Uploaded by Youssef Mansour

SQL Database Script: Tables, Queries, and Data Manipulation

Name:badr mohammed kamal tohamy
class (3)
create table manufactureres
m_code int primary key not null,
m_name varchar(20) not null,
create table products
p_code int primary key not null,
p_name varchar(20) not null,
p_price int not null,
manufactureres int foreign key references manufactureres (m_code)
select m_name from manufactureres m , products p
where m_code = p_code and p_price >=30
select AVG (p_price) as avrg_price , m_name
from manufactureres ,products
where m_code= p_code
group by m_name
select m_name , AVG (p_price) as avrg_price
from manufactureres ,products
where m_code= p_code
group by m_name
select COUNT(*)as number_of_column
from products
where p_name = 'printer'
select (.9* p_price) as discount_price
from products
where p_price >=40
select m_name ,p_name , p_price
from manufactureres join products
on m_code =products.manufactureres
where p_price =(
select MAX (p_price)
from products
select m_name ,p_name , p_price
from manufactureres join products
on m_code =products.manufactureres
where p_price =(
select min (p_price)
from products
select p_name ,p_price
from products
where p_price >= 40
order by p_price desc ,p_name asc;
select top 1 p_name ,p_price
from products order by p_price desc;
. create database page5
create table ratial_ceter(
id int identity(1,1) primary key,
typ_e varchar(50),
adress varchar(50)
create table items (
num int identity(1,1) primary key,
weights int ,
dimentions varchar(50),
destinations int ,
final_date date,
insurance_amount varchar(50) ,
r_id int foreign key references ratial_ceter(id),
create table transportion(
num int identity(1,1) primary key,
typ_e varchar(50),
deliver varchar(50),
create table items_transportion (
i_num int foreign key references items (num),
t_num int foreign key references transportion(num) ,
primary key (i_num , t_num),
alter table ratial_ceter
alter column typ_e varchar(20);
alter table retial_ceter
add locations varchar(50);
update ratial_ceter
set typ_e ='recycle'
where id=111;
create table custmor
c_id int primary key not null,
c_name varchar(20) not null,
c_address varchar(20) not null,
c_contact varchar(20) null,
c_credit int not null,
create table manufacturer
m_id int primary key not null,
m_name varchar (20) not null,
m_address varchar(50) null,
m_contact varchar(20) null,
create table product
p_id int primary key not null,
p_name varchar (20) not null,
p_color varchar (20) null,
p_date varchar (20) not null,
m_id int not null,
create table ordeer
o_id int primary key not null,
c_id int not null,
o_reference varchar (20) null,
o_purchase_date varchar (50) not null,
create table order_items
o_id int primary key not null,
p_id int not null,
or_qty int not null,
or_unit_price int not null,
insert into product(p_id , p_name, p_color ,p_date ,m_id)
insert into product(p_id , p_name, p_color ,p_date ,m_id)
insert into product(p_id , p_name, p_color ,p_date ,m_id)
insert into product(p_id , p_name, p_color ,p_date ,m_id)
insert into product(p_id , p_name, p_color ,p_date ,m_id)
insert into ordeer (o_id ,c_id,o_reference,o_purchase_date)
insert into ordeer (o_id ,c_id,o_reference,o_purchase_date)
insert into ordeer (o_id ,c_id,o_reference,o_purchase_date)
insert into ordeer (o_id ,c_id,o_reference,o_purchase_date)
insert into ordeer (o_id ,c_id,o_reference,o_purchase_date)
insert into custmor(c_id,c_name,c_address,c_contact,c_credit)
values (1,'badr','bns','phone',100)
insert into custmor(c_id,c_name,c_address,c_contact,c_credit)
values (2,'osama','bns','facebook',150)
insert into custmor (c_id,c_name,c_address,c_contact,c_credit)
values (3,'ali','alex','watsapp',200)
insert into custmor (c_id,c_name,c_address,c_contact,c_credit)
values (4,'mohammed','menia','instgram',120)
insert into custmor (c_id,c_name,c_address,c_contact,c_credit)
values (5,'ahmed','bns','tweter',130)
insert into manufacturer (m_id,m_name,m_address,m_contact)
values (1,'tiger','bns','phone')
insert into manufacturer (m_id,m_name,m_address,m_contact)
values (2,'pepsi','bns','facebook')
insert into manufacturer (m_id,m_name,m_address,m_contact)
values (3,'cocacola','alex','watsapp')
insert into manufacturer (m_id,m_name,m_address,m_contact)
values (4,'gohaina','menia','instgram')
insert into manufacturer (m_id,m_name,m_address,m_contact)
values (5,'mraie','qena','tweter')
insert into order_items (o_id, p_id , or_qty ,or_unit_price)
insert into order_items (o_id, p_id , or_qty ,or_unit_price)
insert into order_items (o_id, p_id , or_qty ,or_unit_price)
insert into order_items (o_id, p_id , or_qty ,or_unit_price)
insert into order_items (o_id, p_id , or_qty ,or_unit_price)
delete from ordeer
select* from product
select* from product
where p_color = 'red'
select* from manufacturer
order by m_name
select c_name as custmor_name
from custmor
insert into custmor(c_id,c_name,c_address,c_contact,c_credit)
values (6,'badr','bns','phone',100)
select* from order_items where or_qty>20
select* from order_items where or_unit_price in (120,130,150)
select* from product where p_date between 01012003 and 01012020
create table bbranch(
branchno int identity(1,1) primary key ,
street varchar(50),
city varchar(50),
post_code int
create table sttaff (
staffno int identity(1,1) primary key ,
fname varchar(50) ,
lname varchar(50) ,
possition varchar(50),
sex varchar(50),
dob date ,
salary int ,
branchno int foreign key references (branchno),
create table cllient (
clientno int identity(1,1) primary key ,
fname varchar(50),
lname varchar(50),
telno varchar(50),
preftype varchar(50),
maxrent varchar(50),
create table private_owner (
ownerno int identity(1,1) primary key ,
fname varchar(50),
lname varchar(50),
telno varchar(50),
adress varchar(50),
create table prropertyforrent(
propertyno int not null primary key,
street_property varchar(10),
city_property varchar(10),
postcode_property int ,
propertytype varchar(10),
rooms varchar(10),
rent int,
ownerno int foreign key references private_owner(ownerno),
staffno int foreign key references 'staff' (staffno),
branchno int foreign key references 'branch' (branchno));
create table viiewing (
viewdate date,
comment varchar(20),
clientno int foreign key references client(clientno),
propertyno int foreign key references propertyforrent(propertyno)
primary key (clientno,propertyno)
2/ select * from staff;
3/ select staffNo,lname,fname,salary
from staff;
4 / select count(*)
from propertyForRent p join viewing v
on p.PropertyNo=v.PropertyNo;
6/select * from staff
where salary>10000;
7/ select address from privateOwner p join propertyForRent p2
on p.ownerNo=p2.ownerNo
join Branch b on b.BranchNo=p2.BranchNo
where b.City in ('london','Glasgow');
8/ select * from staff
where salary between 20000 and 30000;
9/ select * from staff
where position in ('manager','supervisor');
10/ select * from PrivateOwner p
where p.address like '%Glasgow%';
11/ select * from viewing v join PropertyForRent p
on v.PropertyNo=p.PropertyNo
where v.Comment=NULL;
12/ select Salary from staff
order by Salary desc;
13/ select * from PropertyForRent
order by PropertyType;
14/ select count(*) from PropertyForRent p
where p.Rent>350;
15/ select count(*) from viewing v
where v.ViewDate='may-2001';
16/ select count(*) , sum(s.Salary)
from staff s
where s.position='manager';
17/ select min(s.Salary),max(s.Salary),avg(s.Salary)
from staff s;
18/ select count(*) ,sum(s.Salary)
from staff s join Branch b on s.BranchNo=b.BranchNo
group by postcode;
19/ update staff
set Salary=Salary+(3/100)*Salary;
20/ update staff
set Salary=Salary+(5/100)*Salary
where position='manager';
21/ update staff
set Salary=18000,position='manager'
where fName='David' and lName='Ford';
22/ delete *
from viewing v join PropertyForRent p
on v.PropertyNo=p.PropertyNo
where p.postcode='PG4';
23/ drop table viewing;
24/ select fname,lname,
from staff
where position='manager';
25/ select count(*),sum(s.Salary)
from staff s join Branch b on s.BranchNo=b.BranchNo
group by postcode
having count(*)>1;
select count(*)as "total managers",sum(salary)from staff
where possition="Manager"
--26-select fname, lname
FROM client inner join viewing
where client.clientno=viewing .clientno
SELECT b.branchno, b.city, s.staffno, fname, lname, propertyno
FROM Branch AS b, Staff AS s, propertyforRent p
WHERE b.branchNo = s.branchNo AND s.staffno=p.staffno
SELECT S.branchno , S.staffno , COUNT(*) AS "count" FROM staff S , propertyforrent P
WHERE S.staffno = P.staffno
GROUP BY S.branchno , S.staffno
ORDER BY S.staffno;