HOW TO PREPARE FOR ESSAY QUESTIONS History Essay Writing Frame This writing frame will assist you to structure your responses to the Essay Questions Question: (Write the Essay Question in the space below) • • Underline the Key ‘instruction’ words? Any terms/names/dates need explaining. Introduction: (Write your introduction below) Your introduction should respond directly to the question posed. PARAGRAPH 1: (A) First sentence of first paragraph (Point) Check: Have you made your key point?) (B) Development/explanation of point? (Explanation) (C) Evidence to support your argument? (Evidence/Elaboration) 1. 2. 3. (D) Check: Have you referred back to the question/linked the point explicitly to the question? YES? NO (E) Link to the Line of argument (Link) CONCLUSION: This essay writing frame can be used for structuring any History essay. Use it with the paragraph structuring frame (Point > Explain >Example >Link) and guidelines for writing introductions and conclusions. Learners can adapt this frame to include as many paragraphs as they need. Different types of Essay questions ➢ Do not use the personal pronoun “I”. Instead of saying ‘I think that….’ Say ‘It can be argued that…...’ ➢ Do not call historical figures by their first names. For example, don’t refer to Martin Luther King as Martin; Nelson Mandela as Nelson; Cyril Ramaphosa as Cyril. ➢ Do not write personal notes for the person marking your paper, you will just irritate him or her. ➢ Do not colour in, highlight or draw little “smileys” in your work. ➢ Do not make comments or value judgements that are not directly asked for in the question. ➢ Do not use ‘etc’. ‘Etc’ usually indicates that you can’t think of anymore examples. ➢ In a History essay, if you say Martin Luther King Junior, Phillip Randolph, Rosa Parks, Malcom X leaders of the Civil Rights Movement etc. It usually means that you do not know any more name ➢ Do not use sub- headings and bullets in answering essays.