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Public Speaking 101: Improve Your Skills

Public Speaking 101
Leadership Mini Series
A Student Leadership Discussion Series
Why is Public Speaking
an Important Skill to Have?
Public speaking is a great life skill to have as it
is necessary in many different areas.
● work projects
● Job/internship presentations
● Club/organization meetings or events
● Speech at a family gathering such as a wedding,
birthday, anniversary, etc.
10 Ways to Improve
Your Public Speaking Skills
1.Watch the Experts
Watch clips from great public speakers and
find out what they do right. Pick up on their
posture, tone, volume, hand gestures, eye
contact, attire, any audio/visual aids,
message, and more!
2.Dress to Impress
Be sure to look the part. Know your audience
and don’t fall short of their expectations. If it
is a formal event, be sure to look the part.
Remember it is always best to overdress than
to underdress.
3.Visit the Space Before Presenting
Get to know the space that you will be
presenting in. Test out any audio and visual
aids that you will be using.
4.Know Your Material
Be sure to have a strong knowledge base for
the material that you are covering. This will
be helpful if a question arises about the topic.
Also, know your presentation! Know the
content and order of your slides.
There are 6 C’s to consider:
● clear
● coherent
● concise
● complete
● concrete
● correct
Try to share one thing no one knows
6.Body Language and Personality
● Watch yourself in the mirror when you are
practicing or record yourself on camera. Be
aware of your body language, what is it
conveying to your audience?
● Let your personality shine through! Some
speakers find it useful to share a personal
story that is relevant and appropriate.
7.Practice, Practice, Practice
Run through your presentation on your own.
Pay attention to your:
● Voice- Tone, inflection, volume, speed,
● Filler Words- ‘um,’ ‘you know,’ ‘like’
● Areas of difficulty in your presentation
8.Get Feedback
Share your presentation with a friend,
classmate, professor, or anyone who is willing
to give you feedback. Adjust your presentation
with their feedback and then get feedback
9.Prepare for the Unexpected
Are you ready for:
● No Internet
● Forgot handouts
● Lost PowerPoint
● Lost index cards
● Cell phone ringing
● Too many questions
● Late entrance
● Different size audience than expected
10.Do’s and Don’ts
● Always repeat
audience questions
● Give audiences
something to walk
away with
● Respect your
audience’s time
● make excuses
● read your slides or
verbatim from notes
● defer answering
● overload your slides
Your Turn!
Now, think about a theme and talk about it.
Here are some suggestions:
1. Tecnologia e seu impacto na sociedade moderna.
2. O papel da sustentabilidade na preservação do meio ambiente.
3. A importância da educação multicultural no mundo globalizado.
4. Os benefícios e desafios do empreendedorismo jovem.
5. A influência da música na vida das pessoas.
6. O poder da comunicação não verbal.
7. A importância da alimentação saudável e seus efeitos na qualidade de vida.
8. A evolução das redes sociais e seu impacto nas relações interpessoais.
9. O papel da inteligência artificial no futuro do trabalho.
10. O impacto das viagens e do turismo na economia e na cultura.
1. O papel da inteligência emocional no ambiente de trabalho.
2. A importância da preservação das línguas indígenas.
3. Os efeitos positivos do voluntariado na sociedade.
4. O impacto da tecnologia wearable na saúde e no bem-estar.
5. A relação entre arte e política ao longo da história.
6. A importância da educação financeira desde cedo.
7. O poder das redes sociais na conscientização de causas sociais.
8. O impacto da música clássica no desenvolvimento cognitivo.
9. Os desafios e benefícios da educação à distância.
10. O papel da mídia na formação da opinião pública.
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