Uploaded by Luna Parl

ReadMe EN

This mod adds GUI weapon inventory for car's trunk.
1) Install ScriptHook (Download: http://www.dev-c.com/gta/scripthookv)
2) Install ScriptHookDotNet (Download: https://github.com/crosire/scripthookvdotnet/releases)
3) Put "scripts" folder in your GTA 5 main folder
P.S. If you have changed "CarInventory.ini" you may replays "CarInventory.dll" only
Stay near vehicle' trunk and press "E" for open (vehicle's doors must be unlocked)
OpenTrunkKey - open/close trunk inventory button
PutWeaponKey - put a gun to trunk button
TakeWeaponKey - take a gun from trunk button
NavigateLeft - cell left selection
NavigateRight - cell right selection
NavigateUp - cell up selection
NavigateDown - cell down selection
ShowTrunkOpenHelpText - show/hide open/close trunk help text
Vehicle class types support: Sports, SportsClassics, Sedans, Super, Coupes, Compacts, Muscle, SUVs, Vans, Emergency
P.S. not all cars have trunk/hood dummy and i've created fake way for fix it and it may work not good, excuse me for it.
<b>Update v1.04b:</b>
- Added new configuration parameter let to hide "Open/close Trunk" help text from game
- Some UI optimization
- Some script changes
<b>Update v1.04:</b>
- Changed inventory UI
- Added inventory sounds
- Each class of cars now has its own inventory size
- Fixed stupid problem for cars with backside engine position (R* bug)
- Added "Up" and "Down" keys for inventory selection (you can change it in .ini)
- Fixed some bugs
- Some script changes
<b>Update v1.03:</b>
- Added left/right navigate keys configuration
- Fixed some bugs
- Some script changes
<b>Update v1.02:</b>
- Fixed unsaving weapon components and tint bug
- Added LOG system (all errors will be written to log file)
- Changed "put" and "take" animations
- Some script changes and other small changes
<b>Update v1.01:</b>
- Fixed keys configuration problems
- Remove ammo counter for melee weapon
- Small text changes.