pyqs So we have brought you the pyq mock test for physics and chemistry & Maths PHYSICS MATH 90%ile - 49 90%ile - 25 Chapter Name CHEMISTRY S1 + S2 Three Dimensional Geometry 75 Vector Algebra 45 Matrices and Determinants 50 Binomial Theorem 45 Sequence & Series 45 Chapter Name Current Electricity Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Kinematics Gravitation Electrostatics Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Atoms and Nuclei S1 + S2 51 48 41 40 51 45 48 90%ile - 36 Chapter Name Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Chemical Thermodynamics Coordination Compounds Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry Hydrocarbons S1 + S2 26 26 47 43 28 26 PHYSICS MATH 95%ile - 64 95%ile - 33 Chapter Name S1 + S2 Three Dimensional Geometry 75 Vector Algebra 45 Matrices and Determinants 50 Binomial Theorem 45 Sequence & Series 45 Differential Equation Quadratic Equation CHEMISTRY Chapter Name Current Electricity 26 15 Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Kinematics Gravitation Electrostatics Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Atoms and Nuclei Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation S1 + S2 51 48 41 40 51 45 48 25 Heat and Thermodynamics 37 Work, Energy and Power 27 95%ile - 50 Chapter Name Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Chemical Thermodynamics Coordination Compounds Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry Hydrocarbons D and F Block Elements Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry Atomic Structure S1 + S2 26 26 47 43 28 26 25 15 27 99%ile - 50 Chapter Name 99%ile - 80 75 Vector Algebra 45 Matrices and Determinants 50 Binomial Theorem 45 Sequence & Series 45 Quadratic Equation Chapter Name S1 + S2 Three Dimensional Geometry Differential Equation Current Electricity 26 15 Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Kinematics Gravitation Electrostatics Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Atoms and Nuclei Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation 99%ile - 70 S1 + S2 51 48 41 40 51 45 48 25 Permutation & Combination 46 Heat and Thermodynamics 37 Definite Integral 36 Work, Energy and Power 27 Functions 20 COM, Momentum and Collision 12 Rotational Motion 21 Total 446 Total CHEMISTRY PHYSICS MATH 403 Chapter Name Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Chemical Thermodynamics Coordination Compounds Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry Hydrocarbons D and F Block Elements Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry S1 + S2 26 26 47 43 28 26 25 Atomic Structure 15 27 Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 18 Chemical Kinetics 23 Total 304 Unique number of questions MATH 273 PHYSICS 335 CHEMISTRY 240 Unique number of questions MATH 273 PHYSICS 335 Average time per question : 4 min ≈ 57 hour in total CHEMISTRY 240 Links in Description