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2018-06-08 Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human

Jm.ail - Oe_en-Access Material s -Introduction to Philosophy of the...
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https://mail.google.com/maillu/lflui=2&ik=efa3fd0c65&jsver=-dx ...
Nueva Vizcaya <nuevavizcaya.depedro2@gmail.com>
Open-Access Materials - Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person
(IPHP K-12)
PHILO-notes Team <philonotes.jeff@gmail.com>
To: nuevavizcaya.depedro2@gmail.com
Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 11 :15 AM
The Superintendent
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
4- r -tg
l( ifl
Dear Sir/Madame
With the recent transition of the course Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human
Person (IPHP) into the senior high level in line with the K-12 program, resources for IPHP
remain scarce.
Hence, the PHILO-notes Team was created, which hopes to fill this gap with free,
reliable, and open-access materials and resources for IPHP and other topics in
Philosophy. The said resources are available at our website-philonotes.com and
YouTube channel-PHILO-notes.
Our team is dedicated to providing helpful learning materials and resources online, so
students and teachers in the Philippines, especially those who do not have a strong
background and orientation in philosophy can learn the course anytime, anywhere!
It is for this reason that the PHILO-notes Team promotes these open-access tools to
your institution, as we believe that the learning materials and information we provide can
be very beneficial in supplementing your institution's current resources.
Lastly, part of our vision is to build a community of Philosophy enthusiasts! Thus we
encourage students and teachers to communicate with us! Let's work together to fill the
learning gaps!
Please see the attached documents for the brochure and other sample materials.
Please feel free as well to forward this email to your school principals and teachers who
are handling the course Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person (IPHP).
June 7, 2018
PHILO-notes Team
Public Schools Dist rict Supervisors
District In-Charge
Secondary School Heads
For information and appropriate action.
2 attachments
Than k you.
IPHP Book.pdf
OIC - Office of the Schools Division Superi nte n den~ 1
Reference No: CI D05 18~38
6/5/20 18, 11:18 AM
That this book has seen the light of day is due to the concerted effort of
the authors to produce a text that responds to the u~ent need of time!
This IPHP book is an essential purchase
for your libraries, teachers, and
students as this is the most
comprehensive guide of its kind!
ISBN: 978-621-95806-0-1
DepED K-12 Compliant
Each chapter contains review
questions and activities for
Written by established
Philosophy scholars
This book guides the students in
understanding and appreciating the
human person as such-as a being who
is not only endowed with mind and
body, but a being who is condemned to
be free, a being who is fated to be in
communion with others in the society,
and a being with endless possibilities in
the face of death. Thus, students are
Publisher: Subverso
able to reflect upon the meaning of
their very own life!
Chapter 1: Doing Philosophy
Chapter 2: Methods of Philosophizing
Chapter 3: The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit
Chapter 4: The Human Person and the En-vironment
Chapter 5: The Human Person and Freedom
Chapter 6: lntersubjecti'vity
Chapter 7: The Human Person in the Society
Chapter 8: The Human Person as Oriented Toward Their Impending Death:
A Chapter on Meaning of Life and Death
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/PHlLOnotes
Mobile: 0936-323-3272
Telephone: 035-522-3780
Email: phi lonotes.jeff@gmail.com
Facebook: https:/lwww.facebook.com/philonotes.jeff/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/philonotes_jeff
Learn Philosophy
Anytime, Anywhere!
Who We Are
PHILO-notes is a team of scholars
dedicated to prm.-ide helpful learning
materials and resources to teachers and
students in Philosophy.
PHILO-notes - Official YouTube Channel
The team takes advantage of different
educational technologies to ensure easy
access to resources and information. And,
part of our ~sion is to build an online
community of Philosophy enthusiasts!
Learn Philosophy Anytime . Anywhere!
So, feel free to share your thoughts with us
through our communication portals!
PHILO-notes Team aims to help students
and teachers in Philosophy make the
learning in Philosophy incredibly easy!
https ://twitter. com/philonotes jeff
To realize this, PHILO-notes pro~des
relevant learning materials and resources
at your fingertips! Check these out!
• www.youtube .com/c/PH IL Onotes
*SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel
for more video materials through
PHILO-notes' Whiteboard Editions.
• philonotes.com
Face book:
https :1/www.face book. com/ philo notes .jeff/
Email: philonotes.jeff@gmail.com
www.youtube .com/c/PHILOnotes
Website: philonotes.com
Telephone: 035-522-3780
Mobile: 0955-214-5319
*Access our "MJbpage for a full
transcript of each of our PHILO-notes'
Whiteboard edition.
Undoubtedly, the availability of these
resources and information online makes it
possible for students and teachers to learn
Philosophy at your reasonably convenient
time and place!
Learn Philosophy
Anytime, Anywhere!
Introduction to the Philosophy of
the Human Person (IPHP) - K12
As this course has been offered to the
senior high school students in the
Philippines just last June 2016, resources
in this area of study remains scarce.
PHILO-notes aims to fill this gap by
creating "video materials available in
Voices from Leamers ...
PHI LO-note s Team is always grateful to
our valued "viewers for the kind words that
inspire us to do more and be better!
Introductory Topics in Symbolic
Here are few comments on our "video titled ,
Husserf's Phenomenology: Method of
Philosophizing - Key Concepts
PHILO-notes Whiteboard Edition
"This video was great! I've been cramming
for a final 'md I've watched several videos
011 Husserl but this is tire one that made
things click. Just wanted you to know that
this video will help me greatly."
-Nate Biggs-
YouTube Playlist: Introduction to the
Philosophy ofthe Human Person (IPHP) :
PHILO-nates Whltebaard Edition
While PHILO-notes project is initially
intended for students and teachers in the
Philippines , it is also hoped that students
and teachers in philosophy from all corners
of the world may find this site helpful.
Thus , PHILO-notes will be posting videos
and articles (some are already available at
philonotes .com) on relevant Philosophy
topics , such as :
General Ethics
By June 2018, the course General Ethics
will be offered to the college students in the
Philippines . This is one of the areas that
PHILO-notes is de1.0ting time in creating
valuable resources .
You Tube Playlist: Introductory Topics in
Symbolic Logic - PHILO-notes Whitebaard
- Sym bolic Logic (sample play/ist above)
- Critica l Theory (sample video below)
"This is a huge huge alta mommt for me. It
is brilliant! T11e tone of voice is just right,
technical words are introduced by their
'chatacter' before being used so that the1J
do not destruct the flow of the deliver·y of
knowledge ... " - Julius Bwibo -
YouTube Video: What is Ethics: PHILO-notes
Whiteboard Edition
PHILO-notes Team wishes to hear fmm yo u!
You Tube Video: Heidegger's Existentialism:
Key Concepts-PHILO-nates Whitebaard Edition