international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx Available online at ScienceDirect journal homepage: Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance Yongchen He a, Liang Pu a,b, Ruofan Sun a, Tongtong Yan a, Hongbo Tan a,*, Zhao Zhang b a b School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, 710049, China State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants, Beijing, 100028, China highlights A appropriate flare hazard distance can effectively prevent potential thermal hazards. A new model for predicting the hazard distance of hydrogen flares is developed. Simulations and the new model improved prediction accuracy of hydrogen flare hazard distance. The hydrogen flare radiation model was applied to various release conditions. article info abstract Article history: Flare stacks, used for emergency venting of redundant hydrogen, can cause jet fires that Received 24 April 2023 pose thermal hazards to the surrounding environment. To accurately predict the hazard Received in revised form distance of hydrogen flare, it is necessary to develop a new flare radiation model. Also, the 7 June 2023 numerical simulations of hydrogen flame are carried out to assess the radiation hazard Accepted 27 June 2023 area of the flares. The results show that the hazard distances predicted by the numerical Available online xxx method and the new model agree well with the HSL data fitted by exponential regression, and the errors are less than ±5%. Furthermore, the new model and simulations were used Keywords: to analyze the distribution of thermal radiation for hydrogen flare under various release Flare stacks conditions. Increasing the release rates will drive the hazard boundary of flare system to Hazard distance expand. Additionally, as flare height increases, the radiation damage from the flare flame Hydrogen flame on ground is reduced due to buoyancy of combustion products. Thermal radiation © 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction Hydrogen is regarded as an important means for addressing climate change and building the decarbonized society [1]. The rapid advancement of hydrogen energy technology has resulted in a significant increase in both the quantity of hydrogen being stored and the storage pressure required to contain it [2,3]. Meanwhile, the increasing application scenes of such hydrogen necessitates a deep understanding of the consequences resulting from potential accidents involving large-scale hydrogen leakage or hydrogen fire. Generally, hydrogen ignition release is an effective measure for safe disposal of redundant hydrogen in emergency situations. The hydrogen flare stack is an essential component of the safety protection system for the hydrogen energy storage and transportation chain [4], and the hazard distances for hydrogen flare is a crucial consideration in the design of the * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (Y. He), (H. Tan). 0360-3199/© 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Please cite this article as: He Y et al., Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx Nomenclature Ceq d0 D De Fs HSL I l L L0 Lf m_ m_ ng MPS Mair Mp PH2 O PCO2 Q Qi Ri Rh Weighted carbon dioxide equivalent for CO2, N2, H2O components the flare exit diameter (m) Hazard distance (m) Equivalent gas source diameter (m) Stoichiometric mass fraction fuel in mixture The Health and Safety Laboratory Incident radiation at the receiver (kW/m2) Lift-off distance (m) Flat section length of flame model (m) Flame length in still air (m) Distance from flare tip to flame end (m) Release rate of gas fuel (kg/s) Release rate of natural gas in the Chamberlain's model (kg/s) Multi-point source Molecular weight of air Molecular weight of combustion products Impact of H2O in air on t Impact of CO2 in air on t Total energy released per unit time from fuel gas combustion (kW) Thermal quantity of the radiant point source i (kW) Distances between radiative point sources i and the receiver (m) Ambient relative humidity (%) hydrogen production, storage, delivery and terminal site plan. Many scientists and companies have carried out a great deal of experimental and theoretical studies on the jet flame and its thermal radiation generated by the hydrogen ignition releases [5e10]. Brzustowski et al. [11] performed the hydrogen diffusion flame tests in a crosswind and measured the flame length. Fishburne et al. [12] conducted a series of large-scale hydrogen ignition releases experiments at the Rocketdyne test site in the United States, with flare vent diameters ranging from 6 to 27 inches and release rates ranging from 2 to 126 kg/s. Thermal radiation from a large buoyant flame was predicted using only a few parameters. The Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) [13] carried out the hydrogen flare tests under variable flow conditions, as well as measurements of flame geometry and heat flux at various locations. In addition, the geometry of the hydrogen flame has a significant influence on radiative heat transfer, which is typically determined by parameters such as flame length, lift-off distance, tilt angle, etc. Bradley et al. [14,15] and Kalaghatigi et al. [16] investigated the lift-off distances in choked and subsonic hydrogen flames, and discovered that hydrogen behavior differs obviously from that of hydrocarbon flames. Carboni et al. [17] analyzed the effect of boundary conditions on the hydrogen flame length using experimental and simulation means. Considering the effect of crosswind on hydrogen and hydrocarbon jet flames, literatures [18e20] demonstrated that the hydrogen flame tilt angle is more sensitive to RiðL0 Þ RiðDe Þ SPS Smm Tad Tad;H2 Tair uw uj V Vi Wb Wt k ε a r0 t b d d0 DH Richardson number associated with the flame length in still air Richardson number associated with the equivalent diameter of the flare Single point source Saturated water pressure at ambient temperature (mm Hg) Adiabatic combustion temperature (K) Adiabatic combustion temperature of pure hydrogen (K) Ambient temperature (K) Wind velocity (m/s) Fuel velocity at flare exit (m/s) Total volume of flame geometry model (m3) Volume of the flame model for region i (m3) Section base width of the flame model (m) Section top width of the flame model (m) Density correction parameters Radiant heat fraction (%) Tilt for natural gas flames using the Chamberlain model Air density (kg/m3) Air transmissivity Angle between the vertical axis of the flare and the hydrogen flame axis Flame velocity ratio Corrected flame velocity ratio Lower heating value of fuel gas (J/kg) environmental factors. The flare stack tests conducted by HSL among the above experiments provide more comprehensive information on hydrogen flames and thermal radiation, and the results can be used to validate numerical models of largescale flare flames. In general, the great costs and risks make it difficult to conduct hydrogen industrial flare tests, so numerical methods become the most appreciated research tools. Singh et al. [21] used CFD methods to model industrial flares and laboratorygrade flames, and the findings improved prediction accuracy of combustion efficiency significantly. Considering the thermal radiation hazard of jet fires, Cirrone et al. [22,23] conducted numerical simulations to study cryogenic hydrogen jet fires and assessed the thermal radiation damage. Jang et al. [24] used the CFD software KFX to analyze the thermal radiation distribution of the large-scale fire in a factory, demonstrating that the results can be used to generate emergency plans or prepare safety measures to avoid thermal radiation hazards from fire. In addition, Jung et al. [25] employed the CFD software FDS to assess the thermal radiation impacts associated with emergency flaring of a floating LNG bunkering terminal. This analysis was conducted to determine an appropriate hazard distance for the facility. In the field of engineering, researchers often utilize computational models that were originally developed by early oil companies to calculate the range of thermal radiation effects occurring during flare operations. Chamberlain's flare radiation model [26] was constructed using a significant Please cite this article as: He Y et al., Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 3 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx amount of natural gas data to derive empirical equations for flame length, flame tilts and radiation fraction. However, when applied to hydrogen flames, the model may overestimate the radiation fraction at lower flow rates due to their greater sensitivity to wind compared to natural gas flames [27]. The API 521 model [28], which utilizes multiple types of gas data and was initially designed for pool fire modeling, tends to overestimate flame parameters when the release rates of gases approaches the choke flow. It is well known that these semi-empirical models are derived from hydrocarbon release currently. In comparison with the release of hydrocarbons to the atmosphere, there are remarkable differences in hydrogen flame geometry and thermal radiation behaviors. As a result, this paper is based on Air Products' modified method [29] of calculating hydrogen flame parameters to more accurately predict hydrogen flare flame geometry, allowing for the development of new hydrogen flare radiation models with a more comprehensive approach for determining hazard distances. The new model advances the determination of a hazard distances for hydrogen ignition release through the consideration of two primary factors: the precise characterization of flame geometry and the assessment of thermal radiation intensity resulting from hydrogen flame at the receiver. In this study, a CFD model for evaluating the hazard distance of a hydrogen flare was validated. Based on an improved theoretical model, the hazard distance of the hydrogen flare was predicted for varying release conditions. These findings offer a valuable theoretical foundation for developing large-scale hydrogen safety disposal strategies in the future. Physical model Base case The hydrogen ignition releases experiment performed by HSL in 2011 is employed to establish the physical model. Around 6 m of horizontal pipework were connected to the hydrogen tube trailer to deliver gas to the vent stack, which was set up outside in a center location without any building obstruction. Hydrogen was released vertically from a 5.5 m high stack with a 5.08 102 m nominal bore vent pipes, as seen in Fig. 1 [13]. According to HSL reported, two sets of experiments were conducted for the ignition release of hydrogen with a mass Fig. 1 e Hydrogen ignition releases experiment conducted by HSL. Table 1 e Experimental parameters. Parameters Flare stack height (m) Flare exit diameter ( 102 m) Mass flow rate (kg/s) Atmospheric temperature (K) at release height Experiment 1: atmospheric humidity (%) Experiment 1: wind velocity (m/s) at release height Experiment 2: wind velocity (m/s) at release height Experiment 2: flame height (m) Experiment 2: flame width (m) Experiment 2: flame tip ( ) Values 5.50 5.08 0.40 273 90 3.20 10.0 7.68 4.31 33 flow rate of 0.4 kg/s. Experiment 1 monitored the incident radiation from the hydrogen flame while the mean wind velocity at release height is 3.2 m/s, and experiment 2 monitored the hydrogen flame geometry while the mean wind velocity at release height is 10.0 m/s. More experimental details are shown in Table 1 [13,29]. Model scale and boundary conditions According to the HSL test, the computational model is built with the size of 60 m 30 m 10 m in x, y, and z directions. The circular hydrogen vent source faces upwards vertically and the center of which locates at point (0, 5.5, 0). In addition, eight fast response radiometers were arranged along the downwind direction to measure the heat flux from the hydrogen flame, which were mounted on poles at a height of 1.8 m and angled in towards the release. These sensors were placed at horizontal distances of 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, 5 m, 7 m, 9 m, 25 m and 40 m from the center of the vent stack, respectively. The corresponding sketch is drawn in Fig. 2. The vent source face is a semicircle with a radius of 2.54 102 m, of which the boundary condition is mass flow inlet. The boundary condition of the z ¼ 0 plane is symmetric to save the computing resources. Also, the planes of y ¼ 30 m and z ¼ 10 m are similarly designated as symmetric boundary conditions, keeping both planes far away from the radiative field of hydrogen flame to avoid the effects. The boundary condition of the x ¼ 10 plane is velocity inlet. Finally, the plane of x ¼ 50 m is set as the pressure outlet boundary condition. Fig. 2 e Physical model of hydrogen ignition releases. Please cite this article as: He Y et al., Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 4 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx Continuity equation: vrm þ V $ ðrm ! vm Þ ¼ Sm vt (1) vm represent the density and average velocity of where rm and ! the mixture, the source term Sm refers to the mass that diffuses from other phases into the continuous phase, for example, the phenomenon of liquid droplets evaporation exists in the model. However, the HSL test is a diffusion combustion phenomenon in which hydrogen combustion occurs at the flare exit, without considering the evaporation of droplets, that is, Sm ¼ 0. The continuity equation is transformed as follows: vrm þ V $ ðrm ! vm Þ ¼ 0 vt (2) Momentum equation: Fig. 3 e Grid independence test. Mesh independence The grids around the vent source and in the radiometer placement zone are refined whereas the far-field grids can become increasingly sparse. The grid number of control volumes is tested four times, and the numbers are 380,634, 530,073, 737,171, and 995,834. The Incident radiation at the radiometers of near field (3, 1.8, 0) and far field (40, 1.8, 0) are selected as the monitoring indicators. The test results are shown in Fig. 3. It is evident that as the grid number of control volumes increases from 380,634 to 737,171, the incident radiation at the sensor of near field has an apparent increase. When the grid number of control volumes comes to 995,834, the incident radiation changes less than 3%. Moreover, the mesh number increases from 530,073 to 995,834, there is almost no change in incident radiation with far field. As a result, the following study has assigned the grid number of control volumes as 737,171. Mathematical model Governing equations When using flare stacks for hydrogen ignition release, the vertical upward turbulent diffusion flames are commonly regarded as non-premixed combustion cases. The radiation emitted by the flare flame will then pass through the fluid medium of the atmospheric environment, with a portion of the radiation being absorbed and scattered along any given path, potentially causing heat damage to surrounding workers. The mixture gas (hydrogen-air) is assumed to be incompressible and keep the ground as an adiabatic wall, the conservation equations for mixture mass, momentum, and energy are solved to predict the flame combustion and thermal radiation behaviors of hydrogen ignition releases. The continuity, momentum, energy and species equation are expressed as follow [30]: v T ðr ! vm Þ þ V $ ðrm ! vm $ ! vm þ V ! vm Þ ¼ Vp þ V½mm ðV ! vm Þ vt m g þ rm ! (3) where mm is the molecular viscosity, p is the static pressure. g is the gravitational body force. rm ! Energy equation: v v ! v vT ! ðrm EÞ þ ð vm ðrm E þ pÞÞ ¼ þ vm tij eff þ Sh keff vt vxi vxj vxj (4) where E is the total energy. keff is the effective thermal conductivity. ðtij Þeff denotes the deviatoric stress tensor related with the effective dynamic viscosity. Sh is the source term, including the effect of enthalpy transport caused by species diffusion. Species transport model: vðrm Yi Þ ! þ V $ ðrm ! vm Yi Þ ¼ V $ Ji þ Pi vt (5) where Yi represents the mass fraction of the species i, Pi is the ! net rate of production of species i by chemical reaction. Ji represents the diffusion flux of species i, which can be obtained by ðrm Di;m þmt =St ÞVYi . Di;m is the diffusion coefficient, mt is the turbulent viscosity and St is the turbulent Schmidt number. Combustion model In order to accurately describe the turbulent chemical reaction of H2-Air, the combustion model was derived through the Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) model [23,31], the concrete expression is as follows: . * t 1 ðx* Þ3 Ri ¼ rm ðx* Þ2 $ Yi* Yi x* ¼ Cx (6) 1=4 nε k2 (7) n1=2 ε (8) t* ¼ Ct where x* is the volume fraction of the fine scales and Yi* is the species mass fraction over a time scale t* , n is the kinematic Please cite this article as: He Y et al., Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 5 viscosity. Cx is a volume fraction constant equal to 2.1377, and Ct is a time scale constant equal to 0.4082. Simulation method and model validation Turbulence model General settings The literature shows that the standard k-ε model is widely used in industry due to its high stability, wide application, and ability to produce accurate results quickly [32e34]. This study utilizes the standard k-ε model as the turbulence model for simulating flame combustion. The widely adopted twoequation model of the standard k-ε model relates turbulent viscosity to turbulent energy and dissipation rate. The model includes the turbulent kinetic energy equation k and the diffusion rate equation ε: The numerical simulation is carried out using the commercial CFD code Ansys Fluent. Given the goal of modeling established jet flames with constant release conditions, a threedimensional steady-state flame combustion model was performed. Pressure velocity coupling is solved by Coupled scheme. For the spatial discretization of momentum, energy, turbulent kinetic energy, and turbulent dissipation rate, the second-order upwind scheme is used. Both the energy and P-1 models had relaxation factors of 0.95. Residuals are all set as 106 for the solution convergence. Convergence is typically achieved by allowing the scaled residuals for each equation to reach a specific value. However, due to the nature of the initialization, relying solely on scaled residuals for this study could be misleading. To more accurately determine the convergence of the solution, flow properties were monitored to confirm that measurement of radiation was not changing with additional iterations. Remote targets to record incident thermal radiation were defined 1.8 m above the ground surface at horizontal distances of 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, 5 m, 7 m, 9 m, 25 m and 40 m, from the center of the flare stack. The location of monitors is shown in Fig. 2. v v v ðr kÞþ ðrm kui Þ¼ vt m vxi vxj m vk mþ t þ Gk þGb rm ε YM þ Sk sk vxj (9) v v v ðr εÞ þ ðr εui Þ ¼ vt m vxi m vxj m vε mþ t sε vxj (10) ε ε2 þ C1ε ðGk þ C3ε Gb Þ C2ε r þ Sε k k where Gk and Gb are the generation of turbulence kinetic energy due to the mean velocity gradient and buoyancy, respectively. In compressible turbulent flows, YM represents the contribution of fluctuating dilatation to the global dissipation rate. C1ε , C2ε and C3ε are constants. Sε and Sk are userdefined source terms. The turbulent viscosity mt , is 2 computed by combining k and ε and as mt ¼ rm Cmm kε , and Cmm is a constant. Radiation model The radiative heat transfer from the flare flame depends not only on the flame temperature but also on the fluid medium's radiation absorption and scattering capacity. It is crucial to consider the product H2O resulting from a large-scale hydrogen fire when analyzing radiative heat transfer. The absorption coefficient of the gas medium is acquired using a weighted sum of gray gases model (WSGGM) [35,36]. The P-1 model was employed to simulate radiation hydrogen flame [37]. When dealing with media that can absorb, emit, and scatter radiation, the radiative transfer equation (RTE) at a given position ! r and direction ! s can be expressed as follows: Z4p 4 ! dIð! r ;! sÞ ss ! ! 2 sT þ ðl þ ss ÞsIð r ; s Þ ¼ lw þ Ið! r ;! s ÞFð! s ; s0 ÞdU0 ds p 4p 0 (11) ! where ! r is the position vector, ! s is direction vector, s0 is the direction vector of scattering, s is the length along the path of radiation, l is the absorption coefficient, w is the refractive index, ss is the scattering coefficient, s is the StephenBoltzmann constant with a value of 5.67 108 W/m2$k4, I is the intensity of thermal radiation, depending on ! r and ! s , F is the scattering coefficient of condensed phase, U0 is the solid angle, ðl þss Þs is the extinction coefficient of medium. Model validation against HSL test The numerical model was validated through the selection of two sets of experiments in the HSL test. In Experiment 1, the incident radiation was monitored using eight radiometers while the shape of the hydrogen flame was captured by an infrared camera. However, the thermal emissivity of the hydrogen flame could not be accurately adjusted by the thermal imaging camera, which made it impossible to measure the flame length and tilt angle [13]. As a complement, the visible hydrogen flame was measured for its length, width, and tilt at constant release conditions in experiment 2. However, the incident radiation was not recorded during these tests. Fig. 4 shows a high level of similarity between the flame geometries of experiments 1 and numerical simulations. Besides, Fig. 5 compares the incident radiation of the hydrogen flame from experiments 1 and numerical simulations. From near-field to far-field, the simulated incident radiation is gradually decreased from 7.68 to 0.23 kW/m2, compared with the actual situation (the average value decreased from 9.43 to 0.27 kW/m2) [13,29], the maximum error is within 18%. It is obvious that the environmental disturbances have an impact on the shape of the flame. As a result, the experimental data from HSL exhibits slight discrepancies when compared to the simulated values of the near-field incident radiation, particularly at the measurement points (5, 1.8, 0). When the radiometer is placed in the far-field, the shape of the flare flame has minimal impact on the far-field thermal radiation. Therefore, it is assumed that the thermal radiation from the flame is emitted from a point source. The hazard distance for the thermal radiation from the flare is usually located in the far field, and the simulated incident radiation is in good agreement with the experimental data. Please cite this article as: He Y et al., Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 6 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx Fig. 4 e Model validation 1: flame geometry of experiment 1. (a) Numerical simulation. (b) HSL infrared image. Fig. 5 e Model validation 2: incident radiation of experiment 1. In experiment 2, hydrogen flame geometry captured by infrared camera at night, the visual flame length is obtained directly [13], and the corresponding data were reported in the literature [29]. The boundary and initial conditions in experiment 1 and 2 were identical, except for the wind velocity. In addition, the temperature threshold is the most commonly used method in CFD to determine the flame length. In hydrogen combustion experiments, Schefer et al. [9,38] used the combustion temperature of 1300e1500 K as a criterion for the hydrogen flame boundary, which is used to determine the flame geometry in this study. According to the actual situation of HSL experiment, the flame geometrical sizes of hydrogen flame were simulated. Fig. 6 demonstrates the comparison of the flame height, width and tilt between the experiments 2 and the numerical simulations. It can be seen that the geometry corresponding to flame height, width and tilt are 6.95 m, 4.53 m and 34.50 , respectively, which is highly correlated with the reported geometrical sizes of hydrogen flame in Table 1 [13,29], proving the accuracy of the numerical model. Based on the validation studies described above, it is confident to say that the proposed model is reliable in simulating the geometry of hydrogen flame and the transfer behavior of thermal radiation. Fig. 6 e Model validation 3: hydrogen flame geometrical sizes of experiment 2. New model for developing hydrogen flares hazard distances Model fundamentals Hydrogen ignition release is an effective measure for safe disposal of redundant hydrogen in emergency situations. The hazard distances for hydrogen flare is a crucial consideration in the design of the hydrogen production, storage, delivery and terminal site plan. In general, scholars have used semiempirical models developed to study the thermal radiation behavior from flare stack. The single point source (SPS) model is widely used in engineering calculations because it is simple to calculate, but its results are only accurate in the far field [39]. The multi-point source (MPS) model considers incident radiation received by the target as a superposition of radiation from each point source distributed along the centerline of the flame [40]. The solid flame model accurately predicts the nearfield and far-field thermal radiation of the flare stacks, but the complexity of computational process makes it not widely used in the engineering field. Subsequently, Chen et al. [41] established a sub-regional and multi-point source model for calculating the hazard distance of elevated flares, which Please cite this article as: He Y et al., Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 7 Fig. 7 e Schematic diagram of theflare radiation model. combines the respective advantages of the point source flame model and the solid flame model. In this paper, first of all, the cone frustum model [41e43] is used to assume the geometry of the flare flame and the schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 7. From the flare tip to the flame end, the jet flame temperature shows a trend of increasing and then decreasing. Then, the jet flame can be divided into three regions based on the surface temperature and the thermal radiation properties [6,44e46]. The thermal radiation in each region is represented by a radiation source, which means that the jet flame as a whole is considered as three radiation sources. Finally, the amount of radiation emitted by the radiation source in each region is determined by the volume ratio of the region to the total volume of the jet flame. It is well known that these semi-empirical models are derived from hydrocarbon release currently. In comparison with the release of hydrocarbons to the atmosphere, there are significant differences in hydrogen flame geometry and thermal radiation behaviors [29]. Based on the model described above, the paper optimized the calculation method for the hazard distance of hydrogen flare. A new flare radiation model based on sub-regional and multi-point sources is being developed through MATLAB software, which is applicable to hydrogen ignition releases. The following is a brief overview of the calculation steps. 1. Determine the flame length L0 in still air and equivalent gas source diameter De. 2. Determine flame geometry, flame length Lf in crosswind, lift-off distance l, and flame tilt b. 3. Establish a sub-regional and multi-point source model based on flame geometry. 4. Add up the thermal radiation received by the target point from each region to determine the hazard distances. Flame length in still air Diffusion flame length L0 in still air is widely used in flare radiation models, and Chamberlain developed an expression for L0 based on Kalaghatigi [16], as shown in Eq. (12). The difference in fuel gas properties renders the above equation inapplicable to the hydrogen combustion reaction, whereas the correction for adiabatic combustion temperature Tad increases the applicability of the equation. ðDe k=L0 Fs Þ2=3 ¼ A þ B$RiðL0 Þ k¼ 1=2 Mair $Tad Mp $Tair 100Tad ¼ Tad;H2 73:95C2eq þ 3:66Ceq þ 99:72 (12) (13) (14) where RiðL0 Þ is the Richardson number in still air, represented by RiðL0 Þ ¼ ðg=ðDe uj Þ2 Þ1=3 $L0 . Fs is stoichiometric mass fraction fuel in mixture. The equivalent gas source diameter can be 0:5 _ obtained by De ¼ ð4m=ðpr 0 uj ÞÞ , m. A and B are constants equal to 0.200 and 0.024. uj is the fuel velocity at flare exit, m/s. m_ is release rate of gas fuel, kg/s. k represents the density correction parameters. Tad;H2 is adiabatic combustion temperature of pure hydrogen. Mair and Mp represent the molecular weight of air and combustion products. Tair is ambient temperature. Ceq represents the weighted carbon dioxide equivalent for CO2, N2, H2O components. Please cite this article as: He Y et al., Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 8 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx flame velocity ratio, and the x can be expressed by x ¼ 3 $RiðL0 Þ $m_ =ðm_ ng $400Þ. Flame tilt The predicted angle of tilt for natural gas flames using the Chamberlain model is represented by a [26], while b refers to the angle between the vertical axis of the flare stack and the hydrogen flame axis. a¼ d < 0:05 8000d=RiðL0 Þ . 1726ðd 0:026Þ0:5 þ 134 RiðL0 Þ d 0:05 (15) where d is the flame velocity ratio, represented by d ¼ uw =uj , and uw is the wind velocity, m/s. r0 is the air density, kg/m3. The tilt at which the hydrogen flame bends due to crosswind conditions is greater than that of the hydrocarbon. A correction term is used to improve the accuracy of the computational model [29], as shown in Eq. (16). b¼a m_ ng m_ (16) In which, m_ ng ¼ 255:42d20 $Yng 100Yng ¼ (17) 8 < 200:74X2 101:03Xng þ 1:85; Xng > 0:665 ng : 78:73X2:9013 ; ng Xng 0:665 . Xng ¼ L0 174:83d0:8794 0 (18) Hydrogen flame geometry model In Fig. 7, a schematic diagram of a cone frustum flame model is presented [41e43], where the actual geometry is calculated based on the above corrected parameters and divided into three regions. And the geometry model is derived as follows: Flat section length of flame model: 1=2 l cosðaÞ L ¼ L2f l2 sinðaÞ (25) Lift-off distance l in Chamberlain's method, which has been found to be adequate for hydrogen, is directly used in the new model. 8 b¼0 < 0:2Lf (26) l ¼ Lf sin 0:185e20d þ 0:015 $a sinðaÞ 0 < b < p : 0:015Lf b¼p The section base width of the flame model is expressed as below: qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Wb ¼ De $ 13:6e6d þ 1:5 $ 1 0:067 1 r0 rj e70$RiðDe Þ$wd (27) (19) where, m_ ng (kg/m3) is the release rate of natural gas in the Chamberlain's model. Xng is the ratio of L0 to still-air flame length at given Mach number, in Chamberlain's model [26,29]. Yng is derived from Xng , which can be seen in Eq. (18). d0 is the where, RiðDe Þ is the Richardson number associated with the equivalent diameter of the flare, which is calculated as RiðDe Þ ¼ ðg=ðDe uj Þ2 Þ1=3 $De , and the w can be obtained by ð1000e100d þ0:8Þ. The section top width of the flame model can be expressed by the following equation: d Wt ¼ Lf $ 0:18e1:5 þ 0:31 $ 1 0:47e25d (28) flare exit diameter, m. Incident radiation at the point of interest Flame length in crosswind According to Chamberlain model, the length of the natural gas flame decreases as the wind velocity increases, see Eq. (20) [26]. Actually, the literature [11,29] indicates that there is a positive correlation between flame length and wind velocity when the hydrogen flame tilt angle exceeds 60+ approximately. As a result, it is necessary to correct the flame length in crosswind conditions to make the model more widely application, as shown in Eq. (21). Lf ¼ L0 0:51e0:4uw þ 0:49 Lf L0 ¼ aebb ; b p=3 0 0:51e0:4d uj þ 0:49; b > p=3 (20) (21) In which, a ¼ e90b (22) 0 b ¼ 0:033 ln 1 0:51e0:4d uj þ 0:49 (23) d0 ¼ 0:026 þ x; 2 60$RiðL0 Þ$m_ m_ ng 134 1726 ; x > 0:05 x 0:05 (24) where Lf is the distance from flare tip to flame end, m. a and b are correction parameters of flame length, d0 is the corrected Total volume V (m3) of the flame geometry model is expressed as below: V ¼ ðpL = 12Þ$ Wb2 þ Wt2 þ Wb Wt (29) Similarly, the volume of the flame model is calculated for each of the three regions sequentially. Determine the thermal quantity Qi of the radiant point source i, which can be expressed by the following equation: Qi ¼ Vi Q ði ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ V (30) where, Q is total energy released per unit time from fuel gas _ combustion, which can be obtained by m$DH, DH is lower heating value of fuel gas, J/kg. Vi is the volume of the flame model region i (i ¼ 1, 2, 3). Assuming that the horizontal distance between the receiver and the flare stack is D, the incident radiation received by the target is the total radiative heat flux I generated by three radiation point sources superimposed at the receiver, as shown in the following equation. IðrÞ ¼ n X εQi t i¼1 4pR2i (31) where, I is the incident radiation value at the receiver, kW/m2. The distances between radiative point sources i Please cite this article as: He Y et al., Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 9 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx Fig. 8 e Comparison of various methods for predicting the distribution of thermal radiation from hydrogen flares. (a) Incident radiation from the hydrogen flare. (b) Hazard distance of the hydrogen flare. and the receiver are represented by Ri (i ¼ 1, 2, 3), and n ¼ 3. ε is radiant heat fraction, which was obtained by AP flame model using publicly available hydrogen data [29]. The radiant heat fraction is highly correlated with the mass flux at the flare exit under vertical release conditions, and the ε of a small ignition-released flame has a minimum value of 0.05 [47]. (32) ε ¼ Max 0:1691 0:01 ln Mflux ; 0:05 Mflux ¼ 4m_ pd20 (33) Air transmissivity t, reported by Wayne, was defined as the fraction of radiant heat from the flame that is transmitted through the air to the receiver [48]. It should be noted that the method was developed through hydrocarbon combustion, but the findings are also applicable to hydrogen flames. The expressions are shown below: 2 1000t ¼ 1006 11:71 $ log10 PH2 O 23:68 log10 PH2 O (34) 2 31:88 $ log10 PCO2 þ 1:164 log10 PCO2 8 PH2 O ¼ 288:651ðRh Ri Smm =TÞ > > > > <P CO2 ¼ 273ðRi =TÞ > > 3816:42 > > : Smm ¼ 0:0075 exp 23:18986 T0 46:13 1=2 2 R2i ¼ ðx xi Þ2 þ y yi þ ðz zi Þ2 (35) (36) where PH2 O and PCO2 are impact of H2O and CO2 in air on t, respectively. Rh represents the ambient relative humidity, %. Smm is the saturated water pressure at ambient temperature, mm Hg. Then, assuming that the incident radiation at the target point of interest is the radiative hazard threshold for long exposure, the hazard distance D of the hydrogen flare can be solved using the above description. ignition release, using the modified model mentioned above. Additionally, a comparison was made between the new model and conventional SPS model and MPS model, the discrepancies in the results were further analyzed. To compare with the new model presented in this study, a conventional MPS model was used to calculate the engineering example with the same number of point sources as the new model (three). The results are presented in Fig. 8. To avoid potential hazards to surrounding personnel and equipment caused by heat radiation from jet fires, it is critical to understand the distribution characteristics of thermal radiation during flare stack operations. The hazard criteria [49] in Table 2 are used to assess the hazard distances of thermal radiation from a jet fire, and determine the hazard distance in accordance with the hazard threshold of acceptable thermal radiation for personnel. Using HSL experimental data as the reference, Fig. 8(a) demonstrates the predicted results of the new model show good agreement in both the near-field and far-field, but the results of both the SPS model and the MPS model are significantly over-estimating the whole incident radiation of the flare flame. In comparison to the SPS and MPS models, the new model improves the prediction accuracy of incident radiation in the flare near-field by about 105.0% and 71.0%, respectively. It is observed that by modifying the flame geometry parameters, the new model improves the prediction accuracy of the heat flux near the release venting. As the downwind distance increases, the predictions almost exactly match the HSL experimental data in the far field. A suggested hazard threshold for long exposure to radiation from a jet fire is 1.60 kW/m2. The hydrogen flare hazard distances calculated from the SPS model, MPS model, new model, simulation results and the exponential regression fit of HSL experimental data approximately are 27.0, 25.5, 21.0, 19.5 and 20.0 m, respectively (see Fig. 8(b)). Although there are Table 2 e Hazard criteria. Hazard caused Validity analysis The accuracy of the new model was validated by predicting the hazard distance of the HSL experiment during hydrogen Hazard distance for long exposures Threshold of first degree burn in 20 s Second degree burn after 20 s 100% lethality in 60 s I (kW/m2) 1.6 4e5 9.5 25 Please cite this article as: He Y et al., Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 10 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx Fig. 9 e Hazard distances of hydrogen flares predicted by the new model with different release rate conditions. Fig. 10 e Incident radiation contours in plane z ¼ 0 predicted by simulation with different release rates. (a) 0.2 kg/s, (b) 0.4 kg/ s, (c) 0.6 kg/s, and (d) 0.8 kg/s. some errors in the predicted incident radiation in the nearfield of the hydrogen flare, the prediction errors of the new model and simulation are only 5.0% and 2.5%, respectively. The new model improves the prediction accuracy of flare hazard distance by about 30.0% and 22.5% over the SPS and MPS models. It was fully confirmed that the new model has high suitability for engineering applications in determining the hazard distance of hydrogen flares. Model application It is evident that alterations in the flare height and the prevailing release rates can lead to significant variations in the hazard distance associated with a jet fire. This section shows several cases of hydrogen ignition release conditions, in combination with numerical simulations to fully illustrate the rationality of the new model for assessing the hazard distance Please cite this article as: He Y et al., Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 11 Fig. 11 e Hazard distances of hydrogen flares predicted by the new model with different flare height conditions. of the hydrogen flare. The hydrogen release rate was set to 0.2 kg/s, 0.4 kg/s, 0.6 kg/s and 0.8 kg/s, respectively, and the other experimental conditions remain constant. The distribution characteristics of incident radiation from hydrogen flare flames, using a series of inlet release rates at the same conditions, were calculated by new model and Fluent model. The calculations obtained are shown in Figs. 9 and 10. As depicted in Fig. 9(a and b), the hazard distances of at least approximately 16.0, 21.0, 26.0 and 28.5 m are recommended to restrict the incident radiation to a level of 1.60 kW/ m2 at the release rates of 0.2 kg/s, 0.4 kg/s, 0.6 kg/s and 0.8 kg/s, respectively. The hazard distance increases by 31.2%, 23.8%, and 9.6% for every 0.2 kg/s increase in hydrogen release rate. The radiation affected area of the large-scale jet flame expands as the hydrogen release rate increases, indicating the need to expand the safety boundary of flare system, see the incident radiation contours in Fig. 10(aed). Furthermore, an appropriate increase in the height of the flare stack can keep the hydrogen plume buoyantly away from the ground (personnel and equipment), reducing the radiation Fig. 12 e Incident radiation contours in plane z ¼ 0 predicted by simulation with different flare height. (a) 5.5 m, (b) 6.5 m, (c) 7.5 m, and (d) 8.5 m. Please cite this article as: He Y et al., Development and application of hydrogen flare radiation model for assessing hazard distance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 12 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx hazard. The flare height was set to 5.5 m, 6.5 m, 7.5 m and 8.5 m, respectively, and the other experimental conditions remain constant. Flare jet flames produce a thermal radiation injury area, and hot air currents in the surrounding environment are harmful to humans. As show in Fig. 11, it is obvious that as the increase of the flare height, the damage of thermal radiation from the flare flame on ground personnel and equipment is reduced due to buoyancy of combustion products. On the other hand, the momentum-dominated hydrogen plume moves away from the ground, see Fig. 12. When the flare height begins at 5.5 m, the radiation hazard distance is reduced by 21.4%e30.4% approximately for every 1 m increase. As can be seen, the hazard distance is the minimum distance between the hazard source and the object (people, equipment, environment), which will weaken or even isolate the impact of potential accidents and prevent the extension of more serious accidents. Conclusion In this study, to assess the thermal radiation hazard area as well as the hazard distance of the hydrogen flare, a steadystate numerical model of hydrogen ignition release and a flare radiation model applicable to hydrogen were developed. The main findings are summarized as follows. (1) The incident radiation predicted by the numerical method and the new model have been demonstrated good agreement in both the near and far fields. (2) In comparison with the release of hydrocarbons to the atmosphere, there are significant differences in hydrogen flame geometry and thermal radiation behaviors. The new model performances the sensitivity of geometric parameters such as flame length and tilt angle to environment and gas type, emphasizing the importance of accurately constructing flame geometry models to develop flare hazard distance studies. (3) Compared with the experimental HSL data fitted by exponential regression, the error in the hazard distance predicted by the numerical simulation and the new model is less than ±5.0%. And the new model improves the prediction accuracy of flare hazard distance by about 30.0% and 22.5% over the SPS and MPS models. (4) The recommended hazard distances increased by 31.2%, 23.8%, and 9.6% for every 0.2 kg/s increase in hydrogen release rate. In addition, increased flare stack height effectively reduces the heat radiation hazard area. When the flare height begins at 5.5 m, the radiation hazard distance decreases by 21.4%e30.4% for every 1 m increase. 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