Statement Customer Care Inquiries Tel: +2783135 Tel: 135 (free from MTN cellphone) E-mail: Website: Mr DENIZ ROBERT PALANDUZ 16 De Villiers Avenue Kenridge 7550 Email Address Statement date Billing account Primary contact no. 27-11-2023 BA117284757 27724535444 Statement Statement includes all transactions from 27-10-2023 to 26-11-2023 Previous balance Adjustments (credit\debit) + Account aging + R0.00 R1,274.60 Charges this month R1,208.99 - Payments received (thank you) = -R1,274.60 Amount due (VAT incl.) R1,208.99 Total overdue : R 0.00 120 days overdue 90 days overdue 60 days overdue 30 days overdue Current due Total due (incl. overdue) R0.00 R0.00 R0.00 R0.00 R1,208.99 R1,208.99 Statement details below are VAT inclusive Date Transaction Reference Amount Due Date Open Amount 27-11-2023 Invoice I600000146740029 1,208.99 30-11-2023 1,208.99 31-10-2023 PAYMENT P6000000139260316 -1,274.60 Your total amount due by 30-11-2023 R 1,208.99 Important notice from MTN – We have updated our Customer Information Privacy Notice. Kindly view it on our website by clicking here. (Should you not have access to internet, we have also made it available at our stores.) MOBILE TELEPHONE NETWORKS (PTY) LTD IS LICENSED AS A FINANCIAL SERVICE PROVIDER - License: 44774; Company Registration No. 1993/001436/07, V.A.T Registration No. 4630140434: Tel +2711 912 3000 Fax +2711 912 4670 Physical Address: 216 14th Avenue, Fairland, 2195 or Postal Address: Private Bag 9955, Cresta, 2118, South Africa v7.1.017 Page 1 /1