Microsoft Azure Resource health History Details Generated on:2024-02-20T09:23:19Z Resource Id: /subscriptions/793aa209-30b3-45c7-ae04-2850787ecf8a/resourcegroups/pcbastaging-front-n4f-rg/providers/ lftpedixeurdata01 Resource Name: lftpedixeurdata01 Resource Type: Storage account Location: westeurope Availability Status: Unknown Title: Not Monitored Summary: We are currently unable to determine the health of this storage account due to an Azure Monitor issue. Recommended Actions: 1. The Storage Account performance will not be affected by this problem, this is a metrics-only issue. If you see this issue persistently, please contact support. Timespan: 02/02/2024 10:25:28 (GMT+1) - 02/02/2024 11:55:11 (GMT+1) Duration: 1 hr 29 min -1-