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Contemporary Philippine Arts Module

Contemporary Arts from the
Module 1
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region
Module 1
First Edition, 2020
Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I
All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from the copyright owners.
Development Team of the Module
Author: Elizabeth B. Erpelo
Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II
Management Team:
Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.
Schools Division Superintendent
Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief
Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS
Delia P. Hufalar, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of MAPEH
Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II
Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II
Contemporary Philippine
Arts from the Region
Module 1
Art is an expression of one’s thought and feelings. There are varied ways of
expressing it based from the culture and beliefs a region has.
This module will help you understand and appreciate the contemporary art
forms and practices in the different regions in the Philippines.
After going through this module , you are expected to:
1. describe various contemporary art forms and their practices from the various
regions CAR11/12IAC-0a-1.
2. discuss various art forms found in the Philippines CAR11/12IAC- 0b-2
For you to understand the lesson well, do the following activities. Have fun and good
Activity 1: Read Me! Understand Me!
Directions: Read the various art forms found in the Philippines and practices in
the different regions. Understand what you are reading then answer the
questions afterwards on a sheet of paper.
Let us begin with the Pre-colonial arts or Indigenous arts. These were the arts
made by the people before the foreigners came to colonize our country. These are
expressions integrated within rituals which were based from the significant moments
of the people’s lives in the community like ceremonies, planting, harvesting and
among others. Other forms were pottery, weaving, carving, metalwork, and jewelry
which do exist at present.
Long time ago, our ancestors were hunter gatherers. The ritual of praying for
strength and feasting on the animal that they caught was involved before. How did
the different forms of art begin from these rituals? Literature started when they told
their stories about how they hunted animals and devised alphabets for them to write
their stories down. The theater started when they imitated how the animals moved.
Music and dance started when they added the drum beating and assigned a beat
to their movements.
To illustrate some of these arts, we have the Cañao in the Cordillera
Autonomous Region where animals are sacrificed for these purposes: healing,
announcement of the birth of a child, or a coming of age during wakes, weddings,
and burial ceremonies. Another is the ritual Kashawing in Lake Lanao in Mindanao
which involves a re-enactment of the agreement made by the ancestors of the
community and the unseen spirits that dwell in the lake. The Tagbanwa in Palawan
believe that their planting of rice will be blessed by three goddesses who go down
from heaven. The shamans go into spell while ritual chanting and dancing are
going on which they believed that they are taken over by the goddesses.
The people long time ago also possessed a vibrant musical culture. They had
instruments such as pipes, flutes, zithers, drums , various string instruments like
the kudyapi, a three stringed guitar, the kulintang – an array of bossed gongs, the
gansa or flat gong, bamboo percussion instruments and the agong, a large bossed
In terms of dance movements, they mimic movements of the animals, humans,
and elements from nature. To name some, we have the Pangalay from the Sulu
archipelago which is imitative of the movement of the seabirds. We also have the
Mandaya’s kinabua, the banog-banog of the Higaonon and of the B’laan
communities, and the man-manok of the Bagobos of Mindanao which copy the
movement of the seabirds. In Ifugao, the talip dance which is used in courtship
would mimic the movements of the wild fowls. The funny movements of the
monkeys are likewise imitated by the Matigsalugs in their inamong dance and the
T’bolis in their kadaliwas dance. A popular Tagalog folk dance which is often
shown to tourists is the Tinikling which is similar to the movements of the crane
in which the dancers have to be alert always so they won’t be clutched by the
bamboo traps.
The Filipinos before colonization carved images like the bulul of the
Cordillerans . This image is a granary god that plays an important role in rituals.
You can also see this image in containers, bowls, and spoons. Another image, a
wooden bench produced by the Ifugaos that marks the socioeconomic status of the
owner, is called Hagabi. We also have the sculpture of saints called Santos which
were carved by Christian Communities in Laguna and Pampanga. In Southern
there are curvilinear
Okir(Ukkil in
Tausug/Samal/Badjao). The torogan which is the ancestral home of a sultan or the
highest titleholder in a Maranao village has its protruding beams or the panolong
designed with okir.
With regards to pottery, there was a jar that was discovered in Manunggul
Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan which was a secondary burial vessel where buried
bones were positioned. This is named as the Manunggul Jar of the late Neolithic
period (890-710 BC). This jar, with reddish hematite and carved with curvilinear
designs and with two anthropomorphic or human forms atop the lid, was being
transported by a paddling man and this is a representation to a travel to the afterlife.
Another burial jar was found in Ayuv Cave in Maitum, Saranggani province during
the Metal Age (5 BC – 225 AD) where the human figure is more noticeable in this
jar. Other forms of pottery used before were the palayok used for cooking, banga
and tapayan used for fermenting food or keeping liquids. In Vigan,one which is
valued in Ilocos as part of its creative industry is the traditional Pagbuburnay.
Textiles are not only useful, they also convey about the belief systems of the
people: the respect for spirits and nature, criteria for the beautiful, and the structure
of socio- politics in their society. In traditional weaving,
the people get the
fibers from plants like cotton, abaca, and pineapple leaves and they extract the
pigments from clay, roots, and leaves of plants. They use a backstrap loom or a pedal
loom to weave designs that hold special meaning for a particular cultural group. To
name some we have the pis siyabit which is a Tausug headpiece woven in Sulu.
The Malong is a woven textile from Maranao with exquisite tapestry panels called
langkit woven in Lanao del Sur.
The colourful double-layered tepo mat in Sama of Tawi-Tawi is made of
pandan leaves . In Itbayat, Batanes , there are baskets which are are made of nito
and bamboo which are used as head sling to carry harvests. They are called the
Ovaloid Baskets . There are sturdy bamboo strips that are woven to create fish traps
in Ilocos region and they are called bubo.
The Filipinos adorned their bodies through tattoos and jewelries. Jewelries
were worn by upper class Tagalogs while tattoos were seen among the Visayans,
corroborating early accounts that referred to the Visayas as “Islas de los Pintados”.
Aside from the idea that tattooing is an art, a tattoo was given importance because
it was believed to guard the individual from evil spirits, and in some cases, it was
considered as a mark of maturity and bravery. Those who practice tattooing include
Kalinga, Kankanay, Ibaloy and Ifugao. With regards to jewelries, it is believed that
the wearer becomes more attractive to the opposite sex in as much as it is considered
pleasing to the gods. The T’boli are known to wear brass chains, bells and colorful
beads to complete their elaborate ensemble.
The people from Maranao of Lanao del Sur produce the lotoans or betel nut
boxes of various shapes, made of brass or bronze giving attention to details to this
metalwork. Other examples are the kendi and the gandur which are status symbols
or as heirloom pieces. The kendi is a vessel used for pouring liquids while the gadur
is a container with a tapered top, a round body, and a flared base.
Direction: Choose your answer from the given choices.
1. What form of art was introduced when the hunter gatherers told their stories
about how they hunted animals and devised alphabets for them to write
their stories down?
A. Literature
B. Dance
C. Music
D. Theater
2. What form of art was introduced when they imitated how the animals moved.
A. Literature
B. Dance
C. Music
D. Theater
What is being practiced in Lake Lanao in Mindanao which involves a reenactment of the agreement made by the ancestors of the community and
the unseen spirits that dwell in the lake?
A. Cañao
B. Kashawing
C. Tagbanwa
D.none of the
4. Which of the following movements are imitated to determine your knowledge
about Pangalay from the Sulu archipelago?
A. Movement of the seabirds
C. Funny movement of the monkeys
B. Movement of the wild fowls
D. none of these
Which of the following movements are imitated to determine your knowledge
about the inamong dance of the Matigsalugs and the kadaliwas dance of the
A. Movement of the seabirds
C. Funny
movements of
B. Movement of the wild fowls
D. none of the above
6. What idea comes into your mind about the bulul carved by the Cordillerans?
A. This image is a granary god that plays an important role in rituals.
B. This image marks the socioeconomic status of the owner.
C. The image of the sculpture of saints
D. the panolong of the torogan designed with okir .
7. What idea comes into your mind about The torogan in a Maranao village?
A. This image is a granary god that plays an important role in rituals.
B. This image marks the socioeconomic status of the owner.
C. The image of the sculpture of saints
D. The protruding beams or the panolong designed with okir of the torogan.
8. What information would you select about the Manunggul Jar?
A. This jar, a secondary burial vessel where buried bones are positioned,
with reddish hematite and carved with curvilinear designs and with two
anthropomorphic or human forms atop the lid was transported by a
paddling man.
B. A burial jar found in Ayuv Cave in Maitum, Saranggani province during
the Metal Age ( 5 BC – 225 AD) where the human figure is more noticeable
in this jar.
C. It is used for cooking and for fermenting food or keeping liquids.
D. It is valued in Ilocos as part of its creative industry .
9. What belief system was conveyed in the adornment of a body thru’ tattoos?
A. The respect for spirits and nature, criteria for the beautiful, and the
structure of socio- politics in their society
B. A guard of the individual from evil spirits, and in some cases, it was
considered as a mark of maturity and bravery
C. An agreement made by the ancestors of the community and the unseen
spirits that dwell in the lake
D. A travel to the afterlife
Which of the following is a Maranao textile with exquisite tapestry panels
woven in Lanao del Sur?
A. Malong
B. Pis siyabit
C. Panolong
D. Torogan
Art is an expression of the feelings, imagination and creativity of an individual.
It has no boundaries and it is of big help whenever we feel the need to express what
we feel at the moment.
Here are some definitions of art by some personalities:
“Art is the perception of value in a creation that touches, inspires appreciation,
and enriches the human experience”. – Wallace Easter, Associate Professor, MusicHorn
“Art is the ability to make connections, tell a story, and inspire others through
the usage of color, music, movement, and craftsmanship”. – Daveisha Gibson, M.F.A
Candidate in Arts Leadership
“To me, art is a creative expression with a purpose”. Lindsay Bass, double
major in Mechanical Engineering and Vocal Performance.
“ Art is our first language … It is a universal language.” Willie Caldwell, M.F.A.
Candidate in Arts Leadership
In a nutshell, art entails expression, creation, and purpose. Whenever we
wanted to create something, it is because of what we are experiencing at the moment
or in the past that expression of oneself would somehow inspire or help other people
who are of the same plight.
What is your notion about the word modern?
You probably would say it is anything that is advanced or being updated and
contemporary. You can say that modern and contemporary are interchangeable. As
to the historical and chronological overview suggested by Arts Studies Professors
Fajardo and Flores titled “ Historical Overview of Philippine Art”(2002) , during the
Postwar Republic
( 1946-1969) are the modern, conservative, abstract, experimental and public art
while 70s – Contemporary are the Figurative, non-figurative art, multimedia, mixed
media and transmedia . Thus, we can see here that there is a difference between the
two as to their period.
Let us first illustrate the arts that were done in the past until the
contemporary periods.
During the Pre-Colonial Times, arts were for rituals and daily use as was 6
presented a while ago. Here are some pictures of their art works:
Ritual: Cañao
Music: Kudyapi
Dance: Pangalay Dance
Manmanok dance
Banog Banog Dance
Talip Dance
Carving: Bulul
Panolong – okir designs
Manunggul Jar
Textile Weaving: Pis siyabit
Mat and Basket Weaving Tepo Mat
Ovaloid Baskets
T’boli brass chain bells
Islamic Colonial (13th century to the present)
In Islamic art ,the artists were influenced by the doctrine of Tawhid or unity
of God. This belief emphasizes the greatness of the divine being. Through the
abstract forms of patterns in the interior of the mosques,the believers can
concentrate mentally, thus divine unity is achieved.
In regards to architecture, all Islamic buildings are required to follow Tawhid
and other Islamic beliefs. Some parts of the mosque like the niche or mirhab must
face the west, must be oriented toward Mecca to show oneness with other Islamic
Okir decorations can be seen in Tausug and Sama houses, traditional boats,
weapons, musical instruments, and in textiles. It has been observed that Islamic
arts are in upward orientation like the panolong in torogan , the royal shelter of
Maranao,with the regard for heaven and in turning away from the “material earth.”
Spanish Colonial Period( 1521 – 1898)
Most of the art forms during this era were religious arts for the purpose of
converting the Filipinos to Catholicism. Churches were a combination of both native
and European elements that is why art historians refer the style as colonial baroque
or Phialippine baroque . Inside the churches were images of saints made out of wood
or ivory. They are displayed in decorative altars called the retablo. They brought
western musical instruments like the violin, pipe organ, the guitar and the piano.
They also introduced the pasyon or pabasa which is the biblical narration of Christ’s
passion in an improvised melody.
The awit and corrido grew among the lowland Christian communities of
Pampanga, Ilocos, Bicol and Iloilo. These were secular musical forms based from
European literature and history that were chanted stories popular among the
peasants . What also evolved during this period are the kundiman and the balitao.
The balitao are sentimental love songs. The kundiman is a song where the lyrics talks
about the love that is not reciprocated. It also spoke of resignation and fatalism. An
example is Kundiman ni Abdon, a kundiman which is a protest against the Martial
Law in the seventees and the song Bayan Ko which became popular during the EDSA
The Baybayin written on a big stone that was discovered in Ticao, Leyte was
believed to be a prayer intented for a safe journey by the sea. In Mindoro, the
Mangyans etched Baybayin script on the smaller nodes of bamboo poles to write
poems of courtship and emotional concerns.
During this era, religious processions where Catholic saints and scenes from
the bible were prevalent.During the 19th century, the zarzuela or sarsuwela,a
popular form of musical theater , an operetta of singing and dancing together with
prose dialogues was introduced by the Spaniards. At first zarzuela were in Spanish
and later they had the local one that is why it was termed sarsuwela. Severino Reyes
and Hermogenes Ilagan were the most distinguished playwrights with Atang dela
Rama as their leading actress.
Other forms of arts during this period are the local theater forms like
senakulo, komedya,moro-moro, and the folk music and dance like the cariñosa,
pandanggo, polka, dansa and rigodon. The first senakulo which was the biblical
account of Christ’s passion and death on the cross was written by Gaspar Aquino de
Belen in 1704. The komedya is categorized into two namely: komedya de santo or
religious komedya and secular komedya. The first category focuses on the life of
Christ or any saint where the actors with extravagant costumes choreographed the
war scenes. The moro-moro is an example of the second one involving a love story
between a Christian and a Muslim expressed in verse and clashes between them in
dance form resulting to the conversion and baptism of the Muslim character ,then
wedding followed. The folk music and dance were traced from habañera, jota and
tango dance from Spain.
Doctrina Christiana was the first printed book in the Philippines containing
song lyrics, commandments, sacraments and other catechetical materials.
As we can observe, Spanish colonial period was mostly religious art.
American Colonial Period (1898-1940) to the Postwar Republic (1946-1969)
Since the Americans taught their language in the public school, Filipinos
wrote plays in English like the one written by Lino Castillejo and Jesus Araullo in
1915 entitled A Modern Filipina, the first ever play written in English.
During this period, the Americans introduced the Vaudeville that originated
from France and became popular in the Philippines and was locally called bodabil.
This is actually a collection of slapsticks, songs, dances, acrobatics, comedy skits,
chorus girls, magic acts, and stand up comic acts.
In the realm of architecture, the architect and urban planner Daniel Burnham
was commissioned by the American government to design Baguio and Manila. He
implemented the Burnham plan and employed Neoclassic architecture.This is for
its government buildings, parks, and lawns. Neoclassic architecture may include
decorative sculptural elements housed in a pediment as shown by the National Art
Gallery. Some Filipinos were trained in the US or in Europe to design buildings
during this period. They were Tomas Mapua, Juan Arellano, Andres Luna de San
Pedro and Antonio Toledo.
During this period, there was a demand for artists who could do illustrations
in textbooks or graphic design for product labels. There was also the persistence of
still life,portrait paintings and inclination toward genre.
Some of the artworks during this period were the Oblation(1935 original/1958
bronze cast found at the Up Oblation Plaza) at the University of the Philippines and
the Bonifacio Monument which consisted of life size figures in dynamic poses
demonstrating restraint, formality and elegance in a historical tableau, 1933 in
Caloocan .Both of these artworks were done by Guillermo Tolentino. Fabian dela
Rosa painted Planting Rice in 1921 and El Kundiman in 1930. Fernando Amorsolo
did a lot of portraits of prominent individuals and was a graphic artist of the textbook
series The Philippine Readers , made illustrations for the newspaper
Independent the logo design for Ginebra San Miguel where a saint trampled on a
devil . This logo helped him study Fine Arts in Spain thru a grant given by the
company. National Artist Victorio Edades painted in 1928 The Builders which
presented distorted figures of labouring workers.
Japanese Occupation(1941 – 1945)
The Japanese led the propaganda movement that would reject the Western
traditions. Art production was under the scrutiny of the Japanese government.
Expressions which were subversive by nature or anti-Japanese would tantamount
to torture and even death.
Felipe de Leon wrote Awit sa Paglikha ng Bagong Pilipinas , the anthem which
spoke of the loyalty to the nation reared in East Asia where Japan was actively
asserting its political power. It was said that he had been “ commanded at the point
of the gun” in writing this anthem.
Genre paintings specially those expressing a neutral relationship between the
Filipinos and the Japanese showing the normalcy of life were the most widely
produced. The Japanese also preferred indigenous and pre-colonial traditions.
Examples of these are Crispin Lopez’ study of an Aeta, 1943 and Amorsolo’s bombing
of the Intendencia, 1942 and the Ruins of the Manila Cathedral, 1945.
Neo-Realism, Abstraction, and Other Modern Art Styles
The artists during this period wanted to produce works of art that would
reflect their national identity, an art that would expose the “true social conditions”
of the period. A group of artist showed a new kind of modernism and this was
observed by artist-writer E. Aguilar Cruz who named the movement Neo-Realism.
Many of these artist focused on folk themes and made commentaries on the urban
condition and the effects of war. The National Artist associated with this period were
Manansala, Legaspi and HR Ocampo. Manasala’s the Beggars, 1952 presents two
thin women with sad faces against a dark background indicating the dullness of
poverty. Most of Manansala’s paintings are characterized by transparent cubism, a
style of soft fragmentation of figures using transparent planes. Legaspi’s Gadgets
II, 1949 shows half-naked men surrounded by machines depicting their hardship,
their expressionless faces as they function like machines. Most of Legaspi’s artworks
have distorted images by stretching or making rotund forms in a well ordered
composition. Ocampo’s The Contrast, 1940 ,is a figurative artwork that reveals
human conditions amid the environment of modernity. He is recognized with his
combination of geometric and biomorphic shapes with lively colors.
In 1950, churches of modern architectural structures were constructed.
Among them were the Church of the Holy Sacrifice, 1955 and the Church of the Risen
Lord that made use of concrete material and tried on rounded or parabolic forms.
Another modern art that arose during this period is abstraction which
consists of simplified forms and avoided copied representation. It highlighted the
relationship of color, line and space or the flatness of the canvas rather an illusion
of three dimensionality. An example of this kind of art is Arturo Luz’ Street
Musicians, 1952 who used stark linear elements and who trimmed down the figures
into lines and basic shapes. Fernando Zobel made use of used syringe in his
paintings. In the artworks of Constancio Bernardo and Lee Aguinaldo were solid
geometric shapes and color fields.
70s to Contemporary
When Martial Law was declared during the time of former President Ferdinand
Marcos, there was a rebirth of a long lost civilization and aspiration to modernization
and development. The vision was to propagate and implement an art and culture
program that combined fine arts, architecture , interior design, tourism, convention
city building, engineering, urban planning, health and among others. This optimism
and rebirth was observed in the composition of Bagong Pagsilang by Levi Celerio and
Felipe de Leon Padilla.
Art was circulated through a network of institutions that braided the threads
of the pre-modern, vernacular, the modern and the international. National pride was
instilled thru murals, folk festivals and museums in charge of the collection and
display of ethnographic artifacts and natural specimen like in the National Museum
Cultural Center of the Philippines was the entity in charge of the
implementation of art acquisition, exhibition making, workshops, grants and
awards. Leandro Locsin , chief architect of Imelda Marcos designed this modernist
building as a cross between the bahay kubo and art minimalist structures. Other
edifices built during this period were the CCP Complex , Folk Arts Theater, PICC,
Tahanang Filipino, Manila Film Center. Most of the buildings used concrete blocklike forms suggestive of the Modern style while the others used vernacular elements
as a way of reviving Filipino traditions.
Social Realism
This is the period of the 70s and 80s in which the art form was a protest art
that exposed the socio-political issues and struggles at this time. The focus was on
the oppressed, marginalized and under represented people who experienced
inequality and forms of repression. Art was not only expressed through painting but
also posters and murals in the streets.
The Salingpusa, a group of UP students, who became popular in the 80’s ,
made collaborative murals where Social Realism could be felt. The members of this
group are Elmer Borlongan, Karen Ocampo Flores, Emmanuel Garibay, Mark
Justiniani, Lito Mondejar, and Federico Sievert. There was also a group of political
artist in Bacolod named Pamilya Pintura whose members were Nunelucio Alvarado,
Charlie Co, and Norberto Roldan.
Some of the varied contemporary art forms of expressions were Ang Kiukok’s
dogfight paintings hinting of conflict and aggression, Santiago Bose’s ethnicity,
identity and alternative historical narratives who drew insight from his native Bagiuo,
Roberto Feleo’s creation stories drawn from indigenous myths with foreign
interventions like altar niches used to house saints, and Brenda Fajardo’s histories
of ethnic communities through her tarot card series. Another one is entitled Cutting
Onions Always Makes Me Cry, (1988) by Julie LLuch from Iligan city who would often
emphasize her female identity and personal experiences in many of her terracotta
works. Her self portrait presents cooking, a role associated with women in the home
as oppressive and unpleasant.
Nelia Querubin-Tompkins , a ceramist, has
experimented with iron-rich San Dionisio clay sourced from her native IloIlo. The
coarse clay is prepared by mixing it with river sand and lead glaze to create elegant
black pottery. Ricarte Purugganan depicted nature as an uncontrollable force in
“Toilers of the Sea”, 1980, the thick turquoise brushwork suggests the rough rolling
of the waves threatening to engulf anything that comes its way. Lirio Salvador, Cavite
based artist, fuses easily accessible objects like machine discards, bicycle parts, and
kitchen implements to form an assemblage. He would often include synthesizers
and guitar strings to convert these artworks into functional instruments. Benedicto
Cabrera, a National Artist, painted Brown Brother’s Burden,1970, approximates the
look of an old photograph which presents an aspect of colonial history from the gaze
of the colonized.
Various Contemporary Art Forms
Fine or Aesthetic (Major) Arts are primarily for aesthetic enjoyment through
the senses, especially visual and auditory. It is changing certain materials or media
for aesthetic pleasure.
Visual Arts is a form of art that uses any medium to represent the artist’s
idea, emotion and imagination .Examples are painting, sculpture,architecture,
ceramics, drawing, printmaking, design, video, film making and photography.
Practical or Utilitarian (Minor) arts are intended for practical use or utility. It
is the changing of raw materials for utilitarian purposes. However, they must possess
ornaments or artistic qualities to make them useful and beautiful.
Industrial Art is the changing of raw materials into some significant product
for human consumption or use. Examples of this are shell-craft, bamboo-craft,
leather-craft, shoe-making, pottery-making, sheet –metalwork, and manufacture of
automobiles, home appliances and television sets.
Metal Works
Applied or Household Art
refers mostly to household arts such as flower
arrangement, interior decoration, dressmaking, embroidery, cooking and others.
Civic Art
includes municipal or town planning, maintenance and
beautification of parks, plazas, roads, bridges and farms. It refers to civic planning
and beautification in order to improve the standards of living.
Commercial Art involves business propaganda in the form of advertisements
in newspapers and magazines, sign painting, billboard announcements, leaflets,
displays, poster designing, movie illustrations and many more.
A category of fine art, graphic art covers a broad range of visual artistic
expression, typically two-dimensional, i.e. produced on a flat surface. Graphic
art further
computer graphics, and bindery.
Calligraphy (from Greek: καλλιγραφία) is a visual art related to writing. It is
the design and execution of lettering with a broad-tipped instrument, brush, or other
writing instrument. Modern calligraphy ranges from functional inscriptions and
designs to fine-art pieces where the letters may or may not be readable.
Computer graphics is the branch of computer science that deals with
generating images with the aid of computers. Today, computer graphics is a core
and computer displays, and many specialized applications.
Typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the
copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader. Typography involves font
style, appearance, and structure, which aims to elicit certain emotions and convey
specific messages. In short, typography is what brings the text to life
Bindery refers to a studio, workshop or factory where sheets of (usually) paper
are fastened together to make books, but also where gold and other decorative
elements are added to the exterior of books, where boxes or books are made and
where the restoration of books is carried out.
Computer Graphics
Agricultural Art refers to agronomy (crop production), horticulture (garden or
orchard cultivation), husbandry (raising of cows, carabaos, poultry and swine) and
Business Art includes merchandising, accounting, bookkeeping, typewriting,
stenography, salesmanship and business administration.
Fishery Art
includes shallow and deep sea fishing, fish refrigeration and
culture, net weaving.
Medical or Clinical Art includes first aid treatments, medicinal manufacturing,
surgery, medical operations, rehabilitation and others. It is a diverse,
multidisciplinary field dedicated to transforming health and the healthcare
experience through arts. Medicine is an applied science , and its practice is an art.
https: //www.art-of-patient-care.com/
What art forms can you identify in your community? List 3 art forms
and paste each photo of those forms on a sheet of long bond paper.
Interview your family members/ neighbors/ or possible resource persons
regarding the context of the forms and their significance to our everyday
lives. Discuss your findings below each photo. Put your output on sheets of
coupon bond 8.5 x 13 /long coupon bond, with a margin of 1” on all sides,
the orientation is portrait.
What fiesta traditions do you observe in your hometown or the place
where you currently live? When is the fiesta held and what does it
commemorate? What are its rituals and activities? Choose a form(fiesta
décor, culinary arts, performing arts, etc.), describe, and explain its origins.
Interview an older member of the family for the latter. Supplement with
pictures. Put your output on sheets of coupon bond 8.5 x 13 /long coupon
bond, with a margin of 1” on all sides, the orientation is portrait.
Rubrics for Scoring the Output
The composition
is focused,
is focused
n is focused
purposeful, and
on the topic
on the topic
reflects clear
the topic
and includes
and includes
insights and
and includes
few loosely
related ideas
little or no
main point
main point
supports main
support for
with some
point with well
the main
ped reasons
reasons and/or
Language Use,
Little or no
Some use of
Effective and
Style and
use of
elements of
use of
creative use of
elements of
elements of
elements of style
ence Structure,
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to enhance
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meaning. Uses
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Directions: Read carefully each item. Use a whole sheet of paper for your
answers. Write only the letter of the best answer for each item.
What form of art was introduced when people during the olden times added
drum beating and assigned a beat to their movements.
A. Literature
B. Music
C. Dance
D. Theater
2. What is being practiced in the Cordillera Autonomous Region when animals are
sacrificed for the purposes of healing, announcement of the birth of a child,
or a coming of age during wakes, weddings, and burial ceremonies.
A. Cañao
B. Kashawing
C. Tagbanwa
D.none of the above
3. In what ritual in Palawan do the people believe that their planting of rice will
be blessed by three goddesses who go down from heaven?
A. Cañao
B. Kashawing
C. Tagbanwa
D.none of the above
4.Which of the following imitations would you select to determine your knowledge
about talip dance in Ifugao?
A. movement of the seabirds
C. funny movements of the monkeys
B. movements of the wild fowls D. none of the above
5. What idea comes into your mind about the hagabi of the Ifugaos ?
A. This image is a granary god that plays an important role in rituals.
B. This image marks the socioeconomic status of the owner.
C. The image of the sculpture of saints
D. The protruding beams or the panolong designed with okir of the torogan
6. What idea comes into your mind about Santos which were carved by Christian
Communities in Laguna and Pampanga?
A. This image is a granary god that plays an important role in rituals.
B. This image marks the socioeconomic status of the owner.
C. The image of the sculpture of saints
D. The protruding beams or the panolong designed with okir of the torogan
7. What belief system was conveyed in the use of textiles?
A. The respect for spirits and nature, criteria for the beautiful, and the
structure of socio- politics in their society
B. A guard of the individual from evil spirits, and in some cases, it was
considered as a mark of maturity and bravery
C. An agreement made by the ancestors of the community and the unseen
spirits that dwell in the lake
D. A travel to the afterlife
8. Which was emphasized in the doctrine of Tawhid which influenced the Islamic
A. The greatness of the divine being.
B. The respect for spirits and nature, criteria for the beautiful, and the
structure of socio- politics in their society
C. A guard of the individual from evil spirits, and in some cases, it was
considered as a mark of maturity and bravery
D. An agreement made by the ancestors of the community and the unseen
spirits that dwell in the lake.
What is true about the kind of art form during the Spanish rule in the
A. Most of the art forms during this era were religious arts for the purpose of
converting the Filipinos to Catholicism.
B. Through the abstract forms of patterns in the interior of the churches,the
believers can concentrate mentally.
C. Expressions which were subversive by nature would tantamount to torture
and even death.
D. During this period, there was a demand for artists who could do
illustrations in textbooks or graphic design for product labels.
10. What can you say about the art forms that reign during the Japanese rule?
A. Most of the art forms during this era were religious arts for the purpose of
converting the Filipinos to Catholicism.
B. Through the abstract forms of patterns in the interior of the churches,the
believers can concentrate mentally.
C. Expressions which were subversive by nature would tantamount to torture
and even death.
D. During this period, there was a demand for artists who could do
illustrations in textbooks or graphic design for product labels.
11. Which of the following will you select to determine your understanding about
the art forms that existed during the American rule in the Philippines?
A. Most of the art forms during this era were religious arts for the purpose of
converting the Filipinos to Catholicism.
B. Through the abstract forms of patterns in the interior of the churches,the
believers can concentrate mentally.
C. Expressions which were subversive by nature would tantamount to torture
and even death.
D. During this period, there was a demand for artists who could do
illustrations in textbooks or graphic design for product labels.
12. Which of the following statements would differentiate Fine Arts and Practical
A. Fine Arts is the changing of raw materials for utilitarian purposes while
Practical Arts is the changing of certain materials or media for aesthetic
B. Fine Arts is the changing of certain materials or media for aesthetic
pleasure while Practical Arts is the changing of raw materials for
utilitarian purposes
C. Fine arts refers to civic planning and beautification in order to improve the
standards of living in the community while Practical arts is a modern art
which consists of simplified forms and avoided copied representations.
D. Fine arts refers to a modern art which consists of simplified forms and
avoided copied representations while Practical arts refers to civic planning
and beautification in order to improve the standards of living in the
13. Which of the following would best describe a Social Realism art?
A. An art that would reflect the national identity of the people, an art that
would expose the “true social conditions” of the period.
B. The art form was a protest art that exposed the socio-political issues and
struggles at this time.
C. The vision was to propagate and implement an art and culture program
that combined fine arts, architecture , interior design, tourism, convention
city building, engineering, urban planning, health and among others.
D. Art were mostly household arts such as flower arrangement, interior
decoration, dressmaking, embroidery, and cooking .
14. Which of the following indicates typography?
A. It is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy
legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader.
B. It refers to agronomy (crop production), horticulture (garden or orchard
cultivation), husbandry (raising of cows, carabaos, poultry and swine) and
C. It is a diverse, multidisciplinary field dedicated to transforming health and
the healthcare experience through arts
D. Most are household arts such as flower arrangement, interior decoration,
dressmaking, embroidery, and cooking .
15. What does a Commercial art involve in?
A. It involves business propaganda in the form of advertisements in
newspapers and magazines, sign painting, billboard announcements,
leaflets, displays, poster designing, movie illustrations
B. It involves municipal or town planning, maintenance and beautification of
parks, plazas, roads, bridges and farms.
C. It refers to civic planning and beautification in order to improve the
standards of living.
D. It involves pieces of paper which are fastened together to make books, but
also where gold and other decorative elements are added to the exterior of
books, where boxes or books are made and where the restoration of books
is carried out.
Contemporary Philippine Arts From The Regions by Flaudetee May Datuin, Roberto
Paulino, Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez, Louise Marcelino
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Computer_graphics
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Calligraphy
Key Answer:
Pre Test/Jumpstart:
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. A
1. B and C
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. A
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. B.
14. A
15. A.
Post Test/Gauge :