ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS (AHA) - Cold Weather Operations WORKING DRAFT COPY 2/21/2024 ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Date Prepared: February 21, 2024 Project: Hill AFB MOLF Location: (Add site location) Contract Number: Prepared By: M Overall Risk Assessment Code (RAC) – Use Highest Code RISK ASSESSMENT CODE (RAC) MATRIX CHD Platform & Site (Add contract number) Reviewed By: Eddie Mills Callendrillo Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment Hypothermic, impermeable, full eye PPE , double eye PPE may be warranted SEVERITY PROBABILITY Frequent Likely Occasional Seldom Unlikely Catastrophic E E H H M Critical E H H M L Marginal H M M L L Negligible M L L L L Step1: Review each "Hazard" with identified safety "Controls" and determine RAC (see above) SSHO: Callendrillo Notes: This is a working draft copy, amand as neede Mobile #: 253-3883402 “Probability” is the likelihood to cause an incident, near miss, or accident and identified as: Frequent, Likely, Occasional, Seldom or Unlikely. “Severity” is the outcome/degree if an incident, near miss, or accident did occur and identified as: Catastrophic, Critical, Marginal, or Negligible Step 1: Review each “Hazard” with identified safety “Controls” and determine RAC (See above) Step 2: Identify the RAC (Probability/Severity) as E, H, M, or L for each “Hazard” on AHA. Annotate the overall highest RAC at the top of AHA. E = Extremely High Risk H = High Risk M = Moderate Risk L = Low Risk HAZARDS JOB STEPS ACTIONS TO ELIMINATE OR MINIMIZE HAZARDS Identify times and points where hypothermic Hypothermia, and related conditions, 1. Monitor conditions: Temperatures and wind speeds are monitored at least Notes: conditions are present possible shock and possible death every four hours using site weather station and/or applications on smart phones Notes: RAC H seldom 2. Provide heated areas: Sufficient "hot boxes" with heating sources and fuel are maintained in the work zones for adequate coverage for all personnel at hand. 3. Availability of impermeable layer for torso and limbs: An impermeable jacket/coat is recommended for all personnel 4. Availability of thermal gloves. Each crew member will be issued thermal gloves and will turn in when replacement is necessary. 5. Monitor for Cold injuries/Stress: At least 1 person per shift trained in first aid, and in recognizing symptomatology of hypothermia injuries. 6. Provide for hydration: Sufficient potable water in insulated containers to permit proper hydration. Hydration needs frequently increase in wind and cold. 7. Operations in Wet Conditions: Recommend that all outdoor personnel have a change of clothing available, particularly those working around wet conditions. 1 WORKING DRAFT COPY 2/21/2024 ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS (AHA) - Cold Weather Operations WORKING DRAFT COPY 2/21/2024 HAZARDS JOB STEPS ACTIONS TO ELIMINATE OR MINIMIZE HAZARDS 8. Work/Rest Cycle: Once temperatures reach the action points of the wind chill tables, personnel shall be rotated at the intervals cited, generally 15 minutes in exposure followed by heat breaks. RAC 9. Handling of cold material: Due to the impossibility of covering metal bars and handles, especially the Tremie racks and pipes, we are providing thermal gloves as well as other gloves, as deemed usuable for the crews 10. Provide heated areas: Hot huts should be moved as to block as much wind as possible, both to the work point and to the hut heaters 11. Eye Protection: Protective eyewear is a 100% requirement on site, especially in wind areas. Double protection my be called for at the discretion of the SSHO or SSM. 12. Training/Compliance: Full compliance with 06.i.13 is directed and maintained. Supervisors shall be instructed as to the scope of 6.i.13, usually as a safety item at the supervisors meeting. Title and Affiliation Phone Contact Number Point of Contact Emergency Local Emergency Terry Callendrillo SSHO, Paramedic Daniel Vincent QA mgr *911 253-388-3402 Project Management 2 WORKING DRAFT COPY 2/21/2024 AHA - Rock Fall Protection Work - Area "G" Rock Securement