10 SCIENCE Fourth Quarter LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEETS Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II – CAGAYAN VALLEY COPYRIGHT PAGE SCIENCE Learning Activity Sheets (Grade 10) Copyright © 2021 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Regional Office No. 02 (Cagayan Valley) Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, 3500 “No copy of this material shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.” This material has been developed for the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). It can be reproduced for educational purposes and the source must be acknowledged. Derivatives of the work including creating an edited version, an enhancement of supplementary work are permitted provided all original works are acknowledged and the copyright is attributed. No work may be derived from this material for commercial purposes and profit. Consultants: Regional Director Assistant Regional Director Schools Division Superintendent Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Chief Education Supervisor, CLMD Chief Education Supervisor, CID Development Team Writers: Content Editors: Language Editor: Illustrators: Layout Artist: Focal Persons: : BENJAMIN D. PARAGAS, PhD, CESO IV : JESSIE L. AMIN , EdD, CESO V : RACHEL R. LLANA : MARY JULIE A. TRUS : OCTAVIO V. CABASAG : EVELYN V. RAMOS MARY ANN D. CARPISO VIANNIE MAY B. COLLADO MELANIO NOE O. MANIPON GRETCHEL D. BANCOD MELBA A. AGRAVANTE RACQUIEL B. ARZADON NATHANIEL R. ALMENDRA ROMMEL L. ANTONIO JANE D. ASUNCION KATHLEEN KAYE P. LAGUERTA IRENE G. LORENZO FELY L. DACUSIN MARICEL S. FRANCO LORADEL R. SULIO ETHEL N. URIAN ALOYDA B. CALANGAN KATHLEEN KAYE P. LAGUERTA CHESTER C. CORTEZ RIZALINO G. CARONAN ESTER T. GRAMAJE MARICEL S. FRANCO BERMELITA E. GUILLERMO Printed by: Curriculum and Learning Management Division DepEd, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City Please Practice Personal Hygiene at all times. i Table of Contents Learning Competencies Investigate the relationship between: 1. volume and pressure at constant temperature of a gas; 2. volume and temperature at constant pressure of a gas; 3. explains these relationships using the kinetic molecular theory Recognize the major categories of biomolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids Apply the principles of conservation of mass to chemical reactions Explain how the factors affecting rates of chemical reactions are applied in food preservation and materials production, control of fire, pollution and corrosion Page Number .............................. 1-25 .............................. 26-45 .............................. 46-55 .............................. 56-69 Note: Please Practice Personal Hygiene at all times. iii SCIENCE 10 Name: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ Grade Level: ___________ Score: _______________ LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET Behavior of Gases Background Information Have you ever wondered why gases are invisible? Are you familiar with its properties and how it behaves? These questions will be answered through this learning material. Exciting activities are prepared for you to appreciate these phenomena that will lead to the understanding of the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases. For the first week, you will be dealing with the different properties of gases and learn more about the two scientists who contributed a lot in understanding the behavior of gases. For the second week, you will be exploring on the relationship of gases in terms of its volume, pressure and temperature and relating it to Kinetic Molecular Theory. Learning Competency At the end of this journey, you should be able to investigate the relationship between: 1) volume and pressure at constant temperature of a gas; 2) volume and temperature at constant pressure of a gas; 3) explains these relationships using the kinetic molecular theory. (S10MT-IVa-b-21, Quarter 4: Week 1-2) LET’S RECALL Hi! I am teacher Maan and I will be one of your guides in this journey. In Grade 9 you have learned about chemical bonding and its various types. This time you will know deeper about the properties and behavior of gases. Let your journey begin. Note: Please Practice Personal Hygiene at all times. 1 PRE-ASSESSMENT But before we proceed, please answer the following questions as pre-assessment in this topic. Kindly encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. Which example has particles that can be drawn closer to occupy smaller volume? a. block of wood c. ice cube b. fruit juice d. air inside the syringe 2. Which of the following phenomena does NOT involve the application of gas pressure? a. burning fuels c. falling leaves b. vulcanizing tire d. rising hot air balloons 3. Last summer vacation, the Cruz family decided to go to Pagudpod, Ilocos Norte to have a beach party. On their way to Ilocos, all of them were surprised when the tire suddenly exploded. What is the probable explanation for the blown-out tire during a long summer drive? a. High temperature causes a decrease in volume. b. The amount of the gases inside the tire is increased. c. The mass of the gases inside the tire increases causing a blown-up tire. d. The volume of gases increases as the temperature increases, causing a blown-up tire. 4. How can you possibly prove that gases have negligible mass? a. feels the weight of the samples on both hands b. asks two persons to hold a box filled with air c. supports your claim of through equation d. puts a balloon in a digital balance before and after you fill it with air 5. Each of the following containers is air tight and has the same number of gas molecules. Which container has the highest pressure? 6. Each of the following containers has the same size. Which of following containers has the most compressed gas molecules? 7. All the gas samples have the same temperature and mass. In which of the following conditions will the gas sample have the highest density? 8. What happens to the density of a gas as its volume decreases at constant pressure and temperature? a. decreases c. increases b. stays the same d. unpredictable 9. Which of the following statements does not agree with the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases? Gas particles a. are in constant motion c. move in predictable patterns b. are far apart from each other d. move independently of one another 10. A 4.0L of a sample of gas at 1.0 atm of pressure is compressed into a 0.85 L tank. What is the pressure of the compressed gas, if the temperature remains constant? a. 0.15 atm c. 0.21 atm b. 3.4 d. 4.7 atm ACTIVITY 1: PROPERTIES OF GASES Are you familiar with the properties of gas? By the way I am teacher Nat. I will be sharing to you the data gathered from the laboratory activities that we have conducted in school with my students. Analyze the given data below and answer all the questions that follow. PART 1: GASES AND TEMPERATURE Table 1: Data on Temperature of Air (0C) Temperature of the Air (0C) Trial Room Temperature Above the ice Above the water boiling water 1 ( 10 seconds ) 23 18 27 2 ( 10 seconds ) 23 17 26 3 (10 seconds ) 23 16 28 Average 23 17 27 Q1. Compare the temperatures of air in the three set-ups. Did you notice any difference? Explain your answer. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ PART 2: GASES AND MASS Table 2: Data on the Mass of Gas inside the Balloon. Trial Mass of the Mass of the inflated deflated balloon (g) balloon (g) 1 2 4 2 2 4 3 2 4 Average 2 4 Difference in mass (inflated-deflated) 2 2 2 2 Q2. Compare the masses of the deflated and inflated balloon. Is there any difference? Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Q3. What can you infer from this activity? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ PART 3: GASES AND VOLUME Table 3: Data on the Volume of Air Trapped in the Water-Oil Mixture Trial Volume of Total Volume Difference in mass (Total volume water plus when air was when air was introduced oil (mL) introduced Volume of water plus oil) (mL) (mL) 1 7 9 2 2 7 9 2 3 7 9 2 Average 7 9 2 Q4. What happened to the volume reading of the water-oil mixture when air is introduced to it? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Q5. What does it indicate? ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ PART 4: GASES AND PRESSURE In the following situation, a deflated balloon was placed on the mouth of an Erlenmeyer flask with hot water. Observe what happens to the balloon after some time. Q6. What happens to the balloon? ______________________________________________ Q7. Compare the sizes and shapes of the deflated and inflated balloons. What caused this change? ____________________________________________________________________ Q3. What do you think will happen to the balloon if it continuously exposed to the boiling water? _____________________________________________________________________ Have you imagined yourself in the laboratory after you have analyzed all the data from the activity. At this point, you already discovered and proven that that gases have mass, volume, temperature and pressure. ACTIVITY 2: BOYLE’S LAW Boyle and Charles are two of the significant persons in the field of chemistry especially in the study on behavior of gases. But before we learn more about the behavior of gases, let us first familiarize ourselves on the lives of these two scientists. This activity will help you think more about the life and contributions of Robert Boyle and Jacques Charles in the world of science. By the way I am teacher Nat Who is Robert Boyle? Robert Boyle was born on January 25, 1627 at Lismore Castle, County Waterford Ireland and died on December 31, 1691, London, England. He is an Anglo Irish natural philosopher, theological writer and a preeminent figure of 17th century intellectual culture. He was best known as a natural philosopher in the field of chemistry but also have scientific works in many areas like hydrostatics, physics, medicine, earth science, natural history and alchemy. Other than his scientific interests, he has prolific outputs in Christianity like his devotional and ethical essays and theological tracts on biblical language. Boyle started his formal education at the age of eight at Eton College where He was known to be a studious child. From 1644 to mid - 1650s, Boyle consumed his time with his group Hartlib Circle. With this group, George Starkey, a young immigrant from America, heightened Boyle’s interest in experimental chemistry. From 1656 to 1668, Robert Boyle went to Oxford and it is where his passion in experimental chemistry became more noticeable. In 1659, together with Robert Hooke, they completed the construction of their famous air pump and used to study pneumatics. Boyle and Hooke had several discoveries regarding air pressure and vacuum which resulted to their first publication in 1660 entitled, New Experiments Physico – Mechanical, Touching the Spring of the Air and Its Effects. The two scientists also discovered the different physical characteristics of air and its role in combustion, respiration and transmission of sound. In 1662, Boyle’s Law was published. This law expresses the inverse relationship of pressure and volume of gas. He performed an experiment where he trapped a fixed amount of air in the J – tube. He changed the pressure by differing weights of mercury and he controlled the temperature. He then found out that increasing the pressure would decrease the volume of the gas. Some more other writings of Boyle were The Sceptical Chymist and the Origin of Formes and Qualities. Overall, Boyle strongly argued that for us to study about the natural world and medicine, there is a need to apply the principles and methods of chemistry. Who is Jacques Charles? Jacques Alexandre – Cesar Charles was born on November 12, 1746 in Beaugency, France and died on April 7, 1823 in Paris. He is a French the first to ascend in a hydrogen balloon together with Nicholas Robert in 1783 His first occupation was a clerk at the Ministry of Finance in Paris but then turned to science and experimented with electricity. His concentration was on ballooning which made him to be a known individual on reaching the highest altitude using a balloon. About 1787, Charles’ law was developed which focuses on thermal expansion of gases. Charles is best known for his studies on how the volume of gas changes with temperatures. In 1787, He studied oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide and found out that the volume of all of these gases increased identically with higher temperature when pressure was held constant. Although he found these results, he did not publish. It was Gay – Lussac who publish the same findings but gave due credits to Charles. Much of Charles work and publications were on mathematics however he remains to be a scientist and inventor. He finished many experiments on electricity and invented instruments like the new type of hydrometer that is used to measure densities as well as the development of a reflecting goniometer for measuring the angle of crystals. On the latest life of Charles, he remained to be a university physics professor. Name of Scientist: Years of Scientist’s Life: Nationality of Scientist: Major Scientific Interests: PROFILE OF A SCIENTIST ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ Major Contributions to Science: Publications: Special Recognition and Awards: Other Information: ● _______________ _____ ● ____________________ GAS LAWS Gases have different properties. They have indefinite shape and size and fit the shape and size of their containers. Gases are easily compressed when pressure is applied, expand when heated and contract when cooled. Below is a table showing how pressure, volume and temperature are interrelated. Measurable Properties of Gases Properties of Gases Pressure Definition Force per unit area. The pressure of the gas is the force exerted by the gas on the walls of its container divided by the surface area of the container. Formula P=F/A Unit Pa, atm, torr, mm Hg Conversion 1 atm = 760 torr = 760 mm Hg 1 torr = 1 mm Hg 1 atm = 101 325 Pa Volume The volume of the gas is the space it occupies. The volume of the vessel is equal to the volume of the gas it contains. This is based on the principle that gas particles can occupy all the spaces available. m3, cm3, L, mL 1 L = 0.001 m3 1 L = 1000 cm3 1mL = 1 cm3 Temperatur e Measure of the hotness and coldness of the gas K, oC, oF o Amount of Gases The quantity of the gas being measured is always expressed in moles or n. C = 5/9 (oF – 32) F = 9/5 (oC + 32) K = oC + 273 o n=mass/Mola r mass mole ACTIVITY 3: BOYLE’S LAW What keeps the oxygen gas inside the tank liquid? What keeps the petroleum gas liquid inside a tank? Let us try to find out through the next activity. Hello, I am teacher Vie. Objective: Investigate the relationship between volume and pressure of gases at constant temperature. Below is a container with an unknown gas. An upward arrow represents the pulling up of the cover and the downward arrow represents the pressing down of the cover. Analyze the illustration and answer the questions that follow. 1. What do the dots inside the container represent? _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. What do you notice on the particles inside the container after the top cover was pressed downward? What is the effect of this on the pressure inside the container? _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3. What happens to the volume of the gas inside the container after it was pressed? _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ How confident are you with your answers? Check the like icon if you are confident with your answer, otherwise check dislike. Based on the previous activity, you have just learned the effect of pressure on the volume of a gas. You have seen in the illustration that pressing the cover of the container means increasing the pressure inside it. The pressure is increased since there is more collision of particles inside the walls of the container. And as you keep on pressing it, the volume of the gas inside the container decreases. So as soon as you continue pressing, the gas particles become much closer forming the molecules of a liquid. This is then explanation why the gas inside an LPG tank remains to be liquid. This pressure and volume relationship of gas is known as Boyle’s law. It was named after Robert Boyle after he has performed an experiment on gases. According to Robert Boyle (16th century), the volume (v) of a given amount of gas held at constant temperature varies inversely with the applied pressure (P). In other words, at constant temperature, when the pressure is increased, the volume of the gas is decreased. When the pressure is decreased, the volume is increased. This can be represented by the mathematical expressions below. where: V1 = initial volume V2 = final volume P1 = initial pressure P2 = final pressure From the Boyle’s law equation, we can solve for an unknown property of a gas. Study the given example below. Example #1: A sample of gaseous nitrogen in a 65.0 L automobile air bag has a pressure of 745 mmHg. If this sample is transferred to a 25.0 L bag at the same temperature. What is the pressure of the gas in the 25.0 L bag? Solution: It is often useful to make a table of the information provided We know that Therefore, P1V1 = P2V2 P2 = P1V1 V2 P2 = [745 mm Hg][65.0 L] 25.0 L P2 = 1937 mm Hg ACTIVITY 4: IT’S YOUR TURN After you have learned Boyle’s law, this time it’s your turn to solve the following problems. Show your solution. 1. If a sample of gas has a volume of 100 ml when the pressure is 50 Pa, what is the volume when the pressure is increased to 400 Pa, assuming temperature is constant? 2. A gas collected when the pressure is 800 mmHg has a volume of 380 ml. What volume, in ml, will the gas occupy at 200 mmHg? ACTIVITY 5: CHARLE’S LAW Hi there! After finding out the relationship of pressure and volume at constant temperature, I think you are now ready to know the next gas law. You are now going to find out the relationship of temperature and volume if the pressure is constant. Scenario: A group of Grade 10 students wanted to find out relationship between volume and temperature at constant pressure. They were given three balloons, three containers filled with ice water, tap water and hot water and a tape measure. They inflated the three balloons with the same circumference and placed each of them on top of the three beakers. After 3 minutes, they took the balloons and measured the circumference of each and recorded them on a table. Task: The table below shows the recorded observations of the students in their experiment. Study the table and answer the questions that follow. Table 1: Data on Determining the Size of the Balloon at Different Temperatures Set – up Hot water Tap water Ice water Average temperature (oC) 92 25 19 Average Circumference of the Balloon (cm) Before after difference 24 30 6 24 24 0 24 20 -4 Questions: 1. In which set – up do you observe changes on then balloon? ______________________________________________________________ 2. What happens to the size of the balloon when the temperature is increased? ______________________________________________________________ 3. What does negative four (-4) in ice water set up indicates? ______________________________________________________________ 4. Based on the activity, complete the statement below. “At constant pressure, when the temperature __________, the volume __________”. Activity 5 helped you find out the relationship of temperature and volume at constant pressure. You have just learned that increasing the temperature of a gas would also increase its volume. This was explained further by Jacques Charles in his experiment of a trapped gas in a cylinder with a movable piston I water bath at different temperatures. Charles’ Law states that at constant pressure, the volume of a fixed amount of gas is directly proportional to the Kelvin (K) temperature. Mathematically, Charles’ law can be expressed as V α T at constant P or Where: V1 = initial volume V2 = final volume T1 = initial temperature T2 = final temperature Let us try to use the equation above to solve for the following worded problem on Charles’ law. Example 1: A container contains 5 L of nitrogen gas at 25° C. What will be its volume if the temperature increases by 35° C keeping the pressure constant? Solution: V1 = 5 L V2 = ? T1 = (25°C + 273) K = 298 K T2 = (25°C + 35°C + 273) K = 333 K Formula: V1= V2 T1 T2 Substituting the values, V2 = (5 L) (333 K) 298 K Manipulate the equation and solve for V2: V1T2 = V2T1 V2 = V1T2 T1 Answer: V2 = 5.59 L ACTIVITY 6: SOLVING CHARLES’ LAW After you have discovered how to compute for Charles’ law, now it’s your time to analyze the problems below. Show your complete solution. 1. A sample of gas occupies 3 L at 300 K. What volume will it occupy at 200 K? 2. A sample of oxygen occupies a volume of 1.6 L at 91°C. What will be the temperature when the volume of oxygen is reduced to 1.2 L? The Kinetic Molecular Theory You have learned the different types of laws such as Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law. These laws have been proposed through experimental results. In order to explain the behavior of gases at molecular level, James Clerk Maxwell proposed the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases. This theory is based on the following postulates: 1. Gases are made up of atoms or molecules that continuously move in random motion. Throughout their motion, these molecules travel in straight line unless they collide with. At this point, they will bounce of and change direction. Figure 1. Molecules of gases in random motion 2. The distance from one molecule to another molecule of gases are so wide compared to their individual sizes. A gas is mostly empty space or with negligible volume. Figure 2. Distance of gas molecules 3. The force of attraction between gas molecules is almost negligible. Figure 3. Slight interaction is negligible 4. The collisions between gas molecules and the walls of their container are perfectly elastic. This means, there is no loss or gain of energy among the particles during collision. Figure 4. a) Elastic collision b) Inelastic collision 5. The average kinetic energy of a gas is proportional to its temperature in Kelvin. Figure 5. a) Lower average kinetic energy and lower absolute temperature b) higher average kinetic energy and higher absolute temperature Let’s review! a). Boyle’s Law. The pressure is exerted when the molecules collide with each other and hit the sides of the container. The more collisions, the more pressure exerted. When the molecules are closer together, they collide more frequently. If the volume is lesser, more collisions, more pressure. if the volume is greater, lesser collisions, lesser pressure. Therefore, pressure and volume are inversely proportional if the temperature and total kinetic energy is kept constant. b). Charles’ Law. The gas molecules will move faster as the temperature increases. As the molecules move faster, they likely heat the edge of the edge of the container more often. If the reaction is kept at constant pressure, they must stay farther apart, and an increase in volume will compensate for the increase in particle collision with the surface of the container. Therefore, volume and temperature are directly proportional if the pressure is kept constant. ACTIVITY 7: KMT ON-THE-GO! It seems you already learned a lot about Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases. In this activity, you are going to match the observation of gas properties in column A to the postulates of Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases in column B. Write your answers on the blank provided. 1. 2. Column A (Observation of Properties of Gases) Gas molecules do not slow down and condense into a liquid because they exert only very weak attractive forces upon each other. Kinetic energy is energy of motion. Gas molecules speed up as the temperature increases. Gases exert pressure. Adding more gas gets more pressure. Gases are easily compressed. Column B (postulates of Kinetic Molecular Theory) A. Gases are made up of atoms or molecules that continuously move in random and motion. B. The distance from one molecule to another molecule of gases are so wide compared to their individual sizes. 3. C. The force of attraction between gas molecules is almost negligible 4. D. The collisions between gas molecules and the walls of their container are perfectly elastic. 5. An inflated basketball weighs more E. The average kinetic energy of a gas is than a deflated basketball. proportional to its temperature in kelvin. ACTIVITY 8: SHORT Q-A for KMT To check your understanding about KMT read and answer the following questions briefly. Write your answers on the blank provided. 1. What will happen to the pressure of a system where the volume is decreased at constant temperature? and _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. What will happen to the volume of the system if temperature is increased at constant pressure? What is the relationship of volume and temperature? _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ACTIVITY 9: THE TRUTH ABOUT KMT! Write TRUE if the statement is CORRECT and if otherwise, change the underlined word to make it correct. ________________1. Gas molecules are always in constant random motion. ________________2. The gas is mostly empty space. ________________3. The collision among molecules are inelastic. ________________4. Gas molecules interact with each other. ________________5. Average kinetic energy is inversely proportional to the temperature. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS For part 1, write B if the situation applies to Boyle’s Law and C if it applies to Charles’ Law. For Part 2, answer the questions briefly. PART 1. _____1. Inhalation and exhalation _____2. Helium balloon on a cold day _____3. Syringe _____4. Jogging during weather _____5. Spray paint _____6. Immersing dented ball in warm water _____7. Opening of soda can _____8. Hot air balloon _____9. Bicycle pump _____10. Baking bread _____11. Outer space _____12. Flat basketball left in very hot quadrangle _____13. Air bubbles _____14. Bursting od deodorant spray bottle under high temperature _____15. Scuba diving PART 2. 1. Why do our ears pop when we go up in a mountain? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Why basketball bounces when it is being dribbled? __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3. Why does soda or soft drink produce hissing sound? __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ MY PERSONAL REFLECTION Congratulations! You have reached the end of this activity. We are confident indeed that you have learned a lot about the behavior of gases. Let us now reflect your learning journey. Complete the following phrase. First, I believe that _______________________________________________________________ Second, I believe (infer) that _______________________________________________________________ Finally, I believe that _______________________________________________________________ POST ASSESSMENT I’m glad that you made it! At this point you are now ready to take the post assessment. Kindly encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. What happens to the density of a gas as its volume decreases at constant pressure and temperature? a. decreases c. increases b. stays the same d. unpredictable 2. Which of the following statements does not agree with the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases? Gas particles a. are in constant motion c. move in predictable patterns b. are special far apart from each other d. move independently of one another 3. A 4.0L of a sample of gas at 1.0 atm of pressure is compressed into a 0.85 L tank. What is the pressure of the compressed gas, if the temperature remains constant? a. 0.15 atm c. 0.21 atm b. 3.4 d. 4.7 atm For numbers 4 to 6, the choices are: (Please write your answer on the space provided before each number.) a. Boyle’s Law c. Charles’ Law b. Combined Gas Law d. Ideal Gas Law _____4. What law explains the mechanism of gas compressor? _____5. What gas law best explains the explosion of the heated aerosol container? _____6. What gas law explains the shrinking of basketball when left outside on a cold weather? 7. The pressure is changed from 500 kPa to 250 kPa. What would you expect the new volume to be if the initial volume is 200 mL? C a. 100 ml b. 250 ml c. 400 ml d. 625 ml 8. Kinetic-molecular theory is most useful and accurate when gases are at _____ or at _____. a. high temperature; high pressure c. low temperature; high pressure b. high temperature; low pressure d. low temperature; low pressure 9. Each of the following containers is air tight and has the same number of gas molecules. Which container has the highest pressure? 10. Each of the following containers has the same size. Which of following containers has the most compressed gas molecules? ANSWER KEY Congratulations that you have reached this part! PRE-ASSESSMENT 1. D 6. D 2. C 7. A 3. D 8. C 4. D 9. C 5. A 10. D ACTIVITY 1: PROPERTIES OF GASES PART 1: GASES AND TEMPERATURE Q1. Yes, there is a difference in the temperature of the air among the three set-ups. Heat flows from the system to the surrounding vice-versa. If the water is cold, the surrounding air also gets cold. Conversely, if the water is hot, the surrounding air, also gets hot. PART 2: GASES AND MASS Q2. Yes there is difference in the mass of the deflated and inflated balloon. The inflated balloon is heavier than the deflated because the difference in the mass of the two balloons is due to the introduction of gas. Q3. We can infer from the activity that gases like solids and gases also have mass. PART 3: GASES AND VOLUME Q4. The volume reading of the water-oil mixture when air is introduced to it increases. Q5. The activity indicates that gas has volume. PART 4: GASES AND PRESSURE Q6. The balloon becomes bigger because heat flows. The heat of the water is transferred into the air above it which then transfers the heat into the air inside the balloon. Once the air inside the balloon is heated, its molecules will become excited causing an increase in their kinetic energy. The amount of the kinetic energy that they possess becomes great enough that enable them to push the walls of the balloon. This phenomenon results in the spaces in between molecules of gases. Hence the balloon becomes bigger. Q7. As the water is heated until it boils, water vapor are produced. These vapors are warm and warm air (including the vapor) moves upward just as cold air moves downward. This is because warm air is less dense than the cold air. The upwardly moving vapors enter the balloon and make it inflated, thereby changing its size and shape. The more vapors are produced, the bigger will be the balloon. Q3. If the balloon is continuously exposed to the boiling water it becomes bigger and bigger. ACTIVITY 2: PROFILE OF A SCIENTIST PROFILE OF A SCIENTIST Name of Scientist: Years of Scientist’s Life: Nationality of Scientist: Major Scientific Interests: Robert Boyle 1627 – 1691 Anglo – Irish Jacques Charles 1746 - 1823 French ● Chemistry, physics ● Aerostation(ballooning) ● Medicine, hydrostatics ● physics ● Alchemy, earth science ● ____________________ ● Boyle’s law ● Charle’s law ● ____________________ ● Invention of hydrometer and goniometer ● ____________________ ● _________________ ● New Experiments Physico – Mechanical, Touching the Spring of the Air and Its Effects ● _________________ ● Boyle’s law ● _________________ ● ● The Sceptical Chymist Origin of Formes and Qualities ● _________________ Major Contributions to Science: Publications: Special Recognition and Awards: ● ____________________ ● first to ascend in a hydrogen balloon ● ____________________ ● _________________ ● Have great contribution in Christianity through his devotional and ethical essays ● Physics professor ● ____________________ ● _________________ Other Information: ACTIVITY 3: BOYLE’S LAW 1. The dots represent the gas particles or gas molecules 2. The particles get closer to each other and they collide more on the wall of the container. The pressure inside the container is higher. 3. The volume becomes lesser. 4. The particles get much closer to each other and they tend to touch each other. It will not remain in gas phase. It will now turn into a liquid phase since the molecules or particles are already touching each other. ACTIVITY 4: IT’S YOUR TURN 1. Given: P1= 50 Pa P2= 400 Pa V1= 100 mL V2= _____ We know that P1V1 = P2V2 Therefore, V2 = P1V1 P2 V2 = [50 Pa][100 mL] 400 Pa Answer : V2 = 12.5 mL 2. Given: P1= 800 mmHg P2= 200 mmHg V1= 380 mL V2= _____ We know that P1V1 = P2V2 Therefore, V2 = P1V1 P2 V2 = [800 mmHg][380mL] 200 mmHg Answer: V2 = 1,520 mL ACTIVITY 5: CHARLE’S LAW 1. There are changes in hot water set up and ice water set up. 2. When the temperature is decreased, the size of the balloon also increased. 3. Negative 4 indicates that the size of the balloon decreased by 4 cm. 4. increases; increases or decreases; decreases ACTIVITY 6: SOLVING CHARLE’S LAW 1. Given: T1= 300 K T2= 200 K V1= 3 L V2= _____ We know that V1= V2 T1 T2 Therefore, V2 = T2V1 T1 V2 = [200 K][3 L] 300 K Answer : V2 = 2 2. Given: T1= 91 + 273 K = 364 K T2= _____ V1= 1.6 L V2= 1.2 L We know that V1= V2 T1 T2 Therefore, T2 = T1V2 V1 T2 = [364 K][1.2 L] 1.6 L Answer: T2 = 273 K ACTIVITY 7: KMT ON-THE-GO 1. C 2. E 3. D 4. B 5. A ACTIVITY 7: SHORT Q-A for KMT 1. Since the volume of the container has decreased, the gas molecules have to move a shorter distance to have a collision. Therefore, there will be more collision causing an increase in pressure. 2. The volume will increase since volume and temperature are directly proportional. ACTIVITY 8: TRUTH ABOUT KMT 1. TRUE 2. TRUE 3. elastic 4. Do not interact 5. Directly proportional ACTIVITY 9: PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS PART 1: 1. B 9. B 2. C 10. C 3. B 11. B 4. C 12. C 5. B 13. B 6. C 14. C 7. B 15. B 8. C PART 2: 1. The air pressure declines as you go up. If there is a blockage in the Eustachian tubes which connect both sides of the ear drum, then the change in external pressure will cause the ears to “pop” as the pressure is equalized by air being forced past the blockage. 2. The basketball is filled with air. So, it bounces while you are dribbling it. The same is true with the other kinds of ball. 3. When you open a can or bottle of soft drinks, it fizzes because of the escaping dissolved carbon dioxide due to change of pressure. When the wind blows, it exerts pressure too. MY PERSONAL REFLECTION **Answers may vary. POST-ASSESSMENT 1. C 6. B 2. C 7. C 3. D 8. B 4. A 9. A 5. B 10.D REFERENCES Acosta, Herma D. et al. DepEd Science Learning Material 10. Pasig City: REX Bookstore, Inc., 2015. pp. 3-32. Boyle, Robert. Retrieved from: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Robert-Boyle Accessed May 21, 2020. Boyle’s Law. Retrieved from: https://www.ck12.org/c/physical-science/boyles-law/rwa/BreathingMuscles/ Accessed May 21, 2020. Charle’s law examples. Retrieved from: https://chemistrygod.com/charles-law-examples Accessed May 21, 2020 Charles, Jacques. Retrieved from: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jacques-Charles Accessed last May 21, 2020 file:///C:/Users/ACER/Downloads/CHEM_SCI_4a_KINETIC_THEORY_DW_CA%20[880]%20Stu dent.pdf Kinetic Molecular Theory. Retrieved from: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundlesschemistry/chapter/kinetic-molecular-theory/ Accessed May 21, 2020. SCIENCE 10 Name of Learner: ____________________________ Section: ____________________________________ Grade Level: ________________ Date: ______________________ LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEETS BIOMOLECULES Background Information for the Learners: Carbohydrates “The Chief Source of Energy” Foods are everywhere. Most of the foods we eat contain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are important biomolecule of our body. They are called “chief source” because it provides the main energy needed by our body. In https://www.google.com/search?q=carbohydrates layman’s terms, we acknowledge carbohydrates as Figure 1.3 Examples of Foods containing Carbohydrates sugars or substances that taste sweet. Depending on the number of constituting sugar units obtained upon hydrolysis, they are classified as monosaccharides (1 unit), disaccharides (2 Saccharide (Greek “sakcharon” means sugar) is the unit of carbohydrates units), (3-10 units) and polysaccharides (more than 10 units). Carbohydrates are important because: 1. they are the main source of energy of all living organisms; 2. they store energy which is in form of the polysaccharide glycogen in animals and starch in plants; 3. together with protein, they provide the structural support and serve as components for the cells; and 4. they provide support or backbone to other organic compound such as in the nucleic acid. The main function of carbohydrates is to store and provide energy. They are broken down into smaller glucose units that can be easily absorbed by the cells. When glucose is further broken down, the energy released by breaking its chemical bonds are used or stored by the body. Some carbohydrates also serve as the framework of cellular structures. For example, cellulose makes up the cell wall of plant cells. Chitin, another carbohydrate, forms the exoskeleton of arthropods and the cell wall of fungal cells. Classifications of Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are molecules that are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They have a general formula of CnH2nOn . They can be classified depending on the number of their monomer units called saccharides. Monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrates. They contain either five or six carbon atoms. Monosaccharides [Greek monos = single; sacchar = sugar] or simple sugars consist of one sugar unit that cannot be further broken down into simpler sugars. Disaccharides are two monosaccharides bonded to each other. The monosaccharides are linked through an ether group. Polysaccharides are long chains of monosaccharide units. They are also called complex carbohydrates. Similar to disaccharides, the monosaccharides are linked through an ether bond in polysaccharides. Monosaccharides: Simplest Form of Carbohydrates Monosaccharides are also known to be the “building blocks” of carbohydrates. They are usually colorless, crystalline and soluble in water. They represented by the chemical formula C6H12O6. Below are the examples of Monosaccharides: Table 1: Major Examples of Monosaccharides Compound Common Name Description/s -major carbohydrate found in Blood sugar/ both animals and plants Glucose dextrose -important product of photosynthesis for plants Sugar component of mammary Galactose Milk Sugar` animal -sweetest sugar Fructose Fruit sugar -found in most fruits Sources Fruit juices, honey, corn, syrup, vegetables Milk and milk products Fruits, Fruit juices, honey As what they say, too much or too little of anything may lead to some diseases. When too much glucose is in the blood, the pancreas secretes a hormone called “insulin” which stimulates cells in the liver, muscles and fat to absorb glucose and transform it into glycogen or fats, which can be stored for a period of time. When blood glucose drops, the pancreas secretes glucagon, which causes the liver, muscles and fat to convert glycogen back to glucose. Disaccharides: Combination of Monosaccharides Disaccharide, also called double sugar, any substance that is composed of two molecules of simple sugars (monosaccharides) linked to each other. Disaccharides are crystalline water-soluble compounds. The monosaccharides within them are linked by a glycosidic bond (or glycosidic linkage), the position of which may be designated α- or β- or a combination of the two (α-,β-). Glycosidic bonds are cleaved by enzymes known as glycosidases. The three major disaccharides are sucrose, lactose, and maltose. To simplify, disaccharides are formed from the dehydration synthesis of two monosaccharides. For instance, when two units of glucose undergo dehydration synthesis, it will form maltose, an example of disaccharide. Disaccharides follow the rule of molecular formula CnH2nOn-1 because dehydration synthesis is used to form them. Remember that dehydration synthesis removes water. Moreover, a disaccharide molecule can also be reduced back to the individual monosaccharide that forms them through hydrolysis reaction. Below are the three major examples of disaccharides Table 2: Major Examples of Disaccharides Compound Sugar Units Description/s -also known as malt sugar Maltose Glucose + Glucose -from the reaction of malt on starch -primary ingredient found Glucose + Lactose in the milk of all mammals Galactose -is not sweet to taste -known as table sugar Sucrose Glucose + Fructose -found in all photosynthetic plants Sources Germinating grains Milk and milk products Sugarcane, sugar beet People who cannot digest milk products are called “lactose intolerant” because they do not produce the enzyme (lactase) necessary to break the bond between glucose and galactose. Since lactose molecules are very large to be absorbed into circulatory system, they continue through the digestive system, where they eventually broken down by bacteria in large intestine. These bacteria digest monosaccharides producing carbon dioxide gas in the process. As a result, a common symptom of lactose intolerance is a build-up of intestinal gas along with a bloated feeling, and more often passing out undigested lactose as diarrhea. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Sucrose (Glucose + Fructose) Lactose (Glucose + Galactose) Maltose (Glucose + Glucose) (The three figure shows two monosaccharides bonded or joined together by a glycosidic bond) Polysaccharides: Long Chain Sugars Polysaccharides and Oligosaccharides are long chains of monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds. They contain thousands of chains of monosaccharides. Like disaccharide, polysaccharide is formed by numerous dehydration synthesis of monosaccharide. Polysaccharide are so big that they need to be broken down into individual monosaccharide units before they can be absorbed by the cell. Three important polysaccharides, starch, glycogen, and cellulose, are composed of glucose. Starch and glycogen are short-term energy that stores in plants and animals, respectively. The glucose monomers are linked by α glycosidic bonds. Below is the list of major types of Polysaccharides: Table 3. Major Types of Polysaccharides Compound Description/s -also known as amylum -found mostly in stems, roots and crops Starch -formed by long repetitive chains of glucose monosaccharide units -serves as the storage carbohydrate in plants -counter part of amylopectin -usually stored in the liver and muscles of animals (vertebrates) Glycogen -can be easily broken down into individual glucose if need arises -serves as the storage of carbohydrate in animals -most abundant polysaccharide -main component of plant cell Cellulose -is tough and cannot be digested easily -it needs the enzyme “Cellulase” to be broken down Sources Rice, wheat, grains, cereals Liver, muscles Plant fiber The Figure 4 on the left shows the Polysaccharide Amylose/starch. Glucose monosaccharide units are link or bonded by a glycosidic bond. Figure 4 Polysaccharide Amylose/starch Proteins: Most Abundant Organic Compounds in Living Cell Among the four organic compounds, proteins are the most abundant in the living cell. It is generally composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes, phosphorus and sulfur. Figure 5 Examples of Foods containing Proteins Proteins are macromolecules made up of nitrogen-containing monomers called amino acids. An amino acid is a molecule composed of an amino group (−NH2) and a carboxyl group (−COOH), together with a variable side chain. 20 different amino acids contribute to nearly all of the thousands of different proteins important in human structure and function. Body proteins contain a unique combination of a few dozens to a few hundreds of these 20 amino acid monomers. These amino acids have the same fundamental structure. The 20 amino acids are classified into two: the essential and nonessential amino acids. Essential amino acids can be obtained by eating protein-rich foods while nonessential amino acids are readily synthesized by the cells. The table below shows the two classifications of amino acids. Notice that amino acids can be abbreviated by the first three letters of their name except for tryptophan, asparagine, glutamic acid and glutamine. Table 4. Essential and Nonessential Amino Acids Essential Amino Acids Histidine-His Isoleucine-Iso Leucine-Leu Lysine-Lys Methionine-Met Nonessential Amino Acids Alanine-Ala Arginine-Arg Asparagine-Asn Aspartic Acid-Asp Cysteine-Cys Phenylalanine-Phe Threonine-Thr Tryptophan-Trp Valine-Val Glutamic Acid-Gln Glutamine-Gln Glycine-Gly Proline-Pro Serine-Ser Tyrosine-Tyr The unique bond holding amino acids together is called a peptide bond. A peptide bond is a covalent bond between two amino acids that forms by dehydration synthesis. A peptide, in fact, is a very short chain of amino acids. Strands containing fewer than about 100 amino acids are generally referred to as polypeptides rather than proteins. Figure 6 Peptide Bond. Different amino acids join together to form peptides, polypeptides, or proteins via dehydration synthesis. The bonds between the amino acids are peptide bonds. When two (2) amino acids are chained with each other, a dipeptide (di- means two) is produced. When three (3) amino acids are chained, then a tripeptide (tri-means three) is formed. When four or more amino acids are joined, the polymer polypeptide is formed. To break down the peptide bond, hydrolysis reaction is needed. The following are the biochemical importance of proteins: 1. Protein serves as the structural components of living cell. It means that cell needs protein to do its function. 2. Proteins perform biochemical functions such as hastening chemical reactions through enzymes which serves as a catalyst. Enzymes are very important in speeding the chemical reaction process in the body. For instance, to break down amylose or starch through digestive process, the enzyme amylase will reduce the amylose to small sugar units. If there is no enzyme, chemical reactions will take longer. (See Figure 7) 3 minutes Amylose + Amylase Glucose Units 30 minutes Amylose Glucose Units Figure 7. The Importance of Breaking down Large Molecules into Smaller units through enzymes 3. Proteins also act as the biochemical regulator of the body in the form of hormones. For example, a growth hormone or GH promotes and regulates the growth of organisms. 4. The blood is mostly composed of proteins. Hemoglobin in the red blood cells serves as the transporter of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other compounds in the body. The plasma, which is the liquid part of blood, is also composed of proteins. The WBC or white blood cell and antibodies that promote immunity are also made of protein. 5. Keratin, which gives support and protection to the skin, is a kind of protein; collagen provides the strength to connective tissues particularly the cartilage. The actin and myosin filaments enable contraction and relaxation of muscles. 6. Proteins contain genetic materials-the genes that determine traits. Lipids Lipids are organic compounds that constitute fats and fat-like compounds. Lipids cannot be dissolved in or combined with water. Lipids are composed mainly of the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and some of nitrogen and phosphorus. The monomers of lipids are the fatty acids and glycerol. Fatty acids are classified into two (2): Figure 8 Examples of Foods containing fats and lipids saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (Refer to Figure 2). Saturated fatty acid appears in a straight chain while unsaturated fatty acids appear bending because of double bonds (double line) or “kink”. Saturated fatty acids can solidify in room temperature and are usually called as animal fats. Saturated fatty acids are less healthy than the unsaturated fatty acids which are mostly present in plants. Unsaturated fatty acids are sometimes referring as plant oils. Unsaturated fatty acids do not solidify in room temperature. Figure 9 Structure of Saturated (top) and Unsaturated Fatty Acids (Below) The formation of polymer lipids requires the dehydration synthesis of one molecule of glycerol and fatty acids. Glycerol molecule contains OH molecules. Each OH molecule can undergo dehydration synthesis with the H of fatty acid. When they are attached, a lipid is produced. When one fatty acid molecule undergoes dehydration synthesis with one OH of glycerol, a monoglyceride (mono means one) is produced. When two fatty acids synthesize with two OH molecules of glycerol, diglycerides (di means two) are formed; and when three fatty acids synthesize with three OH of glycerol, triglycerides (tri means three) are formed. The following are the biochemical importance of lipids: 1. Like carbohydrates and proteins, lipids provide structural component of the cell, particularly of the phospholipid bilayer of the plasma membrane. What makes your skin resistant to water is the sebum, the specialized oil secreted by the sebaceous glands of your skin. The cutin of plant leaves also makes them resistant and enables slow dehydration of water. 2. Lipids provide the energy given by carbohydrates because of the number of hydrogen atoms it possesses. 3. Lipids also serve also serve as the medium of some hormones like steroids and vitamin D and secosteroids. 3. Lipids serve as an insulator of heat, help retail body normal temperature, and protect animals from extreme coldness. The skin of animals in the Arctic regions like penguins and snow bears are mostly composed of fats. The three main types of lipids are triacylglycerols (also called triglycerides), phospholipids, and sterols. 1. Triacylglycerols (also known as triglycerides) make up more than 95 percent of lipids in the diet and are commonly found in fried foods, vegetable oil, butter, whole milk, cheese, cream cheese, and some meats. Naturally occurring triacylglycerols are found in many foods, including avocados, Figure 10 Types of Lipids olives, corn, and nuts. We commonly call the triacylglycerols in our food “fats” and “oils.” Fats are lipids that are solid at room temperature, whereas oils are liquid. As with most fats, triacylglycerols do not dissolve in water. The terms fats, oils, and triacylglycerols are discretionary and can be used interchangeably. In this chapter when we use the word fat, we are referring to triacylglycerols. 2.Phospholipids make up only about 2 percent of dietary lipids. They are watersoluble and are found in both plants and animals. Phospholipids are crucial for building the protective barrier, or membrane, around your body’s cells. In fact, phospholipids are synthesized in the body to form cell and organelle membranes. In blood and body fluids, phospholipids form structures in which fat is enclosed and transported throughout the bloodstream. 3. Sterols are the least common type of lipid. Cholesterol is perhaps the best wellknown sterol. Though cholesterol has a notorious reputation, the body gets only a small amount of its cholesterol through food—the body produces most of it. Cholesterol is an important component of the cell membrane and is required for the synthesis of sex hormones, vitamin D, and bile salts. Nucleic Acids “Strings of Life” Nucleic acids are commonly known as DNA and RNA molecules. DNA and RNA molecules rest in the nucleus of cells. Nucleic acids are composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and phosphorus. The following are the biochemical importance of nucleic acids: 1. DNA and RNA molecules store genetic information or genes of organisms that contain traits that can be passed down from parents to offspring. 2. DNA and RNA molecules particularly function Figure 11 Double Helix Nucleic Acid for the formation of proteins. Nucleotide is the monomer of polynucleotide (DNA and RNA). A molecule of nucleotide is composed of pentose sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group (Refer to Figure 12) Figure 12 To produce a polynucleotide, dehydration synthesis happens between two or more nucleotides. Specifically, it happens between a phosphate group of one nucleotide and the sugar group of the next nucleotide. When two nucleotides undergo dehydration synthesis, a dinucleotide is formed. When three or more, a polynucleotide is formed. Nucleotides are joined together by a bond called phosphodiester bond. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are the nucleic acids found in living organisms. Both the DNA and RNA carry genetic information about an organism. What is then the difference between DNA and RNA? The table below shows the differences between DNA and RNA: Nitrogenous bases establish complementary base pairs. Such complementary bases pairings are applicable in DNA. Because of this, one strand of polynucleotide can form complementary base pair with another strand of polynucleotide. The complementary base pairing of two-stranded polynucleotide produces DNA forming the double helix which appears like ladder. This remarkable complementary base pairing and establishing of helical appearance of DNA were discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick. In RNA, such base pairings also exist. However, instead of Thymine (T) pairing up with Adenine (A), Uracil (U) establishes complementary base pair with Adenine (A). The figure below shows the structure of the four nitrog enous bases. Figure 13. Structure of Nitrogenous Bases Learning Competencies with Code: Recognize the major categories of biomolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids (S10MTIVc-d-22) Table 5: Comparison between DNA and RNA Basis of Comparison DNA Role Store and transfer genetic information Strand Sugar Nitrogen Bases Pairings Stability in Alkaline Conditions Double Deoxyribose Cytosine (C)-Guanine (G) Adenine (A)- Thymine (T) RNA Codes for amino acids and acts as a messenger between DNA and ribosomes to make proteins Single Ribose Cytosine (C)- Guanine (G) Adenine (A)- Uracil (U) Stable Unstable Activity 1 Directions: List down all foods that you have in your kitchen on the table below and classify it as glucose, galactose, fructose, maltose, lactose, sucrose, starch, glycogen, cellulose. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Item/Food Found in your Kitchen Type of Sugar Activity 2: Modified TRUE or FALSE. Directions: Tell whether the following statements are true or false. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If FALSE, change the underlined word/s to make it correct. _____________________1. Carbohydrates are also known as hydrates of carbon. _____________________2. Monosaccharides are composed of one sugar. _____________________3. Starch is the most abundant polysaccharide. _____________________4. Sugar units of Polysaccharides are linked together by an ionic bond. _____________________5. Dehydration synthesis results in breaking down large molecule of sugar to form single unit of sugar. _____________________6. Galactose and glucose when undergo hydrolysis reaction, forms lactose. _____________________7. Glucose can be readily absorbed by cell without undergoing any reactions. _____________________8. Carbohydrates are sugars. _____________________9. Lactose intolerance is caused by excess lactase inside the body. _____________________10. Polysaccharides are long chains of disaccharide sugars. Activity 3: Iodine Test for Starch Starch can be identified by its reaction with iodine solution. The presence of starch in the sample is indicated by the change in color of iodine which is originally dark brown when dropped into a sample to color ranges from blue to black. This activity was done for you. Check the corresponding columns whether the tested sample contains starch or otherwise. No. Tested Sample Color Change Presence of Starch Absence of Starch Dark blue 1 Cooked pasta 2 Potato 3 Cooked rice 4 Apple Brown 5 Milk Brown Black Blue-black Activity 4 Choose one of the following activities as your performance-based output. Activity Slogan Poster Acrostic Instructions Make slogan in a long bond paper about importance of carbohydrates in the human body. Use English words only. You may add colors. Make poster in a long bond paper showing one importance of carbohydrates in the human body. Make an acrostic on the word CARBOHYDRATES. You may choose whether importance or examples of foods containing carbohydrates. Activity 5 Directions: Interview three members of your family and ask them to give sources of proteins they know. Write their answers on the table below: Family Member Listed Sources of Proteins Activity 6. What’s in the box? Directions: Identify what is being asked in the following statements. Write your answer on the box provided for. 1. Proteins are composed mainly of what elements? 2. Known as catalyst which speeds up chemical reaction 3. Monomers of Proteins 4. Two types of Amino Acids 5. Amino acids are joined together by what type of bond? 6. It is a type of reaction that enables chain of amino acids to be broken down 7. Polymer of Amino acids where four or more amino acids are joined together 8. An example of protein that gives support and protection to outside part of the body Activity 7. Performance-Based Output. Directions: On a long bond paper, create a simple menu wherein you can use protein-rich ingredients. Create a good or eye-catching title of your own menu. Follow the format below. Title Ingredients Procedures Activity 8: Directions: Enumerate at least five sources of fats and lipids that are not identified in the BIL. Write your answers on the boxes. Activity 9 Directions: Answer the scientists’ inquiries. Write your answer on the callout provided. Tell me the difference between fats and oils Describe to me briefly the 3 types of lipids Describe to me briefly the difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids Activity10: Directions: Describe briefly word/s, phrases based on the background information of lipids given to you 1. cutin- ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Phospholipid bilayer- _______________________________________________________ 3. kink- ____________________________________________________________________ 4. diglycerides- ______________________________________________________________ 5. Dehydration synthesis- ______________________________________________________ 6. sebum___________________________________________________________________ 7. Glycerol- _________________________________________________________________ 8. animal fats- _______________________________________________________________ Activity 11 Directions: Identify what is/are being asked. Write your answer on the space provided for. ______________________________1. Monomer of polynucleotide ______________________________2. Composition of a polynucleotide ______________________________3. Bond that exists between polynucleotide formation ______________________________4. Four Nitrogenous bases of DNA ______________________________5. Four Nitrogenous bases of RNA ______________________________6. Elements present in nucleic acid Activity 12 Directions: Complete the table below. Write your answer on the space provided for. Nucleic Acid Sugar Nitrogen Base Pairing DNA Deoxyribose RNA 3_______________ Cytosine 1________________ Thymine 2________________ 4________________ Adenine Guanine 5_________________ Guide Questions: Answer the following questions. To support your idea, you may add some scientific evidences. 1. Explain why Carbohydrates are the “chief and main” source of energy? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. 2. Why do you think marathon runners eat a meal rich in carbohydrates the day before the race? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. 3. Why do diabetic people take insulin in their body? What causes them to do so? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. If you have lactose intolerance, what do you think is the best remedy to avoid the effects of it? ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Explain how proteins serve as structural component of the living cell. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6. What will the body looks like if proteins are not present? ____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________. 7. Glycerol is needed when you need a diet that is high in unsaturated fatty acids, what fat/oil Why? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. 8. Explain how lipids serve as “insulator” of human body. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. 9. Give some reasons why nucleic acids are said to be the “Strings of Life”? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________. 10. Explain the role of nucleic acid in the formation of proteins. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Rubric for Scoring: Source: Rubric for Evaluating Poster-Slogans. Retrieved from: https://www.scribd.com/document/258018827/Rubric-for-Evaluating-Poster-Making REFLECTION: Complete the statement I have learned that ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________. Answer Key: Activity 1: Answer may vary. Answer depends on student’s listed foods. Below are examples of possible answers. No. Item/Food Found in your Kitchen Type of Sugar 1 Sweet corn glucose 2 Cherries fructose 3 Cake lactose 4 Avocado galactose 5 Honey glucose Activity 2: 1. True, 2. True, 3. Cellulose, 4. Glycosidic bond, 5. Hydrolysis reaction, 6. Dehydration synthesis, 7. True, 8. True, 9. Insufficient/lack of lactase, 10. Monosaccharides Activity 3: No. 1 Tested Sample Cooked pasta Color Change Presence of Starch Dark blue √ Black √ Blue-black √ Absence of Starch 2 Potato 3 Cooked rice 4 Apple Brown √ Milk Brown √ 5 Activity 4: Answer may vary. The student’s performance output depends on his selected performance activity. Sample answers are reflected below. Slogan: (www.google.com.ph/search?hl=en&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=657&ei=WOwQX8SCBtCNoATki6CwDw&q=slogan+about+carbohydrates&oq=sloga n+about+carbo&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAxgAMgQIABAYOgUIABCxAzoCCAA6BggAEAgQHjoGCAAQChAYUKAFWO4gYI8uaABwAHgAgAFiAG6DJIBBDEzLjWYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZw&sclient=img" \l "imgrc=XIqle1nPPLSdiM) Poster: (www.google.com.ph/search?q=poster+about+carbohydrates&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwim2_3V_9LqAhVL4pQKHcmsATwQ2cCegQIABAA&oq=poster+about+carbohydrates&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAA6BggAEAcQHlCs6w9Yhf0PYP__D2gAcAB4AYABqQGIAbcJkgEDOS4zmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pb WfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=X-wQX-avC8vE0wTJ2YbgAw&bih=657&biw=1366&hl=en" \l "imgrc=otiHoXuZlC_LzM) Acrostics: C-corn A-apple R-rice B-bread O-orange H-Horned melon Y-yuzu D-dragon fruit R-rambutan A-atis T-tomato E-eldberry S-santol Activity 5: Answer may vary. Some possible answers are reflected in the table below. Family Member Listed Sources of Proteins Fish peanut shrimps cheeze beans brocolli eggs peanut butter Mother Father Sister Activity 6: 1. (in any order) Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur; acids; 4. (in any order) Essential Amino acids, Nonessential Amino 2. Enzymes; 3. Amino Acids; 5. Peptide bond; 6. Hydrolysis reaction; 7. Polypeptide; 8. Keratin Activity 7. Answer may vary. Sample answer is shown in the table below Title Ingredients Procedures Tuna Vegetable Salad ¼ cup celery, Broccoli,1 cup boiled potatoes, 1 pc. lettuce, ¼ cheese, cooked egg,1/2 cup milk, 1 can tuna flakes, 2 table spoon mayonnaise, salt, garlic, dash of pepper 1. Place the tuna in a clean bowl. 2. Combine all the vegetables and ingredients until thoroughly mixed. 3. Cover the bowl and chill in the fridge for at least one hour. Serve as desired Exercise 8: Sources of fats and lipids are the following: soymilk, tofu, avocado, coconut, fatty fish, olive oil Exercise 9: Answer may vary. Possible answers are the following: 1. Fats are lipids that are solid at room temperature, whereas oils are liquid. 2. Triacylglycerols (also known as triglycerides) make up more than 95 percent of lipids in the diet and are commonly found in fried foods, vegetable oil, butter, whole milk, cheese, cream cheese, and some meats. Phospholipids make up only about 2 percent of dietary lipids. They are water-soluble and are found in both plants and animals. Sterols are the least common type of lipid. Cholesterol is perhaps the best well-known sterol. 3. Saturated fatty acid appears in a straight chain while unsaturated fatty acids appear bending because of double bonds (double line) or “kink”. Exercise 10: Answer may vary. Answers may be: 1.cutin- a waxy, water-repellent substance occurring in the cuticle of plants and consisting of highly polymerized esters of fatty acids. 2.Phospholipidbilayer- s a thin polar membrane made of two layers of lipid molecules 3. kink- double line that makes unsaturated fatty acids appear bending 4. diglycerides- two fatty acids synthesize with two OH molecules of glycerol 5. Dehydration synthesis- enables the formation of polymer lipids 6. sebum- specialized oil secreted by the sebaceous glands of skin 7. Glycerol- an important component of triglycerides 8. animal fats- also known as saturated fatty acids Activity 11: 1. Nucleotide; 2. (in any order) Pentose sugar, Nitrogenous base, phosphate group; 3. Phosphodiester bond; 4. (in any order) Cytosine, Thymine, Guanine, Adenine; Adenine, Uracil; 6. (in any order) Carbon, 5. (in any order) Cytosine, Guanine, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus Activity 12: 1. Guanine; 2. Adenine; 3. Ribose; 4. Cytosine; 5. Uracil References: A. Book Department of Education. Science 10: Learner’s Material Mariano, Jan Jason M. Science Links-Biology. Quezon City: Rex Book Store. 2012. Mendoza, Estrella F, et. al. Chemistry Textbook. Phoenix Publishing. Quezon City. Torres et. al. Investigating Life and Beyond 10. Quezon City: Triumphant Publishing. 2016. B. Internet www.quipperschool.com http://www.nutrientsreview.com/carbs/monosaccharides-simple-sugars.html https://www.toppr.com/guides/chemistry/biomolecule/disaccharides/ https://www.chem.wisc.edu/deptfiles/genchem/netorial/modules/biomolecules/modul es/carbs/carb6.htm https://www.edinformatics.com/math_science/what_are_polysaccharides.htm www.google.com.ph/search?q=protein+rich+foods+clipart&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwie 2am www.google.com.ph/search?q=lipids+clipart&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiNks3_wefpAh VD4p www.google.com.ph/search?q=scientist+clipart&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjyyJnSywww.google.com.ph/search?q=scientist+clipart&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjyyJnSywww.google.com.ph/search?q=structure+of+nitrogenous+bases&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwif www.google.com.ph/search?q=nucleic+acid+clipart&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiUzsHh6OXpA SCIENCE 10 Name: __________________________________ Grade Level: ______________ Date: ___________________________________ Score: ___________________ LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET Conservation of Mass in Chemical Reactions Background Information If you boil two eggs, how many eggs would you expect to have after cooking? It is two, right? It would not be logical to expect the number to increase or decrease because we know that in cooking, we mostly get what we put in the pot. The same principle works for chemical reactions. The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. This means that the amount of matter before a chemical reaction remains the same after. In an ideal system, the mass of the products equals the mass of the reactants. Learning Competency: ● The learners should be able to apply the principles of conservation of mass to chemical reactions (S10MTIVe-g-23; 4th Quarter/Week 5-7) Concept #1: Chemical Equations In chemistry, chemical reactions are represented by chemical equations in which symbols are used to indicate the chemical components and the processes involved. A chemical equation is divided into two sides- the reactant side and the product side. Reactants are substances used to produce product. Usually, an arrow symbol (→) divides the two sides and it may be read as “yields” or “produces” or “forms”. Chemical formula represents the chemical substances while the number of moles per substance is represented by numbers or coefficients written before each chemical formula. The phase of each substance is represented by letters such as (s) for solid, (ℓ) for liquid, and (g) for gas. The numbers below each element, or the subscript, denote the number of atoms for that element. In balancing a chemical equation, only the coefficients can be changed while the subscript cannot. Recall: Match the following symbols with their meaning and usage in chemical equations: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ A 1. → 2. ∆ 3. (s) 4. (g) 5. (aq) B a. in aqueous (liquid) solution b. yields or produces c. gas d. solid e. heat Activity 1: WHAT’S IN A REACTION? Directions: Identify the components of each chemical reaction. 1. Acetic acid (CH3COOH) in vinegar reacts with water (H2O) to produce acetate (CH3COO-) and hydronium ion (H3O+). CH3COOH + H2O → CH3COO- + H3O+ Reactants Products 2. Two salts, aluminum sulfate (Al2(SO4)3) and calcium chloride (CaCl3), combine to form a white precipitate of calcium sulfate (CaSO4) and aluminum chloride (AlCl3). Al2(SO4)3 + CaCl3 → CaSO4 + AlCl3 Reactants Products 3. Solid iron (Fe) reacts with oxygen (O2) gas to produce solid iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3). Fe + O2 → Fe2O3 Reactants Product GUIDE QUESTIONS Answer the following questions based on the activity. 1. How did you identify the reactants and products? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. What words helped you identify the reactant? How about the product? _____________________________________________________________________ 3. In your own words, define the reactant and the product of a chemical reaction. _____________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT A. Convert the following word equations into chemical equation form. The first one has been done for you. (2 points each) 1. Methane (CH4) reacts with oxygen (O2) to form carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Answer: CH4 + O2 → CO2 + H2O 2. Silver nitrate (AgNO3) reacts with sodium chloride (NaCl) to produce solid silver chloride (AgCl) and sodium nitrate (NaNO3). _____________________________________________________________ 3. Hydrogen (H2) gas and iodine (I2) gas are heated to produce hydrogen iodide (HI) gas. _____________________________________________________________ 4. Solid barium oxide (BaO) yields solid barium (Ba) and oxygen (O2) gas. _____________________________________________________________ 5. Zinc (Zn) reacts with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to produce zinc chloride (ZnCl2) and hydrogen gas (H2). _____________________________________________________________ 6. Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) reacts with lithium hydroxide (LiOH) to produce lithium sulfate (Li2SO4) and water (H2O). B. Identify the reactants and the products in the chemical reactions above. Reactants EXAMPLE: 1. CH4, O2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C. Identify the parts of a chemical equation Products CO2, H2O Concept #2: Balancing Chemical Equations Stoichiometry is the process of calculating the quantities of reactants and products and relating them to each other. Applying the law of conservation of mass, the total amount of reactants is expected to be equal to the total amount of the reactants. From ancient times, fire has fascinated people due to its many uses. Fire provides heat which is needed in daily activities such as cooking, burning things or combustion, and keeping warm. Early scientists such as George Ernst Stahl and Priestly studied fire and the changes it brings to materials such as changes in mass. In some of their experiments, the mass of the material increased after a reaction while in others, it decreased. Stahl, Priestly, and many others believed that it is because of the release of a substance called phlogiston. They then came up with the Phlogiston Theory, the earliest theory of burning. Through his experiments however, Antoine Lavoisier discovered that instead of releasing phlogiston, a material actually burns up as it reacts with oxygen, the element in the air which enables combustion or burning. This became the basis for his theory of Oxidation which illustrates that the amount of material before and after a chemical reaction remains the same, though the chemical composition may change. Recall: A. Read each item carefully and write your answer on the space provided. 1. This law is applied when the amount of reactants equals the amount of products in a chemical reaction. _____________2. Kim calculates the mass of the products of a chemical reaction based on the molar relationships in the equation. What process is involved? _____________3. Name three scientists who studied the changes in matter brought about by fire. _____________4. It was a substance believed to be released by a material as it burns. _____________5. Keith puts out the candle flame by covering it with a glass bowl. In the process, what element was lost causing the flame to die? ___________________ Activity 2: FAIR AND SQUARE Instructions: 1. Study the following chemical equation: H2 + Cl2 → HCl 2. Below is a diagram representing the reaction of hydrogen and chlorine to form hydrochloric acid. If the number of atoms in the original equation is to be followed, the reaction would look like an unbalanced see-saw because there is an unequal number of H and Cl atoms on both sides. 3. For comparison, write the number of atoms of each element in the reactant and product side in the table below. Element Number of atoms Reactant side Product side H Cl 4. To balance the equation, atoms are added where it is lacking in the equation. 5. Finally, the number of atoms is balanced on both sides. Write the number of reactants and products in the balanced reaction in the table below. Element Number of atoms Reactant side Product side H Cl 6. Adjust the unbalanced equation to show the balanced equation by changing the coefficients (which stand for the number of moles). Unbalanced equation: H2 + Cl2 → HCl Balanced equation: H2 + Cl2 → 2 HCl GUIDE QUESTIONS: 1. In step 1, is the number of hydrogen atoms in the reactant the same as in the product? How about the number of chlorine atoms? Fill in the table to compare. Number of Atoms Product H = H = Cl = Cl = 2. After adding atoms to balance the equation, how many atoms per element were there? Fill in the table below for the final number of atoms in the reactant and product side. Number of atoms Reactant Product H= H= Cl = Cl = 3. Based on the table in step 6, write the correct coefficients to complete the chemical equation below. If the coefficient is 1, there is no need to write it. __H2 + __Cl2 → ___HCl ASSESSMENT: Directions: Inspect and balance the following chemical equations by tabulating the number of atoms in the reactant and product. Afterwards, write the balanced equation with the correct coefficient before each chemical formula. If the coefficient is 1, there is no need to write it. The first one has been done for you. 1. Unbalanced equation: N2 + H2 → NH3 Element Number of atoms Reactant side Product side N 2 1 H 2 3 Balanced equation: N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3 Element Number of atoms Reactant side Product side N 2 2 H 6 6 2. Unbalanced equation: Fe + H2O → H2 + Fe3O4 Element Number of atoms Reactant side Product side Fe H O Balanced equation: Element Number of atoms Reactant side Product side Fe H O 3. Unbalanced equation: C3H8 + O2 → CO2 + H2O Element Number of atoms Reactant side Product side C H O Balanced equation: Element Number of atoms Reactant side Product side C H O Concept #3: Balancing Chemical Equations by Inspection A. Directions: Inspect the following chemical equations and write whether they are balanced or unbalanced. ___________________1. ___________________2. ___________________3. ___________________4. ___________________5. SiCl4 + 2H2O → SiO2 + 4HCl N2 + 3O2 + H2O → HNO3 2 P4 + O2 → P2O5 2NaNO3 → 2NaNO2 + O2 CuO + 2HNO3 → Cu(NO3)2 + H2O B. Directions: Inspect and balance the following chemical equations. You may write the correct coefficient in the equation itself. 1. Cu + Cl2 → CuCl2 2. Mg + H2O → H2 + MgO 3. P4 + O2 → P2O5 4. N2 + O2 + H2O → HNO3 5. Fe + NaBr → FeBr3 + Na REFLECTION: ANSWER KEY Concept # 1: Recall 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. c 5. a Activity 1 A. Reactants CH3COOH H2O Products CH3COOH3O+ Reactants Al2(SO4)3 CaCl3 Products CaSO4 AlCl3 Reactants Fe O2 Product Fe2O3 B. C. 1. reactants 2. products 3. subscripts 4. phase or state 5. coefficient Assessment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. *example AgNO3 (aq) + NaCl (aq) → AgCl (s) + NaNO3 (aq) H2 (g) + I2 (g) → HI (g) BaO (s) → Ba (s) + O2 (g) Zn + HCl → ZnCl2 + H2 (g) H2SO4 + LiOH → Li2SO4 + H2O Concept #2: Recall A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Law of Conservation of Mass Stoichiometry Stahl, Priestly, and Lavoisier Phlogiston Oxygen Activity 2: Guide Questions: 1. *example 2. Unbalanced equation: Fe + H2O → H2 + Fe3O4 Element Number of atoms Reactant side Product side Fe 1 3 H 2 2 O 1 4 Balanced equation: 3Fe + 4H2O → 4H2 + Fe3O4 Element Number of atoms 3. Reactant side Product side Fe 3 3 H 8 8 O 4 4 Unbalanced equation: C3H8 + O2 → CO2 + H2O Element Number of atoms Reactant side Product side C 3 1 H 8 2 O 2 3 Balanced equation: C3H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O Element Number of atoms Reactant side Product side C 3 3 H 8 8 O 10 10 Concept #3: Recall 1. balanced 2. unbalanced 3. unbalanced 4. balanced 5. balanced Activity 3 1. Cu + Cl2 → CuCl2- balanced 2. Mg + H2O → H2 + MgO- balanced 3. P4 + 5 O2 → 2 P2O5 4. N2 + 3 O2 + H2O → 2 HNO3 5. Fe + 3 NaBr → FeBr3 + 3 Na Guide Questions 1. By inspection, if the number of atoms of the elements is equal in the reactant and product side, the equation is balanced. If the number of atoms of at least one element is not equal, the equation is not balanced. 2. The coefficient which stands for the number of moles of the substance can be changed while the subscripts remain the same. 3. The law of conservation of mass explains why the number of atoms in both reactant and product is equal. According to this law, the amount of matter before and after a reaction does not change, only the chemical composition does. Reference Acosta, H.D., et. al. Science: Grade 10 Learner’s Material. Pasig City: DepEd-IMCS. 2015. SCIENCE 10 Name: _________________________________ Section: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________ Date: __________________ LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET Factors Affecting Rate of Chemical Reaction Background Information: Collision theory explains why different reactions occur at different rates. It also suggests ways to change the rate of a reaction. Collision theory states that for a chemical reaction to occur, the reacting particles must collide with one another. The rate of the reaction depends on the frequency of collisions. The more often reactant molecules collide, the faster the reaction rate. For collisions to be successful, reacting particles should possess a minimum kinetic energy known as activation energy to start a chemical reaction and must be in the proper orientation when they collide. Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta, adopted from Compoundchem2016 Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta, adopted from Compoundchem2016 Figure 1. Effective collisions produce product particles between the reactant particles and ineffective collisions produce no reaction The frequency of effective collisions between reactant particles affects the rate of a reaction. An increase in the frequency of effective collisions increases the rate of reaction. Chemical reactions do not occur at the same time. There are factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions, which include: 1. concentration of reactants 2. particle size or surface area of the reactants, 3. temperature at which the reaction occurs and 4. presence of catalyst. Learning Competency: Explain how the factors affecting rates of chemical reactions are applied in food preservation and materials production, control of fire, pollution and corrosion. (S10MTIVh-j24) (4th Q/Week 8-10) Activity 1: Up or Down Directions: The following are processes that can be done to affect the rate of reaction. Indicate whether each of the following processes would increase or decrease the rate of reaction. Encircle the thumbs up ( down ( ) if it increases the rate of reaction and thumbs ) if otherwise. 1. adding heat 2. removing heat 3. adding a catalyst 4. diluting a solution 5. removing an enzyme 6. lowering the temperature 7. increasing the temperature 8. decreasing the surface area 9. increasing the concentration of a solution 10. breaking a reactant down into smaller pieces Good work, Learner! As you go through the next activities, you will learn more about the factors that affect reaction rate. Read through each activity and answer the guide questions that follow. Activity 2: Effect of Concentration on Reaction Rate When a reaction involves solutions, we can alter the speed of reaction by changing the concentration of a reactant. Concentration refers to the amount of a substance in a defined Illustrated by: Kitkat Laguerta space. Figure 2. Increasing the concentration of reactants increases the reaction rate Figure 2 shows the concentration of reactant B in the solution. Moving from left to right, particles of reactant B are increasing in number, representing the increase in concentration. Increasing the concentration of reactants in a solution increases the rate of reaction as there are a greater number of particles available to react. This increases the frequency of collisions between particles. The rate of reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactants. It means that the higher the concentration of the reactant, the faster the reaction will be. Let’s Analyze! Suppose a group of Grade 10-Franklin students conducts an investigation to determine the effect of using salt in preserving pork meat. They prepared three (3) slices of pork meat and added salt as shown in figure 3. After three (3) days, the pork meat in set up A was spoiled. Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta Figure 3: The three setups show the varying amounts of salt added to the meat slices Guide Questions: 3 tbsp 1. If the setups will be left for 3 1 tbsp days, which set-up will last longer? Why? Explain your answer. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. What do you think is the role of the salt in preserving the pork meat? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3. Is there a relationship between the rate of reaction (shelf life of the meat) to the concentration of reactant (salt)? Explain your answer. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 4. What preservatives (vinegar, salt, or sugar) were used in the following food? Food processed meat (tocino) dried fish (daing / tuyo) pickled fruit (atcharang papaya) wine (tapuy) Preservative Activity 3: Effect of Particle Size on the Reaction Rate Figure 4 shows a solid reactant that is broken up into smaller pieces. The total surface area (surface that is exposed) increases compared to when it was whole. Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta, adopted from Compoundchem2016 Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta, adopted from Compoundchem2016 Figure 4. Reducing the particle size increases the surface area exposed to particle collisions Increasing the surface area of solid reactants increases the number of particles that are exposed and available to react, and as a consequence this increases the frequency of particle collisions, increasing the rate of reaction. Only the surface of a solid reactant is exposed to collisions with the particles of other reactants. Thus, the smaller the particles, the more surface area exposed, the higher the rate of reaction. Take note: ● When a solid reactant is broken up into smaller pieces, its total surface area is increased. ● There are more surfaces exposed for other reactant particles to collide into. The collisions between the reactant particles become more frequent. ● This causes an increase in the frequency of effective collisions. Thus, the rate of reaction increases. The rate of chemical reaction is inversely proportional to the size of particles of the reactant. If the particles are small, there is a larger surface area. Thus, the reaction will occur faster. Let’s Analyze! Soap making involves the reaction of Sodium hydroxide with vegetable oil. Two groups of Grade 10 students made soap by mixing Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) and vegetable oil. Group A used powdered NaOH and Group B used NaOH pellets. Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta Figure 5. Group A mixed powdered sodium hydroxide in 100 ml vegetable oil while Group B mixed sodium hydroxide pellets in vegetable oil of the same amount. The students observed that the set up with the powdered NaOH formed soap faster than the set up with NaOH pellets. Guide Questions: 1. Which set-up would have a faster chemical reaction with the vegetable oil? Setup A or setup B? Why? _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. If you were to make your own soap at home, which form of sodium hydroxide will you use? Why? _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3. In your daily activity, why is it advisable to chew your food into smaller pieces before swallowing? _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Activity 4: Effect of Temperature on the Reaction Rate A chemical reaction can be made to proceed more quickly or slowly by increasing or decreasing the temperature of the reactants. Temperature is the property of matter which reflects the quantity of energy of motion of the component particles. It is a comparative measure of how hot or cold a material is. Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta Figure 6. Increasing the temperature of the reactants increases the reaction rate When the temperature is increased, the reactant particles gain energy, move faster and collide with each other more often. At higher temperatures, more particles possess energy equal to or greater than the activation energy, resulting in a higher frequency of effective collisions. Thus, the rate of reaction is higher. The temperature of the reactants is directly proportional to the rate of reaction. It means that the higher the temperature, the faster the rate of reaction is. Let’s Analyze! Consider this situation: Anna and her mother are cooking pork meat for lunch. Anna’s mother told her to add the salt in the pan before it boils but Anna forgot to do this and ended up sprinkling salt on the dish while it was boiling instead without telling her mother. Her mother tasted their dish and it was too salty. Guide Questions: 1. Why should salt be added to cooking food before it comes to a rolling boil? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 2. Which reaction process is affected by the increase in temperature? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3. What happens to the dissolution of salt under high temperature? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Activity 5: Effect of a Catalyst on Reaction Rate A catalyst provides an alternative route for the reaction, with a lower activation energy. This means that the particle collisions need less energy for a reaction to occur, increasing the rate of reaction. Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta, adopted from Compoundchem2016 llustrated by Kitkat Laguerta, adopted from Compoundchem2016 Figure 7. The presence of a catalyst reduces the activation energy required to produce a reaction A catalyst is a chemical that modifies the rate of a chemical reaction but remains unchanged at the end of the reaction. A catalyst lowers the activation energy to speed up chemical reaction. Figure 4 shows the difference between a reaction with catalyst (catalyzed reaction) and a reaction without catalyst (uncatalyzed reaction). It also shows that the activation energy for uncatalyzed reactions is greater. It means the presence of a catalyst reduces the activation energy, increasing the rate of reaction. Bananas are one of the most common fruits in the country. It has many varieties such as lakatan, latundan and saba. Banana fruit contains vitamins such as vitamins A, B, and C; and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It is a good source of carbohydrates. The flavor and odor of the banana fruit are due to its ester amyl acetate content. Unripe bananas contain more starch than ripe bananas. During the ripening stage, the starch is converted to sugar through the aid of Ethylene, a plant hormone produced by banana as it ripens. Ethylene fuels the production of the enzyme amylase to convert banana starch to sugar and the production of the enzyme pectinase which breaks down pectin, a component of the cell wall. This explains why bananas have a sweet taste and are soft when ripened. Guide Questions: 1. What is the role of calcium carbide in the ripening of banana? _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. How about ethylene in the ripening of banana? _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3. Does the calcium carbide change in the ripening of banana? How about the ethylene in banana? _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 4. Describe the role of a catalyst (calcium carbide/ethylene) in a chemical reaction. _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Activity 6: Which factor is it? Directions: Based on what you have learned about the factors affecting the rate of reaction, decide which of the pair has a higher rate of reaction and then determine the factor that affected the rate of reaction. Situation A Situation B 1. Grilling whole chicken Grilling pieces of sliced chicken Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta Which has a higher rate of reaction? ________________________ What factor affected the rate of reaction? 2. Statues exposed to the sun and rain tend to become discolored and corrode ________________________ Statues with shading or roof tend to maintain their condition Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta Which has a higher rate of reaction? ________________________ What factor affected the rate of reaction? ________________________ 3. Food in refrigerator do not spoil easily Food left exposed develop molds Illustrated by Michael Jerome Bueno Illustrated by Michael Jerome Bueno Which has a higher rate of reaction? ________________________ What factor affected the rate of reaction? ________________________ 4. Camp fires using twigs tend to burn out faster Camp fires using firewood tend to burn longer Illustrated by Michael Jerome Bueno Illustrated by Michael Jerome Bueno Which has a higher rate of reaction? ________________________ What factor affected the rate of reaction? ________________________ 5. Mangoes ripened using madre cacao leaves Mangoes ripened naturally Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta Illustrated by Kitkat Laguerta Which has a higher rate of reaction? ________________________ What factor affected the rate of reaction? ________________________ . REFLECTION: Directions: Reflect on what you have learned from the activities you have done by answering the following questions. 321 Challenge What are the 3 things that I have learned: What are the 2 things that I want to know more: What is a thing that I enjoyed most: Your response... Answer Key Activity 1: Up or Down 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Activity 2: Effect of Concentration on Reaction Rate Guide Questions: 1. The pork meat with more salt will last longer. Salt removes the water content of the pork meat. The more concentration of salt the more water will be removed thus preventing the spoilage of the meat. 2. Salt removes water/moisture from the meat; thus, it serves as preservative. 3. Yes, there is a relationship, the more salt (increase concentration) of the reactant the faster the rate of reaction (decrease in bacterial activity). 4. Processed meat (tocino): Sugar Dried fish (daing/ tuyo): Salt Pickled fruit (atcharang papaya): Vinegar, Sugar Wine (tapuy): Sugar Activity 3: Effect of particle size on the reaction rate Guide Questions: 1. There is faster chemical reaction in set-up A where NaOH is powdered because it will react faster with vegetable oil. 2. Powdered. When the particle size is smaller, there is greater surface area. There are more surfaces exposed for the other reactant particles to collide into thus collision between reactant particles become more frequent. 3. Just like the above experiment, if the particle size is smaller, the faster the collision. In like manner, if food is chewed very well, its particle size becomes smaller for easy digestion. Activity 4: Effect of temperature on reaction rate Guide Questions: 1. At lower temperature, less salt is dissolved; salt is given time to dissolve. 2. Dissolution of salt 3. It becomes faster Activity 5: Effect of catalyst on reaction rate Guide Questions: 1. Calcium carbide acts as a catalyst 2. Ethylene in fruits like banana hastens its ripening. 3. No, the catalyst remains unchanged at the end of the reaction. 4. A catalyst lowers the activation energy to speed up chemical reaction. Activity 6: Which factor is it? 1. Situation B; Particle size / surface area 2. Situation B; Temperature 3. Situation B; Temperature 4. Situation A; Particle size / surface area 5. Situation A; Presence of Catalyst References: Printed Materials: ● Science G10 Learner’s Material First Edition. 2015 ● De Guzman, D. Delos Reyes and Me A. Espinosa. Discover Science: Chemistry. Philippines: Diwa Learning Systems, Inc. 2012. ● Magno, Marcelita C. et al. Practical Work in High School Chemistry Sourcebook for Teachers. Manila: UP-NISMED. 2001. ● Toon, Tan Yin. et al. Discover Chemistry GCE’O’ Level Science 2nd Edition. Marshall Cavendish, Malaysia. 2018. Online Sources: ● https://www.kevankruger.com/uploads/2/5/8/1/25810280/6.2_assigment.pdf ● https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry_Textbook_Maps/Supple mental_Modules_(Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry)/Kinetics/Modeling_Reaction_Kinetics/Collis ion_Theory/The_Collision_Theory ● https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/catalysts-worksheet-ks3-level-11631328 ● http://mrsterrylhs.weebly.com/uploads/6/3/1/1/63116991/reaction_rate_worksheet_key.pdf ● Compound interest. Making reactions faster: factors affecting rates of reaction. Compoundchem. 2016. Retrieved from https://www.compoundchem.com/2016/02/17/rate-of-reaction/