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Business Management An African Perspective 1e Chapter 5

© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Chapter 5: Planning
• Learning outcomes
– define the managerial task of planning
– explain what the benefits of planning are
– identify who the owners of planning are in the
– differentiate between strategic and tactical planning
– depict and explain the planning process
– explain why the implementation of plans is so tricky,
and what the major pitfalls of planning are
– conceptualise what the different views are about
planning that are now emerging
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Chapter 5: Planning
• Introduction
– Although there have been businesses since people
can remember, it never became an object of study
until the late 19th Century. So, if you had gone to
university in the 18th Century, there would not have
been a Faculty of Business (or something similar),
and you would not have been able to study a
qualification in anything related to business or
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Payol presented 5 function of management
• Planning
• Organising
• Commanding / directing
• Coordinating
• Control
• The function of planning is the point of departure in
the managerial process
• Planning is all about knowing what you want to do and
knowing what you need in order to get there
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
What is planning?
• Planning is the set of managerial activities
concerned with developing sequential courses
of action and desired outcomes that the
business can work towards, given the
environment it operates within, and the
resources it has at its disposal.
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
What is planning?
• The function of planning is concerned with the following questions:
What does this business stand for?
What do we want to achieve as a business?
Where do we want to go as a business?
What must we do in order to get where we want to be?
• Characteristics of planning
Set of activities – it is the sum of a few activities
Future orientation – what needs to be done in the future
Outcome – to work towards an end state
Action – the element of doing
Sequence – specific order
Resource intensive – usage of organizational resources
Realism – must be realistic and not too far-fetched
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Defining planning
Planning is the set of managerial activities
concerned with developing sequential courses
of action and desired outcomes that the
business can work towards, given the
environment within which it operates and the
resources it has at its disposal
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Benefits and cost of planning
• Benefits of proper planning:
– direction and purpose – a clear road map
– standards for performance – well crafted plans give an indication of
what is expected from each part of the business, and from each ee
– improves speed of decision making
– provides context for managerial decisions – by understanding the
reasoning behind the plans as it minimises waste and redundancy
– focuses attention on the future – to strive for continuous
• When looking at cost of planning, make distinction between:
– The cost of the actual managerial activity of planning - time
– The costs associated with the plans themselves - resources
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Who is responsible for planning?
• The traditional, or ‘original’ view on planning is that it is
only done by top managers in a particular way. Over
time, people have started questioning this traditional
view, and developed new (or emergent, contemporary)
views about things.
• The emergent view is that it must be more inclusive of
all voices and if people are part of the plan, they will
identify with it and take ownership
• Communication is key
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Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Levels of planning
• Strategic planning
• Tactical planning
• Operational planning
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Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Strategic planning
Vision and purpose
Mission statement
Core values
Long-term goals
Generic competitive strategy
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Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Vision and purpose
• The vision of a business represents an ideal
future state that the business aims for.
– Direction
– Purpose
• The reason for its existence
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Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Mission statement
• Elements that make up a ‘good’ mission statement:
– The products and/or services offered by the business to
the market
– View of the employees of the business, and the value the
business places on their intellectual capital and skills
– The customers the business caters for and what they
expect from the business
– The emphasis the business places on quality
– The management style that is found in the business
– Community involvement as well as social and
environmental responsibility that the business is
involved with.
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Core values
• It is based on the personality of the business
• The core values reinforce the mission
statement and is the moral compass of the
• An example of core values:
– Respect
– Trust
– Integrity
– Quality
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Long-term goals
• Also referred to as business goals and
represent certain outcomes the business
wants to achieve in the long-term
• Characteristics of long-term goals:
– Achievability – to achieve the realistic outcome
– Measurability – mgmt. to give guidelines on how
this measurement is to be done
– Time frame – cut-off point
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Generic competitive strategy
• Generic competitive strategy, Porter believes
businesses need to consider how it competes
with competition, he proposes three
– Cost leadership – prices low, turnover high, not
compromising quality
– Differentiation – uniqueness in terms products from
different competitors
– Niche market strategy – smaller markets, high profits
– Combination strategy
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Tactical planning
• Compete in the way it wants to, it needs to
call on all parts of the business to operate as
an integrated whole, and to work together to
pursue these goals and strategies.
• Tactical plans break down the strategic plans
and long-term goals of the business into
smaller, more specific goals geared towards a
specific functional area of the business.
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Operational planning
• Once the different tactical plans of a business
have been developed, it is necessary for
managers to develop even more detailed, and
even shorter-term plans.
• These detailed, specific short-term plans are
referred to as operational plans (also called
action plans).
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Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
The planning process
• The seven steps of the planning process
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Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Implementation of plans
• Contingency planning
– Identify the things that can go wrong, and consider unexpected
– Understand the impact of the factors identified above on the
overall plan.
– Consider different plans of action that can substitute the
• Gearing up for roll-out
– Resource availability – having correct infrastructure
– Dedicated skills
– Clear and constant communication – for progress towards
targets through formal and informal communication
– A flexible attitude – rigidity can have a negative effect on rollout
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
Pitfalls of planning
• Inflexibility – pursuing the plan at all costs or
not deviating from what the plan stipulates
must happen
• Overemphasis on goals – environmental
changes can cause the goal to change or even
be discarded
• Improper communication – clear and constant
communication with other managers and
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e
• We discussed what planning is, the
advantages, who is responsible, the types of
plans, how plans are developed, what needs
to be taken into account when implementing
plans and what to avoid when we plan
• Planning is the first task of mgmt. and
planning should not be rushed
© Juta & Company 2019
Business Management: An African Perspective 1e