EC-ENG 231 (Spring 2023) 32 bit Lecture Series Featuring Beaglebone Black Embedded Linux Fatima Anwar UMass Amherst • Instructor Announcements through Moodle (like before) • Instructor O ce hours: Mon/Wed from 1 to 2 pm starting April 12th, • Location: KEB 209E (or occasionally online with ahead of time announcements) • TA support hours and lab hours, and student lab days stay the same • Follow the same biweekly lab schedule with mandatory attendance • Piazza is for peer-peer communication and for asking questions from TAs, • Do not expect an immediate response • It might take at least 12 hours to get a response • Email the instructor for matters speci c to you, and during an emergency fi 2 ffi  Class related Communication  32 bit Schedule Date Topic 04/10 Embedded Linux 04/12 Embedded Linux (cont.) + BBB basics 04/17 Holiday - No Class 04/19 GPIO Programming - interrupts, polling 04/24 S/W Life Cycle: interrupts, threads 04/26 Sample code (lets do it together) Lab 2: Multithreading 05/01 Multithreading, processes LAB WEEK (5/1 ~ 5/5) 05/03 Sample code (lets do it together) 05/08 Clocks and Time 05/10 Sensors & Actuators 05/15 Sample code (lets do it together) 05/17 32 bit Review Day 05/22 32 bit Final Exam ** Patriots day holiday: lab trickles over to next week till Tuesday Lab Assignment Lab 1: BBB setup, cmd controls LAB WEEK** (4/19 ~ 4/25) Lab 3: Async events and sensing LAB WEEK (5/15 ~ 5/19) 3  Guidelines for Labs • Total 3 lab manuals: Lab1, Lab2, Lab3 • Lab1 is for setting up and getting acquainted to your board • You’ll have enough time to set up your board (more than a week) • Lab 1 also contains a simple graded module • Once Lab2 starts, assumption is that you have a stable working setup • Questions related to board setup will not be entertained once Lab2 is assigned • Less time in between lab deadlines so start on time! • Do not wait till the deadline to start • For every day of late submission, 10% of your lab grade will be deducted • unless there is a valid reason 4  Textbook & Kits • Textbook: D. Molloy, “Exploring BeagleBone: Tools and Techniques for Building with Embedded Linux, 2014”. Available in paperback (~$17 >) and Kindle (~$24) editions from Amazon. Also available at no charge on the O'Reily Safari Learning Platform: “Exploring Beaglebone 2nd Edition 2019” • Website for this book: • Datasheets: • Sitara AM335x ARM Cortex-A8 Technical Reference Manual (TRM): • BeagleBone Black System Reference Manual (SRM): • Assumption is that everyone has access to the hardware by now, • Beaglebone Black with USB cable 5  Hardware Platforms for Coursework Embedded Design Space • In lieu of textbook, you need to purchase two embedded platforms plus some accessories to create systems of the following type Atmega328P (baremetal) Embedded Device Beaglebone Black (Linux OS) Gateway Embedded Device Wearable Device Implantable Device Mobile PC 29 6 8-bit 32-bit • Processes 8 bits of data at any given time i.e. 8 bits per register • Processes 32 bits of logic, registers, and bus width • 2^8 integers • Low processing speed; runs at few MHz • Bare-metal programming • Handle numbers to 2^32 • Superior processing speed; runs at 100s MHz • May run an operating system • Handle few peripherals such as analog, timer, serial interfaces • Applications: gather measurements of analog signals, power e ciency, time predictability • Handle multiple peripherals such as ethernet, USB, CAN bus • Applications: FFT calculations, image processing, high quality audio or video, and edge computing applications • Example devices are ATiny, ATmega, MSP430, etc. • Example devices are Cortex-M3, ARM7, PXA27X, etc. 7 ffi  8-bit v/s 32-bit Microcontrollers • OS is just a bunch of APIs (abstractions) for you to talk to hardware • We can bypass the OS, and write rmware that directly talks to hardware • Why bare-metal? • For situations where resources are too constrained to run an OS (CPU cycles, power, memory) • Programming registers and memory for peripherals directly through libraries but not through an OS • Must become familiar with the hardware • Why OS? • For complex code management • To leverage existing software mechanisms such as multithreading, scheduling, networking stack • Why do everything when OS can do it for you 8 fi  Baremetal versus OS based Programming Linux Operating System  Linux OS • Unix/Linux: an open source operating system that manages hardware resources and provides an interface to the users for multi-tasking • Linux Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries • Examples: Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian • prominent examples of free and open-source software collaboration • 90% of all cloud infrastructure is powered by Linux including supercomputers and cloud providers • 74% of smartphones in the world are Linux-based 10 • Modular Design • A monolithic kernel, which handles process control, networking, access to the peripherals, and le systems. • Device drivers are either integrated directly with the kernel, or added as modules that are loaded while the system is running • Userspace access via de ned system calls • Open source software fi 11 fi  Why Linux is popular? Kernal: The computer programs that allocate the system resources and coordinate all the details of the computer's internals functions is called the kernel User Mode Applications Bash System Components Daemons & other OS speci c libraries C standard Library socket(), fopen().. Mozilla Firefox … System Call Interface Kernel Mode Linux Kernel Sceduling Inter process Memory File Network Comuunication Management System Hardware (CPU, Memory, Data storage) 12 fi  Linux Layers Linux File System • Previously, we were directly writing bits to registers • Data saved on any storage medium looks like a stream of bits • File system is an abstraction that allows OS/users to e ciently manage data stored on the storage medium • Usage: • Organize les on storage medium • E cient read and write to the storage medium • Identi cation and search in the stored data • Access Management • Maintains integrity of the stored data • Single abstraction to communicate with heterogeneous I/O ffi fi fi 14 ffi  Why use File System • File: a le is computer resource that contains user data e.g. text, images etc • Directories, a directory is an abstraction that contains a set of les and directories inside • A le system is a hierarchical structure where, each directory contains a set of les and directories. • The directory at the top is referred to as parent directory while the directories inside are known as sub-directories • The directory at the top of this hierarchy is known as the root directory fi fi fi 15 fi  File System Organization • /bin is a place for most commonly used terminal commands, like ls, mount, rm, etc • /boot contains les needed to start up the system, including the Linux kernel, a RAM disk image and bootloader con guration les • /dev contains all device les, which are not regular les but instead refer to various hardware devices on the system, including hard drives • /etc contains system-global con guration les, which a ect the system's behavior for all users • /home home sweet home, this is the place for users' home directories • /lib contains very important dynamic libraries and kernel modules • /media is intended as a mount point for external devices, such as hard drives or removable media ( oppies, CDs, DVDs) • /mnt is also a place for mount points, but dedicated speci cally to "temporarily mounted" devices, such as network lesystems • /opt can be used to store additional software for your system, which is not handled by the package manager • /proc is a virtual lesystem that provides a mechanism for kernel to send information to processes • /root is the superuser's home directory, not in /home/, to allow for booting the system even if /home/ is not fl fi ff fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi available fi  File System - Examples 16 • /run is a tmpfs (temporary le system) available early in the boot process where ephemeral run-time data is stored. Files under this directory are removed or truncated at the beginning of the boot process. • (It deprecates various legacy locations such as /var/run, /var/lock, /lib/init/rw in otherwise non-ephemeral directory trees as well as /dev/.* and /dev/shm which are not device les.) • /sbin contains important administrative commands that should generally only be employed by the superuser. • /srv can contain data directories of services such as HTTP (/srv/www/) or FTP. • /sys is a virtual lesystem that can be accessed to set or obtain information about the kernel's view of the system. • /tmp is a place for temporary les used by applications. • /usr contains the majority of user utilities and applications, and partly replicates the root directory structure, containing for instance, among others, /usr/bin/ and /usr/lib. • /var is dedicated to variable data, such as logs, databases, websites, and temporary spool (e-mail etc.) les that persist from one boot to the next. A notable directory it contains is /var/log where system log les are kept fi fi fi fi fi 17 fi  File System - Examples • A le path speci es the location of a le in a le system hierarchy. File path is composed of directory names starting with either current or root directory and ends with the le name. • Terminologies • An absolute path name, pointing to a le: > /usr/bin/test • An absolute path name, but pointing to a directory instead of a regular le: > /usr/bin/ • A relative path name, which will point to /usr/bin/test only if the current directory is bin > bin/test • A relative path name, which will point to /usr/bin/test if the current directory is any directory in /usr/, for instance /usr/share/ >../bin/test • A path name using the special shortcut ~, which refers to the current user's home directory: > ~/Desktop/ fi fi fi fi fi fi 18 fi  File System Paths • We can navigate a le system using simple commands on a linux based system • On a Linux terminal, the following command can be used to see the path of the current directory: > pwd • The les inside the current directory can be enlisted using the following command: > ls • We can change the current directory using the following command: > cd ‘path/to/ directory’ • The argument to the command “cd” can either be an absolute path or path relative to the working directory • The above command when used with “..” switches to the parent of the current directory • On a linux system, symbol “..” when used as a path refers to the parent of the current working directory while “.” refers to current working directory fi 19 fi  File System - Navigation commands • Shell: A command line program available on unix/linux based OS that takes in user commands, interprets them for the kernel which subsequently executes the command • Shell refers to the command line tool named “terminal” inside Ubuntu. It is also sometimes referred to as “Bash” • Two common commands that are used to navigate linux operating system, • ls: This command lists all the les and subdirectories present inside the current working directory • cd: This command is used to change the current working directory fi  Shell - Terminal 20 • Linux is a multi-user and multi-tasking system, where each user has its own set of resources e.g. les in our case. • On linux, the access to les and directories are managed using a permission system • This system associates with each directory/ le permissions metadata • Access to a le/directory can fall into one of the following categories: Permisison Action chmod option read (view) r or 4 write (edit) w or 2 execute (execute) x or 1 • Further, access to a le/directory can be managed for a single user, a group of users or all users fi fi fi fi 21 fi  File System Permissions • The permissions associated with a le can be listed using the following command: ls -l ‘path/to/directory/ le' • Permissions can be changed using the following command: chmod {options} 'path/to/ directory/ le' • Permissions can be understood using the following table: User ls output owner -rwx-------- group ---- rwx--- other ---------rwx 22 fi fi fi  File System Permissions - commands  File System Permissions - chmod 23 Linux Environment Variables • On Unix based systems, a set of variables known as Environment variables provide a way to in uence the behavior of software on the system • variable LANG determines the language used by the software programs > echo $LANG • variables can be enlisted using the command printenv in the terminal > printenv • Two types of variables, • The ones which a ect the behavior of all programs running on the system known as Environment variables • The ones which a ect the behavior of current shell program and programs started by the current shell are called shell variables ff ff 25 fl  Environment Variables • Existing Environment variables can be set simply by using “=” sign • > LANG=he_IL.UTF-8 • > echo $LANG • A new environment variable can be de ned using a keyword export, • For example, we can de ne a new variable “EDITOR” as follows: • > EDITOR= gedit • > export EDITOR • > echo $EDITOR • An environment variable can be deleted using the keyword “unset” • > unset EDITOR • These variables are local to the terminal hence called “shell variables” • To make these variables “persist” across all programs, the environment variable should be added to “/etc/environment” > nano /etc/environment fi Add “EDITOR=nano” at the end of the file. Press “Ctrl+O”, then press “Ctrl+X”. fi  Declaring Variables 26 • When you type any command on the command prompt, the shell has to locate the command before it can be executed • The PATH variable speci es the locations in which the shell should look for commands • It is assigned the address of multiple directories separated by colon (:) • > echo $PATH • Some programs require adding their path to the environment before they can be accessed from the terminal. For such programs path can be modi ed using keyword export • For changing it across the environment, the “PATH” variable can be modi ed in the le “/etc/environment” by appending the directory address at the end of existing path separated by colon(:) fi fi fi 27 fi  PATH Variable Shell Script • Instead of running individual commands multiple times in a Terminal, a script can be composed called Shell/Bash Script comprising multiple shell commands in a le • This script is then executed inside the terminal using its lename • The use of shell scripting o ers several advantages: • Repetitive tasks can be automated using single shell script e.g. compilation of a program • Automate the projects using multiple tools • Multiple steps of a project can be compressed into single shell script for ease of sharing, which also hides unnecessary complexities from the users • Create linux/unix based tools for projects fi fi 29 ff  Shell/Bash Scripts • A very simple bash script which prints “Hello, world!” in the terminal #!/bin/sh echo 'Hello, world!' • The rst line contains a string of characters “#!/bin/sh” it tells the kernel that le contains shell script and must be the rst line in every le that contains shell script • echo: this command takes the input string and prints it to the standard output • To run this script, • create a le and paste the above text in the le and save it • Change le permission to executable (chmod u+x • Execute the script (./ fi fi fi fi fi fi 30 fi  Example fi fi fi fi  Examples - File/Directories/Branch (if, loop) touch filename #create a file echo "Input text" > filename #write text to file cat filename #write text to the terminal cat file > file2 #copy contents of file to file2 rm filename #delete the file named filename mkdir directory # create a new directory rm -r directory # delete the directory with all it’s contents if [[ -e readme.txt ]] ; then echo 'The file "readme.txt" exists.' else echo 'The file "readme.txt" does not exist.' fi first statement checks if a file named “readme.txt” exists in the current folder for i in {1..20} ; do echo "$i" done The loop prints integers from 1 to 20 in the terminal output 31 MakeFile  Compilation • The process of converting the source code into machine code • Compilation process checks for errors e.g. syntax and link errors • Automation tools are used to manage compilation process for large projects due to: - Maintaining code standards - Speed up the compilation process - Allow for better documentation - Facilitate code sharing - Reduce compilation issues for users • Two types of Automation tools, • Integrated Development Environments (IDE) e.g Atmel Studio • Command Line Tools e.g. make 33 • make: A utility automatically determines which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled, and issues commands to recompile them • make le: a le that de nes tasks for make utility • A simple make le consists of “rules” with the following shape: target … : prerequisites … recipe … … • target: the name of a le that is generated by a program; examples of targets are executable or object les. A target can also be the name of an action to carry out, such as ‘clean’ • prerequisites: le that is used as input to create the target. A target often depends on several les • recipe: an action that make carries out. A recipe may have more than one command, either on the same line or each on its own line. Each recipe should always be preceded by “tab” character fi fi fi fi fi fi 34 fi  fi Make • Consider we have a project that includes following three les in a directory: hellomake.c, hellofunc.c and hellomake.h • On a linux distribution (this tutorial assumes a ubuntu installation), we can use the following command to compile this code: $ gcc -o hellomake hellomake.c hellofunc.c -I . where: • • • gcc: an open source C/C++ compiler -o: gcc ag that provides the name of output le -I: gcc ag that provides path of header les fi fi fi fl 35 fl  C compiling • To compile the same code using make utility, we place a le named “make le” in the project directory including the following contents: hellomake: hellomake.c hellofunc.c gcc -o hellomake hellomake.c hellofunc.c -I . • The le uses one rule to manage the compilation process. Here, • hellomake is the target • hellomake.c, hellofunc.c are the prerequisites • gcc compiler command is the recipe in this make le fi fi fi 36 fi  Make - Usage • We can also de ne variables in the make le. This allows for better code management: CC=gcc CFLAGS=-I . hellomake: hellomake.c hellofunc.c $(CC) -o hellomake hellomake.c hellofunc.c $(CFLAGS) • This le contains two variables, • CC is the compiler name gcc • CFLAGS de nes the ags that will be included in the compilation command • Note that the variables are references using round brackets preceded by $ sign. For example the variable “CC” is referred using $(CC) in the recipe • Both these variables CC and CFLAGS are special variables. They should only be used to de ne compiler and compilation ags respectively fi fl fl fi fi fi 37 fi  Make - Variables • So far, our make le only considers changes de ned inside the source les (with .c extension). To include the header les (with .h extension in the compilation process), we modify the make le as: CC=gcc CFLAGS=-I . DEPS = hellomake.h hellomake.o: hellomake.c $(DEPS) $(CC) -c -o hellomake.o hellomake.c $(CFLAGS) hellofunc.o: hellofunc.c $(DEPS) $(CC) -c -o hellofunc.o hellofunc.c $(CFLAGS) hellomake: hellomake.o hellofunc.o $(CC) -o hellomake hellomake.o hellofunc.o • DEPS de nes the list of header les to be included in the project • Now we have additional rules to compile each source le with hellomake.h as a prerequisites, while the nal rule compiles the executable using object les fi 38 fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi (hellomake.o and hellofunc.o) generated using rst two rules fi  Make - Header les • Notice that in the previous make le, we had identical rules for both the source les. We can merge the two rules into one using % symbol: CC=gcc CFLAGS=-I . DEPS = hellomake.h %.o: %.c $(DEPS) $(CC) -c -o %.o %.c $(CFLAGS) hellomake: hellomake.o hellofunc.o $(CC) -o hellomake hellomake.o hellofunc.o • %.c tells make to use apply the rule to all les that end with “.c” fi fi 39 fi  Make - Usage • After compilation the project is executed using the executable “hellomake”, while the object les with extension “.o” are the intermediate products of the compilation process. We can add an additional rule to remove such les: CC=gcc CFLAGS=-I . DEPS = hellomake.h %.o: %.c $(DEPS) $(CC) -c -o %.o %.c $(CFLAGS) hellomake: hellomake.o hellofunc.o $(CC) -o hellomake hellomake.o hellofunc.o .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f hellomake.o hellofunc.o fi fi fi fi fi • clean is treated as a special rule in the make le used to delete les that are no longer needed • PHONY tells make le that directive clean should not be confused with a le named clean fi  Make - clean 40 Command Line Input/Outputs • A program can be provided input in two ways: • First using input arguments with the program executable. Using this method inputs can only be provided at the start of the program execution. This is also referred to as providing command line arguments • A C program starts it’s execution with main() function, which is often declared with zero input arguments as below: int main() { /* ... */ } • To receive command line arguments, the main() function declaration can be modi ed to have two arguments as below: int main(int argc, char **argv) { / * ... */ } • “argc” is an integer containing the total number of arguments provided • “argv” is array of character pointers listing all the arguments 42 fi  C Program Inputs  C Program Inputs - Example 1 #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) // to receive command line arguments { printf("\nReceived %d arguments from command line.\n", argc); // printing command line arguments for(int i=0; i<argc; i++){ printf("Argument number %d: %s\n", i, argv[i]); } } 43 • C programs can also receive inputs from inside the main() function, using the following functions: • scanf() to receive integers, oating point numbers and characters • int scanf(const char *format, …) • gets() can be used to take input character array • int gets(const char *str) • getchar() can be used to take input a single character • int getchar(int char) 44 fl  C Program Inputs - Example 2  C Program Inputs - Example 2 C Program Inputs - Example 2 #include <stdio.h> int main( ) { int int_value; float float_value; char char_value; #include <stdio.h> char str[100]; int main( ) { "); printf("Enter a string: gets(str); int int_value; printf("Received string: %s\n", str); float float_value; char_value; printf("Enterchar a character: "); char str[100]; char_value = getchar(); printf("Received Character: %c\n", printf("Enter a string: "); char_value); gets(str); printf("Waiting for input (e.g. integer,float):"); printf("Received string: %s\n", str); // takes comma separated inputs scanf("%d,%f", &int_value, &float_value, printf("Enter a character: "); &char_value); printf("Received following inputs: %d, %f\n", int_value, float_value); char_value = getchar(); printf("Received Character: %c\n", char_value); } printf("Waiting for input (e.g. integer,float):"); // takes comma separated inputs scanf("%d,%f", &int_value, &float_value, &char_value); printf("Received following inputs: %d, %f\n", int_value, float_value); } 45 • Computer programs often need to write out content to the screen. This is the part of user interaction, and is used to either display current program status and accomplish other program objectives • In C, there are multiple ways to write output to the terminal • The rst one uses printf function. It is the most commonly used method to write output to the terminal in C • int printf(const char *format, …) • There are two other methods used to write output to the terminal in C programs: • puts() can be used to output character array • int puts(const char *str) • putchar() can be used to output a single character • int putchar(int char) • Example codes in next slide demonstrates the use of the above functions 46 fi  C Program Outputs  C Program Outputs - Examples #include <stdio.h> int main( ) { // print a string printf("Hello World !\n"); #include <stdio.h> int main( ) { //print an integer printf("Integer: %d\n", -50); char str[100] = "Hello World"; //print a floating point number printf("Integer, Floating Point Number: %d, %f\n", -50, 3.1428); // printing a character array puts(str); //print a character printf("Integer, Floating Point Number: %d, %f, %c\n", -50, 3.1428, 'z'); //printing character putchar('!'); putchar('\n'); //print a string printf("Integer, Floating Point Number: %d, %f, %c, %s\n", -50, 3.1428, 'z', "String"); } } 47 • Opening and Closing les • When working with les, you need to declare a pointer of type le • FILE *fptr; • fopen("E:\\cprogram\\newprogram.txt","w"); • fclose(fptr); • Reading and Writing to les, • fwrite(const void *content, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *fptr) • Use fprintf(), fscanf() • These are le versions of printf and scanf, and expect a pointer to the structure FILE • Write: fprintf(fptr,”%d",num) • Read: fscanf(fptr,”%d", &num) • More details at, le-input-output fi fi fi fi fi 48 fi  C Program I/O - File Operations Putting Everything Together • In your working directory make a subdirectory ‘source’ to place your working code: • > mkdir source • In this sub-directory, save the given code in le named “led.c” Command line Input Linux File system ( le operations) Command line Output fi 50 fi  C Program - Code • Back in the working directory, create the “Make le” and paste the given contents in it CC=gcc CFLAGS=-I. test.o: source/led.c $(CC) -c -o test.o source/led.c test: test.o $(CC) -o test test.o .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f test.o • Compile the code using make command with the target test • > make test • For cleaning up extra les, • > make clean fi fi 51 fi  C Program - Compile (Make le) • Important things to remember when you write your make le • Name of your make le has to be: make le or Make le • You can only have one make le per directory • Anything that can be entered at the terminal can be in the make le • Each command must be preceded by a TAB and is immediately followed by a carriage return fi fi fi fi fi fi 52 fi  Make le rules  C Program - Execute • Execute the program using the command • > ./test • The output would be as follows • You will observe the LED blinking at the mentioned rate 53 • Setup your terminals speci c to your OS (Windows, MAC, Linux) • Practice all these concepts/commands on your terminals • Book: Read the following topic from Chapter3: Exploring Embedded Linux Systems, • Introducing Embedded Linux • Advantages Disadvantages of Embedded Linux • Is Linux open source and free • Kernel Space and User Space • Managing Linux Systems • System Administration - Linux FileSystem • Filesystem Permissions • Linux Commands 54 fi  Reading