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MIPS Assembly Encryption/Decryption Code

# initialize setup directives
#store in data portion of memory
input_file: .asciiz "Users/User/Documents/ECE 331/Project1/Input.txt"
cipher_file: .asciiz "Users/User/Documents/ECE 331/Project1/Ciphertext.txt"
decoded_file: .asciiz "Users/User/Documents/ECE 331/Project1/Decoded.txt"
password: .byte 's' 'c' 'h' 'a'
outputprompt: .asciiz "Output from compare is: "
plaintext: .space 200
cyphertext: .space 200
decrypted: .space 200
#store in text portion of memory
jal ra, LOAD
mv s0, a0
mv s1, a1 # save copy of plaintext address in s1
mv s2, a2 # save copy of cyphertext address in s2
mv s3, a3 # save copy of decrypted address in s3
mv s4, a4 # number of written items
jal ra, ENCRYPT # all arguments are already where they should be
mv a0, s0 # load arguments for encrypt mv a1, s2 # here we load the cyphertext as plaintext to decode it
mv a2, s3
jal ra, ENCRYPT # takes a0 key, a1 plaintext a2 output location
mv a0, s1
mv a1, s3
jal ra, COMPARE # load plaintext and decoded to compare them
mv t0, a0
addi a0, x0, 4 # print output of compare
la a1, outputprompt ecall
mv a1, t0
addi a0, x0, 1
addi a0, x0, 11
li a1, 10
la a1, cipher_file
mv a2, s2
jal ra, COMPAREREAD # print output of ciphertext
addi a0, x0, 13 # open file
la a1, input_file
mv a1, a0
mv t1, a0
addi a0, x0, 14 # read plaintext
la a2, plaintext
addi a3, x0, 199
mv t2, a0
addi a0, x0, 16
add a1, x0, t1 # close file
lw a0, password # set outputs
la a1, plaintext
la a2, cyphertext
la a3, decrypted
mv a4, t2
jalr x0, x1, 0 # return to main
# Arguments:
# a0 = password
# a1 = &plaintext
# a2 = &cyphertext
# encrypts a null terminated string # returns nothing, stores encrypted data in *a2 # save ra and saved registers
addi sp, sp, -16
sw ra, 12(sp)
sw s0, 8(sp)
sw s1, 4(sp)
sw s2, 0(sp)
mv s0, a0 # save arguments
mv s1, a1
mv s2, a2
mv a0, s0 # orrigianl passowrd into a0
mv a1, s1
mv a2, s2
lw a1, 0(s1) # load new plaintext block into a1
jal ra, BLOCKSWAP # swaps password bytes
jal ra, ALGO # generates encrypted text
sw a0, 0(s2) # stores encrypted text in ciphertext
addi s1, s1, 4 # itterates to next index
addi s2, s2, 4
beq a2, x0, L0 # if a2 flag for null character=0 loop back
lw ra, 12(sp) # restores registers and clears stack
lw s0, 8(sp)
lw s1, 4(sp)
lw s2, 0(sp)
addi sp, sp, 16
jalr x0, ra, 0
# Arguments:
# a0 = pswd
# a1 = char[4]
# variables
# s0, bit mask for current byte
# s1, bytes to shift byte to 0-7
# a2, password byte
# a3, char byte
# resultants:
# a0 = new pswd
# a1 = same char
# a2 = 1 if end 0 else
# swaps the block of pswd based on char block
addi sp, sp, -16
sw ra, 8(sp)
sw s0, 4(sp)
sw s1, 0(sp)
#======== sets variables========
add a4, x0, x0 # storage of result
add s1, x0, x0 # shift amount
addi s0, x0, 0xff # right most byte
#addi s1, s1, 8
and a2, s0, a0 # isolate byte from pswd
and a3, s0, a1 # isolate byte from char
srl a2, a2, s1
srl a3, a3, s1 # shift byte into right field
beq a3, x0, ENDSTR # if null character end
jal ra, CHECKSWAP # adds flags if swap
bne a5, x0, SKIP # skips swapchar if flagged
jal ra, SWAPCHAR # swaps upper 4 bits w/ lower 4 bits
sll a2, a2, s1 # shifts a2 back to proper field
or a4, a4, a2 # stores swapped pswd into a4
slli s0, s0, 8 # gets mask ready for next char
addi s1, s1, 8
bne s0, x0, L1 # if on last char dont loop
mv a2, x0 # sets flag to 0
jal x0, EXIT
addi a2, x0, 1 # set a2 flag to 1 EXIT: # restores registers and resets stack
lw ra, 8(sp)
lw s0, 4(sp)
lw s1, 0(sp)
addi sp, sp, 16
mv a0, a4 # moves results into a0
jalr, x0, ra, 0
# checks to see if last byte of a2 has two even or two odd bits in bits 0,4
# a5 will be 1 if different, 0 if same
srli t2, a3, 4 # align bit 4 with bit 0
xor t2, t2, a3 # xor bit 0 and bit 4 of a3
andi t2, t2, 1 # only show bit 1,
mv a5, t2 # move result into flag field
jalr x0, ra, 0
# Arguments:
# a2 = pswd char
# # will swap the nibbles in first byte of a2
andi t2, a2, 0xff # isolate byte
srli a2, t2, 4 # shift by a nibble
slli t2, t2, 4 # lines up lower nibble to where upper nibble would be
andi t2, t2, 0xf0 # remove upper nibble
or a2, t2, a2 # combine nibbles
jalr x0, ra, 0
# encrypts one word with password using rules defined
# arguments:
# a0 = pswrd
# a1 = text block
# Results:
# a0 = encrypted text
li t0, 0xeeeeeeee # loads constant
and a0, a0, t0 # sets bits 0,4 of every byte to 0
xor a0, a0, a1 # encryptes plaintext
jalr x0, ra, 0
# Arguments:
# a0, &plaintext # a1, &decrypted # Returns:
# a0, 1 if decryption error, 0 if none
addi sp, sp, -4 # save return address
sw ra, 0(sp)
mv t0, a0
mv t1, a1
la a1, input_file
mv a2, a0
jal ra, COMPAREREAD # print input
la a1, decoded_file
mv a2, t1
jal ra, COMPAREREAD # print output
lw ra, 0(sp)
addi sp, sp, 4 # restore stack and register
lw a0, 0(t0)
lw a1, 0(t1)
andi t2, a0, 0xff # check if end of string
xor t3, a0, a1 # if any bits a0,a1 differ t3!=0
bne t3, x0, FALSECOMPARE # if there are different bytes end
bne t2, x0, ENDCOMPARE # if string is over, end
addi t0, t0, 4 # get next block
addi t1, t1, 4
beq x0, x0, LC # loop
add a0, x0, x0
jalr x0, ra, 0
addi a0, x0, 1
jalr x0, ra, 0
# prints string in format
# path is a1, pointer to data is a2
addi a0, x0, 4
addi a0, x0, 11
li a1, 0x3A
addi a0, x0, 11
li a1, 0x20
addi a0, x0, 4
mv a1, a2
addi a0, x0, 11
li a1, 10
jalr x0, ra, 0
ENDP: # ends program
li a0,10