版本号:1027130315 JTY-GD-S832 型点型光电感烟火灾探测器使用说明书 52mm~66mm。探测器通过 4PIN 插拔式端子(见图 4)与外界接线,其中 D1、 D2 脚为电源输入端口;K1、K2 脚为继电器输出端口。 安装、使用前,请仔细阅读本说明书 一.概述 JTY-GD-S832 型点型光电感烟火灾探测器(以下简称探测器,外观如图 1 所示)采用无极性电源输入,能够探测火灾时产生的烟雾及时发出报警信号。探 测器采用了 CPU 控制,能够智能判断火灾时产生的烟雾浓度。探测器处于监视 状态时,红色指示灯闪烁,工作电流小;当现场烟雾浓度超过设定的报警阈值时, 探测器进入报警状态,红色指示灯常亮,同时继电器动作。探测器带有继电器干 接点输出,报警信号以继电器触点动作变化的形式给出,且具有报警锁定功能, 图3 报警的复位只能通过短暂断电来实现。探测器具有灰尘积累自动补偿功能,能减 图4 安装与调试的具体方法如下: 少灰尘对探测器灵敏度的影响。 1. 探测器适用于火灾发生时有大量烟雾产生,而正常情况下无烟雾的场所, 底座安装可采用如下方式: 1) 按施工图纸,使用 2 枚 M4 螺钉,通过图 3 中所示的 A、B 固定孔, 如:饭店、宾馆、教学楼、办公楼、计算机房、通讯机房、书库和档案库等工业 将配套底座固定在指定的位置上,且应确认底座已安装牢靠; 与民用建筑。但不适用于有大量粉尘、水雾滞留的场所;不适用于可能产生蒸汽 和油雾的场所;不适用于正常情况下有烟滞留的场所。 2) 按施工图纸,在指定位置上钻 ф6mm 孔,塞入附带的塑料膨胀胶塞, 使用 2 枚 ST3.5×20mm 的自攻螺钉,通过图 3 中所示的 A、B 固定 孔将配套底座固定在膨胀胶塞上; 【产品外观已申请外观 3) 将指定磁钢装入图 3 中所示的 A、B 固定孔,底座与探测器装配后, 专利,仿冒必究! 】 通过磁钢将探测器吸附在金属机柜上,此安装方式为选配安装方式。 2. 切断控制器电源,按施工图纸,先将所有底座正确连接,再接入控制器相 应的输入端口; 图1 二.特点及技术指标 3. 确认探测器类型与施工图纸上所注类型相匹配; 4. 安装和拆卸探测器见图 5 和图 6: 1.执行标准:GB4715-2005 从顶视方向顺时针旋转 传感器,当传感器底面 下落与底座贴合,继续 顺时针旋转到底 2.工作电压:DC12V/24V(允许范围 9V~30V) 3.工作电流:监视状态 <1mA @DC12V 火灾报警 <30mA@DC12V <5mA @DC24V 将传感器器逆时 针方向旋转到底 将传感器向外拉出 将传感器底面圆凸台与 底座圆孔对齐,略向下 用力 <35mA @DC24V 4.继电器输出:常开(火警后闭合) ,触点容量 1 A 30VDC 传感器 5.工作指示:监视状态 红色指示灯约每 6 秒闪烁 1 次; 报警状态 红色指示灯常亮; 底座 图5 故障状态 红色指示灯约每 6 秒连续闪烁 2 次 图6 5. 待全部探测器安装完毕,且确认无误后,接通探测器电源,探测器先闪烁 6.使用环境:温度:-10℃~+65℃, 相对湿度:≤95%(40℃±2℃ 无凝露) 1 次,然后进入正常监视状态约每 6 秒闪烁一次,表明探测器已开始工作; 7.外形尺寸:75mm×51.8mm×38.5mm (带底座),如图 2 所示, 6. 最后使用专用工具或直接吹烟的方式对探测器进行报警测试。探测器报警 后指示灯将常亮,同时控制器给出相应的报警提示信息。测试结束后恢复 指示灯 控制器,使探测器回到监视状态。 7. 当探测器安装底座旋到位时,内部终端电阻(47KΩ)会通过底座上导接片接 入继电器输出端口(K1,K2)之间。导接片的安装与拆卸,如图 7 和图 8 所示。 传感器 图2 8.重 导接片 将导接片插进对 应的孔中,垂直 按下去,保证导 接片紧贴底座 接线端子 底座 底座 导接片 底座 量: 约 80g 起子 9.标准包装数量:100 只/箱 将起子从底座下 面的圆孔插入, 将导接片顶出 10.安装高度:≤12m 图7 11.保护面积:参考 GB50116-98《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》 图8 四. 工程安装注意事项 三.安装与调试 按照国家标准 GB50116-98 中的相关规定和要求确定保护区域中探测器的 1. 确认探测器类型与施工图纸上所注类型相匹配。 2. 探测器的保护面积及探测器安装数量计算: 空间高度在6~12米时,保护面积约为60平方米; 安装位置、安装间距和数量。 空间高度在6米以下时,保护面积约为40平方米。 探测器的安装需要使用配套底座。配套底座如图 3 所示,外型尺寸为 75mm ×51.8mm ×5mm (长×宽×高),固定孔为 5mm ×10mm ,固定孔间距为 探测器数量= 探测区域面积 每个探测器的保护面积 1 3. 探测器安装应符合国家标准 GB50116-98《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》和 8. 探测器的布线应符合国标《火灾自动报警系统设计规范 GB50116-98》中 国家标准 GB50166-2007《火灾自动报警系统施工及验收规范》中的相关规 相关的电气设计规范,如:消防控制、通讯和报警线路应采取穿金属管保 定,如:探测器至墙壁梁边的水平距离不应小于 0.5m;探测器周围 0.5m 护,并宜暗敷在非燃烧体结构内;不同系统、不同电压、不同电流类别的 内不应有遮挡物;探测器至空调送风口边的水平距离不应小于 1.5m,至多 线路不应穿于同一根管内或线槽的同一槽孔内;弱电线路的电缆竖井宜与 孔送风顶棚孔口的水平距离不应小于 0.5m 等,如图 9 所示。 强电线路的电缆竖井分别设置。如受条件限制必须合用时,弱电与强电线 路应分别布置在竖井两侧等。 五. 维护 1.按国家标准 GB50166-2007《火灾自动报警系统施工及验收规范》的要求, 探测器每半年至少测试一次;已安装使用的探测器,建议每二年进行一次清 洗、维护。 图9 2.工作环境的好坏对探测器的性能有很大的影响,对在容易产生灰尘、高风速 4. 探测器安装在机柜内部时,要求探测器距离机柜内壁应有一定的间隙,探 等影响正常使用的环境下安装使用的探测器,应缩短其维护保养的周期。 测器周围水平距离 0.2 米内不应有遮挡物,如图 10 所示。 六.故障分析与排除 故障现象 图10 上电后报火警 5. 避免把探测器安装在电热水器、机器散热风扇的上方或是装在风道、风室 可能原因分析 排除方法 备注 室内有较大烟尘 待烟 尘 或水 蒸气 消除 或水蒸气 后,再重新上电 内部电路有问题 需返回公司维修 内。这些场所容易产生粉尘颗粒和冷凝水雾,容易导致探测器误报,如图 指示灯坏或内部 11 所示。 上电后不工作 电路损坏 需返回公司维修 指示灯不亮 电热水器 、 机器散热风扇 的上方或是风道 、风室内 。 上电后指示灯每 6 秒连 续闪烁 2 次 错误安装图 上电后指示灯一直快 闪,约每秒闪烁 1 次 图 11 测试不报火警 6. 探测器安装在具有送风和回风管路的房间时,探测器应该安装在流向回风 线路接触不良 检查重新接线 传感器失效 需返回公司维修 迷宫内严重污染 清洗探测器迷宫 内部电路损坏 需返回公司维修 口的气流流经的路径上,如图 12 所示。 附录 有毒有害物质或元素标识表 部件名称 铅 Pb 汞 Hg 镉 Cd 有毒有害物质或元素 六价铬 多溴联苯 6+ Cr PBB 多溴联苯醚 PBDE 玻璃封装二 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 极管 集成电路 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 螺丝五金件 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 1.“○”表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量在 SJ/T11363-2006 规定的限量要求以下。 “×” 表示该有毒有害物质 至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 规定的 说 限量要求。 明 2.在下列特定应用范围内铅含量超标(ROHS 豁免) :a、玻璃封装二极 管中玻璃封装材料中含的铅;b、集成电路封装中半导体芯片及载体 之间形成可靠连接所用焊料中的铅;c、铜合金中的铅含量≤4%。 图 12 7. 当探测器必须安装在送风口附近时,必须保持一定的距离,如图 13 所示。 正确的安装位置可以使探测器迅速、准确地探测到火灾。相反,不正确的 安装位置,不但使探测器报警缓慢,而且探测器还容易受到风口的高速气 流的干扰而产生误告警。 错误 地 址:中国深圳市南山区南山大道光彩新天地大厦三层 邮 编:518054 总 机:+86(755)86226969 服务热线: 400-7700-119 图 13 2 传 真:+86(755)86223939 网 址:www.fhsjdz.com Version:1027130315 A base shown in figure 3 is required for mounting the smoke detector; its Instuction Mannal of JTY-GD-S832 Point-type exterior size is 75mm×51.8mm×5mm (L×W×H), the size of the fixing hole is 5mm×10mm and the distance between the holes is 52mm~66mm. Photoelectric Smoke Detector The smoke detector connects with power and other device via 4PIN Pluggable Terminal Block. As Shown in figure 4, D1 & D2 pins are the power Please read through these instructions carefully before installation and use! I. input terminals; K1 & K2 pins are the output terminals of the relay. General JTY-GD-S832 point-type photoelectric smoke detector is a photoelectric smoke detector. As a non-polar two-wire power input is adopted in the detector, it can detect the smoke and send out alarm signal in time when fire taking place. As microcontroller is adopted in the detector, it can identify the smoke concentration intellectually. The detector monitors smoke concentration in the Fig.3 workplace in real time. While monitoring, the red indicator blinks and the Fig.4 working current is low. When the work site smoke concentration has exceeded Details of the installation and commissioning are as following: the preset alarm threshold, the detector is alarming and the red indicator 1. Installed base can be used as follows: 1) remains on, relay is driven. The detector has the function of relay contact Prepare the shop drawing and fix the auxiliary base onto the defined location with two M4 bolts installed through the two fixing output, alarm signal is shown as the change of relay contact output, alarm holes (A、B shown in figure 3). signal can be kept and the alarm can only be reset by the instant power 2) disconnection. The detector has an automatic compensation function against According to the shop drawing, use a drill to bore two Φ6mm holes dust accumulation and can reduce the effect of dust on the sensitivity of the onto defined location, then put two expandable plastic stoppers into detector. The smoke detector is applicable in places where fire might generate volume smoke, i.e. in industrial and civil buildings such as in the restaurant, hotel, teaching building, office building, computer cabinet, archives and stack room. the holes separately, fix the auxiliary base onto the defined location with two ST3.5×20mm tapping screws installed through the two fixing holes (A & B shown in figure 3); 3) Magnet install into designated A, B fixed hole as shown in figure 3 , after the base and the detector assembly, adsorbed detector on the metal cabinet or rack through the magnet, this installation could be selected. 【 The appearance has 2. been applied for patents, all rights reserved.】 Disconnect the power, connect all bases correctly as per the shop drawing, and then connect the controllers to the corresponding input ports. 3. Fig.1 noted in the shop drawing. 4. II. Features and technical parameters 1. Executive standard: GB4715-2005 2. Working voltage: DC12V/24V(allowance :9V~30V) 3. Working current: During monitoring <1mA @DC12V <30mA@DC12V Fire alarm 4. Make sure that all smoke detectors types correspond with the ones To be installed and disassembled the smoke detector, as shown in figure 5 and figure 6. Turn the smoke sensor clockwise in the top view,when its bottom down to the base,continue turn it to arrowed <5mA @DC24V <35mA @DC24V Turn the sensor anticlockwise to the arrowed in the top view Pull up the sensor from the base Push down the smoke sensor make it align to the base Bottom Relay output: normally open ( closed when alarm) Smoke Sensor switching capacity 1A 30VDC 5. Working indicator: Base During monitoring, the red indicator blinks once about per 6 s. Fig.5 In alarm mode, the red indicator remains on. 5. In fault mode, the red Indicator continuously blinks twice about per 6 s. 6. mounted correctly; to confirm correct, connect detector power supply. Environment: Temperature: -10℃~+65℃ First, the red indicator blinks once ,and then enter the normal state to Relative humidity:≤95%(40℃±2℃ non-condensing) 7. Fig.6 Don’t power on the controller until all smoke detectors have been monitor about every 6 seconds blinks once, indicating that detectors Exterior size: 75mm×51.8mm×38.5mm (with base),as shown in figure 2, have begun working; Indicator 6. Alarm test of the detector is performed by special tool or puffing smoke directly. The red indicator remains on after the detector alarms. After testing reset the detector to monitoring state. 7. Sensor Wiring port Base After the base and the detector assembly, Internal termination resistor(47KΩ) will be connected between the output terminals of the Fig.2 8. Weight: about 80g 9. Standard packing quantity: 100 PCS/CTN 10. Distance from floor: ≤12m 11. Areas covered: see the provisions in the GB50116-98“Code for Design relay(K1,K2) through the sheet metal on the base. Installation and removal of the sheet metal, as shown in figure 7 and figure 8. sheetmetal The sheetmetal is inserted into the corresponding hole, a vertical press down, to ensure that the sheetmetal close to base of Automatic Fire Alarm System Base Screwdriver Sheetmetal III. Installation and commissioning Base The screwdriver inserted into the round hole from the base and push the sheetmetal out. Determine the location, mounting distance and numbers for mounting the smoke detectors in the protection area in accordance to the relevant Fig. 7 stipulations of GB50116-98. 1 Fig. 8 IV. Precautions for engineering installation 1. 7. When the smoke detector must be mounted near an air inlet, a certain distance must be kept, as shown in figure 13. Correct installation position Check that the detector type matches that indicated in the construction may enable the detector to fast and accurately detect a fire. Incorrect drawing. installation position may cause the detector to be slow to alarm or even 2. issue a false alarm due to the interference of the high-speed air flow from Calculation of protection area and installation quantity of detectors. The the air duct. 2 protection area is about 60m when the space height is 6~12m; The 2 protection area is about 40m when the space height is below 6m. Incorrect Air Supply Correct 1.2m Min. distance Area of detecting detector quantity = 3. Protection area of every detector Correct I nstallation Incorrect Installation Air Supply Indoor Air Flow (a)Air Supply From Ceiling The detector installation shall comply with relevant stipulations in the 3m Circulation Air Flow national standards GB50116-98 “Code for design of automatic fire alarm ( b)Side Air Supply Fig.13 system” and GB50166-2007 “Code for installation and acceptance of fire 8. The wiring of the smoke detector shall meet relevant electric design alarm system”, for example, the horizontal distance from the detector to codes in the national standard GB50116-98 “Code for design of the wall-beam edge shall be no less than 0.5m; there shall be no automatic fire alarm system”, for example, the lines for fire control, materials within 0.5m around the detector; the horizontal distance from communication and alarm shall be protected with metal pipes and hidden the detector to the edge of the AHU air inlet shall be no less than 1.5m, within non-combustible structures; lines of different systems, different and that to the opening of the perforated air supply ceiling shall be no voltages or different currents may not be laid within one pipe or the same less than 0.5m, etc., as shown in figure 9. slotted hole; the cable shaft of light current circuit and that of heavy current circuit shall be arranged separately. If they must be used together due to condition limitations, the light current circuit and the heavy current circuit shall be respectively arranged at both sides of the shaft, etc. V. Maintenance 1. According to the national standard GB50166-2007 “Code for installation and acceptance of fire alarm system”, the detector shall be tested at Fig.9 least once every half a year; and it is suggested to clean and maintain 4. the detectors in use once every two years. When the detector is installed within the cabinet, there shall be certain 2. clearance between the detector and the inner wall of the cabinet, and The work environment significantly affects the performance of the there shall be no materials within 0.2m around the detector, as shown in detectors; therefore, the cycle for maintenance shall be shortened for figure 10. detectors installed and used under an environment where dust is easily generated or high winds which affect normal use. VI. Troubleshooting Fault Possible reasons Fire alarm upon energization Large amount of dust or water vapor in the room Internal circuit failure Fig.10 5. The smoke detector shall not be mounted above an electric heater or heat radiation fan or within the air duct or air chamber, since dust and condensation are easily generated at such places, leading to an error reporting of the detector, as shown in figure 11. Does not work and indicator failure upon energization Above electric hea ter or h eat rad ia tion fan or with in air du ct or a ir ch amber. Airflow gen erated b y the cabine t fan Indicator continuously blinks twice every 6s upon energization Indicator keeps fast blinking about once every second upon energization Inco rre ct in stalla tion Fig.11 6. When the smoke detector is mounted in the room with air supply and air return ducts, such detector shall be mounted on the path through which No fire alarm during test the airflow goes towards the air return duct, as shown in figure 12.. Solutions Remarks Re-energize after removing the dust or water vapor Return for repair Indicator failure or damaged internal circuit Return for repair Poor contact of circuit Check reconnect circuit Sensor failure Return for repair Significant contamination in the maze Clean the detector maze Damaged internal circuit Return for repair and the Address:3F, Guangcai New World Building, Nanshan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518054, P.R.China Fig.12 Tel:+86(755)86226969 2 Fax: +86(755)86223939 Http://www.fhsjdz.com