1 GRADE 12 ESSAY: PAPER 2 The Influence and impact of the Black Consciousness Movement. INTRODUCTION ➢ Establish your Line of argument and answer the essay question. ➢ Provide insight into the body of the essay by mentioning what topics your essay will cover. REASONS FOR BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS ➢ The ANC and PAC is banned after the Sharpeville massacre. ➢ Rejected white influence. ➢ Encouraged black South Africans to be independent and promoted black selfrespect. ➢ Biko encouraged black South Africans to change the way they taught, liberate their minds. ➢ Included all black South Africans i.e., Indians and Coloureds. ➢ Promoted African culture, history and identity. INFLUENCES ON BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS ➢ Influence drawn from international movements like, Pan-Africanism, Black Power and the Negritude movements. ➢ These movements highlighted the oppressive nature of the apartheid regime. ➢ Black South Africans must liberate they minds psychologically and change mindsets first before actual freedom can be won. THE SOUTH AFRICAN STUDENT’S ORGANISATION ➢ The shortcomings of NUSAS, did not protect black students or address black students concerns and issues faced at campus. ➢ SASO formed, encouraged black pride, solidary and unity. ➢ Spread to ethnic university campuses across South Africa. THE ROLE AND IMPACT OF THE BLACK PEOPLE’S CONVENTION ➢ Formed for politically active adults. ➢ Encouraged the growth and emergence of various self-help programmes in black communities e.g., Zanempilo Health Clinic [ explain who opened it? What did it do? Instilled black pride]. ➢ List and explain the functions of other organisations that was formed under the BPC banner [ Union of Black Journalists ( UBJ), Black Parents 2 Association ( BPA), South African Students Movement ( SASM), Black Allied Workers Union ( BAWU), Black Community Programmes ( BCP)]. THE ROLE AND INFLUENCE OF BAWU ➢ Formed by Drake Koka who was a member of the BPC. ➢ Protests started at the Coronation Brick and Tile Plant in Durban. ➢ Reignited Black trade unionism and started a wave of strikes across South Africa. ➢ Defied Apartheid policies. ➢ The strikes impacted the South African economy ➢ Supported the disinvestment campaign. THE ROLE AND INFLUENCE OF SASM AND BLACK EDUCATION ➢ List the reasons for black learners striking in Soweto i.e., poor quality education, limited curriculum, high pupil teacher ratio, inexperienced teachers, lack of science labs, no sports or libraries. ➢ Afrikaans as the medium of instruction. ➢ The role and influence of SASM, encouraged community development, got learners involved in various clubs and activities. ➢ SASM various projects encouraged the youth and showed black unity and self-reliance. ➢ Led to the Soweto Uprising. THE SOWETO STUDENT’S REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL ➢ SSRC planned mass demonstrations due the government instruction of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction in black schools. ➢ Planned protest against this instruction, schools in Soweto united and fought as one. ➢ The police opened fire and killed and injured a number of children, gained the support of black parents. ➢ Affects across South Africa included destruction of government property, stayaways, and boycotts. APARTHIED GOVERNMENT’S REACTION ➢ At first government not threated as if fell in line with its policy of separate development. ➢ Biko and BCM became popular and became seen as a threat therefore the government placed banning orders BCM leaders, like the SASO 8, restricted the movement of BCM leaders and literature was banned, SASO banned on all university campuses. 3 ➢ The passing of the terrorism act led to Biko’s arrest, torture and murderresulted in a wave of protest across South Africa. CONCLUSION Remember the following: ➢ When you start a new paragraph use a linking word for example: As a result of If…then So that Because In order to Thereby Begins with Is caused by Therefore Consequently Leads/Led to Thus Effects of May be due to When…then ➢ After you use a linking word as shown above, state the POINT of the paragraph, i.e. what will you be focusing on/discussing in the paragraph. ➢ Use the evidence shown above to support your Line of argument. ➢ When you finish discussing each paragraph, always restate your Line of argument. ➢ End each paragraph by briefly stating what the next paragraph will be about.