Uploaded by Ujjwal Ashiwal

C++ Programming Course Outline

### Basic Level:###
1. **Introduction to C++:**
- History and Features
- Setting up a Development Environment
- Hello World Program
2. **Basic Syntax:**
- Variables and Data Types
- Operators
- Input and Output
3. **Control Flow:**
- Conditional Statements (if, else, switch)
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Break and Continue
4. **Functions:**
- Function Declaration and Definition
- Parameters and Return Types
- Function Overloading
5. **Arrays and Strings:**
- Array Declaration and Initialization
- String Class
- Character Arrays
6. **Pointers and References:**
- Pointers and Addresses
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Reference Variables
7. **Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):**
- Classes and Objects
- Constructors and Destructors
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
### Intermediate Level:###
8. **STL (Standard Template Library):**
- Containers (Vector, List, Map, Set, etc.)
- Algorithms (Sort, Search, Transform, etc.)
- Iterators
9. **Exception Handling:**
- Try, Catch, Throw
- Custom Exception Classes
10. **File Handling:**
- Reading and Writing to Files
- File Streams
11. **Templates:**
- Function Templates
- Class Templates
12. **Smart Pointers:**
- Shared_ptr, Unique_ptr, Weak_ptr
- Memory Management
13. **Multi-threading:**
- Basics of Concurrency
- Mutexes and Locks
- Thread Management
### Advanced Level:###
14. **Lambda Expressions:**
- Syntax and Usage
15. **Meta-Programming:**
- Template Metaprogramming (TMP)
- constexpr and decltype
16. **STL Advanced Concepts:**
- Custom Allocators
- Functors and Binders
17. **Design Patterns:**
- Gang of Four (GoF) Patterns
- Modern C++ Patterns
18. **C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20 Features:**
- Modern Features and Improvements
19. **Graphics Programming with C++:**
- OpenGL or DirectX Basics
20. **Networking in C++:**
- Sockets and Networking Libraries
21. **Game Development with C++:**
- Game Loop, Collision Detection, etc.
22. **Embedded C++:**
- Programming for Embedded Systems
23. **Parallel and Distributed Computing:**
- Parallel Algorithms
- Message Passing Interface (MPI)
24. **Advanced Memory Management:**
- Memory Pools
- Garbage Collection
25. **Compiler Internals:**
- Understanding Compilation Process
### Additional Topics:###
26. **Graphics and GUI Libraries:**
- SDL, SFML, Qt, etc.
27. **Machine Learning with C++:**
- Integration with libraries like TensorFlow or OpenCV
28. **Web Development with C++:**
- Backend development using frameworks like CPPCMS or Wt
29. **Database Connectivity:**
- SQL and NoSQL databases with C++
30. **C++ on Different Platforms:**
- Cross-platform development
- Mobile development with C++
31. **C++ Best Practices:**
- Code Style Guidelines
- Code Reviews
32. **Performance Optimization:**
- Profiling and Benchmarking
- Optimizing Techniques
33. **Unit Testing in C++:**
- Testing frameworks (e.g., Google Test)
34. **Security in C++:**
- Secure Coding Practices
- Buffer Overflows and Mitigations
35. **Concurrency Models:**
- Actors, Data Parallelism, etc.
36. **Scientific Computing:**
- Using C++ for scientific simulations
37. **Real-Time Systems:**
- Developing for real-time constraints
38. **Networking Libraries:**
- Boost.Asio, Poco
39. **Debugging Techniques:**
- Advanced debugging tools and strategies
40. **C++ Reflection:**
- Experimental feature in recent C++ standards