DEFINITION • Business documents are the documents that provide information about transaction that take place in businesses. PARTS INVOLVED IN BUSINESS DOCUMENTS • Buyer of the product- a person who purchase goods from seller. • Seller of the product-a person who sell goods to the buyer. LETTER OF ENQUIRY • Is the letter written by the buyer to the seller requesting to know information about the products and services available. QUOTATION • It is sent by a seller to a buyer as a reply of enquiry giving information of the goods available, price, any discount and delivery options. MSIMBAZI STATIONERIES P.O.BOX 3472 DAR ES SALAAM PHONE: 0714800800 E-MAIL: QUOTATION BUYER: MABOTE GENERAL ENTERPRISES P.O.BOX 53553 DAR ES SALAAM PHONE : 0785525255 EMAIL: NO Quantity 1 21 2 6 Delivery: within one day of the order. Terms: payment within 60 days of invoice. description boxes of pens boxes of counter books date: 1st may 2019 price per unit $ 40 $ 20 Signed by A. Ally sales manager PURCHASE ORDER • Is the document prepared by buyer to a seller indicating the details of the goods demanded by a buyer. MABOTE GENERAL ENTERPRISES P.O.BOX 53553 DAR ES SALAAM PHONE : 0785525255 EMAIL: PURCHASE ORDER SUPPLIER: MSIMBAZI STATIONERIES P.O.BOX 3472 DAR ES SALAAM PHONE: 0714800800 E-MAIL: date: 3 MAY 2018 NO Quantity 1 21 2 6 Delivery required on may 7 2018 description boxes of pens boxes of counter books price per unit $ 40 $ 20 signed: Gilbert kitinya purchase manager DELIVERY NOTE • This document provides proof that the goods were delivered and checked. MSIMBAZI STATIONERIES P.O.BOX 3472 DAR ES SALAAM PHONE: 0714800800 E-MAIL: DELIVERY NOTE BUYER: MABOTE GENERAL ENTERPRISES P.O.BOX 53553 DAR ES SALAAM PHONE : 0785525255 EMAIL: NO Quantity 1 21 2 6 Delivery : within 2 days after order. Terms: payment within 60 days of invoice date:5 may 2018 description boxes of pens boxes of counter books signed by : A.M Ally sales manager price per unit $ 40 $ 20 INVOICE • Sent by the Seller outlining the quantity, description and price of the goods and any discount which has been offered. • When you sell- you send invoice to buyer • When you buy- you receive invoice from seller DEBIT NOTE • This is only sent if the goods ordered are incorrect or damaged and buyer is seeking a replacement or discount. • It is sent by a buyer to a seller CREDIT NOTE • Offered by the seller to the buyer an alternative to cash so the buyer can order different goods at a reduced price. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT • The seller issues this to the buyer at the end of the month outlining the transactions that have taken place and the money owed. CHEQUE • is a document that orders a bank to pay a specific amount of money from a person's account to the person in whose name the cheque has been issued. RECEIPT A receipt is proof of purchase by the buyer and that the goods were paid for.