DOCS Issues Troubleshooting Document 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Error tracking: ............................................................................. 5 Database Lock: ............................................................................ 5 Mainframe jobs failed : ................................................................ 5 Invalid schedule number: ............................................................ 6 KOSAN issue: ............................................................................... 6 UISODWS2.OD0044 ..................................................................... 7 Database lock : DOCS42JD – wreprs1 .......................................... 8 Shipping address missing in Seminole: ........................................ 9 Schedule reports issue ............................................................. 10 User tried to add UPS cartons manually .................................... 11 Combine BOL ............................................................................. 11 Undo process failed ................................................................... 12 Undo process failed ................................................................... 12 Full case pick went to Ultra pick location. .................................. 13 Carton not billed which is in freight floor .................................. 13 Order Schedule failed – docs5ajr ............................................... 14 user tried to select dynamic pick location. ................................. 15 Bin Label for Shelf not printed properly ..................................... 16 docs55jr failure ......................................................................... 16 Carton stuck in Q status ............................................................ 16 Error message in Fluid load gatepass screen: ............................ 18 Cursor error ............................................................................... 19 Schedule stuck: ......................................................................... 20 To reprint Spl OPS ticket: .......................................................... 21 Problem with startup script (EOD) ............................................ 21 Closing UPS manifest not working DOCS22JR failure DCMHS6PC died Abend in DCPK24PF screen FEDEX MANIFESTING ISSUE(duplicate) Archive On tape out issue UPS manifesting monitor Restart the Loft ware server Packing slips not printing Routers not printing Invalid weight while closing FEDX Change Carton Status Change service code in FedEx or UPS Prepacks did not print in Seminole PROGRAM down Come out of AUTO mode docs5ajr issue (duplicate record) prepacks did not print CODE NOT DEFINED error ISSUE: docs06jr failed in Mocksville Remove the directives DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 1 2/25/2024 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. change the postal code CMD to kill a program PREP carton status change Bring up DOCS after power outage Procedure for shutting the system down that is running docs Dynamic locations are out of sync Could you put back the pre-tick information to this case DOCSINVT issue Cmd to move the queue from one printer to other DOCS5AJR failure in wave_spreading Tape drive problem Directories missing DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 2 2/25/2024 SOURCE DIRECTORIES: COBOL --> /dms/cobol 4GL --> /users/dmsadm/src4gl C --> /dms/srcC Scripts --> /dms/scripts Dialog Screensets --> /dms/dialog Cobol object files --> /dms/obj Copybooks --> /dms/copyfiles LOGIN/LOGOUT PROGRAMS: Cobol: Step Step Step Step Step Step Step 1: 2: 3: 5: 6: 7: 8: Go to /dms/cobol. Enter the cmd "out /home/nairi" Make changes to the programs in your working directory update the install.many file. (A sample file is present in /home/nairi) Log in as dmsadm. pwd: Samicat execute install.many from the home dir its done!! To cancel a logout use 'canout' 4GL: Step 1: "cko packsum.4gl 1 0" to logout the program Step 2: "cki packsum.4gl 1 0" to check in the program Step 3: Create a folder /dms/hold in your home directory Step 4: Move the 4GL code and the make file (*.mak) to that direcotry. Step 5: Switch user into dmsadm and change to src4gl directory Step 6: run - cmpl4gl <SCM_Number> dms <your_userid> <program1> <program2>... <makefile> Make sure that you see the new 4ge out there. Step 7: run - copy_dms src4gl <program1> <program2> (No need to migrate the make file if you have not modified it) Step 8: Go to the production Box. Switch user to dmsadm and change to directory src4gl Step 9: Compile the program using the make -f <make_file_name> Step 10: Move the .4ge to one directory above the src4gl directory. P.S: I have never moved a 4gl code to production. Kiruba had once sent me these instructions in mail. COMPILE PROGRAMS: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 3 2/25/2024 Cobol: esqlcobol <program name with extension> C/4gl: Never done it before, need confirmation from Kiruba MISC COMMANDS: DODMS: Invokes the DMS main menu DODMSRF: Inokes the DMS RF Menu. Never used it till date. SDE: Invokes the animator session for cobol. An alternative method to 'animate' in Cobol is specified in the document O:\## Wipro Knowledge Transfer\DMS\vf Documents\Animator DS: Invokes the MF Dialog screen creation utility DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 4 2/25/2024 1. Error tracking: Whenever we get a call for a job failure, Follow the below steps to get the error message Login to the respective production server Go to the path: /usr/docs/logs Check for the file error.log.trf for the recent error message and info.log file for the detailed error message. Go to /tmp directory and search for the log file or debug file with the program name. Eg. docs01jr.out docsF.debug 2. Database Lock: Reference Ticket Number: 07738874 Description:DOCS error on lehpurs1 with module MODULE : dcif24pc MODULE: DOCS01JR, please contact DOCS oncall. Error message: SQLCODE / DESC: -244 Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row. Resolution: Restart the job docs01jr by logging in as user ‘docs’ docs@lehpurs1 /usr/docs/logs $ su - docs docs's Password: docs@lehpurs1 /usr/docs/logs $ nohup docs01jr >/tmp/docs01jr.out 2>&1 & 3. Mainframe jobs failed : Reference Ticket Number: 07738861 Description: *Job DOCSPLUW.TOD@0915 in appl WRGDOC02.3582 failed with ? o Analysis: The jobs that were shut down after EOD were not started again due to some reason. Hence most of the jobs were not running. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 5 2/25/2024 Resolution: All the jobs were restarted again nohup nohup nohup nohup nohup nohup docs01jr >/tmp/docs01jr.out 2>&1 & docs02jr >/tmp/docs02jr.out 2>&1 & docs03jr >/tmp/docs03jr.out 2>&1 & docs04jr >/tmp/docs04jr.out 2>&1 & docs07jr >/tmp/docs07jr.out 2>&1 & docslotb 0004 >/tmp/docslotb.out 2>&1 & nohup docslotb 0003 >/tmp/docslotb.out 2>&1 & 4. Invalid schedule number: Reference Ticket Number: 07741199 Description: DOCS error on wrsmrs1 with module MODULE : dcos61pc MODULE: DOCS5AJR Error: + mg_error_nbr=0 + dccm07pc docs5ajr build_f2 0 + let step_number=step_number+1 + dcta18pc DOCS5AJR 2 + [ 2 -lt 25 ] + dccm07pc docs5ajr load_prod_orders + eval load_prod_orders + load_prod_orders + mg_error_nbr=255 + dccm07pc docs5ajr load_prod_orders 255 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS5AJR: Failed in load_prod_orders + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 Resolution: Restart the job docs5ajr from step 3 by logging in as user ‘docs’ nohup docs5ajr 3 & you can docs33sc table for the last schedule which has run. schd_nbr 21 schd_stat A pick_wave_nbr 11 sort_sequence_nbr 1 pick_wave_stat A 5. KOSAN issue: Reference Ticket Number: 07741996 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 6 2/25/2024 Problem: The KOSAN tables were not rolling in EL Paso. Analysis: Check whether the job DCMH81PC is still hung > ps -ef | grep DCMH81 ramans 67084 95970 1 13:40:23 pts/27 0:00 grep DCMH81 oper1 96902 69488 0 04:01:55 - 0:34 DCMH81PC 10 Resolution: Since it is hung, kill the job and restart it again > opcom kill -9 96902 > nohup DCMH81PC 10 & [1] 114484 6. UISODWS2.OD0044 Reference Ticket Number: 07746651 Description : Job UISODWS2.OD0044 in appl ODWS2044.4077 failed with 0 on itgcurs90 Error: ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : ODWMS2PS ERROR NUMBER : 99120 SEVERITY :4 PARAGRAPH : 03020 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : boxs TIME : Thu Nov 6 08:00:23 2008 SQLCODE / DESC: 100 100 Row not found. SQLERR ISAM : 1 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : problem during fetch of wms2_prodsale_cur cursor ***************** END BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: odwms2jr.0044.ksh PARAGRAPH: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 7 2/25/2024 ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: boxs TIME: Thu Nov 6 08:00:15 EST 2008 odwms2jr.0044.ksh: script failed in extract_items Resolution: The error is not explicit. Call operations and Try rerunning the job.. The job completed successfully If the job failed, try running it after 3 hours. It will get completed successfully. 7. Database lock : DOCS42JD – wreprs1 Reference ticket number : 07745073 Description: DOCS error on wreprs1 with module MODULE : DCDB03PS MODULE: DOCS42JD Error: > cat error.log.trf ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCDB03PS ERROR NUMBER : 430 SEVERITY : 538976288 PARAGRAPH : 4300 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : oper1 TIME : Thu Nov 6 08:30:14 2008 SQLCODE / DESC: -244 Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row. SQLERR ISAM : -154 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 71 SQLERR ROWID : 513 MESSAGE : Error executing db03_dc44_del ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS42JD PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: oper1 TIME: Thu Nov 6 07:41:55 MST 2008 DOCS42JD: run_db03 failed -script continueing DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 8 2/25/2024 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** set -A step_array run_db07 \ run_db13 \ run_db03 \ run_docs01jr Resolution: From the error message, it is obvious that the script is running. Hence, we have to restart the failed step alone as follows: nohup docs42jd 3 3 & 8. Shipping address missing in Seminole: Refernce Ticket number : 07746761 Problem: Shipping address missing in USPS carton Carton #: 093829224 Delivery no: 0069475199 Resolution: Run the following query: select * from docs10oh where delv_doc_nbr="0069475199" invoice_number 69475199 invoice_ckdig 3 swog_invc_nbr order_type RG order_origin P order_stat W order_schd_seq 1 customer_number 91563 shipping_loc SEW dest_ship_grp_id 09391 cust_ship_to_nbr 91563043539 ship_to_addr_line1 TRACY PLUNKETT C/O K.B.R DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 9 2/25/2024 ship_to_addr_line2 ship_to_addr_line3 ship_to_addr_line4 ship_to_addr_line5 ship_to_addr_line6 The ship_to_addr_line1 has to be to two fields as follows Query: update docs10oh set ship_to_addr_line1=” TRACY PLUNKETT”, ship_to_addr_line2=” C/O K.B.R” where delv_doc_nbr="0069475199" invoice_number 69475199 invoice_ckdig 3 swog_invc_nbr order_type RG order_origin P order_stat W order_schd_seq 1 customer_number 91563 shipping_loc SEW dest_ship_grp_id 09391 cust_ship_to_nbr 91563043539 ship_to_addr_line1 TRACY PLUNKETT ship_to_addr_line2 C/O K.B.R ship_to_addr_line3 ship_to_addr_line4 ship_to_addr_line5 ship_to_addr_line6 9. Schedule reports issue Reference Ticket number: 07746932 Problem: The user called and told that they are running an emergency wave for schedule number 65 and wave number 01. But the reports(dcos30r1) are coming for wave 37 which was not purged yet. Resolution: Go to the script for the dcos31rc which is and search from which table it is deleting the records. It is DOCS59PE. Upload the data and Delete the records from the table for the schedule number 65. Query: upload to <filename> select * from DOCS59PE where schd_nbr=”65” delete from DOCS59PE where schd_nbr=”65” DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 10 2/25/2024 Just run the job and check if everything is cleaned up. dcos30ps 65 Output: -rw-r--r-- 1 ramans staff 726 Nov 7 11:06 os30120081107110621930 ramans@wrsmrs1 /u/docs/reports > cat os30120081107110621930 DCOS30R1 1 11/07/08 11:06:22 SEQ: 1 VF PAGE: SEW CARTON SELECTION EXCEPTIONS REPORT AS OF 11/07/08 SCHEDULE: 65 WAVE LOT SEG CODE SIZE PREPACK STORAGE CARTO ---- ------------------ ---------------- ---------- ------------- QTY SHORT --------- LOCATION -------- ----------------------- NO DATA EXISTS FOR THIS REPORT *** END OF REPORT *** 10.User tried to add UPS cartons manually Reference Ticket number: 07750223 Problem: Luray The user tried to add UPS cartons manually in “Add Fluid Load Cartons” screen. After the carton number is entered/scanned nothing has shown up. Resolution: SQL query was not working. 1) The butter of the sql query was extended 2) The parameters matched with the sql_statement. The code “” was modified by Mickey and migrated to Production. 11.Combine BOL Reference Ticket number: 07750425 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 11 2/25/2024 Problem: Mocksville Trying to combine two BOL numbers. It gave a error msg like “prepaid indicator is not marked on”. Resolution: Screen: Shipping -> BOL Maintenance -> Combined BOL BOL# 604289214 and 604289429 We updated the table docs13sh with the ppd_freight_cd = “B” matching with other other BOL. It worked fine. 12.Undo process failed Reference Ticket number: 07750509 Problem: Hollypond The background undo process dcos15ps failed. Resolution: The purge didn’t happened on the table docs47ol for the invoice nbr 69478453 So we deleted that row in the docs47ol table and asked the user to start the background undo process. ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS15PS ERROR NUMBER : 405 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : 4000 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : jordaro TIME : Mon Nov 10 09:07:03 2008 SQLCODE / DESC: -239 Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE IN DEX column. SQLERR ISAM : -100 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 193 SQLERR ROWID : 209665 MESSAGE : Delivery = 0069478453 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** 13.Undo process failed DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 12 2/25/2024 Reference Ticket number: 7751050 Problem: Connectship Issue The user is still waiting reply from Connectship. Resolution: We killed the process dcshj7 and asked the user to try it again. It worked fine. parthiu 51410 122838 1 13:47:37 pts/77 0:00 grep dcshj7 parthiu@lemcurs1 /tmp > ps -ef | grep DCSHC7 docs 92632 114736 0 13:18:51 - 0:00 DCSHC7PC 01 parthiu 267068 122838 0 13:47:46 pts/77 0:00 grep DCSHC7 14.Full case pick went to Ultra pick location. Reference Ticket number: 7751288 Problem: Luray The full case pick went to Ultra pick location which is not supposed to as per the user. Resolution: The cartons records which is in docs20ch should match with the docs11ch table. The full_case_pick_ind should be “Y” in both the tables in order to process the normal full case pick. Since it is doesn’t match in this case, it went to ultra pick location. So there is no issue in this scenario. 15.Carton not billed which is in freight floor Reference Ticket number: 07752491 Problem: Luray The carton is in freight floor and the user told it is in confirmed status. But the carton is not billed. Resolution: When we checked the table docs11ch (shipping carton table), we found that the carton status is “W” wave status. It is not confirmed yet. So we asked the user to go the freight floor confirmation screen and to confirm this carton. Then the carton status changed to “C” in docs11ch table. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 13 2/25/2024 Code is also fixed for USPS carrier irrespective of any customers. Refer the file dcsh27pf.4gl file. test_make dcsh27pf delta dcsh27pf.4gl prod_make dcsh27pf send_prog ALL bin dcsh27pf opcom migrate src dcsh27pf.4gl Since the docs67fl table is not updated in this case. We updated the table docs11ch as update docs11ch set carton_stat='W' where carton_bar_code='00000510710937398812' Then we went to freight floor and confirmed the carton. The table docs67fl is updated now. Searches the active database table. ** 1: docs67fl table** fluid_load_crtn_id [-1 ] carton_bar_code [00000510710937398812] shipping_loc [LUW] ups_service_code [06] ship_to_zip_code [09468 ] invoice_number [69440181] carton_ship_weight [2.70 ] cust_state_store [97956680801] wran_bol [ ] freight_amt [0.00 ] schd_nbr [70] pick_wave_nbr [20] fld_load_hold_ind [N] exp_trk_id [9101921507001937398816 ] delv_doc_nbr [0069440181] create_date_time [2008-11-11 10:39:39] 16.Order Schedule failed – docs5ajr Reference Ticket number: 7752729 1) Schedule failed for the step load_prod_orders due to database lock. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 14 2/25/2024 Resolution: Ran the docs5ajr. nohup docs5ajr 3 & 2) Order scheduling failed in profile_dfp step. Error: MESSAGE : No Pick Bin For 469810A DOCS5AJR: Failed in profile_dfp 12 P Resolution: Run the following query with the schedule number and ask the user to setup bin locations for all these SKUs. Once they get back saying everything has been setup then restart the job at the failed step. nohup docs5ajr 4 & select distinct b.lot_number, b.dim1, b.dim2 from docs11ch a, docs12cd b where a.ship_carton_nbr = b.ship_carton_nbr and a.schd_nbr = '61' and not exists (select * from docs06pb c where b.lot_number = c.lot_number and b.seg_code = c.seg_code and b.dim1 = c.dim1 and b.dim2 = c.dim2 and b.dim3 = c.dim3) 3) Job failed in preticket_extract due to error: Network receive failed. Restarted the job from failed step after logging in as docs user nohup docs5ajr 20 & 17.user tried to select dynamic pick location. Reference Ticket number: 7753174 Problem: Luray The user tried to select a dynamic pick location for lot# 98T47GH and the loc# U05056B Resolution: The user should not pick the dynamic pick location. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 15 2/25/2024 18.Bin Label for Shelf not printed properly Reference Ticket number: 7753261 Problem: Hollypond The user gave the locations C11-067A. C11-067B, etc It didn’t printed properly. Resolution: Checked the same in our local printer and it worked properly. Asked the user to check with some other printer. 19.docs55jr failure Reference Ticket number: 07757662 If docs55jr fails with error code 255 then restart the job with the following command as docs user nohup docs55jr <schedule_number> & nohup docs55jr 37 & nohup docs55jr 69 & other kind of failure: docs55jr unload to /home/rajak/ docs50sd_bk select * from docs50sd where carton_bar_code not in (select carton_bar_code from docs12cd) take a back up of this data fetched from this query and delete the data from this 50sd table and restart docs55jr with schd nbr. 20.Carton stuck in Q status Reference Ticket Number: 07756467 There are two possible places where the carton goes into Q status 1) During quarantine - DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 16 2/25/2024 Once the carton goes into Quarantine, the carton goes into Q status and gets a crtn_quar_grp value in the docs20ch. Now, when the user calls up saying that the carton is stuck in Q status then all we need to do is - Check to make sure the pre-note that the carton belongs to must be complete because, in Canada, the carton goes to the Q status until the whole pre-note has been received. - Check for a record in the docszgpt table, if it is not then place a record in that table and go to the quarantine screen and release it. Updated Reference Ticket Number: 07756467 There are two possible places where the carton goes into Q status 1) During quarantine Once the carton goes into Quarantine, the carton goes into Q status and you will fine crtn_quar_grp as null but you need to update the field with the query Update docs20ch Set crtn_quar_grp = ‘XYZ01” where storage_carton_nbr = '404893967' similary we need to create a entry in docszgpt for this carton and quar_grp -------------docszgpt------------parm_type [QR] parm_stat [A] storage_carton_nbr [404893967] received_date [ ] inbound_ship_nbr [132654CHR] asn_nbr [132654CHR ] po_nbr [ ] pack_location [ ] pack_employee_nbr [ ] cut_number [ ] lot_number [ ] seg_code [ ] dim1 [ ] dim2 [ ] dim3 [ ] qc_percent [ ] crtn_quar_grp [XYZ01] date_rel_op [] maint_date_time [ ] operator_initials [SKR] DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 17 2/25/2024 Then got to docs application screen by giving dcmn10pp dcmn10m1 Receiving->quarantine->quarantine review Then give the quarantine what you have given and then press F2 and then F3 Now check the status in the docs20ch table the carton_stat would be changed form Q status to A Check that by giving the query. select * from docs20ch where storage_carton_nbr = '404893967' 21.Error message in Fluid load gatepass screen: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 18 2/25/2024 Reference Ticket Number: 07757332 is the program that talks with the connectship shc7.div01 is the log file for the connectship. User was getting an error message something like – ‘postal code not provided for consignee’. In this case, find the carton number (which would be the shipper reference number) from the log file. Find the delivery number of the carton and check the ship to customer zip code – it should be just 5 character. If it is more than that then chop of the last few characters. Also make sure the state and city are valid ones. The valid states can be found in the above said program. It usually happens for Puerto Rican orders. 22.Cursor error ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCIF29PS ERROR NUMBER : 1100 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : 01100 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Wed Nov 19 06:23:31 2008 SQLCODE / DESC: -267 The cursor has been previously released and is unavailable. SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 417034 MESSAGE : Error fetching wrk1 table ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCSINVB PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Wed Nov 19 06:15:05 EST 2008 DOCSINVB: Failed in build_invwrk1 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 19 2/25/2024 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Restart the job by passing the time parameter, which can be got from log file( /tmp/docsinvb.debug) docsinvb <physical plant code> <timestamp> <begin step> <end step> Eg nohup docsinvb 0008 2008-11-1818:25:00.87624 2 & 23.Schedule stuck: User called and reported that the schedule is stuck. Check in which step the order scheduling job(docs5ajr) is stuck. > ps -ef | grep docs5a docs 32934 43376 0 07:59:37 pts/17 0:00 /bin/ksh /usr/docs/scripts/docs5ajr docs 43376 1 0 07:59:37 pts/17 0:00 opcom docs5ajr ramans 73000 80976 1 08:14:02 pts/0 0:00 grep docs5a ramans@rkhsurs1 /tmp > ps -ef | grep 32934 docs 32934 43376 0 07:59:37 pts/17 0:00 /bin/ksh /usr/docs/scripts/docs5ajr ramans 55868 80976 0 08:15:36 pts/0 0:00 grep 32934 docs 92928 32934 0 07:59:41 pts/17 0:00 dcos62ps Kill the step that is stuck ramans@rkhsurs1 /tmp opcom kill -9 92928 Login as docs and restart the job from the step in which it has failed. docs@rkhsurs1 /usr/docs/scripts $ nohup docs5ajr 7 & DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 20 2/25/2024 24.To reprint Spl OPS ticket: User called and told that he wants to reprint a Special OPS ticket for a carton that has already been confirmed to shipping. Resolution: Execute the following query that is available in /u/butlera/insrt23tk, by changing the ship carton number. Query: insert into docs23tk (crtn_bar_code, pck_path_grp,pck_path_seq, whse_bin_loc, prod, seg_code, dim1,dim2, invc_nbr, pc, cust, cust_dept, cust_item, tkt_fmt_code, upc, pck_qty, rtl_pr, cust_whls_pr, spl_oper_code_1, spl_oper_code_2, spl_oper_code_3, spl_oper_code_4, spl_oper_code_5, spl_oper_code_6, spl_oper_code_7, delv_doc_nbr, crte_date_time) select b.carton_bar_code,pick_path_grp, pick_path_seq, d.whse_bin_location, d.lot_number, d.seg_code, d.dim1, d.dim2, a.invoice_number, ' ', a.customer_number, a.cust_dept, c.customer_item, '01', c.universal_prd_cd, pick_qty, c.suggest_rtl_price, c.garment_whlse_prc, spl_oper_code_1, spl_oper_code_2, spl_oper_code_3, spl_oper_code_4, spl_oper_code_5, spl_oper_code_6, spl_oper_code_7, b.delv_doc_nbr, current from docs10oh a, docs11ch b, docs12cd c, docs30pw d where b.ship_carton_nbr in ( '094048757' ) and a.invoice_number = b.invoice_number and b.ship_carton_nbr = c.ship_carton_nbr and b.ship_carton_nbr = d.ship_carton_nbr and c.lot_number = d.lot_number and c.dim1 = d.dim1 and c.dim2 = d.dim2 25.Problem with startup script (EOD) User called stating that there is a problem with startup and DCMH88PC is not running. Resolution: Check whether DCMH81PC and DCMH86PC are running DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 21 2/25/2024 ps –ef | grep DCMH81PC ps –ef | grep DCMH86PC If both are running, start the DCMH88PC by passing divert station as parameter nohup DCMH88PC 10 & 26.Closing UPS manifest not working: Description: User called in said that UPS trailer is not getting closed. She is getting an error “ Service not available to the country” Solution: Check in /tmp/shc7.01 for the error message <SHIPRESPONSE><RESPONSE><TRANSACTIONREFERENCE><CUSTOMERCONTEXT >Local mode using Progistics XML Proce ssor</CUSTOMERCONTEXT><XPCIVERSION>6.1.17</XPCIVERSION></TRANSACTI ONREFERENCE><RESPONSESTATUSCODE>2< /RESPONSESTATUSCODE><RESPONSESTATUSDESCRIPTION>Failure</RESPONSES TATUSDESCRIPTION><RESPONSEERROR><ER RORSEVERITY>Failure</ERRORSEVERITY><ERRORCODE>1001</ERRORCODE><ER RORDESCRIPTION>Service not availabl e to this country</ERRORDESCRIPTION><MINIMUMRETRYSECONDS>N/A</MINIMUMRETRYS ECONDS><ERRORLOCATION><ER RORLOCATIONELEMENTNAME>N/A</ERRORLOCATIONELEMENTNAME><ERRORLOC ATIONELEMENTREFERENCE>N/A</ERRORLOCATI ONELEMENTREFERENCE><ERRORLOCATIONATTRIBUTENAME>N/A</ERRORLOCATI ONATTRIBUTENAME></ERRORLOCATION><ERRO RDIGEST>N/A</ERRORDIGEST></RESPONSEERROR></RESPONSE><RATEDSHIPM ENT><ERROR><ERRORCODE>1001</ERRORCODE ><ERRORDESCRIPTION>Package #1: Service not available to this country</ERRORDESCRIPTION></ERROR><BILL INGWEIGHT><WEIGHTUNITS>LB</WEIGHTUNITS><WEIGHTVALUE>6.5000</WEI GHTVALUE></BILLINGWEIGHT><TOTALCHARGE S><CURRENCYCODE>UNKNOWN</CURRENCYCODE><MONETARYVALUE>0.00</MO NETARYVALUE></TOTALCHARGES><TRANSPORTAT IONCHARGES><CURRENCYCODE>UNKNOWN</CURRENCYCODE><MONETARYVALU E>0.00</MONETARYVALUE></TRANSPORTATIONCH ARGES><SERVICEOPTIONSCHARGES><CURRENCYCODE>UNKNOWN</CURRENCYC ODE><MONETARYVALUE>0.00</MONETARYVALUE> </SERVICEOPTIONSCHARGES><DISCOUNT><CURRENCYCODE>UNKNOWN</CURR ENCYCODE><MONETARYVALUE>0.00</MONETARYV DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 22 2/25/2024 ALUE></DISCOUNT><GUARANTEEDDAYSTODELIVERY>None</GUARANTEEDDAYST ODELIVERY><SCHEDULEDDELIVERYTIME>None </SCHEDULEDDELIVERYTIME><ARRIVEDATE>n/a</ARRIVEDATE><RATEDPACKAG E><PKGERROR><ERRORCODE>3013</ERRORCO DE><ERRORDESCRIPTION>Service not available to this country</ERRORDESCRIPTION><LABELSTATUS><ERRORCODE >2425</ERRORCODE><ERRORDESCRIPTION>Not generated due to previous error</ERRORDESCRIPTION></LABELSTAT US><HTMLSTATUS><ERRORCODE>2425</ERRORCODE><ERRORDESCRIPTION>N ot generated due to previous error</ERR ORDESCRIPTION></HTMLSTATUS><EMAILSTATUS><ERRORCODE>2428</ERRORC ODE><ERRORDESCRIPTION>Not Requested</ ERRORDESCRIPTION></EMAILSTATUS></PKGERROR><PKGSERVICE><SCS>TAND ATA_UPS.UPS.GND</SCS><DESCRIPTION/></ PKGSERVICE><PACKAGETOTALCHARGES><CURRENCYCODE>N/A</CURRENCYCOD E><MONETARYVALUE>0</MONETARYVALUE></PA CKAGETOTALCHARGES><PACKAGEBASECHARGES><CURRENCYCODE>N/A</CURRE NCYCODE><MONETARYVALUE>0</MONETARYVALU E></PACKAGEBASECHARGES><PACKAGESERVICEOPTIONSCHARGES><CURRENCY CODE>N/A</CURRENCYCODE><MONETARYVALUE> 0</MONETARYVALUE></PACKAGESERVICEOPTIONSCHARGES><PACKAGEDISCOUN T><CURRENCYCODE>N/A</CURRENCYCODE><MO NETARYVALUE>0</MONETARYVALUE></PACKAGEDISCOUNT><DELIVERYINFO><T RACKINGNUMBER>N/A</TRACKINGNUMBER><SH IPDATE>4/1/2009</SHIPDATE><GUARANTEEDDAYSTODELIVERY>None</GUARANT EEDDAYSTODELIVERY><SCHEDULEDDELIVER YTIME>None</SCHEDULEDDELIVERYTIME><ARRIVEDATE>n/a</ARRIVEDATE><W AYBILLBOLNUMBER/><TRACKING_NUMBER_2/ ><ORIGINATOR_TRACKING_NUMBER/></DELIVERYINFO><REFERENCE><SHIPPER REFERENCE>098226358</SHIPPERREFERENC E><CONSIGNEEREFERENCE>595026930</CONSIGNEEREFERENCE><MISCREFEREN CE1>098226358</MISCREFERENCE1><MISCR EFERENCE2>595026930</MISCREFERENCE2></REFERENCE><PKGWEIGHT><WEI GHTUNITS>LB</WEIGHTUNITS><WEIGHTVALUE >6.5000</WEIGHTVALUE></PKGWEIGHT><PKGBILLINGWEIGHT><WEIGHTUNITS >LB</WEIGHTUNITS><WEIGHTVALUE>6.5000< /WEIGHTVALUE></PKGBILLINGWEIGHT><LABELREQUESTINFO><SHIPPER>EPW</ SHIPPER><SCS>TANDATA_UPS.UPS.GND</SC S><SC/><MSN>0</MSN><BUNDLEID>0</BUNDLEID><POSTALCODE>NONE</PO STALCODE></LABELREQUESTINFO><MMSPIECEI and get the ship_carton_nbr and check that carton in the docs11ch table to find the delv_doc_nbr. With that delv_doc_nbr, search in docs10oh, change the service level code for the delivery in docs10oh and docs67fl tables from “03” to “02” sice the ship to country code was VI, and common carrier is UPS 27.DOCS22JR failure DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 23 2/25/2024 **************** DOCS22jr failure **************** check for logs cd /tmp + dcif19pc ==> Error : DOCS22JR/dcif19pc : Could Not Read Header BBL.DOCSWB.DOCS.CC5HDR + mg_error_nbr=255 + return 255 + mg_error_nbr=255 + dccm07pc docs22jr process_ack 255 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS22JR: Failed in process_ack Return Code 255 + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 ~ cd /usr/docs/logs cat error.log.trf ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS22JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Mon Apr 20 05:56:09 EDT 2009 DOCS22JR: Failed in process_ack Return Code 255 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** check with the scripts for the process_ack step. SInce its a step array we will have a step number for this. cd /usr/docs/scripts vi docs22jr #################################################### ############## # # MAIN DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 24 2/25/2024 # # Step Array Structure #################################################### ########### set -A step_array extract_ord_bal \ validate_file \ upload_file \ wait_for_ack \ process_ack \ clean_up Since process ack is the 5th step in this step arry we need to start the job from failed step. su - docs pwd - **** $>>nohup docs22jr 5 1>>/tmp/docs22jr.debug & so once giving this command goto tmp dir and check whether it got through fine or not. Note - start this job after some 1 hour time after get this ticket, No idea of why we are doing that. only applicable for this jobs not for anyother job. Job was restarted from 5th step. Earlier there was a lock on the header file due to FTP which led to the error. nohup docs21jr 1>>/tmp/docs22jr.debug & 28. DCMHS6PC died, issue: DCSHC6PC died, need to start it. soln: i grep the process it found its not running. so started su - docs pwd dcif70pcMickey : I did 'qdump 917509 >shc6.queue 2>&1' this dumped everything from the que to file shc6.queue in my home directory I then did vi shc6.queue to see what was in there, a bunch of QUIT messages follow by a request for FEDX manifest. I then did 'msgsend DCSHC6PC 01 '2FEDXN' to request the manifest DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 25 2/25/2024 29. Abend in DCPK24PF screen ISSUE: The case number is 098827151. It needs to be cancelled but we get the below abend whenever we try to cancel. Call back # is 336-936-2105 rajak@lemcurs1 > dcpk24pf rajak DCPK24PF +------------------------------------------------ ADVANCED PICK EXCEPTION ENTRY -------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | Carton: 098827151 Pick Qty/Pick Area | | ------------------ | | Bin Var Lot Seg Code Dim1 Dim2 Dim3 Exp Act Adj | | -------- ------------------ ----------------- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --| | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 HELP MAIN CLEAR DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 26 2/25/2024 abend screen: +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | *************** Program Abend *************** | | | Module : DCPK24PF | | Error number : 2 | | Paragraph : pk24_display_screen | | Sqlcode :0 | | Message : | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Press any key to continue | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | code: +495 +496 +497 +498 +499 +500 +501 +502 +503 +504 +505 +506 +507 +508 function pk24_display_screen() let cm99_record.pgph = "pk24_display_screen" let cm99_record.error_nbr = 2 open window w_pick_exception at 1,1 with 24 rows, 132 columns let cm99_record.error_nbr = 3 open form dcpk24m1 from "dcpk24m1" let cm99_record.error_nbr = 4 display form dcpk24m1 call cm03_screen_display132(lt_module,lt_title) call cm04_fkey_display("*"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","*","*") end function info.log ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCPK24PF ERROR NUMBER : 134 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : pk24_upd_ord_ship LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : mauldia DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 27 2/25/2024 TIME : Wed Apr 22 04:35:40 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: -239 Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column. SQLERR ISAM : -100 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 316 SQLERR ROWID : 993538 MESSAGE : ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** mg_carton_stat like DOCS11CH.carton_stat, ********* DOCS11CH ********* invoice_number [72008627] ship_carton_nbr [098827151] ship_carton_ckdig [6] carton_bar_code [00000510710988271515] whse_bin_location [ ] ppk_pull_bin_loc [ ] frt_bin_loc [ ] nbr_of_sbus [0 ] wran_bol [0604533232] carton_type [M12] carton_stat [W] crtn_stat_override [ ] carton_ship_class [1] carton_load_type [SL] carton_ship_weight [14.30 ] carton_cubic_ft [2.710 ] freight_amt [0.00 ] calc_pay_amt [ ] crtn_est_ship_wgt [14.30 ] pallet_ind [] cartons_per_pallet [0 ] split_carton_seq [375 ] split_carton_total [391 ] qc_date_time [ ] inspection_code [PK] spl_oper_ind [] swog_invc_nbr [ ] packing_remarks [ common_carrier [CPU ] truck_date [ ] truck_number [ ] route_code [CC] kmart_po_date [ ] customer_number [81195] mark_for_cust_sto [ ] dest_cust_nbr [81195360893] DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 28 ] 2/25/2024 dest_addr_line_1 [ ] dest_addr_line_2 [ ] dest_addr_line_3 [ ] dest_addr_line_4 [ ] dest_addr_line_5 [ ] dest_city [ ] dest_state [ ] dest_zip_code [ ] cust_ppk_item_nbr [ ] kmrt_ppk_dept_seas [ ] mstr_item [ ] crtn_per_mstr_item [0 ] nbr_of_lots [1 ] last_crtn_ind [] clst_irg_proc_ind [ ] clsout_lot_number [ ] clsout_asst_scale [ ] irg_lot_number [ ] primary_lot_number [ ] nbr_prepack_pcs [0 ] storage_carton_nbr [ ] asst_code [ ] shipping_loc [MOW] profit_center [L ] schd_nbr [64] pick_wave_nbr [17] schd_date [ ] order_type [RG] completed_by_emp [ ] complete_date_time [ ] print_status [Y] ups_tracking_id [0 ] fld_load_hold_ind [N] full_case_pick_ind [ ] trlr_nbr [ ] item_grp_nbr [ ] exp_trk_id [ ] delv_doc_nbr [0072008627] swog_delv_doc_nbr [ ] sold_to_acct_nbr [81195 ] epc_number [ ] special_hdl_cd [ ] connship_ship_dt [ ] connship_mnft_id [0 ] connship_msg_id [0 ] maint_date_time [2009-04-22 04:15:35.00000] operator_initials [ ] create_date_time [2009-04-17 08:40:06.82775] -------------------------------------------------------------------********* DOCS47OL DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 29 2/25/2024 ********* invoice_nbr [72008627] order_stat [C] order_type [RG] freight_amt [0.00 ] release_date [04/22/2009] cpu_late_ind [] wran_bol [0604533232] route_code [CC] bill_hold_ind [N] undo_ind [] del_ind [] upd_actv_code [453] delv_doc_nbr [0072008627] create_date_time [2009-04-22 03:53:02.000] code: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------+4836 # There are confirmed and/or shipped cartons for this invoice +4837 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------+4838 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------+4839 # if the original carton was 'W' and there are currently confirmed cartons +4840 # update the order stat to 'C' and generate a DOCS47OL(453). +4841 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------+4842 +4843 if mg_carton_stat = 'W' and +4844 confirmed_crtns then +4845 let cm99_record.error_nbr = 221 +4846 execute pre_upd_ord_stat using lt_confirmed, +4847 mg_temp_rec.delv_doc_nbr +4848 let cm99_record.error_nbr = 134 +4849 insert into DOCS47OL(delv_doc_nbr, +4850 invoice_nbr, +4851 order_stat, +4852 order_type, +4853 freight_amt, +4854 upd_actv_code, +4855 release_date, +4856 cpu_late_ind, +4857 wran_bol, +4858 route_code, +4859 bill_hold_ind, +4860 co_plant_nbr, +4861 create_date_time) +4862 values (mg_temp_rec.delv_doc_nbr, +4863 mg_temp_rec.invoice_number, +4864 lt_confirmed, +4865 mg_temp_rec.order_type, +4866 mg_temp_rec.freight_amt, DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 30 2/25/2024 +4867 "453", +4868 current year to day, +4869 mg_temp_rec.cust_pkup_late_ind, +4870 mg_temp_rec.wran_bol, +4871 mg_temp_rec.route_code, +4872 mg_temp_rec.bill_hold_ind, +4873 mg_temp_rec.co_plant_nbr, +4874 current year to fraction) +4875 call pk24_chk_prt() +4876 return +4877 end if function +5011 +5012 +5013 +5014 +5015 +5016 +5017 +5018 +5019 +5020 +5021 +5022 +5023 +5024 +5025 +5026 pk24_chk_prt() let cm99_record.pgph = "pk24_chk_prt" initialize print_line to null #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# If whse = LX5 print master packing list. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------if mg_whse_loc = 'LX5' then let print_line = "dcsh51pc"," ",mg_temp_rec.delv_doc_nbr run print_line clipped without waiting end if end function solution: Check with the code it has done all the things it has to do. It needs to update the table docs47ol, it has done with it. the user is getting an error like duplicate value in unique index column. So he has already done with his thing but trying to do the same again so he gets an abend. what we did is we have took a back up of the content from docs47ol table and deleted that. Asked user again to give a try to insert, so now it worked. 30) FEDEX MANIFESTING ISSUE: - Duplicate issue FedEx says that the carton is already in the DB, whereas the connectship and DOCS does not have the traces of having got the response DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 31 2/25/2024 Check for shc07.div01 in /tmp. 079902914830035 </TRACKINGNUMBER><CONSIGNEEREFERENCE>200911300013</CONSIGNEE REFERENCE><SHIPPERREFERENCE> Ship_carton_number : 099034921 1) Checked in connectship, not in there. Now I will have to check in FedEx database for their presence. 2) Click on Interactive SQL. Userid is fedexcustomer and password is fxrs and on the next tab select the server as db97 3) Run the below query taking the ship_carton_nbr select MeterNumber, TrackingNumber, MasterTrackingNumber, LastModified, SenderAccountNumber, NetChargeAmount, FagePurchaseOrderNumber from fedex.GroundShipment where packagepurchaseordernumber in ('096747406' ) order by creationdatetime desc DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 32 2/25/2024 In this case, a record was found in here. So I am going to manually ship and bill the carton and delivery 4) Insert docs13sh for this FedEx carton Take the existing fluid_load_bol (in this case 25321 from the docs33sc table) and prefix it with 90000 9000025321 To insert a record, just pull in the existing FedEx isql record and change it to our needs in docs13sh table. 5) Update docs11ch update docs11ch set carton_stat = 'S' , freight_amt = 7.22 , exp_trk_id = '079902914785403' , connship_msg_id = '999999' , connship_ship_dt = '04/23/2009' DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential --- net charge amount/100 Page 33 2/25/2024 , wran_bol = '9000025321' where delv_doc_nbr = '0071741634' and ship_carton_nbr = '098853215' 6) update 10oh Check if all the cartons are in shipped status. select sum(freight_amt) from docs11ch where delv_doc_nbr = '0071741634' (sum) 14.79 update docs10oh set order_stat = 'S' , freight_amt = 14.79 where delv_doc_nbr = '0071741634' 7) Insert 44sl insert into docs44sl (upd_actv_code, upd_actv_date_time, wran_bol, cust_ship_to_nbr, invoice_number, ship_carton_nbr, carton_load_type, carton_weight, carton_cubic_ft, ship_to_addr_line1, freight_amt, release_date, common_carrier, carrier_ref_nbr, route_code, delv_doc_nbr, sold_to_acct_nbr, ship_to_store) select "451", current year to fraction(5), a.wran_bol, b.cust_ship_to_nbr, a.invoice_number, a.ship_carton_nbr, DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 34 2/25/2024 a.carton_load_type, a.carton_ship_weight, a.carton_cubic_ft, b.ship_to_addr_line1, a.freight_amt, "01/19/2009", a.common_carrier, a.wran_bol, a.route_code, a.delv_doc_nbr, b.sold_to_acct_nbr, b.ship_to_cust_store from docs11ch a, docs10oh b where a.delv_doc_nbr = b.delv_doc_nbr and a.ship_carton_nbr in ( '098853214') 1 row inserted 8) Insert 47ol insert into docs47ol (ivoice_nbr, order_stat, order_type, freight_amt, release_date, route_code, cpu_late_ind, bill_hold_ind, wran_bol, upd_actv_code, delv_doc_nbr, create_date_time) select distinct invoice_number, order_stat, order_type, freight_amt, "04/23/2009", route_code, cust_pkup_late_ind, bill_hold_ind, '9000025321', "451", delv_doc_nbr, current year to fraction(5) from docs10oh where delv_doc_nbr in ( '0071741634' DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 35 2/25/2024 ) 9) delete 67fl fluid_load_crtn_id [8296204 ] carton_bar_code [00000510710988532142] shipping_loc [EPW] ups_service_code [10] ship_to_zip_code [243332512] invoice_number [71741634] carton_ship_weight [13.30 ] cust_state_store [89064441175] wran_bol [ ] freight_amt [0.00 ] schd_nbr [87] pick_wave_nbr [31] fld_load_hold_ind [N] exp_trk_id [079902914785397 delv_doc_nbr [0071741634] create_date_time [2009-04-22 10:24:44] ] 31) Archive Ontape out issue: Ticket 8016687 Issue : user is running the EOD process and he is in the start up, he gets instruction to pull out the archive tape and insert new tape. When he does that he finds nothg happens from his side. The mesg what he is getting is “ please insert tape in rmt2 and press return to continue”. Soln: We found the rmt2 drive was in defined(down) status, so raised the ticket with UNIX group and made the drive up. Then he started running EOD everthg went fine. rmt0 rmt1 rmt2 rmt3 lsdev -C | grep rmt Available Available Available Available 06-08-00-0,0 08-08-00-4,0 08-08-01-5,0 08-08-01-6,0 LVD SCSI 4mm Tape Drive LVD SCSI 4mm Tape Drive SCSI 4mm Tape Drive SCSI 4mm Tape Drive if still get the same mesg then ask the user to process the clean up take for archive logs and insert a new drive and then give a try, if still it doesn’t work then ask the user to run the clean up process 2 or 3 times and then insert new drive to proceed. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 36 2/25/2024 32) UPS manifesting monitor: Bob, When you are ready to do the next UPS manifest , call the help desk and ask for the DOCS on call so they can monitor the process. DOCS on callWhen you get the call for this , tail shc7.div01 and monitor the process. When that completes , tail shc6.div01 until it is complete. Check Connectship - End of Day - to make sure the manifest is created. Call Hackleburg contact back to see if it printed. Connectship/Loftware servers: No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Warehouse Server Username Password Seminole wr072asem docsconnship DCday#22 Luray wr082alur docsconnship DCday#22 El Paso wr092aelpaso docsconnship DCday#22 Hackleburg WR162AHAK docsconnship DCday#22 Mocksville lemc2amock docsconnship DCday#22 Holly Pond lehp2ahol docsconnship DCday#22 Mississauga rkhs2abrampton docsconnship DCday#22 BOXS and DOCS: Application Environment Server Username Password BOXS Development itgcurs9 boxs Herb BOXS Production itgcurs90 boxs Golive BOXES SYSD itgcucsqa03 Boxes Herb DOCS Development vfhqurs2 docs Herb DOCS Development itgcurs102 docs golive4 DOCS Production all docs Herb DOCS SYSD Itgcucsqa02 Docs Herb DMS Dev/PROD Nu67urs4,5 dmsadm samicat FMS PROD Nu66urs1 dmsadm Usf78 WinSQL: Appication ID Password WinSQL SYSD herb WinSQL BOXSPROD golive DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 37 2/25/2024 userid: paswd: fedexuser Fedusr#1 33) Restart the Loftware server: Got to the required server Start > programs > loftware labeling > print server > LPS configuration(general -> service manager) Check Start > programs > loftware labeling > print server > Local Clients > LPS status client 34) Packing slips not printing: Restart the pgm Check with the print status in docs11ch before you do this, the status should be NULL update docs11ch set print_status=" " where schd_nbr= dclw04ps <schedule #> sh02* - full case pick sh04* - pack slips 35) Routers not printing: Going forward, we should not be seeing any similar issues. With help of the Unix team we figured out an easy fix for this issue, change the permission of the directory where the router files get created. With already an unmask of 644 on the files that get created in this directory, the issue should be fixed. To test it, I created a file as me and tried removing it as different user and it worked fine for me. I think this should put an end to the router issues. Any questions, kindly let me know. 36) Invalid weight while closing FEDX: Check in /tmp DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 38 2/25/2024 Shc7.div01 logs <SHIPRESPONSE><RESPONSE><TRANSACTIONREFERENCE><CUSTOMERCONTE XT>Local mode using Progistics XML Processor</CUSTOMERCONTEXT><XPCIVERSION>6.1.17</ XPCIVERSION></TRANSACTIONREFERENCE><RESPONSESTATUSCODE>2</RESPO NSESTATUSCODE><RESPONSESTATUSDESCRIPTION>Failure</RESPONSESTATUSD ESCRIPTION><RES PONSEERROR><ERRORSEVERITY>Failure</ERRORSEVERITY><ERRORCODE>1001 </ERRORCODE><ERRORDESCRIPTION>Package weight exceeds maximum</ERRORDESCRIPTION> <MINIMUMRETRYSECONDS>N/A</MINIMUMRETRYSECONDS><ERRORLOCATION>< ERRORLOCATIONELEMENTNAME>N/A</ERRORLOCATIONELEMENTNAME><ERRORL OCATIONELEMENTREFER ENCE>N/A</ERRORLOCATIONELEMENTREFERENCE><ERRORLOCATIONATTRIBUTEN AME>N/A</ERRORLOCATIONATTRIBUTENAME></ERRORLOCATION><ERRORDIGES T>N/A</ERRORDIGE ST></RESPONSEERROR></RESPONSE><RATEDSHIPMENT><ERROR><ERRORCOD E>1001</ERRORCODE><ERRORDESCRIPTION>Package #1: Package weight exceeds maximum</ER RORDESCRIPTION></ERROR><BILLINGWEIGHT><WEIGHTUNITS>LB</WEIGHTUN ITS><WEIGHTVALUE>4,025.6000</WEIGHTVALUE></BILLINGWEIGHT><TOTALCH ARGES><CURRENCY CODE>UNKNOWN</CURRENCYCODE><MONETARYVALUE>0.00</MONETARYVALUE ></TOTALCHARGES><TRANSPORTATIONCHARGES><CURRENCYCODE>UNKNOWN </CURRENCYCODE><MONETA RYVALUE>0.00</MONETARYVALUE></TRANSPORTATIONCHARGES><SERVICEOPTI ONSCHARGES><CURRENCYCODE>UNKNOWN</CURRENCYCODE><MONETARYVALU E>0.00</MONETARYVAL UE></SERVICEOPTIONSCHARGES><DISCOUNT><CURRENCYCODE>UNKNOWN</C URRENCYCODE><MONETARYVALUE>0.00</MONETARYVALUE></DISCOUNT><GUA RANTEEDDAYSTODELIVER Y>None</GUARANTEEDDAYSTODELIVERY><SCHEDULEDDELIVERYTIME>None</SC HEDULEDDELIVERYTIME><ARRIVEDATE>n/a</ARRIVEDATE><RATEDPACKAGE><P KGERROR><ERRORC ODE>3007</ERRORCODE><ERRORDESCRIPTION>Package weight exceeds maximum</ERRORDESCRIPTION><LABELSTATUS><ERRORCODE>2425</ERRORC ODE><ERRORDESCRIPTIO N>Not generated due to previous error</ERRORDESCRIPTION></LABELSTATUS><HTMLSTATUS><ERRORCODE>242 5</ERRORCODE><ERRORDESCRIPTION>Not generated du e to previous error</ERRORDESCRIPTION></HTMLSTATUS><EMAILSTATUS><ERRORCODE>242 8</ERRORCODE><ERRORDESCRIPTION>Not Requested</ERRORDESCRIPTION></ EMAILSTATUS></PKGERROR><PKGSERVICE><SCS>TANDATA_FEDEXFSMS.FEDEX. GND</SCS><DESCRIPTION/></PKGSERVICE><PACKAGETOTALCHARGES><CURRE NCYCODE>N/A</CUR RENCYCODE><MONETARYVALUE>0</MONETARYVALUE></PACKAGETOTALCHARGE S><PACKAGEBASECHARGES><CURRENCYCODE>N/A</CURRENCYCODE><MONETA RYVALUE>0</MONETARYV ALUE></PACKAGEBASECHARGES><PACKAGESERVICEOPTIONSCHARGES><CURRE NCYCODE>N/A</CURRENCYCODE><MONETARYVALUE>0</MONETARYVALUE></PA CKAGESERVICEOPTIONS DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 39 2/25/2024 CHARGES><PACKAGEDISCOUNT><CURRENCYCODE>N/A</CURRENCYCODE><MO NETARYVALUE>0</MONETARYVALUE></PACKAGEDISCOUNT><DELIVERYINFO><T RACKINGNUMBER>N/A</T RACKINGNUMBER><SHIPDATE>4/30/2009</SHIPDATE><GUARANTEEDDAYSTODEL IVERY>None</GUARANTEEDDAYSTODELIVERY><SCHEDULEDDELIVERYTIME>None </SCHEDULEDDELI VERYTIME><ARRIVEDATE>n/a</ARRIVEDATE><WAYBILLBOLNUMBER/><TRACKIN G_NUMBER_2/><ORIGINATOR_TRACKING_NUMBER/></DELIVERYINFO><REFEREN CE><SHIPPERREFE RENCE>099159229</SHIPPERREFERENCE><CONSIGNEEREFERENCE>1213760060</CONSIGNEEREFERENCE></REFERENCE><PKGWEIGHT><WEIGHTUNITS>LB </WEIGHTUNITS><WEIG HTVALUE>4,025.6000</WEIGHTVALUE></PKGWEIGHT><PKGBILLINGWEIGHT><W EIGHTUNITS>LB</WEIGHTUNITS><WEIGHTVALUE>4,025.6000</WEIGHTVALUE> </PKGBILLINGWEI GHT><LABELREQUESTINFO><SHIPPER>EPW</SHIPPER><SCS>TANDATA_FEDEXF SMS.FEDEX.GND</SCS><SC/><MSN>0</MSN><BUNDLEID>0</BUNDLEID><POS TALCODE>NONE</POST ALCODE></LABELREQUESTINFO><MMSPIECEID>N/A</MMSPIECEID></RATEDPAC KAGE></RATEDSHIPMENT></SHIPRESPONSE>^M In process_ship_hold_reply() Error in Connectship reply msn = 0 Error in send ship hold msn err = 0 waiting for message on queue... message rc = 136 In do_ship_hold() for carton 099159229 carton = 099159229, delv = 0072163141 carr = FEDX, svc lvl = 10 In build_ship_hold() after: BOOT BARN #60 BLVD STE 500 CORRAL WEST #33 In send_ship_hold_request() prqst lbl_prt_nm = 24.00 14.50 10.75 1N label port = \\ITGC2ACONNECT\ printer sym = set bol to null pay type = 1 /exceeds Soln: So went and update the table docs11ch invoice_number 72163141 ship_carton_nbr 099159229 ship_carton_ckdig 6 carton_bar_code 00000510710991592294 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 40 2/25/2024 whse_bin_location L99-003A ppk_pull_bin_loc frt_bin_loc nbr_of_sbus 0 wran_bol 9999999999 carton_type E4 carton_stat C crtn_stat_override carton_ship_class 1 carton_load_type FL carton_ship_weight 26.00 got this weight from the user who called me. carton_cubic_ft 2.387 freight_amt 0.00 calc_pay_amt crtn_est_ship_wgt 25.90 pallet_ind cartons_per_pallet 0 split_carton_seq 1 split_carton_total 1 qc_date_time then it went fine to close Fedx. update docs11ch set carton_ship_weight = crtn_est_ship_wgt where carton_stat = 'C' and carton_ship_weight > '300' 37) Change Carton Status: Issue : to change the ship carton status for Carton # 003618734 to W status. Soln : updated the docs11ch table. 38) Change service code in Fedx or UPS: Get the carton # and change the service code in docs10oh table Query: select * from docs10oh where delv_doc_nbr='0072256431' update docs10oh set ups_service_code=’10’ where delv_doc_nbr='0072256431' 39) Prepacks did not print in Seminole: sev1 prepacks did not print ticket # 8030282 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 41 2/25/2024 Seminole Oklahoma delv_doc-nbr# 0072256431 on sch 68 wave 01 Sch 68 wave 01 Prepacks 8 cartons did not process and print Thanks SOln: i just grepped for the delivery in sh04 and sh02 but did not find it so ran docs56jr with schedule number 40) PROGRAM down: tty's were down, so unix brought them up and we restarted the programs fine. lsdev -C | grep tty rajak@itgcurs102 lsdev -C | grep tty tty0 tty1 tty2 Available 01-S1-00-00 Available 01-S2-00-00 Available 01-S3-00-00 Asynchronous Terminal Asynchronous Terminal Asynchronous Terminal if it says defined that means it is down if it says available then it means what it says 41) Come out of AUTO mode: issue: 08040011 User said that she have operator in Auto mode and she want it to be out or AUTo mode. User siad that its for DOCS. Operator :-- papw. User need Sev-2 for this issue. Soln: dcrc57pf record needs to be removed from docs68re table DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 42 2/25/2024 Searches the active database table. module_id [DCRC57PF] last_rec_committed [ [ [ [ [ create_date_time [ ] maint_date_time [ ] ** 1: docs68re table** ] ] ] ] ] 42) docs5ajr issue (duplicate record): > cat error.log.trf ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : dcos61pc ERROR NUMBER : 5 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : main LINE NUMBER : 202 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Fri May 15 08:38:26 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 274 SQLERR ROWID : 621313 MESSAGE : Error executing os61_ins47ol_pre ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Fri May 15 08:38:07 CDT 2009 DOCS5AJR: Failed in load_prod_orders ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** info.log ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 43 2/25/2024 PARAGRAPH/LINE: 1388 ERROR NUMBER: 185 SQL STATUS: 0 EMPLOYEE: oper1 "info.log" 2164 lines, 55487 characters SQLERR ISAM : -100 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 274 SQLERR ROWID : 621313 MESSAGE : Error executing os61_ins47ol_pre ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : dcos61pc ERROR NUMBER : 90 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : os61_insert_docs47ol LINE NUMBER : 3104 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Fri May 15 09:08:26 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: -239 Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column. SQLERR ISAM : -100 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 274 SQLERR ROWID : 621313 MESSAGE : Error executing os61_ins47ol_pre ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** docs470l ******** remove this duplicate value invoice_nbr [72387127] order_stat [W] order_type [RG] freight_amt [0.00 ] release_date [05/13/2009] cpu_late_ind [] wran_bol [ ] route_code [CC] bill_hold_ind [N] undo_ind [] del_ind [D] upd_actv_code [453] delv_doc_nbr [0072387127] create_date_time [2009-05-15 05:02:17.000] DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 44 2/25/2024 Mickey Whitt/VFSer... it you look at info.log you will see it is getting duplicate docs47ol entries Karthick Raja/Cont... ok Karthick Raja/Cont... i will check Mickey Whitt/VFSer... I have a query in my home directory, dup47ol.sql, if you run this you will see delv doc nbr 0072387127 was created at 5:02 this morning. Delete this 1 entry and restart docs5ajr Mickey Whitt/VFSer... this was caused from the trouble they had backing out schedule 31 this morning Karthick Raja/Cont... ok Karthick Raja/Cont... i will do that Karthick Raja/Cont... can i restart from the 3rd step or 1st step Mickey Whitt/VFSer... 3rd step Karthick Raja/Cont... ok thanks Karthick Raja/Cont... it went successfully Mickey Whitt/VFSer... ok Karthick Raja/Cont... the delv docs nbr you have given will that be changing if similiar kinda isue raises in future Karthick Raja/Cont... ? Mickey Whitt/VFSer... yes, when a schdule is backed out it is supposed to delete the docs47ol with order_stat W for each delv docs in the schedule Mickey Whitt/VFSer... When they had the problem this morning, it seems that one did not get deleted. Karthick Raja/Cont... ok mickey Karthick Raja/Cont... inside a dup47ol query i c schedule nbr as 33, did you change that as 31 when you ran today? Mickey Whitt/VFSer... no, i put in 33 because that was the schedule that was running Mickey Whitt/VFSer... schedule 31 was backed out and did not exists Karthick Raja/Cont... how to know which schedule is currently running? Karthick Raja/Cont... ok Mickey Whitt/VFSer... look at docs5ajr.debug it shows: Mickey Whitt/VFSer... 1>> /tmp/docs5ajr.times + print Schedule: 33 + 1>> /tmp/docs5ajr.times Karthick Raja/Cont... got some useful information from you Mickey. Karthick Raja/Cont... thanks a lot Mickey Whitt/VFSer... your welcome Karthick Raja/Cont... next time if same happens i can take it up with no issue Karthick Raja/Cont... thanks once again query select delv_doc_nbr, order_stat, create_date_time from docs47ol where delv_doc_nbr in (select delv_doc_nbr from docsb1ch where schd_nbr = '43') -- > Currnt schedule and order_stat = 'W' order by create_date_time DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 45 2/25/2024 ~ ~ 43) prepacks did not print ticket # 8030282 Seminole Oklahoma delv_doc-nbr# 0072256431 on sch 68 wave 01 Sch 68 wave 01 Prepacks 8 cartons did not process and print Thanks SOln: i just grepped for the delivery in sh04 and sh02 but did not find it so ran docs56jr with schedule number 44) CODE NOT DEFINED error ISSUE: We are getting CODE NOT DEFINED on cartons in Emergency wave, Schedule 45 Wave 01 From kosan. This wave was processed on Saturday? Soln: I've just updated the docs58st table and the column carton_proc_stat = 'E' (emergency) for the schedule 00. 45) ISSUE: docs06jr failed in Mocksville Logs: cd /tmp + + + + + [ 10 -eq 255 ] new_step=10 [ 10 -lt 10 ] export DD_INTERFACE=DOCSH1OS new_step=20 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 46 2/25/2024 + + + + + + + + + + + ~ [ 10 -lt 20 ] dccm07pc docs06jr extract_cust_po extract_cust_po [ -r DOCSH1OS -o -r xmit_rte.file ] mg_error_nbr=17 return 1 dccm07pc docs06jr extract_cust_po 10 mg_error_desc=File DOCSH1OS already exists cm01_error dcta17pc 17 exit 255 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS06JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 17 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Mon May 25 17:00:00 EDT 2009 File DOCSH1OS already exists ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Soln: I went to /home/docs/upload and removed the DOCS10S file in that dir and started the job once. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------46) Remove the directives : Issue: Need to have directives cleared on a Directed Relocation Activity code 324 tkt(08084294) Showing 1, need to have none. SOln: Took a back up of this record and deleted from table docs31rf. upd_actv_code 324 storage_carton_nbr 132340160 whse_bin_location R66-144D schd_nbr pick_wave_nbr pick_path_seq 34410 pick_path_grp 330 directive_stat R directive_remarks dest_bin_location T10-001A bin_loc_type_code OS directive_priority N crtn_bar_code DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 47 2/25/2024 create_date_time 2009-06-09 07:00:31.56000 ------------------------------------47) change the postal code: ISSUE: change the postal code soln get the postal code which has to be changed, and for which delivary it has to be chagned. Prev data in docs10oh table delv_doc_nbr 8003604749 ship_to_zip_code G0S 1G9 Soln: Run the below query query: update docs10oh set ship_to_zip_code='G0S 1G0' where delv_doc_nbr=8003599686 delv_doc_nbr 8003604749 ship_to_zip_code G0S 1G0 48) CMD to kill a program: msgsend DCMH10PC 32 QUIT to start the same program again su – docs nohup DCMH10PC 32 & note – docszkpt holds all the divert station number. 49) PREP carton status change: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 48 2/25/2024 ISSUE: PREP carton cycled in a bin audit, now the carton shows a status A in L99-007A. I need the status changed to a U so I can carton transfer to show it in it's proper location. Carton #406568991 Soln : Need to update the docs20ch table in this case. 50) Bring up DOCS after power outage: Please follow this procedure after a power outage. This should bring up everything on DOCS. If you still need assistance call the service desk and get in touch with DOCS on-call. Power on server wr16urs1 and log in as user-id oper1 At the command prompt enter online. This will execute the shell script in /usr/docs/scripts. This brings the informix database on-line Once the informix database is on-line, as user oper1 type crtectl. This command will create the control file needed by restart in next step. As user oper1 type restart. This command will restart the DOCS processes. This command issues an EXEC so when it finishes you will no longer be logged in as oper1. Once the restart command has completed the DOCS system is now available. Insert a 4MM tape into the Logical Log tape drive and go to the informix terminal and log in as userid backup password backup. This will start the logical log backup for the Informix database 51) Procedure for shutting the system down that is running docs This is the procedure for shutting the system down that is running docs. 1. Sign on as oper1 2. type shutdown at the command prompt and take option 3 programs only 3. Once shutdown has finished (about 2 min) you are at a prompt type offline at the command prompt (this brings database down) 4. Once this finishes (oper1 back at prompt) This is the procedure for bringing back up. 1. Once at a prompt sign in as oper1 2. Type online at the command prompt (this brings database back up) 3. Once you are back at the prompt type restart this brings docs back up. 4. Now you need to put a new backup tape in the informix log tape and do backup/backup. 52) Dynamic locations are out of sync DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 49 2/25/2024 If Dynamic locations are out of sync and if the user is not able to release orders cd /u/whittm dbaccess production database to be choosed query language and in it choose to be selected from the list, dyn needs to be selected and there will be the below mentioned query for retrieving the count of dynamic pick location and active bin location matching 7 and 8 and which is not in primary pick bin location. set isolation dirty read; select count(*) from docs04lo where bin_loc_stat = 'A' and dyn_pck_loc_type = 'D' and whse_bin_location not in (select prim_pick_bin_loc from docs06pb) and (whse_bin_location matches '7*' or whse_bin_location matches '8*') order by 1 query needs to be run and we will get a count then we need to run the query: update docs33sc set nbr_dyn_loc_aval='the count we got' The docs33sc table will have only one rows in total and that row is to be updated. Confirmation to be got from the user and closing the ticket. :-) 53) Issue: Could you put back the pre-tick information to this case Could you put back the pre-tick information to this case so we can print price tags. This case has been confirmed to the dock. Carton # 100416944 Soln: run this below query with updating the carton # for which is required. This query is found in cd /u/whittm/insrt23tk.sql Query: insert into docs23tk (crtn_bar_code, pck_path_grp,pck_path_seq, whse_bin_loc, prod, seg_code, dim1,dim2, invc_nbr, pc, cust, cust_dept, cust_item, tkt_fmt_code, upc, pck_qty, rtl_pr, cust_whls_pr, spl_oper_code_1, spl_oper_code_2, spl_oper_code_3, spl_oper_code_4, spl_oper_code_5, spl_oper_code_6, spl_oper_code_7, delv_doc_nbr, crte_date_time) select b.carton_bar_code,pick_path_grp, pick_path_seq, d.whse_bin_location, d.lot_number, d.seg_code, d.dim1, d.dim2, a.invoice_number, ' ', DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 50 2/25/2024 a.customer_number, a.cust_dept, c.customer_item, '01', c.universal_prd_cd, pick_qty, c.suggest_rtl_price, c.garment_whlse_prc, spl_oper_code_1, spl_oper_code_2, spl_oper_code_3, spl_oper_code_4, spl_oper_code_5, spl_oper_code_6, spl_oper_code_7, b.delv_doc_nbr, current from docs10oh a, docs11ch b, docs12cd c, docs30pw d where b.ship_carton_nbr in ( '100416944' ) and a.invoice_number = b.invoice_number and b.ship_carton_nbr = c.ship_carton_nbr and b.ship_carton_nbr = d.ship_carton_nbr and c.lot_number = d.lot_number and c.dim1 = d.dim1 and c.dim2 = d.dim2 54) DOCSINVT issue: ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : dcif27pc ERROR NUMBER : 5 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : main LINE NUMBER : 292 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Tue Jun 23 08:30:00 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : DOCSSLCT not found for T920 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCSINVT PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Tue Jun 23 08:30:00 EDT 2009 DOCSINVT: Failed in extract_inventory DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 51 2/25/2024 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** + dcta16pc n + step=1 + dccm07pc docsinvt call_dcta16pc 1 + [ 1 -eq 255 ] + set -A step_array extract_inventory sort_receipts upload_receipts upload_adjustments clean_up + typeset -i step_number=1 + typeset -i max_step=5 + let step_number=step_number-1 + [ 0 -lt 5 ] + dccm07pc docsinvt extract_inventory + eval extract_inventory + extract_inventory ARGC = 1 + mg_error_nbr=255 + dccm07pc docsinvt extract_inventory 255 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCSINVT: Failed in extract_inventory + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 ~ Solution: I have run docsinvt. There was a problem with the sub center download from BOXS. Had to unzip previous days file and run docssub1. 55) Cmd to move the queue from one printer to other. qmov -mnewqueue –Poldqueue qmov -mwr094031-top -Pwr094029-top 56) DOCS5AJR failure in wave_spreading ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 26 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Wed Jul 1 07:05:49 CDT 2009 DOCS5AJR: Failed in wave_spreading DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 52 2/25/2024 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ ~ ~ ~No Application Server License available at COBDIR location: /opt/microfocus/cobol 0 system and 50 user license installed 50 in use A summary of all installed licenses can be found by running Apptrack + mg_error_nbr=26 + dccm07pc docs5ajr wave_spreading 26 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS5AJR: Failed in wave_spreading + cm01_error + dcta17pc 26 + exit 255 Solution : Start the job from the failed step. nohup docs5ajr & We have been without letdowns update docs31rf set directive_stat="R" where schd_nbr="65" and pick_wave_nbr="57" Issue again: but now we are unable to end a next wave to assign the next bunch of letdowns (65-57) for Andrea's problem update docs35ws set begin_time = '10:00:00' where schd_nbr = '63' Mickey Whitt/VFSer... Note: we don’t use docs67fl for Brampton DC 57) Issue Steps to fix pre-pack Walmart to print one BOL - swog #8130968 When we get a ticket with a description like the one in the subject (typically one BOL or swog will be mentioned - swog stands for ship with other goods), we do the below steps 1. Go to /home/nairi/sql 2. Run the query swog_pp.sql with your order numbers. you will get a list of zip codes for each order group 3. Copy the zip codes in upd_b0oh_b1ch_swog.sql query that updates the order nos. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 53 2/25/2024 4. Confirm by running the first query again to see that the swogs are updated correctly 58) SSA disk replacement: 1. Login as oper1. 2. At the command line enter shutdown. This will present you with a menu select option 3 (Shutdown programs only) by typing 3 and pressing the enter key. When it finishes you will no longer be logged in as oper1. 3. Login as oper1. 4. At the command line type arc. This will prompt you to mount a tape on rmt2 and enter archive level. Type in 0 (zero) and press enter. When this finishes you will be back at the command line. 5. At the command line type offline. This will take the database off-line. 6. IBM can start. When they are finished proceed to step 7. 7. Login as oper1. 8. At the command line type online. This will bring the database up. 9. Once the Informix database is on-line, as user oper1 type restart. This command will restart the DOCS processes. 10. Insert a 4MM tape into the Logical Log tape drive and go to the informix terminal and log in as userid backup password backup. This will start the logical log backup for the Informix database 59) DOCS21JR failure: ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS21JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 17 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Mon Jul 27 05:41:07 CDT 2009 File DOCST3OS already exists ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ ~ ~ ~ rajak@wr16urs1 /tmp > vi docs21jr.log "docs21jr.log" 41 lines, 1079 characters + trap exit 255 INT QUIT ILL + trap : LOST FPE PIPE TERM STOP TSTP TTIN TTOU USR1 USR2 + . /usr/docs/scripts/dccm01pk.ksh DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 54 2/25/2024 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ typeset -i rc typeset mg_exit_code typeset mg_error_nbr date typeset mg_datetime=Mon Jul 27 05:41:07 CDT 2009 typeset mg_error_desc typeset mg_report_name export HOME=/u/docs export JOB_NAME=DOCS21JR export ARCHIVE_PATH=/u/docs/upload/arc/ export TRANSFER_PATH=/u/docs/upload/ export DD_XMIT=xmit.invbal export ACK_FILE=BBL.DOCST3.INVTY.HSPHDR export DBNAME=docsdb_eod basename /usr/docs/scripts/docs21jr typeset script_name=docs21jr set -A module_id DOCS21JR cd /u/docs/upload/ typeset new_step typeset step dccm07pc docs21jr call_dcta16pc dcta16pc n step=1 dccm07pc docs21jr call_dcta16pc 1 [ 1 -eq 255 ] export DD_INTERFACE=DOCST3OS new_step=10 [ 1 -lt 10 ] dccm07pc docs21jr extract_inv_bal extract_inv_bal [ -r DOCST3OS -o -r xmit.invbal ] mg_error_nbr=17 return 1 dccm07pc docs21jr extract_inv_bal 1 mg_error_desc=File DOCST3OS already exists cm01_error dcta17pc 17 exit 255 appl.log docs docs oper1 docs docs docs docs docs docs Initiate docs21jr call_dcta16pc Initiate docs22jr call_dcta16pc Terminate docs90jd create_ctl_file Initiate docs73jd call_dcta16pc Terminate docs73jd call_dcta16pc Initiate docs73jd extract_bols Terminate docs21jr call_dcta16pc Initiate docs21jr extract_inv_bal Terminate docs21jr extract_inv_bal DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 55 Mon Jul 27 05:41:07 2009 Mon Jul 27 05:41:07 2009 0 Mon Jul 27 05:41:07 2009 Mon Jul 27 05:41:07 2009 1 Mon Jul 27 05:41:07 2009 Mon Jul 27 05:41:07 2009 1 Mon Jul 27 05:41:08 2009 Mon Jul 27 05:41:08 2009 1 Mon Jul 27 05:41:08 2009 2/25/2024 soln: Remove the docsstos file or xmit.bal file which ever is present and then start if from beginning nohup docs21jr & 60) DOCS23JR FAILURE: Mickey: It has not run all week. I have several copies of docs21jr and docs23jr waiting for ack's. I will clean these up and get the docsbkct set so it will run Monday morning. I can run manually if needed today. Kiruba: docs23jr has been failing in verify_ready. Please let me know whether I can clean things up and re-start it. Solution: Yes, change docs48lg rec_type to 0. delete /u/docs/upload/xmitmstr.file and restart from step 1. Check with docsbkct table also 61) Mississauga EOD issue: Soln the problem is /exported is not mounted, open a ticket to UNIX group to mount this file system also let them know it needs to be mounted on reboot DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 56 2/25/2024 EOD issue: oper1 Initiate docs90jd grant_res_to_oper oper1 Terminate docs90jd grant_res_to_oper oper1 Initiate docs90jd create_synonyms informix Initiate docs87jd create_zrpt informix Terminate docs87jd create_zrpt informix Initiate docs87jd create_zrpt informix Terminate docs87jd create_zrpt DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 57 Mon Aug 24 04:28:06 2009 0 Mon Aug 24 04:28:07 2009 Mon Aug 24 04:28:07 2009 Mon Aug 24 04:28:07 2009 1 Mon Aug 24 04:28:07 2009 Mon Aug 24 04:28:07 2009 1 Mon Aug 24 04:28:07 2009 2/25/2024 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 58 2/25/2024 Solution: Mickey do not start docs87jd, the archive failed due to invalid archive level saw in /tmp/startup.err Karthick Raja/Cont... oh K Karthick Raja/Cont... Mickey Karthick Raja/Cont... Please tell me what can i do in this case Mickey Whitt/VFSer... I had Andrea login on another session as oper1, Then take Utilities and the Archive from the menu. After the archive finished Canada : Open another session, go to utilities, archive. Once that is completed do a retry on the original session NOTE: The Jeanswear DC's do not have an oper1 menu, they get a command line. They should be logging on to another terminal and typing arceod. Pilar from Elpaso called me I have told her this. Other solution: If the archive step is not went through fine then we need to follow the below steps docs@wreprs1 $ opcom ontape -s -B $DBNAME_EOD Please enter the level of archive to be performed (0, 1, or 2) 0 Please mount tape 1 on /dev/rmt1 and press Return to continue ... 10 percent done. 20 percent done. 30 percent done. 40 percent done. 50 percent done. 100 percent done. Please label this tape as number 1 in the arc tape sequence. This tape contains the following logical logs: 23765 Program over. docs@wreprs1 $ docs@wreprs1 $ /find ksh: /find: not found. docs@wreprs1 $ docs@wreprs1 $ finderr 569 -569 Cannot reference an external database with logging. This statement refers to a database other than the current database. However, the current database does not use transaction logging, and the external one does. This action is not supported; the databases that are used in a single transaction must all use logging or all not use it. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 59 2/25/2024 El Paso problem was start_logging step did not run, the arturo skipped create_synonyms step when it faile Whitt/VFSer...El Paso problem was start_logging step did not run, the arturo skipped create_synonyms step when it failed. Karthick Raja/Cont... ok Mickey Mickey Whitt/VFSer... Had to kill docs95jd, docs40jd. Then ran arceod and docs87jd again Mickey Whitt/VFSer... restarted reports Recent Updates:Docs87jd had failed in Startup. Hence asked the user to login to another session as oper1 and give 'arceod' on the command prompt and let it execute to give the message as '100 percent done'. Once this is done, ask the user to retry the step. Another issue… At Canada Docs91jd died in unload step.. Had to restart from there using the nohup command and changed the oper1.ksh to docsshut step to <12>… Docsshut 12 2>/tmp/… From the step it was stuck and asked user to rerun the shutdown. Now remove the 12 from oper1.ksh. Even if the Datbase is empty, an unload file is to be created 62) DOCS01JR: ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : dcif24pc ERROR NUMBER : 5 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : main LINE NUMBER : 158 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Wed Nov 9 09:37:15 2016 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 98 SQLERR ROWID : 257 MESSAGE : Error opening if24_selordgrp_cur ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ****************** DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 60 2/25/2024 Check if the DOCS01JR job ran fine by looking into docs01jr.out and DOCSBKCT table. computer_job_name DOCS01JR computer_job_stat E computer_job_step 10 begin_date_time 2016-11-09 09:39:20.00 xmit_ctl_nbr 20163140007 sequence_number 0 complete_date_time 2016-11-09 09:39:20.00 computer_job_desc Activity Mainframe Download maint_date_time 1992-12-02 08:20:29.84 operator_initials EFW create_date_time 1992-12-02 08:20:29.84 ~ solution: If DOCS01JR ran fine then run DCIF24PC from command line nohup dcif24pc & 63) Kohls printer issue: This is a follow-up email for Kohl's printer that is hung up. Printer name is Lehp4013 I replaced the toner cartridge and it printed one time then quit. It shows Running Job no. 56471 Soln: We have asked the Unix team to clear up the print queue. This should be done within the next 30 minutes. We will let you know as soon as it is done. 64) DOCS55jr Failure: ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCSH58PS ERROR NUMBER : 26 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : 4300 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : 00 EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Wed Aug 19 09:20:54 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: 100 100 Row not found. SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 918017 MESSAGE : Problem DOCS12CD00000510711025561804 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 61 2/25/2024 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS55JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Wed Aug 19 09:20:20 CDT 2009 DOCS55JR : script failed in DCSH58PS at Wed Aug 19 09:20:54 CDT 2009 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ + cd /home/docs + dccm07pc docs5ajr call_dcta16pc + dcta16pc n "docs5ajr.debug" 95804 lines, 2310171 characters + cartons_by_carrier + dccm07pc docs55jr cartons_by_carrier 0 + dcta18pc DOCS55JR 60 + new_step=65 + sleep 5 + new_step=70 + [ 1 -lt 70 ] + dccm07pc docs55jr sp_op_sum + sp_op_sum Special Operations A 07 +00006 Execution error : file 'mfini' error code: 119, pc=0, call=1, seg=0 119 Name is not unique (binding symbol 'mfini') + dccm07pc docs55jr sp_op_sum 255 + date + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS55JR : script failed in DCSH58PS at Wed Aug 19 09:20:54 CDT 2009 + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 docs docs docs docs docs docs docs Terminate docs55jr crtn_slct 0 Wed Aug 19 09:20:43 2009 Initiate docs55jr ship_plan Wed Aug 19 09:20:43 2009 Terminate docs55jr ship_plan 0 Wed Aug 19 09:20:43 2009 Initiate docs55jr orders_by_schedule Wed Aug 19 09:20:44 2009 Terminate docs55jr orders_by_schedule 0 Wed Aug 19 09:20:44 2009 Initiate docs55jr cartons_by_carrier Wed Aug 19 09:20:45 2009 Terminate docs55jr cartons_by_carrier 0 Wed Aug 19 09:20:45 2009 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 62 2/25/2024 docs docs ~ ~ ~ Initiate docs55jr sp_op_sum Terminate docs55jr sp_op_sum Wed Aug 19 09:20:51 2009 255 Wed Aug 19 09:20:54 2009 [1] 57078 docs@lehpurs1 /usr/docs/logs $ Sending output to nohup.out docs@lehpurs1 /usr/docs/logs $ tail -f appl.log docs Terminate docs07jr call_dcta17pc docs Initiate docs07jr call_dcta16pc docs Terminate docs07jr call_dcta16pc docs Initiate docs07jr receive_file docs Initiate docs55jr call_dcta16pc docs Terminate docs55jr call_dcta16pc docs Initiate docs55jr sp_op_sum docs Terminate docs55jr sp_op_sum docs Initiate docs55jr call_dcta16pc docs Terminate docs55jr call_dcta16pc docs Initiate docs55jr sp_op_sum docs Terminate docs55jr sp_op_sum 1 Wed Aug 19 09:44:37 2009 Wed Aug 19 09:44:37 2009 1 Wed Aug 19 09:44:37 2009 Wed Aug 19 09:44:37 2009 Wed Aug 19 09:45:22 2009 60 Wed Aug 19 09:45:22 2009 Wed Aug 19 09:45:46 2009 255 Wed Aug 19 09:45:47 2009 Wed Aug 19 09:47:45 2009 60 Wed Aug 19 09:47:45 2009 Wed Aug 19 09:48:09 2009 255 Wed Aug 19 09:48:11 2009 solution: there are records with docs50sd but no docs12cd unload to /home/rajak/docs50sd_bk_0112 select * from docs50sd where carton_bar_code not in (select carton_bar_code from docs12cd) delete from docs50sd where carton_bar_code not in (select carton_bar_code from docs12cd) 24 row(s) deleted. Then start with schd nbr Nohup docs55jr schd_nbr & Nohup 65) nohup failure: ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCSSTAT DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 63 2/25/2024 PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 1 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Fri Aug 21 09:35:00 EDT 2009 DOCSSTAT: Failed in extract_stat_data ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ ~ + PATH=/usr/informix10/bin:/usr/informix10/incl:/usr/informix10/incl/esql:/usr/inform ix10/etc:/usr/docs/bin:/usr/docs/scripts:/ usr/docs/tools + export INFORMIXDIR INFORMIXTERM SQLEXEC INFORMIXCOBTYPE INFORMIXCOB DBPATH + export DBNAME COBPATH ONCONFIG INFORMIXSERVER PATH DBNAME_EOD + LIBPATHA=/usr/lib:/usr/lpp:/coblib:/usr/informix10/lib:/usr/informix10/lib/esql: + COBDIR=/opt/microfocus/cobol + LIBPATH=/usr/lib:/usr/lpp:/usr/informix10/lib:/usr/informix10/lib/esql + PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/include:/usr/docs/config:/usr/informix10/bin:/usr/informix10/in cl:/usr/informix10/incl/esql:/usr/informix1 0/etc:/usr/docs/ bin:/usr/docs/scripts:/usr/docs/tools + export COBDIR LIBPATH PATH + export LBL_PRT_SERVER=nfnl2alenexa @ "docsstat.debug" 234 lines, 9020 characters + [ 1 -eq 255 ] + set -A step_array run_docsship extract_stat_data upload_file_sap gzip_file upload_file_boxs clean_up + typeset -i step_number=1 + typeset -i max_step=6 + let step_number=step_number-1 + [ 0 -lt 6 ] + dccm07pc docsstat run_docsship + eval run_docsship + run_docsship + mg_error_nbr=0 + dccm07pc docsstat run_docsship 0 + let step_number=step_number+1 + dcta18pc DOCSSTAT 1 + [ 1 -lt 6 ] + dccm07pc docsstat extract_stat_data + eval extract_stat_data + extract_stat_data + mg_error_nbr=1 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 64 2/25/2024 + + + + + dccm07pc docsstat extract_stat_data 1 set -A mg_error_desc DOCSSTAT: Failed in extract_stat_data cm01_error dcta17pc 1 exit 255 #################################################### ######################## # NAME: extract_stat_data # FUNCTION: Extract status change transactions # #################################################### ######################## function extract_stat_data { if [ -r $DD_INTERFACE ] then mg_error_nbr=17 return $mg_error_nbr fi dcif12pc mg_error_nbr=$? return $mg_error_nbr docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs docs Initiate docsinvt reset_docsbkct Terminate docsinvt reset_docsbkct Initiate docsstat call_dcta16pc Terminate docsstat call_dcta16pc Initiate docsstat run_docsship Initiate docsship call_dcta16pc Terminate docsship call_dcta16pc Initiate docsship extract_ship_data Terminate docsship extract_ship_data Initiate docsship upload_file Terminate docsship upload_file Initiate docsship clean_up Terminate docsship clean_up Initiate docsship reset_docsbkct Terminate docsship reset_docsbkct Terminate docsstat run_docsship Initiate docsstat extract_stat_data Terminate docsstat extract_stat_data Terminate docslotm receive_file Initiate docslotm gunzip_file Terminate docslotm gunzip_file DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 65 Fri Aug 21 09:30:04 2009 0 Fri Aug 21 09:30:04 2009 Fri Aug 21 09:35:00 2009 1 Fri Aug 21 09:35:00 2009 Fri Aug 21 09:35:00 2009 Fri Aug 21 09:35:00 2009 1 Fri Aug 21 09:35:00 2009 Fri Aug 21 09:35:00 2009 0 Fri Aug 21 09:37:23 2009 Fri Aug 21 09:37:23 2009 0 Fri Aug 21 09:37:24 2009 Fri Aug 21 09:37:24 2009 0 Fri Aug 21 09:37:24 2009 Fri Aug 21 09:37:24 2009 0 Fri Aug 21 09:37:24 2009 0 Fri Aug 21 09:37:34 2009 Fri Aug 21 09:37:34 2009 1 Fri Aug 21 09:37:35 2009 0 Fri Aug 21 10:07:43 2009 Fri Aug 21 10:07:43 2009 0 Fri Aug 21 10:07:43 2009 2/25/2024 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : dcif12pc ERROR NUMBER : 35 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : write_type1_record LINE NUMBER : 1009 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Fri Aug 21 10:22:05 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 99329 MESSAGE : DOCS47OL co_plant_nbr is blank for delivery (8004053678) ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** solution: check with docs10oh table for the co_plant_nbr and then update docs47ol for delv shown in info.log, then start the job nohup docsstat 0008 2 & docs10oh: co_plant_nbr T920 docs47ol: invoice_nbr 04053678 order_stat order_type CC freight_amt release_date cpu_late_ind wran_bol route_code bill_hold_ind undo_ind Y del_ind X upd_actv_code 454 delv_doc_nbr 8004053678 co_plant_nbr create_date_time 2009-08-21 09:34:59.000 query: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 66 2/25/2024 update docs47ol set co_plant_nbr="T920" where delv_doc_nbr=8004053678 66) Manifesting issue: Data change. 2808 E MAIN ST, wi, uSA 2808 E Main St, Merrill, Lincoln, Wisconsin 54452, United States 67) Docs2ajr failure: "docs2ajr.out" [Read only] 275 lines, 12112 characters + export HOME=/u/docs + export JOB_NAME=DOCS2AJR + export ARCHIVE_PATH=/u/docs/upload/arc/ + export TRANSFER_PATH=/u/docs/upload/ + export DD_XMIT=crtnbol.file + export DD_CRTNBOL=/u/docs/upload/DOCS2AOS + export ACK_FILE=BBL.DOCST1.SEW.CRTNBOL.ACK + export DD_ACKFILE=BBL.DOCST1.SEW.CRTNBOL.ACK + basename /usr/docs/scripts/docs2ajr + typeset script_name=docs2ajr + mg_error_nbr=0 + set -A module_id DOCS2AJR + cd /u/docs/upload/ + typeset new_step + typeset step + dccm07pc docs2ajr call_dcta16pc + dcta16pc n + step=255 + dccm07pc docs2ajr call_dcta16pc 255 + [ 255 -eq 255 ] + set -A mg_error_desc DCTA16PC in DOCS2AJR returned error: 255\n + cm01_error + exit 255 ~ ~ rajak@wrsmrs1 /usr/docs/scripts DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 67 2/25/2024 > ps -ef | grep docs2a docs 113528 173606 0 22:44:20 pts/4 0:00 /bin/ksh /usr/docs/scripts/docs2ajr rajak 177514 31170 0 01:42:36 pts/29 0:00 grep docs2a computer_job_name DOCS2AJR computer_job_stat E computer_job_step 30 begin_date_time 2009-08-24 22:44:19.00 xmit_ctl_nbr 20092360010 sequence_number complete_date_time 2009-08-24 22:40:14.00 computer_job_desc Crtnbol Data Upload maint_date_time operator_initials JAW create_date_time 1996-12-16 09:30:00.00 root docs docs Initiate docs05jd find_reports Initiate docs2ajr call_dcta16pc Terminate docs2ajr call_dcta16pc Tue Aug 25 04:00:01 2009 Tue Aug 25 04:00:01 2009 255 Tue Aug 25 04:00:01 2009 typeset new_step typeset step # call batch transaction logging common module dccm07pc $script_name call_dcta16pc dcta16pc n step=$? # call batch transaction logging common module dccm07pc $script_name call_dcta16pc $step if [ $step -eq 255 ] then set -A mg_error_desc "DCTA16PC in $JOB_NAME returned error: $step\n" cm01_error exit 255 fi ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS20JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 0 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 68 2/25/2024 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Tue Aug 25 06:20:00 CDT 2009 DCTA16PC in DOCS20JR returned error: 255 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ ~ computer_job_name DOCS20JR computer_job_stat E computer_job_step 1 begin_date_time 2009-08-24 22:44:19.00 xmit_ctl_nbr 20092360007 sequence_number complete_date_time 2009-08-24 20:54:41.00 computer_job_desc Activity Data Upload maint_date_time operator_initials JAW create_date_time 1996-12-16 09:30:00.00 soln: If DOCS2AJR fails then you need to find out why and restart DOCS2AJR, not DOCS20JR. DOCS20JR will still be running. If you try to start DOCS20JR it will fail because a version is already running. DOCS2AJR originally failed because the FTP step had failed. nohup docs2ajr >/tmp/docs2ajr.out 2>&1 & nohup docs20jr >/tmp/docs20jr.out 2>&1 & 67) DOCS73JD Failure: "error.log.trf" [Read only] 30 lines, 806 characters ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCSHQ2PS ERROR NUMBER : 100 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : 3000-process LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Wed Aug 26 05:55:44 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: 100 100 Row not found. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 69 2/25/2024 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 650754 MESSAGE : NO DOCS10OH for delv_doc_nbr 0073759017 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS73JD PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Wed Aug 26 05:55:44 MDT 2009 DOCS73JD: Failed in extract_bols ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ + let step_number=step_number-1 + [ 0 -lt 4 ] + dccm07pc docs73jd extract_bols + eval extract_bols + extract_bols Extract bols started at: Wed Aug 26 04:41:41 MDT 2009 2009-08-25 03:58:31.00000 Execution error : file 'mfini' error code: 119, pc=0, call=1, seg=0 119 Name is not unique (binding symbol 'mfini') Extract bols ended at: Wed Aug 26 04:41:42 MDT 2009 + mg_error_nbr=255 + dccm07pc docs73jd extract_bols 255 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS73JD: Failed in extract_bols + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 ~ docs Terminate docs73jd extract_bols 255 Wed Aug 26 05:55:44 2009 docs Initiate docs20jr call_dcta16pc Wed Aug 26 06:18:00 2009 docs Terminate docs20jr call_dcta16pc 1 Wed Aug 26 06:18:00 2009 docs Initiate docs20jr run_docs2ajr Wed Aug 26 06:18:00 2009 eod Db not in prod. select * from docs44sl DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 70 2/25/2024 where delv_doc_nbr="0073759017" docs44sl upd_actv_code 451 upd_actv_date_time 2009-08-25 08:28:48.00000 wran_bol 0000257770 cust_ship_to_nbr 92615040000 inspection_code disp_code size_sequence_nbr crtn_sku_disp_sum del_ind D invoice_number 73759017 ship_carton_nbr 102718803 lot_number seg_code dim1 dim2 dim3 sz_qty book_qty carton_load_type FL carton_weight 30.90 carton_cubic_ft 2.754 ship_to_addr_line1 DOS POTRILLOS WESTERN WEAR employee_number freight_amt 7.71 release_date 08/25/2009 common_carrier FEDX carrier_ref_nbr 0000257770 ups_service_code truck_number pallet_bar_code route_code RP delv_doc_nbr 0073759017 sold_to_acct_nbr 92615 ship_to_store 0000 packing_quality solution: Took a back up for the 44sl record and deleted it and the restarted the docs73jd from the failed step. unload to "/home/rajak/44sl_0073759017" select * from docs44sl DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 71 2/25/2024 where delv_doc_nbr="0073759017" remove from docs44sl where delv_doc_nbr="0073759017" nohup docs73jd 1 & Issue: The whole schedule needs to be started, no reports have generated, no packs slips have printed, no letdowns have assigned... Nohup docs5ajr & 68) ORDER BALANCING CHECK: We load orders to docsb0oh, docsb1ch, and docsb2cd tables. Once they are scheduled they are added to docs10oh, docs11ch, and docs12cd tables. The reason you did not see the Luray invoice is they were not scheduled yet. 69) DOCS5AJR failed in prepack_matchup ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 26 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Wed Sep 9 09:29:05 EDT 2009 DOCS5AJR: Failed in prepack_matchup ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ ~ ~ + [ 13 -lt 25 ] + dccm07pc docs5ajr prepack_matchup + eval prepack_matchup + prepack_matchup No Application Server License available at COBDIR location: /opt/microfocus/cobol 0 system and 30 user license installed 30 in use A summary of all installed licenses can be found by running Apptrack DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 72 2/25/2024 + + + + + + ~ ~ mg_error_nbr=26 dccm07pc docs5ajr prepack_matchup 26 set -A mg_error_desc DOCS5AJR: Failed in prepack_matchup cm01_error dcta17pc 26 exit 255 soln: nohup docs5ajr 14 & 70) carton status: W scheduled C confirmed to shipping, S shipped, D deleted 71) Docs5ajr issue: ultra_pick_assign ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS88PS ERROR NUMBER : 40 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : 7750 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Tue Sep 22 11:50:57 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: -239 Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column. SQLERR ISAM : -100 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 290 SQLERR ROWID : 871194 MESSAGE : ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 73 2/25/2024 TIME: Tue Sep 22 11:50:56 EDT 2009 DOCS5AJR: Failed in ultra_pick_assign ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** soln: select * from docs31rf where storage_carton_nbr in( select storage_carton_nbr from docs74st where schd_nbr = '43') order by create_date_time Run the above query and remove the records that are older compared to the others 72) Configure a printer in loftware: Goto –> Seminole remote session Check for the license in control panel printer and faxes, if it already exists the we just need to put and entry in design32 -> file -> devices as shown be below. Then we need to update the docszypt in respective server for the which user had requested. mentioned. unix_term_id [/dev/pts/34 ] prt_loc_id [wR094039 ] prt_type [ECOM ] prt_fmt_code [ ] lbl_prt_nm [wR094039 ] lbl_prt_ip_adr [ ] maint_date_time [2000-05-05 13:34:40] operator_initials [MLW] create_date_time [2000-05-05 13:34:40] 73) To change a carton from unavailable to available Condition 1: More that one carton in a partiucalar location. Change the status to 'A', set docsbal to run in the early hours of morning DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 74 2/25/2024 Condition 2: Just one carton in a location Change the location's status to unavilable and the user's can change it to 'A' through screens, which inturn will change the carton's status too to A logial location - logical 003A (confirm to picking or shipped - after which it is removed). Any unwated products in L99-003A will get removed when docsbal is run 74) Reports dint come up in Mobius(DMS). DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 75 2/25/2024 Soln: hw to reprint it? See below RISCDMS> cd src4gl nu67urs4: /users/dmsadm/src4gl-dmsadm RISCDMS> grep -i DMOF *.4gl dms_exc48.4gl: PRINT COLUMN 1, "DMOF0001/", dms_exc49.4gl: PRINT COLUMN 1, "DMOF0002/", dms_exc49_2.4gl: PRINT COLUMN 1, "DMOF0003/", dmsqrtrev.4gl:# REPORT: DAT-IMW-DMOF-User-Trans-Data-Dmmddyy dmsqrtrev.4gl: let rptname ="DAT-IMW-DMOF-User-Trans-Data-D",today using "mmddyy" dmsqrtrev.4gl: "|DMOF|", nu67urs4: /users/dmsadm/src4gl-dmsadm u67urs4: /users/dmsadm-dmsadm RISCDMS> ls -lrt *dms_exc48* -rw-r--r-- 1 dmsadm system -rwxrwxrwx 1 dmsadm system 1213 Apr 14 2007 dms_exc48.frm 120538 Apr 15 10:59 dms_exc48.4ge nu67urs4: /users/dmsadm-dmsadm RISCDMS> dms_exc48.4ge ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ FMS RECEIVED S-STATUS EXCEPTIONS REPORT │ │ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- │ │ │ │ Effective Report Date: [10-06-09] <=== Date will default to yesterday. │ │ --OR-If you make no entry in TID │ │ Starting Transaction ID: [ ] range, date will control. If │ │ Ending Transaction ID: [ ] TID range is entered, it will │ │ override date. │ │ │ │ Facility ID: [ ] │ │ Output File Name: [ ] │ │ │ │ Continue: [ ] <=== (Y)es or (N)o │ │ │ │----------------------------------------------------------------------------│ │ Enter effective report date in the form mm-dd-yy. │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────┘ DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 76 2/25/2024 give the faciltiy ID as 39 and WK and then run for the specified date. when Ann reports this problem -- it is almost always because the queue for the printer is down -- it will go down if the Unix box can not get an acknowledgement from the server. You need to run lpstat -opmobsnut for the print queue and bring the queue back up with enq -Ppmobsnut -U pmobsnu @syse DOWN QUEUED 856 QUEUED 857 QUEUED 858 QUEUED 126 QUEUED 127 QUEUED 130 QUEUED 131 QUEUED 132 /archive/reports/x dmsadm /archive/reports/h dmsadm /archive/reports/h dmsadm /archive/reports/s dmsadm /archive/reports/s dmsadm /archive/reports/x dmsadm /archive/reports/x dmsadm /archive/reports/h dmsadm 7 82 7 653 3 8 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Alternate problem with DMOF: Describing the solution below:The DMOF reports are triggered using lois which runs everyday at 5.00 in the morning. The script lois on Development server is not the updated version. The incorrect version was changed for Connectship logs and moved to production. Changed the correct version of lois again to fix this issue. 75) Prepacks dint print SOln: There were too many entries for DCSH02 and DCSH2A in docszypt table. I cleaned them up and printed the labels. Fgolive 76) INValid Check-digit docs@wrsmrs1 /usr/docs/bin $ ls -ltr dcrc07* -rwxr-xr-x 1 docs staff 315282 Aug 4 2008 dcrc07pf.old -rwxrwxrwx 1 docs staff 91689 Aug 5 2008 dcrc07pf.gz -rwxr-xr-x 1 docs staff 318242 Jul 7 05:22 dcrc07pf docs@wrsmrs1 /usr/docs/bin $ su - docs docs's Password: [YOU HAVE NEW MAIL] docs@wrsmrs1 $ cd bin ksh: bin: not found. docs@wrsmrs1 $ cd /usr/docs/bin docs@wrsmrs1 /usr/docs/bin $ ftp wr16urs1 Connected to 220 wr16urs1 FTP server (Version 4.2 Fri May 2 12:48:10 CDT 2008) ready. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 77 2/25/2024 331 Password required for docs. 230-Last unsuccessful login: Wed Jun 17 17:20:55 CDT 2009 on ssh from 230-Last login: Thu Oct 8 07:07:28 CDT 2009 on ftp from 230 User docs logged in. ftp> cd /usr/docs/bin 250 CWD command successful. ftp> bin 200 Type set to I. ftp> put dcrc07pf 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for dcrc07pf. 226 Transfer complete. 318242 bytes sent in 9.75 seconds (31.88 Kbytes/s) local: dcrc07pf remote: dcrc07pf ftp> eswarak@wr16urs1 /usr/docs/bin Hackleburg > dcrc07pf eswarak VF DCRC07PF +-------------------------- FIRST QUALITY CREATE -----------------------------+ | | | FIRST QUALITY CARTON CREATE | | | | Carton: 151647788 - got from user | | Type: | | Bundle Qty: 1 | | ASN Number: | | Cut Number : Pack Location: | | | | | | Lot Seg Size Qty | | ------------------ ---------------- ---------- -----| |UPC: | |SKU: | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Invalid check digit F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 HELP MAIN CLEAR DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 78 2/25/2024 schd 52 the letdowns are held and need to moved to R status(realeased) The schd rolled prior to letdown beign released update docs31rf set directive_stat="R" where schd_nbr="52" and pick_wave_nbr="41" 77) need DOCS contact to remove QC Audit directive on the following Pallet Packs. update docs11ch set inspection_code=" ", qc_date_time=current where ship_carton_nbr = ‘104269037’ 78) docs20jr failure in CLEAN UP ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCIF17PS ERROR NUMBER : 150 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : 8150 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Wed Oct 21 07:06:00 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: -244 Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row. SQLERR ISAM : -154 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 48 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : Error updating DOCS47OL ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS20JR DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 79 2/25/2024 PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Wed Oct 21 07:05:00 CDT 2009 DOCS20JR: script failed on step CLEAN UP ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ ~ docs docs docs docs Initiate docs20jr process_ack Terminate docs20jr process_ack Initiate docs20jr clean_up Terminate docs20jr clean_up Wed Oct 21 07:05:34 2009 1 Wed Oct 21 07:05:54 2009 Wed Oct 21 07:05:55 2009 1 Wed Oct 21 07:06:00 2009 nohup docs20jr & docsbkct computer_job_name DOCS20JR computer_job_stat R computer_job_step 1 begin_date_time 2009-10-21 07:31:36.00 xmit_ctl_nbr 20092940001 sequence_number complete_date_time 2009-10-21 07:31:36.00 computer_job_desc Activity Data Upload maint_date_time operator_initials EFW create_date_time 1993-01-07 10:10:10.04 hollypond: MODULE : DCOSM0PF ERROR NUMBER : 1380 SEVERITY :4 PARAGRAPH : osm0_get_order_type LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : jordaro TIME : Mon Nov 2 07:45:47 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: 100 100 Row not found. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 80 2/25/2024 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 837889 MESSAGE : Missing DOCSB0OH for group 059532 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Removed the records from docsb7cd and docskcpt table. unload to "/home/rajak/b7cd_0211" select * from docsb7cd where ord_grp_nbr = '059532' unload to "/home/rajak/kcpt_0211" select * from docskcpt where ord_grp_nbr = '059532' delete from docsb7cd where ord_grp_nbr = '059532' delete from docskcpt where ord_grp_nbr = '059532' 79) Fedx not able to close run ps –ef | grep DCSHC and check whether the oper1 rajak oper1 oper1 62736 145036 0 05:43:38 - 0:00 DCSHC8PC 01 66478 94770 0 07:15:41 pts/26 0:00 grep DCSHC 91586 145036 0 05:43:39 - 0:00 DCSHC7PC 01 142464 148942 0 07:03:44 - 0:00 DCSHC6PC 01 If you find dcshc6 running then it’s a different scenario we should follow. Else we do need to go to /tmp dir. Chk the logs vi shc7.div01 </ERRORDESCRIPTION><MINIMUMRETRYSECONDS>N/A</MINIMUMRETRYSECOND S><ERRORLOCATION><ERRORLOCAT IONELEMENTNAME>N/A</ERRORLOCATIONELEMENTNAME><ERRORLOCATIONELEM ENTREFERENCE>N/A</ERRORLOCATIONELEMENTREFERENCE><ERRORLOCATIONAT TRIBUTENAME>N/A< /ERRORLOCATIONATTRIBUTENAME></ERRORLOCATION><ERRORDIGEST>N/A</ER RORDIGEST></RESPONSEERROR></RESPONSE><RATEDSHIPMENT><ERROR><ER DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 81 2/25/2024 RORCODE>1001</ERR ORCODE><ERRORDESCRIPTION>Package #1: FedEx FSMS Server error: (#2301) Pickup date cannot be less than current date or greater than 90 days.</ER RORDESCRIPTION></ERROR><BILLINGWEIGHT><WEIGHTUNITS>LB</WEIGHTUN ITS><WEIGHTVALUE>8.5000</WEIGHTVALUE></BILLINGWEIGHT><TOTALCHARG ES><CURRENCYCODE >UNKNOWN</CURRENCYCODE><MONETARYVALUE>0.00</MONETARYVALUE></T OTALCHARGES><TRANSPORTATIONCHARGES><CURRENCYCODE>UNKNOWN</CU RRENCYCODE><MONETARYVA LUE>0.00</MONETARYVALUE></TRANSPORTATIONCHARGES><SERVICEOPTIONSC HARGES><CURRENCYCODE>UNKNOWN</CURRENCYCODE><MONETARYVALUE>0.0 0</MONETARYVALUE>< If possible check the shc6 log also. For some reason data dint roll last night. So it is getting failed. Login to itgc2aconnect -> run -> services.msc Then restart fedex ship manager & fedex SQL anywhere. Then it should work DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 82 2/25/2024 fine. 80) Check digit issue: Due to some reasons this issue happens in some DC’s on regular intervals. Still permanent fix is not found but we do have a temp fix. Solution: comment some 2 lines from the code and give test_make and ftp the executable to the specific dc which has got the problem. Pgm dcrc07pf.4gl Comment the below line +2625 { +2626 call ta14_4gl_check_digit(mg_header_rec.ctn_nbr_check_dig) +2627 returning rc +2628 } Test it: Screen – dcrc07pf Check digit – 5 eg 1122334445 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 83 2/25/2024 81) ORDERS NOT received from MF Steps: gzip -dc DOCSX2IS.20093180007.gz | more 82) DOCS5AJR failed in storage_diverts ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS6NPS ERROR NUMBER : 190 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : 3600 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Fri Dec 2 13:05:29 2016 SQLCODE / DESC: -239 Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column. SQLERR ISAM : -100 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 216 SQLERR ROWID : 56840 MESSAGE : Error inserting DOCS51ID for 437541185 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Fri Dec 2 12:59:02 MST 2016 DOCS5AJR: Failed in storage_diverts ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** docs51id storage_carton_nbr 437541185 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 84 2/25/2024 divert_station_id 21 divert_freq_nbr 2 divert_stat U divert_seq_nbr 0 divert_directive 43 schd_nbr pck_wave_nbr confirm_date_time create_date_time 2016-12-01 11:49:51.00000 solution: Delete the duplicate record from the docs51id table and restarted the docs5ajr from the 8th step.get carton no from error.log.trf query delete from docs51id where storage_carton_nbr='148004126' cmd: nohup docs5ajr 8 & unload to "/home/rajak/51id_0212" select * from docs51id where create_date_time<'2010-02-12 00:00:00.00000' and divert_stat='U' delete from docs51id where create_date_time<'2010-02-12 00:00:00.00000' and divert_stat='U' 83) BOXS56JR failure The job restarted and completed successfully. There was some data issue. docs55ps was giving the error while reading file. The file contained records as 10010062+T920BALXXKX777 0000001+00000000000+00000000000+ REG REG 01000000 10010063+T920BALXXLH777 0000001+00000000000+0000000000 REG REG 01000000 The last 2 records were as below because of which the program was throwing error. 00000000+T982 DCIF2BPC DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential 2009112407365545 Page 85 2/25/2024 10010064+T982BALVN0J5C158 OS OS 010000000000040+00000000000 +00000000000+ When compared with one of the archived files, the last 2 records were removed assuming them as anamoly. The job completed successfully after that. 84) Scheduling Already Running: ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOSM2PF ERROR NUMBER : 111 SEVERITY :4 PARAGRAPH : osm2_init_vars LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : bralley1 TIME : Wed Nov 25 11:42:03 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 257 MESSAGE : Scheduling Already Running ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOSM2PF ERROR NUMBER : 111 SEVERITY :4 PARAGRAPH : osm2_init_vars LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : bralley1 TIME : Wed Nov 25 11:42:35 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 257 MESSAGE : Scheduling Already Running ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** if status = 0 then let cm99_record.pgph = "osm2_init_vars" let cm99_record.error_nbr = 111 let cm99_record.msg = "Scheduling Already Running" call cm99_log_4gl_msg() DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 86 2/25/2024 end if +324 +325 +326 +327 +328 +329 +330 +331 +332 +333 +334 +335 +336 +337 +338 +339 +340 +341 +342 +343 +344 +345 +346 +347 +348 +349 +350 +351 +352 +353 +354 +355 +356 +357 +358 +359 +360 #---------------------------------------------------------------------# Check to see if scheduling is already running #---------------------------------------------------------------------let mg_module_id = "DOCS5AJR" let mg_module_id_2 = "DOCS5AJX" select module_id into mg_68re_module_id from DOCS68RE where module_id = mg_module_id if status < 0 then call cm98_display_error ("ERROR Selecting Restart Record", 1) sleep 3 let valid = false return end if if status = 0 then let cm99_record.pgph = "osm2_init_vars" let cm99_record.error_nbr = 111 let cm99_record.msg = "Scheduling Already Running" call cm99_log_4gl_msg() end if select module_id into mg_68re_module_id from DOCS68RE where module_id = mg_module_id_2 if status < 0 then call cm98_display_error ("ERROR Selecting Restart Record", 1) sleep 3 let valid = false return solution: Removed the entry from docs68re and started docs5ajr from the first step. 85) EOD issue: proper control file in not in place while doing the start up. 1) ask user to log off from oper1 2) su – oper1 3) put a zero byte file in /u/docs/CTL.DOCS.STARTUP.CTL DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 87 2/25/2024 4) login as oper1(canada1) and goto /u/oper1/oper1.ksh 5) make changes to it in the required place if [ $eod_sel = 2 ] then print "STARTUP was selected" docsstrt (step #) 2>/tmp/startup.err fi 6)ask the user to now login and run from start up. 7) important: after it gets competed successful then come back to script again and revert back your changes. 86) BOL not printing – ‘shipment not complete’ docs13sh: wran_bol 0604781480 shipment_status O common_carrier WSXI route_code CC truck_number trlr_nbr CRIS864 ppd_freight_code freight_amt dest_ship_grp_id 84737WAREHO cust_ship_to_nbr 91561 ship_to_addr_line1 WAL-MART #29R - REG carton_load_type SL load_date_time load_employee_nbr bol_prt_date_time 2009-12-09 20:34:11.00000 release_date 12/04/2009 consol_wran_bol print_stat P completed_by_emp complete_date_time billing_note carrier_ref_nbr shpt_tot_wgt 0.00 nbr_of_cartons 0 exp_bol 00510710604781480 pickup_appt_nbr 66797598 sold_to_acct_nbr 91561 ship_to_store 6291 full_truck_ind nbr_of_frt_pallets 20 pallet_wgt_adj 500.00 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 88 2/25/2024 pallet_cube_adj 2500.00 maint_date_time 2009-12-10 08:08:18.00000 operator_initials ZZ6 create_date_time 2009-12-07 22:05:36.00000 select * from docs13sh where wran_bol=0604781480 select * from docs11ch where wran_bol=0604781480 select unique(carton_stat) from docs11ch where wran_bol=0604781480 ship_carton_nbr select ship_carton_nbr,carton_stat from docs11ch where wran_bol=0604781480 ship_carton_nbr carton_stat 106304359 106304360 106304361 106304362 106304363 106304364 106304365 106304366 106304367 106304368 106304369 106304370 106304371 106304372 106304373 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S update docs13sh set shipment_status='S' where wran_bol='0604781480' DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 89 2/25/2024 87) Quar existing stock When ever the user goes to 4-2-1- Quar existing stock, it throws the error Program Abend. Each carton that I checked for this error had carton_stat as 'U'. Please advise. LOG: ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCIC97PF ERROR NUMBER : 5 SEVERITY :3 PARAGRAPH : ic97_main LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : eswarak TIME : Thu Dec 10 10:12:45 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 930561 MESSAGE : INVENTORY IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE, BUT THE CARTON_STAT IS NOT R, A, W, P, or N. processing carton 406085821 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCRC05PF ERROR NUMBER : 300 SEVERITY :4 PARAGRAPH : rc05_process_cartons LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : eswarak TIME : Thu Dec 10 10:12:45 2009 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 930561 MESSAGE : Error Calling DCIC97PF ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Soln: This carton was in status U (unavailable) in a active random reserve location it should be status A. I updated the whse_bin_location on docs20ch to H01-035C (outside storage location - cartons in outside storage locations should be DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 90 2/25/2024 unavailable). I then did a rf carton transfer back to the original location W51-053F. The carton is now in status A and problem should be fixed. 88) Docs5ajr - recarton ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Mon Jan 4 07:09:59 EST 2010 DOCS5AJR: Failed in recarton ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ Start from next step. I mean 12th step 89) DOCS5AJR failed in pick_zones ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS66PS ERROR NUMBER : 3300 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : 3300 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Tue Jan 5 07:41:53 2010 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 6 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 269 MESSAGE : Missing pick path grp - see displays in debug file ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Tue Jan 5 07:41:25 EST 2010 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 91 2/25/2024 DOCS5AJR: Failed in pick_zones ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ ~ Sol: put an entry in docsztpt, back out the schd by running the query(os21_out.sql) from home dir by changing the schd number and ran the docs5ajr from 1st step. added pick_path_grp [500] work_cntn_grp [UP1] strt_pck_area_ind [Y] pickline_fac [0.906 ] crtn_schd_strt_fac [1.017 ] crtn_schd_stop_fac [0.000 ] nbr_pcs_schd_fac [0.173 ] sto_crtn_schd_fac [1.338 ] pass_zone_schd_fac [0.000 ] look_pck_schd_fac [0.000 ] pick_base_rate_amt [10.000 ] create_date_time [2004-06-19 08:00:00] operator_initials [RLB] 90) EOD issue: 04:44:45 Logical Log Files are Full -- Backup is Needed cd /usr/informix/online.log Ontape -c is not running, Login backup,backup 91) ISSUE: The user sent the list of cartons that were manifested via USPS yesterday but do not have BOL numbers so cannot do billing. RESOLUTION: Carton status was S in docs11ch. The FEDX/Connectship services were down on connectship server yesterday (restart) so message to produce the manifest was not DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 92 2/25/2024 received by the Seminole server (possibly Connectship never sent it as the service was down). So we tricked the docs by manually sending the message by executing the command. Go to /home/mwhitt. There are 2 file and Execute the file for USPS. Command will be executed giving the output; Message sent to DCSHC6PC 01, text = 2USPSN System will receive BOLs. Check wran_bol in docs11ch. 92) Issue: Adjustments in BOXS for the following styles. We cannot enter the cubics information and are receiving error messages. AJSNK55 AJSPK55 AJUG7N5 AJRUK55 AJTEK55 Soln: Login to winsql boxs/golive 0008 db and give the below query update BOXS_VFC_0008.BOXS_PRODUCT set SALES_ORG_CD = 'ODC2' where PRODUCT_NBR in ('ADUV0C5', 'ADUV10R', 'ADUV841', 'AJRB001', 'AJRBL02', 'AJUA001', 'AJUA2W0', 'AJUA70M', 'AJUA612', 'ADUXL02', 'ADUXM21', 'AT0AZ96', 'AJSQZ97', 'AJSQZ96' ) <?xml version="1.0"?>^M <RATERESPONSE><RESPONSE><TRANSACTIONREFERENCE><CUSTOMERCONTEXT /><XPCIVERSION/></TRANSACTIONREFERENCE><RESPONSESTA DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 93 2/25/2024 TUSCODE>2</RESPONSESTATUSCODE> <RESPONSESTATUSDESCRIPTION>Failure</RESPONSESTATUSDESCRIPTION><RES PONSEERROR><ERRORSEVERITY>Fatal</ERRORSEVERITY><ERRO RCODE>3018</ERRORCODE><ER RORDESCRIPTION>Error in RateRequest: FedEx FSMS Server rating error: Could not find surcharge amounts R7</ERRO RDESCRIPTION><MINIMUMRETRYSECONDS/><ERRORLOCATION><ERRORLOCATIO NELEMENTNAME/><ERRORLOCATIONELEMENTREFERENCE/><ERR ORLOCATIONATTRIBUTENAME/></ERR ORLOCATION><ERRORDIGEST/></RESPONSEERROR></RESPONSE></RATERESPO NSE>^M 93) Steps needs to be followed to track the out of balance. 1) run chksys from Mickey's home directory -- chksys <Month date> chksys Jan 22 - example : 2) It will create reports and difference... check those reports and find out the difference... go thru those report programs and see how the transactions are getting pulled from docs40tr docs40tr - Sort by trans_date_time for that style and see how it went and what are the transactions.. From here it's purely analysis on docs40tr and all the reports which got generated by chksys 3) Also we have some programs where Shiny used to send some mainframe transactions for each DC and then will acknowledge it... I don't remember now. Also, You can check the docs inventory program if something happened - docs23tk DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 94 2/25/2024 The order balancing program is docs22jr for reference purpose. 94) Code movement to SYSD: You can only send code to SYSD from vfhqurs2. The reason is SYSD and vfhqurs2 are running AIX 5.1, Informix 9 and MF COBOL 2. You have to compile the code on vfhqurs2 before sending it. Use send_test SYSD bin dcos60ps. Scan pick tkt - M2021337 order # - R0157814 Error = "I57.Data error. Locate count greater than packed count. Contact MIS to resolve!" * #32 This incident arose from a situtation where the * destination and located carton count was greater than * the actual packed carton count. In theory, an impossibility. * But unable to reproduce the error in the packing module * at this time. We'll flag the ticket, and have to manually * adjust the SOPTKT-PKCARC field to reflect the true number * of DMCART records for the SOPTKTID. Also, on DMCART, * the SEQNO field for all cartons needs to be adjusted so * that no SEQNO duplicates itself, and the SEQNO should not * exceed PKCARC. At the time of the reported problem there * was 1 in 350,000 tickets affected. If this really happens * more frequently, we'll have to try and reconstruct in packing * how this could even be possible. IF (SOPTKT-PKCARC < SOPTKT-PHCARC) OR (SOPTKT-PKCARC < SOPTKT-SHCARC) MOVE WS-IMESG-57 TO NDS533V0-VMESG GO TO E070-ERROR END-IF. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 95 2/25/2024 soptkt select * from soptkt where soptktid ='M2021337' soktktid pkcarc pkcans phcarc = M2021337 2 3 3 dmcart select * from dmcart where soptktid ='M2021337' soktktid = M2021337 62413-4022 62413-4031 Query: update soptkt set shpctn='2', shcarc='2', phcarc='2' where soptktid='M2021337' Canada change ship date: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 96 2/25/2024 select * from docscarr where connship_lbl_txt !='' and connship_ship_dt = '02/27/2010' update docscarr set connship_ship_dt = '02/08/2010' where connship_lbl_txt !='' and connship_ship_dt = '02/06/2010' cmd: msgsend DCSHC6PC 01 ‘QUIT’ nohup DCSHC6PC 01 & Split the BOL: We need to split Bol # 402875398 and the DOCS system will not let us split this. To access this screen: Shipping Routing Maintenance Split BOL Screen name: DCMN10PC Error message: “Wal-Mart invoice may not be split” Soln: Updated the customer number for the Wal-Mart for the given bol. Used the sql query on /home/whittm/upd_Walmart prep cartons not selecting: Trying to schedule prep prepack item # 00661, it is showing that we need 23 more cartons, We have 23 cartons available on docs and not for sure why it is not selecting? a few example prep Carton #'s that are on docs - 154168701 and 407953792 (pulled off dcsh07r1 report) These cartons show to be in docs inventory, we have physically checked and cartons are in locations, show to be available but system is not selecting for order scheduling? Contact if any further help is needed and i can put you in touch with our order scheduler. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 97 2/25/2024 Solution: Changed the prep carton quantity to 0 on the docs08pp table EOD Report Stuck Lpstat –W |grep < Printer > Stated job running but nothing was printing. Solution: Killed the job using Opcom cancel <jobnumber> Invoice Not Billed: Invalid Manifest invoice_number 75366989 ship_carton_nbr 106256565 ship_carton_ckdig 0 carton_bar_code 00000510711062565650 whse_bin_location L99-003A ppk_pull_bin_loc frt_bin_loc nbr_of_sbus 0 wran_bol 9000033710 - Invalid Manifest connship_ship_dt connship_mnft_id connship_msg_id 12/03/2009 0 999999 Solution: connship_mnft_id was set to Spaces on docs11ch Carton was not billed as it had a Bol number wran_bol 9000033710. Had to create a docs47ol for the invoice and let the docs20jr run and then check the DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 98 2/25/2024 /upload/arc for that invoice. The DOCS04 had BL for that Invoice 95) FCP not being Picked for Target Customer Solution Check docs11ch and docsb1ch for that schd_number and Pick_wave_nbr. It should be set to ‘Y’. If not then, it cannot be a full case pick. As stated by the Mainframe Team: Normally customer service puts a pack note on Target orders saying "Pack in solid SKU 10 pc cartons". The DC has the inventory stored in 10 pc solid sku storage cartons so we match the orders to the inventory and generate full case picks. But for these orders - customer service said "pack in 24 pc cartons, assorted lots and sizes" - and the DC has the stock packed in solid sku 10 pc cartons so the packed inventory does not match what customer service said to put in the box. So it can't be Full Case Picked. 96) DMS : pulling Picketicket Info from FMS (cosmo) to DMS Test Data is not pulled to DMS Error in /Archive/logs - ptdemand.elog READ of pt failed at attempt to get SO. STS/KEY = Date: 05/04/2010 Time: 09:21:26 READ of pt failed at attempt to get SO. STS/KEY = -951/26686849 -951/26686850 Solutions: Login as dmsadm And Then run ptdemand.4ge 98) DOCS20JR Failure gsma_platform <AIX> MVS_File <ITNP.RISCWRG.WREPRS1.MAY10.ERR06.T0820> DOCS_msg <ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu May 6 08:18:00 MDT 2010 DOCS20JR: script failed on step EXTRACT INVENTORY ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE *****************> DOCS_Module <MODULE: DOCS20JR> **************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DCIF09PS PARAGRAPH/LINE: 8250 ERROR NUMBER: 160 SQL STATUS: 100 EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu May 6 08:18:25 2010 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 99 2/25/2024 Row not found ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Failed in EXTRACT INVENTORY Step. There was a 40tr which had a storage carton but that storage carton was not in 20ch and 21ch. Inserted the same using below query even when carton status is D Mickey Whitt/VF... Mickey Whitt/V... Nupur Rashi Pa... Nupur Rashi Pa... Nupur Rashi Pa... Mickey Whitt/V... Nupur Rashi Pa... Mickey Whitt/V... Nupur Rashi Pa... Nupur Rashi Pa... Mickey Whitt/V... Nupur Rashi Pa... Nupur Rashi Pa... Mickey Whitt/V... Mickey Whitt/V... Mickey Whitt/V... Nupur Rashi Pa... Nupur Rashi Pa... Mickey Whitt/V... Nupur Rashi Pa... Nupur Rashi Pa... Nupur Rashi Pa... Nupur Rashi Pa... Nupur Rashi Pa... Mickey Whitt/V... Nupur Rashi Pa... where is the /tmp file for the docs20jr failure did you make a copy? At the end Micket there was another 40tr record which I had deleted earlier, and restarted the job but it failed again for another carton did you unload it before deleting Yes... where is file I have a backup Its is under /home/docs/docs40tr ok, I'll put it back. Going to have to create docs20ch and docs21cd records for these oh..ok I was wondering how to get the data for the 20ch and 21cd found a carton with same irreg lot number on docs20ch, unloaded it and docs21cd for the carton. Changed carton nbr and loaded to 20ch and 21cd the files are /u/whittm/20ch.irgepw and /u/whittm/21cd.irgepw docs20jr has run now ok.. I will put this in the Troubleshooting document thanks Thanks Mickey Mickey, anotehr help Another help There is an SCM for DMS ticket Can you approve that it's approved Thanks Mickey EOD Stuck in Canada for 40 Mins docs@rkhsurs1 /tmp $ ls -rlt shut* -rw-r--r-- 1 oper1 staff 12032 May 10 06:34 shutdown.err docs@rkhsurs1 /tmp $ + take_offline + return_code=0 + dccm07pc docsshut take_offline 0 + [ 0 -eq 0 ] + let step_number=step_number+1 + [ 13 -lt 15 ] + dccm07pc docsshut make_inactive + eval make_inactive + make_inactive + return_code=0 + dccm07pc docsshut make_inactive 0 + [ 0 -eq 0 ] + let step_number=step_number+1 + [ 14 -lt 15 ] DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 100 2/25/2024 + dccm07pc docsshut shutdown_system + eval shutdown_system + shutdown_system + OUTPUT_FILE=/u/docs/CTL.DOCS.SHUTDOWN.CTL + print Creating the SHUTDOWN control file. + print + date + 1> /u/docs/CTL.DOCS.SHUTDOWN.CTL + chmod 666 /u/docs/CTL.DOCS.SHUTDOWN.CTL + print + print Shutdown will begin in 30 seconds. + print Press control-C to abort system shutdown. + sleep 30 + opcom shutdown -Fr odmget: Cannot open class CuDv awk: Field is not correct. The input line number is 1. The source line number is 6. odmget: Cannot open class CuDv awk: Field is not correct. The input line number is 1. The source line number is 6. umount: error unmounting /dev/userdocslv: Device busy umount: error unmounting /dev/hd10opt: Device busy umount: error unmounting /dev/hd1: Device busy odmget: Cannot open class PdAt Give cd/eod Unld. docs@rkhsurs1 /tmp $ uptime 10:15AM up 1:11, 3 users, load average: 0.21, 0.25, 0.18 -rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r-- 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential 38797312 May 10 06:31 docsb1ch.unl 79691776 May 10 06:32 docsb2cd.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docsb3pd.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docsb4sd.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docsbbct.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docsboct.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docsbpct.unl 2097152 May 10 06:32 docsrmks.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docsslct.unl 61865984 May 10 06:32 docswrk1.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docswrk2.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docszapt.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docszgpt.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docszhpt.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docszipt.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docsznpt.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docszopt.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docszppt.unl Page 101 2/25/2024 -rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r-- 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1 informix sys 1048576 May 10 06:32 docszqpt.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docsztpt.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docszvpt.unl 1048576 May 10 06:32 docszwpt.unl uptime Shows you how long has the server been up. Once that is done, run the start up. Never run the SHUTDOWN urself. If you need to run it from a specific step, change the step number in oper1.ksh Problem 99 To find the Master BOL Number for a given BOL Solution: The docs13sh table has both master bol number(consol_wran_bol) and the BOL number (wran_bol) Printer Issue Docszypt and docszqpt were changed 28.Tape drive problem (Ticket # 08617178) User called in and reported that she is doing the EOD archive and since the tape1 was full, she needs to insert the 2nd tape but the tape1 is not coming out from the drive. Resolution: 1. Ask user to press the eject button for 20 seconds and see if the tape is coming out from the drive. 2. If resolution 1 is not working then try the commands, mt -f /dev/rmt2 unload (to eject the tape from tape drive) mt -f /dev/rmt2 rewoffl (to rewind the tape from tape drive) and check if the tape is coming out from the drive. 3. If both 1 and 2 is not working, then the tape drive could be damaged and the tape could be brought out only by hardware service team. 4. Meanwhile raise a ticket with the Informix on call person (Group IGSVFDBINFMX), to point EOD archive to another tape drive. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 102 2/25/2024 Then ask user to try archiving again or run the command (ontape -s -B docsdb_eod). This might start archiving from the beginning from the next available tape drive. 29. Directories missing We usually get called with information that the user is unable to access DOCS, and no one at the DC is able to. On checking, if you see that the directories are missing, it means that the backup server came on first and took hold of the shared drives. We need to login to the backup server, and run stop_system as oper1. This will bring DOCS down on the backup server (wreprs2). Then, have someone manually power off the main server (wreprs1). Once this is done, manually bring the main server back up, and then bring the backup server back up. 30. Schedule(docs5ajr) failure in Hollypond ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS62PS ERROR NUMBER : 266 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 75500 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Thu Sep 22 09:21:42 2011 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 262 MESSAGE : Controls Out of Balance ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu Sep 22 09:19:40 CDT 2011 DOCS5AJR: Failed in update_tables DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 103 2/25/2024 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** The reason for failure is array out of index when the lots are not set up the static pick bin location .So get all the SKU’s from the input file DOCSF2IS and ask the user to setup styles with static pick bins .And restart the job from the job once the user done with the pick bin setup. RECENT TICKETS : 1. 13252574 Contact Name : Tanisha Campbella Phone Number :905 460 2836 Coalition : Outdoor Location : NFBR Physical Location : NFBR Issue user is reporting : -Cartons are in C-status has to be changed to W-status. Resolution : 1.Update DOCS11CH,set the carton_stat to ‘W’ Update docs11ch set carton_stat = 'W' where ship_carton_nbr = ‘010022304’ 2. Update DOCS10OH,set the order_stat = ‘W’ update docs10oh set order_stat = 'W' where invoice_number in (select invoice_number from docs11ch where ship_carton_nbr = ‘010022304’ DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 104 2/25/2024 3.Check for DOCS47OL record.If there is any record for that ship_carton_nbr and the order stat as ‘C’then take a back up and delete that record. delete from docs47ol where invoice_nbr in (select invoice_number from docs11ch where ship_carton_nbr = ‘010022304’) and order_Stat = ‘C’ 2. 13235971 Contact Name:Roger Kendrick Contact Number: 205 9353126 Alternate Contact Number: 205 9355365 RACF ID: KENDRIR Email Address: Location: Hackleburg (DC) User needs a Sev1 ticket to DOCS-AIX Issue:There are 32 manual cartons left in wave 89 38 that did not get letdown. Needs to wave them over to 99 40 RESOLUTION : Update the DOCS20CH and DOCS31RF with the schd nbr and the wave nbr which the user provides.Usually the user will ask us to move the schd and wave nbr to the schd which will run next. update docs20ch set schd_nbr = '99' , pick_wave_nbr = '40' where schd_nbr = '89' and pick_wave_nbr = '38' update docs31rf set schd_nbr = '99' , pick_wave_nbr = '40' where schd_nbr = '89' and pick_wave_nbr = '38' DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 105 2/25/2024 3. 13235791 Contact Name: Catarina Valotta Contact Number: 905 4602823 Alternate Contact Number: RACF ID: Email Address: Location / Building / Floor: VFC CAN - VF Canada Distribution - NFBR Description of the issue: Need a style up setup in to boxes program that is missing. VN-0OKS5AY RESOLUTION : Run the following query in the ‘7hdv4h1’.Obtain the styles which is the ‘PRODUCT_NBR’ from the user. update BOXS_VFC_0008.BOXS_PRODUCT set SALES_ORG_CD = 'ODC2' where PRODUCT_NBR = VN-0OKS5AY 4. Incident NAINC0013385565 has been assigned to your group 'VFC-SC-DOCS-AIX'. Service Type: User Service Restoration Priority: 1-Critical Urgency: 3-Medium Summary: Need letdowns released Notes: Customer name: Angela Hubley RACF ID: na Phone number: 905 4602846 Email address: na Alternate Phone number: 905 460 2831 (Lauraine) Customer Location: VFC CAN - VF Canada Distribution - NFBR Description of the issue: User need letdowns released. Schedule 99. Someone cleared an active schedule. When user release the next schedule, the letdown are held DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 106 2/25/2024 Resolution : Updated the DOCS31RF table.The directive status is set to ready as it was on hold status.. update docs31rf set directive_stat = 'R' where schd_nbr = '99' and pick_wave_nbr = '18' Once updated the user told that,the wave schd enquiry screen is not showing up the Previous active schd which is '98'.. So updated the DOCS35WS table for the active wave with the begin date time as CURRENT and the end time as NULL for the last active schd (98).. 5. Incident NAINC0013347485 has been assigned to your group 'VFC-SC-DOCS-AIX'. Service Type: User Service Restoration Priority: 3-Medium Urgency: 3-Medium Summary: Cannot get into order scheduling menu Notes: Customer name: Judith Lynch RACF ID: na Phone number: 1 256 796 4500 Email address: na Alternate Phone number: na Customer Location: 1 256 796 4500 Description of the issue: User cannot get into order scheduling menu. User wanted to speak to DOCS On-Call. Transferred user to DOCS On-Call. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 107 2/25/2024 Resolution : Find out,is there any users logged on to the same menu or screen using grep. ps -ef |grep 'oper1' oper1 5292 100654 0 09:57:11 - 0:00 sshd: oper1@pts/39 oper1 6952 46446 0 18:44:35 - 0:00 dcta41pc 02 oper1 16288 1 0 18:44:34 - 0:00 /usr/docs/bin/dcta03pc STARTUP root 19552 21534 0 05:54:31 - 0:00 sshd: oper1 [priv] oper1 31652 61326 0 05:54:38 pts/4 0:00 -ksh oper1 34990 1 0 18:44:38 - 0:10 /bin/ksh /usr/docs/scripts/docs 82jd oper1 38668 48726 0 10:14:51 - 0:00 sleep 600 oper1 44604 46446 0 18:44:35 - 0:00 dcta41pc 01 oper1 46446 1 0 18:44:35 - 0:00 /usr/docs/bin/dcta03pc STRTTA41 oper1 48726 1 0 18:44:38 - 0:00 /bin/ksh /usr/docs/scripts/docs cshp oper1 52816 80100 0 05:57:22 pts/4 0:00 dcmn10pp dcmn10m1 oper1 58164 81524 0 09:57:13 pts/39 0:00 /bin/ksh /usr/docs/scripts/docs oper1 61326 19552 0 05:54:38 - 0:00 sshd: oper1@pts/4 oper1 62274 16288 0 18:44:34 - 0:00 DCSHC8PC 01 docs 63418 107178 0 10:16:43 pts/12 0:00 grep oper1 oper1 69880 48726 0 18:44:38 - 0:00 DCSHC0PC 01 oper1 74684 34990 0 10:16:39 - 0:00 sleep 5 oper1 79330 16288 0 18:44:34 - 0:00 DCIM03PS 10 oper1 80100 31652 0 05:57:22 pts/4 0:00 /bin/ksh /usr/docs/scripts/docs oper1 80652 16288 0 18:44:34 - 0:00 DCSHC7PC 01 oper1 81524 5292 0 09:57:11 pts/39 0:00 -ksh root 100654 21534 0 09:57:03 - 0:00 sshd: oper1 [priv] oper1 118778 58164 0 09:57:13 pts/39 0:00 dcmn10pp dcmn10m1 oper1 121068 52816 0 08:34:02 pts/4 0:00 dcosm0pf dcosm0pf is the order schd screen. The user has logged in to the order schd screen..(oper1 121068 52816 0 08:34:02 pts/4 0:00 dcosm0pf).. So confirm with the user that is she the only one to use it.. If so,kill it and ask the user to try once again from the first. opcom kill -9 121068 Ask the user to try again..It works.. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 108 2/25/2024 6. ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCLW04PS ERROR NUMBER : 22 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 8100-fetch-carton LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : 00 EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Mon Sep 12 08:43:39 2011 SQLCODE / DESC: -400 Fetch attempted on unopen cursor. SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 525 MESSAGE : ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Remedy ticket : Ticket Request - Print Schedule 24 1.DBACCESS - Check the print status in DOCS11CH select count(*) from docs11ch where schd_nbr = '24' and print_status = 'y' 2.Now update DOCS11CH update docs11ch set print_status = ' ' where schd_nbr = '24' 3.Now run the prog dclw04ps 24 4.Check for the Reports *sh04* copy them to the label path in .pas extn and print them. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 109 2/25/2024 7. ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCRC08PF ERROR NUMBER : 350 SEVERITY : 4 PARAGRAPH : rc08_pull LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : houl TIME : Fri Sep 30 06:10:39 2011 SQLCODE / DESC: -239 Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column. SQLERR ISAM : -100 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 130 SQLERR ROWID : 15167 MESSAGE : Sql error code 0 inserting rc08_31rf_inst for413821737 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** RESOLUTION : There was the record in the DOCS58ST which had the duplicates. select * from docs58st where storage_carton_nbr in (select storage_Carton_nbr from docs20ch where crtn_quar_grp = '603') Then delete the records after taking the backup.. Recent tickets: 1) NAINC0013477279: cases are reverting back into the papers Solution: Removed 50sd for the failed carton and restarted IM03 at station 61 2) NAINC0013472625 User needs service codes upgraded. Group numbers: 045839 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 110 2/25/2024 045841 045847045847 We need the unscheduled UPS (cust_number 45410) orders upgraded to service code 02 (2nd day Air). The orders are in order groups 045839, 045841, and 045847. Solution: Updated docsb0oh to change the service level to 02 for the Kohls orders. 3) NAINC0013471433 issue: problem with gatepassing Fedex error: Zipcode is not served Solution: Updated docs10oh with correct zip code 4) NAINC0013471001: Pack Slips are not printing for Schedule 11 Solution: Restarted the loftware service manager 5) NAINC0013470315: EU mentioned there is a issue with Fedex Error: Fedex FSMS Server Rating error Solution: Fedex issue.Cleared routing errors 6) NAINC0013464641: There are boxes going forward and not being confirmed There are 3 bar codes he sees that are having issues Here are 3 carton numbers that will not confirm. Luray DC (00)000510711311536844 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 111 2/25/2024 (00)000510711311537308 (00)000510711311538053 Solution: Boxs are confirming now ..And there is no other problem found..All related progarms are running .Send message to sh25 for the carton in question and it got confirmed fine .As there is not much picking happening right now , the number of boxs coming to the fright floor is very less .Montored the sh25 log for half an hour and all the boxs are getting confirmed to the fright floor .Closing the ticket as per user confirmation.User will open a new ticket if the problem happens again 7) NAINC0013461406: carton will not manifest: Solution: Changed the carton status back to W and asked user to confirm the carton once again . 8) NAINC0013460468: routed UPS Issue cannot reroute this it came down routed UPOS and should be UPS Solution: Updated docs10oh with carrier code as UPS and then asked teh user to reroute it to the correct carrier 9) NAINC0013457845: Issue user is reporting: additional copies for end of day reports Solution: Updated docszqpt to increase the number of copies of the requested eod reports .User confirmed that they have got report printed with required number of copies 10) NAINC0013450450: when the user got to do a ?DC to DC transfer DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 112 2/25/2024 got a problem with Code 194 lot number: 6bchwab program aband this lot number problem: when the user tried to transfer this lot from DC to DC got a aband error code 194 Solution: Removed old records from docs58st 11) NAINC0013452116: User said he ordered 197 dc to dc for cartons and the orders are not showing up in the pool group Solution: Inserted 32ra record for the pull group 12) NAINC0013448898: User called to inform that Carton cant be scanned thru shipping with no service codes defined Solution: Updated docs3bil with correct service level code 13) NAINC0013433009: User need them to set up active schedules in order to release. Solution: Unloaded Schd from the EOD DB and loaded in to the Production 14) NAINC0013474715: User is reporting: *Sev2 DOCS *Random location set to ZERO request *random location number Z99-314A Solution: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 113 2/25/2024 Asked the user to run opcom BALANCE today before the EOD 15) NAINC0013470788: Description of the Issue: Pickticket will not fetch from FMS need a ticket issued to the VFC-TPA-DMS group for the following issue: Pickticket # 31335644 will not fetch from FMS Solution: Pick ticket is part of M ticket which is already clsoed in DMS> Hence, the system is not letting it fetch again. Informed the same to the user. They will have to reset the entire M ticket, fetch it and process them again 16)ODWMD8JR FAILURE : The logs file showed that the script has failed in “ARCHIVE FILES”.Below is the tmp directory of this script. cd /tmp file : DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. cp: /prd1/odwm/odw/data/down/J210018735: not a directory. Copy ODWM08DT failed !! + set -A mg_error_desc odwmd8jr.0042.arc.ksh: script failed on step ARCHIVE FILES + boxs_error + exit 101 ~ Script: ODWM08DT=vfc.boxs.$phy_plant.WMDTL* cp $ODWM08DT $WM_PATH/$WM_FILE WM_FILE=J2$XMIT_CTL_NBR export WM_PATH=$HOME/down DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 114 2/25/2024 The ODWM08DT will have the file vfc.boxs.0042.WMDTL* along with the Xmit control number in the path /prd1/odwm/odw/data/down. But the file J210018735 is not created. Resolution : The actual problem was there were two copies of file(vfc.boxs.$phy_plant.WMDTL*) in the /DATA path because of which the the copy was failed. So deleted the file which was there with '0 bytes' and restarted the job. 17)NAINC0013527396 Description of the issue : the Ups manifest did not the expected 620 to print, only 1 did print Resolution : Updated all necessary 11ch fields to change the carton status back to C from S. Also updated 17tl to change the trailer status back to C from S. Then voided all cartons from connsctship.And then backed DC to gate pass the trailer again 18) NAINC0013528831 Notes: User said she has a carton and she's unable to bill it. User said she tried everything but still won't bill. Invoice Number: 86697060 Carton Number: 00000510711319260499 Resolution : Updated all necessary fields in docs11ch to change revert the shipments back to C status from S. Voided the packages in connectship .Then asked the user to close again 19) NAINC0013530173 Caller: Brenda Hoak User id: HOAKB Contact: 540 7435147 x:625 Coalition: Jeanswear DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 115 2/25/2024 Issue: Server error "2024" error inserting on the database on Connectship (FEDEX) Assigned to: DOCS AIX Resolution : Incremented the last_rps_tracking id in 87ft by one and assiggned the same to 11ch for the failed carton 20) NAINC0013544996 Issue: High Bay operators that are not able to do personal putaway. when they do the function "personal transfer", it is showing carton to tranfer 624 boxes but they dont have any boxes Resolution : Take a backup DOCS24CC record for the given Badge id by the user and delete those records.Confirm the no of cartons exist in the table before deleting.It should match with the no of cartons provided by the user. 21) INVOICE CUST ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP SERVICE ERROR DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0087038284 91563 20563 STRATH HAVEN DRIVE MONTGOMERY VILLAGE MD 20886 FEDX/15 INVALID FEDEX FSMS SERVER REPLY 0087038286 91563 795 W EVENS RD 19979 FEDX/15 INVALID FEDEX FSMS SERVER VIOLA DE MOUNTAIN GROVE MO RIGBY ID OMAHA NE REPLY 0087038288 91563 305 SOUTH HIGH STREET 65711 FEDX/15 INVALID FEDEX FSMS SERVER REPLY 0087038291 91563 564 N 4107 E 83442 FEDX/15 INVALID FEDEX FSMS SERVER REPLY 0087038293 91563 4947 SOUTH 190TH STREET 68135 FEDX/15 INVALID FEDEX FSMS SERVER DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 116 2/25/2024 ps -ef |grep DCSH* docs 70458 78226 docs 79554 78226 docs 86096 78226 docs 101304 1 0 Jan 22 0 Jan 22 0 Jan 22 0 00:01:11 - 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 DCSHC0PC DCSHC8PC DCSHC7PC DCSHC6PC 01 01 01 01 Resolution : update docskcpt set rte_stat_code = '' where ord_grp_nbr in ( select ord_grp_nbr from docsb0oh where rte_stat_code = 'E' and common_carrier = 'FEDX' and create_date_time > '2012-01-21 17:00:00.88193' ); update docsb0oh set rte_stat_code = '' where rte_stat_code = 'E' and common_carrier = 'FEDX' and create_date_time > '2012-01-21 17:00:00.88193'; 22) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCIF30PS ERROR NUMBER : 100 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 3850 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Tue Jan 31 08:08:10 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 100 100 Row not found. SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 1041159 MESSAGE : DOCS02LD not found for lot MGW20BG size 38 -29 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 117 2/25/2024 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS23JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Tue Jan 31 07:50:19 MST 2012 DOCS23JR : script failed in DCIF30PS at 'date' ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ ~ dccm07pc docs23jr extract_carton_invt + extract_carton_invt Execution error : file 'mfini' error code: 119, pc=0, call=1, seg=0 119 Name is not unique (binding symbol 'mfini') + dccm07pc docs23jr extract_carton_invt 255 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS23JR : script failed in DCIF30PS at 'date' + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 ( IN EOD Database ) Check for the above mentioned lot number along with the dimensions in DOCS42RL. Usually this error occurs when there is an entry for that lot number in 42RL and not in DOCS02LD. So check for the data and if there is any data for that particular lot number and dimension Take a backup of that record and delete it.Restart DOCS23JR. 23) NAINC0013561216 Summary: Schedule Issue Notes: Description of the issue:Schedule Issue Customer name:Miguel Mora Phone number:915 8603822 Customer Location:VFC USA - El Paso (DC) - WR09 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 118 2/25/2024 Issue user is reporting : The schedule 80 wave 01 is not on replenishment table Resolution: Take a backup of DOCS57SH table and delete them..Then restart DCMH81PC..(nohup DCMH81PC 10 & )..Make sure that its not running before restart.Else "msgsend DCMH86PC 10 "R:00:00".Then restart. 24) NAINC0013560938 ISSUE: Start up showing in error code Docs90JD failed No error msg except this.Showing options Retry,skip,abort. Cd /tmp : startup.err showed up the following msg. + dccm07pc docs90jd create_database 0 + [ 0 -eq 0 ] + let step_number=step_number+1 + [ 19 -lt 30 ] + dccm07pc docs90jd load_eod + eval load_eod + load_eod + return_code=1 + dccm07pc docs90jd load_eod 1 + [ 1 -eq 0 ] + retry_step Resolution : /eod was full .So opened a sev1 ticket with unix team to increase the sapce .Restarted docs91jd from last setp to unload the tables once agon. But docs20ch had a lock on it and it did not got unloaded.Asked the DC to stop working on everything but KOSAN .. Then did a fast shutdown(option 3) to shut DOCS down .Removed all the table BUT docs20ch from the eod_tables file and an 91jd once agin . That unloaded all the files . Then updated oper1 profile to start the job from drop databse step . DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 119 2/25/2024 25) NAINC0013588329 Issue: Kosan table are not rolling over Check for the MH81 log..If it has failed with an error code of 1001,then do the following (As per Mickey) Guys, We filled up the KOSAN shipping tables (they will only hold about 40,000 records) because they are doing so many prepack and fcp cartons. These cartons do not go on the KOSAN so the docs57sh carton_proc_stat never gets updated to C. Because of this we were loading records to KOSAN that were not needed. This is how I corrected the problem: Run /u/whittm/fullkosan.sql, below : unload to /u/whittm/kosan.full select count(*) from docs57sh where carton_proc_stat != 'C' and carton_bar_code in (select carton_bar_code from docs11ch where carton_stat in ('S', 'C', 'D')) Then delete docs57sh records you just unloaded: delete from docs57sh where carton_proc_stat != 'C' and carton_bar_code in (select carton_bar_code from docs11ch where carton_stat in ('S', 'C', 'D')) Make sure DCMH81PC is not running, then: msgsend DCMH86PC 10 "R:00:00" Restart DCMH81PC nohup DCMH81PC 10 & DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 120 2/25/2024 03/02/2012 26) NAINC0013591950 Issue : Error in scheduling. Cannot get into Order scheduling..Missing DOCSB0OH for group 054127. Resolution : select * from docskcpt / docsb0oh/b1ch/b2cd/b7cd for the ord_grp_nbr = '054127' If docsb0oh/b1ch/b2cd has no data and bkct has data,then DELETE THOSE RECORDS AFTER THE BACKUP. 27) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS66PS ERROR NUMBER : 531 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 7600 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Fri Feb 3 06:07:15 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: -268 Unique constraint () violated. SQLERR ISAM : -100 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 251 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Fri Feb 3 06:05:02 CST 2012 DOCS5AJR: Failed in pick_zones DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 121 2/25/2024 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** cd /tmp + dccm07pc docs5ajr divert_itinerary + eval divert_itinerary + divert_itinerary + mg_error_nbr=0 + dccm07pc docs5ajr divert_itinerary 0 + let step_number=step_number+1 + dcta18pc DOCS5AJR 13 + [ 13 -lt 26 ] + dccm07pc docs5ajr pick_zones + eval pick_zones + pick_zones + mg_error_nbr=255 + dccm07pc docs5ajr pick_zones 255 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS5AJR: Failed in pick_zones + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 Resolution : The records in DOCS34ZA was deleted after taking the backup and the job was restarted.. 04/06/2012 28) NAINC0013595201 ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : ODWMY3PS ERROR NUMBER : 700 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 81700 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : boxs TIME : Sat Feb 4 04:05:23 2012 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 122 2/25/2024 SQLCODE / DESC: -181 SQL0181N The string representation of a datetime value is out of range. SQLSTATE=22007 SQLERR ISAM : 24 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : -500 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : Error inserting BOXS DELV STAT CHNG (wmi7_ins_bdsc) for Delivery "8010296155", BOL "1 ", Updte Actvty Cde "451", Delv D C Stat Cde "70" ***************** END BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: odwmy3jr.0042.ksh PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: boxs TIME: Sat Feb 4 04:05:13 EST 2012 odwmy3jr.0042.ksh: script failed in process_orders ***************** END BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Resolution : Updated the boxs_vfc_0042.odwm_delv_ship_hdr with the ship_dt as it was empty for the above mentioned delivery. update boxs_vfc_0042.odwm_delv_ship_hdr set ship_dt = 20120204 where ship_dt = 0 and pick_tkt_ctl_nbr in (select delv_doc_nbr from boxs_vfc_0042.boxs_delv_stat_chg where ship_dt = '2012-02-04') DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 123 2/25/2024 05/02/2012 29) NAINC0013596033 ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : ODWMU3PS ERROR NUMBER : 8120102 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 8120 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : boxs TIME : Sun Feb 5 10:00:05 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 100 100 Row not found. SQLERR ISAM : 1 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : Error in fetching endset_sel. No End of 605 PIX Transaction Set Record Found during SYNC Processing. Must have a 608 / 13 record in PIX TRAN Table that has not yet been processed. ***************** END BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: odwmu3jr.0042.ksh PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: boxs TIME: Sun Feb 5 10:00:03 EST 2012 odwmu3jr.0042.ksh: Failed in bld_pix_upload_fles ***************** END BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Check with the database whether the transactions are created for the particular date.If its created no problem,else we have to check with the PKMS team in order to send the transactions. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 124 2/25/2024 In the above case,the transactions are created but the job failed saying that “NO 605 transaction and Must have a 608 / 13 record in PIX TRAN Table that has not yet been processed.” When checked with the program,it selects the transaction based up on the following query. Select create_dt,create_tm from BOXS_VFC_0042.ODWM_PIX_TRAN Where Tran_status_cd in (‘U’,’E’) And Wm_tran_type_cd = ‘608’ And Wm_tran_cd = ‘13’ And Wm_job_nm = ‘EODBB5CL’ When checked no transactions were created for this job name.So updated the same table for this transaction with the above mentioned job name and restarted. 29) NAINC0013596500 Schedule did not print Additional : 1. Schedule # 57 Resolution : Tried printing the schedule manually but still no go.When checked with ITGC2ACONNECT,the server was down.So created a ticket with the intel team in order to bring the server up. Once the reboot was down the server was back up and the schedule ran successfully. 30) DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 125 2/25/2024 NAINC0013596568 Issue : Restore the tables Additional Info : 1. No directives for the tables. 2.Schedule # 54 wave 81 This issue is nothing but the KOSAN problem.The resolution for this ticket is mentioned early in this document..(Take backup of DOCS57SH record and delete..Then restart DCMH81PC) 31) NAINC0013596249 Summary: Error in DOCS AIX terminal Notes: User reporting: Issue : stopping the continous back up message found in DOCS AIX station >interrupt recv >DOCS AIX sev1 Resolution: 1)Get the process identifier by ps –ef | grep ontap 2)Kill -9 <pid> - Killed the ontape. 32) NAINC0013591262 - Invalid schedule. Contact DOCS support.(in Order Selection screen) This is not an issue. User should know that when they get this error, they need to roll over old schedule, instead of opening sev 1. That said, we should know this too. and should have informed the same to the user. The actions that we took to fix the issue the 5ajr failures was almost the same what schedule roll over would do, and it would have not hurt us. The mistake we made was to delete everything for the subsequent schedules. As a result, when user tried to schedule 87, it did not throw the error invalid schedule. Now we had schd 87 with orders scheduled that day and 2 days ago. I restored the 35ws and the zmpt records for the ones we deleted and asked user to roll them over. We still had 3-4 schedules which we could not fix, but the subsequent ones were taken care of. 33) NAINC0013601133: Unable to connect to DMS DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 126 2/25/2024 User was able to connect 20 minutes ago. Error message: Too many tranmissions. Resolution: We have to check whether the RAN’s are running or its down. (MAIL FOLLOW UP) Sinu -- look at this below -- this will prevent logging in via Window applications. I tried to login using Exceed to nu67urs4 and I could not either. Have the Unix group kill dtlogin and restart it -- it is not running the dtlogin /usr/dt/bin -- and check the others also. I know these have caused problems before when they're not restarted: root 49332 1 0 Apr 16 - 0:17 /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin daemon root 87074 11484 0 Jul 29 - 0:11 /usr/sbin/qdaemon root 11484 1 0 Apr 15 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/srcmstr Not sure about these, but I think they need to be running: root 49936 11484 0 Jul 29 root 65582 1 0 Feb 02 5.6p1/sbin/sshd 0:00 /usr/sbin/lpd 0:00 /opt/ssh/openssh- I know the rlogind server needs to be enabled, but I'm not sure what it looks like after a reboot. There are a bunch running now. root 175924 17314 0 21:55:01 - 0:00 rlogind I'd look for these too, but they're usually OK: root 18914 1 0 Sep 06 root 1055454 1186288 0 Nov 05 /usr/local/esp/bin/cybAgent.bin - 6:15 /usr/sbin/cron - 35:32 Its working now after we restarted the dtlogin process. It might have not been running from the right place - I wonder why!! we've had to have the IBM Unix group check these files out when we've had issues on the FMS/WMS box with Xwindow loggins Issue resolved once the unix team restarted the dtlogin process 34) DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 127 2/25/2024 NAINC0013603364 User is unable to access the screen DOCS,and is being kicked out. Error message: none Resolution: Asked informix team to run onbar and cleaned up files in /home/docs 35) NAINC0013601133 cannot login to gate pass user did not logout of gatepass, whitlla- name of user that is logged in - nobody can login to to release any trailers - user wants the sessionof the user be killed so they can get in - no other details from user Resolution: Took the backup and deleted the record from DOCS68RE for the user 'whitlla' 36) NAINC0013602506 DOCS error on rkhsurs1 with module MODULE: DOCSLOTM, please contact DOCS oncall. ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCSLOTM PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 99 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Tue Feb 7 14:13:22 EST 2012 DOCSLOTM : script failed in receive_file at Tue Feb 7 16:03:34 EST 2012 Resolution : Reprocessed the file from BOXES and restarted the job from the failed step 37) DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 128 2/25/2024 NAINC0013603245 MODULE: DOCSINVT MODULE: DOCSASN1 MODULE: DOCSU Notes: Resource ID: RKHSURS1.VFC.COM Message: DOCS error on rkhsurs1 with module MODULE : dcif27pc MODULE: DOCSINVT MODULE: DOCSASN1 MODULE: DOCSUNDO MODULE: DOCSBILL MODULE : dcif12pc MODULE: DOCSSTAT, please contact DOCS oncall. These errors occurred because of less space in the server. Later the space was increased after raising a sev1 tkt with the unix team. For these jobs below is the resolution Resolution: Restarted the job from failed step after verifying that the files received are in synch with files send by BOXS 38) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS40PS ERROR NUMBER : 310 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 18000 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Thu Feb 9 07:40:28 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 100 100 Row not found. SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : No Pick Bin For 130C185 18 L ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 129 2/25/2024 PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu Feb 9 07:39:51 CST 2012 DOCS5AJR: Failed in profile_dfp ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ~ ~ + mg_error_nbr=255 + dccm07pc docs5ajr profile_dfp 255 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS5AJR: Failed in profile_dfp + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 Resolution : In this error run the following query in order to find out the SKU’s for which the pick bins has to be setup. When we run this query for the schd number provided by the user and find out the SKU’s.Send a mail to the user that the Pickbins has to be setup and once the user replies that they have set up RUN DOCS5AJR FROM THE FAILED STEP. Nohup docs5ajr 4 & select distinct b.lot_number, b.dim1, b.dim2 from docs11ch a, docs12cd b where a.ship_carton_nbr = b.ship_carton_nbr and a.schd_nbr = 'xx' and not exists (select * from docs06pb c where b.lot_number = c.lot_number and b.seg_code = c.seg_code and b.dim1 = c.dim1 and b.dim2 = c.dim2 and b.dim3 = c.dim3) 39) NAINC0013610980: ISSUE: JC Penney account issue DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 130 2/25/2024 to run the 753 request for routing at 5pm today and cancel the 753 request for routing on Monday Feb 13 2012 Resolution: Updated dsrday to change the rrcdat to 20110209 for the advisement and atsdat as 20110213 for the labe as per user request 40) NAINC00013614420 : Bin audit DC to DC transfer. Please remove the Bin Audits in the following pull groups. These were caused by having 2 employees assigned to Dc to Dc transfer when had pull group assigned to 1 employee and took his name out put another employee in it gave the 2nd employee the same path the 1st employee had taken and had pulled the cases prior to the 2nd employee getting the directives.. Pull Group 362 364 366 # of Bin Audits 91 36 76 Resolution : Deleted bin audits(325) for the pull groups that user mentioned 41) NAINC0013615592 ISSUE: to reset the weight of the garment in the system requested a ticket assigned to DOCS team no other information was provided by the caller provided user the ticket number Resolution : :updated the garment_ship_wgt in docs02ld to zero. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 131 2/25/2024 42) NAINC0013615757 ISSUE: Schedule not running on DOCS RESOLUTION:The user ran the schedule with incorrect login id. Restarted the schedule from the first step 43) NAINC0013615835 ISSUE: DOCS not printing any reports no error messages Resolution : cancel the jobs and enabled the printer. 44) NAINC0013618313 Have WM bol's on outstanding bol report showing a O status. one example bol # - (0105587321) when you pull up carton # on ship carton inquiry screen (132552061) carton is at a C status This invoice(different bol) actually shipped out on a load on 2-3-2012 and should be billed, GBO is calling wanting to know why ASN's have not been sent? original bols have shipped and should have billed instead of having a new bol # created? When we inquired on these , noticed bol's at a O Status for walmart, ALL WALMART HAS SHIPPED and we should not be seeing anything for walmart at this point? (old bols #'s changed to new bols #'s that are showing on DCSH57R1 report) We can make this right, by billing the new bol's but need you to look at and see why this happened? Other examples showing on outstanding bol report: 0105587352 0105587420 0105588656 0105588687 0105587314 - has been changed to C status today by us but has not been billed. Call if any questions DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 132 2/25/2024 Resolution: No issue found. The invoice was never shiiped eventhough DC shipped the cartons physically .DOCSMF shows teh invoice status as OPEN and there is no BOL associated with it.Informed user about the same .Closing the ticket 45)NAINC0013620836 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 133 2/25/2024 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCIF5APS ERROR NUMBER : 100 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 8050 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Mon Feb 13 23:19:47 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 257 MESSAGE : Invalid delivery status = 0087266523 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS01JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Mon Feb 13 23:17:18 EST 2012 DOCS01JR : script failed in UPDATES at Mon Feb 13 23:19:47 EST 2012 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Resolution: Check whether the input file is a billing confirmation file (rec type is 3) Check the carton_status of all the carton for the delivery doc_nbr. If it is ‘S’, update the order status of the delv_doc_nbr to ‘S’ and restart the job. Step 1: Update docs10oh Set order_stat = ‘S’ Where delv_doc_nbr = ‘0087266523’ Step 2: nohup docs01jr >/tmp/docs01jr.out 2>&1 & 46) NAINC0013622517 Problem with Ship case and needs to be updated. Carton number: 133148328 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 134 2/25/2024 Resolution: Updated 10oh ,11ch and 13sh to confirm the carton 47) NAINC0013622752 User said there's an Issue with Personal Put-Away Function for a particular operator 850 - there are 397 cartons showing up on ring scanner personal put-away screen which is incorrect We have encountered a problem with the Personal Putaway function. Operator #850 (Adolfo Ruiz) has 397 cartons on his ring scanner Personal Putaway screen. None of these cartons appear on the Release Putaway Cartons screen on the DOCS menu. It does, however, allow him to continue with the Persoanl Putaway on his ring scanner. But, he can scan cartons to his Personal Putaway location and even though he has not transferred all of the cartons under Personal Transfer. Resolution: User did personal putaway to a random location . Personal putaway should always be to a user badge and then user should perform a personal transfer to a random location. Cleared 24cc records for those boxes .Also informed the user about the process 48) NAINC0013625445 regarding cases that are needed to convert the confirmed status We need the statuses of the following ship case numbers changed to 'C' (confirmed): 133148171 133241985 133235415 133243356 133235610 133235609 133235608 133243456 133235458 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 135 2/25/2024 Resolution : Update the carton_stat for these ship_carton_nbr to ‘C’ status.Which was there in ‘W’ status before 49) NAINC0013621740 ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : ODWMI7PS ERROR NUMBER : 220 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 82200 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : boxs TIME : Tue Feb 14 09:05:50 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 100 100 Row not found. SQLERR ISAM : 1 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : Error updating BOXS DELV DOC Status (wmi7_bdld_upd) for Delivery "8009981607", to Status of "D" ***************** END BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: odwmi7jr.0044.ksh PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: boxs TIME: Tue Feb 14 09:05:45 EST 2012 odwmi7jr.0044.ksh: script failed in process_orders ***************** END BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Resolution : DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 136 2/25/2024 Updated the BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR.WM_INVC_STAT_CD to 'X' in the BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR table. update BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR set BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR.WM_INVC_STAT_CD = 'X' where BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR.PICK_TKT_CTL_NBR not in (select BOXS_VFC_0044.BOXS_DELV_DOC.delv_doc_nbr from BOXS_VFC_0044.BOXS_DELV_DOC) and BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR.PICK_TKT_CTL_NBR not like 'M%' and BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR.WM_INVC_STAT_CD in ('1','2','3') 50) NAINC0013630330 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : dcos61pc ERROR NUMBER : 5 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : main LINE NUMBER : 203 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Thu Feb 16 08:46:41 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 274 SQLERR ROWID : 583938 MESSAGE : Error executing os61_ins47ol_pre ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu Feb 16 08:46:23 CST 2012 DOCS5AJR: Failed in load_prod_orders Contact Name: Fleming Cindy Contact Number:405 3827447 Alternate Contact Number: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 137 2/25/2024 RACF ID: FLEMINC Email Remote user (Y/N): Physical Location :VFC USA - Seminole (DC) - WR07 =================== ISSUE: job failed in load prod orders requested a sev 1 to the DOCS team This failure is because the user has backed out two schedules earlier.Those cancelled schedules had few invoices in the DOCS47OL table and dint get purged. So the job has failed while running the current schd.Run DBACCESS Query to determine which DOCS47OL records (with Delete Indicator of “D”) are related deliveries in the current schedule. Check Order Status, Update Activity Code and Create Date Time. Delete the identified DOCS47OL records.Restart the schedule at the proper step number. select delv_doc_nbr ,order_stat ,del_ind ,upd_actv_code ,create_date_time from docs47ol where delv_doc_nbr in ( select unique delv_doc_nbr from docsb1ch where schd_nbr = '47' ) Delete those records that are having D status.Then restart the job from the failed step. Nohup DOCS5AJR 3 & Job completed fine. 51) NAINC0013629550 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 138 2/25/2024 user want a ticket assigned to VFC-TPA-DMS - issue: user need label printer change for a user generic ID - MJPAK23- generic ID - MJNM4010- printer name - no other details from user Resolution: Get the user ID from the user for whom the label printer has to be changed. Do lpstat –W|grep ‘printer name’ You will find the status of the printer and its name.(3 characters).Use the same in the labprt field. Then update the ADTERM table for the field labprt for the user ID (ADTERMID). Update adterm Set labprt = ‘ ‘ Where adtermid = ‘190’ (Get this user id from the user) 52) NAINC0013633623 Problem Summary: - User would like to open a sev2 ticket with VFC-TPA-DMS team - The 3 reports are not on Mobius - DMOF0001 - DMOF0002 - DMOF0003 Resolution: Mobiue queue was down. Had to enable it lpstat -W|grep 'mob' If the printer is down, enable it. 53) DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 139 2/25/2024 NAINC0013634391 Issue: Please send the SOP3 code to Seminole with the verbiage "apply blank sticker". This is to cover the K-Mart information on style 130N480 for the Molls account 23672. Resolution: Updated aict to change teh verviabge on SOP3 as per request updated spl_oper_code_desc to "APPLY BLANK STICKER" for the mnem_code "SOP3" in the table docsaict 54) NAINC0013638862 DOCS not printing any reports. User said he's unable to print any reports through the DOCS application. User said he was able to print this morning. User said he's in a DOCS terminal. User would like to be connected to the DOCS oncall tech No Error messages. Resolution : Use the following commands. lpstat –W |grep ‘4012’ You will find the status of the printers under this name.Just refresh the print queue. Opcom disable wr074012-top Opcom enable wr074012-top. Once done confirm with the user whether the reports are being printed 55) DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 140 2/25/2024 NAINC0013639644: Failed schedule in DCOS6SPS ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS6SPS ERROR NUMBER : 1677 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 21550 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Mon Feb 20 10:39:39 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 442119 MESSAGE : Logic Error - Missing PTYPE Carton Type WVF ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Mon Feb 20 10:37:11 CST 2012 DOCS5AJR: Failed in recarton ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** lehpurs1 Program changes needed Changes made to the program dcos6sps to increase the array count to handle the extra carton types. 56) DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 141 2/25/2024 NAINC0013640157 User said she has a carton number: 63018-5970. User said this carton was stuck in audit. Resolution: One of the cartons in the pick ticket had an invalid status. Changed it to P&H for the user to release. 57) NAINC0013640783 Issue: Ship Carton with extreme under weight Have shipping cartons with weights way lower than est weights: Example bol 0105607418 48 cartons weighing 34.60 lbs, one of the carton #'s : ( pick any carton # off of this bol and weight is incorrect) 133405217, est. weight, 14.20 lbs, actual weight showing on docs is .50lbs?? 12 pair in this box. Resolution: Informed the user that one of the scales are not right. Updated all the BOLs that had incorrect weight as provided by the user 58) NAINC0013641043 User reporting: >Sev1 docs aix >Cannot close UPS Resolution : Re-route the invoices to 04, and it updated fine. 59) DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 142 2/25/2024 NAINC0013644157 Need replacement case for full case pick Need replacement cases for 4 Full Case Pick cases.... Ship Carton # 0000051071 133386842 8 0000051071 133386885 5 0000051071 133386778 0 0000051071 133386843 5 Pull Carton # 155947317 155947287 154760783 413519650 Please look at this sku also...... R40BBDF 16 reg 16 pcs case # 145010417-1 L99002A Resolution: Updated full_casepick_ind in 11ch back to Y.And asked user to do do the full case pick again and it worked. 60) NAINC0013646760 balance job run on dynamic PICK locations Resolution : select count(*) from docs04lo where dyn_pck_loc_type = 'D' and bin_loc_stat = 'A' and whse_bin_location not in (select prim_pick_bin_loc from docs06pb) Run this query you will get a count.Update the same in the DOCS33SC table. Update docs33sc Set nbr_dyn_loc_aval = ‘ (count from the above query)‘ Check whether both the counts are being in sync.The count from first query and the nbr_dyn_loc_aval count in 33SC table. 61) NAINC0013650525 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 143 2/25/2024 - user is requesting a sev 1 ticket assigned to VFC-SC-DOCS-AIX - issue: fedex not manifesting - user will send an email with all the details to the group - no other details RORCODE>1001</ERRORCODE><ERRORDESCRIPTION>Package weight exceeds maximum</ERRORDESCRIPTION><MINIMUMRETRYSECONDS>N/A</MINIMU MRETRYSECONDS><ERRORLOCATION><ERRORLOCATION ELEMENTNAME>N/A</ERRORLOCATIONELEMENTNAME><ERRORLOCATIO NELEMENTREFERENCE>N/A</ERRORLOCATIONELEMENTREFERENCE><ER RORLOCATIONATTRIBUTENAME>N/A</ERRORLOCATIONATTRIBUTENAME > </ERRORLOCATION><ERRORDIGEST>N/A</ERRORDIGEST></RESPONSEERR OR></ Resolution : Check for the shc7 log. Find the carton number atlast.For that carton number check for the record in 11ch. The issue is the carton wgt and estd carton wgt will be different update docs11ch set carton_ship_weight = crtn_est_ship_wgt where ship_carton_nbr = '133446393' 62) NAINC0013650608 user requesting a SEV2 ticket to the VFC TPA DMS group - 2 tickets cannot be set as Age status - ticket #1: M2614237 - ticket #2: M2616111 - user requesting to be contacted - she will give additional information once the tech calls him DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 144 2/25/2024 In this the user reported that the ‘PAK’ location has 8 cartons only but still it shows up as 9 in the ‘LOC’ and ‘DES’. Resolution : Update the soptkt table with the below query. update soptkt set phcarc = '8' , shcarc = '8' where soptktid = ' M2614237' DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 145 2/25/2024 63) NAINC0013652527 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS60PS ERROR NUMBER : 105 SEVERITY : 538976288 PARAGRAPH : LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Thu Feb 23 12:42:23 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : Invalid Schedule Number ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu Feb 23 12:42:19 MST 2012 DOCS5AJR: Failed in chk_full_case ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** DOCS Issue - REQUESTED for SEV 1 and assign to DOCS AIX - regarding the schedule that has failed - its is schedule 85 - and also having routing problems as per user Resolution : DB lock.. Restarted the job from the failed step. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 146 2/25/2024 64) User Request: Issue: In the Canada DC (rkhsurs1) User called and told she did startup, she missed pressing 0, startup got struck. She closed the session. She feels that she missed some steps. Analysis: Could not look into startup.err since it is a zero byte file. Info.log says, ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: dcta31pc PARAGRAPH/LINE: 95 ERROR NUMBER: 3 SQL STATUS: -569 EMPLOYEE: informix TIME: Fri Feb 24 08:40:58 2012 The prepare "create synonym docszrpt for docsdb_prod:docszrpt" statement failed. Resolution: 1) Open “oper1.ksh” from /u/oper1. Get the password from the user for “oper1”. 2) Create startup control file 3) Change the step which calls docsstrt to docsstrt 21 and restart startup. 4) Once start is completed, revert the change made in step 3. 65) NAINC0013660067 Carton Issue - requested for a sev 2 ticket and asign to: DOCS on Call - regarding 2 cartons that will not manifest on connectship - carton numbers: 1. 133669825 2. 133669826 Resolution : Check with the shc7 logs that the manifest has run properly. It has run but the carton 133669825 was waiting for the reply from connectship and dint process successfully. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 147 2/25/2024 The other carton has processed successfully.The carton 133669825 was failing in manifest because the CARTON_TYPE in DOCS11CH was empty.When checked with the user he told that the carton_type has to be HK5.So updated the same and asked the user to retry and it went through fine. Update docs11ch Set carton_type = ‘HK5’ Where Ship_Carton_nbr = ‘133669825’ 66) NAINC0013660141 Need a sev 1 ticket to the DOCS team Issue: The bill of lading won't print loftware might be down Resolution : The loftware server was running fine and the printer was up too.But still the BOL’s dint print.When checked with the BOL provided by the user and tried to test them by loading into the test server,it throwed up the error that the ‘DECIMAL POINT EXCEPTION OCCURRED’ So checked with the program dcsh90ps which is the BOL print prog,It had the cubic feet precision (5,2) which throwed the error because the value was more than the given datatype. So did code change to increase that to (8,2) and then it went on to print fine. 67) NAINC0013691772 Issue: Not getting packing slip -cannot print from connectship Resolution : The user dint get the packing slips for schd 40 wave 66 and 67,schd 41.Tried printing the packing slips using (DCLW04PS 40 ) but still no go.When checked with the Hollypond server it was down.So raised a ticket with the intel team and once the server was up asked the user to reprint the packing slips. If they ask us to print,print using DCLW04PS schd nbr.Befor that make the print_status as ‘ ‘ in DOCS11CH table. 68) Issue: Was trying to schedule a wave; getting the error below DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 148 2/25/2024 Error: Job failed in merged Docs f2 file Wave number: 87-01 Resolution: Data were not loaded into production tables from shadow tables nohup docs5ajr 3 & 69) NAINC0013699464 Issue: User needs manifest number 26047796 from Fedex ground to US postal service. Resolution: updated dmcart for them to reroute the po box delv using usps 70) NAINC0013703424 Issue: Ups does not manifest - Fed Ex or UPS does not Manifest - not letting it manifest as per user - it started just now Resolution: Connectship Server (ITGC2ACONNECT) was down. Raised a ticket with Intel team to bring the server up. In the meanwhile send a email to the list of users not to manifest. Continuous Follow up with the intel team. Once the server is up, confirmed with the user and closed the ticket. 71) NAINC0013711218 Issue: Pre packs available, scheduling screen is showing no. Order scheduling is trying to schedule wm prepacks , item # 05285 and item # 05287 we have plenty available cartons showing on Prepack Merchandise report , but order scheduler has no's against these? Resolution: removed duplicate record from docs08pp DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 149 2/25/2024 72) NAINC0013717077 User said the person who is currently logged in to their DOCS system is already out. User said they're unable to get in to the DOCS system now. User said it's the Gate Pass Function. User said they just need the person to be logged off from DOCS. Assigned issue to VFC-SC-DOCS-AIX. Contact Name: Christy Horne Contact Number: 336 9362136 Alternate Contact Number: 336 9362134 RACF ID: HORNEC Email Address: Physical Location : VFC USA - Mocksville (DC) – LEMC Resolution : took a backup of docs68re for the user 'whitlla' and deleted it.Because that was the user who was logged in. 73) + dcif19pc ==> Error : dcif19pc : Invalid Previous Sequence Number - 20120720000 --- Error : : Old Sequence Number is - 20120730000 + mg_error_nbr=255 + return 255 + mg_error_nbr=255 + dccm07pc docs22jr process_ack 255 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS22JR: Failed in process_ack Return Code 255 + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 [2] + Done(255) nohup docs22jr 1 1>>/tmp/docs22jr.debug & ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS22JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Wed Mar 14 08:26:57 MDT 2012 DOCS22JR: Failed in process_ack Return Code 255 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 150 2/25/2024 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** docs22jr failed with invalid xmit ctl nbr process ack step.... This is because the invalid xmit ctl number from the MF team.When we checked with the file in the upload directory Mar 13 20:18 BBL.DOCSWB.DOCS.EPWHDR The timestamp of Mar13th was there.So the file for the current date wasnt received and the job ran with the previous day xmit ctrl number. So wait untill the the next file is received and then restart the job from the failed step. 74) NAINC00013718497 Issue: Error on Add Fluid Load Carton I get the below error message when attempting to add carton 133966389 to function "Add Fluid Load Carton". ################################################################# ******************** PROGRAM ABEND ******************** MODULE : ../src/d ERROR NUMBER : 110 PARAGRAPH : shj6_insert_67fl SQLCODE : 0 MESSAGE : Error executing shj6_ins_67fl Press any key to continue: Resolution: select * from docs10oh where common_carrier in ('UPS','USPS','FEDX') and ups_service_code is null Updated the service code in docs10oh 75) NAINC0013719719 Service Desk: Confirming our phone call to please open a Ser-2 ticket for Docsteam DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 151 2/25/2024 for problem below..... Docsteam: Need a list of cartons for the Lots below that have a "Q" status: 9CDLWEX 9CDLWLF 945LBSW size 7/SLM only 9CCBWAA 9CCHWAA 9CDBWEX 9CDHWEX 6BCBWAB 6BCBWFD 6BCHWFD 6BCLWAB 6BCLWFD 945LBDR Resolution: Send the list of cartons of the query below. Select distinct storage_carton_nbr from docs20ch Where carton_stat = ‘Q’ and storage_carton_nbr in ( select distinct storage_carton_nbr from docs21cd where lot_number in ('9CDLWEX','9CDLWLF','945LBSW','9CCBWAA', '9CCHWAA','9CDBWEX','9CDHWEX','6BCBWAB','6BCBWFD', '6BCHWFD','6BCLWAB','6BCLWFD','945LBDR')) 76) NAINC0013727431 Issue: Cartons are in queue status but they are not in quarantine. The following SKU's have cartons in "Q" status and there is no quarantine set up for them. I created quarantines for them this morning and releaded the quarantines. However, these three SKU's were not released. Please release the cartons for these SKU's that have a "Q" status. 9CDLWEX 9CDHWEX 9CCBWAA 4 REG 10 HSK 10 REG Resolution: inserted records in docszgpt for the quarntined skus 77) NAINC13727108 Issue: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 152 2/25/2024 13727108 emergency wave letdown cartons showing code not defined on kosan Emergency Wave letdown cartons showing code not defined on kosan: Schedule # 68,69, 71, 76 and 77 couple of example carton #'s : 155396007 , 145349292 need tables reloaded with our next letdown? Resolution: Updated docs58st with the status of 'N' update docs58st set carton_proc_stat = 'N' ,schd_nbr = '80', pick_wave_nbr = '62' where storage_carton_nbr in (select storage_carton_nbr from docs20ch where schd_nbr in ('68', '69', '71', '76', '77') ) 78) NAINC0013729686 Issue user is reporting : >Schedule 46 issue >Receiving data but not able to retrieve the data and nothing shows up >locks up and closes the session >cannot run the session Resolution: No Issue. Took a lot of time to retrieve. Gave the screenshot to the user and closed the ticket. 79)NAINC0013731363 Carton Issue - user having issue with 1 Carton. they are trying to confirm it to the floor and will not do it - getting error message: program abend - it will not go any further - error number: 96 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 153 2/25/2024 - module number: DOCS 35PF I have a cartonThat I am trying to confirm to the floor and when I scan the carton its gives me the . Program Abend message Module: Docs35pf Error:96 Paragraph:sh35_rps_128_cdigit Sqlocde:-391 Message: the carton number is 134414929-9 I need to get this carton confirmed to the floor it will be shipping this morning. Going Fed Ex. I need this to be a Sev 1 ticket please ticket number is 13731363 Resolution: Updated the UPS_SERVICE_CODE in DOCS67FL 80) User called in to open a Sev 2 ticket to VFC-SC-DOCS-AIX. User said that Caps is not manifested. Customer: Tanisha Campbella User told there are certain cartons which were shipped but still shows up it is in Confirmed status in the system. So updated the 11ch table using the below query update docs11ch set carton_stat = 'W', trlr_nbr = ' ', exp_trk_id = ' ', connship_ship_dt = ' ', connship_mnft_id = 0, connship_msg_id = 0 where common_carrier = 'CAPS' and delv_doc_nbr in ( ); DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 154 2/25/2024 81) NAINC0013745157 Issue: DOCS Issue unable to load tables error message: startup DOCS 90 JD Failed Resolution: took a backup of eod_tables file and deleted all the tables which got inserted in eod db from the file and asked the user to retry. 82) NAINC0013747294 Issue: User said she needs a carton to go to the W status. Resolution: Updated the carton status in DOCS11CH and invoice stat in DOCS10OH and deleted the record from DOCS47OL for the given carton number 83) NAINC0013747530 Issue: DMS report are not on mobius for Sunday 25 march Resolution: Reran the reports 84) NAINC0013751835 Exceed not showing reports Error: No error message -invoice not showing in DMS going to FMS User id: coxsa IP: SN: 2UA9490HR4 -trouble shooting: user said that they already rebooted the system -most of the reports are not showing dated since yesterday DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 155 2/25/2024 Resolution: Removed the records from dmtmoq which was delaying the processing at FMS 85) NAINC0013752280 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS22JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Tue Mar 27 07:08:35 MDT 2012 DOCS22JR: Failed in process_ack Return Code 255 Acknowledgement File received. Current Local Time: Tue Mar 27 07:11:11 MDT 2012 Waiting 120 seconds to allow FTP to release file. Will then continue with Ack File validation. + dcif19pc ==> Error : dcif19pc : Invalid Previous Sequence Number - 20120850000 --- Error : : Old Sequence Number is - 20120860000 + mg_error_nbr=255 + return 255 + mg_error_nbr=255 + dccm07pc docs22jr process_ack 255 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS22JR: Failed in process_ack Return Code 255 + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255. Resolution: Check for the xmit ctrl number in the xmit.uso file and the Ack sent by the MF team.The ack was for the Previous date and hence the failure occured.So confirm with them that the file was recd in their end and the ack is not recd yet. Once they send back the ack file restart the job from the failed step Restarted the job from the failed step once the acknowledgement file was received. 86) NAINC0013754502 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 156 2/25/2024 issue : user tried to run a schedule on her own and did not realize it was on the wrong screen -- no other details from user Resolution: restarted from step 1 87) NAINC0013752451 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS55JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Tue Mar 27 10:14:10 EDT 2012 DCTA16PC in DOCS55JR returned error: 255 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Resolution: check os20* reports and find the schedule for which the report is missing. That is the failed schedule. Ran the job for the failed schedule and it completed fine 88) NAINC0013760871 Issue: Need help with the following case # 158778679 Lot # 606W1SM Sz 40 Bin Location: L99-002A Status: W This case has been selected and letdown as manual....It will not let us put it away....We get message "you can not putaway a Lost case".... Carton is on the Late Putaway Report on wave 85/18.... Resolution: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 157 2/25/2024 inserted the record in docs31rf 89) NAINC0013766131 issue: DOCS 87 JD failed when user was trying to do the archive tape - pressed "Enter" instead of "0" - no other information was provided Resolution: Asked user to run arceod on a different terminal and retry once the archive comeplets 90) NAINC0013767036 Issue: End of day from DOCS has stopped on line docs 20jr to complete. Resolution: FTPed the cartnbol file to MF .And that resolved the issue 91) NAINC0013767140 Issue: ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS6SPS ERROR NUMBER : 1677 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 21550 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Sat Mar 31 14:06:09 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 430083 MESSAGE : Logic Error - Missing PTYPE Carton Type WVF ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 158 2/25/2024 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Sat Mar 31 14:05:18 CDT 2012 DOCS5AJR: Failed in recarton ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Resolution: updated afct with the pack type code ..and reverted back the same once the schedule completed fine. Check for the pk_type_code in DOCS12CD for the carton types of the schedule.Check for those carton types with the pack_type_code in docsafct.Update DOCSAFCT with all the possible values i,e in pack_type_code1,2 etc according to its pk_type_code in 12CD.Then restart the job from the failed step. select docs12cd.pk_type_code,docsafct.pack_type1, docs12cd.ship_Carton_nbr,docs11ch.carton_type, docsafct.carton_type from docs12cd, docs11ch, docsafct where docs11ch.carton_type = docsafct.carton_type and docs12cd.pk_type_code != docsafct.pack_type1 and docs11ch.schd_nbr = '70' and docs11ch.ship_Carton_nbr = docs12cd.ship_Carton_nbr ============================ carton_type 'M10', 'M12', 'M14', 'M4', 'M6', 'M8' select distinct pk_type_code from docs12cd where invoice_number in (select invoice_number from docs11ch where schd_nbr = '44') ' ' and 'C' pack_type1 pack_type2 * DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 159 2/25/2024 select * from docsafct where carton_type in ('M10', 'M12', 'M14', 'M4', 'M6', 'M8') update docsafct set pack_type2 = 'C',pack_type1 = '*' where carton_type in ('M10', 'M12', 'M14', 'M4', 'M6', 'M8') nohup docs5ajr 11 & 92) NAINC0013768112 Issue: Jobs failed on end of day. DCMH11PC for the divert station 30 DCMH10PC for the divert station 32 DCMH11PC for the divert station 36 DCMH03PC for the divert station 40 DCMH09PC for the divert station 42 DCMH09PC for the divert station 44 Resolution: RANS did not came back up after the rebbot..UNIX team had to run the config manager.Restarted the failed progarms aftter that. 93) NAINC0013768966 Issue – DOCS system not working.No error messages but the system is frozen when tried to login. Solution : There was a problem with the TSM communicating with the ONBAR.So raised a ticket with the Informix team and they got it fixed. Once it was done,the system worked fine. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 160 2/25/2024 94) NAINC0013769790 Issue: having problems in scheduling some orders - it is a stock order, it won't allow user to select it Solution : The user asked to delete the orders as the orders were in ‘D’status already in B0OH when checked with the order status. Cancelled the orders using the docs menu option. 2-3-5 and cancelled the orders. 95) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS76JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 0 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: oper1 TIME: Tue Apr 3 06:12:51 MDT 2012 DCTA16PC in DOCS76JR returned error: 255 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Restart the job fand it will complete fine. nohup docs76jr >/tmp/docs76jr.out 2>&1 & 96) NAINC0013807357 Trouble printing carton labels It is customer 112730 Resolution: inserted records in labfrm and labfld 97) NAINC0013807735 Airfreight manifest process is already running DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 161 2/25/2024 - workstation has been saying this since 7am this morning - instructions from the message in the computer is to call the DMS admin - user needs a high prio ticket for this - needs resolution ASAP Resolution: Remove the entry from airman 98) NAINC0013810494 Issue: There are several jobs that failed in the shutdown process. - asked for the job names > user said she needs to be conferenced with the oncall - user said she'll IM the oncall with the failed jobs - conferenced the call Resolution: The RAN was down. Reconfigured the ttys 99) NAINC0013811316 Issue: Kosan rebooted Error: emergency wave is not loaded to the tables Resolution: Restarted the DCMH8* programs 100) NAINC0013817579 Issue: Program abend on order selection screen Resolution: removed old records from docsb7cd and docsb2cd 101) NAINC0013817589 regarding a sched that has failed in the DIVERT itenerary - job has failed Resolution: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 162 2/25/2024 updated packtype code 102) NAINC0013836587 Issue: to reset TTY83 Resolution: User wants tty83 to work as tty7 Raise a ticket with IBM unix team for the following 1) configuring tty83 exactly as tty7 2) changing the owner of the terminal tty83 (go to /dev, check ls -lrt tty83 in /dev, it is "bc" for tty83 and "root" for tty7, After the unix team changes the owner, check if the owner of tty83 and tty7 is same as "root") 3) No process running in tty83 Before unix fixes, on "ps -ef | grep 'tty7", we can see a process running but tty83 was not running After unix fixes, confirm whether tty83 is running 103) NAINC0013865918 Issue user is reporting : >DCIM03PS 61 job needs to be restarted because it was stopped Restarted the job.Before that check whether the job is running. Ps –ef |grep ‘DCIM03PS 61’ If its not running then restart the job.nohup DCIM03PS 61 & 104) NAINC0013866022 sched 5801 - job failed in Load Prod Orders ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : dcos61pc ERROR NUMBER : 5 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : main LINE NUMBER : 203 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Wed May 2 20:25:04 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 163 2/25/2024 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : Invalid argument length (schd_nbr) ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Wed May 2 20:25:03 CDT 2012 DOCS5AJR: Failed in load_prod_orders ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Its just a restart as it has failed because of the INVALID ARGUMENT LENGTH. Check with the script that in which step the job has failed. Its 3rd step..Just restart. Nohup docs5ajr 3 & 105) NAINC0013838622 Issue: regarding gate pass function - its locked and wont let her do anything MODULE : dcrp28pc ERROR NUMBER : 260 SEVERITY : 3 PARAGRAPH : rp28_get_dest LINE NUMBER : 2128 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : peckp TIME : Tue Apr 24 13:13:33 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: -243 Could not position within a table (informix.docs31rf). SQLERR ISAM : -154 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 182 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : Error in fetch rp28_sel_31rf DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 164 2/25/2024 Resolution: Db locks: Before opening a ticket with Informix, first check the locks using the query below. You'll see users with their process ids that have locks on the tables. Contact the users and have them log out. Select substr(dbsname,1,12), substr(tabname,1,20), rowidlk, type, substr(username,1,12), substr(owner,1,12) from sysmaster:syslocks a, sysmaster:syssessions b where a.owner = b.sid and dbsname <> 'sysmaster' and tabname <> 'sysdistrib' ; 106) NAINC0013836587 Issue: to reset TTY83 Resolution: User wants tty83 to work as tty7 Raise a ticket with IBM unix team for the following 1) configuring tty83 exactly as tty7 2) changing the owner of the terminal tty83 (go to /dev, check ls -lrt tty83 in /dev, it is "bc" for tty83 and "root" for tty7, After the unix team changes the owner, check if the owner of tty83 and tty7 is same as "root") 3) No process running in tty83 Before unix fixes, on "ps -ef | grep 'tty7", we can see a process running but tty83 was not running After unix fixes, confirm whether tty83 is running 107) NAINC0013843528 ticket 13843564 - Needs to be a sev 1 Issue user is reporting : Pricing for the style Details: Please pull in the pricing for the style listed below into docs for both the "compare to" price and "you pay" price. Style You Pay Compare At 09MWZBY $29.95 $54.00 PQJ133S $8.00 $16.00 PQJ134J $8.00 $16.00 Resolution: DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 165 2/25/2024 Updated the 23tk records with the expected retail and you pay values 108) NAINC0013846272 Issue: Location R69-34F Bin Audit in this location , Receiving a " update errror" message when we try to delete carton # 153159988 from location, (system thinks carton is in location and it is not) cannot delete carton, and system will not let us get past the bin audit?? Need some help on this one? Resolution: Asked the user to transfer the carton to personal location. So that it becomes available.Then asked the user to delete the carton 109) NAINC0013846413 Invalid carton showing in DCIC 63 R1 reports Report DCIC63R1 -" Unknown cartons put away in Random Storage" Have 1 carton showing on this report, carton # 157845902, location R73-003A Carton is invalid, carton is not in location, we cannot delete? How do we get removed from this report? Resolution: Deleted the docs22cs records. 110) NAINC0013863590 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS6SPS ERROR NUMBER : 359 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 16000 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Wed May 2 10:30:43 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 166 2/25/2024 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 2280708 MESSAGE : C is missing from Ptype table ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Wed May 2 10:22:38 EDT 2012 DOCS5AJR: Failed in recarton ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Resolution: select docs12cd.pk_type_code,docsafct.pack_type1, docs12cd.ship_Carton_nbr,docs11ch.carton_type, docsafct.carton_type from docs12cd, docs11ch, docsafct where docs11ch.carton_type = docsafct.carton_type and docs12cd.pk_type_code != docsafct.pack_type1 and docs11ch.schd_nbr = '44' and docs11ch.ship_Carton_nbr = docs12cd.ship_Carton_nbr Update docsafct pack_type values to be same as that of docs12cd pack types earlier pack_type1 was '*' update docsafct set pack_type1 = ' ' where carton_type = 'M14' and restart docs5ajr from the failed step. revert the above update. update docsafct set pack_type1 = '*' where carton_type = 'M14' DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 167 2/25/2024 111) NAINC0013863438 Printers stopped printing pack slips on Schedule 33 Wave 93 and 94. in hollypond Resolution: On LPS status client on the corresponding server (lehp2hol1), shows spool error startup page for the printers specified by the user. so restarted teh loftware print server on that server. (go to services.msc, restart the loftware print server) 112) NAINC0013861192 Issue: Ticketing format for customer (2310) ticketing format for customer (2310) with ticketing format JS_Base 1 in boxes table Resolution: We need to add a new entry in BOXS_VFC.GLOBAL_TKT_FORMAT similar to what we have for customer 0000004660 Unload the data frm boxs_vfc.global_tkt_format for the sold_to_acct_nbr "0000004660" and change the sold_to_acct_nbr to "0000002310" and load the data back into the table BOXS_VFC.GLOBAL_TKT_FORMAT 113) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS73JD PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 2 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu May 3 19:20:32 CDT 2012 DOCS73JD: Failed in split_bols ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 168 2/25/2024 + split_bols split bols started at: Thu May 3 19:20:32 CDT 2012 awk: Cannot find or open file /home/docs/upload/bols/torder.0403382086. The input line number is 1. The file is /home/docs/upload/ The source line number is 9. split bols ended at: Thu May 3 19:20:32 CDT 2012 + mg_error_nbr=2 + dccm07pc docs73jd split_bols 2 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS73JD: Failed in split_bols + cm01_error + dcta17pc 2 + exit 255 Resolution : In the Upload path the “home/docs/upload/bols/torder.0403382086.” The directory ‘bols’ was not there.So created that directory and restarted the job from the failed step. (mkdir bols) nohup docs73jd 2 >>/tmp/docs73jd.out 2>&1 & 114) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCOS6SPS ERROR NUMBER : 359 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 16000 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Tue May 8 10:01:27 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 263 MESSAGE : C is missing from Ptype table ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 169 2/25/2024 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS5AJR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Tue May 8 09:52:14 EDT 2012 DOCS5AJR: Failed in recarton ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** select distinct docs12cd.ship_carton_nbr crtn, pk_type_code pktype,docs12cd.delv_doc_nbr delv, docs11ch.carton_type crttyp,docs12cd.lot_number lt, docs12cd.dim1 dm1,docs12cd.dim2 dm2 from DOCS11CH, DOCS12CD, DOCS30PW , docsafct a where docs11ch.schd_nbr = 55 and docs11ch.carton_type = a.carton_type and crtn_use_code in ('B','S') and a.carton_type <> "" and docs30pw.schd_nbr = docs11ch.schd_nbr and docs30pw.pick_wave_nbr = docs11ch.pick_wave_nbr and docs11ch.ship_carton_nbr = docs12cd.ship_carton_nbr and docs11ch.ship_carton_nbr = docs30pw.ship_carton_nbr and docs11ch.order_type not in ('OS','ON','CS','CL','PC','PP') and docs11ch.full_case_pick_ind != 'Y' and docs12cd.lot_number = docs30pw.lot_number and docs12cd.seg_code = docs30pw.seg_code and docs12cd.dim1 = docs30pw.dim1 and docs12cd.dim2 = docs30pw.dim2 --d docs12cd.pk_type_code = "C" and docs12cd.dim3 = docs30pw.dim3 and not exists (select * from docs12cd a where docs11ch.ship_carton_nbr = a.ship_carton_nbr and (a.pk_asst_code in ('1','2','3','5','6','7','8','9') or a.stnd_pk_lot_sz_cd in ('A','P'))) and pack_type1 <> pk_type_code and pack_type2 <> pk_type_code and pack_type3 <> pk_type_code and pack_type4 <> pk_type_code DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 170 2/25/2024 and pack_type5 <> pk_type_code and pack_type6 <> pk_type_code and pack_type7 <> pk_type_code and pack_type8 <> pk_type_code and pack_type9 <> pk_type_code and pack_type10 <> pk_type_code order by docs12cd.lot_number,docs12cd.dim1,docs12cd.dim2 Restart the job from the failed step (nohup docs5ajr 11 &) 115)Canada startup issue + start_logging Archive failed - Error changing logging status - 'docsdb_eod'. iserrno 107. + return_code=0 + dccm07pc docsstrt start_logging 0 + [ 0 -eq 0 ] + let step_number=step_number+1 + [ 21 -lt 30 ] + dccm07pc docsstrt grant_res_to_oper + eval grant_res_to_oper + grant_res_to_oper + return_code=0 + dccm07pc docsstrt grant_res_to_oper 0 + [ 0 -eq 0 ] + let step_number=step_number+1 + [ 22 -lt 30 ] + dccm07pc docsstrt create_synonyms + eval create_synonyms + create_synonyms + export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/java14/jre/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/docs/tcss/express/bin:/etc:/usr/ sbin:/usr/ucb:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/include:/usr/docs /config:/usr/informix10/bin:/usr/informix10/incl:/usr/informix10/incl/esql:/usr/informix1 0/etc:/usr/docs/bin:/usr/docs/scripts:/usr/docs/tools + typeset argv0=/usr/docs/scripts/docs87jd + set -A step_array create_zrpt create_bkct create_49bg create_zspt create_bict create_cust create_48lg + typeset -i step_number=1 + typeset -i max_step=7 + let step_number=step_number-1 + [ 0 -lt 7 ] + basename /usr/docs/scripts/docs87jd DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 171 2/25/2024 The Canada server had the problem when they were running the startup. Saying that the archive has failed. At this time,we have to run certain commands to run the archive or raise a Sev1 tkt to the Informix team saying that the Archive is failing. We have to run the following commands logged in as DOCS user. opcom ontape -s -B $DBNAME_EOD Once u run this command it will throw a msg like, 10 percent done 20 percent done …. 100 percent done. Once this is done run the next command. opcom onbar -b -L 0 Once these two commands are successful ask the user to give a retry in the original session where the user runs the startup. 116) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS21JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Tue May 22 06:53:04 MDT 2012 DOCS21JR :script failed in DCIF18PC at 'date' ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS22JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Tue May 22 06:53:04 MDT 2012 DOCS22JR: Failed in process_ack Return Code 255 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 172 2/25/2024 Acknowledgement File received. Current Local Time: Tue May 22 06:54:53 MDT 2012 Waiting 120 seconds to allow FTP to release file. Will then continue with Ack File validation. + dcif19pc ==> Error : dcif19pc : Invalid Previous Sequence Number - 20121410000 --- Error : : Old Sequence Number is - 20121420000 + mg_error_nbr=255 + return 255 + mg_error_nbr=255 + dccm07pc docs22jr process_ack 255 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS22JR: Failed in process_ack Return Code 255 + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 + dccm07pc docs21jr clean_up + clean_up ==> Error : dcif18pc : Invalid Previous Sequence Number - 20121390000 --- Error : : Old Sequence Number is - 20121410000 + dccm07pc docs21jr clean_up 40 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS21JR :script failed in DCIF18PC at 'date' + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 ~ In both these failures the ack was not received by the job from the MF.So asked the MF to check for their jobs and send the ack.Once the ack was received the job was restarted and completed fine. 117) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCLW04PS ERROR NUMBER : 22 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 8100-fetch-carton LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : 00 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 173 2/25/2024 EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Mon Sep 12 08:43:39 2011 SQLCODE / DESC: -400 Fetch attempted on unopen cursor. SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 525 MESSAGE : ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** In this job failure the user might have printed some packing slips and might have not received all of them bcoz of this failure. So check with the ‘shc9’ debug file and check the error msg for a carton. >FedEx FSMS Server error: (#235) Invalid type.</ERRORDESCRIPTION><MINIMUMRETRYSECONDS service <SHIPPERREFERENCE>136562483</SHIPPERREFERENCE> So use the ship_Carton_nbr from the debug file,and check the service type.If the service type is invalid then check it with new service type and reprint the entire schd. CONNECTSHIP : DCSHD2R1 05/23/12 VF 05:08:51 PRE-PASS EDIT ERROR LOG PAGE: SEQ: AS OF 05/23/12 1 1 INVOICE CUST ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP SERVICE ERROR DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0088951432 55323 4860 Eisenhower Ave Unit 39 Alexandria VA 223049493 UPS/03 SERVER COMPONENT WAS NOT INVOKED -- DEFAULT INFORMA TION BEING USED FOR THIS P ACKAGE In this case,the connectship was working fine (ITGC2ACONNECT).Check for the servers.But in the progistics management console link,under the connectship UPS link,there was some error.So run the maintainence in that and do the ISS reset.Everything was fine. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 174 2/25/2024 118) RAN’S ISSUE Below are the instructions to fix when the RANs go down. We have seen this especially in El Paso. Please note that before performing these instructions, you have to inform me of the problem. If I am unavailable inform Priyesh or Nadir. IMP: All steps are to be run by the user. DO NOT run them yourself. 1. Make sure all the RANs that are down are in AC mode. (display on RAN shows AC). Maintenance staff will be able to check this. Do not proceed ahead until confirmation. If the RANs do not change to AC mode, then it is possible that the RANs are bad and they might have to be replaced. 2. as oper1 --> enter shutdown --> select option programs only 3. as oper1 --> enter offline to shutdown the database 4. as oper1 --> enter stop_system to restart the unix server 5. Once server is up, as oper1 --> enter online to start the database 6. As oper1 --> enter restart 119) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS20JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu May 31 06:10:00 EDT 2012 DOCS20JR: script failed on step EXTRACT INVENTORY ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** This failure occurs when the storage_carton_nbr doesn’t exist in the 20ch and 21cd table but in the 40tr table.So login to the EOD DB and check for that carton in 20ch and 21cd table,if so unload the same and load it into PROD DB.(WITH THE STATUS OF CARTON AS ‘D’) Then take the back up of the DOCS03OS file and restart the job. If there is no data,then take the lot number for that storage_Carton_nbr from 40tr and check for the same irg_lot_number in 20ch and in 21cd,unload them and load them with the missing carton number. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 175 2/25/2024 120) Issue : User Ran end of day in connect ship. Need to roll the date over from March 3rd to March 5th. Resolution : Updated docscarr to change the cponnnship date to Monday,03/05/2012 121) We have several cartons of 6BCBWAB that are hung up with a "Q" status even though the quarantine was released. Please make all 6BCBWAB "A" status Issue: Style still under quarantine - user request sev 1 ticket with the DOCS-AIX team - user has a particular style that was released from quarantine and it still shows under quarantine Style number:6BCBWAB Resolution : Updated docs20ch with a quarantine group number and created a record in docszypt and released it from quarantine. 122) NAINC0014005775 User have shipping cartons that have the wrong weight User will just give more information about the issue as soon as the resolver team calls her cause there are multiple bill of laiding numbers involved Resolution: 1) Generate the list of items (cust_ppk_item_nbr) which are having incorrect weight 2) Get the weight of the existing carton (of the corresponding style and item) 3) Update the weight in docs11ch DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 176 2/25/2024 123) NAINC0014007241 I need the carton details that came out of connectship for invoice # 89306667 - shipped 6/18/12 by UPS Next Day Air out of El Paso – carton Resolution: 1) Login to itgc2aconnect, open progistics 2) Give the shipping id (docsepw for elpaso) 3) Search the carton number based on the criteria 4) Copy and paste it in wordpas, ftp it to itgcurs102 5) Send email to the user using the following command Uuencode <filename> <filename> | mail <mailid> 124) NAINC0014010005 DCSHD2R1 PAGE: 1 06/20/12 08:26:30 SEQ: 1 VF SEW PRE-PASS EDIT ERROR LOG AS OF 06/20/12 INVOICE CUST ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP SERVICE ERROR DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0089381308 88880 OGA - QND APO AE 093551488 UPS/03 DESTINATION NOT SERVED 7 Resolution: Ask the user to reroute through USPS as “APO” has only “USPS” service 125) ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : ODWMI7PS ERROR NUMBER : 810 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 82400 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : boxs TIME : Wed Jun 20 07:00:21 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 100 100 Row not found. SQLERR ISAM : 1 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 177 2/25/2024 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : Problem in the fetch of wmi7_bcdt_cur cursor. No Big Carton (Ctn Nbr 999999999) Record found in BOXS_CRTN_DTL for Delv Doc = "9010946207" Pro duct "VN-0D3Y6T4 " Size Grid "060M ". ***************** END BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: odwmi7jr.0044.ksh PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: boxs TIME: Wed Jun 20 07:00:20 EDT 2012 odwmi7jr.0044.ksh: script failed in process_orders ***************** END BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Updated the BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR.WM_INVC_STAT_CD to 'X' in the BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR table. update BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR set BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR.WM_INVC_STAT_CD = 'X' where BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR.PICK_TKT_CTL_NBR not in (select BOXS_VFC_0044.BOXS_DELV_DOC.delv_doc_nbr from BOXS_VFC_0044.BOXS_DELV_DOC) and BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR.PICK_TKT_CTL_NBR not like 'M%' and BOXS_VFC_0044.ODWM_DELV_SHIP_HDR.WM_INVC_STAT_CD in ('1','2','3') 126) + dccm07pc docs76jr call_dcta16pc 1 + [ 1 -eq 255 ] + new_step=10 + [ 1 -lt 10 ] + dccm07pc docs76jr print_dcsh70r1 + print_dcsh70r1 { Execution error : file 'mfini' error code: 119, pc=0, call=1, seg=0 119 Name is not unique (binding symbol 'mfini') DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 178 2/25/2024 + dccm07pc docs76jr print_dcsh70r1 1 + cm01_error + dcta17pc 255 + exit 255 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCSH70PS ERROR NUMBER : 90 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 5200 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : 00 EMPLOYEE : oper1 TIME : Thu Jun 28 05:19:56 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: -1263 A field in a datetime or interval value is incorrect or an illegal operation specified on datetime field. SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 206 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : problem opening cursor for DOCS18EL ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS76JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: oper1 TIME: Thu Jun 28 05:19:56 MDT 2012 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Restarted the job from the failed step DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 179 2/25/2024 127) DOCSCARR Failure. This failure came with an error message ‘Check BKCT setup correctly’..Usually this type of failures are rare as this does only the table update. When checked the bkct was set at the first step and was in ‘R’ status. Check the script that how this job can be restarted. >/tmp/docscarr.debug 2>&1 PHY_PLANT=$1 STEP=$2 ENDSTEP=$3 The phy_plant name has to be the first parameter to be passed. The plant name can be found by using the command, env |grep ‘PLANT” nohup docscarr 0004 >/tmp/docscarr.debug 2>&1 128) SEV 1 Ticket : The user is unable to access the DOCS.Also the MF FTP jobs failed.When checked with the server,the DB didn’t startup. So raised the ticket with the INFORMIX team.Once DB was up the issue was resolved. DB Error : -25588 The appl process cannot connect to the database server infx_lur1,Invalid argument 129) ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : BOXS30PS ERROR NUMBER : 102 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : boxs DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 180 2/25/2024 TIME : Mon Jul 9 04:59:57 2012 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : unable to open the docs5bis file, status = 35 ***************** END BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: boxs30jr.0008.ksh PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: boxs TIME: Mon Jul 9 04:59:57 EDT 2012 boxs30jr.0008.ksh: script failed in load_fcp ***************** END BOXS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** This came in SYSD.This failure occurred as the job was unable to find the DOCS5BIS file in the required path. Please check the document in ‘O drive’ of ‘How to manually retrieve deliveries from SYSD DOCS TO BOX’S’.. It will say the flow of jobs. This failure came because the DOCSFCSP job in the DOCS SYSD has failed.. When checked,it has failed with the following error msg. ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCSFCSP PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 2 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Mon Jul 9 04:00:00 EDT 2012 DOCSFCSP: Failed in gzip_file ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** This had failes because the previous file hasn’t moved to the /arc path and hence the file created at last couldn’t replace the old one. So moved the old file to arc path and restarted this job from the failed step. Check the scripts before restarting. That how the restart has to be done. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 181 2/25/2024 In this case it will be PHY_PLANT=$1, STEP=$2, ENDSTEP=$3 So check the step and restart. Now in BOXES SYSD. Check for the flow of jobs that which job has to restarted first.In this case it is, 0008 & 0008 & boxs30jr.ksh 0008 & Once this is run the jobs will complete fine. 128) NAINC0014062811 User said she needs to open a sev 1 ticket to the DOCS team. User said the TTY 104 and 77 are not working. The user told,they are trying to move the box’s through the conveyors but they are not going to the desired location and keeps coming back and the scanners don’t work too. Check whether the tty’s mentioned by the user is available. lsdev –C |grep ‘tty104’ tty104 Available 0K-08-12-07 Asynchronous Terminal If it shows available then the tty is ok. Else if it shows as “Defined” then the tty is down.Raise a ticket with the unix team saying the problem. In this case,the tty’s were available still it wasn’t working.Check the mail from Mickey below for this ticket. When scanner programs die with tty errors you should see something like below in /usr/docs/logs/info.log ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: PARAGRAPH/LINE: 781 ERROR NUMBER: 20 SQL STATUS: 0 EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Mon Jul 9 03:48:19 2012 unable to open port(errno=13,serial_port_name=/dev/tty77) DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 182 2/25/2024 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** You can then look up the error in /usr/include/sys/errno.h. In this case it is errno = 13. See below from errno.h #define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */ #define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */ #define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */ #define EINTR 4 /* interrupted system call */ #define EIO 5 /* I/O error */ #define ENXIO 6 /* No such device or address */ #define E2BIG 7 /* Arg list too long */ #define ENOEXEC 8 /* Exec format error */ #define EBADF 9 /* Bad file descriptor */ #define ECHILD 10 /* No child processes */ #define EAGAIN 11 /* Resource temporarily unavailable */ #define ENOMEM 12 /* Not enough space */ #define EACCES 13 /* Permission denied */ #define EFAULT 14 /* Bad address */ #define ENOTBLK 15 /* Block device required */ Once I saw the permission denied error I did : whittm@wreprs1 /usr/docs/logs $ ls -l /dev/tty77 crw-rw--w- 1 uucp uucp 57, 92 Jul 9 04:55 /dev/tty77 When I saw the read permission for other missing I did: opcom chmod 666 /dev/tty77 This resolved the issue. 129) DOCS error on wreprs1 with module MODULE : dcif04ps MODULE: DOCS01JR, please contact DOCS oncall. ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : dcif04ps ERROR NUMBER : 102 SEVERITY : 5 PARAGRAPH : 8350 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Thu Jul 7 20:52:08 2016 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 183 2/25/2024 SQLCODE / DESC: -244 Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row. SQLERR ISAM : -107 SQLERR ROWS : 1 SQLERR OFFSET : 95 SQLERR ROWID : 1281537 MESSAGE : Select lot_number error ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS01JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu Jul 7 19:25:57 MDT 2016 DOCS01JR : script failed in UPDATES at Thu Jul 7 20:52:08 MDT 2016 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Resoltion : basically this is due to table lock,try restarting the job after 10-15mins..This is very important job..we get order from Mainfram from this job only Symptoms Invalid carton showing in DCIC 63 R1 reports Report DCIC63R1 -" Unknown cartons put away in Random Storage" Have 1 carton showing on this report, carton # 157845902, location R73-003A Carton is invalid, carton is not in location, we cannot delete? How do we get removed from this report? Cause Invalid Random storage carton in DCIC63R1 report DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 184 2/25/2024 Resolution Deleted the docs22cs records. 130) UPS ecom carton that will not trailer load Carton # 1951379481 giving error message: Icate tracking number Duplicate tracking number Resolution dcshc6pcThere is timeout message on the connectship reply. When they scanned again they got duplicate tracking number error. Increment the last_rps_prepaid number in docs87ft table and assigned that incremented value to the ups_tracking_nbr for that carton. The trailer is loaded successfully on the trailer. 131) Job Failure DOCSSTAT ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCSSTAT PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 0 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu Nov 17 16:35:00 EST 2016 DCTA16PC in DOCSSTAT returned error: 255 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** The Previous job scheduled ran for longer than expected, Meanwhile the currently scheduled job started and check for the job status in DOCSBKCT table and got failed I.e. DCTA16PC is the program which check the status of the job in DOCSBKCT table. Resolution Check for the next scheduled job, If it is scheduled to start in next few minutes then there is no need of restarting the job, The scheduled job will fail if we will restart the job. Otherwise we can restart the job. nohup docsstat 0008 & DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 185 2/25/2024 132) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCIF22PS ERROR NUMBER : 121 SEVERITY : 538976288 PARAGRAPH : 2000 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Wed Jan 4 10:11:28 2017 SQLCODE / DESC: 0 0 SQLERR ISAM : 0 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 0 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : unable to open input file - status = 9^T ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS04JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Wed Jan 4 09:11:55 EST 2017 DOCS04JR : script failed in UPDATES at Wed Jan 4 10:11:28 EST 2017 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** Just restart the job again nohup docs04jr >/tmp/docs04jr.out 2>&1 & 133) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS79JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Fri Jan 6 12:08:56 EST 2017 DCTA16PC in DOCS79JR returned error: 255 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 186 2/25/2024 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** computer_job_name DOCS79JR computer_job_stat F computer_job_step 20 begin_date_time 2017-01-09 20:02:18.00 xmit_ctl_nbr 20123000003 sequence_number 0 complete_date_time 2017-01-09 20:25:20.00 computer_job_desc Dematic Add Upload maint_date_time 1992-12-02 08:20:29.84 operator_initials EFW create_date_time 1992-12-02 08:20:29.84 134) ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS78JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu Feb 16 17:46:59 EST 2017 DOCS78JR :script failed in DCIF82PC at Thu Feb 16 17:46:59 EST 2017 ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** computer_job_name DOCS78JR computer_job_stat F computer_job_step 1 begin_date_time 2017-02-16 17:46:54.00 xmit_ctl_nbr 20123000003 sequence_number 0 complete_date_time 2017-02-16 17:46:59.00 computer_job_desc Dematic Add Upload maint_date_time 1992-12-02 08:20:29.84 operator_initials EFW create_date_time 1992-12-02 08:20:29.84 Restart the job for the Schedule and Wave for which It was failed nohup docs78jr 6123 >/tmp/docs78jr.out 2>&1 & DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 187 2/25/2024 ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE : DCRC70PS ERROR NUMBER : 230 SEVERITY :5 PARAGRAPH : 2000 LINE NUMBER : 0 FILE STATUS : EMPLOYEE : docs TIME : Thu Mar 2 17:00:18 2017 SQLCODE / DESC: -244 Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row. SQLERR ISAM : -107 SQLERR ROWS : 0 SQLERR OFFSET : 605 SQLERR ROWID : 0 MESSAGE : unable to open the rc70_sel_42rl cursor ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS70JD PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu Mar 2 17:00:00 MST 2017 DOCS70JD : script failed in DCRC70PS at 'date' ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** ***************** BEGIN DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** MODULE: DOCS72JR PARAGRAPH: ERROR NUMBER: 255 RETURN CODE: EMPLOYEE: docs TIME: Thu Mar 2 17:00:00 MST 2017 DOCS72JR : script failed in extract_sku_weight ***************** END DOCS ERROR MESSAGE ***************** DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 188 2/25/2024 DOCS19JR nohup docs19jr 0005 >/tmp/docs19jr.out 2>&1 & DOCS22JR docs22jr.debug File DOCSWBOS or file xmit.uso already exists Previous execution of this job did not complete properly. + mg_error_nbr=17 + dccm07pc docs22jr extract_ord_bal 17 + set -A mg_error_desc DOCS22JR: Failed in extract_ord_bal Return Code 17 + cm01_error + dcta17pc 17 computer_job_name DOCS22JR computer_job_stat F computer_job_step 3 begin_date_time 2017-03-06 16:54:46.00 xmit_ctl_nbr 20170610000 sequence_number complete_date_time 2017-03-06 16:54:46.00 computer_job_desc Activity Data Upload - USO Snapshot maint_date_time operator_initials EFW create_date_time 1993-01-07 10:10:10.04 DCMH Programs docs 9502942 1 0 14:41:43 - 0:00 DCMH2EPC 01 docs 10813472 1 0 14:38:43 - 0:00 DCMH88PC 10 docs 25362490 1 0 14:41:57 - 0:00 DCMH2EPC 02 docs 26214574 1 0 14:42:22 - 0:00 DCMH2EPC 04 sindhwp 26411112 35913824 0 16:15:46 pts/4 0:00 grep DCMH docs 30146730 1 0 14:38:24 - 0:00 DCMH86PC 10 docs 40960160 1 0 14:42:28 - 0:00 DCMH6EPC 02 docs 42074288 1 0 14:42:14 - 0:00 DCMH2EPC 03 docs 42336414 1 0 14:41:34 - 0:00 DCMH6EPC 01 docs 44236802 1 0 14:41:22 - 0:00 DCMH6EPC 04 docs 44564498 1 0 14:38:55 - 0:00 DCMH81PC 10 docs 49676518 1 0 14:41:02 - 0:00 DCMH6EPC 03 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 189 2/25/2024 Kosan Issues 1) Problem: The KOSAN tables were not rolling in EL Paso. Analysis: Check whether the job DCMH81PC is still hung > ps -ef | grep DCMH81 ramans 67084 95970 1 13:40:23 pts/27 0:00 grep DCMH81 oper1 96902 69488 0 04:01:55 - 0:34 DCMH81PC 10 Resolution: Since it is hung, kill the job and restart it again > opcom kill -9 96902 > nohup DCMH81PC 10 & [1] 114484 2) Summary: Schedule Issue Notes: Description of the issue:Schedule Issue Customer name:Miguel Mora Phone number:915 8603822 Customer Location:VFC USA - El Paso (DC) - WR09 Issue user is reporting : The schedule 80 wave 01 is not on replenishment table Resolution: Take a backup of DOCS57SH table and delete them..Then restart DCMH81PC..(nohup DCMH81PC 10 & )..Make sure that its not running before restart.Else "msgsend DCMH86PC 10 "R:00:00".Then restart. Issue: Kosan table are not rolling over Check for the MH81 log..If it has failed with an error code of 1001,then do the following (As per Mickey) DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 190 2/25/2024 Guys, We filled up the KOSAN shipping tables (they will only hold about 40,000 records) because they are doing so many prepack and fcp cartons. These cartons do not go on the KOSAN so the docs57sh carton_proc_stat never gets updated to C. Because of this we were loading records to KOSAN that were not needed. This is how I corrected the problem: Run /u/whittm/fullkosan.sql, below : unload to /u/whittm/kosan.full select count(*) from docs57sh where carton_proc_stat != 'C' and carton_bar_code in (select carton_bar_code from docs11ch where carton_stat in ('S', 'C', 'D')) Then delete docs57sh records you just unloaded: delete from docs57sh where carton_proc_stat != 'C' and carton_bar_code in (select carton_bar_code from docs11ch where carton_stat in ('S', 'C', 'D')) Make sure DCMH81PC is not running, then: msgsend DCMH86PC 10 "R:00:00" Restart DCMH81PC nohup DCMH81PC 10 & "Unable to communicate with the FedEx FSMS server: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond" unload to /home/sindhwp/INC0686190_docs23tk.unl select * from docs23tk where prod = '87MWMAN' and invc_nbr in (select invoice_number from docsb0oh where customer_po_number = '5892000') DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 191 2/25/2024 update docs23tk set rtl_pr = 58.00, spl_oper_code_1 = 'H' where prod = '87MWMAN' and invc_nbr in (select invoice_number from docsb0oh where customer_po_number = '5892000') update docs23tk set spl_oper_code_1 = 'H' , suggest_rtl_price = 58 where lot_number = '87MWMAN' and invoice_number in (select invoice_number from docsb0oh where customer_po_number = '5892000') select * from docsb2cd where lot_number = '87MWMAN' and invoice_number in (select invoice_number from docsb0oh where customer_po_number = '5892000') Dc to Dc transfer Docs08jr is the job which sends the work order to receving DC. – Runs in sending DC Docs09jr is job to load extracted data and send an ACK back to the sending DC. – Runs in receiving DC. DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 192 2/25/2024 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 193 2/25/2024 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 194 2/25/2024 DOCS Troubleshooting Document Confidential Page 195 2/25/2024