CUSTOMER EDUCATION SERVICES Advanced Verilog Workshop Student and Lab Guide 50-I-022-XSLG-010 Version 2.6 Developed and Presented By: Willamette HDL, Inc. 7345 SW 165th Pl Beaverton, OR 97007 (503) 590-8499 Synopsys Customer Education Services 700 East Middlefield Road Mountain View, California 94043 Workshop Registration: 1-800-793-3448 Copyright Notice and Proprietary Information Copyright 2005 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. This software and documentation contain confidential and proprietary information that is the property of Synopsys, Inc. The software and documentation are furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. No part of the software and documentation may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Synopsys, Inc., or as expressly provided by the license agreement. Right to Copy Documentation The contract agreement between Synopsys, Inc. and Willamette HDL, Inc. gives copyright determination to Willamette HDL, Inc. for this course material. Synopsys licensees are permitted to make copies of this documentation for internal use only. Each copy shall include all copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and proprietary rights notices, if any. Licensee must assign sequential numbers to all copies. These copies shall contain the following legend on the cover page: “This document is duplicated with the permission of Synopsys Inc. and Willamette HDL Inc., for the exclusive use of __________________________________________ and its employees. This is copy number __________.” Destination Control Statement All technical data contained in this publication is subject to the export control laws of the United States of America. Disclosure to nationals of other countries contrary to United States law is prohibited. It is the reader’s responsibility to determine the applicable regulations and to comply with them. Disclaimer SYNOPSYS, INC., AND ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Registered Trademarks (®) Synopsys, AMPS, Arcadia, C Level Design, C2HDL, C2V, C2VHDL, Cadabra, Calaveras Algorithm, CATS, CSim, Design Compiler, DesignPower, DesignWare, EPIC, Formality, HSPICE, Hypermodel, iN-Phase, in-Sync, Leda, MAST, Meta, MetaSoftware, ModelTools, NanoSim, OpenVera, PathMill, Photolynx, Physical Compiler, PowerMill, PrimeTime, RailMill, RapidScript, Saber, SiVL, SNUG, SolvNet, Superlog, System Compiler, Testify, TetraMAX, TimeMill, TMA, VCS, Vera, and Virtual Stepper are registered trademarks of Synopsys, Inc. Trademarks (™) abraCAD, abraMAP, Active Parasitics, AFGen, Apollo, Apollo II, Apollo-DPII, Apollo-GA, ApolloGAII, Astro, Astro-Rail, Astro-Xtalk, Aurora, AvanTestchip, AvanWaves, BCView, Behavioral Compiler, BOA, BRT, Cedar, ChipPlanner, Circuit Analysis, Columbia, Columbia-CE, Comet 3D, Cosmos, CosmosEnterprise, CosmosLE, CosmosScope, CosmosSE, Cyclelink, Davinci, DC Expert, DC Expert Plus, DC Professional, DC Ultra, DC Ultra Plus, Design Advisor, Design Analyzer, Design Vision, DesignerHDL, DesignTime, DFM-Workbench, DFT Compiler, Direct RTL, Direct Silicon Access, Discovery, DW8051, DWPCI, Dynamic-Macromodeling, Dynamic Model Switcher, ECL Compiler, ECO Compiler, EDAnavigator, Encore, Encore PQ, Evaccess, ExpressModel, Floorplan Manager, Formal Model Checker, FoundryModel, FPGA Compiler II, FPGA Express, Frame Compiler, Galaxy, Gatran, HDL Advisor, HDL Compiler, Hercules, Hercules-Explorer, Hercules-II, Hierarchical Optimization Technology, High Performance Option, HotPlace, HSPICE-Link, iN-Tandem, Integrator, Interactive Waveform Viewer, i-Virtual Stepper, Jupiter, Jupiter-DP, JupiterXT, JupiterXT-ASIC, JVXtreme, Liberty, Libra-Passport, Library Compiler, Libra-Visa, Magellan, Mars, Mars-Rail, Mars-Xtalk, Medici, Metacapture, Metacircuit, Metamanager, Metamixsim, Milkyway, ModelSource, Module Compiler, MS-3200, MS-3400, Nova Product Family, Nova-ExploreRTL, Nova-Trans, Nova-VeriLint, Nova-VHDLlint, Optimum Silicon, Orion_ec, Parasitic View, Passport, Planet, Planet-PL, Planet-RTL, Polaris, Polaris-CBS, Polaris-MT, Power Compiler, PowerCODE, PowerGate, ProFPGA, ProGen, Prospector, Protocol Compiler, PSMGen, Raphael, Raphael-NES, RoadRunner, RTL Analyzer, Saturn, ScanBand, Schematic Compiler, Scirocco, Scirocco-i, Shadow Debugger, Silicon Blueprint, Silicon Early Access, SinglePass-SoC, Smart Extraction, SmartLicense, SmartModel Library, Softwire, Source-Level Design, Star, Star-DC, Star-MS, Star-MTB, Star-Power, Star-Rail, Star-RC, Star-RCXT, Star-Sim, Star-SimXT, Star-Time, Star-XP, SWIFT, Taurus, TimeSlice, TimeTracker, Timing Annotator, TopoPlace, TopoRoute, Trace-On-Demand, True-Hspice, TSUPREM-4, TymeWare, VCS Express, VCSi, Venus, Verification Portal, VFormal, VHDL Compiler, VHDL System Simulator, VirSim, and VMC are trademarks of Synopsys, Inc. Service Marks (SM) MAP-in, SVP Café, and TAP-in are service marks of Synopsys, Inc. SystemC is a trademark of the Open SystemC Initiative and is used under license. ARM and AMBA are registered trademarks of ARM Limited. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Printed in the U.S.A. Document Order Number: 50-I-022-XSLG-010 Advanced Verilog Student and Lab Guide Synopsys Customer Education Services Advanced Verilog v2.6 for Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 1 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 1 This page was intentionally left blank. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 2 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 2 Verilog Review & General topics Verilog information 8 Modeling methodology 9 Verilog basics review Procedural blocks Timing controls Time and event queues Blocking Proc. assignments Non-blocking Proc. assignments Rules of Thumb Course Outline 21 22 24 25 29 36 48 Recent enhancements Verilog 2001 Multi-dimension arrays Indexed part-select Parameters ANSI-style port declarations File IO 55 Verilog is a registered trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Synopsys and VCS are trademarks of Synopsys, Inc. Any other trademarks mentioned in this document are fully recognized as the property of their respective owners The contents of this training material and the related electronic files are copyright protected. Duplication, publication or other use is strictly prohibited Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 3 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 3 SystemVerilog Enhancements Variables & datatypes Casting Arrays Structures Ports Tasks functions 69 74 77 78 89 95 98 100 Outline (cont’d) Behavioral Modeling Behavioral Verilog Thinking Behaviorally Behavioral SRAM Scoping Named events Behavioral State machines Bus Functional Models Advanced Verilog 104 111 112 115 116 122 136 © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 4 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 4 Validation / Verification Assertion Based Verification SystemVerilog Assertions Concurrent assertions Sequences Repetition Sequential expressions Property blocks Verification directives Clocks Assertion Methodology Guidelines SVA Checker Lib 142 154 158 166 170 174 184 190 193 197 203 Verilog for Test Code Profiling Instantiation Libraries Self checking tests Timeout Mechanisms Vector Manipulation Timing Checks Test Exercise 207 208 209 214 222 224 225 228 232 Sample Solutions 238 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. Outline (cont’d) 5 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 5 This page was intentionally left blank. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 6 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 6 Day 1 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 7 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 7 Verilog information General: 1. Verilog® HDL, A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis by Samir Palnitkar - SunSoft Press / Prentice Hall 2. The Verilog® Hardware Description Language (3rd edition) by Thomas & Moorby - Kluwer Academic Publishers 3. Digital Design and Synthesis with Verilog® HDL (latest edition) by Sternheim, Singh, Madhavan, and Trivedi - Automata Publishing More on our web site. Net: --> links Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 8 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 8 Top-Down Design Flows Architectural HDLArchitectural By hand HDL - Behavioral Libraries Graphical “C”, truth tables, etc. By hand HDL - RTL Behavioral Synthesis By hand Mixed Schematic & HDL - Gate models Board Logic Synthesis ASIC FPGA Netlist Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 9 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 9 HDL Modeling Overview Architectural Definition Behavioral Abstract Behavioral equivalence maintained Functional equivalence maintained HDL Compiler® Advanced Verilog Models may be mixed RTL ASIC FPGA PLD Detailed Implementation Other By Hand Gate Schematic © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 10 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 10 Mixed-Level Simulation CPU MEM I/O Behavioral RTL Gate Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 11 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 11 Behavioral Equivalence MEM Read Instruction Data (6 cycles later) Behavioral RTL Read Instruction Gate Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. Data (6 cycles later) 12 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 12 Functional Equivalence MEM Behavioral Read Instruction Data (6 cycles later) Read Instruction Data (6 cycles later) RTL Gate Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 13 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 13 Behavioral Model Architectural Characteristics: Behavioral • Interfaces between Major Models are mixed clock/event driven • Balance of design is event driven behavioral code • Behaviorally accurate Purpose: RTL • Integrated System Model • Fastest simulating code Challenges: • Behavioral design is new: guidelines, models etc. are scarce Gate Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 14 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 14 Behavioral-Level System Example CPU Event driven Clk driven Bus IF Event driven Clk driven Bus IF Memory I/O Board Clk driven Bus IF Event driven Disk Clk driven Bus IF Event driven Clk Bus driven Bus IF Arbiter Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 15 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 15 Behavioral-Level Board Example Bus Mixed clk/event code for interface: always wait (bus_valid) @ (posedge clk) Bus Interface begin data_reg <= #`delay bus_data; addr_reg <= #`delay bus_addr; Bus State Machine In Q Out Q Memory end Memory Event Control Event code for rest of module: always wait (in_q_not_empty) begin read_queue(in_q, data_reg, addr_reg); #`delay $damem(‘mem”,addr_reg,data_reg); end Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 16 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 16 RTL Model Architectural Characteristics: Behavioral • Fully clock driven RTL code with some behavioral constructs • Contains complete functional description • Cycle accurate Purpose: RTL • Input for Synthesis tools • Validation model for gate-level code • Full functionality Challenges: • Textual entry • Synthesis coding style Gate Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 17 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 17 Example - RTL Bus always @ (posedge clk) if (bus_valid) begin data_reg <= #`delay bus_data; addr_reg <= #`delay bus_addr; Bus Interface end Registers, State Machines & other Logic Memory Interface always @ (posedge clk) if (memory_write) Memory Memory Advanced Verilog #`delay memory [addr_reg] = data_reg; © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 18 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 18 Gate Model Architectural Characteristics: Behavioral • Fully clock driven Structural code (gate-level) • ASIC's, PLD's, Glue logic • Synthesized representation • Schematic representation Purpose: • RTL Representation for Physical design Challenges: • More simulator events, so slower simulation Gate Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 19 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 19 System-Level Simulation Stimulus always wait (in_q_not_empty) begin read_queue(in_q, data_reg, addr_reg, opcode); case(opcode) 0: 1: $display("invalid opcode received "); 2: #`delay data_reg = memory[addr_reg]; default: do_nothing; end CPU MEM I/O Behavioral RTL Gate Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 20 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 20 Topic Verilog basics review • Procedural assignments • Time and Events (The Event Queue) • Rules of Thumb Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 21 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 21 Procedural Blocks module name (port_names); module port declarations data type declarations procedural blocks continuous assignments user defined tasks & functions primitive instances • There are two types of procedural blocks: • initial blocks - executes only once • always blocks - executes in a loop module instances specify blocks endmodule • Multiple Procedural blocks may be used, if so the multiple blocks are concurrent • Execution order of procedural blocks is indeterminate • Procedural blocks may have: • Timing controls - which delays when a statement may be executed • Procedural assignments • Programming statements Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 22 Speaker notes: • Procedure blocks are concurrent in time, still done sequentially by computer itself so end up with order during a time step • When you have concurrent always blocks the simulator does NOT do a round robin executing one statement from each, then one statement from each. Rather it executes as many statements as it can in a particular always block (stopped by a timing control) before switching execution to the next always block. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 22 Procedural statement groups When there is more than one statement within a procedural block the statements must be grouped. Sequential grouping: Parallel grouping: always begin a = 5; c = 4; wake_up = 1; end initial begin fork // example of nesting a = 5; c = 4; wake_up = 1; join d = 8; end // executed 1st // executed 2nd // executed 3rd NOTE: • Statements are executed sequentially. Advanced Verilog NOTE: Inside a fork-join • Statements are executed concurrently. • Flow does not continue until all statements execute. © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 23 Speaker notes: • Present the idea of "flow" i.e. how the simulator flows through the code in its execution. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 23 Timing Controls (procedural delays) #delay - simple delay Delays execution for a specific number of time steps. #5 reg_a = reg_b; @ (edge signal) - edge-triggered timing control Delays execution until a transition on signal occurs. edge is optional and can be specified as either posedge or negedge. Several signal arguments can be specified using the keyword or. always @ (posedge clk) reg_a = reg_b; wait (expression) - level-sensitive timing control Delays execution until expression evaluates true. wait (cond_is_true) reg_a = reg_b; Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 24 Speaker notes: Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 24 Time & Event Queues Event Queues time t t+1 t+2 t+3 • Time can only advance forward • Time advances when every event scheduled at that time step is executed • Simulation completes when all event queues are empty • An event at time t may schedule another event at time t or any other time t+n Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 25 Speaker notes: • One event queue per time step • abstract to help understand how simulators work. Actually multiple queues. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 25 Zero time loops A zero time loop is encountered when events are continuously scheduled at a time step without advancing time. • Characterized by the simulator appearing to "hang" (usually accompanied by a heartfelt "rats!"). Example always a = b; This causes the event a <-- b to be continuously scheduled and executed at time t. Time can not advance beyond the start time t. a<-b a<-b a<-b a<-b a<-b t t+1 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 26 Speaker notes: • Use control-c to interrupt, then single step to see where you are at in the code. • If you zero time loop on certain instructions some simulators will reach limits and either kick you out or core dump. Make the above a non-blocking assignment and VCS will core-dump. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 26 "Deadlocks" A "deadlock" is encountered when a portion of the code is waiting for events to occur and no events are being scheduled. • Characterized by simulation finishing apparently in a premature fashion (usually accompanied with an incredulous "what?") • Simulation finishes because no events are scheduled Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 27 Speaker notes: • Classical software deadlock where "a" waits for "b" which is waiting for "c" which is waiting for "a". • Usually only in behavioral modeling. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 27 Procedural assignments Assignments made within procedural blocks are called procedural assignments: • Value of the RHS of the equal sign is transferred to the LHS • LHS must be a register data type (reg, integer, real or time) NO NETS! • RHS may be any valid expression or signal always @ (posedge clk) begin a = 5; // procedural assignment c = 4*32/6; // procedural assignment wake_up =$time; // procedural assignment end Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 28 Speaker notes: • One of the most common problems new Verilog users have is trying to assign values to nets from within an always block. • A very common example of this problem is trying to directly assign a value to an output port inside of an always block. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 28 Blocking Assignments • RHS expression evaluated • Assignment is scheduled • Flow blocks until assignment is executed initial Time begin a = b; c = d; e = f; end a<-b(t) Event Queues c<-d(t) e<-f(t) t t’ t t’’ t+1 t+2 t+3 <-- Execution order Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 29 Speaker notes: • Draw up on white board before explaining how blocking assignments work. use the example coding correctly to generate the waveform for the assignment of three registers a,c,e each clocked at the rising edge of a clock signal with a propagation delay of 1, as a way of leading up to the rules of thumb through out the following slides. The goal is to correctly code up so a waveform would be generated correctly for the registers given that a gets b(t) at time = t+1, c gets b(t) at time = t+1, and e gets f(t) at time = t+1. Assume the rising edge of the clock is at time = t. b,d,f are also changing at time = t+1. Draw out the registers and a waveform with clk, a,b,c,d. • Explain the event queue diagram and nomenclature. • After walking through the explanation of the scheduling ask the question "if I Notes: substituted the following code ' always @ (posedge clk) ' for the ' initial ' would the code then generate the waveform correctly for a,c & e?" the answer is no since propagation delay is not taken into account. With this code a get the proper value but at the wrong time. a gets b(t) at time = t instead of time = t+1. © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 29 Delayed Blocking assignments • Evaluation of the assignment is delayed by the timing control • RHS expression evaluated • Assignment is scheduled • Flow blocks until assignment is executed Event Queues initial begin #1 a = b; end t a<-b(t+1) t+1 t+2 equivalent to... begin #1; a= b; end Advanced Verilog Time t+3 <-- Execution order © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 30 Speaker notes: • After walking through the explanation of the scheduling ask the question "if I substituted the following code ' always @ (posedge clk) ' for the ' initial ' would the code then generate the waveform correctly for a?" the answer is no since propagation delay is not modeled correctly. With this code a get the wrong value but at the proper time. a gets b(t+1) instead of b(t). Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 30 Delayed Blocking assignments Event Queues initial Time t begin #1 a = b; #1 c = d; #1 e = f; end a<-b(t+1) t+1 c<-d(t+2) t+2 e<-f(t+3) t+3 <-- Execution order equivalent to… begin #1; a= b; #1; c=d; #1; e=f; end Advanced Verilog LHS delays are additive with blocking assignment. © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 31 Speaker notes: • After walking through the explanation of the scheduling ask the question "if I substituted the following code ' always @ (posedge clk) ' for the ' initial ' would the code then generate the waveform correctly for a?" the answer is no. Same problem as previous slide except compounded since the delays are additive because of the blocking assignments. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 31 Blocking Intra-procedural delayed assignment • • RHS expression evaluated Assignment is scheduled but delayed by the timing control • Flow blocks until assignment is executed Event Queues Time t a<-b(t) initial t+2 begin a = #1 b; end Advanced Verilog t+1 t+3 <-- Execution order © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 32 Speaker notes: • After walking through the explanation of the scheduling ask the question "if I substituted the following code ' always @ (posedge clk) ' for the ' initial ' would the code then generate the waveform correctly for a?" the answer is yes! Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 32 Blocking Intra-procedural delayed assignment Event Queues initial begin a = #1 b; c = #1 d; e = #1 f; end Time t a<-b(t) t+1 c<-d(t+1) t+2 e<-f(t+2) t+3 <-- Execution order RHS delays accumulate with blocking assignment. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 33 Speaker notes: • After walking through the explanation of the scheduling ask the question "if I substituted the following code ' always @ (posedge clk) ' for the ' initial ' would the code then generate the waveform correctly for a?" the answer is no. a is correct but since the delays are additive because of the blocking assignment c & e are incorrect. • Suggested alternatives may come from students: 1) using 3 separate always blocks. That works but is not the best of styles. Alternative style is better (non-blocking). 2) using fork-join instead of begin end works, but not synthesizable. Also you can still have race conditions. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 33 Quiz always @ (posedge clk) a = b; always @ (posedge clk) b = c; Assume b = 3 and c = 5. After the first @ (posedge clk) what is the value of a? Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 34 Speaker notes: • trick question. The correct answer is " indeterminate" since you don't know which always block executes first. • If you run the code over and over again you will get the same result. i.e. the same always block goes first. • Different simulators will give different results. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 34 Quiz always @ (posedge clk) begin a = b; b = a; end After the first @ (posedge clk), does this do a swap? Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 35 Speaker notes: • No it doesn't. Use the event queue to illustrate if needed with given initial values for a & b. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 35 Non-blocking Assignments • RHS expression evaluated • • Assignment is scheduled at the end of the queue Flow continues on • Assignment is made at end of the time step Event Queues initial begin a <= b; end Time t a<-b(t) t+1 t+2 t+3 <-- Execution order Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 36 Speaker notes: • Point out that original value of b is stored into a temp location. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 36 Race solved! always @ (posedge clk) a <= b; always @ (posedge clk) b <= c; a always gets the value in b Event Queues a<-b(t) Time t b<-c(t) t+1 t+2 t+3 <-- Execution order Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 37 Speaker notes: • The order of execution doesn't matter. May need to walk through both orders to show this. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 37 Swap Accomplished! always @ (posedge clk) begin a <= b; b <= a; end a always gets b, b always gets a Event Queues b<-a(t) Time t a<-b(t) t+1 t+2 t+3 <-- Execution order Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 38 Speaker notes: Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 38 Mixed Blocking and Non-blocking Event Queues initial begin a = b; c <= d; c = f; end c<-d(t) a<-b(t) t t+1 t+2 t+3 <-- Execution order DO NOT DO THIS!! Advanced Verilog c<-f(t) Time © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 39 Speaker notes: • Note difference in order of evaluation vs. execution. Good way to confuse yourself! Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 39 Delayed Non-blocking Assignments • initial begin #1 a <= b; end Evaluation of the assignment is delayed by the timing control • • RHS expression evaluated Assignment is scheduled at the end of the queue • Flow continues on • Assignment is made at end of the time step Event Queues Time t t+1 a<-b(t+1) t+2 t+3 <-- Execution order Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 40 Speaker notes: • Same result as the blocking assignment: #1 in front - no go. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 40 Non-blocking Intra-procedural delayed Assignments initial begin a <= #1 b; end • RHS expression evaluated • Assignment is delayed by the timing control and is scheduled at the end of the queue • Flow continues on • Assignment is made at end of the time step Event Queues Time t t+1 a<-b(t) t+2 t+3 <-- Execution order Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 41 Speaker notes: Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 41 Non-blocking Intra-procedural delayed Assignments initial begin a <= #1 b; c <= #1 d; e <= #1 f; end Event Queues Time t e<-f(t) c<-d(t) a<-b(t) t+1 t+2 t+3 <-- Execution order RHS delays do not accumulate with non-blocking -butLHS delays would accumulate same as in blocking case. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 42 Speaker notes: • This works for all three registers. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 42 Procedural assignment Example f+1 f e d c b a Expected output: fedcba 1xxxxx 21xxxx 321xxx 4321xx 54321x 654321 765432 and so on Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 43 Speaker notes: Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 43 pound.v module pound; reg [7:0] a,b,c,d,e,f; reg clk; initial begin clk=0; f = 1; forever #25 clk = !clk; end /*** group 1 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 1 begin e = f; end /*** group 2 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 2 begin c = d; d = e; end /*** group 3 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 3 begin a = b; b = c; end /*** group 4 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 4 begin f = f + 1; end initial $monitor (f,,e,,d,,c,,b,,a); initial #700 $stop; endmodule Is this the best way to do it? Why or why not? If not, what would be the best way to do it? Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 44 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 44 +race VCS has built-in race condition detection. ( +race option) It can spot “many” race conditions in your simulations: read-write write-write 2 processes access variable simultaneously 2 processes write variable simultaneously If you try this on pound.v: vcs –R +race pound.v You will get 2 new output files: race.out one line per race detected race.unique.out filtered to show only unique races race.unique.out Unique Races Races of no consequence removed Synopsys VCS RACE REPORT 25 "e": read pound (pound.v: 21) && write pound (pound.v:15) 75 "c": read pound (pound.v: 28) && write pound (pound.v:20) Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. VCS Tip! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. module pound; reg [7:0] a,b,c,d,e,f; reg clk; initial begin clk=0; f = 1; forever #25 clk = !clk; end /*** group 1 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 1 begin e = f; end /*** group 2 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 2 begin c = d; d = e; end /*** group 3 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 3 begin a = b; b = c; end /*** group 4 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 4 begin f = f + 1; end initial $monitor (f,,e,,d,,c,,b,,a); initial #700 $stop; endmodule 45 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 45 Virsim Tip! Lab: Delta Cycle display 1. Type: vcs –RI pound.v & in the IW specify a Step Time of 100 2. Also in IW select pulldown Sim >> Record Delta Cycle Data 3. Open the HB and WW windows and display all signals in pound.v #2 4. In IW click OK to run simulation to time 100 5. In WW right-click on clk edge at time 75 and select Expand Time #4 #4 #1 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 46 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 46 Lab: Delta Cycle display (2) expanded “delta-time” 5. WW updates to look like this: #6 Virsim Tip! 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. /*** group 1 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 1 begin e = f; end /*** group 2 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 2 begin c = d; d = e; end 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. /*** group 4 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 4 begin f = f + 1; end /*** group 3 ***/ always @ (posedge clk) // group 3 begin a = b; b = c; end 6. Within the expanded “delta time” at 75nS, notice the order in which the registers update (left to right): E, C, D, B, F. This corresponds to the “indeterminate” order of execution of the procedural blocks. Question: Why did race.unique.out (2 slides back) report a race condition on register “c” at time 75? race.unique.out 75 "c": read pound (pound.v: 28) && write pound (pound.v:20) Answer: The waveforms show that on posedge clk, “c” is assigned 8’h01 correctly from “d”, BUT “b” is assigned 8’h01 incorrectly by sampling the new value of “c”. “b” should have stayed at 8’hxx. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 47 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 47 Rules of Thumb - 1 Synthesizable Verilog: • Use blocking assignments for combinational always blocks and do not use delays... Example always @(dat) i_dat = ~dat; Non-synthesizable Verilog: • • • When the RHS is a fixed value, use a blocking assignment Any procedural delay should appear on the LHS Do not use non-blocking assignments, which tend to be confusing Examples #5 a = `FALSE; #5 b = 42; #5 c = c+1; // inc/decrement of values Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 48 Speaker notes: • emphasize that the top is for synthesizable code. • Bullet #3 in bottom text leads into next slide. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 48 Quiz Given the following code: `define FALSE 0 `define TRUE 1 initial begin a = `FALSE; a <= `TRUE; if (a == `TRUE) $display ("True"); else $display ("False"); end What will print out? True or False? Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 49 Speaker notes: • answer is False since the assignment of a <-- 1 is scheduled but not executed when the if statement executes. • What happens if a #1 is placed in front of the if statement? Prints out True. Not good practice to put #1 in your code to make it work the way you think it should. • What happens if both assignments are non-blocking? Still prints out False since a = x when if statement executes. Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 49 Rules of Thumb - 2 Synthesizable Verilog: Non-synthesizable Verilog: • • • Use non-blocking assignments exclusively for sequential always blocks A RHS delay, produces an ‘intuitive’ transport delay in simulation and makes waveforms easier to read • When the RHS is a "sampled" value (e.g. registers and wires driven by another concurrent block), use a non blocking assignment Any procedural delay should appear on the RHS Examples Example always @(posedge CLK) Q <= #1 D; a <= #5 b; // where b is a register c <= #5 d; // where d is a wire The procedural delay (#) on the RHS best models propagation delay as an engineer understands it. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 50 Speaker notes: Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 50 Rules of Thumb - 0 • Be Consistent! • Apply the ROT’s uniformly! Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 51 Speaker notes: Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 51 Given the following code: Harder Quiz module hard_quiz; reg [3:0] a,b,c; initial // init registers at time zero begin a <= 0; b <= 0; c <= 0; end initial begin #1b <= 1; c <= 5; a <= 1; while (a < c) begin $display (”at time = %0d b = %h”,$time, b); #5 a <= a+1; Lesson? b <= b+1; Non-blocking assignments can be confusing. end end endmodule What is the output? Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 52 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 52 Given the following code: Harder Quiz Revision 1 module hard_quiz_1; reg [3:0] a,b,c; initial // init registers at time zero begin a <= 0; b <= 0; c <= 0; end initial begin #1b <= 1; c <= 5; a <= 1; while (a <= c) //change to less than or equal to begin $display (”at time = %0d b = %h”,$time, b); #5 a <= a+1; b <= b+1; end end endmodule Now what is the output? Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 53 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 53 Given the following code: Harder Quiz Revision 2 module hard_quiz_2; reg [3:0] a,b,c; initial // init registers at time zero begin a <= 0; b <= 0; c <= 0; end initial begin #1b <= 1; c <= 5; a <= 1; while (a <= c) begin $display (”at time = %0d b = %h”,$time, b); #5 a = a+1; //change to blocking b = b+1; //change to blocking end Of course YOU would never mix blocking end And non-blocking assignments would you? ☺ endmodule Now what is the output? Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 54 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 54 Verilog 2001 Enhancements The Verilog 2001 Standard produced by IEEE makes some important and useful enhancements to the base language. Many of these enhancements were already part of VCS or are part of the SystemVerilog support added with VCS v7 Indexed vector part-selects Multi-dimensional arrays Signed arithmetic extensions Power operator Wildcard sensitivity list Comma separated sens. List Enhanced File IO Inline-Explicit parameter passing Sized Parameters Combined port and type declarations ANSI style port/IO declarations “reg” declaration/initialization Enhanced conditional compilation To use these in your code, you must add “ +v2k ” to the vcs command line. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 55 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 55 Verilog2001: Multi-dimension indexing Prior to Verilog 2001 a bit or subrange of a location in the array could not be accessed directly, a temporary variable had to be used. temp = mem[33]; 3_bit_reg = temp[8:6]; // data_reg gets data at addr 33 //get three bits of addr 33 mem 255 temp 8 8 33 3_bit_reg 6 2 0 6 “address” dimensions first (in order) 0 15 0 Verilog 2001 finally corrects this: 3_bit_reg = mem[33][8:6]; “data” dimensions (slicing) last Multi-dim. Indexing only supported on RHS of an assignment Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 56 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 56 Verilog2001: enhancements Enhanced conditional compilation: `ifndef macro verilog source `elsif macro2 verilog source `endif `undef Any-dimensional arrays of registers AND nets… syntax: reg/net [msb:lsb] identifier [first_addr:last_addr], [first_addr:last_addr] , [… ; where msb:lsb determine the width (word size) of the memory first_addr:last_addr determine each dimension (address range) of the array Addressing Multi-dim arrays: “address” dimensions first (in order) reg [15:0] D3 [1023:1020] [15:8] [7:3] [2:0]; // 4x8x5x3 array of 16-bit reg’s initial begin D3 [1023] [15] [7] [2] = 16’hFFFF; // store: ffff D3 [1023] [15] [7] [2] = D3 [1023] [15] [7] [2] –1; // decrement: fffe $display(“%h”, D3 [1023] [15] [7] [2] [7:0] ); // print: fe “data” end dimensions (slicing) last Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 57 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 57 Indexed vector part-selects Bit-selects in verilog expressions may use variables: reg [63:0] data; reg data_bit; reg [7:0] data_byte; integer bit_sel; initial begin data = 32; bit_sel = 5; data_bit = data[bit_sel]; // Prior to Verilog 2001, variables may NOT be used for part-selects. data_byte = data[bit_sel:0]; // Unsupported in any verilog version! // Verilog 2001 introduces a new syntax… data_byte = data[bit_sel -: 6]; end // Defines a 6-bit slice ( i.e. data[5:0] ) New Syntax -: base_expr +: base_expr Advanced Verilog offset // neg. offset from base_expr (inclusive) offset // pos. offset from base_expr (inclusive) © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 58 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 58 Parameter redefinition Currently, Verilog supports two styles of parameter redefinition: Explicit: defparam hierarchy_path.parameter_name = value; Implicit: module_name # (value) instance_name (signals); The Verilog 2001 Standard adds a third (recommended) style: In-Line explicit: module_name # (.parameter_name(value)) instance_name (signals); module fifo (d_in, d_out, write, read, full, empty); ... parameter width = 8, depth = 32; ... endmodule //module definition //parameter declarations and default values module test_fifo; // testbench ... fifo # (.depth(64), .width(16) ) fifo_64(d_in_64,d_out_64,write_64,read_64,full_64,empty_64); // instance of fifo with override of parameters: depth to 64 and width to 16 ... endmodule Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 59 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 59 Combined port/type declarations Verilog 2001 supports co-declaration of a port AND its related variable: port_direction port_type port_name, port_name ... ; Vector (Multiple bit) port declarations: port_direction port_type [port_size] port_name, port_name ... ; port_direction : port_type : port_name : port_size : input, inout (bi-directional) or output is a data type (reg, wire) legal identifier is a range from [msb:lsb] input wire a, into_here, george; input wire [7:0] in_bus, data; output reg [8:31] out_bus; inout wire [maxsize-1:0] a_bus; Advanced Verilog // scalar ports and nets // vectored ports and nets // vectored port and driving reg // parameterized port and net © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 60 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 60 ANSI style port declarations Port declarations can also be made within the parentheses of the module declaration. module module_name (port_direction port_type [port_width] port_name, port_direction port_type [port_width] port_name, etc. etc. ); module MUX2 (output input input input Advanced Verilog reg [1:0] wire [1:0] wire [1:0] wire [1:0] out, sel, in_a, in_b ) ; © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 61 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 61 Topic – Verilog 2001 File IO routines Introducing some of the coolest features of Verilog 2001 • Access data from a file by char, line, block • Log selective data to many files (previous limit: 32) • Faster than PLI equivalents (~30% faster) Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 62 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 62 File IO routines $fopen $fclose $ferror $fgetc $fgets $fflush $fread $fscanf $fseek $fsscanf $ftell $rewind $sformat $swrite $swriteb $swriteh $swriteo $ungetc. - Runs in compatible mode OR with optional type arguments e.g. “r[b]” “w[b]” “a[b]” - Returns error message on a file (if any) as a string (<= 640 chars) - Reads a character from a file NOTE “b” implies binary data rather than ascii but this distinction isn’t necessary for UNIX - Reads binary data from a file into a reg or memory - Reads characters from a file, interpreting them according to format specs. - Returns offset to last position read/written in a file (e.g. total file size read) Advanced Verilog New substitution directives: %c - substitute a single character %u - substitute unformatted binary data %z - read unformatted binary data ( $fscanf etc.) © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 63 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 63 Example File IO code: file_read.v `define FILE_SIZE 10000 module file_read; integer rfile, wfile, in, i; reg [7:0] mem[0:`FILE_SIZE -1]; reg [13*8:1] file_name[0:1]; // Allow DOS filenames reg [640:1] e_msg; initial begin file_name[0] = “file.bin"; // Filename rfile = $fopen(file_name[0], "rb"); // Open the file for reading in = $fread(mem, rfile, 0); // Read file into memory i = $ferror(rfile, e_msg); // check for error message if any $display("\nFile size: %0d $ferror msg: %0s \n\n", $ftell(rfile), e_msg); $fclose(rfile); $finish; end endmodule Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 64 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 64 File IO Exercise:Steganographic Decryption Working directory: STEG_DECODE Purpose: Write an abstract Verilog model using v2001 fileio routines The picture message.bmp is encoded with a secret message, hidden in the least significant bit of each pixels value. The algorithm skips pixels 0-63 of the file. Pixels 64-79 contain the length of the message in bytes. (Multiply by 8 for total pixel-count) Once you know the length, the message is in pixels 80 and later. The bits in each group of 8 pixels are arranged least significant to most significant. 1. 2. Working directory: STEG_DECODE Code up a Verilog module which reads in the binary file and decodes the message. Use File IO function $fread to load the file into a byte-wide memory. Example 1:- How the message length is encoded: Byte 64 1 0 1 0 1 Byte 65 0 1 1 1 0 1 ... 0 1 1 Message Length 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ... Byte 78 0 0 1 Byte 79 0 1 1 1 0 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 0 1 x x x x x x x 1 1 Advanced Verilog x x x © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. x x 65 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 65 File IO Exercise: Steganographic Decryption Example 2:- One byte of a message you might find in bytes 80+ Byte 80 1 0 1 0 1 Byte 81 0 1 0 1 0 1 Byte 82 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0x72 = 'r' 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Byte 85 0 1 1 1 0 1 Byte 86 0 1 Byte 83 Byte 84 1 0 0 1 Byte 87 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 66 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 66 File IO: Writing a binary file You just saw how to open/read a binary file in Verilog; but what about writing such a file? Here is the Verilog code used to encrypt the message you just retrieved: // Encrypt text for Steganographic decoder problem // // Must compile with +v2k for multi-dimen. addressing // `define FILE_SIZE 65535 module encrypt; integer tfile, rfile, wfile, ifs, tfs, i, pxl,chrs; reg [15:0] siz; reg [3:0] bits; reg [7:0] img [0:`FILE_SIZE -1]; // , reg [7:0] txt[0:157]; pxl=64; for(i=0; i<=15; i=i+1) // encode message length if(tfs[i]) img[pxl+i] = img[pxl+i] | 8'b1; else img[pxl+i] = img[pxl+i] & 8'hfe; initial begin tfile = $fopen("message.txt", "r"); // Open the text file for reading rfile = $fopen("morning.bmp", "rb"); // Open the img file for reading wfile = $fopen("message.bmp", "w"); // Open new img file for writing i = $fread(img, rfile, 0); // Read the image into memory ifs = $ftell(rfile); // capture file size in "ifs" i = $fread(txt, tfile, 0); // Read the text into memory tfs = $ftell(tfile); // capture file size in "tfs" $display("\n\nText File: %0d bytes IMG File: %0d bytes\n\n",tfs, ifs); for(i=0; i<=tfs; i=i+1) $write("%s",txt[i]); tfs=tfs+8; // print message text tfs=(tfs*8); // pixels necessary for message bits = 0; chrs = 0; for(i=80; i<=80+tfs; i=i+1) begin if(txt[chrs][bits]) img[i] = img[i] | 8'b1; else img[i] = img[i] & 8'hfe; bits = bits+1; if(bits[3])begin chrs = chrs+1; bits = 0; end end for(i=0; i< ifs; i = i+4) // save img file $fwrite(wfile,"%u", {img[i+3],img[i+2],img[i+1],img[i]}); $display("\n"); $fclose(rfile); $fclose(wfile); $fclose(tfile); $finish; end endmodule // Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. NOTE UNIX files are packed 32-bit words 67 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 67 This page was intentionally left blank. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 68 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 68 SystemVerilog Enhancements Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 69 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 69 The promise of System Verilog • • • • Abstract Structures Executable Spec Interfaces/Protocols Transaction-level Modeling Architects Verification Engineers SystemC VCS Hardware Designers • High Level Models • RTL improvements • Timing Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 70 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 70 System Verilog pedigree System Verilog expands the features of classic Verilog (Verilog 95?) by adding Verilog 2001 and more. Verilog 95 • Concurrency & timing • Event Ordering • RTL/gate/switch simulation • Signal strength modeling Verilog 2001 • ANSI port/argument lists • Automatic tasks/functions • Generate statements • Signed Arithmetic • Multi-dim arrays New ( Unique ) Features • $root • Interfaces • Combin/seq/latch processes • Assertions (orphaned) • SVA Assertions C/C++ • Data types • Structs & Unions • Dynamic memory v3.0 VCS 7.1.1 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 71 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 71 System Verilog 3.1 adds much more Verilog 95 • Concurrency & timing • Event Ordering • RTL/gate/switch simulation • Signal strength modeling Verilog 2001 • ANSI port/argument lists • Automatic tasks/functions • Generate statements • Signed Arithmetic • Configurations • Multi-dim arrays New ( Unique ) Features • Fork-join control options • Comb/seq/latch processes • Assertions (SVA) • Interfaces • Classes, inheritance etc. • Operator overloading • Program Blocks • Clocking Domains • Semaphores/Mailboxes • Random data Generation • Constraints • Handles (safe pointers) • Direct Programming I/F (DPI) C/C++ • Data types • Structs & Unions • Dynamic memory v3.1 VCS X.X Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 72 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 72 VCS 7.1 Simulator SystemVerilog Code *.sv Verilog Code *.v VCS 7.1 +v2k +sysvcs Run-time switch to enable Verilog 2001 features Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. Run-time switch to enable SV features 73 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 73 Variables SystemVerilog is 100% backward compatible with Verilog 1995 and 2001. In addition: • SystemVerilog inherits variables/types from C • SystemVerilog has additional types for system-level design and test There are 2 types of variable in SystemVerilog Static • Allocated and initialized at time zero • Exist for the entire simulation Automatic • • • • Designed to allow recursion in blocks, tasks and functions Reallocated and initialized each time a block/task/function is entered May NOT be used to trigger an event May NOT be assigned by a non-blocking assignment Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 74 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 74 Data Types: Basic & Integer Basic data types integer types are signed or unsigned integer sig; // signed by default integer unsigned usig; int unsigned usig; time 64-bit integer, defaults to seconds Synth real from Verilog, like C double, 64-bits 2003.12 shortreal from C float, 32-bits string variable size array of “char” 7.1 bit, reg, logic default to unsigned void non-existant data, used for functions Others default to signed Integer data types char shortint int longint byte bit reg integer logic from C (usually 8-bit signed integer) 16-bit signed integer 32-bit signed integer 64-bit signed integer 8-bit signed integer (usually same as char) 0 or 1 from Verilog (unsized: 0, 1, X, Z) 32-bit signed from Verilog (sized: 0, 1, X, Z) like reg but with different usage rules Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. char shortint int longint byte bit reg logic integer 2-state ( 1, 0 ) 4-state ( 1, 0, X, Z ) 75 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 75 Data Types: User defined Not content with adding a wide set of new datatypes to the mix, SystemVerilog borrows from C the syntax for declaring new types: typedef typedef int mm ; // mm becomes a new type mm centi =10, metre = 1000; // these are 2 new variables of type ‘mm’ Synth 2003.12 ignore Strange as it may seem, a type may be used before it is defined 7.1 Synth 2003.12 typedef delay; // known as an “empty” typedef delay sec = 1 ; // declare/initialize even though you do not know yet what it is ☺ typedef int delay; Synthesis Tips (2003.12) 1. Synthesis tools ignore variable initialization 2. typedef must be defined before being used Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 76 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 76 Data Types: Casting Type Casting Synth 2003.12 <type>′ (<value>) Convert between data types with the cast (forward-tick): int′ (2.0*3.0); // Cast result to integer 10′ (a+b); // implies a number of bits (10 here) signed′ (a); // works for sign-changing too User defined types may also be cast: mytype′ (b); For compatibility these Verilog functions are supported: $itor, $rtoi, $bitstoreal, $realtobits, $signed, $unsigned Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 77 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 77 Arrays - Multidimensions Synth 2003.12 SystemVerilog supports multi-dimensional arrays just like Verilog… bit [7:0] mem [4:1]; // byte-wide memory with 4 addresses, like Verilog mem[ i ] [6:1] = 0; // 2D+ indexing supported (like Verilog 2001) From Verilog 2001 you also get multi-multi-dimensions… phew! bit [a:b] [n:m] [p:q] mem [ t:u] [v:w] [x:y]; // arbitrary dimensions packed unit unpacked SystemVerilog uses the terms packed and unpacked to refer to how the data is actually stored in memory (e.g. packed => 8-bits to a byte, unpacked => 1 bit per word ) a0 a1 a2 a3 b3 b2 b1 b0 packed Advanced Verilog unpacked © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 78 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 78 Arrays – Multidim. (simplified) It may help you to think of these in the classic Verilog terminology… So it’s as if you have multi-dimensions of data and of address… bit [a:b] [n:m] [p:q] mem [ t:u] [v:w] [x:y]; // big ugly (5D) memory ☺ (packed) data address (unpacked) The packed dimensions describe how the data is arranged (or packed) and the unpacked dimensions describe how you map this data to a multi-dimension address… bit [3:0] [7:0] aa ; byte3 byte2 // a single, packed 4-byte data word (4x8 = 32 bits) byte1 bit [3:0] [7:0] bb [1:0]; byte0 aa[0] = aa[0] + 1; // byte increment // 2-deep array of packed 4-byte data words byte3 byte2 byte1 byte0 byte3 byte2 byte1 byte0 Advanced Verilog aa bb[1] bb[0] bb[1] = bb[0]; // word assignment © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 79 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 79 Array Access – Example 1 bit [3:0] [7:0] aa ; bit [3:0] [7:0] bb [10:1] ; // packed 4-byte variable // array of 10 4-byte words 10 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 9 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 8 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 6 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 5 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 4 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 3 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 2 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 1 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 2 1 0 3 Figuring out how to access these arrays can also be confusing… Remember, start with unpacked dimensions proceeding left to right, then continue with the packed, proceeding left to right… bb[9] = bb[8] + bb[7]; bb[10][1:0] = bb [9][3:2] ; Advanced Verilog // add 2 4-byte words // copy 2 MS bytes // from word 9 to word 10 (LS bytes) © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 10 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 9 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 8 7:0 7:0 7 7:0 7:0 6 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 + 10 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 9 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 8 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 80 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 80 Array Access – Example 2 7:0 10 9 7 6 5 © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 1 0 1 packed 7:0 ed 7:0 2 ck 7:0 3 2 un pa 3 7:0 7:0 9 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 8 7:0 7:0 7:0 Advanced Verilog 7:0 1 10 // set that whole byte 7:0 3 7:0 cc[9] [1] [3] = 8’hff; 7:0 2 NOTE • All unpacked indices must be provided, every time • Use packed indices as needed to slice the packed vector // set the LSB of byte 3 of address 9x1 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 4 cc[9] [1] [3] [0] = 1’b1; 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 8 bit [3:0] [7:0] cc [10:1] [3:1] ; // 2D array (10x3) of 4-byte words 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 9 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 7:0 8 7:0 10 7:0 7:0 7:0 81 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 81 module use_arrays; bit[3:0][7:0] bb [10:1]; bit[3:0][7:0] cc [10:1][3:1]; Arrays – Using them 2 // This example code 'proves' the previous slide initial begin $display("\n\nPart 1:\n"); $monitorh(bb[9],,bb[8],,bb[7]); bb[9] = 'hff; bb[8] = 'h55; bb[7] = 'h22; #100 bb[9] = bb[8] + bb[7]; #100 bb[10][1:0] = bb[9][3:2]; #100 $display("\n\nPart 2:\n"); Part 1: 000000ff 00000055 00000022 00000077 00000055 00000022 Part 2: NOTE $monitor cannot display the whole of arrays bb or cc, but it CAN show the packed dimensions if you fully define the unpacked ones! 00000000 33221100 b3221100 aa221100 $monitorh(cc[9][1]); #100 cc[9][1] = 'h33221100; // initialize 32-bit vector #100 cc[9][1][3][7] = 1'b1; // set MSB of MSbyte of 32-bit vector #100 cc[9][1][3] = 8'haa; // load MSbyte of 32-bit vector #100 $display("\n\n"); end endmodule Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 82 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 82 Arrays – Allowed data types Unpacked • Familiar from Verilog, may be ANY Datatype • Only access a single element at a time • Although whole arrays may be copied • One element may be assigned procedurally while another is assigned continuously • Specified as a range ( int mem [256:1] ) unpacked a0 a1 a2 a3 bit a [3:0]; // unpacked array of bits Packed • Only bit-level types (reg, wire, logic, bit) • Access whole array or slice as a vector • All elements must be assigned identically • Compatible with $monitor/$display etc. • Allows arbitrary length integers/arithmetic [3:0] bit packed bit [3:0] b; // packed array of bits Synth 2003.12 bit b3 b2 b1 b0 [3:0] Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 83 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 83 Arrays – Supported Operations int var=3; bit[7:0] PA = 8'haa, PB = 8'hbb; byte UA [7:0] = {default: 'haa}; byte UB [7:0] = {default: 'hbb}; bit[3:0][7:0] MPA; 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 PA: aa, PB: bb, PA: bb, PB: bb, PA: ab, PB: ba, PA: aa, PB: ba, MPA: 00000000 MPA: deadbeef MPA: deadbef0 UA[4]: UA[4]: UA[4]: UA[4]: aa, bb, ab, aa, Synth 2003.12 UB[4]: UB[4]: UB[4]: UB[4]: bb bb ba ba initial begin $monitor($stime,,"PA: %h, PB: %h, UA[4]: %h, UB[4]: %h",PA,PB,UA[4],UB[4]); Packed & unpacked arrays support: #10 PA = PB; UA = UB; #10 PA[7:4] = 'hA; PB[3:0] = PA[7:4]; UA[4][7:4] = 'hA; UB[4][3:0] = UA[4][7:4]; #10 PA[var -:4] = PA[var+1 +:4]; UA[4][var -:4] = UA[4][var+1 +:4]; #10 $monitor($stime,,"MPA: %h",MPA); #10 MPA = 32'hdeadbeef; #10 MPA = MPA+1; end Advanced Verilog Read/write Read/write of a slice Read/write of a variable slice Only packed arrays allow: Assignment from an integer Treatment as an integer in an expression © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 84 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 84 module array_ops2; Arrays and $readmemh/b HINT bit[7:0] PA [3:0]; bit[1:0][7:0] PB [3:0]; // two pkd dimensions $readmemX supports only a single unpacked dimension byte UA [7:0]; byte UB [7:0][1:0]; initial begin #10 $readmemh("hex.dat",PA); for(int i=0; i<=3;i++) $display("PA[%0h",i,"]: %b",PA[i]); #10 $readmemh("hex.dat",PB); $display(""); for(int i=0; i<=3;i++) $display("PB[%0h",i,"]: %b",PB[i]); #10 $readmemh("hex.dat",UA); $display(""); for(int i=0; i<=3;i++) $display("UA[%0h",i,"]: %b",UA[i]); /* #10 $readmemh("hex.dat",UB); // ILLEGAL, only 1 unpkd dim allowed for(int i=0; i<=3;i++) $display("UB[",i,"]: ",UB[i]); */ end endmodule Advanced Verilog Synth 2003.12 © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. PA[0]: PA[1]: PA[2]: PA[3]: 00000000 00000001 10101010 11111111 PB[0]: PB[1]: PB[2]: PB[3]: 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 0000000010101010 0000000011111111 UA[0]: UA[1]: UA[2]: UA[3]: 00000000 00000001 10101010 11111111 85 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 85 Arrays - Examples bit [2:0][7:0] m = 24’b0; // packed 3-byte vector bit [3:0] [7:0] abc [1:10], def [1:9] [ 1:3]; // 2 arrays, same packed dimensions // but different unpacked typedef bit [1:6] bsix; bsix [1:10] mine; // 6-bit packed vector // 60-bit packed vector typedef bsix mem_type [0:3]; mem_type bar [0:7]; // unpacked array of 4 ‘bsix’ elements // unpacked array of 8 ‘mem_type’ elements Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 86 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 86 Array Querying functions Synth 2003.12 SystemVerilog allows querying of the attributes of an array: $bits, $left, $right, $low, $high, $increment, $length, $dimensions $dimensions: returns the number of dimensions in the array (0 if scalar) bit [3:0] [7:0] aa; initial $display( $dimensions(aa) ); // prints “ 2 ” $bits: Number of bits in a packed array or struct initial $display( $bits(aa) ); // prints “ 32 ” ${left|right}: Bounds of a variable bit [3:1] [7:4] bb; bit [3:1] [7:4] cc [2:0]; initial begin $display( $left(bb) , $right(bb) ); $display( $left(cc) , $right(cc) ); end Synth 2003.12 // $left => msb, $right => lsb // prints “ 3 // prints “ 2 1” 0” ${low|high}: Min|max bounds of a variable $increment: returns 1 if $left is greater than or equal to $right returns –1 if $left is less than $right $length: returns number of elements in the dimension ( $high - $low +1 ) Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. // min|max of $left and $right of variable 87 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 87 Array Query - quiz module arrays_quiz; bit [3:0][7:0] a; bit b [3:0]; bit c [3:0][7:0]; bit [5:0] d [3:0][31:0]; bit [7:0][5:0] e [3:0][31:0]; initial begin $display("bit [3:0][7:0] a;", $bits(a),, $dimensions(a),, $length(a,1),, $length(a,2)); $display("bit b [3:0];" , $bits(b),, $dimensions(b),, $length(b,1)); $display("bit c [3:0][7:0]; ", $bits(c),, $dimensions(c),, $length(c,1),, $length(c,2)); $display("bit [5:0] d [3:0][31:0]; " , $bits(d),, $dimensions(d),, $length(d,1),, $length(d,2),, $length(d,3)); $display("bit [7:0][5:0] e [3:0][31:0];" , $bits(e),, $dimensions(e),, $length(e,1),, $length(e,2),, $length(e,3),, $length(e,4)); end endmodule 2 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 32 4 32 768 6144 8 32 32 8 6 8 6 Advanced Verilog 32 4 32 768 6144 8 8 32 32 bit [3:0][7:0] a; bit b [3:0]; bit c [3:0][7:0]; bit [5:0] d [3:0][31:0]; bit [7:0][5:0] d [3:0][31:0]; bit [3:0][7:0] a; bit b [3:0]; bit c [3:0][7:0]; bit [5:0] d [3:0][31:0]; bit [7:0][5:0] d [3:0][31:0]; 6 8 6 88 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 88 Structures Synth 2003.12 From C SystemVerilog has acquired the idea of a structure. Think of a structure as an object containing members of any type. struct { bit[7:0] my_byte; int my_data; char my_char; } my_struct; // my_byte, my_data and my_char are "members" of my_struct. The members can be referenced individually (using the as a unit. initial begin my_struct.my_byte = 8’hab; my_struct = {0, 99, “A”}; end Advanced Verilog . operator) or altogether Structures may: • Be packed or unpacked • Be assigned as a whole • Pass to/from a function or task as a whole • Contain arrays © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 89 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 89 Unpacked Structures Synth 2003.12 By default, structs are unpacked. Their implementation is tool dependant for maximum flexibility. a0 a1 Unpacked a2 a3 struct { bit[1:0] bit[2:0] bit[5:0] bit[8:0] } u_pkt; a0; a1; a2; a3; You may think of an unpacked structure as a logical grouping of different objects, different types etc. They may be defined as a type: typedef struct { byte RED,GRN,BLU; } RGB; // Named structure RGB screen [0:399][0:639]; // declare screen of 640x400 pixels Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 90 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 90 Unpacked structure examples struct { bit[7:0] opcode; bit[23:0] addr; } INSTR; // Referred to as an anonymous structure INSTR.addr = 0; // clear addr in INSTR typedef struct { bit[7:0] opcode; bit[23:0] addr; } instruction; // Named structure instruction INSTR; // declare one! Synthesis Tip (2003.12) Each element of an unpacked struct must be initialized individually. Example: instruction <= 0; // NOT allowed for synthesis instruction <= {opcode: 0, addr: 0}; // Synthesizable style Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 91 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 91 Packed Structures Synth 2003.12 Packed structs are more useful in hardware simulation. As with arrays, packing means the elements of the structure are arranged in the form of a wide vector. a0 a1 a2 a3 struct packed { bit[1:0]a0; bit[2:0] a1; bit[5:0] a2; bit[8:0]a3; } p_pkt; A declaration of "packed" offers advantages: • Easy conversion to bit-vectors • May be accessed as a whole • First member specified is most significant • May be declared as signed for arithmetic …and responsibilities: • Only bit-oriented datatypes (bit, logic, reg, net) are allowed. • Unpacked arrays/structures are NOT allowed • if any member is 4-state, all members are cast to 4-state Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 92 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 92 Packed Structures - examples struct packed signed { int a; shortint b; byte c; bit[7:0] d;} pack1; // signed, 2 state struct packed unsigned { time a; logic[7:0] b;} pack2; // unsigned, 4 state typedef struct packed { // Packed struct/unions may also be typedef’d bit[3:0] f1; bit[7:0] f2; bit[11:0] f3; bit f4; bit[63:0] f5; } a_packed_struct; Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 93 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 93 Uses of structures Structures are the ideal way to encapsulate data "packets“. •Use as data or control abstraction in architectural models •Use as abstraction for top-down I/O design Advanced Verilog Behavioral: Pass structures through ports, as arguments to tasks/functions etc. Use to refine structure size/content. RTL: Break structure apart & define final I/O. © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 94 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 94 Module Ports Like Verilog 2001 SystemVerilog allows co-declaration of port AND type port_direction port_type port_name, port_name ... ; input wire a, into_here, george; output reg [8:31] out_bus; // scalar ports and nets // vectored port and driving reg Port declarations can also be made within the parentheses of the module declaration (also in Verilog 2001). module MUX2 (output logic [1:0] input logic [1:0] input [1:0] out, in_a, in_b, sel ) ; Ports may be of ANY SystemVerilog type including events, structs, arrays etc. typedef struct { bit isfloat; union { int i; shortreal f; } n; } tagged; // named structure module mh1 (input event e1, input int in1, output tagged out1); ... endmodule Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 95 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 95 Port Connection Rules Synth 2003.12 Since ports default to a net type (like Verilog) classic Verilog rules apply. BUT for ports declared as non-net type (e.g. logic) things simplify a lot. ☺ wire port type (SV default) Like Verilog net, reg, logic etc. net reg, net, logic tri tri Any compatible type Any SystemVerilog type module non-wire port type (e.g. logic) net tri tri SystemVerilog only Any SystemVerilog type Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. Net type only 96 Speaker notes: • Will cover inouts in its own section later Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 96 SV types are flexible Synth 2003.12 For example, “logic” (and reg) are • can be treated as reg/wire (V2001) • 4-state (0,1,X,Z) • Any width ( [MSB:LSB] ) • May be declared as signed or unsigned (default) NOTE SV3.0 implied a difference between reg and logic types. Under SV3.1 reg and logic are semantically identical. VCS follows SV3.1 A variable of any SV type may be driven by any one of the following: Choose only one • Arbitrary number of procedural assignments (like reg in Verilog) • Single continuous assignment • Single primitive/module output Synthesis rules still forbid assignment from multiple procedural blocks however May let the simulator spot common Verilog problem of multiple drivers to a node Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 97 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 97 Tasks (new features) Synth 2003.12 SystemVerilog makes a number of extensions to basic Verilog syntax. • • • • • ANSI-C style formal declarations (plus a new one: ref in SV3.1) Arguments can be any SystemVerilog type (default is logic) Default direction is input task-endtask implies a begin-end structure return statement can end the task call before endtask task write_vector( input int data, logic[11:0] addr); @(negedge clk); if (bus_error) return; // cancel operation if bus_error true data_bus = data; addr_bus = addr; return is supported in tasks but NOT return(value) write = 1; @(posedge clk); #5 write = 0; endtask Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 98 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 98 Tasks (Recursion) SystemVerilog makes major extensions to basic Verilog syntax. • Supports automatic keyword (from Verilog 2001) • Unlike Verilog, all local variables are dynamically declared. • Full recursion is supported (automatic variables/arguments stored on stack) task automatic my_task( input int local_a, int local_b); if (local_a == local_b) identical begin my_task(local_a-1,local_b+1); return; end global_a = local_a; global_b = local_b; // detect where arguments are // fix by incrementing/decrementing // end ‘this’ copy of task // drive the outputs endtask Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 99 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 99 Functions Synth 2003.12 function automatic int factorial (int n); if (n==0) return(1); // factorial 0 is 1 else return(factorial(n-1)*n); endfunction Extends the basic Verilog function syntax. • • • • • • • • ANSI-C style formal declarations (plus new one: ref in SV3.1) Arguments can be any SystemVerilog type Return value can be a structure or union Default direction is input, but also supports output Function-endfunction implies a begin-end structure return statement supported as well as assignment to function name Supports automatic keyword, allowing recursion just like tasks Supports void return values Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 100 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 100 Recap! In this section you learned: 1. R.O.T. #1 For combinatorial logic, use blocking assignments and no delays. 2. R.O.T. #2 For sequential logic, use non-blocking assignments and RHS delays if required. 3. How to structure your code for maintain/read-ability. 4. Some gotchas about using tasks. 5. Verilog 2001 File IO 6. New datatypes & port typing in SystemVerilog 7. Improvements to tasks / functions in SystemVerilog Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 101 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 101 This page was intentionally left blank. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 102 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 102 Day 2 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 103 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 103 Behavioral Modeling • • • • Advanced Verilog What is behavioral modeling? How to think behaviorally Behavioral coding style Write behavioral models © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 104 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 104 What is Behavioral Modeling? A behavioral model represents a black-box view of the circuit. While it may correctly model the I/O portion of the design, it implements only the “behavior” of the internals. So, while it looks to the rest of the simulation like a complete model, it is actually smaller, faster and easier to write. There are 3 main application areas for behavioral code: 1. Top-down design CPU MEM 2. Testbench Code 3. Stub Models in system testbenches I/O Behavioral Stimulus Generation DUT Response Checking Stimulus Generation DUT Response Checking RTL Gate • First cut at the design • Coded directly from Func. Spec • Quick to write • Helps answer the question Are you designing the right thing? Advanced Verilog Model A Model B Model C • Faster to write • Faster execution • Flexible coding style © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. Stub A Model B Stub C • Speeds up simulation by ‘removing’ unnecessary detail • Reusable across design team 105 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 105 Question: Consider this simple pipeline d_1 d_2 d_3 d_out 8 8 d_in d_out clk How would you model its behavior? Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 106 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 106 Exercise I: Now code your solution! Working directory: PIPE Purpose: Write a behavioral model. d_1 d_in 8 d_2 d_3 d_out 8 d_out Characteristics: • Posedge clk triggered f/fs • 5nS clk-output delay clk Testbench is “test_pipe.v” Ports: d_in, d_out, clk Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 107 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 107 test_pipe.v test_pipe.v d_in clk 8 d_in clk d_out 8 pipe Check Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 108 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 108 at time = 26, d_out = xx which is correct at time = 66, d_out = xx which is correct at time = 106, d_out = xx which is correct at time = 146, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 186, d_out = 04 which is correct at time = 226, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 266, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 306, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 346, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 386, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 426, d_out = 01 which is correct at time = 466, d_out = 02 which is correct at time = 506, d_out = 03 which is correct at time = 546, d_out = 04 which is correct at time = 586, d_out = 05 which is correct at time = 626, d_out = 06 which is correct at time = 666, d_out = 07 which is correct at time = 706, d_out = 08 which is correct at time = 746, d_out = 09 which is correct at time = 786, d_out = 0a which is correct at time = 826, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 866, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 906, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 946, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 986, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 1026, d_out = 01 which is correct at time = 1066, d_out = 02 which is correct at time = 1106, d_out = 03 which is correct at time = 1146, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 1186, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 1226, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 1266, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 1306, d_out = 00 which is correct at time = 1346, d_out = 01 which is correct Correct output pipe.v and so on SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 109 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 109 Done? Classify your solution: Behavioral RTL Gate Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 110 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 110 Topic: Thinking behaviorally TRICK: derive an English-language description of the block and model THAT You might start by asking yourself the following questions: Q. What externally visible features must be modeled to capture the behavior? Q. What "work" is performed? Q. What external stimulus or "events" trigger a response from the model? Q. Are there any output "events" which occur? Q. How to describe the behavior you see: Procedural (if/endif, assign etc) State-machine ( case ) etc Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 111 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 111 Lab 3: beh_sram Working directory: BEH_SRAM Purpose: Apply new features of SV like UDT’s, structs, new SV port-types. Instructions: Write an abstract behavioral model of a syncrhonous sram memory • • • • Memory is 1k deep x 32bits wide 2 ports (ip and op) both of type packet. Testbench writes and reads packets over the 2 ports. Memory access time is 5ns Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. beh_sram ip op 32bits clk mem 1k array rw_ 112 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 112 Lab 3: beh_sram beh_sram ip typedef struct { logic [9:0] addr; logic[31:0] data; } packet; op 32bits clk mem 1k array rw_ • Testbench: ( DO NOT LOOK AT IT! ☺ ) • • • • Packet definition shown above sram operates on posedge of clk rw_ signal is hi read, lo write Memory access time is 5ns Question: Where do you declare the packet typedef? Think about it, experiment! Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 113 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 113 Lab 3 – beh_sram (expected output) 40 80 146 186 200 266 Writing 0000000a Writing 00000002 Read successful: Read successful: Writing 0000aaaa Read successful: to address 005 to address 001 0000000a from address 005 00000002 from address 001 to address 1ff 0000aaaa from address 1ff SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 114 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 114 Topic: Scoping module name instance names a d b mega flop c giga e module flop .... reg float; // local reg .... endmodule module names Verilog supports hierarchical paths: module_name.instance_name.instance_name.X Example - path to reg float : a.d.e.float Note: From module giga, the path can be shortened to: e.float Uses: • Test fixtures to monitor variables etc. within modules • Redefinition of parameters • defparam <path>.<parameter_name> = <value>; • Behavioral modeling • From the gui… Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 115 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 115 Topic: Named Events Declaration- keyword: event event request_blues; event sleeping_in_class; “Has no duration and carries no value!” Made to occur only from a procedural block: Trigger: -> operator -> request_blues; -> sleeping_in_class; Used by event control (@) always @ (request_blues) play_blues_cd; always @ (sleeping_in_class) Think of a flashing light! teacher_throw_eraser; Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 116 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 116 Named Events Example /* example program for named events */ module cannon; cannon.v /* declarations */ event fire_the_cannon; //event declaration event kaboom, minute_elapsed; //can declare more than // one event at a time event light_fuse, load_cannon; reg [7:0] enemy_count; initial //initializations and generation of minute_elapsed begin enemy_count = 0; //init the enemy count to zero forever #60 -> minute_elapsed; // every 60 time steps trigger event end /* code for the scout */ always @ (minute_elapsed) //every minute check for the enemy begin if (enemy_count > 0) //is there any enemy there? begin $display ($time,,"spotted %0d of the enemy",enemy_count); -> fire_the_cannon; // signal the cannon soldier to fire end end /* code for the cannon soldier */ always @ (fire_the_cannon) // wait for signal to fire the cannon begin -> light_fuse; //light the fuse to the cannon @ (kaboom) //wait for the cannon to fire #5 -> load_cannon; // reload the cannon end Advanced Verilog /* code for the cannon */ always @ (light_fuse) // wait for fuse to be lit begin #5 -> kaboom; // cannon fires $display ($time,,"fired the cannon"); @ (load_cannon); // wait for cannon reload end initial // the test sequence - the enemy appears begin #100 enemy_count = 5; @ (kaboom) enemy_count = 0; #60 enemy_count = 25; @ (kaboom) enemy_count = 15; //cannon gets 10 at a time @ (kaboom) enemy_count = 5; @ (kaboom) enemy_count = 0; #60 enemy_count = 5; @ (kaboom) enemy_count = 0; #100 $stop; end endmodule © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 117 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 117 MANGLED 10 time steps to report. Count, display bag # and “Mangled!” after each. Exercise – Airplane baggage SEA 10 time steps to handle the bag. Count, display bag # and “SEA” after each. DFW 5 time steps to handle the bag. Count, display bag # and “DFW” after each. Working directory: NAMED EVENTS 1Kx8 Purpose: Learn to use named events Syntax for loading mem $readmemh(“luggage.dat",flight98); Unload one bag at a time onto cart. Look at cart every time a new bag is put on it. Check the label for connecting destination & signal the correct worker. LAX 10 time steps to handle the bag. Count, display bag # and “LAX” after each. When flight is empty display total # of bags for each connecting destination. cart Bag destination ignore 7 -other- © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 7 label 3 label 4’b0000 4’b0001 4’b0010 4’b0011 SFO 5 time steps to handle the bag. Count, display box # and “SFO” after each. Advanced Verilog flight98 0 0 destination SEA DFW LAX SFO mangled 118 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 118 bag bag bag bag bag bag bag bag bag bag bag … number number number number number number number number number number number 0 -> SEA 1 -> DFW 2 -> DFW 3 -> LAX 4 -> LAX 5 -> SFO 6 -> SFO 7 -> SFO 8 is mangled! 9 is mangled! 10 is mangled! Correct Output Airplane baggage problem With a whole bunch in between ... … bag bag bag bag bag # # # # # number number number number number of of of of of 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 -> -> is is is SEA bags DFW bags LAX bags SFO bags mangled bags SFO LAX mangled! mangled! mangled! = = = = = 202 304 205 206 107 SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 119 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 119 Test application - Bus Monitors PC Card PC Socket Protocol Checker module test(..); ... #1; // Why ? -> PC1.check_read; do_read_test(..); -> PC1.check_dma; do_dma_test(..); … protocol_check PC1 (…); endmodule module protocol_check(..); event check_read, check_dma; ... always @ check_read; wait (read_strobe); if (!read_rdy) error = `true; ... ... always @ check_dma; wait (dma_strobe); ... endmodule Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 120 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 120 Test Application - Structured Testing module test(..); ... initial begin #5 -> load_data; do_test(..); -> load_data; do_test(..); end ... // Why the #5? initial begin @ (load_data) $readmemh(data1.hex, test_mem); @ (load_data) $readmemh(data2.hex, test_mem); @ (load_data) $readmemh(data3.hex, test_mem); end Advantage… Gathers $readmemh tasks into one place for easy maintenance. endmodule Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 121 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 121 Behavioral State Machines Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 122 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 122 State Machine style You just completed the Airplane baggage simulation! Ba d Ba ide d a! Ba ide d a! id ea ! You might be tempted to see this as a State Machine model (One state per independent always block & named events to switch from one to the other). 1. Not supported by Synthesis. 2. No help when migrating to RTL. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 123 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 123 Behavioral State Machines Characteristics: No state register - states are implied Initial or always block with implied state boundaries No clocks Structure: Example state separators: Branches in case statements, if, wait, while, for, @ Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 124 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 124 An example - Memory /* interface state machine */ initial @ cpl2.reset begin initialize; // task that resets queues, memory and registers forever begin wait (!q_empty(in_q,q_status)); exam_q(in_q, op_code, addr, data_block, q_status); /* get item from queue ( without removing it ) */ case( op_code[31:28]) 4'b011x: /* it is a read request */ if(!q_full(out_q)) /* check to see if out queue is not full */ begin $display ("memory received a Block read request",$time); ret_data; /* task that moves data from memory to out queue */ read_q(in_q,q_status); /* remove read from queue */ end 4'b001x: /* it is a block write */ begin $display ("memory received a Block data write", $time); #40 write_mem; /* task that moves data into memory */ read_q(in_q,q_status); /* remove write from queue */ end default /* bad opcode */ begin $display ("memory received a non valid opcode",$time); $display ("opcode = %h", op_code[31:28]); $display ("address = %h", addr); $stop; end endcase end end Advanced Verilog out_q memory sm in_q @ reset wait !empty read write Case is branch selector bad op If is branch selector © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. do read 125 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 125 Another Example - Arbiter /* arbitration logic state machine */ initial Note: Code snippet only, @ cpl2.reset this will not compile begin initialize; forever begin wait (req_reg) /* wait for a bit to be set in req reg */ current_grant_prior = 0; /* set to no priority */ req reg for (temp = 1; temp < 9; temp = temp + 1) begin grant reg last_grant = last_grant+1; /* round robin */ if (last_grant == 8) /* check for wrap */ last_grant = 0; busy reg if (req_reg[last_grant]) /* is the bit set? */ if (prior_reg[last_grant] > current_grant_prior) /* see if this request wins over the current winner */ set_grant; end #1 grant_reg[current_grant] = 1; /* set grant bit in grant reg */ last_grant = current_grant; /* set last_grant for next arb */ last_grant_prior = current_grant_prior; /* set last_grant_prior * for next arb */ wait (busy) /* wait for busy to be set by grantee */ wait (!busy) /* wait for grantee to be done */ grant_reg = 0; /* clear grant */ end end Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. @ reset wait request sm set grant wait busy wait not busy 126 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 126 Behavioral SM Exercise Working directory: FSM Purpose: Model a behavioral Finite State Machine 1. In_reg is 32-bits wide 2. “mem” is 32 bits wide, 1k deep 3. Commands, addresses and data are passed to the mem_controller via the in_reg 4. It is the job of your SM to keep things straight and to perform memory accesses for the “outside world” Test fixture is test_sm_behav.v Test Fixture addr 32x1k mem in_reg outof sm 5. There are 4 instructions: wt_wd – Single word write wt_blk – 4-word block write rd_wd – single word read NOP – do-nothing Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. in_reg Explanation wt_wd - addr - data wt_blk - addr - data - data - data - data rd_wd - addr - nop - op_word - op_word - op_word op_word 31 28 op 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 011x 1xxx 0 nop nop wt_wd wt_blk rd_wd illegal illegal illegal 127 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 127 Sample Instruction Flow in_reg wt_blk rd_wd op code Data Data Data Data Addr wt_wd op code nop Addr op code Data Addr addr addr+1 addr+2 addr+3 Time write_in_reg write_outof Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 128 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 128 * Test fixture for behavioral level state machines */ module test_sm_behav; reg [31:0] into, outof, exp_outof; reg clk; event write_in_reg; event write_outof, wait_for_outof; /* nop */ task nop; begin # 5 sm_behav_0.in_reg = {4'b0000,28'h0}; // op_word -> write_in_reg; // trigger the event end endtask /* illegal op */ task ill_op; begin # 5 sm_behav_0.in_reg = {4'b0101,28'h0}; // op_word -> write_in_reg; // trigger the event end endtask /* the rd_wd op */ task rd_wd; input [31:0] addr, data; begin #5 sm_behav_0.in_reg = {4'b0100,28'h0}; // op_word -> write_in_reg; // trigger the event @ (posedge clk) #5 sm_behav_0.in_reg = addr; exp_outof = data; -> wait_for_outof; -> write_in_reg; // trigger the event @ (posedge clk) #5 sm_behav_0.in_reg = 0; // nop -> write_in_reg; // trigger the event end endtask test_sm_behav.v /* the wt_blk op */ task wt_blk; input [31:0] addr,data; begin #5 sm_behav_0.in_reg = {4'b0011,28'h0}; // op_word -> write_in_reg; // trigger the event @ (posedge clk) #5 sm_behav_0.in_reg = addr; // send address -> write_in_reg; // trigger the event repeat (4) begin @ (posedge clk) #5 sm_behav_0.in_reg = data; // send data -> write_in_reg; // trigger the event data = data +1; // change the data word end end endtask /* the wt_wd op */ task wt_wd; input [31:0] addr,data; begin #5 sm_behav_0.in_reg = {4'b0010,28'h0}; // op_word -> write_in_reg; // trigger the event #20 sm_behav_0.in_reg = addr; -> write_in_reg; // trigger the event #20 sm_behav_0.in_reg = data; -> write_in_reg; // trigger the event end endtask initial into = 0; // set to nop to start off /* tests */ integer i; initial begin repeat(3) @ (posedge clk); // wait for 3 clocks @ (posedge clk) nop; @ (posedge clk) wt_wd('h100,'haa); @ (posedge clk) wt_wd('h30,'hbb); @ (posedge clk) wt_blk('h40,'ha10); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h100,'haa); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h30,'hbb); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h40,'ha10); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h41,'ha11); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h42,'ha12); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h43,'ha13); @ (posedge clk) ill_op; @ (posedge clk) nop; #100 $stop; end always @ (write_outof) $display($time,,"outof reg = %h",outof); // instantiate sm module sm_behav sm_behav_0(); always@ (wait_for_outof) begin $display("TB: waiting for write_outof in response to read request"); @ (write_outof) if( exp_outof !== outof) $display(" %0t TB: Read error: expecting %0h, received %0h \n", $stime, exp_outof, outof); else $display(" %0t TB: Read OK: expecting %0h, received %0h \n", $stime, exp_outof, outof); end Advanced Verilog /* the clock */ initial begin clk = 0; forever #10 clk = !clk; end © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. endmodule 129 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 129 TB: waiting for write_outof in response to read request 360 TB: Read OK: expecting aa, received aa Expected output TB: waiting for write_outof in response to read request 420 TB: Read OK: expecting bb, received bb TB: waiting for write_outof in response to read request 480 TB: Read OK: expecting a10, received a10 TB: waiting for write_outof in response to read request 540 TB: Read OK: expecting a11, received a11 TB: waiting for write_outof in response to read request 600 TB: Read OK: expecting a12, received a12 TB: waiting for write_outof in response to read request 660 TB: Read OK: expecting a13, received a13 695 illegal op received Note: your timing may be slightly different - Why? SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 130 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 130 Mixed-Behavioral Models Clocked interface - Event driven back end. Why would you want to do this? (HINT: title of this slide) Exercise 1. Study new block diagram below. 2. Modify code from last exercise. 3. Add a new clock-driven shell (wrapper) around sm_behav. 4. Test fixture is test_sm_func.v. sm_func In Out 32 sm_behav 32 Clk Advanced Verilog New clk<-> event Xlation Logic Existing Behavioral SM model (event driven) Clock-driven shell © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 131 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 131 into in_reg Exercise Test fixture is test_sm_func.v 32 wt_wd wt_blk addr 32x1k mem I/F registers: tpd(clk-o/p) = 5nS outof rd_wd outof 32 op_word sm 31 28 op 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 011x 1xxx clk Test Fixture Advanced Verilog - op_word - addr - data - op_word - addr - data - data - data - data - op_word - addr - nop © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 0 nop nop wt_wd wt_blk rd_wd illegal illegal illegal 132 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 132 Sample Instruction Flow (modified) in_reg wt_blk rd_wd op code Data Data Data Data Addr wt_wd op op code code op code nop Addr Data Addr Time Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 133 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 133 /* Test fixture for sm_func */ module test_sm_func; reg [31:0] into, out of, exp_outof; reg clk; wire [31:0] out_wire; event wait_for_out of; /* nop */ task nop; # 5 into = {4'b0000,28'h0}; // op_word endtask /* the wt_wd op */ task wt_wd; input [31:0] addr,data; begin #5 into = {4'b0010,28'h0}; // op_word @ (posedge clk) #5 into = addr; @ (posedge clk) #5 into = data; end endtask /* the wt_blk op */ task wt_blk; input [31:0] addr,data; begin #5 into = {4'b0011,28'h0}; // op_word @ (posedge clk) #5 into = addr; // send address repeat (4) begin @ (posedge clk) #5 into = data; // send data data = data +1;// change data word end end endtask Advanced Verilog /* the rd_wd op */ task rd_wd; input [31:0] addr, data; begin #5 into = {4'b0100,28'h0}; // op_word @ (posedge clk) #5 into = addr; @ (posedge clk) #5 into = 0; // nop exp_outof = data; -> wait_for_outof; // spin-off routine! end endtask /* illegal op */ task ill_op; #5 into = {4'b0101,28'h0}; // op word endtask initial into = 0; // set to nop to start off /* the clock */ initial begin clk = 0; forever #10 clk = !clk; end test_sm_func.v always @(posedge clk) outof = #5 out_wire // put output in register //always @ (outof) // any change of outof // $display ($time,,"outof = %h",outof); /* tests */ initial begin repeat(3) @ (posedge clk); // wait for 3 clocks @ (posedge clk) nop; @ (posedge clk) wt_wd('h100,'haa); @ (posedge clk) wt_wd('h30,'hbb); @ (posedge clk) wt_blk('h40,'ha10); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h100,'haa); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h30,'hbb); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h40,'ha10); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h41,'ha11); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h42,'ha12); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h43,'ha13); @ (posedge clk) ill_op; @ (posedge clk) nop; #100 $stop; end // instantiate sm module sm_func sm_func_0(into,out_wire,clk); // check outof is correct always@ (wait_for_outof) endmodule begin repeat(3) @(negedge clk); if( exp_outof !== outof) $display(" %0t TB: Read error: expecting %0h, received %0h \n", $stime, exp_outof, outof); else $display(" %0t TB: Read OK: expecting %0h, received %0h \n", $stime, exp_outof, outof); end © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 134 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 134 Sample output 420 TB: Read OK: expecting aa, received aa 480 TB: Read OK: expecting bb, received bb 540 TB: Read OK: expecting a10, received a10 600 TB: Read OK: expecting a11, received a11 660 TB: Read OK: expecting a12, received a12 716 illegal op(5) received 720 TB: Read OK: expecting a13, received a13 SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 135 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 135 Bus Functional Models Bus Functionality is an extremely useful modeling technique which allows us to create models of complex programmable devices like controllers and processors without having to implement 100% of the functionality. Basically, a BFM is a behavioral model of the outer-shell of a device. It is capable of reproducing 100% of the bus activity but is controlled internally by a simple sequencer which executes “pseudo-code” provided by the designer. BFM’s are ideal for early simulations because they can run (and help debug) in designs with netlist errors or other problems which would prevent full-function simulation. As you will see in the next exercise, BFM’s usually “drive” the simulation, not the TB. CPU model address Pseudocode script script engine data irq[2:0] To make a BFM of this CPU, you need: • • • • Module of CPU shell with full pinout Task for each bus-cycle (e.g. write, read, nop, dma) Script engine (clk driven) External script in pseudo-code clk Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 136 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 136 BFM example Example of Verilog 2001 file extensions to read commands from a script. //Example script file to be read by this model // // command addr data // // read 9 0 // write 300a deadbeef // read 2FF xxxxxxxx // nop `define NULL 0 module script_reader; integer file, r; reg [5*8:1] command; reg [31:0] addr, data; NOTE All references to the command field are 5-digit initial begin : file_block file = $fopen("script.txt", "r"); if (file == `NULL) disable file_block; r = 1; while(r !== 0) begin command = " "; r = $fscanf(file, " %s %h %h \n", command, addr, data); case (command) " read": $display("READ mem[%h], expect = %h", addr, data); "write": $display("WRITE mem[%h] = %h", addr, data); " nop": $display("NOP"); default: $display("Unknown command '%0s'", command); endcase end // while r !== 0 $fclose(file); $finish; end // initial endmodule // script_reader Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 137 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 137 Recap! In this section you learned: 1. How to approach writing a behavioral model. 2. How and when to use Named Events. 3. To write several example behavioral models including a FIFO & an FSM. How to make a behavioral model work with models of lower abstraction levels (RTL / gate) was also discussed. 4. How to write a Bus Functional Model. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 138 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 138 Assertion Based Verification What is ABV Types of Assertions Accellera Analysis Formal Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 139 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 139 The Challenge 98 94 96 19 19 19 90 88 86 92 19 19 19 84 Effort required to verify these new designs doubles every 6 to 9 months 19 • 82 Verification productivity has not kept pace 19 • 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 80 Design productivity has risen tenfold since 1990 19 • Hardware De sign Productivity Gates Per Day Designs continue to grow in accordance with Moore’s law 19 • Ye ar Half of all chips today require 1 or more re-spins ~75% of all re-spins are due to functional errors. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 140 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 140 Traditional Testbench Structure SYSTEM_TB CPU Peripheral TB1 CPU Peripheral TB2 • Traditional testbenches treat the DUT as a black box. Stimulus is applied and results are measured from external pins only. • OK for simple designs. • For complex designs: • It is computationally impractical to test all potential input sequences • What if an internal error occurred, but the design still had a proper output response? • How do you know when you are done? Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 141 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 141 Assertion-Based Verification • The core of design verification is to ensure that a design implementation behaves according to a given specification • Typically, the specification consists of a list of natural language (i.e. not machine-readable) assertions, each of which must be verified • An assertion is a statement about a design's intended behavior which must be verified • • That statement itself is called a property of the design SV assertions may appear in a number of places in your system: • Inside the design (perhaps the DUT module itself) • In an interface or program block • $root • Procedurally, within an initial/always block Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 142 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 142 Types of Assertions System Bus (e.g. PCI) I/O Assertions uP Core FIFO Arbiter Structural Assertions Protocol Assertions Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 143 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 143 Types of Assertions • Structural Assertions: • Intended internal functionality of blocks Designers can catch errors more quickly • I/O Assertions: • Input combinational relationships (e.g. read_en, write_en) • Basic sequential behavior (e.g. reset, handshake) Ensures block is being used correctly in external context • Protocol Assertions: • Higher-level than interface • Transaction descriptions • Required responses Ensures conformance to standards Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 144 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 144 Examples of Assertions • • • I/O Assertions: • "The read and write enables are mutually exclusive" • "Reset must be held low for three rising edges of the clock" • "A grant never occurs without a request" • "A request must always be acknowledged" Structural Assertions: • "The state vector is one-hot" • "When opcode is READ_WD, state goes from IDLE to S1 to S2, then back to IDLE" • "An illegal state is never reached" Protocol Assertions: • "If a master sets the transfer type to BUSY during a burst cycle, then in the next cycle, the slave must assert HREADY and set HRESP to 'OKAY' " Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 145 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 145 White-box Monitoring Assertions increase observability of errors in the DUT "Open" the black box and observe internal behavior Add extra code inside DUT that monitors for problems Do not have to wait for error to propagate to external pins Error detection closer in both time and physical proximity to error source Monitor Advanced Verilog `ifdef MONITOR_ON always @(state) begin if ((state & (state - 1)) != 2'b0) begin $display("STATE_NOT_ONE_HOT,%t",$time); end end `endif © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 146 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 146 Verilog checkers • Verilog does not have an assertion construct • Instead, checks can be coded as procedural blocks `ifdef MONITOR_ON always @(a or b) begin if (!(a^b)) begin) $display("Error: a and b must be inverted"); $finish; end end `endif • These blocks can be single-event or temporal, but are not very reusable • OVL is a set of predefined, standard tests implemented as modules for ease of reuse • OVL checks are concurrent, not embedded in procedural code Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 147 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 147 OVL Checker Library OVL is a set of predefined, standard tests implemented as modules for ease of reuse. • OVL checks are concurrent, not embedded in procedural code. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 148 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 148 Property Languages: Sugar, ForSpec, CBV • These languages come from theoretical research into formal verification and internal customer tools (IBM, Intel, Motorola) • They are intended to declare design properties that are verified by formal (i.e. static) methods • They provide a concise and easy syntax for specifying single-event and temporal properties assert always req -> next (!req until ack); • Whenever req is asserted, it is de-asserted in the next cycle and continues so until signal ack is asserted Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 149 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 149 The Accellera Standardization Effort • Accellera standardized OVL in 2002 for embedded RTL assertions • The formal verification working group selected the Sugar proposal as its base for a standard language in 2002 • Accellera approved and released it as PSL (Property Specification Language) in early 2003, and has received tremendous vendor support • SystemVerilog 3.1 will support a "unified" assertion syntax Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 150 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 150 Does ABV Really Work? Assertion Monitors 34% Cache Coherency Checkers Register File Trace Compare Memory State Compare End-of-Run State Compare PC Trace Compare Self-Checking Test Simulation Output Inspection Simulation hang Other 9% 8% 7% 6% 4% 11% 7% 6% 8% Assertions in real designs: 34% of all bugs found were identified by assertions on DEC Alpha 21164 project [Kantrowitz and Noack DAC 1996] 25% of all bugs were found were identified by assertions on DEC Alpha 21264 project. [Taylor et at.DAC 1998] Kantrowitz and Noack [DAC 1996] 85% of all bugs were found using over 4000 assertions on HP [Foster and Coelho HDLCon 2000] Assertion Monitors 25% Register Miscompare Simulation "No Progress” PC Miscompare Memory State Miscompare Manual Inspection Self-Checking Test Cache Coherency Check SAVES Check 22% 15% 14% 8% 6% 5% 3% 2% 10,000 assertions in Cisco RTL project [Sean Smith 2002] Thousands of assertions in Intel Pentium project [Bentley 2001] Taylor et al. [DAC 1998] Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 151 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 151 This page was intentionally left blank. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 152 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 152 Day 3 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 153 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 153 SV Assertions SVA Intro example VCS/Virsim and assertions Immediate / Concurrent Boolean Sequences Repetition etc. Property block Sequence Implication Assert/Cover blocks SVA Checker Library Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 154 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 154 Assertions – Immediate / Concurrent 7.1 Immediate • Simulation use primarily • Execute under simulator control inside a procedural block Imm. assertion is triggered in procedural code/time always @( posedge clk ) traf_light : assert ( green && !red && !yellow & go ); Failure triggers a default message 7.1 Partial support Concurrent • Usable by other tools as well ( e.g. formal verification ) • Clocked/sampled paradigm • Distinguishable by the keyword property within assert or cover verification statements Conc. assertions may be triggered in various ways (including procedural code), but time is spec'd internally and may include sequential checks over time Advanced Verilog traf_light : assert property ( @ ( posedge clk ) ( green && !red && !yellow & go ); do_traf_prop : assert property ( traf_light ); © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 155 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 155 Immediate Assertions 7.1 Tested when the assert statement is executed in procedural code. Pass statements not yet supported in VCS 7.1 time t; 7.1 always @( posedge clk ) if ( state == REQ ) req_assert : assert ( req1 || req2 ) $display( "%m OK" ); else Notice if-else style… where if is implicit. begin else is also optional in this context Notice optional req_assert label… t = $time; … and the use of %m to implicitly #5 $display( "%m failed at time %0t",t ); insert that label in messages end NOTE assert statements resolve X and Z expression values much like if-else statements… they will fail on 0, X or Z Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 156 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 156 Severity system tasks 7.1 Several new system tasks provide control over severity of a failing assertion. These new tasks all follow $display symantics. $fatal() $error() $warning() $info() - run-time fatal, terminate simulation - run-time error - run-time warning, varies by tool - no severity implied, just informative $display() - like $info, no severity implied By default, an assertion (with no severity task) that fails triggers $error. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 157 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 157 Concurrent Assertions 7.1 Partial support Concurrent assert statements describe behavior over time. • Clock-based (clock may be user-defined but glitchless!!!) • Structured for simplicity, flexibility & reuse 4 Verification Statements assert , cover, bind 3 Property Declarations property , disable iff, not, |->, |=> 2 1 Sequence Regular Expressions Boolean Expressions Advanced Verilog 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 and, or, intersect, first_match, <time_ shift>, *<repeat>, within, throughout, $past, $stable, $rose, $fell, sequence 7.1 7.1 7.1 <Verilog expr, excl. +=, ++, -- etc.>, 7.1 System functions: $countones, $inset, $isunknown etc. ended, matched © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 158 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 158 Concurrent SVA Example – Minilab 1 module sva_ex; logic [2:0] cnt; logic clk; Boolean expressions in linear order over time initial begin clk = 0; cnt = 0; forever #20 clk = !clk; end initial begin wait(cnt == 2) cnt = 4; #240 $stop; end always @(posedge clk) cnt = cnt +1; Named behavior of the design sequence s_count3; (cnt == 3'h1) ##1 (cnt == 3'h2) ##1 (cnt == 3'h3); endsequence Sampling clock property p_count3; @(posedge clk) (cnt == 3'h0) |=> s_count3; endproperty Verification directives assert_count3: assert property (p_count3); cover_count3: cover property (p_count3); endmodule Working directory: sv_assertions/example Purpose: See and run a “complete” assertion example Do: vcs –RI +sysvcs Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 159 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 159 Virsim and assertions Virsim shows assertion start time graphically but NOT endtime which may be much later or never… VirSim displays assertions like signals, but this indicates their start/end times, not value. It also indicates their status by color: green - success red - failure grey - incomplete (Notice the X for finish time above) Expand the assertion by double-clicking: revealing sample clock ticks, result and end-time for each attempt. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 160 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 160 Boolean expressions Basic building blocks of assertions. • Evaluate sampled values of variables used • 0, X or Z interpret as false • Excludes certain types: • time, shortreal, real, realtime • string, event, chandle, class • Associative/dynamic arrays • Variables used must be static • Excludes these operators: • C-assignments (+=, -=, >>= etc) • Bump operators ( i++, i--, ++i etc) Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 161 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 161 Handy System Functions 7.1 $onehot[0] (<expression>) returns true if only one bit of the expression is high. 7.1 $inset (<expression>, <expression> {, <expression> } ) returns true if the first expression matches at least one of the subsequent expressions. 7.1 $insetz (<expression>,<expression> {, <expression> } ) same as $inset but using casez semantics 7.1 $isunknown (<expression>) returns true if any bit of the expression is ‘x’. $countones (<expression>) returns the # of 1's in a bit-vector Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 162 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 162 Concurrent Assertion Basics Consider two signals, req/ack that handshake together req ack • • • • clk clock ticks ticks simulation ticks Signals change over time and interlock to implement handshake A Verilog design ‘models’ the algorithm A Verilog testbench duplicates this algorithm Traditional Verification runs both versions against one another to spot: • Logic errors • Sequence errors • Time errors • Concurrent Assertions describe the sequence of changes in signals over time • Introduces the concept of a clock to ‘sample’ signal changes and capture the sequence This may be a real clock or a virtual one (simulator ticks?). Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 163 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 163 Concurrent Assertion Basics 2 req ack clk Say you sample both signals on the posedge of clk… The waveforms effectively become: sequences req 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 ack 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 e1 e2 e3 e4 clk Sequence start Events: Remember, this diagram shows what the signals look like from the point of view of the sampling clock which must be at least as fast as the system clock Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. Assuming you start with req and ack hi SVA events are: e1 e2 e3 e4 ( !req ) ( !ack ) ( req ) ( ack ) 164 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 164 Concurrent Assertion Basics 3 • Clocks used in assertion specification are usually simple and cleanly defined to avoid glitching behavior • More complex clock definitions are allowed (but be wary): @ (posedge (clk && gating_signal)) @ (negedge (clk iff gating_signal)) 7.1 • Should a variable appear in the expression for clock AND in an expression for the assertion, the values may be different clock expression assertion expression Advanced Verilog current value sampled value. © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 165 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 165 Sequence • • • • A list of SV boolean expressions in linear order of increasing time Boolean test for whether a signal matches a given sequence or not Assumes an appropriate sampling clock and start/end times If all samples in the sequence match the simulation result then the assertion matches; otherwise it is said to fail Sequences are described efficiently using regular expressions to specify values over time… (req && ack) ##1 !req ##1 !ack ##1 req ##1 (req && ack) Assuming you start with req and ack hi SVA events are: e1 e2 e3 e4 ( !req ) ( !ack ) ( req ) ( ack ) e1 e2 e3 e4 1 1 1 0 1 req 1 0 0 ack 1 1 0 Sequence matches clk Sequence start Advanced Verilog Sequence mismatch © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. Sequence end 166 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 166 Sequence Operators Available sequence operators (in order of precedence): [* [-> [= - consecutive repetition operator - goto repetition (non-consecutive, exact) - non-consecutive repetition and intersect 7.1 7.1 - all sequences expected to match, end times may differ - all sequences expected to match, end times are the SAME or - 1 or more sequences expected to match throughout - expression expected to match throughout a sequence within - containment of a sequence expression 7.1 ## Advanced Verilog - sequence delay specifier © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 167 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 167 Delay & range Delay: ##[N] a ##1 b a ##0 b a ##1 b ##1 c // represents a sequential delay of N cycles (default 0) // a is true on current tick, b will be true on next tick // a is true on current tick, so is b ☺ (Overlapping!) // a is true, b true on next tick, c true on following tick Range: a ##[3:5] b a ##[3:$] b // a is true on current tick, b will be true 3-5 ticks from now // a is true on current tick, b will be true after 3 ticks $ represents a non-zero number up to infinity Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 168 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 168 Sequence block Sequence blocks identify and encapsulate a sequence definition sequence s1; @ (posedge clk) a ##1 b ##1 c; endsequence // s1 evaluates on each successive edge of clk sequence s2 (data,en); // sequence with name AND arguments (!frame && (data==data_bus)) ##1 (c_be[0:3] == en); endsequence Notice no clock is defined. This may be inherited from a higher hierarchical statement like property or assert (More on this later) sequence s3; start_sig ##1 s2(a,b) ##1 end_sig; endsequence // sequence as subexpression Where: s3 - is same as - start_sig ##1 (!frame && (data==data_bus)) ##1 (c_be[0:3] == en) ##1 end_sig Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 169 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 169 Repetition [*N [*m:n Repetition: a ##1 b ##1 b ##1 b ##1 c a ##1 b [*3] ##1 c b [*3] // long-winded sequence expression // same… using efficient *N syntax - same as - b ##1 b ##1 b // b true over 3 ticks total (a ##2 b) [*3] - same as - (a ##2 b ##1 a ##2 b ##1 a ##2 b ) (a ##2 b) [*1:3] - same as - (a ##2 b) or (a ##2 b ##1 a ##2 b) or (a ##2 b ##1 a ##2 b ##1 a ##2 b) (a[*0:3] ##1 b ##1 c) - same as - (b ##1 c) or (a ##1 b ##1 c) or (a ##1 a ##1 b ##1 c) or (a ##1 a ##1 a ##1 b ##1c) Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 170 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 170 Repetition [*-> [*= 7.1 goto repetition: (repeats a boolean expression) a ##1 b [*->min:max] ##1 c - same as - a ##1 ((!b [*0:$] ##1 b)) [*min:max]) ##1 c a ##1 b [*->1:N] ##1 c // a followed by at most N samples of b // followed by c Non-consecutive repetition: a ##1 b [*=min:max] ##1 c - same as - a ##1 ((!b [*0:$] ##1 b)) [*min:max]) ##1 !b [*0:$] ##1 c; SV 3.1a changes these operators to: [= and [-> Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 171 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 171 Preponed Pre-active Current events (processed in any order) Events to be evaluated after active events (e.g. #Ø ) SystemVerilog Event Scheduler Active Inactive Pre-NBA Non-blocking assignment updates occur here NBA Post-NBA Observed Evaluation of property expressions e.g. assertions Reactive Execution of Program Block and pass/fail code from property expressions Post-observed Postponed Verilog 95 PLI SystemVerilog Verilog 2001+ Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 172 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 172 Value Change Functions These functions detect transitions between 2 consecutive ticks $rose ( <expression> ) - true if LSB of expression went lo-hi $fell (<expression> ) - true if LSB of expression went hi-lo $stable ( <expression> ) - true if no change $past ( <expression>, [#_of_ticks] ) - # of ticks into the past to look (defaults to 1) Use with $stable to detect glitches? property e2; @(posedge clk) (read_cycle) |-> ##3 (busData == mem[$past( busAddr,3 )]); endproperty This is an example of a property which will be discussed shortly. For now, just see this as a syntactical example of $past… Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 173 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 173 Seq. expressions: and / or / intersect sequence s1; a ##1 b ##1 c; endsequence s1 s2 s2 o_s sequence s2; d ##[1:3] e ##1 f; endsequence a_s i_s Sequence expressions may be logically and / or ’d together sequence o_s; s1 or s2; // o_s matches if at least one sub-sequence matches endsequence sequence a_s; s1 and s2; endsequence // both expressions must match // (first to match waits for the other) // a_s matches only after BOTH sequences have matched // both expressions must match s1 intersect s2;// (both sequences must be same length) endsequence // i_s matches only if e occurs 1 cycle after d sequence i_s; 7.1 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 174 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 174 UART Lab : uart transmitter For the next few labs you will be developing assertions to verify an RTL UART transmitter module. Design hierarchy and pin-names are described below: module test_u_xmit Signals module u_xmit sys_clk uart_clk sys_rst_l U1 done uart_out xmit data Checker routines sys_clk System clock uart_clk Serial clock ( sys_clk sys_rst_l Reset ( active low ) xmit Load data and start transmission data Byte of data to transmit done Done flag (low during transmission uart_out Serial bitstream out 16 ) On the next slide you will examine the "specification" waveforms you will be assertion-checking. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 175 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 175 UART Lab: Reset waveform Timing diagram sys_clk uart_clk sys_rst_l 1 xmit 2 1 sys_clk 1 sys_clk data XX done x uart_out x Advanced Verilog byte XX After posedge sys_rst_l done stays hi (inactive) until xmit asserts Start bit “0” © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. b0 176 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 176 Assertions Lab 2 : sequences Working directory: sv_assertions/uart_xmit Purpose: Write 3 reset-related sequences... Instructions: Examine the design (file: and find the following code (~line 105): property p_post_rst; @(posedge sys_clk) (!sys_rst_l) |-> s_rst_pair; endproperty For now just accept this code… You will look at properties and assert’s in just a few slides… assert_post_rst: assert property (p_post_rst) else $display("%m : device did not reset"); This code asserts a property (p_post_rst), which uses a sequence (s_rst_pair) to describe the behavior of the UART signals done and uart_out at reset. Your assignment is to write the missing sequences as follows: Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 177 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 177 Assertions Lab 2 : sequences //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX LAB XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX STARTS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX HERE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX WRITE YOUR SEQUENCES HERE //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX END OF LAB //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX END OF LAB //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX END OF LAB XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX property p_rst_sigs; @(posedge sys_clk) ($fell(sys_rst_l)) |-> s_rst_sigs; endproperty . . . Instructions: assert_rst_sigs: assert property (p_rst_sigs) //$display("%m :OK!"); else $display("%m : Signals uart_out and done failed to reset"); . . . Edit the design (file: At the indicated area of the file (nowhere else) write 3 sequences to verify reset behavior. 1. "s_rst_sigs" : verify for uart_out(hi) and done(lo) 1 sys_clk after sys_rst_l(negedge). 2. "s_rst_done" : verify signals done(hi) and xmit(lo) 1 sys_clk after sys_rst_l goes inactive(posedge) and remain so until xmit(posedge). 3. "s_rst_pair" : sequence verifying that “s_rst_sigs” and “s_rst_done” both match. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 178 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 178 Assertions Lab 2 : sequences Instructions: When you have finished writing the assertion sequences: 1. Use the run.csh script to compile/run your simulation (more on this script later). • • • • • • This script runs the simulator in batch mode, creating a vcdfile etc When simulation finishes, exit vcs ( type: quit ) Notice, the script now reinvokes vcs but this time in post-process mode from the saved vcd file Open a wave window & drag/drop “test_u_xmit” into it In wave window, zoom in around sys_rst_l (hi-lo transition, ~4290ns) Notice red failures. The testbench has been deliberately sabotaged ☺ 2. Why did your assertion(s) fail at 4350ns? 3. Examine the file “”. What do you see? SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 179 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 179 Seq. expressions: first_match 7.1 sequence t1; te1 ##[2:5]te2; endsequence sequence ts1; first_match(te1 ##[2:5]te2); endsequence Each attempt of sequence t1 can result in matches for up to four cycles: te1 ##2 te2 te1 ##3 te2 te1 ##4 te2 te1 ##5 te2 t1 s2 t1 ts1 But, sequence ts1 will match for ONLY the first of the four t1's. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 180 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 180 Conditions over sequences - throughout Often, some preconditions exist to enable or forbid sequences of events. A sequence may only make sense in a particular mode, or may be forbidden to occur in another mode. sequence burst_rule; @(posedge clk) $fell (burst) ##0 (!burst) throughout (##2 (!trdy [*4])); endsequence burst trdy burst1 Here, when burst goes true (low), it is expected to stay low for the next 2 ticks and also for the following 4 clock ticks, during which trdy is also to stay low. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 181 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 181 Seq. expressions: within 7.1 within allows containment of one sequence within another !trdy[*7] within (($fell irdy) ##1 !irdy[*8]) Here, trdy must be low for 7 consecutive cycles entirely contained within the second expression. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 182 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 182 Seq. expressions: ended .ended allows detection that a sequence expression has ended (matched) s1 s2 s1 ##1 s2.ended sequence e1; @(posedge clk) $rose(ready) ##1 proc1 ##1 proc2; endsequence sequence rule; @(posedge clk) reset ##1 inst ##1 e1.ended ##1 branch_back; endsequence Here, sequence e1 must end one tick after inst. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 183 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 183 Property block • Property blocks describe behavior in a design, giving it a name for reference and allowing a range of tools to test/check/cover/etc that behavior • Properties are often built from sequences (though NOT vice-versa) • Properties can appear in modules, interfaces, programs, clocking domains even in $root 7.1 • Properties have special operators: disable iff, not, |->/|=> • By themselves, properties do nothing… must appear in assert or cover Optional parameters (reuse?) Asynchronous reset? property p1(a,b,c,d); @ (posedge clk) disable iff (reset) (a) |-> not ( b ##[2:3] c ##1 d ); endproperty implication Reversal: sequence must NEVER evaluate true Here, when a is true the b/c/d expr. is forbidden. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 184 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 184 Implication |-> |=> Using the implication ( |->, |=> ) operators you can specify a prerequisite sequence that implies another sequence. Typically this reduces failures that you expect and want to ignore. 7.1 Only boolean antecedents supported <antecedent seq_expr> |->/|=> ( <consequent seq_expr> ); Think of it this way: If the antecedent matches, the consequent must too. If the antecedent fails, the consequent is not tested and a true result is forced (Such forced results are called “vacuous” and will be discussed later). Two forms of the implication operator are supported: ( a ##1 b ##1 c ) |-> ( d ##1 e ); // overlapping form • If a/b/c matches, then d is evaluated on THAT tick. ( a ##1 b ##1 c ) |=> ( d ##1 e ); // non-overlapping form • If a/b/c matches, then d is evaluated on the NEXT tick. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 185 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 185 Implication Example |-> |=> sequence s_rst_sigs; ##1 (uart_out && !done); endsequence sequence s_rst_done; (!sys_rst_l) [*1:$] ##1 $rose( sys_rst_l )##1 (done && !xmit) [*1:$] ##1 $rose( xmit ); endsequence sequence s_rst_pair; s_rst_done and s_rst_sigs; endsequence The property attempts a match on every posedge of sys_clk. property p_post_rst; @(posedge sys_clk) ($fell(sys_rst_l)) |-> s_rst_pair; endproperty BUT thanks to the implication operator… $fell(sys_rst_l) (i.e. negedge) is a prerequisite for testing the sequences… This avoids countless "FAILS" elsewhere in simulation Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 186 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 186 Multi-clock support 7.1 Most systems have more than a single clock and SV assertions allow for this by supporting the use of multiple clocks, even within a single property/assert. A new syntax ( ## ) is introduced: sequence m_clk_ex; @(posedge clk0) a ## @(posedge clk1) b endsequence NOTE: no N Here, assuming a matches on clk0, b is checked on the next edge of clk1 Implication is supported but ONLY the non-overlapping form |=> property m_clk_ex2; @(posedge clk0) a ## @(posedge clk1) b |=> @(posedge clk2) c; endproperty property m_clk_ex3; m_clk_ex |=> m_clk_ex; endproperty Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 187 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 187 Multi-clock support 2 7.1 A particularly interesting case is detecting the endpoint of a sequence running on a different clock. For this purpose, use the matched method which is like the ended method but for multiple clocks. NOTE: no N sequence e1; @(posedge clk) $rose(ready) ##1 proc1 ##1 proc2; endsequence sequence rule; @(posedge clk2) reset ##1 inst ##1 e1.matched [*->1] ##1 branch_back; endsequence Here, sequence e1(evaluated on clk) must end sometime after inst (evaluated on clk2). NOTE: sequence rule verifies that sequence e1 has ended, it does NOT start e1 evaluating. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 188 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 188 Data-use within a sequence 7.1 Sequence verification is very useful, but data must be functionally verified too. SV allows local variables to be defined/assigned in a sequence or property. It also allows pure/automatic functions 7.1 All SV types are supported and are dynamic across different attempts on the sequence. logic [7:0] d_1, d_2, d_3; property e1; logic[7:0] x; 7.1 @(posedge clk) ( valid, x = d_in ) |-> ##4 d_out = ~x; endproperty always @ (posedge clk) if(valid) begin d_1 <= #5 d_in; d_2 <= #5 d_1; d_3 <= #5 d_2; d_out<= #5 ~d_3; end Here, when valid is true x samples d_in. Sequence e1 matches 4 cycles later, if d_out == ~x HINT Until VCS supports local variables in a sequence or property, use SV variables and always blocks to sample signals. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 189 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 189 Verification directives • A property (or sequence) by itself does nothing. It must appear within a verification statement to be evaluated • Two types of verification statement: [always] assert property - enforces a property as "checker" [always] cover property - tracks metrics (# attempts, # match, # fail etc) • Properties can appear in modules, interfaces, programs, clocking domains even in $root property p1(a,b,c); disable iff (a) not @clk ( b ##1 c ); endproperty 7.1 assert_p1: assert property (p1(rst,in1,in2)) $info("%m OK") else $error("%m Failed"); Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 190 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 190 sequence/property/ assert example sequence s_rst_sigs; ##1 (uart_out && !done); endsequence sequence s_rst_done; (!sys_rst_l) [*1:$] ##1 $rose( sys_rst_l )##1 (done && !xmit) [*1:$] ##1 $rose( xmit ); endsequence sequence s_rst_pair; s_rst_done and s_rst_sigs; endsequence property p_post_rst; @(posedge sys_clk) (!sys_rst_l) |-> s_rst_pair; endproperty assert_post_rst: assert property ( p_post_rst ) //$display("%m :OK!"); else $display("%m : device did not reset fully"); Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 191 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 191 Embedded assertion statements 7.1 Assert / cover statements may be embedded in procedural code. This aids maintenance AND captures designer intent… executable documentation ☺ sequence s1; ( req && !gnt) [*0:5] ##1 gnt && req ##1 !req; endsequence always @( posedge clk or negedge reset) if ( !reset ) do_reset; Enabling condition is always current with else if ( mode ) design changes etc. … GOTCHA: Design flaws may be masked if (!arb) st <= REQ2; Must be maintained by hand PA: assert property (s1); BUT: implies double-blind checking property p1; @( posedge clk ) ( reset && mode && !arb ) |=> s1 endproperty Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 192 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 192 Clock inference Assertions embedded in procedural code may infer a clock. property p1; a ##1 b ##1 c; endproperty Inferred clock always @( posedge clk ) assert property ( p1 ); NOTE Assertions embedded in initial blocks execute just once, at time t0 Variables a,b,c MUST not be used inside the procedural block • If the embedded property specifies a clock, it must match the inferred clock • Variables monitored by a property must not be used within the inferring block Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 193 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 193 Clock specification The clock a property works from may be specified in several ways. 1. Specified within the property ( clk1 below ) property p1; @(posedge clk1) a ##2 b; endproperty ap1: assert property (p1); 2. Inherited from a sub-sequence ( clk2 below ) sequence s1; @(posedge clk2) a ##2 b; endsequence property p1; not s1; endproperty ap1: assert property (p1); 3. From an embedding procedural block ( clk 3 below ) 7.1 always @(posedge clk3) assert property ( not ( a ##2 b )); 4. From a clocking domain ( clk 4 or clk5 below ) clocking master_clk @(posedge clk4) property p1; not ( a ##2 b ); endproperty endclocking ap1: assert property (master_clk.p1); Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 7.1 default clocking master_clk @(posedge clk5); 194 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 194 Cover directive Like assert, the cover statement is a verification directive which identifies properties or sequences of interest. Where they differ is that cover simply identifies sequences/properties to be tracked for coverage statistic purposes NOT enforced as behavioral checks. In response to a cover directive, the simulator will gather and report metrics on the specified sequences or properties, including: # of times attempted # of passes # of failures property p1(a,b,c); disable iff (a) not @clk ( b ##1 c ); endproperty cover_c1: cover property (p1(rst,in1,in2)) $display(“Property p1 succeeded"); 7.1 Optional statement triggered every time: - a property succeeds - a sequence matches Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 195 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 195 Bind directive As you saw, embedded assertions have advantages/disadvantages. Another approach is to keep verification code separate from the design and use the bind directive to associate them. • bind can connect a module, interface or program instance (with checkers?) to a module or module instance • bind may appear in a module or in $root bind cpu1 cpu2 cpu_chk <module> <module_instance> <module_instantiation> <program_instantiation> <interface_instantiation> <instance_name> module cpu_chk (input a,b,c,d); property p1; @ (posedge clk) a |-> ##1 (b !== (c ^ d)); endproperty cpu_p1: assert property (p1); endmodule bind cpu cpu_chk CHK1(enable, d_out, d_in, op); Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 196 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 196 Assertion Guidelines Like any new methodology, ABV users can benefit from guidelines: 1. Start with simple assertions and build up to more complex. 2. Use sequences/booleans wherever you can predict/expect reuse. 3. Start by writing assertions that only use a single signal (plus clock). • Check how long signals are active, etc. • Easy to write • Help verify your methodology/structure (embedded or not?) 4. Follow up by writing assertions that only use two signals, plus a clock (req and gnt, or mut-ex signals). 5. Continue this way before getting to the complex assertions. 6. Complex systems are often described using a flow chart. In this case, write one assertion for each arrow in the flow chart. (simpler assertions, easy estimation how many). 7. Consider the Checker Library (SVA Checker Lib) of functions provided with VCS. These can help with common checker situations like mutex, one-hot, handshake, fifo, memory etc. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 197 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 197 SV Assertions and VCS To control SV assertions, VCS supports a compile-time option: -assert <enable_diag> / <filter_past> <enable_diag> enables further options at run-time -assert <arg> Some of the supported <arg> values are: quiet - disable messages to stdout filter - filter “vacuous” matches success - report matches in addition to failures maxfail=N - limit failures of each assertion to N quiet - disable messages to stdout report[=<path/filename>] - report file (default is: ./ verbose Advanced Verilog - verbose form of report © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 198 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 198 Typical VCS run.csh script It is often convenient to invoke VCS within a simple csh script. Example vcs +sysvcs \ -assert enable_diag \ +define+SVA \ <design_files> simv -assert report+verbose vcs Notice the `define for SVA, which might be used as follows: `ifdef SVA Conditional compilation of assertion blocks a_one_enable : assert property ( @ ( posedge clk) not ( enable_1 && enable_2)); `endif Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 199 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 199 Coverage Reporting in VCS To enable assertion coverage reporting in VCS try: vcs +sysvcs \ -assert enable_diag \ +define+SVA \ -cm assert \ <design_files> simv -assert report+verbose Notice the usual simulator run-time (simv) but in addition: simv.vdb/ <- SVA assertion report file <- verification database, showing coverage reports and more A TCL script assertCovReport is provided to create handy html reports: simv.vdb/reports/report.index.html - verification database, showing coverage reports and other files NOTE For LOTS more on assertion coverage reporting, see the VCS User Guide Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 200 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 200 UART Lab: Byte transmit waveform Signals Timing diagram sys_clk System clock uart_clk Serial clock ( sys_clk sys_rst_l Reset ( active low ) xmit Load data and start transmission data Byte of data to transmit done Done flag (low during transmission uart_out Serial bitstream out 16 ) 1 uart_clk = sys_clk/16 sys_clk uart_clk 2 xmit 3 data XX xmit pulse lasts 16 sys_clk 5 byte Data unchanging while xmit hi XX 4 done 1 sys_clk uart_out Start bit “0” b0 b1 b2 b3 done stays low 175 sys_clks or 11 uart_clks b4 b5 b6 b7 Stop bit “1” 6 Data transmits LSB first, with 1 start-bit, 1 stop-bit Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 201 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 201 Assertions Lab 3 : assert Working directory: sv_assertions/u_xmit Purpose: Continue assertion based verification of the UART... Instructions: Edit the design (file: Code up the following assertions: 1. “p_uart_sys16” - Count 16 sys_clk cycles per uart_clk cycle 2. “p_xmit_hi16” – xmit stays hi for 16 sys_clk cycles 3. “p_xmit_done” - One sys_clk after xmit (assert, hi), you see done(de-assert, lo) & uart_out(lo) 4. “p_done_175” - Transmitting a byte (i.e. done (de-asserted, lo) takes 175 sys_clk cycles. 5. “p_xmit_nc_data” - While xmit is asserted(hi) data value is unchanging ($stable ?) 6. “p_val_bit_stream” – Verify the serial bitstream for each byte!! 7. Verify your assertions in simulation by inserting errors in the design etc. Extra Credit: Repeat #2, #4 and #6, but this time use uart_clk as reference. SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 202 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 202 SVA Checker Library The SVA Checker Library is a collection of temporal expressions and assertions for a variety of commonly needed tests. The library is based upon the OVL checker library but extends upon it… Using these checkers will reduce coding of your own assertions. Base SVA Checker Library assert_always assert_always_on_edge assert_change assert_cycle_sequence assert_decrement assert_delta assert_even_parity assert_fifo_index assert_frame assert_handshake assert_implication assert_increment assert_never assert_next assert_no_overflow assert_no_transition assert_no_underflow Advanced Verilog assert_odd_parity assert_one_cold assert_one_hot assert_proposition assert_quiescent_state assert_range assert_time assert_transition assert_unchange assert_width assert_win_change assert_win_unchange assert_window assert_zero_one_hot © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. SVA Advanced Checkers assert_arbiter assert_bits assert_code_distance assert_data_used assert_driven assert_dual_clk_fifo assert_fifo assert_hold_value assert_memory_async assert_memory_sync assert_mutex assert_next_state assert_no_contention assert_reg_loaded assert_req_ack_unique assert_stack assert_valid_id assert_value 203 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 203 Using the SVA Checker Library SVA Checker Library components are available as modules or interfaces. Module is default, to instantiate as an interface use: `define SVA_STD_INTERFACE To use the Library, simply instantiate any number of checkers in the SV design code, enable them and point VCS to the library install directory as follows. Required `define vcs +sysvcs +define+ASSERT_ON -y $VCS_HOME/packages/sva +libext+.v +incdir+$VCS_HOME/packages/sva <> Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. \ \ \ 204 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 204 SVA Checker Library example $VCS_HOME/packages/sva/assert_mutex.v /* assert_mutex Ensures that <a> and <b> never evaluate true at the same time. The check is not enabled unless <reset_n> evaluates true (1). The checks is performed on the active <clk> edge specification. module test_design(); …. …. Failure modes: The assertion assert_mutex will report failure when <a> and <b> are both sampled 1 at the positive edge of <clk>. design DUT (dat, addr, rd, wr, enable_1, enable_2, clk, rst_); assert_mutex mutex_inst( clk, 1, gnt[0], gnt[1]); …. …. verifies that gnt[0] and gnt[1] are never 1 at the same time as sampled by posedge of clk. The checker is always enabled because <reset_n> is constant 1. */ // SVA module instantiation `ifdef SVA assert_mutex MUTEX ( clk, rst_, enable_1, enable_2); `endif endmodule Example: `ifdef SVA_STD_INTERFACE interface assert_mutex(clk, reset_n, a, b); `else module assert_mutex( clk, reset_n, a, b); `endif parameter severity_level = 0; parameter edge_expr = 0; parameter msg = "VIOLATION"; …. …. `ifdef SVA_STD_INTERFACE endinterface `else endmodule `endif Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 205 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 205 Assertions Lab 4 : checker lib Working directory: sv_assertions/fsm Purpose: Test for one_hot state variable... Instructions: Edit the design (file: Use the "assert_one_hot" checker from the SVA Checker library to test for one-hot behavior of the state vector state. Verify your assertion in simulation by changing the states enumeration. Use the run.csh script to compile/run your vcs simulation (more on this script later). SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 206 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 206 Verilog for Test Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 207 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 207 Code Profiling VCS Tip! Turn on code profiling with the run-time switch +prof The profiler produces a report called =========================================================== This report identifies: MODULE VIEW =========================================================== Module(index) %Totaltime No of Instances Definition • Module instances that use the most CPU ----------------------------------------------------------test_sm (1) 56.73 1 test_sm.v:6. • The Verilog code in those instances that sm (2) 13.46 1 sm.v:7. use the most CPU time. sm_seq (3) 8.18 1 sm_seq.v:8. beh_sram (4) 7.92 1 beh_sram.v:3. -------------------------------------------------------------snip-snip---The file contains a number of views: =========================================================== TOP-LEVEL CONSTRUCT VIEW • Top Level View ----------------------------------------------------------• Module View Verilog Construct %Totaltime • Instance View ----------------------------------------------------------Always 65.44 • Module Construct Mapping View Initial 6.86 • Top Level Construct View Combinational 6.33 Task 5.54 • Construct View Across Design Timing Check 1.85 Port 0.26 Module Path 0.00 Function 0.00 Consider rewriting the “greediest” lines/modules Udp 0.00 Protected 0.00 to make them more efficient and thus speed up ___________________________________________________________ time Profiler Hint: your simulation. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 208 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 208 Testbench - Instantiation Two ways to instantiate: • By port order • By port name syntax for instantiation by port order: module_name instance_name (signal, signal,...); syntax for instantiation by port name: module_name instance_name (.port_name(signal), .port_name (signal),... ); Instantiation by port name is usually best, especially if: • The module is “owned” by a third party • The module has a lot of ports Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 209 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 209 Testbench – Sparse Memories Consider a Verilog system model with 64Mx32 memory. reg [31:0] mem [(64*1024*1024) -1:0]; • This would require 2x64M words of workstation memory to model (4 data values: 0,1,x,z) which is a huge overhead and would slow simulation performance considerably. • Most simulations of this system will actually access a small fraction of the 64Mx32 array. • Enter “sparse” memory models (a.k.a. dynamic memory) • reduce run-time memory usage • improve simulation speed New VCS 6.1+ syntax: reg /*sparse*/ [31:0] mem [(64*1024*1024) -1:0]; • Use only for designs with: • Arrays larger than 2MBytes • <50% usage of memory array • Performance improvement: • ~97% for memory usage of 1% • Only 25% improvement for 50% usage Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 210 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 210 Testbench - $system[f] function $system and $systemf permit OS commands to be executed from within Verilog? int val; val = $system(“cp file.1 file.2”); val = $systemf(“cp %s %s”, ”file1” , “file2”); // $systemf allows string arguments Caveats: • $system[f] command interrupts Verilog simulation until it completes • Only a single command can be active at one time • e.g. fork $system(“cp file1 file2”); $system(“cp file3 file4”); join Advanced Verilog // DESPITE fork-join // one cp executes first & // the other happens after first one completes © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 211 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 211 // Solution to Steganographic decoder problem // // Message size stored in pixels 64 -> 79 // Message stored in pixels 80 -> 80+(size * 8) // `define PIC_SIZE 61_080 module steg_decode; integer rfile, i, ifs, j, k; reg [15:0] siz; reg [2:0] block; reg [7:0] byte, tmp; reg [7:0] mem[0:`PIC_SIZE -1]; reg [13*8:1] rfile_name; // Allow DOS (9.3) filenames $systemf example $display("Secret message is %0d characters long",siz); siz = 8*(siz); // convert to # of bits $display("\nMessage Text follows.... \n\n"); block = 0; for (j=80; j< siz; j=j+1) // Retrieve the message begin initial byte[block] = mem[j][0]; begin if (block == 7) block = 3'b111; begin $write("%s",byte); rfile_name = "message.bmp"; // Filename end rfile = $systemf(“kview %s”, rfile_name); // halts until kview exits block = block +1; end rfile = $fopen(rfile_name, "r"); // Open the file $display("\n\n\n"); i = $fread(mem, rfile, 0); // Read the file into memory $fclose(rfile); ifs = $ftell(rfile); $finish; $display("Loaded %0d pixels \n", ifs); end k = 0; for (j=64; j<80; j=j+1) begin siz[k] = mem[j][0]; k = k+1; end // Determine message length Advanced Verilog endmodule // © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 212 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 212 VCS Performance – Radiant technology Radiant Technology applies performance enhancements to your design during compilation. It benefits all levels of abstraction (beh - rtl - gate) but especially functional, non-timing simulation. Radiant is optional now but will become the default in a future release of VCS. Speedup of 1.5x-5x is typical There are two levels: (specified by + options on vcs command line) +rad+1, +radlite, +radlight : Level one, simple local optimizations with faster compile times. +rad, +rad+2 : Level two, much more optimization, some structural changes to design and longer compile time. Remember: Radiant technology (esp. Level 2) can make debug more difficult because it can change design structure. in other words… “TURN RADIANT OFF FOR DEBUG & ON FOR REGRESSION” Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 213 Speaker notes: Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 213 Testbench – Using libraries • Organize your code into libraries according to abstraction level • A library is usually organized as either: • library file • One file containing all the Verilog modules in that library • library directory • A single directory per library • A separate file for each module in the library • Let’s look at how to specify a library: • The wrong way & the right way Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 214 Speaker notes: Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 214 Using Libraries - 2 (Only allows a single library (or sequence of libraries) to be used) Command-line options are used with verilog that scan model libraries and compile only the components used by the design. -v <file_name> -y <directory_names> Scans a library file and compiles the required modules Scans a library directory and compiles the required files +libext+ <extension>+ Appends the <extension> to the module name to find the file name in a library directory Example: vcs test_pipe.v pipe_net.v -y /usr/libs/LSI/lsi10K.dir +libext+.v+ (Allows as many unique library references as you want) `uselib<LIB_REF> where LIB_REF is one or more of the following: file=<libfile.v> dir=<libdir> libext=<libext> <empty> mod_name inst_name (port1, port2 ...); Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 215 Speaker notes: Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 215 `uselib<LIB_REF> where LIB_REF is one or more of the following: file=<libfile.v> dir=<libdir> libext=<libext> <empty> mod_name inst_name (port1, port2 ....); Example `uselib code `define LIB_ROOT /home/ourlib `define BEH_LIB dir=`LIB_ROOT/BEH_LIB/source libext=.v `define RTL_LIB file=`LIB_ROOT/RTL_LIB/rtl.v module mydesign(portlist...) `uselib `BEH_LIB asic1 U1 (portlist...); // Instantiates a Behavioral model of ASIC1 asic2 U2 (portlist...); asic3 U3 (portlist...); `uselib `RTL_LIB asic1 U4 (portlist...); // Instantiates an RTL model of ASIC1 endmodule `uselib -or`resetall Advanced Verilog // Cancel the current `uselib // Cancel any current compiler directives © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 216 Speaker notes: Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 216 ` Testbench Configuration Exercise - 1 Working directory: TB_EX • Modify the testbench “test_sm.v” per the directory structure • Notice the 3 source directories [gat_lib, rtl_lib, beh_lib] • Find unstructured instantiations at the bottom of the file • Implement 3 user-selectable configurations (file: “test_choices”) • GAT: Gate-level models: sm_seq & sm plus the class_lib simulation library file! • RTL: RTL models sm_seq, sm and beh_sram • BEH: Behavioral model sm_func (Feel free to substitute your “shell” fsm lab solution) • Create the configuration file “test_choices” Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 217 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 217 ` Testbench Configuration Exercise - 2 HINT: `include “file” Use for configuration information `ifdef Use for structural differences `uselib Use for abstraction level selection beh_lib sm_seq beh_sram.v sm_func opcode into sm rtl_lib test_sm.v beh_sram rst sm.v sm_seq.v clk clk gat_lib test_choices inca a_wen_ wd_wen_ rd_wen_ sm.v sm_seq.v sm_seq_DW01_inc_10_0.v class_lib Note: The RTL and GAT configurations are hierarchical: RTL: sm_seq instantiates sm GAT: sm_seq instantiates sm & also sm_seq_DW01_inc_10_0 SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 218 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 218 Testbench – Clock Generation Clocks are the single greatest source of simulation events in your design. reg clk; initial clk = 0; always begin #20 clk = 1; #20 clk = 0; end reg clk; initial begin clk = 0; forever begin #20 clk = 1; #20 clk = 0; end end reg clk; initial begin clk = 0; forever #20 clk = !clk; end NOTE: Some RTL clocks are more efficient than others. Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. reg clk; initial begin clk = 0; forever #20 clk = ~clk; end 219 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 219 Testbench - Output (1) • $display[b/o/h](); // prints messages to screen with <cr> TIP: You can print the instance name (%m) as part of a message $display ($time,“%m • $write [b/o/h](); Out_reg = %b”, out_reg); // Same as $display but without <cr> • $monitor [b/o/h](); // Same syntax as $display, but auto-prints – outputs whenever a (non-$time) variable it references changes TIP: only one $monitor can be active at a time Remember $monitor ($time,“Out_reg = %b”, out_reg); • $strobe [b/o/h](); – like $display, but waits until end of time step Include your testbench name or instance name in every message. Current simulation-time is very handy too! always wait (valid) @ (posedge clk) $strobe (“On active clk edge, Data[31:0] = %0h”, data); Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 220 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 220 Testbench - Output (2) • Write to a file instead of the screen • Standard System tasks: $fopen, $fclose $fmonitor, $fdisplay, $fwrite, $fstrobe module test_dcm(clk,bus_error_flag,stat_var); input clk,bus_error_flag,stat_var; integer errfile; Returns “mcd” handle initial errfile = $fopen("error_output"); always @ (posedge clk) Testbench-name! Print time in minimum space if (bus_error_flag) $fdisplay(errfile,“TB1: Bus error! Time: %0d: status: %d", $stime, stat_var); endmodule Advanced Verilog File handle 32-bit time value © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 221 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 221 Testbench: Self Checking Tests All tests should be self-checking. • Never apply a vector if you cannot predict (and check for) the response • Vector application and response checking should be routine based: • These routines should use symmetrical sequence generators • Verilog “$random“ function is ideal for this • Apply & response routines should always be synchronized: • This is especially easy in combinational devices • It can also be easy in sequential devices: • A simple “repeat(2)@(posedge clk)“ can allow time for outputs to update • Apply routine can wait for the response “ @, wait() “ • “fork-join” can kick off simultaneous processes • Totally asynchronous apply/response testing is much trickier (next 2 slides) • Consider named-events as “remote triggers” • “fork-join” can kick off AND resynchronize asynchronous processes NEVER leave error checking to human eyeballing of log files or screenfulls of patterns ☺ Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 222 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 222 Testbench – fork-join enhancement Fork-join is extremely useful in testing because it spawns parallel processes and then resynchronizes once both processes complete: fork apply_task(…); verify_task(…); join SystemVerilog (and Vera) take fork-join much further to make testing complex devices easier. With a little ingenuity you can come ‘close’ to these capabilities in “old” Verilog : always begin fork begin @(start_apply); apply_task(…); end always @(start_apply); apply_task(…); always @(start_verify); verify_task(…); initial begin // different start time #10 -> start_apply; #10 -> start_verify; ... // continue on end Processes start at different times and code execution continues in parallel. Advanced Verilog Processes start at different times and you can detect when both have completed. begin @(start_verify); verify_task(…); end join -> done; end Some delay is needed to be sure the always block has started initial begin // different start times #10 -> start_apply; #5 -> start_verify; @(done); // wait until both done ... // both have now finished end © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 223 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 223 Testbench – Timeout tests Sometimes you must ensure a stimulus routine doesn’t “hang” or “timeout” task apply_vector; input …. fork begin : do_block do_something_task(…); disable verify_block; // stop verifying when done $display(“Successfully did something”); end begin : verify_block verify_something_gets_done(…); // verify or timeout disable do_block; // stop doing it after timeout $display(“Error: Timed out doing something”); end join endtask task apply_vector; input …. fork begin do_something_task(…); $display(“Successfully did something”); disable apply_vector; // stop verifying when done end Spawn a verify process in parallel with the test process. Verify process may actually verify correct vector response or just timeout if the test process takes longer than it should. First process to complete shuts down the other without affecting itself. Same as above… but… First process to complete shuts down the parent task thus stopping itself as well. begin verify_something_gets_done(…); // verify or timeout $display(“Error: Timed out doing something”); disable apply_vector; // stop doing it after timeout end join endtask Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 224 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 224 Testbench – Vector manipulation Verilog has poor file read capabilities. Used to be only one way ($readmem{b/h}). 2 different examples of reading vectors from a file will be discussed. $readmemh system task Verilog 2001 file routines Pro: • Easy, Verilog-native approach • Fully portable code Pro: • Most flexible approach • Line-by-line access to vectors Con: • Must read entire file into memory • Large vector sets (memory) slows simulation Con: • Slower Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 225 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 225 Testbench – Vector manipulation (1) METHOD 1: Use $readmemh to load an entire vector-set into a memory. module test_dut; reg[31:0] test_mem [0:1023]; reg[15:0] send; wire[15:0] return; reg clk; parameter cycle = 40; event read_mem; always #(cycle / 2) clk = !clk; // Clock generator initial begin @ (read_mem) $readmemh("vector1.dat",test_mem); $display("loading vector1.dat"); @ (read_mem) $readmemh("vector2.dat",test_mem); $display("loading vector2.dat"); end for (cnt=0; cnt < 1024; cnt = cnt+1) begin @(posedge clk); {send,exp} = test_mem[cnt]; repeat(2)@(negedge clk); // wait to middle of next cycle if (return !== exp) $display("Error in memory read"); end endtask endmodule // test_dut inv1 DUT (return, send); // Circuit under test task do_test; reg[15:0] stim, exp; integer cnt; initial begin clk = 0; repeat(5) @(negedge clk); -> read_mem; // Load test-vector array do_test; -> read_mem; // re-Load test-vector array do_test; $finish; end Advanced Verilog module inv1 (out, in); input [15:0] in; output [15:0] out; wire [15:0] out; assign out = ~in; test_dut DUT send return endmodule © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 226 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 226 Testbench – Vector manipulation (2) METHOD 2: Use the Verilog 2001 file routines to load one vector at a time. `define EOF 32'hFFFF_FFFF `define NULL 0 `define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 1000 module test_dut; integer file, r; reg[15:0] send, exp, clock; wire[15:0] return; //reg [`MAX_LINE_LENGTH*8:1] file; parameter cycle = 20; always #(cycle / 2) clock = !clock; // Clock inv1 DUT (return, send); // Circuit under test test_dut DUT send return initial begin : file_block clock = 0; file = $fopen("compare.pat", "r"); if (file == `NULL) // cancel if file not found disable file_block; r = 1; forever begin @(posedge clock) r = $fscanf(file," %h %h \n", send, exp); if (r == 0) $finish; repeat(2) @(negedge clock); // wait to middle of next cycle if (return !== exp) $display("Error. send: %0h exp: %0h act: %0h", send, exp, return); else $display("Correct. send: %0h exp: %0h act: %0h", send, exp, return); end // forever $fclose(file); $stop; end // initial endmodule // test_dut Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. module inv1 (out, in); input [3:0] in; output [3:0] out; wire [3:0] out; assign out = ~in; endmodule 227 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 227 Testbench – Timing Checks Although designed for primitive level modeling, specify blocks can also be used behaviorally for setup & hold checking. This can be done either in a module or in some part of the test fixture. syntax: specify specparam declarations timing constraint checks simple pin-to-pin path delay edge-sensitive pin-to-pin path delay state dependent pin-to-pin path delay endspecify Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 228 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 228 Using Specify blocks Timing checks are useful in “IP” style models which will be shared or sold. If placed in RTL code make sure synthesis tools do not see them. ( //synopsys translate_off , //synopsys translate_on ) $disable_warnings $enable_warnings $hold $period $recovery $recrem // neg timing checks $setup $setuphold $skew $width Remember: Timing checks may only be applied to the ports of the module... Perfect for Bus monitors! Tip Most timing check tasks support an optional final parameter, called “notifier” This is a convenient way to trigger your own code when a timing violation occurs. $setup(rd_, negedge clk, 3.5, s_viol); Just declare a single-bit reg as the notifier (remember to initialize it! ) and if the timing check is ever triggered the simulator will toggle the notifier reg. Now, you can trigger your own response to a timing violation easily: always @ (s_viol) do_something Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 229 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 229 /* Simple Behavioral SRAM Model */ module beh_sram(clk, dat, addr, rd_, wr_); Behavioral SRAM model with Timing checks beh_sram.v inout [31:0] dat; input [9:0] addr; input clk, rd_, wr_; parameter M_DLY = 9; specify reg [31:0] mem [0:1023]; // memory array reg [31:0] dat_r; tri [31:0] dat = rd_ ? 32'bZ : dat_r ; initial begin dat_r = 0; end always @ (negedge clk) case ({ rd_ , wr_ }) 2’b01: begin dat_r <= #M_DLY mem[addr]; 2’b10: mem[addr] <= #M_DLY dat; 2’b00: $display($stime,, "Error: Simultaneous Reads & Writes."); endcase Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. specparam ts = 9, th = 5; $setup(rd_, negedge clk, ts); $setup(wr_, negedge clk, ts); $setup(addr, negedge clk, ts); $hold(negedge clk, rd_, th); $hold(negedge clk, wr_, th); $hold(negedge clk, addr, th); endspecify endmodule 230 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 230 Testbench – A proven approach Designing a testbench for a new chip/module/system? Device abcd432 Pkg: jdip Start from the Functional Spec, or datasheet. sys_clk read READ CYCLE empty Thoroughly study & understand the document. data data empty WRITE CYCLE Derive a list of basic cycles the device can perform. Usually the waveform diagrams are a good clue (3 in this example). read sys_clk data empty read DMA CYCLE sys_clk datasheet Design the test fixture: A. Determine the abstraction level and purpose of your tests. B. Design an appropriate system for testing: i. What external devices/circuits will be needed. ii. What standard interfaces are involved etc. iii.Obtain/write models of all these. Create the testbench: A. Define the clocks, the instantiations and other basics. B. Start with one task per cycle (i.e. per timing diagram): i. Model the outside worlds participation in each cycle. ii. Make the tasks self-checking if possible. C. Build test sequences using the tasks: i. Start simple, building up to more complex tests ii. Carefully document your testbench code Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 231 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 231 Test Exercise – Part 1 Working directory: TEST Purpose: Write a testbench from scratch Assignment Write Verilog code to generate a custom test-vector file mul4.dat. ($fopen and $fwrite?): Match the defined format shown here Multiply together all numbers in the range 0 – 1F hex (0 to 31 decimal ) i.e. 64-bits(16-hex digits) 0001000500000005 0000FADE00000000 1000000200002000 op1 (16-bit) op2 (16-bit) expected (32-bit) HINT: Nest 2 for-loops 0 x 0 = 0 0 x 1 = 0 0 x 2 = 0 . . . . . . 0 x 1F = 0 . . . . . . 1F x 0 = 0 . . . . . . 1F x 1D = 383 1F x 1E = 3A2 1F x 1F = 3C1 1024 lines hex data file mulX.dat Vector Format •64-bits wide, comprising three fields –op1: 16-bit operand –op2: 16-bit operand –exp: 32-bit result to be expected •1024 words deep SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 232 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 232 Test Exercise – Part 2 Assignment 1. Design/code a test-fixture for the supplied multiplier model (see timing on next slide): Write two tasks one to apply operands, another to read data from the FIFO Devise a way to control the rate at which these tasks apply/verify the vectors (i.e slow / fast) 2. Your are provided with 3 test-vector files (mul1.dat, mul2.dat, mul3.dat) Using these, (plus the one you just created yourself ) your test-fixture should: Load, apply & verify all 4 vector-files in sequence (NOTE: simultaneous apply/verify) Gather all $readmemh commands together Be sure to test for conditions where FIFO is normally-full (apply fast, read slow) FIFO is normally-empty (vice-versa) op1 op2 valid 16 16 X full clk FIFO read 3. Try to identify a “bug” in the multiplier empty (32x32) fifo_out 32 multi.v 16x16 5-cycle multiplier with integral 32-word FIFO 4. Can you determine your % code coverage? Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 233 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 233 Test Exercise (multi.v) multi.v • 16x16 pipelined multiplier (op1 * op2) • 5-cycles of clk to complete a multiply operation • A high (1) on the valid input enables a multiply operation on a posedge of clk • On-board FIFO buffers up to 32 successive multiply operations before stalling (full goes high). • The full flag goes high when FIFO is 5 words from full (27) • The empty flag asserts when FIFO is empty • The read input allows reading of FIFO on posedge of clk op1 x 2h op2 x 4h multi.v op1 16 op2 16 valid X full clk FIFO empty (32x32) read fifo_out 32 valid clk empty full read x fifo_out x WRITE Advanced Verilog 8h READ © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 234 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 234 Test-bench (block diagram) test_multi.v mul1.dat multi.v mul2.dat op1 op2 mul3.dat 16 16 valid X full clk empty FIFO read 32 fifo_out RAM multi (op1, op2, valid, clk, read, fifo_out, full, empty); SOLN Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 235 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 235 Congratulations! Go forth unto the Verilog world Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 236 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 236 Samples and Solutions Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 237 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 237 Sample Solution // Solution to Steganographic decoder problem // // Message size stored in pixels 64 -> 79 // Message stored in pixels 80 -> 80+(size * 8) // Steganographic decoder `define PIC_SIZE 61_080 module steg_decode; integer rfile, i, ifs, j, k; reg [15:0] siz; reg [2:0] block; reg [7:0] byte, tmp; reg [7:0] mem[0:`PIC_SIZE -1]; reg [13*8:1] rfile_name; // Allow DOS (9.3) filenames initial begin block = 3'b111; rfile_name = "message.bmp"; // Filename rfile = $fopen(rfile_name, "r"); // Open the file i = $fread(mem, rfile, 0); // Read the file into memory ifs = $ftell(rfile); $display("Loaded %0d pixels \n", ifs); k = 0; for (j=64; j<80; j=j+1) begin siz[k] = mem[j][0]; k = k+1; end // Determine message length $display("Secret message is %0d characters long",siz); siz = 8*(siz); // convert to # of bits $display("\nMessage Text follows.... \n\n"); block = 0; for (j=80; j< siz; j=j+1) // Retrieve the message begin byte[block] = mem[j][0]; if (block == 7) begin $write("%s",byte); end block = block +1; end $display("\n\n\n"); $fclose(rfile); $finish; end endmodule // BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 238 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 238 Sample solution - pipe.v module pipe( input wire[7:0] d_in, output reg[7:0] d_out, input wire clk); reg [7:0] d_1, d_2, d_3; always @ (posedge clk) begin // doesn't matter what order reg's are in d_1<= #5 d_in; d_2 <= #5 d_1; d_3 <= #5 d_2; d_out<= #5 d_3; end endmodule Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 239 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 239 Sample Solution - pipe_behav.v module pipe( input wire[7:0] d_in, output reg[7:0] d_out, input wire clk); always @ (posedge clk) d_out<= #125 d_in; // #120 for 3 clocks +5 more for prop time endmodule BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 240 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 240 Sample Solution - pipe_behav_var.v (variable clock) module pipe( input wire[7:0] d_in, output wire[7:0] d_out, input wire clk); reg [7:0] d; assign #5 d_out = d; always @ (d_in) @ (posedge clk) d <= repeat (3) @ (posedge clk) d_in; endmodule BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 241 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 241 Sample Solution – beh_sram module beh_sram(ip,op,clk,rw_); input packet ip; output packet op; input bit clk, rw_; packet ret_pkt; bit doit; reg [31:0] mem [0:1023]; always @(posedge clk) if(rw_ ) // read begin = mem[ip.addr]; ret_pkt.addr = ip.addr; op <= #5 ret_pkt; end else // write begin mem[ip.addr] <=; end endmodule BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 242 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 242 module baggage; event SEA, DFW, LAX, SFO, mangled; event bag_done, new_bag_on_cart; Sample Solution - baggage.v reg[7:0] flight98 [0:1023]; // memory declaration to rep plane reg[7:0] cart; integer i,SEA_bags,DFW_bags,LAX_bags,SFO_bags, mangled_bags; initial $readmemh("luggage.dat",flight98); //flight98 lands initial begin SEA_bags = 0; DFW_bags = 0; LAX_bags = 0; SFO_bags = 0; mangled_bags = 0; end initial begin #5; //wait for flight98 to land at time 0; for (i=0;i<1024;i=i+1) begin cart = flight98[i]; // get next bag and put on cart -> new_bag_on_cart; // signal new one on the cart @ (bag_done); //wait for bag to be processed before // putting new one on cart end $display ("\n # of SEA bags = %0d",SEA_bags, "\n # of DFW bags = %0d",DFW_bags, "\n # of LAX bags = %0d",LAX_bags, "\n # of SFO bags = %0d",SFO_bags, "\n # of mangled bags = %0d\n",mangled_bags); $finish; end always @ (new_bag_on_cart) //wait for next bag case (cart[3:0]) 4'b0000: ->SEA; 4'b0001: ->DFW; 4'b0010: ->LAX; 4'b0011: ->SFO; default: ->mangled; endcase Advanced Verilog always @ (SEA) begin #5 $display ("bag number %0d -> SEA",i); SEA_bags = SEA_bags+1; -> bag_done; end always @ (DFW) begin #5 $display("bag number %0d -> DFW",i); DFW_bags = DFW_bags+1; -> bag_done; end always @ (LAX) begin #10 $display("bag number %0d -> LAX",i); LAX_bags = LAX_bags+1; -> bag_done; end always @ (SFO) begin #10 $display("bag number %0d -> SFO",i); SFO_bags = SFO_bags+1; -> bag_done; end always @ (mangled) begin #5 $display("bag number %0d is mangled!",i); mangled_bags = mangled_bags+1; -> bag_done; end endmodule BACK © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 243 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 243 Sample Solution – sm_behav.v module sm_behav; integer addr; reg [31:0] in_reg; reg [7:0] ctrl_reg; reg [31:0] mem [0:1023]; // memory always @ (test_sm_behav.write_in_reg) begin case (in_reg[31:28]) 0,1: ; // nop - do nothing 2: // wt_wd begin @ (test_sm_behav.write_in_reg) addr = in_reg; // save off address @ (test_sm_behav.write_in_reg) mem[addr] <= #5 in_reg; // load mem end 3: // wt_blk begin @ (test_sm_behav.write_in_reg) addr = in_reg; repeat (4) @ (test_sm_behav.write_in_reg) begin mem[addr] <= #5 in_reg; addr = addr+1; end end 4: // rd_wd begin @ (test_sm_behav.write_in_reg) #5 test_sm_behav.outof = mem[in_reg]; // read memory ->test_sm_behav.write_outof; end default: $display ($time,,"illegal op received"); endcase end endmodule BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 244 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 244 Sample Solution - sm_func.v module sm_func( input wire[31:0] incoming, output reg[31:0] outof, input wire clk); event write_in_reg, write_outof; always @ (posedge clk)// Xlation logic begin U1.in_reg <= #5 incoming; #6 -> write_in_reg; end sm_behav U1(); // instantiate purely event-driven model endmodule module sm_behav; integer addr; reg [31:0] in_reg; reg [7:0] ctrl_reg; reg [31:0] mem [0:1023]; // memory always @ (sm_func.write_in_reg) begin case (in_reg[31:28]) 0: ; // nop - do nothing 1: // ctrl ctrl_reg <= #5 in_reg[7:0]; // put in reg 2: // wt_wd begin ctrl_reg <= #5 in_reg[7:0]; // put in reg @ (sm_func.write_in_reg) addr = in_reg; // save off address @ (sm_func.write_in_reg) mem[addr] <= #5 in_reg; // load mem end 3: // wt_blk begin ctrl_reg <= #5 in_reg[7:0]; // put in reg @ (sm_func.write_in_reg) addr = in_reg; repeat (4) @ (sm_func.write_in_reg) begin mem[addr] <= #5 in_reg; addr = addr+1; end end 4: // rd_wd begin ctrl_reg <= #5 in_reg[7:0]; // put in reg @ (sm_func.write_in_reg) #5 sm_func.outof = mem[in_reg]; // read memory ->sm_func.write_outof; end default: $display ($time,,"illegal op(%0d) received",in_reg[31:28]); endcase end endmodule BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 245 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 245 Sample Solution, Assertion Lab 4 //typedef enum [2:0] { S0 = 3'h1, S1 = 3'h2, S2 = 3'h4 } states; typedef enum [1:0] { S0 = 2'h0, S1 = 2'h1, S2 = 2'h2 } states; module fsm_ex( input logic clk, rst, input_sig_1, input_sig_2, output logic a, b); … … `ifdef SVA assert_one_hot #(.width(2), .msg("state variable should be one_hot")) A1 (.clk(clk), .reset_n(!rst), .test_expr(state)); `endif endmodule 0 0 clk: 0 ,rst: 0 ,in1: 0 ,in2: 0 ,outa: 0 ,outb: 0 "/work/synopsys/vcs/packages/sva/assert_one_hot.v", 87: test_fsm_ex.u1.A1.assert_one_hot: started at 100s failed at 100s, "state variable should be one_hot" Offending '$countones(test_expr)==1' 100 0 clk: 1 ,rst: 0 ,in1: 0 ,in2: 0 ,outa: 0 ,outb: 0 200 0 clk: 0 ,rst: 0 ,in1: 0 ,in2: 0 ,outa: 0 ,outb: 0 "/work/synopsys/vcs/packages/sva/assert_one_hot.v", 87: test_fsm_ex.u1.A1.assert_one_hot: started at 300s failed at 300s, "state variable should be one_hot" Offending '$countones(test_expr)==1' BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 246 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 246 Sample Solution, Assertion Lab 2: sequence s_rst_sigs; ##1 (uart_out && !done); endsequence sequence s_rst_done; (!sys_rst_l) [*1:$] ##1 $rose( sys_rst_l )##1 (done && !xmit) [*1:$] ##1 $rose( xmit ); endsequence sequence s_rst_pair; s_rst_done and s_rst_sigs; endsequence property p_post_rst; @(posedge sys_clk) (!sys_rst_l) |-> s_rst_pair; endproperty assert_post_rst: assert property ( p_post_rst ) //$display("%m :OK!"); else $display("%m : device did not reset fully"); BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 247 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 247 `ifdef SVA // sys_clk divider checker Sample Solution Assertion Lab 3: property p_uart_sys16; @(posedge sys_clk) $rose(uart_clk) |-> ##8 $fell(uart_clk) ##8 $rose(uart_clk); endproperty // xmit and data checks sequence s_val_bit_stream(x_byte); assert_uart_sys16: assert property (p_uart_sys16) bit[7:0] x_byte; else $display("%m : uart_clk should = sys_clk/16"); ##8 (uart_out == 0) ##16 (uart_out == x_byte[0]) ##16 assert_val_bit_stream: assert property (p_val_bit_stream) (uart_out == x_byte[1]) ##16 else $display("%m : uart_out bitstream incorrect"); (uart_out == x_byte[2]) ##16 (uart_out == x_byte[3]) ##16 (uart_out == x_byte[4]) ##16 (uart_out == x_byte[5]) ##16 (uart_out == x_byte[6]) ##16 (uart_out == x_byte[7]) ##16 (uart_out == 1) ##16 (uart_out == 1) ##16 (done == 1); endsequence property p_val_bit_stream; @(posedge sys_clk) ($fell(done) && xmit ) |-> s_val_bit_stream(data); endproperty Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 248 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 248 // xmit and data checks property p_xmit_hi16; @(posedge sys_clk) $rose(xmit) |-> ##16 $fell(xmit); endproperty Sample Solution Assertion Lab 3: property p_xmit_done; @(posedge sys_clk) $rose(xmit) |-> ##1 $fell(done) && $fell(uart_out); endproperty // Serial protocol checkers property p_xmit_nc_data; @(posedge sys_clk) $rose(xmit) |=> $stable(data) [*1:$] ##1 $fell(xmit); endproperty property p_done_175; @(posedge sys_clk) ($fell(done) && sys_rst_l) |-> ##175 $rose(done); endproperty // assertions assert_xmit_hi16: assert property (p_xmit_hi16) //$display("%m :OK!"); else $display("%m : Signal xmit should stay hi for 16 sys_clks"); assert_xmit_done: assert property (p_xmit_done) //$display("%m :OK!"); else $display("%m : Posedge xmit should take done and uart_out low."); assert_xmit_nc_data: assert property (p_xmit_nc_data) //$display("%m :OK!"); else $display("%m : data should not change while xmit asserted"); assert_done_175: assert property (p_done_175) //$display("%m :OK!"); else $display("%m : Byte transmission (done low) should take 175 sys_clk"); Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 249 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 249 Sample solution: Assertion Lab3 // uart_clk checkers //#################### // // sequence s_val_bit_stream_uart_clk(x_byte); bit[7:0] x_byte; assert_xmit_hi1: assert property (p_xmit_hi1) (uart_out == 0) ##1 else $display("%m : Signal xmit should stay hi for 1 uart_clk"); (uart_out == x_byte[0]) ##1 (uart_out == x_byte[1]) ##1 assert_done_11: assert property (p_done_11) (uart_out == x_byte[2]) ##1 else $display("%m : Byte transmission (done low) should take 11 uart_clk"); (uart_out == x_byte[3]) ##1 assert_val_bit_stream_uart_clk: assert property (p_val_bit_stream_uart_clk) (uart_out == x_byte[4]) ##1 else $display("%m : uart_out bitstream incorrect"); (uart_out == x_byte[5]) ##1 (uart_out == x_byte[6]) ##1 `endif (uart_out == x_byte[7]) ##1 (uart_out == 1) ##1 (uart_out == 1) ##1 (done == 1); endsequence property p_xmit_hi1; @(posedge uart_clk) $rose(xmit) |-> ##1 $fell(xmit); endproperty property p_done_11; @(posedge uart_clk) ($fell(done) && sys_rst_l) |-> ##11 $rose(done); endproperty property p_val_bit_stream_uart_clk; @(posedge sys_clk) ($fell(done) && xmit ) |-> s_val_bit_stream_uart_clk(data); endproperty BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 250 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 250 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & `define RTL_FSM © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ILLEGAL OP task // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// task ill_op; begin $display("TB: Illegal op request"); #5 into = {4'b0101,28'h0}; // op word end endtask // WT_WD task // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// task wt_wd; input [31:0] addr,data; begin $display("TB: Single Word write of %0h to address %0h \n", data, addr); #5 into = {4'b0010,28'h0}; // op_word @ (posedge clk) #5 into = addr; @ (posedge clk) #5 into = data; end endtask // NOP task // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// task nop; begin $display("TB: Sending NOP \n"); #5 into = {4'b0000,28'h0}; // op_word end endtask reg [31:0] into, outof; reg rst, clk; wire [31:0] out_wire, dat; wire [9:0] addr; module test_sm; // Header// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Copyright Willamette HDL Inc. // // // // // Name: test_func_sm // // Description: Test fixture for functional level state machines // // Creation Date: 1/15/2001 // // Version: 1.2b // // Author: Tim Corcoran // // // `define CLK_TGL 10 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `define RTL_LIB dir=../rtl_lib libext=.v `timescale 1ns/100ps `define BEH_LIB dir=../beh_lib libext=.v `include "test_choices" Configuration Exercise – test_sm.v 251 Notes: Slide 251 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. end endtask // RD_WD task // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / // Input 0: address to be read // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// task rd_wd; input [31:0] addr, exp; begin $display("TB: Single word read from address %0h, expect %0h\n", addr, exp); #5 into = {4'b0100,28'h0}; // op_word @ (posedge clk) #5 into = addr; @ (posedge clk) #5 into = 0; // nop repeat(5) @ (negedge clk); if (outof !== exp) $display("TB: %0t Read error. expected %0h, received %0h\n", $stime, exp, outof); else $display("TB: Time %0t: Correct data \(%0h\) returned\n",$stime, outof); // WT_BLK task // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / // Input 0: address to be written // // Input 1: data to write // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// task wt_blk; input [31:0] addr,data; begin $display("TB: Block write of \(%0h - %0h\) to addresses \(%0h %0h)\n", addr, (addr+3), data, (data+3)); #5 into = {4'b0011,28'h0}; // op_word @ (posedge clk) #5 into = addr; // send address repeat (4) begin @ (posedge clk) #5 into = data; // send data data = data +1; // change the data word end end endtask test_sm.v Part 2 252 Notes: Slide 252 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test sequence // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// initial begin into = 0; // set to nop to start off rst = 0; #5 rst = 1; #20 rst = 0; repeat(3) @ (posedge clk); // wait for 3 clocks @ (posedge clk) wt_wd('h100,'haa); @ (posedge clk) wt_wd('h30,'hbb); @ (posedge clk) wt_blk('h40,'ha10); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h100,'haa); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h30,'hbb); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h40,'ha10); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h41,'ha11); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h42,'ha12); @ (posedge clk) rd_wd('h43,'ha13); @ (posedge clk) ill_op; @ (posedge clk) nop; #100 $stop; end always @ (outof) // any change of outof $display ("TB: Time: %0t, outof = %h\n",$stime,outof); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output checking // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge clk) outof = #5 out_wire; // put output in register //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // System clock generator // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// initial begin clk = 0; rst = 1; forever #`CLK_TGL clk = !clk; end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ILLEGAL OP task // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// task ill_op; begin $display("TB: Illegal op request"); #5 into = {4'b0101,28'h0}; // op word end endtask test_sm.v Part 3 © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 253 Notes: Slide 253 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `define// CLK_TGL 10 // Instantiations // `define// GAT_LIB dir=../gat_lib libext=.v file=../gat_lib/class_lib //NOTE `define// RTL_LIB dir=../rtl_lib libext=.v // For GATE-level Sim: sm_seq and sm from gat_lib, `define// BEH_LIB dir=../beh_lib libext=.v // beh_sram from beh_lib // // // `define// GAT_FSM // For RTL-level Sim: sm_seq and sm from rtl_lib, // beh_sram from beh_lib //RTL_FSM //`define // //BEH_FSM //`define // Behavioral Sim requires only sm_func from beh_lib // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `ifdef GAT_FSM initial $display("Configuring for Gate-level Sim"); `uselib `GAT_LIB sm_seq sm_seq0( .into(into), .outof(out_wire), .rst(rst), .clk(clk), .mem(dat), .addr(addr), .rd_(rd_), .wr_(wr_)); `uselib `BEH_LIB beh_sram sram_0(.clk(clk), .dat(dat), .addr(addr), .rd_(rd_), .wr_(wr_)); `endif `ifdef RTL_FSM initial $display("Configuring for RT-level Sim"); `uselib `RTL_LIB sm_seq sm_seq0( .into(into), .outof(out_wire), .rst(rst), .clk(clk), .mem(dat), .addr(addr), .rd_(rd_), .wr_(wr_)); `uselib `BEH_LIB beh_sram sram_0(.clk(clk), .dat(dat), .addr(addr), .rd_(rd_), .wr_(wr_)); `endif `ifdef BEH_FSM initial $display("Configuring for Behavioral-level Sim"); `uselib `BEH_LIB sm_func sm_seq0( .incoming(into), .outof(out_wire), .rst(rst), .clk(clk)); `endif endmodule test_sm.v Part 4 BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 254 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 254 /* fifo_monitor.v - sample solution for monitor exercise */ module fifo_monitor ( input [7:0] data_in, input read, write, empty, full, input [7:0] data_out, input w_clk, r_clk); Sample solution: fifo_monitor.v always @ (posedge w_clk) if (full && write) // check for write of a full fifo $display ("\n*MON* time=%0d protocol error: write asserted while full asserted\n",$time); always @ (posedge r_clk) if (empty && read) // check for read of an empty fifo $display ("\n*MON* time=%0d protocol error: read asserted while empty asserted\n",$time); specify $setuphold (posedge w_clk,data_in,3,3); $setuphold (posedge w_clk,write,3,3); $setuphold (posedge r_clk,read,3,3); $period (posedge w_clk,20); endspecify endmodule BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 255 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 255 Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. endmodule // Generate test-files integer a,b,c,d; reg[15:0] j; reg[31:0] k; initial begin a = $fopen("mul1.dat"); for(j = 0; j<1025; j=j+1) begin k = ((j+0)*(1024-j)); if ((j+0)==(1024-j)) ;//$fwrite(a,"%h%h%h\n",j+16'b0,16'd1024-j,k+32'd1); else $fwrite(a,"%h%h%h\n",j+16'b0,16'd1024-j,k); end $fclose(a); b = $fopen("mul2.dat"); for(j = 0; j<1025; j=j+1) begin k = ((j+1024)*(2048-j)); if ((j+0)==(1024-j)) ;//$fwrite(b,"%h%h%h\n",j+16'd1024,16'd2048-j,k+32'd1); else $fwrite(b,"%h%h%h\n",j+16'd1024,16'd2048-j,k); end $fclose(b); c = $fopen("mul3.dat"); for(j = 0; j<1025; j=j+1) begin k=((j+2048)*(3072-j)); if ((j+0)==(1024-j)) ;//$fwrite(c,"%h%h%h\n",j+16'd2048,16'd3072-j,k+32'd1); else $fwrite(c,"%h%h%h\n",j+16'd2048,16'd3072-j,k);end $fclose(c); d = $fopen("mul4.dat"); for(j = 0; j<32; j=j+1) begin for(jk = 0; jk<32; jk=jk+1) begin k = j*jk; $fwrite(c,"%h%h%h\n",j,jk,k); end end $fclose(d); $finish; end module stim_files; Sample solution: stim_gen.v BACK 256 Notes: Slide 256 multi.v- test exercise `define DELAY 3 module multi (input wire[15:0] op1, op2, input wire valid, clk, read, output wire[31:0] fifo_out, input wire full, empty); reg[32:0] ma [4:0]; integer i; wire [31:0] prod; wire v_out; assign {v_out,prod} = ma[0]; `protect function integer mul32; input[15:0] o1,o2; integer prod; begin if (o1 == o2) mul32 = (o1*o2)+1; else mul32 = o1*o2; end endfunction `endprotect module mult_fifo( data_in, read, write, empty, almost_full, data_out, clk); input [31:0] data_in; input read, write, clk; output empty, almost_full; output [31:0] data_out; reg [4:0] head,tail; // fifo reg's integer e_count; // fifo reg's reg [31:0] dfifo [0:31]; // fifo reg [31:0] data_out; wire almost_full = e_count >= 27; wire full = e_count == 32; wire empty = !e_count; // deliberately add 1 to a square op. initial begin for(i=0; i<5; i=i+1) ma[i] = 0; end always @(posedge clk) begin ma[0] <= #`DELAY ma[1]; ma[1] <= #`DELAY ma[2]; ma[2] <= #`DELAY ma[3]; ma[3] <= #`DELAY ma[4]; ma[4] <= #`DELAY {valid, mul32(op1,op2)}; end mult_fifo f1( prod, read, v_out, empty, full, fifo_out, clk); endmodule /**** init registers */ initial begin head = 0; tail = 0; e_count = 0; end /*** the write ***/ always @ (posedge clk) if (write & !full) begin dfifo[head] <= #`DELAY data_in; #`DELAY head = head + 1; e_count = e_count + 1; end else if (write & full) $display ("\n*FF* Attempted to write a full fifo\n"); /*** the read ***/ always @ (posedge clk) if (read & !empty) begin data_out <= #`DELAY dfifo [tail]; #`DELAY tail = tail + 1; e_count = e_count - 1; end else if (read & empty) $display ("\n*FF* Attempted to read an empty fifo\n"); endmodule Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 257 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 257 `define DELAY 3 `define TRUE 1'b1 `define FALSE 1'b0 Sample solution: test_multi.v module test_mult; reg[15:0] op1, op2; reg[63:0] test_mem [0:1023]; reg valid, clk, read; wire full, empty; wire[31:0] data_out; event read_mem; integer r_offset, w_offset; multi m1 (op1, op2, valid, clk, read, data_out, full, empty); initial begin @ (read_mem) $readmemh("mul1.dat",test_mem); $display("loading mul1.dat"); @ (read_mem) $readmemh("mul2.dat",test_mem); $display("loading mul2.dat"); @ (read_mem) $readmemh("mul3.dat",test_mem); $display("loading mul3.dat"); @ (read_mem) $readmemh("mul4.dat",test_mem); $display("loading mul4.dat"); // repeat @ (read_mem) $readmemh("mul1.dat",test_mem); $display("loading mul1.dat"); @ (read_mem) $readmemh("mul2.dat",test_mem); $display("loading mul2.dat"); @ (read_mem) $readmemh("mul3.dat",test_mem); $display("loading mul3.dat"); @ (read_mem) $readmemh("mul4.dat",test_mem); $display("loading mul4.dat"); end initial begin read = 0; valid = 0; op1 = 0; op2 = 0; r_offset = 0; w_offset = 0; clk = 0; forever #20 clk = !clk; end task block_test; fork vect_apply; vect_check; join endtask initial begin repeat(5) @(negedge clk); -> read_mem; block_test; // Load test-vector array r_offset = 1; $display("\n2 writes/read"); // slow down reads by half -> read_mem; // re-Load test-vector array block_test; w_offset = 1; $display("\n1:1 writes & reads"); // slow writes by half -> read_mem; // re-Load test-vector array block_test; r_offset = 0; w_offset = 1; $display("\n2 reads/write"); // fast reads, slow writes -> read_mem; // re-Load test-vector array block_test; w_offset = 0; $display("\n1:1 writes & reads"); // back to normal -> read_mem; // re-Load test-vector array block_test; w_offset = 1; $display("\n2 reads/write"); // slow writes by half -> read_mem; // re-Load test-vector array block_test; -> read_mem; block_test; // re-Load test-vector array -> read_mem; block_test; // re-Load test-vector array repeat(5) @(negedge clk); $stop; end endmodule Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 258 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 258 Sample solution: test_multi.v (part2 - the tasks) task vect_apply; // Apply vector file stimulus reg[63:0] tmp; integer cnt; begin cnt = 0; forever @(negedge clk) begin if (!full) begin valid = 1; tmp = test_mem[cnt]; op1 = tmp[63:48]; op2 = tmp[47:32]; cnt = cnt+1; @(posedge clk); #3 valid = 0; // shut it off end if (cnt >= 1024) disable vect_apply; repeat(w_offset) @ (posedge clk); end end endtask task vect_check; // Check vector file results reg[63:0] tmp; integer cnt; begin cnt = 0; forever @(negedge clk) begin if (!empty) begin read = 1; @(posedge clk); tmp = test_mem[cnt]; #5 if (data_out != tmp[31:0]) $display("Error: Op1:%0d * Op2:%0d != %0d (%0d)", tmp[63:48],tmp[47:32],tmp[31:0],data_out); cnt = cnt+1; read = 0; end if (cnt >= 1024) disable vect_check; repeat(r_offset) @ (posedge clk); end end endtask BACK Advanced Verilog © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. 259 Notes: © 2004 Willamette HDL, Inc. & Slide 259 This page was intentionally left blank. 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