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KWLH Teaching Strategy Approach

KWLH Teaching strategy
What is KWLH
Is one of the effective teaching strategies to help in
learning. It is an educational strategy which stand for:
K – what they KNOW about the subject
W – what they WANT to learn
L – identify what they LEARN
H – HOW we can learn more
Benefits of Using KWLH Approach
* Offering some benefits for both students and
teachers, it is very easy to use and effective on students
learning processes.
Using this Approach:
 Sets a purpose: students know why they are about to read a particular text.
 Highlights existing knowledge: It motivates students to think over their prior
knowledge about the topic.
 Gives a direction: By recognizing what they already know, students could
set their learning goals and expectations.
 Brings students and teachers together: It engages students in the learning
process and provides teachers identification on students needs.
How to Use KWLH Charts?
Column 1: what we know
 Ask them to brainstorm about their knowledge; what they know and what
they associate with the topic.
 You can encourage them to explain their ideas or fill the chart together
with the class.
Column 2: what we want to find out
after identifying students knowledge, now you can ask
them what they want to know and fill the second column
in the chart
Column 3: What We Learned
Column 4: How can we learn more?
Relationships among organism