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APA Paper Template - University Canada West

Title of Paper
Your Name (student number)
University Canada West
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Due Date
Title of Paper
Start your first paragraph here. All new paragraphs are indented 0.5 inches (1.27 cm).
Use the tab key or the “first line” indentation option in your word processor. You are responsible
for using in-text citations correctly and writing a complete list of references at the end of this
In APA Style, the first paragraph of the paper (after the title) is assumed to be the
introduction, and an “Introduction” header is not necessary. However, if your instructor requests
you include an “Introduction” section, follow level 1 heading style in place of the “Title of
Paper” included here.
Level 1 Heading
Headings help organize your paper and help indicate the important elements to the
readers. Each type of heading can be repeated multiple times. The most common headings are
level 1 and 2. Level 1 headings are used for top level or main sections. An example of this
section would be “methods,” “results,” or “discussion.”
Level 2 Heading
This is used as a subheading for the above level 1 topic. An example of this heading
would be “sample” or “design.” If you would like to learn more about the levels of headings,
please the see APA Quick Guide on the MyUCW portal under Library, APA and Plagiarism.
If you would like to see an example of an APA formatted paper, please see the APA
Sample Research Paper on MyUCW portal under Library, APA and Plagiarism.
Level 3 Heading
Level 4 Heading. Text begins on the same line and continues as a regular paragraph.
Level 5 Heading. Text begins on the same line and continues as a regular paragraph.
Figure 1
Title of Figure
Insert image of Figure
Table 1
Title of Table
Make sure all your sources are listed in the reference list. The list starts on a new page. The full
source citation information is required here. Make sure that all sources are listed
alphabetically by last name and are formatted using the hanging indent feature in your
word processor (select the source, highlight it, right click on the highlighted text, choose
paragraph, under indent select hanging indent under special).
For additional resources, log into MyUCW. Click on Library Resources. Click on APA &
Plagiarism Resources section for this template, a sample paper, and a condensed guide.