Kevin Ly ME30 Professor Bhaskar November 22, 2023 Homework #4 11.3-11: Problem 5) class Count: #init method def __init__(self, time): self.time = time def increment(self, second): try: if self.time + second < 0: raise Exception() return self.time+second except: print("Time will be negative and bigger value than the object time") return self.time; x = Count(100) print("Time after increment is", x.increment(5)) print("Time after increment is", x.increment(-50)) print("Time after increment is", x.increment(-101)) print("Time after increment is", x.increment(-100)) Output: Time after increment is 105 Time after increment is 50 Time will be negative and bigger value than the object time Time after increment is 100 Time after increment is 0 11.3-11: Problem 6) Yes, I think that physical time could be negative and we see it in sports a lot. For example, in a track and field race, the referee has to count from 3, 2, 1, and “go”. The stopwatch starts at “go” but the referee had to count down from 3, 2, and 1. This is an example of negative physical time. 11.4-10: Problem 1) class faceCard: def __cmp__(self, card): c1 = self.suit, self.rank c2 = card.suit, card.rank return cmp(c1, c2) 3) Write a Python Program using turtles package to draw a (a) nonagon: import turtle def polygon(side, length): angle = 360 / side for _ in range(side): turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(angle) def main(): turtle.speed(2) #Drawing for nonagon turtle.color("blue") polygon(9,50) #New position for decagon turtle.penup() turtle.goto(120,0) turtle.pendown() #Drawing for decagon turtle.color("green") polygon(10,50) turtle.done() if __name__ == "__main__": main()