HSCI345: Body Image & Eating Disorders – Chalk Project PART 1 Week #11: “In Class” Exercise GROUP: Completed in your “NAME GROUPS” Due: Thursday, March 23rd, 2023 11:59pm Assign the following roles to members of your group: Facilitator: leads the group discussion Timekeeper: keeps track of the time Notetaker/s: takes notes on laptop Synthesizer: summarizes the main ideas at the end of each part Participant: listens to others and actively participates in the dialogue DISCUSSION 1. What are your biggest pet peeves with the media, health or fashion industries? 2. Describe things people do (intentionally or unintentionally) to promote unhealthy body image? Discuss your experiences related to these behaviours. 3. What are the costs of young people pursuing the dominant ideals about feminine and masculine bodies prevalent in current media representations? 4. How do race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability status etc. impact these representations prevalent in the media? 5. Discuss & brainstorm specific ways to counter the thin ideal for women/muscularity for men. Think about ways you can act or things you can do or say to counteract these messages. Finalize a list of your TOP TEN ideas. 6. Can you construct specific messages that would counter the thin ideal so prevalent in media messages? What messages would counter the dominant message men receive from the media?