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Unix Procedure for CSC Kosan Upgrade

DOCS Unix procedure for CSC Kosan upgrade:
1. Stop the all DCMH8 Programs before starting the upgradation activity and DC confirms there
would be no more shipping and replenishment activities.
2. Take the complete production tables Backup of DOCS57SH, DOCS58ST, DOCS31RF, DOCS32RA,
3. Also take additional following types of backup on DOCS57SH Table :
a. Sched # (or) Cartons for which DC would be doing Live order testing
b. Run the query (/home/thangad/kosan/57sh_crtn_setup.sql) to take backup of
standard operation cartons required for Kosan rollover in case we need it for testing
c. Excluding the above records (a & b) and take the complete table backup.
4. Once DC Provide confirmation for us to start the testing :
a. Stop DCIM03PS 10 ( msgsend DCIM03PS 10 ‘QUIT’ ) after verifying that there are no
pending messages in the Message Queue (Ipcs – qo). If there any then wait for some
time for those message Queue’s to get clear and then stop DCIM03PS 10.
b. Delete complete DOCS57SH & DOCS58ST tables.
c. Take the backup of existing mh81 debug files (/tmp/mh81.div10, /tmp/mh88.div10 &
/tmp/mh86.div10) and then remove those files.
d. Then load the files /home/thangad/kosan/kos.57sh.ins.unl into DOCS57SH Table and
/home/thangad/kosan/kos.tst.rep.unl into DOCS58ST Table.
e. Now start DCMH81PC & DCMH88PC Programs.
5. And Provide confirmation to DC that DOCS has completed sending the test cartons to Kosan (After
verifying that carton status in 57SH & 58ST to be not in ‘N’ & ‘E’ respectively).
6. In any case if DC request us to resend the same cartons again to Kosan. Advise users to delete
those test cartons from Kosan first and then follow 4.b,4.c,4.d,4.e & 5 steps again.
7. Once user is ready to start testing with Live orders follow the following steps :
a. Stop DCMH81PC & DCMH88PC Programs.
b. Then dump the existing messages in the Queue to the local file (qdump $que_no
c. Advice DC to delete complete testing cartons from Kosan too.
d. Delete complete DOCS57SH & DOCS58ST tables in DOCS.
e. Then load the corresponding backup of 3.a & 3.b into DOCS57SH & DOCS58ST accordingly.
Then start DCIM03PS 10
g. And then finally start all DCMH8 Programs (DCMH81PC, DCMH88PC & DCMH86PC).
h. Make sure user needs to set the cartons sent by DOCS as the Active wave for both
shipping & replenishment in Kosan. And even then can do the rolling over of wave in DOCS
using wave status Inquiry screen too.
In case if user needs to resend those cartons again if it doesn’t get diverted we can just
update 57SH & 58ST Carton status to ‘N’ & ‘E’ respectively and it would be resend to
Kosan as long as that should be the active in Kosan. (Note: Since this testing is for the real
production cartons, even Inventory update would take place and hence we should not
update any tables except for 57SH & 58ST).
8. Once DC decides to Go-Live with new Kosan server follow the below steps :
a. Stop DCMH81PC, DCMH88PC & DCMH86PC Programs.
b. Then load the corresponding backup of 3.c into DOCS57SH & DOCS58ST accordingly.
c. Then run the query (/home/thangad/kosan/upd_prd_data_fornewsev.sql ) to change the
status of existing production cartons to be resend to New Kosan server.
d. Then start DCMH81PC, DCMH88PC & DCMH86PC Programs.
DCMH81PC (or) DCMH88PC Startup Issue :
In case of either of DCMH81PC & DCMH88PC doesn’t get started as expected after switching to
new server, follow the below steps for troubleshooting :
1. Kosan IP Address ( is reachable from ITGCURS326 by pinging it.
2. Also advise user to check connectivity on Kosan port #’s 1041 for downlink and 1042 for Uplink in
case of any connectivity issues.