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Science, Technology, and Society Interconnections

Science, Technology, and Society
We have the three main ideas: Science, Technology, and Society.
These three main ideas are interconnected with each other as each component relies on
each other for development. Science provides the necessary knowledge to develop technology.
These developments could be seen in but not limited to medicine, lifestyle, and even the military.
In turn, these developments in technology make it possible for more scientific discoveries, which
are then implemented to society so that the people’s lives are improved and made easier. And
then from within the society, new ideas are created and tested to further the scope and
possibilities of science.
So, what is Science? Science refers to a systematic inquiry into the natural world,
encompassing various fields such as the natural sciences, social sciences, and formal sciences. It
entails the accumulation of knowledge through observation, experimentation, and analysis,
guided by the scientific method. These phenomena are very much involved in various aspects of
society and have a direct impact on our lives, hence Science is also a total societal enterprise.
Scientific research helps shape government policies, ethical considerations are implemented to
prioritize human rights, insights on social impacts are made aware in order to solve social issues,
and etcetera. However, it is important to note that before these scientific ideas were formed,
people first philosophized, questioned, and exchanged ideas to form the knowledge that we know
today. As such, Science can also be called as a form of human cultural activity in the society.
Technology is also a total societal enterprise. This is true because, like Science, it is
involved in every facet of our lives in the modern world. We use them as tools for our livelihood,
entertainment, and to communicate, amongst other uses. Technology can also be seen as a
manifestation of complex knowledge, methods, and materials, which encompasses specific
technologies, such as AI technology or green technology. These technologies serve as a
foundation for innovating tools, which are referred to as 'technics' by Robert McGinn. Those
who utilize these specific technologies, such as engineers or craftspeople, engage in a form of
human cultural activity as they innovate and create these tools.
For society, throughout history, from ancient civilizations to the modern era, societies
have shown a pattern of development and evolution, which are often influenced by
advancements in science and technology. While the development of societies has sometimes
been accompanied by a rise in new problems such as racism or sexism, scientific knowledge has
helped combat this irrationality. For example, indigenous people are often subjected to racism,
and are called primitive or inferior. But due to scientific research in anthropology, it promoted
respect for cultural diversity and gave the recognition of rights of indigenous people.
Moreover, Science is also a big contributor to creating policies in society as they often
help make informed decisions to develop effective policies through research and data analysis.
For example, during the pandemic, scientific experts suggested implementing social distancing
policies to prevent the virus from spreading further. Consequently, this makes education crucial
as it provides our experts the necessary knowledge to properly inform our civil servants so that
they implement policies that promote the well-being of the society. These changes in policies
often result in shifts in traditions or practices, ultimately impacting how societies live for
survival. An example of this in the pandemic era is that instead of traditionally going to school,
we went through online meetings so that we can still learn while maintaining the distance in
order to survive the virus.