DLL Cite Evidence to Support a General Statement Education (Holy Cross College Pampanga) Scan to open on Studocu Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by JIA MARIE ALVARADO (jiamarie.alvarado001@deped.gov.ph) DAILY LESSON LOG IN ENGLISH 7(Third Quarter) THIRD QUARTER S.Y. 2023-2024 Date: 02/06/22 Teacher: DayjaneS.Sagcal School: CALULUANHIGHSCHOOL OBJECTIVES The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her A.GradeLevel Standard understanding understanding of Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture. B. Learner’s Cite Evidence to Support a General Statement Competencies SPECIFICOBJECTIVES 1.Cognitive 2.Psychomotor 3.Affective (EN7RC-IV-g-10.4) I. Content:: Evaluate theteaching-learningprocessbyfacilitatingaperformancetask Labelthepartsoftheparagraphcorrectly. Sub-topic: Topic: CiteEvidencetoSupportaGeneral Statement I. LearningResources: A. Reference: https: /www.opentextbooks.org.hk/ditatopic/4520 1.Teacher’sGuidepage: 2.Learner’s modulepage: EnrichmentActivityandPerformanceTask (Creatingaburgerparagraph) 3.Textbookpage: N/A Quarter3:Module N/A 4.AdditionalmaterialfromLRPortal: 5. Other learning materials: Learning Activity Sheets, Power Point Presentation on the definition and parts of a paragraph. PROCEDURE A. Reviewingthepreviouslessonorpresenting • Reviewpreviouslessonbylettingthelearneridentifythepartsof paragraph thenew lesson • Facilitatetheactivity: SupportingDetailScrabble! B. Establishingapurposetothelesson Learners willbegivenapaperwhichtheywilfindthesupporting detailsandmainidea.Cutandgluethemintoacompleteparagraph. C.Presenting Examples/Instances ofthenewlesson D.Discussingnewconceptsandpracticingnewskils #1 E.DiscussingNewconceptsandPracticingNew • Basedonour activitywhatdoyouthinkourlessonfortoday? • Discusshowtocite evidencetosupportgeneralstatements. • Facilitate an activity that let learner to cite evidence in • making a paragraph. Facilitate an activity by making the learner skill#2 F. DiscussingNewConceptsandPracticingnewskils remove an irrelevant sentence in a paragraph #3 that is posted in the board. Downloaded by JIA MARIE ALVARADO (jiamarie.alvarado001@deped.gov.ph) • Task the learner to create a graphic organizer illustrating the topic, supporting details, and G.DevelopingMastery conclusion. (Paragraph abou t rizal) H.FindingPracticalApplicationofconceptsandskil *What is the main idea indailyliving *What a re the supporting details * J.MakingGeneralizationandabstractionabout • Request volunteers to explain the relevance of a supporting detail. • What are supporting details? • Where do supporting details usually appear in a the lesson I. A. EvaluateLearning statement? * Why does supporting details important in a paragraph? B. ApplicationQuestion: IV. REMARKS: Integrationto otherlearningareas : ) VI.REFLECTION A. Numberof learners who earned 80% in theevaluation B. Numberof learners who require additionalactivities forremediation who scored below 80% C. Numberoflearners whocontinuetorequire remediation D. Which ofmyteachingstrategiesworkedwe l? why did this worked? E. Whatdifficulty did I encounterwhich myprincipal or superiorcan help me solve? Downloaded by JIA MARIE ALVARADO (jiamarie.alvarado001@deped.gov.ph) F. Whatinnovationsorlocalized materialsdidi used/discoveredWhichIwishtosharewithother teachers. Preparedby: Checkedandreviewedby: DAYJANES.SAGCAL MA.CARLOTA C.BASILIO Pre-ServiceTeacher HeadTeacher NOTED: JOENARH.BALUYUTEd.D Principal I Downloaded by JIA MARIE ALVARADO (jiamarie.alvarado001@deped.gov.ph)