mga suplay at material para sa pagtatanghal Orasan at mga flaglets Mga opisyal na papel para sa palabunutan Tagatukoy ng numero Wireless na mikropono na may stand Sound system Mga Sertipiko Mga lapis Mga ballpen Mga folder Bond paper Holding Area Mga karatula (Preparation Area, Holding Area, Viewing Area, Coach at Parents'Area) Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. r'$ -9,202i 20/23 NATIONAL FESTTVAL OF TALENTS Implementing Guidelines on Population Development (PopDevf The categories, modes of detvery, number of learner-participants and teacher-coaches, and time-allotment for Population Development (PopDev) per region are the following: Mode of Category Dcllvery Online Oratorical Speech vldeo rocordlag Pop Quiz rn-person Totel l{o. of LearaerPartlctpant IYo. of TeacherCoach Tlme Allotmeat I 3 minutes 1 I 3 hours 2 2 1 Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ,ig: -l,2023 POPULATION DEVELOPMENT (PopDev) (A Showcase of Talents and Skills COMFONENT ARTA KEY STAGE BYENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPANT/S TIUE ALL(YTUENT PERFORIIANCE STANDARD in Araling Panlipunan) ARALING PANLIPUI{AN Key Stage Three (3): Grades 7 to 10; Key Stage Four (4): Grades I I to 12 Ottllne Oretorlcal Speech I learner-parLicipant Aom either Key Stage Three (3) or Four (4) per region Three (3) minutes of video recording Natataya ang gender roles sa sa Pilipinas iba't ibalg panahon /Natatalakay ang katayran at gampanin ng babae at lalaki sa lipunan noon at ngayon. IAPIOXILIUC4| Pamantalra! re Pagkatuto ICSEI Identifg personal exomple of utags in uhich gender affeds meaning of and prouide gender examples of bias and discrimination th.e people's liues and. explain 218T CEtrTTT'RY tle SxILL/S Cornrnunication, Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills CREATIVE II{DUSTRIES Traditional Cultural Expression and Performing Arts IX)UAIII DFSCRIPTION is an NFOT event category of (PopDev) Population Development that will allow learnerparticipants to showcase an oratorical presentation focusing on the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (DepEd Order 3l s. 2O18). It enables learner-participants to exhibit their skills in online public speaking and critical analysis on certain topic or issue and deep understarrding about the different issues related to Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health that occur in society. T?re Online Oratorical Speech CRITERH FOR Drhtbtt Rubrlcs PRISIENTATION UessegG and Content -Relevant to the specific content in the mechanics. -Unity and Coherence are evident. -Powerful arrd meaningful Presentatlon 40 o/o Dellvery end Performaace -Delivered from the heart. -Facial expression, hand gestures. emphasized the different elements of the performance. -Words are pronounced distinctly and correctl 300 dgha[ty -The piece must be an original sentercom sition t] e 20 o/o Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -5, 2023 EVEITT RULES AND MEICHANICS A. 'Ihe Online Oratorical Speech showcase is open to Junior / Senior High School botJr private and public-school learners enrolled during tJle SY 2023-2023. B. The Oratorical speech must be an original composition written and delivered in Filipino. C. The piece composition must be based on the theme 'CSE Kaagapay ra pagluglro !g Tccrage Prcgasrcy at paglatapaatay-paatay Eg pagttng{n ra l,ahat ng tarartaa sa llpunar' and must integrate positive Filipino values and anchored on the Comprehensive Sexuality Education. D. Each participant wearing simple Filipiniana attire shall deliver his/her speech in 2-3 minutes. E. Ttre performance shall be pre-recorded F. The video shoot in MP4 format must be a whole body and preferably background and with school name. witl G. The regional oftice shall endorse the official piece/s to the national level. blue Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorondum No. -s, 2023 POPULATION DEVELOPMENT (PopDevf 'frr: (A Showcase of Talents and Skills COUPOtrENT in Araling Panlipunan) ARIA ARAIING PAT{LIPUNAI{ KET STAGE Key Stage Three (3): Grades 7 to lO; Key Stage Four (4): Grades 11 to 12 Pop Qulz 1 learner-participant from either Key Stage Three (3) or Four (4) per region EVEITT TITLE ITO. OF PARTTCTPIII|T/S TIUE .ALLOTUENT PERITORMAITCE STANDARI) 218T CEITTURY SKILL/S CRTATIVE IITDUSTRIES DOMAIIT DESCRIPTION 3 hours Ang mag-aaral ay... may pag-unawa sa mga epekto ng mga isyu at hamon na may kaugnayan sa kasaria:r at lipunan upang maging aktibong tagapagtaguyod ng pagkakapantaypantay at paggalang sa kapwa bilang kasapi ng pErmayanzrn. AFlO-Q3w1-8 Communication, Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills Traditional Cultural Expression and Performing Arts Quiz based on the following Population Education Core Messages / Key Concepts: o parnily Life and Responsible Parenthood . Gender ald Development . Population and Reproductive Health . Population, Environrnent, Resources, and Sustainable Development CRITERIA F'OR PRESENTATION Round Easy Average Diflicult (8 items) (7 items) (6 items) Total = 21 ltemr I 2 3 Presentation fpoint/s per item) (8 pointsl ( 14 points) (18 points) 4O pohte EVEHT RI'LES AND IIECIIAT{ICS A. The formulation of test questions at the local and national levels shall be based on the following Population Education Core Messages/Key Concepts: o parnily Life and Responsible Parenthood; . Gender and Development; . Population and Reproductive Health; and o Population, Environment, Resources, and Sustainable Development. B. Review materials for the Pop Quiz shall be provided by Department of Education (DepEd) or Commission on Population (PopCom); Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -5,202i C. During tJle quiz, participants shall be provided with whiteboard, markers and erasers. D. English or Filipino shall be used as the officia1 language in the conduct of the quiz. E. Participants shall be given a total number of twenty-one (21) questions, of which eight (8) are "easy," seven (7) are uaverage," and six (6) are "difficult." F. Points for every correct answer shall be given as follows: One (1) point shall be given to correct arswer for each "easy2 question, two (2) points for each "average" question, and t}ree (3) points for each "difficult" question. G. Participants shall be given ten (lO) seconds to answer each question. For questions that require computation, participants shall be given a maximum of thirty (3O) seconds. H. The quizrnaster shall only read each question twice. Countdown shall start after the question has been read the second time and the quizmaster says GO. When the quizmaster says "STOP "or "TIME IS UP.", participants must raise their answers to the audience and to the Assessing Comrnittee until such time that the Proctors have verified or confirmed the answer. A general reminder shall be given to all. However, if ttre participant still violates, his /her answer shall not be considered. I. A participant shall be allowed to change his/her answer within the allotted time. J. In case ofa tie, a clincher question shall be asked. K. In case of inquiry during the actual quiz proceedings, the following procedures shall be observed: . Only the participant or t]:e official coach is allowed to raise inquiry before the next question is read. The inquiry shall be addressed orally to the assessing committee who shall recognize t}re inquiry. r Ttre chair shall announce the decision upon deliberation with the members of the committee. RESOI'RCE REQI'IREMENTS hrtlclpants Attlre NFOT Host School/ Venue Ilort Dlvtdoa/ Reglol shirt with Denim pants (National kvel) Toolg aad Equlpment Others Timer White board White board marker & eraser Sound system LCD Projector Tables & chairs Utility expenses Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ,$.; -5, 2023 20/23 NATIONAL FESTTVAL OF TALENTS Implementing Guidelines on Musabaqah l. The 2023 National Musabaqah aims to provide the Arabic l,anguage and Islamic Values Education (ALWE) learners with oppornrnities to showcase their skills and talents through exhibitions of their performance, 2. The National Musabaqah is composed of two categories: Harf Touch and Qur'An Reading. 3. The Musabaqah showcasing of skills and talents is open to all learners attending ALIVE classes in public and private madaris/schools. 4. The Regional Offices may conduct the regional level Musabaqah for the selection of participants who shall exhibit their Arabic reading skills in the National level Musabaqah. The categories, mode of delivery, number of learner-participants and teacher-coaches, and time allotment for Musabaqah per region are the following: Cetegory Harf Touch ode of Dellvety 1n-persoo Qur'an Reading rn-person Total I{o. of LearnerParttclpant IIo. of TeacherCoach Tlme Allotmetrt 1 1 2 minutes 1 1 5 minutes 2 7 minutes 2023 Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -s, i.lili MUSABAQAII {A Showcase of Talents and COMFOIIETT IIRTA KEY STAGE ETIENT TITLE NO. OF P/rRTrCrPAt{T/S TIUE ALIOTUIITT PERI.ORUAXCE STANDARI) 21ET CEtrTTIIRY sxrLL/8 Skils in Arabic Language and Islamic Values) ARABIC LIINGUAGE Key Stage One (1): Grade One (l) Harf Touch I Grade One (11 learner-participant who is 6-7 years old during the conduct of 2023 NFOT per region 2 minutes Ttre learner demonstrates oral fluency on Arabic phonemes, phonetics, and alphabets by pronouncing the letters correctly with speed and accuracy through cogrition arrd psychomotor. o Literacy Skills o Thinking Skills . Global Awareness CRIATIVE INDUSTRIESI Traditional Cultural Expressions Domain DOMAIN DESCRIPTIOIT Eatf Touch is an NFOT event category of Musabaqah that allows blind-folded learner-participants to touch tJ:e surface of the illustration board with engraved Arabic letters. l,earnerparticipants are enpected to identift, recognize, and pronounce Arabic letters correctly with speed and accuracy within the allotted time. CRITERIA F'OR PRF,SENTATION This activity enhances familiarization of the Arabic letters by employing coprrition and psychomotor skills. There shall be one (l) point given for every Arabic letter that is correctly identified and pronounced by learnerparticipants. EVENT RTILES AIIID MECIIANICS A. There shall be one (1) Grade One (1) learner-participant, ages 6-7 years old from Grade I (male or female) per region. B. Participants shall be seated at tJle designated holding area. C. Participants shall take turns on stage to identi& the letters engraved/ cut on illustration board qdthin one minute. The facittator shall mix the 28 letters as t]ley take their turns. D. There shall be one (1) timekeeper /buzzer, one (1) recorder, one (1) tabulator. E. Timekeeper shall signal the start and the end of time allotted for each participant. F, Participalts with correct answers arrd their corresponding time shall be flashed on the screen. G. The whole proceedings shall be recorded. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. _s, 2023 RES'OI'RCE R.EQUIREMENTS a Engraved Arabic Alphabet in A-4 size, laldscape illustration board (white colored on top and mounted in black colored illustration board) Font type: Traditional Arabic Font size: 720 except for letters kha Note: Prepare the letters precise measurement. in (7OO) and ghayn (600). PowerPoint prior to printing to produce the Swimming goggles covered with black cartolina Table and chair where Arabic letters will be placed. [.apel or microphone (owned by the participant) Stopwatch BelT/Bttz.zar White board and marker Video recorder Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ""ill."t i,lili 2023 MUSABAQAII (A Showcase of Talents and Skills in Arabic Language and Islamic Values) COUPOITETYT AREA KEY STAGE Ef,IEI{T TITLE !to. oE PARTICIPAITT/S TIUE ALLOTIIENT PERFORUANCE STANDARI) 218T -s, CIITTI'RY ${ILL/S CREATIVE IilDUSTRIES DOUAIIT DESCRIPTION ffi ARABIC LITNGUAGE Key Stage Two (2) Qur'an Readlag I learner-participant (ages 9 to 12 years old; male or female) from Key Stase T\ro (2) 5 minutes The learner demonstrates the proper way to pause, continue, and full stop in reading and reciting the verse (Ayah)/ chapter (surah) with proper Tajueed, clear voice in Tanaasot arrd stage presence. o Literacy Skills . Thinking Skills . Global Awareness Traditional Cultural Expressions Domain Qrrt'an Rcadlag is an NFOT event category of Musabaqah that allows learner-participants to showcase their reading skills while developing their good speech habits. The Qur'an is the material to be used as it is an authentic source of stories and literature for fifuslirns, CRITERIA FOR PRTSEITTATION Crlterla Ta iu-t e e d / Pr onunciation Tauasot/Chant Saa.rtlVoice Clarity Haa'ah/Stagle Presence Total Peicentage 4Oo/o 3oo/o 2Oo/o LOo/o 1()()0/" EVENT RT'LESI AI{D MECIIAI{ICS A. Each region shall have one (1) participant in the Qur'an Reading category as skills exhibition. Ttre participants may either be male or female ALIVE leamers, ages 9 to 12. B. Participants shall read the selected Stzrah in ?auasot assigned to tJreir region: Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -52023 C. Participants shall have a copy of the Holy Qur'an for reading. D. Participants shall wear proper attire (black abaya and white hijab/kombong for female and white tawb/kimon with taqiyah/totob/kopya for male)' E. Participants shall be seated on the floor with book stand and using a -icrophone in the actual reading of the selected Strrah F. Reading of the selected Surah shall be done REISOI'RCE REQIIIRE}IENTS Holy Qur'an Book stand Microphone Stopwatch Video recorder witlin five (5) minutes. fn I ut N N ci e ! 6 L ql E !la aq) o a cn =L o KJ E u0 tr t d (, u tr q, t{ o I(,k sk x t (r) N s d a H il (,) -c) EE a8 E(! O_ fttr - !,'-o 6 fi E'€ I9t E.E s Es E fl5h .cE do r<o a, iEq ;*!FE -o gg a8 €d 9r: 5btr .d(5 ol otli I.ot da !- -€ IH az !c oi.\ n= (d .$s ind 02 6- o(g €€ !di o.'i il, aE *-E 3n b ur> .iE -BEc * io ?8 =o aa -tEp H o^ 'tr , O . sdr-o t.9 orC HAa €:h qJ Sa", 'A\o! o -11 (!t g g AE E lct o ! Do-E C c.t o - oo-E .d 9o PEs Es E B e EY 9H bDi, .'{ i€ xc i,E s"9 .E.E S o aio o EN g;€ g fraH Est ',3tE .H55g.e o!ii s:! u!E o (dtro B "ct p,a 9'5 & 3 5 ET & EE !!)^ S;E B9 H dt I x3c *-cY!) da E! EgBE q 3 ti t E:E 'ad odd eE E! I Ir B sE Eg5 6 ri cl 6e- d &, I o (!kO 9 EEqBE of ae E; H E! E o 5-o 3B ,!l ! o & EErP .qotr ;6liir /^^qo (_ b0 !r sE E,E, I; . . seEE€Ss A,E TEEE 6!.q E-H* E.( (E is qif . x, e 9l r. -( gE8. ;€ sr #!E A s bl.9 JEE:fl oo S a!E ,4 3EE 6ilc.r9?9 i 0.) E H EE E€. --c o€ d 8 ? E3E uL e;3 o .1 B HEf; ft5ieg 9'EE E9 +i-doEl. --c oE d EHEEg o (, I (, o^ {rx e9 o U d o Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. ,s: _g 2023 20.23 NATIONAL FESTTVAL OF TALENTS ffi Implementing Guidelines on Special Needs Education (SNEDf E:rpo The category, mode of delivery, number of learner-participants and teachercoaches, and time allotment for Special Needs Education (SNED) Expo per region are the following: Category Mode of Dellvery IIo. of L€etler- P.ttlclpattt No. of TeacherCoech Tlme Allotaeat Sign Language Interpretation and Braille ln-person , 2 2 2 Reading Total 5 minutes Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. r.p"' -5, 2023 SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION (sNEDl EXPO (A Showcase of Talents and Skills COMPOITENT AREA XEY STAGE E4YENT TITLE l{o. oF PARTICIPAITT/8 TIUE /ILLOTUEIYT PERT'ORUANCE STITITDARD in lrarners with Special Needs Education] SPECIAL EDUCATION Key Stage 2 (Grades 4 to 6); Key Stage 3 (Grades 7 to lO) Slgu Language Interpretatiotr aad Brallle Readlag 2 learner-participants (1-Deaf and l-Blind) per region Following the standard number of hours in LWDs maximum of frve (5) minutes Nabibigkas nang may wastong tono, diin, antala at damdamin ang kwento (FSPA-Ie-2S| Nailalahad ang damdemiqg narnamayarri sa mga tauhan batay sa kwentong binasa (F8Plt -Wg-h-37f Nagagamit ang mga angkop na ekspresyon sa pagpapahayag ng: - damdamin - matibay na paninindigan (F9Wtl.Ivd-6Of 21tT CENTI'RY SKLL/S Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Critica-l Thinking CRTATIVE Creative services (creative research, development, and realtime artistic performances) INDUSTRIESI DOMAIN DESCRIPTION SUn Largusge Interpretador and Bratlle Readlag is an NFOT event category of Special Needs Education (SNED) Expo that allows learners with disabilities (LWDs) to perform Sign Language Interpretation and Artistic Braille Reading CRITERIA F'OR PRESEIITATION Crlterla Descrlptloa Accurary/ Fluency of The hand movements, gestures, and Sign L,anguage facial expressions conform with the Appropriate Speed Appropriate Expression Overall perforrnance words and statements in tJre story. words accurately and easily with proper movement. The learner uses appropriate emotion to read aloud/sign, pauses or observes punctuations and emphasizes on important words. The leamer enioys reading. The learner reads/signs Ef,/ENT RULES AND MECHANICS A. Each region shall have 1 participant (Deaf) for Filipino Sign. Lalgrage and 1 participant (Blind) for Braille Reading. B. Story to be interpreted shall be provided by the NTWG of ttre said event aligned with tlte 2023 NFOT theme. C. Ttre showcase is open to Grades 4 to lO deaf and blind learners who are officially enrolled. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -9, 2023 D. Each region is given five-minute presentation / showcase which includes the entrance and exit. E. The following sequence shall be strictly observed: o Presentation of participant information (Nane of karner, Grade kvel, School, Division, and Region); o Reading proper (story shall be projected in a wide screen (Deaf) and braille copy of the story @lind) shall be distributed to the participants in holding area. o Closing statement should be creatively done. F. Only participants shall be allowed in the designated holding area one hour before the event. G. Certificates of Recognition shall be awarded to the participants and coaches. H. Participants must strictly observe health and safetv protocol. RESOI'RCE REQI'IREMENTS . Copy of the Story o Braille Copy of the Story (Soft & Hard Copy) . Lapel . Projector o Laptop o Microphone r Table and bookstand o Sound system o Stage Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. '"# -s, 2023 20/23 NATIONAL FESTTVAL OF TALENTS ffi Implementing Guidelines on Lingo Stars The category, mode of delivery, number of learner-participants and teachercoaches, and time allotment for Lingo Stars per region are the following: Category Mode of Delivery Foreign Language Exposition (FLE) Partlclpant No. of TeacherCoach J o 3 3 Ito. of Learner- Allotment ln-person lU Spantgh, l2l U8a&stD, l3f Nlhongo Total Tlme 7 minutes Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorondum No. ffi LINGO STARS ,.." (A Showcase of Foreign Language Skills) couProltEltT /IREA XIY STAGE EVEI{T TITLE rYo. -9,2023 oF PARTICIPANT/S TIUE ALLOTUEI{T PERF'ORMAI{CE STAITDARI) 218I CEtrlr[URY sxEL/s CREATTVE TITDUSTRIES DOMAIIT DESCRIPTIO!T SPECIAL PROGRAU rN FOREIGN Llll{GUAGE ISPFL) Key Stage 3 (Grades 7 to l0) Forels Languege Drposttloa (FLEI I learner-participant per foreign language per region 7 minutes o 3 minutes for studying the picture and speech preparation o 2 minutes for the introduction on t]:e character portrayed o 2 minutes for tJre speech delivery on the presented picture Ttre learner communicates correctly and creatively, in oral and written form, various words, phrases, and expressions from visual and textual materials Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking Performing Arts Domain 'fhe Forellp l,erglegc Expodttoa ltr.L$ is all NFOT event category of Lingo Stars where learner-participants deliver a speech accurately and creatively using a foreign language (Spanish, Mandarin, and Nihongo) based on the presented visual materials while wearing a costume and portraying a famous character from Spain, China, or Japan. CRITERIA F'OR ASSIESSMEITT Crlterla Cortunc o o o 7Oo/" Related to the character being portrayed Appropriate and decent Orel Pre.etrtruol o Describe tJle picture presented creatively ald accurately . Present the character clearly and fluently Stegc kereuce o Show con.fidence ald good and appropriate posture/projection, facial Totel Percentage 600/0 3Oo/o expressions, gestures Perform within the allotted time LOOYo Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -g 2023 EVEI{T RI'LES AND MEICHANICS A. The Forelgn Ianguage Drpoeltloa (FLEf event is open to all Key Stage 3 (Grades 7 to 1O) learners who are ofticially enrolled in in public schools olfering Special Program in Foreign Language (SPFL). This shall be done under erhlbltloa categoty. Each region shall register one (l) participant (learner) and one (l) teacher-coach per foreign language. B. Foreign languages included in the FLE are (11 Spantsh, (2f Mandarla, and (3f Nlhoago. FLE for Spanish shall be participated by all regions while FLE for Mandarin and Nihongo shall be participated only by implementing regions. C. The regional SPFL coordinator shall upload to the Google Form the picture and description of the character that the participants shall portray. The National Technical Working Group (NTWG) shall print it to serve as reference. D. Participants shall wear the costume of a famous character relevant to their foreign language (Spanish, Mandarin, or Nihongo's film, politics, history, literature, culture, and religion). Only accessories as part of the costume are allowed. E. Teacher-coaches and parents are allowed to assist their participants and provide their snacks (3O) minutes prior to the start of the event. Afterwards, participants shall enter the holding area. F. Drawing of lots by participants for their uumber identifier shall be done thirty (3O) minutes before the event proper. G. Prior to the start of the event, participants shall parade before the audience. H. The I.ITWG shall provide participants witJ: materials (pen, paper, and contest picture). I. Participants shall be given three (3) minutes to study a picture (e.g. about oneself ard otiers, h-lly and home, frlends, lchool, and communltyf . After three (3) minutes, tlle aforesaid materials shall be collected from participants. J. Then, participants shall deliver a two-minute introduction of a famous character that they portray, culminating in a maxirrrum of two-minute speech delivery describing the given picture. K. Participants are expected to use foreign language in a casual or coaversatlotral manrer. L. Colored flags shall be raised by the NTWG to cue the participants during the contest proper. Greea llag shall be raised to inform the participants on the 'start of their allotted time,'yellow flag to signal the remaining '3O seconds,' and red flag to signal that their 'time is up.'When the red flag is raised, the participants are expected to stop their speech delivery. Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No. -g2023 M. Using cellphone or any gadget and/or bringing reference materials/handouts, props, musical instrument/accompaniment a.re not allowed inside the exhibition venue. RESOI'RCE REQUREMEIITS Supplies and materials Timer and flags Strips of paper for drawing of lots Number identifier Wireless microphone with stand Sound system Certificates Pencils Ballpens Folders Calculators Bond paper Holding Area Signages (Preparation Area, Holding Area, Viewing Area, Coaches and Parents'Area) Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. i -5,2023 20/23 NATIONAL FESTTVAL OF TALENTS ffi Implementing Guidelines on STEMazing The category, mode of delivery, number of learner-participants and teacher-coaches, and time allotment for STEMAZING per region are the following: Catcgory STEM Processes and Practices Mode of Dellvery in-person No. of Lcarner- Ifo. of Partlcipant Allotment 3 1 3 hours 3 1 Exhibition Total Tlae TeacherCoach Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorondum No. 'ffi, -s,2023 STEMAZING (A Showcase of Science, Technological, and Mathematical Outputs) COMPONENT ARTA KEY STAGE EVEI{T TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPAITT/S TIUT AI,LOTMTIIIT PERT'ORIIAI{CE STATDARD 213T CENTI'RY sxEL/s CREATIVE IIIDUSTRIES DOMAIT{ DESiCRIPTION ffi Sclence, Technologr, and Matheoatlce Key Stage Three (3): Grades 7 to lO; Key Stage Four (4): Grades 11to 12 STEM Processes aad Practlces Exhlbltloa A team composed of three (3) learner-participants per region 3 Hours (Creation of Outputs)l Minute Presentation, About 5 Minute Q and A Obtain scientific and technological information Aom varied sources about global issues that have impact on the country. Acquire scientific attitudes that will allow tJlem to innovate and/or create products useful to the community or country. Process information to get relevant data for a problem at hand Critical thinking, Communication skills, Creativity, Problem solving, Collaboration. Information literacy, Technologr skills and dieital literacy. Creative Services SIEU Procerser aad Prectlcer hhlbltloa is an NFOT event category of STEMAZNG that allows learner-parlicipants to apply science and mathematics thinking skills to solve problems that have local, national, and global impact. It allows social, scientific, and environmental issues through tJ'e application of them to become problem solvers by addressing 2lst century skills. CRITERIA FOR PRESEIYTATIOIT In this activity, participants will be presenting oral and written proposed solution to a given scenario. Crtterla Perccntage Wrltten Proposal Content/ Organization/Thematic Relevance (Based on scientific, technological, and other valid assumptions, Feasibility of the proposed solution) Relevance of data used Oral kesentatlon Discussion/Arguments/ Delivery (Based on scientifc, technological, and other valid assumptions, Feasibility of the proposed solution) Relevance of data used Total 5Oo/o 2Oo/o 2Oo/o 7O/o LOO/" Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. EVETTT -9, 2023 RI'LES AND UEICHAIUCS General Guidelines 1 2. 3. The showcase shall consist of proposal writing and One-Minute Presentation. The teams shall develop and present their proposal to the panel of judges of their solution about a real-world problem/scenario of local or global importance. The situation containing the problem shall be given on-site during the showcase. T!r,e participants are given 3 hours to conceptualize and prepare their written description of the proposed solution for the oral presentation. A1l entries submitted shall not bear any markings that identi$ their regions. The participants may use the internet and other printed resources in developing their written solution, however, the teams are not allowed to confer with their coaches while the activity is on - going. Any form of communication between the participants and other parties (coach, parents, classmates, teachers, etc.) shall warrant automatic disqualification. The proposed solution shall have the following components: Title Summa4r (1OO - 2OO Words) Background and Problem (200 - 30O Words) (Desqibe tle challenges and lnut tte proposed solution addresses the problem presented. Scienttfic Principles and Technologg applicable to tle resolution of tle problem.) Beneliciaries Proposed Solution to the Problem Presented (300 - 5O0 words) Methods/Details of the proposed solution including the Cost Analysis as applicable. Include illustrations, figures, and charts. References: May use any format as long as consistency is - observed encode their proposals in word processing software, double-spaced using Bookman Old style font size eleven set in A4 size paper. Margins shall be I inch on all sides of the paper. Within the 3 hours, the teams shall submit their outputs (electronic copy) 4. The teams shall to the facilitators. 5. The proposals sha-ll be subjected to a plagiarism check. Any proposals which exceed 15% similarity index (uncited) shall be deducted 2 points from the total score for every percent in excess. However, cited references shall be excluded from the 157o tolerance. 6. The submitted proposals shall be evaluated by the assessors before the oral presentation. 7. A timer board shall be shown to tJle public as well as to the cl ts. Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorondum No. -9,2023 8. At the end of one minute, a bvzznr shall signal that tJ..e time for presentation is up and the participants shall immediately stop presenting. 9. After the presentation, tJre assessors will ask questions for clarifications. RESOI'RCE REQTIIR"EUENTS Host School VG[ue Partlclpants Attlre / Ho3t Dlvblon Reglou NFOT T-shirt or Plain White Shirt (Finalized on the day before the competition) Tools aud EqulDtrent Computer/ laptopl Notebook/ books and other printed resources, pocket Wi-Fi Phy:tcal Facllltlei Others - Timer 2 multimedia projectors, Printer fast internet connection, Sound System Adequate electrical outlets, extension cords Hall with stage, one holding room, plagiarism checker 2 reams Bond paper A4 utiliry expenses /