VENDOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM VENDOR ADMIN PROCUREMENT START Registration Account Activation via e-mail Company data entry Submit company data for verification Revise company data Check vendor data No Is the company data valid? Yes Verified vendor data END PURCHASE REQUISITION REQUESTOR PROCUREMENT TEAM START Requestor creates Purchase Requisition and Purchase Requisition Line PR is added to the procurement team tasklist PR sent to procurement team Purchase Requisition diperbaiki No Is the PR complete? Yes Determine PIC for the PR Determine method tender and evaluation Starting tender process END TENDER PROCUREMENT COMMITtEE VENDOR START Making procurement invitations and invited vendors Showing procurement invitation Open registration for invited vendors Vendors register Evaluation of vendor bid document Offering letter submission Negitiate Determine the potential winner Announcing the potential winners Get information about potential winners Yes Winner's appointment Aggred? No Make a Purchase Order or Contract Make a refutation No is refutation accepted and valid? END PURCHASE ORDER MANAGEMENT PROCUREMENT COMMITTEE VENDOR START Complete Purchase Order details Send Purchase Order to vendor Receive Purchase Order Agreed? No Review reasons for vendor refusal Enter the reason for rejection Yes Show vendor delivery plan Agree with the vendor's reasoning? Yes Purchase Order revision Appoint another winner END No MANAGEMENT PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR TIM PENGADAAN START Show delivery date information according to PO Yes Is the product delivery late? No The delivery plan notification dosn't match Conduct discussions with vendors regarding delays Show delivery date information according to PO Revised delivery date Unable to deliver goods Approval to superiors Delivering products (according to PO) and adding surat jalan END